HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-12, Page 15At.. -the Libiory. THE JUDAS TREE A. J. Cronin A:s Usual Crenie has Overt ta novel that 'will be considered we of the -hest Of the gureent crap, David Moray is wealthy, charrnim, ataiactiye to women and susceptible to them. fellow- iedgeable ebout, the fine eels he takes his Place easier in the set of .internatienal personale When: 'the story opens he has settled comfortably in a beauti- ful house in a small friendly coramenity in Switzerland. At a social gathering he chances to overhear a remark that tends him home consid'erably upset. Tottered by painful' ternotte he realizes that the time has come for him to do something taboret the thing that has haunted him all of his adult life. He decides 'to rehire to Scot- land to sort out his difficulties. It is an .awkward time to leave home as he has been toying withthe idea of marriage to a widow. As a young medical student, Moray had planned to matey an attractive girl whom he had met as a result of an accident on a weekend. excur- sion, He eventually married some- one whose family was aisle to further him financially. Such a an.artiage brought himno hap- piness. Now he feelcompelled to return to Scotland and try to set right the wrong he com- mitted so many years before. On arrival in the vi]diage he makes inquiries and is, dismayed to learn that his forener.sweet- heart is dead. After his depart- ure she had met and married a minister. Her daughter is a dis- trict nurse in a nearby com- munity and Moray is introduced to her. He claims friendship antlY with her mother's family. By this time he is completely infatuated with the daughter and is bitterly. einhappyetatleesee that she plans to join her unsole in mission. work in Africa. Torn• between the desire for the crea- ture cemfarts of his weleordere ed life and the sincere wish to atone in some way for the early By 'ijbra$aa!Vvelyn Ot .IfoNt 13,4, am,a14,orunentof. his .Profeeetiee, be. finally decides to. brush lip On his studies in order to fake big. Osage as a -ieetrttber of the mission staff: Witir, no wi$11, to epee the reeding of the book for ()them we wiil becopment to say that the story ehdoIn a. way to keep iteensis,teneto the .Peareeter eof Melee. Ifere is one observation .abgint ceenin'e hooks, There is a ten- dency to the morbid and it would be a pleasure to !have barn write ane book , in whet OP4Th Pelle'— -5.30p4m, 7-9,00 13,7n, Saturday till 8 pee, 'Clesed all day Wednesday Peer* resolve tbemselv- -Cement events; as ropert.ett in papers, radio and TV predgee enough tions, .1-AistIre reading hoed provide Mete etteepe toe the "never -v- er' 'awe Whether we read nov- el.% westerns or deteettves, in a conversation with a se - tired business an a few yeas ago as his hooks were being obea140ed, he told us that ie wee all for "happy endings" his stories, as world newProt vided errough of the unhappy to make a balantee. Rex Die' is a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. William Green, Exeter, visited with John Pass- more on Sunday. Rev. Currie Winlaw was cal- led to Ingersoll owing to the sudden illness' of his mother who has been admitted to the hospital 'there. Kinsmen attending the Kins- man district convention at Del- hi were William Fuss, Jack le7sclaile; Mickle, John Baker and Harrold Knight. • leinettes met :at the home of Mrs. John Deitz Tuesday even- ing with 100 percent 'attendance and one. guest present. Plans were laid for the annual spring rummage sale in the Legion Hall, May 26. Twelve mem- bers attended the Delhi inter- club meethig, Wedneeday, April 4. Mrs. Mickle wan the raf- Le, The next meeting will be kaki: at the home of Mrs, Jack Drysdale. Committee Formed At a special meeting of the congregation of Hensall United Church following church ser- vice Sunday mourning a pastoral relations committee was lap- - • ecomposeds of. Mrs. Dave Kyle, • Mrs. Stanley. Mitchell, °tendon Christie, Jim McAllis- ter and Robert Reaburre Walt- er Spencer was oltairman. Ohio- elhurst congregation appointed Russell Ferguson and Earl Treffey. Fur Specialists .Speak In Clinton Chas. E. Yeates (left) and Cam Curry (right) addressed the meeting of Huron 'County Trappers' Association April 2 in the