HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 6Special Feature For Saturday DECORATED EASTER CAKE Special -- 59c doz. EASTER CUP CAKES Special — 79c doz. Order Your Hot Cross Buns Bartliffs Bakery ilti 2a9/27 Limited CLINTON sow* and Read mit OUR OWN MAKE OF CHOCOLATE . EASTER NOVELTIES WaFPTP ED CHOCOLATES SMILES 'N CHUCKLES end MOIRS Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 2 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Page 6---Clinton,News-Rocord—Thurs, April 19, 1902 ACCOMMODATION ARTICLES FOR SALE. FORR ENT TOURIST TENT, 9x9', like new. Pewee HU 2-7200. 16b 4-ROOM APARTMENT in Clinton, furnished, phone HU 2-9051. 1.6h APARTMENT, fornished, *pit- able for couple. 93 Huron 'St, 15p-tfb ed, self-contained. Phone HU 2-7849. 16b FURNISHED, one bedroom apartment on second floor, pri- vate entrance and bath. Phone. HU 2-9869, 16b FURNISHED APARTMENT, 130 King Street, Clinton, suit- able for couple. Phone Sea- forth 219R. 16p Now Renting New Living Accommodation in the CLINTON APARTMENTS Now being built on Princess Street West. Available July 1, 1962 Water and heat paid for; stove and frig, supplied;. TV antenna; coin-operated laundry in basement; asphalt drive and parking area, ' Contact: K. W. COLQUHOUN Insurance & Real Estate Isaac Street --HU 2-9747 or K. W. Colquhoun, residence, Phone HU 2-7556 Clarence Neilans, residence, Phone HU 2-9635 ARTICLES FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP for sale, $6 a gallon. Fred McClymont Sons, Varna, 15-6b 45 GAL, STEEL BARRELS, suitable for incinerators, Phone Bayfield 69 r 2. 16-'7b LIVE BUNNIES for Easter, Flemish Giants. Phone HU 2- 3370. 16b GARDEN TILLER SPECIALS 1 AT ARGYLE'S. '62 SPRINGFIELD TILLER Slightly Used $118 '62 BOLENS—New Special $115 '62 MOR-POWER Used Two Weeks • $73 ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP GODERICH JA 4-9201 tunph T100, 1948, 500 c.c. OHV Ron Magee, Dinsley Terrace, Clinton, HU 2-9217. 16p SINGER SPRING. CLEANING SPECIALS Floor Polisher $34,88 Vacuum Cleaner ..... $49.50 Sewing Machines, reduction,s up to $80.00 WI WH I DDEN Phone HU 2-9103 16.7h SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King, Talman Sweet, Snow and Greenings. Phone HU 2- 3214. Free delivery in Clinton. Fred rireClymont and Sons, Varna. 10tfle SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a dianiond should be chosen with special care, Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53-tfb For A More Beautiful LAWNL FERTILIZER PEA• T .use PEAT MOSS SHEEP MANURE O 0 0 LAWN GRASS SEED BONE MEAL ETC. WETTL aAtUFER'S FEED MILL " PHONE HU 2-9792 Mary St. -- Clinton SOFA BED and matching ch- air, $20; studio couch, $15; drop leaf table, chrome kitch- en table and chairs and other items, priced right for quick sale. Phone HU 2-94.40. 16p ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD AND CEDAR leindling, Phone HU 2-3221. 1.4tfle ALL WOOL, Axminster rug, !1x10 /. two tone grey; 2 pair drapes, 108" long, grey with red design. Mrs. Carl IVIcelin- elley, 10 William Street, phone HU 2-3844. 15p-6b WOMEN'S and children's cloth- ing. Agent for North American Fashion Frocks. Contact Mrs. C, M, Revak, representative, Beclon's Trailer Court, Trail- er No. 46. 14.17p VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach, ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb ELECTROLUX—New and used machines, repairs and parts for all popular makes and models. Call Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderieh, phone JA 4- 7917. lltfb KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD Baby Blankets; all sizes and colors. MARTIN'S Dept. Store. 33tfb HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS for sale. Will sell privately. Tab- les, chairs and bedsteads and bedding; staves, burn either coal or wood; electric rangette and other articles. No reason- able offer turned down. Henry Corey, 63 Mill Street, Clinton. 