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Clinton News-Record, 1962-04-12, Page 7
atrr# b mowsY*na x T I�..!t,°TMar Mt A dp. iF�A M4aLL'fitC1T'. t u 1"n andv'-is I� t e�lxe�xe �llnton HU x-$2211 WeWingDay Mtrs Altoe E�'g•, Pilon .tti, Mt. • The -e �'t Wa*AS. ES RAD . O —Corr s . n nt, h e -T _ M � Mme, 1s wi lt' ?tea,- tared •b tih�_ "U�ltc�d C�rah, MM Y1(.,., �...... N. Crl� � P4. dP..... P...p�.. sib 595 ,Y W44 the S;Qppe A 11 "!An'd c an Col rt), do sec 'F, nm- last Frpday Ownudg when Mr, and Mrs' r%,ed M niymo t Mer M t Mr. and Mir.. I cite As�thur The annual Asanoaroke -supperhonor at the harp" of her gr° Mr. and 1Vtns, Th'oma? Ha l t , c ' and' Mr ?ld M;ls, Elgtir}: MC_ a enb e,e �ihi'rbY mexx>bpm of 'f)he X5-1 attended 'a .camwenVtiom at jrt, held u1 the Sunday School r=4 Andrsot-, Harold Kir'kconnela,. .. celebrated their° 2 bh weed` , I ir>r]e�• a tei?Ided j)he Pepped sea}grea+s covet in Varna Ch ?�ph opener least WOW? of Knox United. Qknuiloh last. Mm. �'rkcorinell :end lsoaus aTnnrve4San'y. The table ^was cea}� Doig YYocld.... n?i V.inI -t ;Un'it t�asear>eput on �Ptal �, Irindla. Hi11 Lloyd Rajthdb and e ' Geh k Was a huge sticceSs Wi . Wee. g Ad ogre Ro ad d rich n...Ld, (`�o e . t9 tree ivitikm a ,Yiylro-ttec aaxnie'* topeCl. ec1 Clvurpl}pn `S:&t2irf�i. Last a4Y anre .t .: 's x. amc31 is - . the laeasl z'e<" _ . eppr a Lo rear " ited vela, n v .. m resent from .Gokl'ericr anY p r obs .•ve ,her birtand' t as et ay. I . Wi :tar caroted: ,c$,ke y j10w gets Mrs., Fragic Hill agave the story, • trveS in 'fine village last week, Wirlgilam, Belgrav>', Y-ortde Quo. ear, 'gi It gnand'son onald's w+iltlh a small �bou9uet s>f hely q¢-, The 41pr}t meeting of the Warship service was conduct-, Mr. and Mrs'. Fordyce .Claret Clirl`ton And B!lytlh. birth'da'y, •this. Week boo Other bhe-va> ey• Du?+leg #t?e d�?n�e�', tT�yited Gflurah baleen, Varna, ed by 1VZrs, Ralph Stphensan,' Mi -Lark and Miss Carolyn, ' C were s canes Rice an r. d' . J an ce 'd M _ . �' guests ere • 'i s are 'ts g n Mx'. W h F r e ere t>s f pre if o silo r w ileo g s� . vv as held a the a of t h�}1 Mus Pe Mc ea f o John Ash x d 1 ggY .... r_ m Tgraruta visvtors over the week, Forney From near Toronto 'have and Mrs AridrpW Kirkoppneia .bhe bride A"Cj proam by their Mervyn Hraytet; Thursd''W, 4.'21t The offering was receiv- end, recently. moved into their ta�Xrr an4 Dmane end Mfrs. Herbert faarrrlY, April',*, Group 3 Wdaslin obA. a •ed 'ani ddedicated,. Mrs. William Stewart return- home wlhich they purchar4d Goviel,. Mr. and Mt&, Haggitt were of devoti'oM, Mr'S, Charles. Real Work ,and worship twins for ed. to, her }game after being 'fx Mel Steep. This farm• is Miss Man+ ie Wright, AN, and g 8'. + married' at St. Marrk's reet'ory lace then devotional rice. Mrs; ',t tat month are L T ., �4' her sister M write Mrs, Martini known to ma as the Da 'd aaWiu many ny ... - , vi ... r , • friend e¢ud iVLitss Mary Stewart, RN, � , b Rev. A. A. 1vla�ornrey BUJ^ftr Y Ansae Coleman read 1 m fm¢n jor a 'David� . >or and Mustard 'sY'?th "oxtt Albert ;far .a %w weeks, Harry$tae- toren, both of Brarebfard Genesial Hos, and Mr, save. 1VIrtS• Frn Pat- Cbttwrttniams 15: 1-11. Linda Hill in char of •recreta- Mr, and Mrs. Kati Toic'hert, Mtrs. fid, Daytes,, Mrs. Gorxon petal, visited .thiis Week, With torsos were take -Attendant% 25 Mrs. George ,Simntnrnl,& .