HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 9Esso
11 no ops Of IPiro
eh in Action
This is ,sun ideal time of yeas.
to take indoor pictures .of yoaur
Whethher ins a drag, oat, gold-
fish or what have -you, your
pet belongs envie family tsniap-
ghat ,album. Pet pictures: are
fun to' take, and a bit of plan-
ning wrilIl give good! results.
Remenvber that picbureis of
pets have genuine "hnuman nn-
temest", AE such, they should
tell •a story and capture natter, -
al expressions'. A shot of your
dog , "discaveaip g" the warm
stove, your cat playfully paw-
ing his playmate's head, or
your budgie feeding Tramyour
daughter's hand — these are
just !a few of the possibilities.
First, ,choose a plain, back-
ground, ,one that will not de-
tract from the isubjerat. A
wall as as good a baakgroun!d
as any, especially if i!t!s color
conbi1aists with the !animal's
Pets aren't always patient,
So before you can yours onto
the scene, arrange any p rips—
a !favorite toy or .a bowl of
milk, for exannpie, that Wii!1
give 'him an alert, intelligent
expression. You may also wish
se .have e friend attract his
intention lei the desired direc-
tion, by malting 'a noise.
Get down to your pet's eye
level and keep as close as pos-
s'ible. In contrast, a shot front
your waiist or your eye level,
will provide little more than a
'picture of your •animal's head.
Try to show your pet's per-
soniality and intelligence. Re-
call his antes and expressions,
and try for that in the pic-
ture. If you watch for humor
in his actions, you won''t have'
to 'worry •about, posing — he'll
take care of that himself. Just
focus your camera on the 'spot
where action ismost likely to
tale plaice.
Be ready to shoot at a mom-
ent's notice. And shoot a whole
series of piotumet to be sure
of ,getting .some excellent. re -
Mrs. John Henderson ie a
patient in Clinton Publlic Hos-
Brian Noakes and :friend and
Ronnie Noakes, Landau, were
weekend visitors. wiith Mr. aid
Mfrs. Archie Noakes.
Klippen United •Church Wo-
men are 'holding a bake sale in
Drysdale ,store Saturday,- April
21 at 3 p.m.
Mir. and Mrs, Roger V'e7amer
and Debra spent the weekend
in Toronto, with Mrs. Vennes's
Bill. Ingram is taking a
course at the Bell Telephone
Co., London, in dialing. Bill,
has been employed since last
August with the Hay Town-
ship Telephone Co:
Clip. Don Havens stationed
at the RCAF Station Clinton
for the past four year's has
received •a posting to Portage
La Prairie, "Man.
Friday, April 20 at 7.30 p.m.
a Good Fri day communion sex-
-vice will be held at the United
Church with reception of new
church members and a special
M, & M, offering..
Dr, Noma Hopkinson, Joan,
Bruce and Mary Beth, Lion's
Head, visited' over the week-
eekend with Mrs, Hopkinso'n's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E; Cook,
Miss Jean Noakes and
friend and David Noakes who
is •atitenidingg -the • Uavivt rs'itiy Of•
Weete+rr Ontario, all of Lon; -
don, visited over the weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
James Jenkins, O. McClin-
tock 'a'ia,d Joe Buirke, were in-
itiated into Membership into
the Iensaltl' trench 468 of the
Royal Canadian Legion .at their
meeting held in the Legion hall
last Theesday night, April 12,
presided over by •the .president,
John Skea.
Kinettes Meet
Mrs. Jack Drysdale was hos-
tess Tuesday evening for the
Kinette .meeting presided' over
by Mr's. Wiliiaxii Cl'em'ent with
100 percent ,attendance,
•'A letter was .read from their
aid to i, chitict aY Italy;,. and the
group trorted 46 visits to sick
and Shut-ins who were pre-
sented, with Easter plants!, Mrs.
Harold Bonthron won the rlaf-
fie, ,and the next meeting w.ill
be held at •the home of Mrs„
William Fuss' on April 24.
Receives $2,400
E. J. (Ted) Norminton has
been awarded a $2,400 Nation-
al Research Council Scholar-
ship through which he will
study -tor his doctorate degree
at the University of Toronto.
He won his firist NRC scholar-
ship last year and is complet-
ing his master'squalifications
at the Univer'tsity of Western.
Ontario in applied mathemat-
ics. He is one of 50 Western
Ontario residents to receive
the award.
