HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-05, Page 11a ytrs4q Aril 4, 1 x. -,-Clint Ne 'alke urn Club Xh Y, P b on _ w.s -R . .. a , . _ .. ........ ... ...,. .. ,... r Nn. PlansToHI �. ,, •. s� w�n e iR;l�g a ��zia y )440, T Sc oql '•�'9an1 of the i,.hlu' Qn it Aubwm•� ���.April 12 .at 7,`f5 Pand. AP.r .: Yu. a e incen+et ri�etit*a ectTt s.XS T1V1RS. ADNO » at olio yin ¢ .. .ingvyill, be � A rn 'Sur} ! S�i{t +lid: �'S9'�" eve ^-� �QiC �� R ay Hing with Garth Walden AU137JRN3 Sixteen mein• k bels- ji hang of the Walkerburn Club and c �.od a Se ary ,: a3 o visitQrS met at the ;home ,� �p rs, Fred lac z C i ton and rs: ''Pho as. a 1 t s, The AYP.A of St, Mark'.s AnT than e of Mrs,. Bert. H in . Presr- M ... ]'._ t .er, ,_ l n , M. � . , ...,,, #n_,..,. H.. g..t, vi rexi anal Davi .. ells la W. uiik g g d l.. st eek lican hurch e t e m Orangemen .of Nuron a sPeirt the. weekend at her home iced one da last eek With fo C) t e her s g C...... m t at h.. ho e CQ> ntry dent Mrs, Leonard Altham y r . 44Wa Wher hu. band o e ]itnslt lvee r the formers o r lYlrs ed r n f Mr, and Mrs, Forslyee Qjark, Met ?n tl e 44buM Here in the village. m.>he., .`�;..... s ...ow StatiRlied at ftgekclaffe ' bault was in charge and min-. , Mrs, Marguerite .Coin and hylar and her si r Mrs. 1 RR, ;5, GQderich, with the young Ball with the Count master M. rg h p a e- ..ste , Wi_ RCAF Station, LAS Wllliain y, : utes Were read by Mrs, Lorne people f Krio Pxesbyge an. Ross r: o u a ... her mother lV)rs, J, C..Stoltz, da Clatworthy at Granton, Rodger left a cou le of : ee o. iC E. rmgt .n,. P rig .anon in Hunkuig,. Wn? harii visaed. on Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Clifford _town ago for Vane ver b W Church as guest- Psalm '17 ,t chair. C unci :e f, g B 8 oil.,. ut ors he , h _.. o. ..y .. o4plain, Thank yUu notes were read. with Mrs, John .Graham. and ,r and Mrs. Nelso Pit- csted ick t ' t was. read _bY CaiolYn .Gari, cClinche ZyIr; and ii i P.. ._ b . P Oil,ario last a Thomas Johnston, Aubern, took a .:. from, Mrs. Lloyd M y, Mrs, Fart. might-,• tergon "visited las y e4kend, Margaret Haines sc mPani d t k rids : at w r the 'Vill f irri an thenisi And Harvey W htanan,"atratfozd with, r, a d s. -n. the piano, ;I•?art, to thq' .opening �Q'f the n_, ., #lY , ..d #� , y g T it . M.. n _ Mr C, it ren of rch R v: b M 1 t meeting and the senetaiy, Archambault amil Ra 1 c 1 LucknoW, visited relatives in ltoi�nian. Illman..and the fprm- h .d Chu.._ .. e.. Ro ext .•eal y, . he 'req - f._ .... Y l_ . al for ave to _ tin std Henry' Pattison BN rev read r. this communit last Saturday, er s father, avid 13ro o The Ida White roe of the, : g an int res... g u y g,.. e, was answered by 'sing, say or ._ y last t her, Da Brown swh. g R +, Mr, d r H al :Kitchen is :ill) r Stratford. �:hildren of the Church of inox on the ?8?ble, and ,the .Part and the m:ntites, ,. an. Mrs .d n, :. ,�gveral told Irish, _jokes. us Vis' F: sb Brian me dote ower it should pia 1n the iv James 1 stet rdwieh *; . • Pay ' anal son ,John, Poi's Dalho . ie, iters over the weeke d re ._ 3't. ,. t h Sunday n �' 4. _,'9. . ._ , sec- °?fig and sang, Trish songs. i r w't n _ School room m ith tli es of Young .peo le play. , He. Vis with her rents M , ... i. h Mr. - .... d Mrs, Llo d Hum h a _, w . e gresgderLt l' y retaxY of the Newbrid e o ai p The draw that was donated n P # hre Y c ' urged, the oung 'folk 'to read g L ;y 4 . a., d ,Mre, J, J, Robertson. p ys were Mr, and Mrs. Ross Marian Xoungblut ange 1411 a Was ed & n b Mrs. cClinc a was Eric S m cita?ge. their Bibles and' become fag- Or g Preselit_. Y Ga?