department of agricul- ture board room. Mr. Yeates is the president of the Ontario Trappers'. Association who conduct the fur auction sale at North Bay. Mr, Curry, a fur spec- ialist, is on loan from the lands and forests depart- ment to the aUction. (Noto-gecord Photo) Legion,. Auxiliary At the April meeting of Hen - Legion Auxiliary on April 3, Mrs. William Srnele presided and Mrs. Gertrude McClintock was installed as a new member, by the zone commander Mrs. Mary McCann, Howicle She also spoke on Legion Auxiliary work. Mrs. Delay Bates and M. Janet, Hay, both of Zerich, were proposed as new, members. Two bowleg teams from the =cil- iary will be sent to Walkerton Iseerling tometament an April 25. The auxilary will cater to a Guide banquet on May 30. Mrs. Howard Smale won the mystery prize and Mrs. Jack Drysdale the mystery raffle. Mrs. Gordon Munn, past .prese dent, presented Mrs. McCann with a gift. Bingo was played and' .lunch served. (Intended for last week) Mrs. race Harpole returned home, en March 29 after sp- ending .the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peacock and family at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. William Row- cliffe and Mrs. A. Shirray were at Ridgetown Friday, March 30 attending the banquet given by the faculty of Western Ontario Agriculture School for the first year students and their parents. Members of Legion Auxiliary held a well attended social evening in the Legion Half on' March 30. Dancing was ens joyed and several spot dances were won. Winners of the door prizes were Mrs., James Jenk- ins, Hensall and Fred Simmons, Exeter. Delicious refreshments were served. Charles Mickle and Ian Mun- dell, Medway Hall,University of Western Ontario, London, visited April 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann. • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Donald, Toronto, visited in Hensall recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. Mrs. Edna Corbett was a recent house guest with Mrs. Pearl Shaddick. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. William Mickle, Hensall, and Mr, and Mrs. Les Parker, Exeter, were guests an April 1 with Dr. and Mrs, D. J, McKelvie, Robert and Ann of Essex. LAC Don Havens, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, has been promot- ed to Corporal. Zone 2 Yorkshire Sale Held In Walkerton W. Turnbull and Son receiv- ed $205 for a Yorkshire boar offered in the Zone 2 Yorkshire Swine sale held last Wednesday at the Chrismas Fair Building in 'Walkerton. It was the top priced boar of the 11 entered. Herbert Waechter, RR 2, Mild- may was the buyer. Top sow was consigned hy Stanley M. Lawless, Palmerston. and braught $180 from lviultay Cardiff, RR 1 Ethel Order Your . . SHUR GAIN Fertilizer Through CLINTON FEED MILL With the SHUfk,GAIN Fertilizer service plant Only a few Hitt away at Mitchell we can give yOU prompt delivery on your partidutar grade of fertilizer. CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street No -la CLINTON Phone MI 24815 Stories for Children Is . Search 'W,. Geee eseeited, Teepeee, is sea for •sbort stories, essays And poems written espe. eiod4Y APO children Q. to 3,g. 7easils act Qf speeial Interest Are betties :plioneer days -anti! lato- goopthies of indiv1tthalo who have mode a astitig CQX4":431k, trOgn to SIP girg4Wth gac-' • 11114P4t7, Afhtihors who ore iliftre004 hod write to W. 3.gage 1-41n• ited, 1•17tOting for 'Young Cana- da," 1500 Birelenetint Rood, $0..aborongh, Qnt. 1:Woltase price is V, per line Poetry eeeePriedo $1.5R fac anY shirt utory, WaY or one -set play Owen for pehlieation, • 0 Hensall Guides Go To Meet Lady Baden-Powell HENSALL — Brownies Better Cameron, Hensall and Jo -Mm Thiel, Zuelele and Guides Mary Bannister, Zurich and Sharron Skidmore, Hensall, at- tended a, rally for the Waled Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell in Toronto on Wednesday even- ing, April 4. Each Brownie Paok and Guide Company Was Mewed te send one girl. Congratulations to rthese gels on being chosen to r.epresent 'their companies'. and Peeks. , Mrs. Thomas Lavender was in Toronto on Wednestlay at- tending 'a rally of 4,000 Guides and Brownies in the Queen Elizabeth Building at Exhibi- tion Park, .att which Lady