HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 3Recieves Award For Half Century Members of the Stratford and District Retail Hardware Association gathered here last Wednesday in the Oddfellows Hall to honour one of their members, John A. Sutter, Clinton. Within a few months Mr. Sutter will bemarking his 51st year in the hardware business. Above, Mr. Larry McKenzie, Guelph, Presents the Estwing Gold Hammer Award. This is a genuine forged -in -one-piece and leather gripped unbreakable hammer finished in 14 karat gold, .with an inscribed plaque. (Wows -Record Photo) At tlie Library. �. ■ Open Daily — 2-5.30 p.m.. 7-9.00 pm, Saturday till 8 p.m. Closed all day Wednesday' This weak we will list some of the new books for boys and girls, HORIZON BOOK OF SCIENCE--Ohapters of atoinis', energy, electrons, the universe, conquest of spate and other topics. BIRDS IN THEIR HOMES —54 lspecies of ,birds found in country or bds' irof prey. Tells how they live, builkl their nests and care for their young. INTRODUCING PONIES Delightful pictures of ponies and their friends :and adnairere. GOLDEN BOOK OF NA- TURE CRAFTS --Hobbies and ;activities for boys .and girls. How to make eggshell gardens' and .how to build and fill an insect zoo, ANIMAL ALPHABET - Oharnning pictures and short stories of animals for the younger reader -s. ,. INTRODUCING PETS — Im.- +teretsting pictures of favourite P sR E S E N T I NiG OTHEtR PEOPLES' . CHILDREN — Pic- tures and 'stories of chiikllren of other lands` BEAVERS: — ANTS Two• books in the beginning .science series. THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY PFBESENT--This "I can read" book will please the grade. one children. THE SHOOTING STAR — HERGE —Further .adventures of Zliavtin. FISHES—From the wonder- ful world of nature series. PLASTICS—ALUMINUM Well presented and illuistrateld information on two subjects in "The dings we need series., FUR TRADER—Robert Fer- guson—The story .of Alexander Henry. //oft, Fie/ENEMY ;011/t0,!'OPNEPsgrs•' AMAN,W//D TN/Nkg NET OarW/) £ Y/AZ11 A89t/T 1/AIF RIOT AT nor... AC -A• ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS CaMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMOIDELING, H U. 2 -9 39 0 68 ALBERT ST.. By Librarian. Eyelyn G. Hall, BA FIRST CANADIAN — C. T. Ritchie—Cthanniplain's story re- told. These +two books are re-. 'cent additions to the "Great Stories of Canada" series. OUTPOST OF • PERIL — Alida Maikus—The thrilling ex- plaits of Madeleine de Vey: = oheaes presented in the form of ail historicalnavel. FISH — -Junior book with good) Colour illuebretions. . THE PERKY LITTLE ENGINE—Grade two wills en - jay this book. MYSTERY IN RAINBOW VALLEY --- Lawrence Hunt — Story of a young forester. TRINKET — Janet Rogers Howe—A small ;shetiand pony makes circus history when ever he performs. 9-10 years. THE ROAD TO KIP''S COVE—Lyn Cork. Kip's par- ents sell their cottage in the northland and he fin& unex- pected pleasure in the new summer home on the shoreline of the Bay of Quintet RRUCEFiELD (Correspondent Mrs. H. F. Berry) Unit 4 UCW Unit 4, the "Willing Work- erss", melt at the borne of theirleader, Mrs. L. Arian'o, on Wednesday evening, April 11. Mrs. D. Brodie explained alb - out the UCW and its organiza- tionls. The worship period, und- er the leadership of Mrs. R. Allan was given, by Mrs'. W. Burdge, prayer by Mrs. Axia- no and the (scripture reading by Mats. V. Hargreaves Mrs. R.:Aillaxn .told the teteiry of Martha, and Mrs, H. John` Ston led en interesting discus= Lois Jones Was Showered Prior To Wedding Day Several showers were held for Miss. Lois Jones prior to her marriage on Satundey to Kenneth A. D. Moore in Hoa- mesville United. Churoh. On March 1 the office staff and other frrenn& at the To- ronto Branch, Ontario. Depart- ment of Agriculture, where she was employed, presented her with a