16-7b Your Drycleaning May Not Be Gift Wrapped BUT YOU CAN SAVE $5.00 on an 8 lb. load 32.00) IRENE'S, Westinghouse Coin Operated Dry Cleaner Store 70 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 14-7b Carefree Heating — Champion Fuel OIL Phone HU 2-9411, A, G. Grigg and Son. 38tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb TYPEWRITER RIBBONS clearing at only 60 cents. Royal, Smith Corona, L. C. Smith, Olivetti, Olympia, Remington portables. Adder ribbons for Addo X, Allen RC, Burroughs, Clary, Smith Corona, McCas- key and Remington Class 600. News-Record office, 56 Albert Street. 49tfb GET READY for Easter now. Boys' shoes still on sale, $3.75 a pair, brown only. Hurry to Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Raton Street. 14-5-6b Use Your Credit at Anstett Jewellers COME IN . . . SEE OUR LOVELY DISPLAY OF GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF FAMILY We can offer you an Attractive Time Payment Plan with No Carrying Charges, Anstett Jewellers Phone NU 2-0525 Albert Street — ClhiltOn 12tfb HEAVY DUTY 3-storey fire escape, with hand rails and landings. Phone HU 2-9227, 16tfb SPECIAL THIS WEEK 2 ONLY —.9 CU. FT. REFRIGERATORS $159 and your old sealed unit eefrigerator. — -Also 3 ONLY —2b CO. FT. RCA WHIRLPOOL HOME FREEZERS pricy $269 T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES Biatefield Open Evereilge till 0 p.m. HU 2.- 3232 16b ARTICLES FOR SALE CHOICE exhibitien type OW, iolus bulbs in mixed colors. Large size b4lbe at 50 for $2,00, quantities less than 50 :6 cents each. Add 3 percent sal- es tax, prices are not deliver- ed, Anyone wantingweed varieties, our catalogue ie avail- able on request. Please make note of our address and phone number• as this will be our only insertion. Murray E. Tyn- dall, Hrecefield, Ontario, Phone Seaforth 640 w 2, 16b ARTICLES WANTED WOULD LIKE TO BUY twin baby buggy, in good condition, Apply Mrs. R. Moore, Trailer No, 16, Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 16p AUTOS FOR SALE 1954 STUDEBAKER coach. Reasonably priced. Apply HU 2-9917. 16p 1960 KARMANN GHIA Volks- wagen, like new, 17,000 miles. Two-tone, radio and other ex- tras, Apply John Plurntree, Clinton. 81) tfb REPOSSESSIONS: 1957 Ford 2 door, 1952 Chev. hardtop, 1959 Mercury Monterey sedan, 1956 Dodge sedan, 1956 Ply, mouth coach, 1959 Pontiac se- dan. Phone Goderich JA 4- 8340. 1.6b TOP QUALITY USED CARS '61 Plymouth 4-door sedan, famous economy slant "6" en- gine with radio, shiny white finish, only 12,000 orginal miles, new car guarantee. '58 Oldsmobile 88 4-door sedan, power steering and brakes, radio and other extras. A pres- tige car you will be proud to own. '58 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, 29,000 original miles, hurry for this one, '58 Plymouth club sedan, de- luxe model, with V-S motor, fully guaranteed, $1,095.00, W. J. Mills Motors Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth Valiant Dealer KINGSTON STREET AT THE SQUARE, GODERICH Open evenings until 9 Phone JA 4-7462 JA 4-7632 THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the "Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. l5tfb GOODWILL Used Car Specials On display at Reg. McGee & Sons Ltd., Goderich '61 CHEVROLET Biscayne V-8 coach, automatic transmission, padded dash, beautiful laurel green finish. $1,995 '61 FORD • Falcon 4 - door Ranchwagon, automatic transmission, custom interior, beautiful black finish with red trim. — $2,195 '60 DODGE Seneca coach, 18,000 actual miles, clant "6" engine, Only $1,750 '60 VAUXHALL Velox "6", 4-door sedan, custom radio, low mileage, A-1 condi. den,. was $1,495, now $1,350 '60 RAMBLER Metropolitan, 2-door hardtop, custom radio, 15,000 actual mil- es, was $1,250, now $1,095 '59 DODGE Regent "6", 4-door sedan, whitewall tirest wheel discs, lovely black finish, only 14,000 actual miles, only $1,585 Many more models to' Choose from, prices range from $25 to 0,000 Reg. McGee 8( Sons Ltd. OPEN' EVENINGS GODERICH HELP WANTED MALE SINGLE MAN, reliable, for modern dairy farm. Apply Smillie, phone Nemh 2743Z math HIGH SCHOOL Boy, or youth, to Work in greenhouse and Orden after school and Sat- urday, Apply 182 Church St. Phone HU 2-7168. 