Chisolhurst IJCW
Chisiaihurst United Church
Women. met Tuesday afternoon
with. president Mrs. Percy Har-
ris presiding. Mrs. Percy
Wright eanducted the devot-
ional. Mr e. Currie Wlnlaw
was in chhar'ge of the Bible
study from. Mark 14; 32-42,
with Easter as: the theme Me.
A. Rats reviewed •a o: a,^t'et
fircan •the n' wiry book, 'ar' d' M r ,.
Remelt Kinsman offered the
missiorer y Inlayer.
Next . meeting will be h
Tuesday, .1Vlay 1, When Mils,
Ross MacDonald will be guess
Mee, Haea''d• na.,'.cr anal M
Harris attended the womk'silop
at Exeter on Tuesday, May 12.
Hostesses Weave. Mrs. Clarence
Coleman and Mrs Robert Far-
Mahing Bariey
Parkland - Betze
Phone 1.01 ,Heregalli rOnt.
if AS4is1
salts, even eif a few fumbles
do occur.
Shooting indoors, you'll prob-
ably warm fl'as'hbulbs, 'Wi'th
Sash, you can capture 'an
action when and where it hap-
pens, You'll be able to "stop"
any normal motion,
One final tip: Reward your
pet tinning, and after, ;piotiur e-
taking. A •tidbit offered dkzdng
shooting, will perk up his ears
make his tail wag an/di bring
an a familiar expre'snion,
Kippen East WI
Elects President
Mrs. William Bell
HENSALL — Mrs, William
Beall was elecited president of
Kippen East Women's Institute
at the annual meeting held at
the home of Mrs. Harry Cald-
well on Wednesday evening.
Other officers are past Pre-
sident, Mrs. granters Drunrinond;
vice -residents, Mrs. Harry
Cal'dSvell, Mrs, Arthur Fini;aY-
eon, Mrs. James McNaughton;
secretary, Mrs. William Kyle;
treasurer, Mrs. Ernie White-
Standing committees: ,agri-
culture and Canadian indus-
tries, Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs.
Campibeil Eyre; citi eseship and
education, Mrs. Vivian Cooper,
Mrs. • Gran't MacLean; historic-
al research and current events,
Mrs. R rK'insman end Mrs: •.Alex
McGregor; 'home economics 'and
health; Mxis. Robert Gemmell,
Mrs. Ken McKay.
Public relations, Miss Marg-
aret McKay; press, Mrs. Verne
Alderclice; sewing, Mrs. Alex
McGregor; pianist, Mrs, Ross
Braadfoot, assistant, Mrs. John
Sinclair; sunchine, Mrs. Wins-
ton Workman; 'auditors, Mss.
Alderdice and Mrts. Percy Har-
The group will attend a
birthday party in June at
Hturomlview, Clinton, and pro-
vide the program. They made
plans for a bus trip to the
Winter Royal, Mrs. John Sin-
clair reported for the district
executive held {at Heesiall, and
Jack Caldwell ,favour'e'd with
selections on the electric piano.
Mrs, Whitton Workman was
co -hostess, Luncheon was serv-
jAppte"..a Day-Pro*es.
Out In Experirnert
Do apples have h'uliAt- train
Tiyat's the tiueSt3Rn eeiesa,t-
tst$ :at M,,ehi e $ta'te 'Vniv -
>stit'y 'axe- asking folllpwing a•
three-year experiment with 50Q
volunteers who :ate thein ev'e'ry
day over speolfi.ed tent per iodS.
A rep'art has been published
on the test, Which was carried
out from 1956 to 1959 by the
late Dr, E Vii, Luras of 'am.
u ivei+,sity staff,
Apparently apple e nsun>p-:
tion had one 'effect, ele the
valunteere nide- one-third few-
er 'calls to the university's
Health Service Centre thantrue
rcpt of :the student body ,for
upper respiratory infections,
and less than ane -sixth as
Mabry Palls for treatment ,of
tension -pressure phen,oinel a.