#lave bion. Karl•, Petra, Peter and Terry R, TaVjpr and. Mrs, Arthur Mr," and M Robert Aatthur', years ago. ter a very in ,,estix�g ba11c on the On !a. ; <?d:on, . Sharon Dow - parents, Mr. aril Mrs. Waltea+ Clark. last Friday eventing Vit^ Jayne 'annd Jolur Wright, Mt: Mr, I 'aggitt is the son. of tthtree. years she aced .her .hut- tan, seoonded by Joan Rpthwell W+exmaaxrr at Seaforth, tended' the Grand Or,ganiist and Mrs. Geaxtge Wright, Math- late Mr, and Mrs. Edward Haig- 4=4 spent, cep the Indian re- the group will Send $5 to the Mx, and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- Night, PES of 1VLacDanaLd ryrR -aid R1.chelle, 'Exeaber wvere, gjtt, Slydh and' Mrs, Ifegg;ft i5 serve o9Km Geox'girna Island ( "Bu w Bundle", Mary' S'teph> lips attended the bin"t `y panty Chapter, Tiljrsonburg, of. which also guests ore Sunday. the former Max'an' Seaclte, Lanae Simcoe). lye's. Simmons ensari conductedsonite ruddllc�, of Master Johnny Fisher at Mrs,. •Davies :s Fast Worthy A smorgasbord' pat -luck sup- daughter of Mrs. George Beadle taught 1n dire .day school, and. ---- . Berimiller lust" week•. Mr. -and Mrs. Norman Streprh- ration, Mr. and Mils. Charles Soule, per yrLll be served' on Fridra¢� evening,' Apoil 13� at 7 ppm. gni and fine laitg Mr. Beadle', Fallorywirt�g theirrrnamiage'they her husband ,rice' the pastoral work, •; REKSA,11, ensoun, Rie�ky, Connie and. Tent'yy ]4fadiisoix Haigrhts onsite, on Sun- flee Cor -unity Memorial Hail resided alt Blyth until they Pur- There' were 34 .lee present. Goderich, visited' on' Sunday daps with her avieces, Miss. Rosde wheam a famtyiIY night will .be chase, her fajtaher's targe on' bhe Bx'esid"exvt,Nfr4 Gordon Dill con- (M` '. MAUDI� HEDDEN with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Marle Hagigit't, Mrs. Gordan hold, r the Aufburn Womexu'is by Base Linde 19 years ago. Last ducted' bhe 'kousiriess, It Was Gorre donden�) Johnston. Powell, Mr, Powell, Wayne, Ixgsttitute, The program will ,be year they sold the farm and. depided to purcfioes : a baptismal Mr and Mit;; Arohie Noakes Word was received here that Bobby and, Terry, in the charge of Mrs; Robert g •. moved to the vriillag'e where Mr. -bowl for the. church. d' Sunday a Win, Hiram Lindsay is a patient Mrs. Thomas h Haggartt, Mrs. J, Phillips a'i'+rd Mrs.. Gordon R. Hagg?tt is employed wirbin the The ladies were reminded � of ten's v Sant tea''�s vacation at Santa Chloro, In. a Guelph hospital. His Clifford Brrown, Miss Shirley Taylor. Games of euchre wilfi county roads• Both are mem- the 'bale of used clathirng to be • Cat., Awizorua 'and Chatham. firiend's wish mire a speedy cre- and, Nancy Brown ,axed Mr. and be convened by 11! M. Ed,. Davies bets sof St. Mark's Anglican packed in the new future. Mrs. Miss Sharon Riley, London, covert', Mrs. Beverley French and Jima- and Mrs, Thomas Hra�ggitt; cro- Church sand the COF ' Mme. Charles Reid: closed with pray- Was ,a weekend guest with- Mr. Mats. Margaret Arthur is my, Detroit visited on Sunday kinole, Mrs. Wes Bradno'ck; H,aggibt � the secretary of the er., Then folldawed a social hour and Mm. ,Laird Mickley Bob and visiting with her daughter, Mrs. with,the lracles' mother; Mtis, binhgm for,children, Mrs. Thom- Auburn Warrens, Institute. wk1i .Group 2 in charge of Anon. • Gordon Wall, Mr.. Wall and George Beadle at Huroriview. as Lawlor ceded Mrs. Donald, They have 'a family of three lunch. ' Mr. and Aft. Laird Mickle fapYui,ly at Langsud'e. Mrs. Siam Daer was guest of Rabies., stoats, George, Kenneth' and Ste- Holy Week Atrtendedi the "At Home'' dance Mr: and, Mrs. Robert J. van and two grandsons,, JohnrW Srpectial services will be held at South Huron District High and 'family, I't(dhrton spent -the weekend, with has parents, MT. • Evangelical Cemetery To Close and, Parol Haggitt. Mr. iIaggitt htas one -brother, Jae, Leamington and Mrs: Haig- in the Varna and Goshen Unit- ed Cihurches neat week' with the the Pev, T. J. Pint School last Firiday evening. Mr. Michelle is a member of `the high board,. ante Mrs. William