16b ARE YOU SATISFIED with your Work? Would you like h btieinest of :your Own? If Yes, write ItaVvleigh`.s Dept, b-169-, CO, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 16b . • LAHOUREAS to remove and clean , tip shingles, at, Clinton RCAF $1,35 per hour, Contact Imperial Insula- tion .and Roofing Co.,. 867 Vk.,- tivialt St; Sarnia, Atte Rey 16.7p BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for beard. ers or roomers, Apply Mrs. Carl 1VfeClieehey, 10 Street„ phone HU 2-3844, !a.m. CLOTHING FOR SALE BOY'S SPORT COAT, size 16, grey checked. Good as new. Phone HU 2-7551. 16b JUST RECEIVED this .week a shipment of Sample Cotton Knits, Linens, 100% Worsted Woollens . in SUITS DRESSES ENSEMBLES SLACKS and SPORTS CLOTHES This merchandise is of the very highest' quality, consists of the best brand names sell, ing at 1/2 price, plus 10%. Sizes 9, 10, 12, 14, 141/2 . Bayfield Woollen Shop CUSTOM WORK CULTIVATING and ploughing gardens. Phone HU 2-7007. 16b LAWN ROLLING. Clinton and district. Ray Potter, HU •2- 9997. 14-5-6-7-b SNOWPLOUGHING. Back-hoe work on excavation, drains, trenches, etc, Henry Young, 63 North Street, HU 2-9496. lteb CUSTOM GRASS CUTTING, $1.25 per hour. 26" power mow- er. Contact Vodden's Whole- sale, 14 Huron Street, Clinton 14-5-6p LAWN CARE, cutting, trim- ming, weeding, John Hoytema, half mile north of Clinton on Highway 4. Visit us or phone HU 2-9152, 15-6-7-8b SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake RR 2, Brussels, phone 442w6 Brussels.. 10to39p SAND BLASTING—Steel brid- ges, buildings, etc. Water-proof- ing, spray painting. Lloyd Mac- Donald, 162 Wellington St., Goderich. Phone JA 4-9003. 16-7p MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb WATCH CLEANING Satisfaction guaranteed. Pocket watches, $1.50; Gents regular wind, $2; Ladies regular wind and gent's automatic, $2,50 — Vodden Jewellers Wholesale. 10tol7p EAVESTROUGHING — Order now for early service with com- petent workmen. Either no trough, or a leaky trough through time ruins your invest- ment. Phone HU 2-7746. 11-12p-tfb WE SPECIALIZE in floor cleaning "de-waxing", and re- building with long wearing non slip Wax. Weekly or bimon- thly contract, or as you prefer. We change storms and screens; clean windows and do small repairs. Call,Superior Mainten- ance Service, HU 2-3271. 16 to 19p EMPLOYMENT WANTED RETIRED LADY desires posi- tion as a companion with light housekeeping. Box 182, Clinton News-Record, 16p GIRL desires Work on farm, indoors or outside, experienced with children, permanent, live in, Phone HU 2-7288. 16b HELP WANTED OFFICE CLERKS Deportment of National Requited for Defence CLINTON, Ontario. Applicants Must be at least 16 years of age at the closing date of the competition, Salary: ,$2,100 to $2,820 Per annum according to education and experience. Fot farther particulars as to tesidence and qUalification requirements ap- ply to the Civil Service Com- mission at Uvlde. APPliea- tion Fortes, obtainable at Post Office and Unemployment Di- st/Melee Commission, will not be considered if received after final arrangements haVe been Made for the Written exeenine. tion. To erns re consideration applications ehOuld be filed with the Civil Service Com. Missioee 386 letindas Steeet, London, Ontario, NOT LATER, THAN WEDNESDAY, 2 MAY, 1,962, Please Vete Competitibn No, 624-507, 1.61) HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS wanted for full time employment.• Apply in person to 13artliffe Bakery Ltd. Clinton. 