�th M h y s large crgWd attended the T.awiess, .Janice, Jeffre axed . cott was flagbearer.. - - with a •,h ell f r i ell 1 t idA eveni I) old To t r. a y The worn for n he iliac with its teaghngs. Mr, .l o: be ng the out- won by Miss L)oima Honking.' dance h. as._ Fr . _ Y . _.. ng tan , . ro. t M nd Mrs, hip o . y o ._ t . dine secret mo e ve by Meally answered many :cues- ng th Plans were made for the next in the Community .Memorial 1, L. McDonald and son 1VIur- trial of Jesus was gi n _ �' a . , b ten lodges in North Huron. The meati•. at the h o Mrs. ,Hall sponsored by the Blyth ray and Duncan McDonald, :all Mrs. , Donald Maines; .leader, tions Which Showed the riser.- ' rig of hocke team. of Brussels, <Offerurg was received by Wayne est taken in his study of the Presentation was made by Oliv- James McDatugatll, Boit caill y Bible, er Jacques, coon LOL ma, �g is to be .answered with a verse Ben Hamilton was a Torai}to., Friends of Mrs, Clifford. Mc- ,Scott and all repeated the of- t3'S- visitor last Saturday, His .son, Ph" yy311 be sorry to learn fertory laraygr, The net meeting will be ter for South Huron of scripture and +a. 25 cent .do- held at the sec in Bl John returned with him 'and 'e that she fell recently fractur,- Joyce Leatherlamd' read the tory Yt?i Plans were made to hold site ;nation tQ the cancer fund, The when tt is ho turned to Waterloo College to Ing both bones nn •her right ?Y#inutes. Roll call was an h - the a fid Heist' meeting at BeZgrave, Au • program will be in the charge co .tinue his studies. artri.. After medical attention erect by nam Rep - Mark Goln Wedding sK' Ing signs •of sp- will be shown ,on the world buim. Lodge served lunch. Rep-. 9 of Mrs; Roy Daer and' Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Moh- ;.n the Goderich hoslrital, she ring, Mrs. Kenneth Scott read council of churches, Lunch was 'reser t yes • re •fir u Walter Cunningham and lunch i Ing and family visited on Sun- is 'recovering from tier fall at the story an students in Africa, served 'by Mrs. Clark •assisted tat we. A b'+ M13,.. AND MRS. OSCAR TEBBUTT Closing prayer yeas by Marg- by .Carolyn and ;George, Dumganu;xem, I34y.t Lonc1e0boro, will be served by Mrs, Ariel day with Mr. anal Mrs, Harry her home, Thus well-known S e i.ai•th cd they Duiaer, Mrs. Carman Gross, Beadle, Gordon Beadle and al-. Z+orthe month of April mem a'r t Youngblut. Knox Explorer$ $elp�rave, Vyingharri, Fordwich, a . the.. ay ey were married, .and 1 Newbridge, Brussels and Gor- cowple quietly observed their it was a fate spring, she said, so Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Miller tiers of the Baptist Church will lJn ted YPS Mrs, John Hallam- and. lYirs. - The Explorers group of Knbx Tie. wedding anni Lori' Hup g, and Gail, worship with .the members of The Young People's Society United Church met in the versaay .at Fallowing the ceremony, the Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac- ii±nox Presbyterian Church. The of the Auburn Knox United church with leader Nancy An, their home on Goiiinlock street. couple farmed in Goderich The members denuded to have ka n , y :and family spent last sacrament of halt' communion Church charge met on Sunday Berson giving the call tow'or- Natives of Goderich Town- Township before moving to a cake walk to raise money weekend at London with Tier will .be observed next Sunday evening ,at the Westfield Uru ship. Brenda Sall and Ransil sh* the c cuPl�e were married. Clinton. In 1935 they went .to for the club, with