J. Craig, pastor, school J. J. Robertson is: a padtlent in Victoria HoGpital, London., After One More Interment gibe :hats' five bWerrs, 11 ir%. Ern- est (Joan) Patteron, Goderidh; in charge of sial services. The services witl be held in Goshen, Mr. and Mrs. George Hess attended' tele •funeral of thelate where he is •recovering from Mrs:, Beverly (Ann) French, Church on Tueslay and Thursr Mrs. Albef£ _Routly, Watford, surgery. AUBURN—Later this, month years also •used this cemetery Detroit; Mrs. Clifford (Reta),. day evelrings and in Varma on on Monday, April 9 from the r Mr, and MrS�. Roy Farrow country eexrietexy another little ec> � • for burials Among names of Mrs. ILar Brawn, Auburn; M ry ' edncs ,_ W da rcrrd Friday ever- a y �' e , Harper tune al haat Watford an P r, . , and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young, will be olosed for burials'. The early pioneers a 'ppeaxxng an (May') Rinderknecht, Detroit in 's. with interment in , Watford Mitchell visited last Saturday evangelical cemetery situated the headstones are Daer, and Mrs. Due -can (Alla) McIn- Concert Fvening cemetery, Mrs.. Hess was soloist with Mr. and Mrs; Thomas on. C7on©ession 14, Hullertt Youngblut, Plaetzer, Rueger, tyre, Detroit. A very enjoyable concert was at the funeral. Johnston. Township, midway between Ingold, Miller, Lau'tensphl'ager, a spent -in the township hall on Mos, Gus Voth and Jim, De - Mrs. George Hamvilton. visited last week with ;her sitter -in- Auburn and Blyth will have no more interments after the Sphul, Walper, Classer, Beker, Lohr and Cladsius. . • c Y n Six Men oin Monday evening of this week when the Seaforth Junior Far- •trolt, 'were -weekend, visitors with Mrs. Lou S' Jim is niipson, J law, Mrs. J..J. Rolbertsoan, RR -bad' of the lame MrS. Feber in presented `their pliay to a attendlrng.,mili'ta'ry sola ort at 5, Gcaderd. Mrs. barter Saar fond-, Dungannon is staying, this Y Wial+per is removed from. the For 'a number of years the membership of this congrega- COF Court b large audience, also musical r �s and readings by lo(K al Louisville, Kentucky, and is home for his Easter vacati on. Blyth xr,&Mcl�eum to the farms �' erred' about 75 but BRUCEF�ELD week with Mas, Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor o plat there. - , 1n 1870, John Plaetzer ,do- after .1900 aafiter 1900 the membership be- gar .to decline.. By 1910 the AUBURN — Six members of Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Hoy y attended Funeral s'ermices from Lodge elate, Grs. ani, son and Miss May Fergus- named about an ,aerie of land, +at membership was so small that Court -der f 46, the .Funeral - an, Wingham, were regent vis- the front of his farmx -to, be they decided to close the a were elan Order of Forresters were Fh+idlay, fon .the late Mrs. Vic- Vi itors with Mrs. Maude Frem-- lin. ty. used as church proper The• church and }have the 'buildinrgs ixni�tiadted. -at Belgmve ilatst week along with -ten other members rorrewandent' tMrs. H. F. Berry, Y. tor .Eloy of Ashfield Township, who passed away at Alexandra Donald Haines and Kenriebli Scott 'attendW1 the c+hitrah building and horse sldedls were built an the part removed. The late George Gross, in of -the Belgrarve court. The in- ration from the Mr: and Mrs. George Hein- Marine and General Hospital, Ga ;;x h, on Wednesday, April assessors. convention' in, Wingham. last next' to the road, and the bol- once of the land (over half can 1894, purchased the Sax¢xx on team was Constance court writh James detwo- returned home S'un'day halving spent the winner months 4. Mrs. Hoy was in her 59th ' week. a,cie) was enclosed by •a goad which this cemetery is located frorcn the Late John, ,Plaetzer. Neilancs