bathroom shower. The staff presented a •carving gest. At the home of Mrs. .Jack Tlebbutt on March 30, a kitch- en shower was held by neigh-. boors, friiendls and the SS 4, Goderich Township Community Club. About 30 (attended. Then on March 31, Mrs. Gr- ant McLean held a miscellan- eous shower at the home of her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Johnston, when aboht 30 liriends from •different disrtanotts attended. Blyth Church Will Be Replaced Soon BI.YTH -- Trustees of Blyth United Church have been curtly prized to seek consent of Hur- on Presbytery for demolition of the present church to Make way for -the construction of a new building. The present building is 85 years ,old: A 'comirtittee has been appointed to take care of gold -turning, cornerstone laying and dedication ceremon- ies for the new Ibuildang, scion on the. life of Deborah:. Mrs. F. McGregor was in ch- arge of the social period and refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Hill and her :commit- tee.. Unit 3 UCW. Unit 3 of the Brucefield United Church Women. met on April 10 at the .homes of Mrs. W. McBeath: The meeting was called to order by unit leader, Mrs. William Scott. Roll caul was, .taken and minutes, recd by secretary Mrs. J. A. Mc - Ewan. Mita. Elsie Forrest gave the treasurer's report. It hiss been decided to use .sotne of the proceeds from the quilting party to purchase materials for, 'the completion .of the quilt top and batting donated( by Mrs. J. Walker and Mrs. G. Armstrong. A bake sale will be held following the geaer ai meeting of the UCW in Maw. Devotional •period was con- ducted by Mises M. McQueen, Mrs. McBeath and Mrs. Ross Scott. Social . hour followed when hostesses Mrs; E. Forrest, Miss M. Swan and MIS. William Clarke served lunch. Stanley Club To Give 510 to Funds The Shanley Community Club held .their April meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Szwaba on Wednesday, April 4 with. 14 members present. Mrs. George Canteen, president conducted' the meeting. It was decided to send! $5 to the Easter Seal. Fund and $5 to the Cancer Fund.. The pro - grant consisted of. readings by Mrs, Bob Glen, Mets. George Cantelon and Mrs. Szwaba. The next meeting will be held at the home af. Mises Bil'- liei atrt 2 2 Sew 1 James Street, Clinton on 'Thursday, Mayr 3. Roll call will be "am exchange of plants". The •meeting clog - ed with a 'social hour. The Disaster Service of our Canadian Red Cross provide emergency tail for over 12,500 Canadian men, women and ehil- dren annually. The majority are victims of fires. HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND CALCIUM TO BUiLD .STURDY BODIES Freei Marie Fraser's "Milk•Mates for Moderns" 'recipe booklet. Witte today. -A bMelon of DAillti FA17MBRS OF CANADA '4`7 Davenjuort Rbaif,Teronta' d $.i1vation Mack Frcpn the voices of two mesa trying in make emseW : heard. above a POSY .crowd, to the• sound of implying nlalrti,a1 music .of fine brass bands, the message of the :Salvation. Ar'rW Inas been heard frppi the :$ttX eet comers of nearly all cities ernld towns in Canada,, The two young men who started" Flee "Army' in London, Canaida in; 1882 expenienoed everything from the rabble Pf crowds and the persecutien :Q Police to the protectioru of the British? Army' in their efforils Go hold services both indioraa and out, Jack Addey and ,./90 Ludgate, Salvationists from England!,. met by eoinoidence ata prayer meeting ig in London, Ontario where Wesley United Church now stand's, and there and then decided to stint the Salvation Army in Canada, In tholse eight .decade% the Salvation Army has Brown, .an is known 0=P.M( the country as the church with "Newt to God anld Hand to Man". the on Ontario, is .its London, city from, which the 'Arany_ slice reale out across the rand, it is' fitting that the 80th anniver-•' nary of the