five cakes brother, Mr. John R. Weir, Mrs. with the Rev, Dr. D, J. Lane C urch Linda Wilson, conve d Art d r a in the Onta* Street being donated b Mrs, .Bert Weir and family. officiatin , h L W + s, huancy . from t the scripture A iransan= Setad'at+th, whew Mr. Telbtbwbt Y g � er. of citizenship ;and Commis- and Nancy .gave the med�tatian. CARD PARTY age, Clinton on 1VLarcttq 16, 1912, was engaged for a number of Hunkin„ Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jayne Mrs. William Rodger, War- stun service, was in charge, Jennifer Grange led in prayer. by R;ev, DeW I; Cousins: Mrs. MrS, Leonard Archambault, Scripture was read b June Three stories from the study yams at the f4iurier S�eaifaxrth • • y Tebbutt is the former Cather Golf and Country Cub, and MTs, Worthy Young and Mrs. • Mills followed by prayer by book, "Junior Roundup" were "EUCHRE ' r r irrue Perdue, clic daughter of the later act the Seaforth Lfbns John Hallam. The rireinbers Auburn Horticuitura! SocietyCarolyn Sprung. The offering told, noting the three different EUCHRE and 500voted to send the annual $5 do- was received by Ron Snell and places of Sabbath worship: the bothWiller,' Perdue and, Eliza- Park. ,• Wayne Millian. Linda Wilson first was in a home in a tiny Odfo{,ows Hall. beth Miller wiii]e Mr. Tebbupt's Mr, and 1VTrs, Tei�butt have a nation to the Red Cross. Shown :Films .D Charles' Bristow „ • •.A pro -ram gave an interesting topic on cove on the Labrador coast; Parents were the late George family of two sons and a dau- a m of .bingo games Discipline of Self -Denial". the second in the but of -doors, Tebibutt• and was enjoyed under • the direc Carolina Sheppard,. glht�xr, Kenneth, -at home; Reg- President Marsha Koopmans when a family travelling were - Mrs. Tebbutt reoadl'ed that inald, London and Betty, Mrs.. tion of Mrs. S'taxley Ball and AUBURN—Charles R, Brit- Ment which he made of apple was in charge of the business n't' near a church on Sunday; • there was lobs of snow 50 years i vere+tt F'ellcam, Moose Jany, Mrs. Bert Hunkirng. Lunch was. tow, district director of District blossoms, pussy willow, tulips session. Minutes were read by the third in a schoolhouse in Monday,Aril 9 ago, 'and -the winter ibad b'eeri Bask. There are severe grated- 'ed by Mrs, Elliott Lapp, 8 of the Horticultural Society and daffodils, This tall ar- lartie Koopmans. Plans were Western Canada where a sum-• Mrs. 'Tom Cunningham, Mrs. was guest speaker at the open rangement (suitable fora ]are mer student minister was in long and cold. There were high child. and one great -grand- Roy :Daer and Mrs. Herbert meeting Monday evening in the hall) was wore b Mrs. Sam charge. banks of snow slang the raid child. Duizer. Commuity Memorial Hall when Daer. YWest Huron WI The offering was received by AID BUILDING FUND ---�-o over 50 were present. The Patsy Wilkin and Vaughan Toll • R, Ackert, Lucknow; accoin- and all sang the dedicatory 8,30 p.m. Hensail Women s Institute Nears president, Mrs, Ed. Davies was panied by Mrs. Ackert sang .prayer. After distributing 0 D O 0 in charge and Mrs. Robert J. ��, Great Thou Art" with To Meet Here World Friends and Easter EVERYONE WELCOME • • Phillips was the pianist. Luck- pictures shown to illustrate the thankoffering envelopes, Mrs. Program: Speeches, Dancing, Music (correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan now Society were guests. Min- song. Lunch was served by Mrs. �j Grange closed the meeting with 14b Phone R1vth 37 r.5) utes were read by the secre- Bent Craig, Mrs. Roy Easom, Monday, April 