HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-12, Page 11• Young Couple. Wed
married on Friday afternoork, April 6, in the Clin-
ton Christian Reformed Church, by the Rev. L.
Slofstra. The bride is Diane, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. K. Drost, RR 4, Goderich and her husband is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douwe Bruinsma, RR 1,
Bayfield, The young couple will live at RR 4,
Goderich. (R. J. Nephew Photo)
"Dinausaurs", Try Greek Pilaf
Greek Dish to "Gas"
Your »Cornpany With
I haven't had one complaint
of my recipes for some weeks
now . . . as a matter of fact I
h any compliments
Just in case you don't like
Chinese toad I have a real
swinging Greek dh for you
to "gas" your friends; with,.
"Gas" of course s not to be
confused giving gas to your
It's called "Pilaf" and the
"in" people call it piliafee
(rhymes with coffee).
I'll. give you one or two wards
of warning . . . cook this in a
dutch, oven, preferably cast iron,
or a large casserole. Andwhen
• you put the washed rice in, turn
dawn the heat, cover and snake
sure you dent bake the rice.
ingrecnenteL , •
2 tete ibsr. "ellitketespiteese;Weis
cooking oil •
1 chopped onion
1 chopped clove garlic
1 tsp. tomato juice
tomato juice or 'tomatoes
salt, pepper eat:este
1, 2 cups washed rice
parmesan. cheese.
Brown two to three 'Pounds
of small pieces of chicken.
cooking oil in a frying pan then
transfer to a casserole, or as I
did, cook the recipe in a dutch
oven. ,
Students Will
Use Holidays
To Search Jobs
While bleary-eyed univers-
ity etude/its cram: for spring
exams many will have more on
their minds than getting a pass
mark, writes' Beatrice Riddell in
The Financial Post They will
be worrying whether they'll
find summer jobs (e fthianial
necessity tor many) or whether
they'll get work in their special
fields (an academic requirement
for sane).
And while they are having
a final fling with the books,
high school youngsters will be
scurrying ,around during the
Easter holidays to pick up the
"job crumbs". High-sohoolers
are 'always at a disadvantage
because of shorter holidays, age,
feMrer skills.
This summer, about 105,894
undergraduate 'university title.
erns and 883,890 high-schoolers
(grades 943) will be greed"
temporarily from clastenoms,
This is 12.7% nore university
students. than last year, 13.5%
more high school youngsters.
Of course they won't all be
hooking for jabs. Met everi
Where it's not a eeceesity,
there's growing social pressure
on ell students to get a job in
.the summer. This year, im-
proving economic and general
employment conditions Mean
mere trunanee jobs than last
yenr in seine fields.
But there Worst be enough to
Match the expanded school and
University population.
Add to the browned chicken
ono finely chopped anion, "choP-
ped.cloere of garlic, ane teaspoon
teenoto paste and enough to-
mato juice or canned tomatoes
to cover the chicken pieces.
Cook slowly two hours on the
top cif the stove until the thick-
en is soft, . Add 'salt and pepper
to taste.
When the chicken is done acid
one to two cups of well washed
long grain rite, mix the rice in
the pot once, snaldpg sure there
is enough liquid to cover the
rice, place the lid on the casser-
ole or dutch avert, turn the heat
down to low and cook slowly for
one half hour.
After 20 minutes remove the
lid end test to make- sure the
rice is done. and it is not stick-
ing to the bottom of the dish.
,the is; add a bit more liquid
Stmiaet,e4stice, Water or chicken:
- Let the ..covered casserole or
dutch oven. sit for 10 to 20
minute's before serving.
Serve with parmesan. cheese.
25 Years Of TCA
An Airline
Owned By Public
MONTREAL — On Tuesday,
10, Trane -Canada Air Lines will
celebrate the 25th anniversary
of its founding by Act of Par-
Since that day a quarter of
century ago, the publicly -owned
airline has carried more than
28,000,000 passengers, •flown
one -and -a -half billion revenue
miles, equal to 3,200 trips to the
moon and baek, and carried al-
most 600,000,000 pounds of air
freight and express.
