Clinton News-Record, 1962-04-19, Page 2Pope 2• -:.'Clinton dew's-Rcord--.Thurs., April 19, 190
Seems To Be Undue Delay
TIEttE SEEMS to be considerable
;delay on the part of some one with
regard to ,getting a recreation commit*
tee set up for the town of Clinton..
This is- a clove Which we are con-
vinced would be attractive to all par-
ents of young .children, and for 'teen-
agers. In centres much smaller than
Clinton, a playground program is being
worked out each summer, and has
proved very satisfactory for all .con-
After all, every .child can't go :away
for a holiday at camp. Every child
does not have a huge estate, or farin
to roam upon.
Clinton has been fortunate in hav-
ing no serious accidents involving
children at play on the streets. This
is not because such playgrounds are
not in use.
Proper playing areas and super-
vised grounds would be very welcome,
and if ,at all possible 'they should be
set up soon. After some one is hurt
on the streets, will be too late.
.It appears to. ,Lis that the cost ;is
not prohibitive.
The provincial government looks
upon this sort of thing as worth while
paying a grant on. So long as Clinton
does flat have a recreation council,
through which grant money can be reit
ceivecl, then taxpayers here will .con,
tinue to have a Share of their tax da,
lar spent by the Ontario goverment in
communities wise enough . to take ad-
vantage of the grant system,
Xsn't it about time that our town
began to take advantage of an oppor-
tunity to supply supervised recreation
to many more of the. young people of
both town and country, than now.
What is the next step? Well, it
would • appear that someone on council
should be prepared to at least bring in
a motion asking that such a committee
be formed—then discussion could take
place by the elected governing body,
and the situation could be cleared.
Huron And Perth Secure?
AN EDITORIAL writer who
knows this area well, .predicted in the
Beacon -Herald of Stratford this week
that in all probability the identity of
the Huron and Perth ridings would not
be lost, even though a predicted re-
distribution takes place in federal rid-
Stating that the re -distribution
would not take place before the next
election, .nevertheless the writer seem-
ed assured that a change was coming.
"The Diefenbaker government has
already announced that the reorganiza-
tion will be non-partisan, and that the
government in power will not be in a
position to get political advantage by
tinkering with constituency bound-
What will happen, though, if Mr.
D's party doesn't happen to have a
majority in the house? Would the
NDP, or the Liberal group feel the
same way about this particular item?
The ideal number of people, ac-
cording to straight arithmetic, would
be 0$,000 persons per riding. At the
moat recent census Huron had 46,426
people. In Perth there were 0$,410.
This may, be considerably lower than
the ideal, but at least we're closer to
that, than some other ridings.
Itmay well be that any people
who are involved in re -distribution will
honour the traditional ridings of Huron
and Perth, and let them be as is, with
minor tinkering at any rate.
Pleasurable Indeed
IT WAS WITH a good deal of
pleasure that we heard of the ratifica-
tion this week by the government at
Ottawa of the International Copyright
Convention,. which was signed by Can-
ada in 1952.
This means that Canadian authors
and publishers will be able to have
their works printed in Canada, for dis-
tribution in foreign countries and still
have copyright protection. Until now,
owing to the U.S. Copyright laws, this
was not so in the U.S.
One daily newspaper estimates
this will mean at least $5,000,000 in
U.S. sales.
In itself this can mean a good deal
in balancing our import-export trade
If Only
(Prom Industry)
THIS IS THE month when many
a Canadian would no doubt wish to be
able to dispose of a certain official re-
turn with the same aplomb as the writ-
er of a letter lately received by the in-
come tax commissioner of the Central
African Federation, to the following
I am not interested in this in-
come tax services of yours. Could
you please cancel out my name in
your books as this system has up-
seted my mind and I do not know
who register me as one of your
customers in. this matter."
Ah,if only it were that easy . . .
Of more importance, however, is
the opportunities it gives to writers in
Canada to remain in this country, and
to have the satisfaction of a "Printed
in Canada" label on their works.
We have a question to place here:
if the agreement, which was U.N.-
sponsored, was signed by Canada in
1952, why was it not ratified by Ottawa
before now?
Why did the Liberals during their
years in power, or the Conservatives
since they took power, not get around
to this before?
Christ Arose
Sweetly hear the joy -bells ringing,
While angelic hosts are singing;
Christ our Lord, arose, arose,
Conqueror o'er all His foes.
Christ has conquered death and hell,
For -ever -more, He doth excel;
Never more can satan rise,
To a place beyond the skies.