founding of the Pepper -Do At .a double ring ciigememoniv at Winthrop United Church, Sandra Gladys' Deig was united in mauriage on Saturday, April 7, to Albert Alexander Pei/ - per. The bride is the ,dough- ter of 'Mr. arid Mrs. Robert J. Doig, RR 1, Dublin, and the groom is the sone of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pepper, Sea - forth The Rev. .1. C. Britton offici- ated, fficeated, and the wedding music was played by Miss Jeans len, London Mrs. Betty Feta= gam, Wingham, was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her Sather, chose a full length gown ' er chant ]J1y lace and net over bridal taffeta with a fitted bodice trimmed with sequins and long lily point sleeves. Her fingertip veil was heidl by a pearl crown, and she carried a bouquet of red •roses. Mrs. Charles Dungey, sister of the bride, was matron of honour end wore a powder blue peau de. s'oie sheath with a blue chiffon, three - quarter length overskirt, and a match- ing veil, hat and gloves. The bridesmaids• were Miss Qaroi Pepper, sister of the groom, in an identical dress of Lteawberry pink„ and Mises El- sie Doig and Miss Raba Doii:g. slate's of the bride, who wore, identical outfits in mint greeny and pale geld. The matron of, holm- and( bridesmaids carried bouquets of white 'mums, tr- immed with net to match their dredges. Mervin Pepper, Seafoutih; cousin of the groom, was. bent man. Ushers were Charles .Dungey, Seaforth; Fred Lobb, Brucefieldi, and Dwayne Tines ney, Exeter. For a reception in the church parlour, the brides mother re- ceived the •guests in a flowered green silk sheath and match- ing jacket with •green and. black accessories, and a torte= age of yellow roses. The gr eom's mother aslsiisrted, in a flowered green and mauve sh- eath and matching jacket with beige accessories and a cors- age of yellow roses. For travelling to the United States and Ottawa, the bridle cihoise a blue peau de sole sh- eath and matching jacket with black saccessories, and a cor- sage of pink roses. She carried a white camel hair coact. The eatfocouple is living art RR 3,. Sea- forth. rth. Violet Society Has First Canadain Show Mr. and Mrs. C. le Cook were in Toronto on Saturday attending the fiir'st African Violet show to be held by the African Violet Society of Canada. About 1.,200 attend- ed. During the supper hour Mir. Cook was presented with en African Violet cup and sauces on the occasion; of his birth- day, in h - day nn Mer -a ry. Caxnada should ;be centered in the capital of Wes:- ten') '.4 Ontario, A :spode' anniversary obeery 4rvice is planned -f r the "week end, of April 28.29 at which time the world renowned' 7ixi ter^nat Qnal Staff Band i%' London Eigland will ,be feat - Lured, This band whieh ha;;• Gravelled in maw counytmie's of Vile world, and played for lt'irlgs 'and -queens of Great Britarin, and 'other nations, is well quail - fled to .hold the spotlight of this most important occ carton. The weekend activities get underway at 1.30 p.m. Settles- day etur-dims with :a service crf dedica- tion at Wesley United Churdh, At 4 pan. a "March of . Wit - nese will move from Talbot and Carling streets and down Derides Street to the Caty Hall, led by London Citadel Band. Variaus 'aspects of the `Amity',' work will be depict- ed in the parade which will in cluidle the International staff Band, the Woodstock Ci!tad'el Band and one or tvve other. hands s from Western .Ontbario centres. The salute will be take en at city hall by Mayor Gor4- on Stronach and Conirnksioner W Wycliffe -Booth, territorial commander for Canada.. The H. B. Beal Technical School on Dunndas Street will be the locale of :a music festi- val Saturday at 8 p.m. when the English band, under the baton of Lt. Col. Bernard Ad- ams, will present a program of band music, male voice, insttru- mental, vocal and pianoforte (solos. Included