MA. inaugurated its first pas-
senger service on September, 1
1937, over a 122 -mile route be-
tween Vancouver and Seattle
with: revo 10 -passenger Lock-
heed 10As and a single-engine
Siteeeman .bi-plane, aase on
April, 1 1939, started scheduled
titans -continental passenger ser-
vice between Vancouver and
Now, a quarter -of -a -century
later, the Canadian carrier ser-
ves 40 ,cornrannities across Can.
ada tram Victoria, B.C., to St,
John's Nfld., six cities in elle
United States, seven h the Ilse
ited Kingdom and six islands
in the Caribbean and South
Atlantic region.
Thirsty nights and warm days:
Man sap-floes/leg weather in.
QUebee, Ontaree and New
Brunswick. Since a good tete
yields only Ore gallon Of tasty
syrup per seems, it is no won -
dee the supply is Merited, cant -
Sons the Food Department of
Macdonald Initittite, Guelph. To
preserve the last bit of flavor',
recErigernate the opened con-
Physicians end surgeoes covering at home, Office or lil
hospital bet' individuals at tcunilies, available in Clinton and
area. Past health no longer Meanolk are deprived of this
Vital protection. For further hafOrthatiOn and enrollment
fill ottt coupon ancl mail to:
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ADDRESSWtOUV00000 .••.% 000000 vvvvv AttrOlArti. vvvvvvvvv tttttttt YO ttttttt 001100.11,0
Wesley -Willis
flower Sunday
Set For June 17
Ign5, D9ne;144114VPW'S WA4
stss fi44 Ole SA1144.Y $0001
executive of Wesley -Willis STre.
Chtrech, meeting res Meech
26 with 13 Present, The Rev,
PA* effered the opening
SePerhitendent M, Bdear
thanked all who heVed make
the skating party just past, an
getstanding success,
Tire grellas, deeided toCenelsine
Slower Sundae turd the Sunday
Soheol anniversary services, on
June 17, with erimerY children
taking part i the zervice, end
the itutior their leading the
sdnging. A special 'appeal for
funds wjfl be made then, .
Two tentative dates are for
Rally Sunday on September 16
ane Prometion Sunday op. Sep-
tember. 30. Next Sunday the
ftim "Reason for Being" will
be hown during the Sunday
School aestion.
Mr. Park recommended some
books of the new turriculem for
study. In future meetings 'will
be the last Monday of eath
Guides Attend
Briefing Session
At Chatham.
Guide Heather Winter attend-
ed a briefing session in Chat-
ham March 31 on the World
Camp at Button Bay, Vermount
this summer. The -camp will
consist of a "city" of 10,000
guides, living under canvas.
They will be coming from all
over the world, and will camp
for two weeks.
The four main rules to be
followed are: (1) don't be shy,
be the first to •say "Hello";
(2) dont 'be critical; (3) be
open-minded; and above all—
(4) be prepared.
On Wednesday, April 3,
Guide Karen Schefter is going
to Toronto to see Lady Baden-
Powell who is touring Canada.
The Girl Guides are collect-
ing bottle tops. If anyone wish-
es to donate them to the Girl
Guides, please phone one of the
leaders, Mrs. Irwin (Captain)
HU 2-7503; Mrs. May, HU 2-
9306 or Mrs. Kain, HU 2-9202.
In May the Guides are plan-
ning a trip to the Detroit zoo.
„ Clinton Chrietian ReszunieA
Church was the scene on Fre-
day afternoon', April 6, of the
wedding of Diane Drost and
Cecil Bruinsma. The bride's
parents are Mr. and Mrs: K.
Drost, RR 4, Goderich and the
groom is the son of Mreand
Mfrs. D. Bruinsma, , RR 1, Bay-
The Rev. L. Slofstra, Clinten,
officiated. '
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride 'was lovely hi
floor length gown white bro-
cade, featuring printes's
and scalloped neckline. Her
headpiece of seed pearls held a
shedder length veil of nylon
net. She carried a bouquet of
white 'ratans and red roses. •
Miss June Drost, London, was
bridlesmaid in, a street length
gown of French blue brocade,
featuring princess lineand a
bateau neckline. She carried
white 'mums.