Tell to all the wondrous story,
Christ arose, the King of Glory;
Tell to those o e in far off lands
Christ extends His nail pierced hands.
Do you ask? Why did He die,
Sinner, it was for you and I
Oh, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love,
Love brought our Saviour from
above. -By Laura Jervis.
Cli ,ton News -Record
Est. 1865 Amalgamated 1924 Est. 1881
Published every Thursday at the
Heart of Huron County
Clinton, Ontario -- Population 3,369
A. L. COLQUHOUN, Publisher
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance -- Canada and Great Britain: '$4.00 a
United States and Foreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Cents
Atitherized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
and for ,payment of postage in cash
'Clinton Lions ;Help Local Crippled Children
Many hours of patient training and treatment
are required for the benefit of crippled children.
Specially trained therapists in treatment centres
throughout Ontario use their skills in strengthen-
ing weakened limbs and backs. Easter Seal dollars
make these services and many others possible,
Clinton Lions Club Easter Seal committee are now
accepting donations which will help this work right
in our own area.
SUGAR and SPICE .. .
X lurk 'f Nrwa'd with the
keenest Anticipa.tioa :.t .the .an-
TRW, ehtlrch .drive for funds.
Every year T Yeinnteer as d
canvasser, because the experi-
ence providers a capsule coni-
mentar!y on ,human :nature =a-
nise Rout eernprehensiive, and I
enjoy every mina'te of it.
Like everythipg else,, hbe
"alive ,for funds" has been: ele-
vated, dust as the caretaker
has hecorpe a Superintendent
of •M• ainterance, the battle of
the bucks has assented ' the
sdisgttise of a Sector Pr'o'ject, or
a Visitation, or .an In atther-
But the victims ,aren't fool-
ed. They recon size you •the
Minute they .open the dear
lust .as readily as you pone -
tate the Hallowe'en garb of
the neighbourts little girl, the
i inn. to she says, "Twick or
tweet, M. $n iley, I bet you
dprutt know who I am, I'm
+Y+ 'here's nothing new about
the church needing 'money. Ill
lay odds that Sb Paul w's
1in'g potential Qhristt tans to
put up or shut up.a couple of
tthonsau::d years ago, nearly.
And he d:probably got the sante
amsweas tahen.,
' Such as: "Well, we've had a
lot of expenses this year, with,
the new house"; and "It seems
the church is always looking
for money" and "We donate
pretty heavy to other charities
y' know"; and "Seems to me
that preao'her has ,a pretty
good thing, free house and all";
.and "I 'ain't gonna sign no
plealge"; and a hundred and
forty o1ihex+s.
tlty VV, 1$,• .,S11 TIEY)
M c4vijli4vtion has :become
more compileated..tlie need -of
the church for money has be,
come $'.seater; Maintenance
costs•were low, I understt,ai}d,.
in Elie sataeoniha Ligiht, heat
and insurance didn't amount to:
mueh, and the rector dzclrs'•t
needy a car 'allowance, and the
telephone and the organ: were-
n't Inventecl yet, Arid S'und'ay
School supplies consisted of a
stick and some sand.
Then the 'Christians made:
the mistake of moving to such
incleurent climates as that of
Britain, and that was 'the end
of -the infinitesimal budget,
They had rto move indoors, and
promptly walked up bo the ears
into a morass of carpets and
new roofs and stained glass
windows and .furnaces and
seals and ,baptismal fonts- and
choir- lofts and such.
As if 'that walsn't enough,
along oarcne this crazy, social -
iritic idea that in nistere and
their families should eat as
well or new,* as well:, as the
rest of its. Eyes. since, most
churches have been staggering
along an sorry financial condi-
When' I was a boy, the pro-
blem was dumped in the par-
son's lap. If he wanted to eat,
he preached, Some of the .most
fiery sermons I heard in my
youth, were those based on the
need—nay, the duty—to give
more than two -bits a week to
the church. The minister would
work himself into a regular
paroxysm on the subject, while
his flock just satthere and
looked at him, coldly.
After this system proved an
From; Our Early Files
40 Years Ago
Thursday, ApriI 20, 1922
Highway from Stratford to
Sebringvilie will be laid at
cost of $50,000 a mile.
Hydro was off again from
Wednesday, 5.15 to Friday, 9.45
P.m. and people wonder if this
is going to be a continued
story. Wind, rain, hail and
snow were the cause.
Charles Lane's house in
Brucefield was burned down
while he and his sister were
in Seaforth at mass.