17b EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for fall tune employment, Ap. ply in porsem to the fernier Pinger'e 'Restaurant, Clinton. 16b. HOUSEKEEPER reeetired im- mediately'. Live in or out. Mo. dern home in Clinton. All con- veniences. Permanent position. Write to Hoe 150, Clinton News-Record, stating address, age and telephone number. 15p-fib NEED MONEY TO BOLSTER THE BUDGET? SELLING AVON can do it, just a few pleasant hours week- ly reeuired and a car, Start now in Hullett, Colborne and East Wawanosh townships, Write, Mrs. E. Bell, 84B Aibert St., Waterloo or phone collect before 8.30 a.m. Sri 5-0751 10-13-16b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work,done reasonably to your satisfaction Watch repairs, and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, R'rdiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service ' No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 Do-It-Yourself RENT These Machines 'V Floor Polisher • " 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb AMMON= PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to21p tfb REAL ESTATE SUBSTANTIAL building for sale, 16'x12', in good condition, suitable for garage, workshop or summer cottage, to be mov- ed from present location. Dav- id Elliott, HU 2-9765. 16p BUSI NE S S PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent forKernohari. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 23tfb 6 ROOMED modern home at the corner of Main and Duke Street, Seaforth. Hardwood floors, oil furnace and single garage. Priced reasonably. Contact Mrs. Ed. Godkin, 866J2 Seaforth, or Mrs. Wm. Living- ston, 847m 31, Seaforth, Execu- trix of the estate of the late F. Brute Medd. 15-6p Lots, water and hydro, in new sub-division. New cottage, close to lake. Cottage on highway, double lot. 3 bedroom cottage, lake frontage, wooded lot, good beach. LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Bayfield Phone 83 16tfb COMFORTABLE brick house in excellent condition, with 3 bedeoores, 4-piece bath, spac- ious living room, family sized kitchen and dining Totem. Hot water- heating, automatic fur- nace; full three-section base- Ment; separate garage. This IS a splendid fainily home With a spacious lawe and a garden plot whch could jbe sold for a building lot Property located 1/2 mile west of Seaforth in a built-up area. Priced to Apply in person to Joseph. Getimmett, AR 2, Seaforth. 16b Classified Ads Bring Quick Results. SALESMAN WANTED A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER 30 FOR CLINTON AREA We need a good Mae once and, we 'are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer eomeerie between 30 and 50 who can make auto trips for about a week at a time and can mil on small town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $17,000.00 Our top men in other paets of country draw exceptional earn- ings up to $12,000 in a year. This opening in ,the Clinton area is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of all deliveries and collections. Pay earnings in advance, Write a confidential letter to J. J. Swa I I eve, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co„ Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 16b TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH Township School Area requires a Protestant teacher far the graded school at Holmesville. Apply stating qualifications and name of last inspeator if any, to Frank Yeo, secretary-treasurer, RR 3, Clinton, Ontario. 15-6b PROTESTANT teacher want- ed for USS 12, Hullett and Goderich townships (Summer- hill School). Duties to com- mence in September. Apply stating qualifications to Mrs. Ross Lovett, secretary-treasur- er, RR 1, Londesboro, 15-6b TEACHER WANTED for SS No. 6, McKillop, Approximately 30 pupils. Duties to commence in. September 1962. Apply stat- ing qualifications, salary ex- pected and name of last inspec- tor to Leslie J. Pryce, secre- tary-treasurer, RR 1, Dublin. 