Miss Coby Drost was flower
girl and Thys Bruinsma, RR
1, Balefield, was groosmare Ja-
cob Roordia wes organise Ush-
ers were Fred and Charley Br -
Guest from Burlington, Luck -
now, Owen Sound, Moorefield
and Tilleanburg attended the
wedding and the reeeption
which. followed 1 the church
Food experts from Macdonald
Institute, • Guelph, recommend
the following method for mak-
ing hard cooked eggs for East-
er—or for any time. To help
prevent toughening a the whit-
es cover the eggs with cold
water and bring to the boiling
point. Remove from the heat.
Cover pan and let stand for 25
minutes. Cool immediately lit
cold water—to prevent dark,
ening of the yolk:
Farmer's Dell
Drive -In
Opening Saturday,
April 14
Featuring •
Kentucky Fried Chitken
Spanish Burgers
Hot Dogs
French Fries
Soft Ice-cream
Undoes and Drink*
council in moon
Agnew Chairs Council
essiomnc. ay Li..
Ma zt Agnew elkeitre4
the gottneil meeting Monday foe
Mayor W. J. :Miller Who was
alsseirt dile to Owes. Te ah -
Race he MaYar might Per
COW* ter 1111.0tii iseieg
rather quiet and the season
the reparation for loeal pastel
delivery not rad along with
the Preleseed reereation heLlaw.
Culleli Shelved a reqesert
from Clinton COMMenitY Core
cert Band for $1,000 to pay for
needed equieraent and suppliee.
The hears required and a store
about the band sappeats else
where in thisissire. Robert 1-I1e
ard and Fronk Van Altana re'
presented the had at the own -
ea meeting, "I deret think that
we're in a position to reach a
decision an this taaight," de-
elared acting -mayor Morgan
Agnew. "The finance commit:,
tee should go into this," he
staid. "As fax ae the band is
concerned • I Imow your pro-
blems " Agnew said. "I have
the in;terest of those other than
bandsmen. It may be money
well vent but we have to keep
within our budget. I wouldn't
want to de eoMetlling that
they'd hold 'agin' me," Agnew
Acting-snayer Morgan Agnew
must have been worrying about
the health of town foreman
Jimmy Edwards at Monday's
council when he delayed instal-
ling drainage tile andia. catch
basin in a "bog hole" near St.
Joseph's Separate School. "It's
a bit wet yet,' he intoned, "and
colds are going around"
Council discussed cutting
down dead trees on Clinton
streets at their monthly meet-
ing Monday. "It's a wilful
waste to get equipment else-
where when the Public Utilities
Commission has offered to help
cut clown tike trees for us," said
Reeve Morgan' Agnew. "Well
•have to wait for them a while,"
'answered Agnew when a 'coun-
cillor 'aeked how soon they could
cut the dead trees down, "One
particular individual in town
has been trying for three years
to get a dead tree chopped
dawn," he said.
Councillor Don Symons was
seeemintect. elf& Public werks
committee to replace the late
Mel Crich.
Councillor George Wonch
asked that the comer of Park
Lane, and. 1V1apie Street be filled
in and roundedont so two cars
carr turn the corner. He also
asked something be done about
e manhole on Mill Street being
two feet below the surface of
the road. Councillor Rumble
answered, "It was looked into
lest year and nothing dime It'
has been put off. There was
some talk of paving the street"
Acting -mayor Morgan Agnew
closed the discussion with,
"eventually we'll get around to
In compliance with a request
from three residents of the
north end of William Street
for a street light and com-
plaints of dumping neer the
slaughter house, and ducks and
geese at large, council decided
to pass the request for the light
to the protection of persons and
property committee and :celes-
ta the health unit the other
problems. The three men, T.
M. Faltener, L. Gautreati and
Q. Reichert said in their
letter that the ducks and geese
are VP/tering abelst endaeger,
'Mg the future of gardens 4nri
oalksing °dere.
.r.o11441 WO a letter from
1-on4on, film offering their ser
4c to eateh slogs at large
and entagged. Cenneillor Lire
ennore said. he read of the
same offer made to Listowel
and the council there theugh,t
it was too expensive, "1 don't
-think this town esn afford
LiverMare said,
Clinton town council Monday
rathorized .a building permit
for a $1,000 workshop building
for A. Levett af 139 Erie Street.