It's been six months of coal
burning since fires were kind-
led last hall. R. Roulston had
his team and sleigh out this
Charles Prost, 78, Auburn,'
was killed as he sat in his
armchair in the dining room
of hiS home. The bolt came
through the chimney, demol-
ishing it and tearing a large
hole in the roof.
40 Years Ago
Thursday, April 20, 1922
E, H. Epps . & Sons, Varna,
offer repairs to battery and
Two new fishing boats were
launched at Goderich last
week: "Margaret Macdonald"
belonging to Macdonald Bros.
and the "John Graham" be-
longing to John Graham.
Boy's school suits from $5
to $15 at Morrish Clothing
April • is :acting just like its
abondoned young brother Feb-
ruary, sometimes acts.
Thankoffering at the Meth-
o d i s t Church, Holrnesville,
where J. A. Irwin, Clinton,
preached in the morning and
the Rev. Johnston in the even-
ing, receipts came to over $60,
The pageant at Auburn Me-
thodist Church was called off
owing to the inclement wea-
25 Years Ago
Thursday, April 15, 1937
Average attendance at Clin-
ton Collegiate last month Was
151. Colonel Rance, chairman
of the booed conducted the
meeting when a cement walk
front the school to William
I3ALL and MUTCH Furniture Dept
yrs— ^ t _
3 :� 7:==c.......
. ; .NICO...ZWZ _
WOMEN "MY! ,inemosamommormrai
Continues Until Saturday,. April 28
Come in,browse around and see the tremendous savings-
that ate pb$s ble in Living 1Z.bbm, bining Rosin -ii, Bedroom
and Kitchen Furnishings also big discounts oh all Household
Aecessoties and Furnishings.
cuNtON PHONE HO 2.9ab5
1i .
.: BtYtiwieY�li�i►,
Street was discussed .
Clinton's three dentists, H.
A. McIntyre, D. C. Geddes
and H. Fowler have decided
to close Wednesday after-
noons from May to October.
Harry Hoffman, Dashwood,
will sing with 24 Canadian
singers at Westminster Abbey,
London, England, on Corona-
tion Day. Announcement of
the chosen ones was made by
Sir Ernest MacMillan.
Some discussion over loca-
tion of the band stand was con-
tinuing. The band wanted it on
the Lbrary Park. Council
wanted concerts alternating at
the Park and the Post Office,
4' 10 Years Ago
Thursday, April 17, 1952
First warble fly spray is be-
ing applied in all townships in
Huron County.
So far, building permits to-
talling $53,600 have been auth-
orized in Clinton.
157 4-H Huron Homemaking
Club girls took part in achieve-
ment day here in CDC'. There
are 17 clubs in the county.
Your Easter Seals Contributions
Help Crippled Children In This Area
Twice annually, spring and
fall, diagnostic clinics foe crip-
pled children and for children
suspected of having, orthopae-
dic conditions are conducted
throughout the province.
Clinton Lime Club accept re-
sponsibility of crippled; child-
ren in this, area. Most of your
contributions to Clinton Lions
Easter Seal fund stay's right in
this .area to look after local
Sponsored by the Ontario So-
ciety for Crippled Children in
co-operation with local 'health
units, medical •societies and
service chubs, attending ortho-
paedic specialists evafna'te each
child to determine the• urgency
of treatment and whether con-
finement to hospital will be
necessary. A nearly complete
diagnosis must be made in just
a few short hours for, in some
St. Andrew's WA headed by
Mrs. William Shaddock, will
buy two dozen new hymn books
for the church.
Ellwood Epps has been in
Sudbury giving instruction in
pistol shooting to police there.
Hotel Clinton
Frank and Eno Cook, your hosts at Hotel
Clinton Dining !Zoom have prepared
a Special Easter Sunday
Dinner Menu
C1. eox Tomato 3gOAs
STAB d''G 135t'oe'
�ed ' leas
es Yloyen 'Rola
F �' d WYE +�
'Fos ed S9 eSsing
Trl e
Stta c.W6 and e e Vie
`11 •
Cxa ll • eso• Ap ori
of Cottee
SUNDAY DiNNER served from :00 to 7:30
For ReserVotions phone HU 2-7011
Featuring "at o 1J
cases rtha'11ren . arrive from is-
olated regions of the province.