16-7b AUCTION SALE Of HoUsehold EffectS from 31 Mill Street, Clinton, on Saturday, April 28 at 1 p.m., ,the following: Dining room buffet and 4 chairs; china cabnet; Lazy Boy chair and stool; 24 in. Spartan television and stand, all wea- ther aerial and rotor; 2 tubu- lar beds and springs; 3 dres- sers; dressing table and stool; 2 chests of drawers; 3 door wardrobe; 2 blanket chests; 2 linoleum rugs (nearly new); International 14 cu. ft. refrig- erator; combination Westing- house coal and electric range; telephone table: 4 chrome kit- chen chairs; brohze cannister set and garbage bucket; elec- tric. kettle; ironing board; sev- eral small tables; table lamps; pictures, wall mirrors; smoking stands; electric rangette; step ladder; garbage container; 100 ft. garden hose; garden tools; lawn chairs; lawn ornaments; quantity of gladioli bulbs; quantity of sealers; numerous other articles including antique dishes, Terms — Cash No reserve as the property is sold. Gordon Turner, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 16-7b AUCTION SALE Cow Sale at aerYie Saturday, April 21 this week only pn 'account of Good Friday, Coed assortment of spring- ing and Awl), cows and heifere; choice let of calves, dairy and beef, up to 4 weeks old; all springers 'guaranteed, Delivery, $3 each; halves livered free' in lots of 10 or More, Auctioneer, Elton MoLeiland, RR 4, Kincardine, Qnt. leb AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Property and Hogsehoid Effects of. the Estate of Mrs. Bertha Lucas, from the corner of Erie and Dunlop Streets, Clinton, 'on Saturday, April 21 at 1.30 p.m, the following: Household Effects — Heintz- man piano and bench; studio couch; love seat; platform rocking chair; rocking chair; arm chair; Morris chair; flat top desk; 3 small tables; din- ing room buffet and 6 chairs; 2 beds, dressers, wash stands and mattresses; floor lamp; electric heater; several small tables; wall mirror; Beatty washing machine; refrigerator; kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; electric rangette; enamel kitchen range; 2 wick- er arm chairs; clothes horse; 2 step ladders; kitchen cup- board; a quantity of bedding; dishes and cooking utensils; wheel barrow; lawn mower and garden tools. Property—A spacious lot on which is 'situated a 7 room frame house with insul brick shingle siding, a full basement; an oil conversion furnace; a 3 piece bath and a sun porch. Terms on. Household Effects: Cash Terms or Property: 10% down on date of sale and bal- ance in 30 days. Property sold subject to a reserve bid. G. Morley Counter, Executor of the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 15-6b BOAT, 13 ft moulded plywood, Mercury Model 28A 22 h.p, mo, tor, used less than 50 hours; boat •trailer and accessories. Telephone HU 2-7837. 1GP FOR SALE--Motorcycle, Tri- 4-ROOM APARTMENT, fur- Twin with windshield sicklenished, available May 1, heat, bags, buddy seat acid foot rests, Rogers Majestic TV Sales and Service Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 6tfb • le ............. ?'n ' een •ae. 'l"—TA eVe ....?.., \ ;-"! ,§vmh.. . grl ..-.4.4 :::f!.;"'.. ...e:'!',: .. A'" , . g%'. ...'iA ;z;: •-1 '.4• :3 Vs CASUAL WINDBREAKER In the $16.95 LENGTHS New Nylon to and $22.95 ''All Sizes . Laminates JACKETS•,:..,„ HIPSTER ..:. . • o., • ,.:. : , S. •!.;.t. • : ,,.. ... ,>r .,,. ,..„0 .., in, All New Yi , Hundreds , . Mixtures. ► $9.95 SPORT $19.95 Wool Styles, 2 Continental side of subdued SLACKS to slanted to Woofs COATS vents., Regular $19.95 $35.00 or Styles. checks. pocketS, Wool or SUITS Choose yours now for Easter, 'newest shadeS and . or 8 Button $49.95 to patterns. Models, $19.50 Alf Wools in the 2 Button Main Pickett Street ' tiinton 8t Campbell Phone HO 2-9711 Lim . d