as leader. in Florida. ye-. C,entral+ia Community ' MTs, Charlesi S'traug^han spent MTs- last 'weekend in Goderich alt fence bo be used as: a cemete¢y. Sane years lamer, his song Wil- The memlbers fram here are; Charles crud Rdbex't Maclean, Unit •three of the United ,RCAF Centre' is featuring an cart eat- ' guesrt af. M'iss Ethel Washing'- This evangelical coangrega- tion had -its beginning about Baan Gra is became the 'FruP- Gar'doia. and Ronald' Gnosis, Gar- Churcch Women held fleet- April meeting oat the home of hibidtion rby Mrs. Edith Ashton's tam and Mr. and Mrs. Amos 1868 when a few of thy early riettor -and since 1.941 he and don Powell and Thomas Hag- Mrs. J. W. Mc$eath. studexnts .from Exeter, Centralia Andrew. settlers gathered for worship his tan have cared for the gmtt. These new metrnbers Ibniang Mrs. Edith Barnes, Galt, is and Hensall Ceramics ire wrl l also Mrs. Clara Hanoi 'hast re- 'e'3' in -the talon `home of Jahm cemetery- the Auburn count u to nearly 1? visiting with eel' brother-ri:n-law be shown, This exhibition is . hostess turned' to her potsition• oafter Plaetzer. Later in 1870, -the. 50 Tmmember's and. ulster, Mr. and- Mxtq. W. V. �n to the Pub" on Sufidday, at :the Cadledrom Trout. -Club., aeiek'a vast E" wsitii Yxr . e . " ' anfi?pn4Yi as;'- Rev Corer d PPeffpx wrtie was Personal income tax was fir's t Tevied'ixi `Canada m 'i:9'i7•"as'•ii<' mesnbert& -,from here attended- . Be],..D�izn: av'e meet' �' ing'• - • 'M'iss Mary Allan nu'rs'e tai Ap-PIL 15- between .bhe hours, of ]. pm. arid 4 p.m'. Ciscar Amerut .and Mrs, Arent. '$honinas Jahn% the fattier Of John Pfefifer who special war tax; it was not until that the name the tax Robert Daer, Gordon Daer training, Kitchener, spea-t bhe' Mr. and Mrs liver,' on the farm where Rioy was he was changed from the Income and Gordon Powrel! attendee, the weekend with hese arenbs Mr. p stern and M>� Laura Phillip Ealsom now resides. 'Me "first War Tax Act to the Income tax Forrester's dhstrict council lalst and Mrs. Edgar Allan. attended the B/A convention• offieef's of -the Church were, Act. Thursday evening at Behmiller: Mr. -arid Mrs. Thornton •1Vlus held .at London; last weekend. August Walper (grandfather of tard uisitad with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and: Robert Ar- Mrs. John Daer), J'orhn E7ggerrt • Alex Mustard over the week- attended the same �n- Jahn Plaetzer. Two Couples Celebrate Siker vermian. Qent A rnumtlber of people living 'Mir sand Mrs. Lawrence Several ladies from here art- in this community during, those ' ' Smiley, Erin, spent SSunndla'y tenkle'd' the caokinxg school held Wedding, Days At Davies Nome with Mr. and Mrss. Gordon Ill - at Blyth when Mrs. S. of CKCO TV conducted the scIlaaal sdpaxi� Aluminum Trays AUBURN -- Over 30 neigh- of Mrs. Johnston, no celebra- liatt. Thomas Richardson is !in - stored by the Blyth Women's ours from the west end of the tion Wa,S held. They were also proving -slowly in Victoria Instu.�tuhe, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor won a prize. � Made By Ladies village gathered recently to celebrate two silver wedding pro;ented with, a silver purse. of silver. Both couples thank- eel their neighbours, .far the Hospital, London, i fon acci in - juries received! ixr' afn accident whilie cutting trees-, tern clays Of Auburn WIh ixniversaries at the home of 'Mr. gifts. , ago, Pins Are C61T• rand Mrs. Edd, Davies. Mrs. Gaines of ,bingo were •Played Mrs. William Stauffer, Mrs. AUBURN—Sixteen ladies- Davies was the -mistress of with Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys in H Berry visited on. the week - • of this community enjoyed a -two ceremonWj for the short pro- charge and several