Int his report of the industrial
committee, Councillor George
Wonch asked council to consid-
er having a town brochuse
brought up to date so it might
be presented to an oilcompan-
ies meeting in London. 'One of
those firms might be interested
in locating ii Clinton," he said,
Wonch also, asked council to
centskler rejoining Mid-Westeen
Develeprnent. "They're still ire
tere.sted in us," he reported.
Couniljor Wonch asked far an
appointment to his committee
to all the vacancy left by
Reeve Mel Crieh end requested
clerk Jelin Livermore contaot
the Ontario planning board for
a date when they can come to
Reeve Morgan Agnew advis-
ed ,Councillbr George Wench at
Monday's cern meeting that
he had sent someone to check
into the direction 'signs reqeest-
ed by Clinton Public Hospital.
"Why should the captain go
around when the sergeant will
db?" asked Agnew. "I dant
think they know what they
want," he added.
Farewell Party
For G. Wallis
At Koene Home
A farewell party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jan
Koene on Wed:hes:lay, April 4,
for Gerry Wallis, who left yes-
terday fear Toronto andi Regina,
Sask., Where he will 'enter train -
• With the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. Gerry is the
20 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred 'Wallis.
Following an evening of
euchre, a presentation address
was read by Bill McIlwain and
MA-. Koene made the presenta-
tion of a black .snorkle pen and
a leather wallet. Gerry thank-
ed the hostesses, Mrs. Bill Mc-
Ilwain, Mrs,. Robert McLlwain
and Mrs. Keene, and the neigh-
bours for the enjoyable party.
Make it a habit to keep your
feet on the ground and you'll
never have tar to fall.
Ne* Cleric installed
At •Seafortii, .C.hurch.
14.1.pApsrPr t. J. 1,an,sge,'
retery• Pree,-
leytery, assisted with the Per,
Niee-n Seeferth lehen the 13w,
17>onoles. P, Fry, a, native 02
WiAgthAM.1 WIPA ..kncleeted az Mite
IOW of First Prezinytertan
InkrOlk, .$enforth,
Pr, :Lane :assisted Ole Rev-
Frecl gronkey, Kinee0ine,
erator of preanytery,
The Bible Today'
The Palm Sunday story re,
Wed in .the Bible in Matthew
'21: to 10; ma* 11: 1 to 11
and lake 20; 28 te 'with its
heavenly message, '931essed
he that =meth in the name of
the Loed, Hee:alma in; the High-
est", is :me of the best kneviSi
ad most loved in all of Scrip-
ture, In many countries of the
wp4re-enaetenents of Qraist's
triumphal nide into JeweseSern
are conclueted with the solemn
ceremony of the disteSbution of
Pains branches.
Interesting report a are re-
peived from time to time teling
how people 'who read the GOS-
pe$: for the tirst time in: ;their'
own tongue can quickly under -
Steed the 'significance of this
story, This is evidepee of how
the Bible sPealts to the UntOW-
ed rnincts of simple people and
reveoes to them a message fir=
God, through the words of the
Scriptures. '
Dr. A. E. Inlbanathen, &Aerial
secretary of the Bible Soeiety
of India and Ceylon reinforced
this point when he said recentlty
"In a world' of racial and inter-
national tensions and. threats
of nuclear warfare, it is need-
ful to let the Word speak, and
speak for itself to man in his
puzzlement and confusion, of
forgiveness, conununity, and
Suggested Bible Readings
Sunday John 12: 1-19
Monday ttt tt ,, John 12: 2050
Tuesday John 13: 1-38
Wednesday John 14: 1-31
Thursday ..,„ John 16: 1-33
Friday John 18: 1-40
Sohmtlay John 19: 1-42
Thum,. Apo, 12„.1964,cilnton. News,Recor444.090.11
Wally ,Koster
Looking more like a rugge41 athlete than an
entertainer, vocalist Wally Koster has in tact de-
voted much of his life to sports. He has been a
semi-professional football player, a -hockey player
and has also become a golf addict. Wally returns
to CBC radio this summer with a 15 -minute show
' of his own, each Monday on the Trans -Canada
network. (C13C Photo)
between the covers
of one of our
Wedding Albums
Hadden Studio
118 St. David St. JA 4-8787
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