The majority of children
visiting alinios are located
tlhrrowgh society -service club -
community sponsored surveys
with help kern ail quartera,
.including press, radio and tele-
This concentrated effort of
Easter Seal service will an -
measurably ligihten the 'burden
placed upon parent or guard-
ian, municipality or public
If you have not as yet re-
sponded to the Easter Seal ap-
peal in Clinton, t'h'en you ,are
urged 'to do so immediately, for
awaiting your contnibut+ion are
.countless, courageous hearts of
crippled children. needing no
pity --just help.
utter' flop, and the faithful
proved. las bloodles0 .aa .Stoma,
the new method carne tlto !ts
own, t has turned out to be
inotiensely ',suocesa'Sful. Chy'r*
l''evenees have sl—rocketed.
.1,Jnfortnna'tely, iat With ung
filation .arnd the Tike, chu-rch ex-
penditures have managed to
stay ahead of revenues, 'uni'iil
At now costs As much t o aper:.
a+te a air -sized church aS it
d.i4, 70 yeasts ago,. to operate
fair-sized town.
Today's campaign ::is highly
organized. The male pillars of
the church, and a few dougbt&
females, are wheedled into de-
Glaring their willingness to
serve. There are traininn sek-
siorus, which are a eyes* be,
tween a $ales meeting and a
pep rally, for :these vollunteerls.
Tremend'ouu a n; t'h u s i a s m is
aroialsed, This is: fanned into a
veritable Blare by a special
spea'kerr, who .tais, tothe canvas'-
s'ers 'how to crack the hard
Everybody agrees 'that if
everybody else grave what he
!Should, the church wbul'd be
rolling in greenbacks. The fist
of ehurah nsembers is produced..
It is huge. St looks as though
there'll have to be ant addi-
tion built to the thumb, by
the •time'title ckmpa.ign is wee.
About here the minister tries
to point out that it is the miss-
ing member's soul we are after,
not his roll. Part nobody pays
any attention.
When the volunteer canvas: -
'sets are in a fine' frenzy of un-
solifish inspieattton, their own
commitment cards, or pled'ge
cards, are handed out to them,
if the chairmen is on his toes,
Everybody defiantly inbreasee
his givings by a beck or 50
cents: a week, .glaring at his
fellow -workers,
*, * *
And right there, though not
too many realize it, to the cli-
max of the entire campaign.
Oh, it runs its course, lake a
spent rocket returning to earth.
The canvassers are blessed on
Sunday morning, they have a
'lunch after •the serviee, .and
they go out in pairs, deter-
minedly clutching their cards
and their leaflets.
To their ,amazement, as the
figures are tallied, they learn
that the campaign has been a
complete success. She's gone
over the top. How come? Be -
cense they, and their fellow -
canvassers, carried away by
the spirit, temporarily, had in-
creased their own donation;
enough to make the total, be-
fore they ever went, out. But
it's good) fun, good for the
soul, :and good for the church.
So I'rn looking forward to
next year's campaign,.
Business and Professional
Phone JA 4-7562 Phone HU 2-7721
All Types of Life
Terni Insurance -- Annuities
Clinton, Ontario
Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
Phones: Office HU 2-9747
Res. HU 2-7556
Head Office, DUNGANNON
, Established 1878
President, Brown Smyth; R 2,
Auburn; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir-
win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul
Caesar, It 1, Dungannon; George
C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc-
Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald
MacKay, Ripley; John F. Mac-
Lennan, R. 3, Goderich Frank
Thompson, R, 1, Htilyrood; Wm.
Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn
For information on your in=
suranee, call your neare$t three -
for who is &so ah agent, or the
secretary, Dernin Philips, Dun-
gannon, phone Dungannon 48.
27 tfh
Eyes Examined
Oculists' Prescriptions Filled
Includes Adjustments At
No Further Charge
Clinton—Mondays Only
9.00 a.m, to 5.30 p.m.
Clinton Medical Centre
44 Rattenbury Street West
Seaforth—Weekdays except
Mondays, ground floor.
Phone 791 •
For Appointment
Phone JA 4-7251
Goderich, Ontario
Telephone Bot'
JA 4-9521 478
Real Estate & Bueiness broker
High Street -= Clinton
PHONE HtJ Z-6892
• 'town Dwellings
• Ail Classes bf Farm Property
Ar Summer Cottages
• Churches, schboia, Halls
Extended d o v e r a g e (Wind,
atiaike, water datnage, ftttting
objects, etc,) is also available.
AanN1.8: James Key's, RA 1, aea.fortb,' V. J. Lane, 1tft 5, Sea-
forth; WM. Leiper; •ir., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels;
i arold Squires, Clinton; George C'oyiie, thiblitt Donald C, Eaten,
Seaforth, ..