The volunteers also made
fewer elinie ealis for other ty!P-'
es of diseases, • indicating that
their general health was betts
5ipletutistfs arren't positive wby
the volunteers' stowed such a
striking freedom from tension -
Pressure phenPmena. They S'ay
it "may ,be due to the type tof
individual participating, the
better balanced 'die't resulting
froin ApPle consumption, or
perhaps to :49010 natux+alay OO,
to" uxlli er • tthe tarp.
pie !rarer„
The one>third fewer calls for
tipper - respiratory infections
"may:possibly be a reflection
cif .benefit feria the Consistent
supplementary ascorbic acid
obtained from the alaples ah the
diet," slays the report,
The .only qualification, for
the ,500 vol.'untee+rs, was ti ieir
lilptrag for ,apples.. They we!ro
chosen, says the report, with-'
out regard to sex, posit medic-
edic-'sal ihlstot'y, of geiierai health,
Over the War'ee-year peapod
a oarefiii check was• an'ad of
pales at the I-fealth Service
Oeniter for .all types of cl,sor-
dem, and the reSultstaweited
In the ,report.
Mir, ,arid Mals, Fred Middle-
tion( sit several days in, To-
ionto acenitiy as. ,guests of Dr..
.and :Mrs, F,dward Mullens,
The :annuatl Good Friday ser-.
-vice will be held in St, Janes
Church, Middleton, at 3 p.m...
The Vaster Sunday .service
will .be held in' .St. .Sanies.
Church an 2.30 pin. Everyone:
is welcome,
Wanted: A Panacea for
Spring Fever
How quickly we forget our
inadequaacies. I am tea easily
inspired to undertake jobs that
beilo. ig in the :hands of trained
personnel. Such as making my
own hats and frocks, for in-
Easter is always a challenge
to my self-aissured creative ab-
iii'ty. ' Fashiefr magazines in-
nspire me b r p'ortxaying "the
soft, ails'& elegance of Spring
1962 forecast st for the woman
of fashion". What I should
learn to da, if T had any sense,
would be to leave the journals
right on the emitters. of the
n!ewsstandis where I found
But not me. After all, I
would have to discover some
other kind of ,immunity for my
desire far fashion flair. Every
time my haiedresser tucks ane
beneath a drier She hands mti
Vague, Harper's Bazaar or
Glamour. Just resisting their
pur'ch'ase would'n't protect me
against stinking dollars and en-
ergy into adornment that nev-
er ,seers the light of exposure
to the public.
I am a life member of the
sucker list, Just let me see an
ad for "an outstanding sale of
spring's mast sought after
materials" and I'm away. •at a
gallop ams another horrible
"mis',alse" is about to 'be con-
When •the•. fever hits me 1 st-
and like a stork, first an one.
foot .and then on the other in
a department store, leafing
through volume after volume of
enticing patterns. These are
always illustrated by willowy
young things who must weigh
in at a'sligh't 100 pounds', When
eventually I choose a pattern,
it is quite obvious' that T have
forgotten I tip the scales at a
weight that would suggest I
am their poundage but must be
holding a 20 pound sank of
sugar in my arms,
Cut 'and Fit
1 am never satisfied with
buying materials for just one
creation. I ,run. the answer to
a• yardage buyer's dr'eano, I
usually come home with- eruougih
silk, satin, cotton ,an'd nylon
material to outfit 'an orphan, -
Then I start cutting. If the
m'atteriai has a pattern, I can
be absolutely sure I will end
up. with two left fronts, two
right sleeves :and a skirt that
looks like Jacob's coat. After
I've Bailed back to the Store
far mare material •and have
bitten my nails to the quick
whond'eeinig whether I've made
the same mistake again, I
Sidle up to the sewinig machine
'aid- start • stitching, , •
This is like trying to saddle
a bronchia. The dress starts
slapping like an eel, sealing end
up looping like, the Athabaska
and: •all its tributaries ,and I
end up in a sweat.
Next comes the • fitting:
Heavens! How Christmas .and
New Year's plus' a wiriter'S hi-
bernation ,show on my hips.
Surely I'm not THAT shoot,
why the darned thing' hangs,
down to my 'ankles!
. Has Anyone a Ukelele?
Well, than • year I have a
wardrobe of Mu Mus, those
fetching little Hawaiian crea-
tians that bang like a sack
from shoulder to ankle and
are .detailed in print as "ro-
mantic attire for patio enten-
ta%ning". A11 I need now is a
little summer weather and e
few friend's to gat my money's
2 hate to admit it, but I
Lantern 3attery
IT'S A LANTERN, spreading a bright light evenly
over a large area.
ITS A SEARCHLiatirmtii a powerful, Iona range g
iT'S A SAFETY BEACON with a red flashing light
for emergencies.
Whether you're at home or in the field, on the
road, on the trail or in a boat, you'll find the
Atlas all-purpose safety lantern the handiest,
Most useful lantern you've eaer seen. This offer
Es far a limited time only so make sure you get
your Atlas all-purpose safety lantern Soon!