contetsts were .by Mrs. Davies. end with Mr, and Mia. A. D: Smith, Blruevale. Mr. Mrs. day course making aluminum gram which was •begun with a .given A dainty lunch- in keeping. with and, James E. Smith, Wingham also Auburn Member frays sponsored by 'the Auburn sing -song feed! by Mrs. Gordon the silver anniversaries: was called on Mrs, Berry's niece, 4Vamean's, Ixistititte, Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mrs. Robert J. Perp. lips lips accompanied on the harp. served •by Mrs. Gordon R. Tay- Mrst Reals Mines= in Wing - J. Phillips and Mrs. Norman lor, Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Miss ham hospital. Mrs; Jamieson AUBURN—Judy Arthur pre- McDowell were the committee. A reading wad given by Mrs'. g Laura Phillips, Mats. Davies was -hurt in an accideant at sidled for the recent CGIT mett- in charge of the arrangements el Andrew l:Kirkcaniaell :arced ra 'sralo and Mrs. W $radn�ack. Kitchener. Ing in the Sunday School room and ,rhe instructors were Mrs: volas slung by Mrs, Taylor. A of Kaiox Presbyterian Church Wilmer Hardy and Mrs. T. reading was given by Mrs. Har - when all received C CIT :pins, Ltmivb from the Tiger Dunlop ry Arthur. William Straughran Mar ar•et Sanderson was pion- g branch.' Ladies, making lovely gave •a short address to Mr. ist, St. Luke 22: 1-22 trays were Mrs. Bert Marsh, Mrs. Robert Arthur, Mrs. and Mrs. Thoan:afs Ha itt con - gg g E S U` C C E S S F U L. t was, read gratwlating them :oar their 25bIt � alternately with Patsy Reed the Thomas •aHggi�tt, Mrs. Ed. Dav- wedding anniversary and pme leader. The meditation on rens, Mrs. William- Strarughan, sem;tead them with a silver purse ' events leading up fip Easter. Mrs: Charles Scott, Mrs. Gor- , of �.• F,.. � y <::.:;r ;�;' •£ . • . � 4«t<:, >•.:T was given by Mrs. W. Brad- don Dobie, Mrs. Thomas. Latin- .silver. W r:,.:,« ,,�t., m'aok: Minutes were reach by lar, Mrs. GordonChoate Mrs. , - ey, Mrs. W s Bn ck spoke a Wes adna �•>.;�:,:>:::::.: F'>:.,,• z the secretary, Gaul Miller. 'Phe William T. Robison, Mrs-. Oliver low wordts .to Mr. and Mrs. offering was received by Mary Anderson, Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Thomas Johnston who had ob- Sanderson ,arid dedicated. Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs:. Norman ser -tied their 25th wedding an- Roll call w'aa answer by McDowell, Mrik.. Robert J. Phil- nit ersa a fetid months ago " fy � � � *w ;� •,. � �" y: quoting a commandment. Plan's lavas and Mrs. W. $radaaook, but owing to `the ill health i�:, F: tn::• nr':...0 ? 5, lN` '•c/Iii.::;; Y:t.: '' �t<v.w,, were --rade to melte plaques, and p� ,ail ' ' the designs, uveae; paccked: A '+py:.i. h'F >•• :>:::...: .::,.•6:+.4''V' ...... f'" �"' ., r,:fi3''• ;:'hf.:`Nfv" 3l % `:•.''f }i••:;'K'ti:i:.. .•u'::. n •.;%s. story of a CGIT girl .at camp • I i.'.n:.w.:.�.','•,%i`::o•c4kiwpnb�aal,•.;:i�4k.`"r�,•d.,k':n::. was read. This Spring Sow �� ow.. a W g.ar...tow CONTRACT BARLEY ALUMINUM WINDOW ALUMINUM BOORS ALUMINUM AWNING$ Barley price the past year has dvieraged $144 per bushel. The Dominion Bureau 6f Statistics states that this year's Western barley acreage is down 29'°�a from the five year average. It is ane of he easiest expected to rel'rtairi firm: Earle eices are t cat crops to handle with Seed and Fertill2er Supplied, Delivery is takern directly from the field. Free storage supplied.. See us for your SEW GRAIN regUMrements -cook Bros. Ill fin o C td. h 6hel , 2.4 or, 240 Herlitspll' Have you always wanted` a successful retail business of your own? Then look at what Western has to offer you. Your store becomes, part of an organization of more -titan 100 stores located in Ontario, Cluebet and the Maritimes. You're