in the program will be "1VILLsic for the Royal Fireworks" by Handel' 'and "Themes from the Italian Sym- phony". Tickets for this even- ing are $1, $1.50 and $2 with all seats reserved. A 'second weekend concert by the visiting band will be pre- sented at the Beal Tech Sun- day at 3 p.m., to which: the public is invited. Public serv- ice will be held at 10.45 ia.m. and 7 p.m, in the Technical]. School, with the evening serv- ice preceded by an open-air service at the city Mall, follow- ed by a march to the school. Before the morning service the visiting band will play for the patients 'at Victoria Hospi- tal. Trousseau Tea For Sandra Doig Prior To Wedding On Wednesday afternoon and evening, April 4, Mfrs. Robert Doig, Seaforth, enterttaained alt a 'tmouttseau in 'honor of her dlaughter, Sandra. The guests' were received by Sandlra, Ms's. William Pepper aria Mrs, Doig. The tea table was centred by a crystal bowl of roses. Pouncing tea were the grand- mother of the groom, Mrs. Susan McEwing, Seaforth, Mrs. Card McClinchey, Clinton; Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Zurich.; Mrs, Fred 1VLeCiysinomtt, Varna; Mrs:. James Doig and Mrs. Leslie Pepper, Seaforth. Serving were Mrs. William Talbot, Mrs. Ross Riley, Mrs. Everett Stoney, Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and Miss Marlene Pepper. D.is+pil,aying gifts and trans,- se,au were Mrs. Charles Dun- gey, Miss {Jar al Pepper, Miss Ellie Doig, Miss Raba Doig, M. Anson Coleman and Mask Ross Chapman. Prior to her marmaage, the bride was honored! at a shower apt Cavan United Church, Win- throp, by her friend and neighbors. She wag also enter- tained at the. home of Mrs:. Kim Maitland, London, when. the ,girls of CFPL Radio herd a surprise shower in her hon- or.. A surprise parity was ale herlld! fat 640 Wellington. St., London, where she made her home. Many gifts were presented to her. spring Meeting in. Cbnton Hall The opring meeting; of Hln'bra, District leo. 23, l ,ebekah As, volar X Ontario was held in Clinton IOQf' Bali, Princess Street Haisit on Wednesday, April, 11 at 3 p.m. with 50 Past Noble Greeds :of Rebekah Lodges in Bruss'e'ls, Seaford], Goderiieh,. Exeter, kievea11 and Clinton in attendance, Mrs, Carman McPherrson, district deputy president was in charge ,of the .meeting and was presented with a corsage by the Clinton PNG's club in honour of !her- wedding eimi- vergany, Rernertla of the activities ef the lodges i the d9,srtrict were given by M. Harvey Fuller, Goderich; Mrs, .Douglas An- drewls, Clinton; Mrs. Rulby Bell, Hearin; Mrs, Mary Fisher, Exeter; Mps, Janet Andrew's, Seaforth and Mrs. W. Edgar, Brussels. Mils. McPherson reported that $115 had been raised throughout the district towards the furnishings at the TOOF in Barrie. Mrs. Rae Onaneford, RR 5, Brussels, was introduced .as the incoming district deputy president for 1962-63 teem. It Was agreed to play hem expenses to the Re- bekah Assembly tin 'romantic/ in June 1st which tinee he will re- ceive her commission. A variety program was en- joyed and the officers of Hur- onie Rebekah: Lodge, Clinton, served a dainty buffet supper. 0 The Bible Today One third of the bulk of the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Jahn, is taken up with the narration of the events leading up to the death of Jesus, Hill crucifixion and His resurrection, This emphasis is not 1;oLsrt on the new Bible reaidlers. Be- cause these events seize at once upon the mind of the per - seri reading :the stories for the first time end cast light upon all the New Testament story as well as forming the basin of an Understandiang of the Christian faith, the Bible So- ciety has always ppublished not less than -a whole Gospel in any new translation. . An illustration of the carry- ing out of this policy is the recent publication of 'Mark in Diola, a language spoken by 