(fnbluding {he Attes'
Heavy Duty battery)
Was sales tau Where appFcabkei
H. M. BLACK Clinton, olfiataria
ALWAYS l OOK rrd 1MI4•EiiiltAlt. kik:114s BEST
New Parnelist
Betty Kennedy, Toronto
women's commentator and
,former Ottawa newspaper
Writer, has been named .ars
a regular panelist on CISC
TV's Front Page Charilemge.
She replaces Toby Robins
W110 left the program at the
end; of the 1960-61 ,season,
With fellow panelists.' Pierre
Burton, 'and Gordan Sinclair,
Betty 'attempts tioidentify
newspaper headlines suggest-
ed ,by guest challengers,, Freed
Davis is moderator of the
program. (.CBC Photo)
tackled a bat as well. Just one
of those little puffs, of tubae
".so easy to 'make :and so allur-
ing". Only mine wasn't. It
turned out looking like an in-
verted pot cleaner and was ab-
out as becoming as a dish Mop.
Which reminds pie, maybe 1
should stick to domestic am -
es. I'.na a wow at whipping
up a meal and mopping up aft-
Happy Easter, everybody.
Th>`+ (-l►>prti 194.1907,41inton N.ewx-Record-. -Page '
Job To Looby ',ofr Dublin
OTTAWA A $43,73,$,50
twact has been awarded by the
DepAllitmehlt. .of P.jl tic Works to
Looby Consts"uctiPn Limited,
Pu,biisf•, for repair wgrlc to 'the
Pier At $'ay'field, i1 was an-
nauna'd 1Viionad ay by L, +s'ton
Cardiff, MP for Huron, on be-
half of the Non David J. Wal-
ker, lYfixtistex' of Fublio Works,
Tl e firm sWbi'raitted the low,
est bid of i,3 in response to
advert'is'ing lam public tefide,rs
which closed on March g8,
1962, The highest bid was
$76,073, The work is scheduled
far ,cool pin letion in se've,ta i'noni:hs,
,The work consists of the re
aPiis'truetion in, steel sheet pil-
ing of •a 298 -foot long ;sectipn
of the south pier, which slay was •cons'imucted of timber
.eruibw, ric with a coretre sup-.
e:is'ttructure The draior'a'ted
concrete slab will be replaced
with ha pew reinforced enci'ene
slab aa?Id' conte curb. The
worlc is in the .corm pf trema-
tenan sax • e, section. whirl), is
deteriorating and caUsing.,4.1WS
Bayfield ;las a -popu-
lation, of $bout 500 ,and is a
coprmnoreta4 ftsihiii'g centore ,and
p'!p'i' Aungner resort,
Plans and shpecificatipns: were
prepared inthe- i'.,ondenr'District
Erigineerts offices f the Depart-
meat or clic Works,. G, N,
Sc#"pggie, Pistriet Engineler
(Harbours and' Rivers Engin-
wing) of London, will be xe-
sponsib a for supervision Pf the
Are now equipped to do all your
C. L
Oil & Gas Fired Furnaces
Pumping Systems and
Water Softeners
Phone HU 23682
For FREE Estimates & Services
Order Your ..
SHUR-G IN Fertilizer
With the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer service plant only a few
miles away -- at Mitchell -- we can give you prompt
delivery on your particular grade of fertilizer.
'. Y.6
28 Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-3815
the oughout seeding time from
1tight through •seeding time you can be assured of fast service from
Shur -Gain's modern handling facilities right in your own area Consider
these advantages offered by your °Shur -Gain Fertilizer Service Plant
Tnt-GA m IN BULK SAVES *3.50
ret modern way to
handle fertilizer, loaded Ipeedily (on
your own true if you wish) and
checked on government inspected
SERVICE.--preciiaion spreading on yOUr
own farm savingyou tabour. --at the
same or very lie more than, the coat
of bagged goods delivered to your
pull type broadcast spreaders which
will evenly (spread upto a 40' swath
—available for a nominal rental fee.
LAVED FERTILIZET1 snore uniform
plant growth because Shur -Gain is
not jiist granular but CTtANULATFD„
Will not bridge in the drill dust
tree y to Gleet from equipment.
See your SHUR-GMMN VEttrariZtat AGENT or pari
i HI l -GAIN
a L
0s0AR RoGCns MGR.