in business for yourself -- tight owayr and you dr6 backed by the extensive experience of Mort Who are specialists in every phase of retailing: Previous retail experience, is not Necessary as you lir§ fully supported by toll -notch merchandising help; dynamic advertising, e�cient warehousing, valuable atcounting services Vven• personalized assistance of a trained fleld staff: You profit with a tohipleto line of Nationally -advertised brands for cdr, home and family, including' auton;ofiva, parts, tires, batteries, atcesSOeies, hoUseW'ares, sporting goods, toyer lawn and garden, tools,' hardware and paint. Here's the opportunity youyvb keen waiting fort A chance to put your abilifies to Work earning more, Mbney for you. Ali if takes is ambittoh for success, confidence in your desire to "be your own 'boss'" and a genuine liking for dealing with peoples Por further information write, phone at`' Wire NoWI KARL. M. WOOK Manager, pranchtse Devefbpmeht WEVERN T1itl & AUT; WOOLY COMPANY` 291 bundds St„ London, One., GE 2.4191 No obligation, dtienquiries will be helot th LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. 8srt Allan Phone Blyth 37 r 5) Mr . andel• Mrs. Amos Ball and Mr. maid Mrs. Charles Adams -and Larry, Gode+rich, spent Sat- urday day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Srhobbrook and Wes- ley Vodden. Mr. Vodden cele- brated his birthday. The Londels7bono 4-H Home- makers club met at the h'o'me of -Mrs. M. Little on Saturday, April 7. After the 4-H pledge, roll call was e nswered by "Something I -have learned' ab- out -making a garment". The girls attached waistbands and hemmed the skirts. The gar- ments, are to be completed, and the record ,books: up to date before the next meeting,. , 'i'hu A '1 12 1962„–CI' N rs., pin Iv!tonl ..:..MY RMFtcord'�9, -.. ..� fir G C) D ,,I� Ift��mlay. Aprit,21 Dick McFarland presents f he "BROWN IMDRIAIS" DonSing #o tho Sound .ort' the :Sixties for tho 7een,20 t row 9 P.M TO'. MiRNfGHT , YU por person We cater to Weddings; Lunohgons; llanqups, etc,. 15-6b HEATING FIN! PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 84 WELLINGTON .STREET-- CLINTON Are now equipped to do allourCA PLUMBING - HEATING and ELECTRICAL _ . WIRING RE4UIREMENTS A REELEMU Oil & Gas Fired Furnaces Esso OIL HEATING I PM tGIJlQ .Pumping Systems cod - Water Softeners ~ •Phone HU 2p168 For FREE Estimates & Services SAVE ON SEEP buy from your local J -M dealer - Choose Jones, MacNaughton Seedsfor: QUALITY -' finest seeds always, from an experienced seed house ECONOMY -- resonable prices for expeetly processed seed SERVICE --- convenient "close -to -home" service from this local firm.` Ask your Dealer for JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Or call, us direct: Exeter Phone 664 Crediton Phone 234-6363' London Phone GE 2-2258 9-11-13-15 H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL IS CLINTON AREA DEALER FOR JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Dial HU 2-9792 — Mary St. — Clinton Save• firne...Save Morley Buy jour fertilizer in polythene bas and store it outside . where Von. I1 use It J ;Y601 save both time and money wheti you buy" fettilizer xn polythene `bYythehe bags at Bete a why. bags, waterproo#`,-Y you can truth fertilizet ih Irk QST "X. any weather wit'hbut tarpaulins. You danttorie& fertilizer outdoors, hi fields where you'll use it, F 1y M U N I T P61yth6he bags are totighf they don't absorb maist(tNr and Weakou They ate easy to handle and stack 061-Ythehe bags are closed with it hdat steal the'c'a h0 Blit- br st'ring to plug your dtiil. +' PL,4rIa OfVi$IOh( f,'blyfhlene Wks are trid anrent--you clan deb the felrtalizer NI1tlIAN iNOUSTRiES LIM'ttto . intr& hitt,