250,000 people, (af whom 5,000 .arae Christtian and 50,000 non- Christian literates), who lie in the coastal area of Oa!sam- ance, Senegal; and also in Man- bya, spoken by a tribe numb- ering 35,000 (af whom 7,000 are Ohristian literates) living. in Rholdesia. Matthew in Sara, spoken by 250,000 people in the Gandam and Karaput districts, Orissa, in North .Cameron has also been published recently. Suggested Bible Readings Sunday John 20: 1-18 Monrliay John 20;19-31 Tuesday John 21 1-25 Wednesday .,.. Hebrews 2 1-18 Thursday Hebrews 3 1-19 Friday Hebrews 4 1-16 Saturday Hebrews 6 1-20 Wildwood Motel and Restaurant Highway 21 1%, miles South of Bayfield Special Easter Dinner Turkey or Ham Sunday. April 22 starting at 5 p.m. Bring The Whole Family Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keyes, managers Meals At All Times Daily 16-b ,Experienced Carpenter Available For Al!.'TYPO- nr Cprpentry- Work S,pecialiing in KI-ICiiEN CUPBOgRDS -- Ci-iINA CABINB'TS,, gtq. REMQpBLLING .and gEFiNiskt.iNQ Phpne Hvnter 24740. KEN Mc•NAiRN Gerry's Sh o BRLICEFIELD i+lect to Paterson's Store) Open Tuesday and Fridays 9 qm. to 8 p.m. GERALD, FLYNN, Prop, 15-6b SUNSET DRIVE-IN, Goderich Opens Easter Monday MON; and TUES. — April 23 and 24 "HOTROD GIRL" Lori Nelson and Chuck Connors "QUEEN OF THE TARTERS In Scope and Color WED., THUR., FRI, — April 25-26-27 COMEDY DOUBLE: "OPERATION BULLSHiNE" Bob Mon{chouse (In Color) Paul Anka and Ruth Roman in "LOOK IN ANY WINDOW"— Adult' Entertainment First show at dusk. Children in cars free. 0 1 4 1 katit kit GODERICH , ONT. Saturday, April 21 Dick McFarland presents the `CROWN IMPERIALS" Dancing to the•Sound of the Sixties for the `Teen -20 Crowd 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT 75c per person We cater to Weddings, Luncheons, Banquets, Etc, 15-6b ‘111111111111r Lyric Theatre Exeter TWO SHOWS NiGHTLY -- 7.30 and 9.30 THURS., FRiT, SAT.—April 19 -20 -21 -Double Bill "THE MIGHTY CRUSADERS" Starring RICK BATTAGLIA -- SYLVIA KOSCINA (Color -- Scope) PLUS "TOMMY THE TOREADOR" Starring TOMMY STEELE -- JANET MONROE (Color -- Scope) SUNDAY MIDNIGHT—April 22—Double Bill "CURSE OF THE DEMON" Starring DANA ANDREWS -- PEGGY CUMMINGS PLUS 'I Married A Monster From Outer Space' Starring TOM TYRON -- GLORIA TALBOTT (Adult Entertainment MON., TUES., WED April 23-24-25 "BRIDGE TO THE SUN", Starring CARROLL BAKER -- JAMES SHIGATA Coming "X-15" plus "SPOOK CHASERS" It is estimated that the ,$1.0 monthly increase in the univers- al old -age pension will cost $113,400,000 and that in the coming fiscal year the pension, fund will need total revenues of $737,050,000. The PARK Theatre Goderich Now -- "THE ALAMO" — Scope and Color John Wayne e• Richard Widmark 'One show only each night starting at' 8 o'clock. MON., TUES., WED. —. April 23-24-25 Peel Newman Joanhe Woodward -- Sidney Portier` with Louis Armistrong and some top' jazzmen in it brand View, musical drama filmed in Parisi from the novel - . "PARIS BLUES" THUR., FRI., SAT- -- April 26-27'_28 SPECIAL Vincent Price -- Charles Brenton and Mary Webster $aced on ttwq stories by Jules Verne; sensational Science fiction, "MASTER OF THE WORLD' (;Scope and Color) COwing— "Farmy ___in colour -Adult Entertci nniet`it Re -opening Easter Sunday KUM-IN RESTAURANT MAIN CORNER FORMERLY CLINTON PINGER'S RESTAURANT with a Special Easter Sunday Dinner Menu Roast Turkey and Dressing Blade Roast Beef Young Fried Chicken Under the new owners, the remodelled and redecorated restaurant Will feature: • FULL COURSE DINNERS -- Steaks and Chops LiGHT LUNCHES --, Reasonably Priced Bi HOME-MADE PiES OPEN HOURS Week Days - 7:00 a.m. t6 12.30 Com Closed All Day Wednesday Sundays - 8.00 a.m. to 12 midnight This is ydttr invitation t0 conte inandnteet your host, �;orne'C arrow, who has considerable cooking experience in meedern restanretnts.