Bad, en -Powell was the speaker. Mrs. Lavender Who is com- missioner for Hensall - Zurich, district, entertained the merre bers of the Zurich Guide Com- pany and their mothers at 'her home in Hensall on Tuestlay evening, April 3. Plans ter sp- ring activities of the company were .discussed. DST To Begin Early In Keno!! HENSALls (Special) —Coun- cil decided Monday, April 2, that daylight saving time will begin for this community two hours sooner than surrounding town;s and end' two hours ear- lier. Daylight saving time returns to the majority of other cam- munitties at 2 a.m., Ape 28 rand 'end e inetbersearbe hburs of October 28. "Hensallites" must turn their clocks back one hour at 12 p.m. AprR 28 and return to standard time 12 p.m. October 27. Hensel' Council, appointed E. R. Davis weed inspector for 1962. In other business council de- cided to: make application to the unemployment insurance commission for a certificate of permanency; • advise Donnelly, Dannelly and Murphy that they have examined Miss Jennie Bu- chanan's property and no dam- age has been done; ,notify Brack Street ratepayens that Hemel District Co-operative cleaning plant has made provisionfor dust and sent a letter to Hon. C. S. MacNaughlton, MPP, re- questing assistance in having a Milker light installed at the in- tensections of Highways 8 and 84. Council also sent a letter of Make 4. Story Picture' Of That Easter Time finery. eater • • Regardless Of the wewther,. Easter offers scene of the best pletureetalerie oppcortmeties. of the year, 12 the day is slimy and warm, .yottell, want to take Yeer cam- era outdoors for photos off the family leaving for church, and of mother and daughter dressed in their beet. Then, too, you'll have a chance to take photos of spring landseapes and sortie of the first , flowers of the yeer. Whether you Shoot in color or black and white, remember that you'll get best remits with plain, uncluttered backgrounds teat don't clash with Easter fin- ery. Perhaps the best back- ground of all, on a clear day, is the blue sky itself. Direct surdight sometimes causes deep, harsh ' shadows, especially or faces, Try moving into a, shaded area. But if Easter .should prove dull and rainy, don't let that stop your picbureeaking, After all, Easter offers many indoor picture opportunities — for ex - .ample, • mother combing • the yougster's hair, the children dis- covering Easter baskets and eggs, and .grandpamntsvisiting the house. These are all chap- ters in your family's Easter etoree - For indoor shots, you'll want battled suntbine —flesh bulbs. With flash, indoor pictures are appreciation to the manager of the Bank of Montreal for a dinner and entertainment and approved renovations, to Clair Deneau's barber shop and Lloyd Venner's installation of a batthroe*m just about as easy as outdoor shots on a sunny afternoon. one sense they're even easier:— the light from the flash 'is al- ways the same, while the sun isn't, nearly so dependable. Watch your distance careful- ly. The distance from flash to subject determines the correct exposure. You can: learn the romper subject -flash distances by reading the instructions packed with your filen and bulbs. Experiment with different angles — above, below, and at the subjeet's eye level. But, in general, it's best to keep level with the subject and to keep close. Avoid windows, dews with glass panes, or tbe TV set —their reflections will distract from the picture. Remember to keep plenty of film and flashbulbs on hand all the time. The moments for good pictures are fleeting; the moment you miss may never be &Vacated. And be sure to take plenty of pictures. The more you take, the better your selection and the merecomplete your Easter Story be in pictures. , . • - • WATCH FOR LABELS ON SYRUP YOU BUY When buying maple syrup be sure the label on the bottle or can is marked "Maple Syrup", ad:vises the Food De- paserm,ent of Macdonald Instit- ute, Guelph. This distinguishes it from 'artificially flavored sy- rups sold in similar containers. FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Ce -operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. • Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 RADFORD'S GARAGE We specialize in a FIRST and. SECOND CLASS LINE of NEW FIRESTONE TRACTOR TIRES In 011 sizes Also some EXTRA GOOD USED TIRES at Special Prices. ' We carry a full line of NEW FIRESTONE CAR and TRUCK TIRES with some Uted Tiresat Special F'rices. , We specialize in 1 HYDRAULIC' HOSE and FITTINGS to satisfy ail your needs. ar We e now in a pbsition to supply you with any hete length. We carry a full line of lese tis le hoSe with ell fittings ,required, GORDON RADFORD'S GARAGE LONDESBORO OLIVER and MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE FARM EQUIPMENT - Clinton HU 24221 Myth 44 It It-tjt-b Thum, April 12, 1903,Plinton ,News,Rucorcf,,,Puou 1.5 SS 4Earm Forum Enjoys Social Evening,. Cards Tbe S$ Qoderioli -TeW4.14hip PAM retain held :the final nweting. for th1S,SOSOOTtel 100ea Og it the home of Mr, en.c1). Mrs, 1Whert E. Thereepeete on Tee*. .March The Ana.1 broadcast vev. Monday night, ar4 aMete Meet was givn tare each the pravincee aorosa. Qgnada.,„ Nabi geereeleee' tePerte4 hue. esthug ,and emeee,Saftd eetipgs With :geed topics fpr diseession. At vie meeting 94esitil;P, Aire. voas.gognpletea Atter which. Thompom showeel. views 'se hi trip 4o rencbgein Ow ,wast. as wl1 S other interePtikr40. eceitera, ' egressive ftve,haitclaitl "90". was lae4, Prizes were donat- ed bY the. lastoss, A 'bountiful lunch was Parted by the ladies, with opleo, anus iceecreant extra for lite last meating :of the season, A gkft was giverstu the aOgretaily. Ina Memel for .her reports dur- ing 'the season. OFA Postpones Conference On Meat Packing TORONTO — The proposed study conference on farmer - owned meat processing opera- tions in Ontario and Canada which was being Planned by the Ontario Federation of A,gricul- tire has been postponed. In making this announeement the executive the OFA said that 'seven:se key speakers who had been invited were unalble to attend on the suggested dart - es of April 17 and 18, The original intent of the conference was to present, as completely aspossible, an an- alysis ot the meat packing in- dustry as experienced by eo- operatively owned: enterprises in several Canadian provinces and the United States. Several organizations were invited to participate but some of the key people could not .attend be- cause of :polar committments. Since the OFA wishes to pre- sent a complete picture of the iedustry, the executive feels the conference must be post- poned. fertilizer Con Cost More 'wing ttte..0taapot er a:urpri.gtjgW. garya :Pra!fapw: W. T. A 02 wm. bb a a:01a 4apartitra:044 Qntavo A.gderulattrol ..C.911aga, It's true that low .Attaq* few- ttlizer wtl1. coot you lgaa. par We' But it Vie .elaile food yog want and, the :CleaPeart WAY * talt$ ir4in TAM higher Ian** fet,taizers.. 11,41V.; §nprppga bat la year YOU 0044 Juor two tom 4 2-140 for (4;55 per t.m) iaid dpiwo tion X 4,g490 would give you the 441T WIPP* pf plant food, but cost coy po, f you. bought 14w toohor apply* !pertinger you povoll $20, The .higher :analysis fertilieee 4-24-20, contains twice as mane pounces ,00t plant food as -2-1.2.40 Inwril,t the Men for Mgr. And 4-24,20 retearee only hof asmany bag% half the freight end half .the handling charges. There are one or two ex- ceptions to tb:is general: rule of sevieg with a high analysis fee. - bet anyone with a price list and a penati oanfigure out Which grade is the bettor buy," .saye Ewen. LET'S BE FRANK . LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT •PaCE, THE RIGHT PLACE TO ALWAYS SE SATISFIED IS HARRY WILLIAMS 11112-6633 RR+2CLINTON WRITE ROSE HEATING OILS - GASOLINE GREASES-MOT011.01LS— Combine your home-grown grains with NATIONAL* CHICK CONCENTRATE the fresh mix with the meat meal base! Recipe for any chick's favorite mene—yout own home-grown grata fresh -mixed With National Chick Mix Concentrate. It's rich in meat meal protein, so it forint; a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients you supply! Whether you have your own mit` is or we supply them, We can custom blend the Meat fresh -mix you can buy right here at themiLl ... using National Concentrate) of course. P.S. New feern National -20% Chick Starter CrUmbles, either plain Or tuediestedl *A PRobriaT op CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED OD 3. II. F. BROEZE VARNA H. F. WETTLAUFER CLINTON