14 prayer, CitizenshipLary, and educations was gough, were arppointed norcninat- Mrs. Mabel Scott spent a few Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. She also read the correspond- P Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs. Norman McDowell. AUBURN—Executive of the the theme of. tfie `Hensail Wom- in cornmithee to bring g Ing 'in a days with her daughter Mr. ��, The financial statement committees, West Huron District of the Wo - en's Institute meeting on March slate of officers at the April and Mrs. Alister Broadfoot. given by Mrs. Bert Crab show- week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Smillie and mens Institute was held Tues - 14 vn the Legion Hall. Preisf- melting, - Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pipe and ed a balance of $707.35. • day in the Blyth Memorial tient, Mrs, 1v reed! Bees• welcomed A donation osis voted to the bat dao hter_ London, spent Y g the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Bristow showed the color Second Meeting Hall. Representatives were members -and guests and mem- b em answered roll call with, . International Scholarship Fund and a45o �a''dton>ation to the Hen- Lloyd Pipe, Bert Allem is in film ''Garden Notebook" and Held!n hutch from the 11 branches: Goderich Kintail Clinton ' Landesbor o, way oto help nut yrni'nrg �sal4 Le+gioii Brazveh, Members a ndtn , Vibtai+ia F%spita�l, d'urc- his .flow slides taken of iagar - fol flowers in the Niagara village, its tion of the village, jaanrcrred held April 11 in the Legion Hall Wary Into Hensall arena Sat'ut' Wing -ham, Belgrave, Tiger Dun - people'. - people'. am asked) to save up "Pennies •London, Ing the 'pact week, and his parks sohoal geenhouses. A U B U R N -- The United 1 Dunlop; Autumn, St. Hel- lop, Mrs. R. D. EQgie presidedfor „ far Fariemdkhip .far the April health is -much improved. Viisitors over the weekend He also outlined the import- Church Women met in Knox ens and BI Ym• P+residernt Miss Josephine program. The hi hi' the , highlight was a speaking cozgradteot i8 meeting. eehim; . Program cMrs. el were Mrs.. with Mr, ariid Mrs, Edwin 'Wood ant events at the convention United Church with Mrs. Wil- Woodcock, Blyth h was In charge g �vivich six students of •grade 8 which six T. S�her7',itt, Mrs. ELgie; tastes- hexAt were Mr: and .Mrs. Bill An. drews and ohildren, Toronto, and announced that the dist= rict annual would on August liar J. Craig at the piano. g Mrs, Ernest Durnin presided Minutes were read' by the sec- of Hemall Public School par- ses Mrs. Norval Reid, Mrs. John • Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood .be 9 at Blyth, It is expected that for the devotional period. The rete treasurer Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Theu nn P Planned ticipated. Winnems� were Hearth- Skea, '' and family, Wingham. the n -new president Mrs. K, W. scripture lesson was read by for r the district annual meeting err Reid, Flora Lee Johns a - The UCW of the Londesboro "The Biglow, Chapleau, will be pre- Mrs, George Hallam followed art•yaw Un'ted' C�iwtycrh Diane Koehler. Boys, Granit J!arres,� Ricky 13uchan�an, George HIENSALL charge is sponsoring Feast of the Seven Tables" sent. Mr, Bristow answered many by 'meditation and prayer by Mrs. Roy Easom. Clintonnton an May 11, ay Taylor. Judges were Mrs. James • which will be held in the ch- questions concerning the grow• Each branch will be asked McAllister, Mrs. Laird 1Vliclflle (MRS.,:MAUDE HEDDEN,.- urch on April 12 from 5.30 °o'clt3ck on. Everyone welcome. Ing, of roses and gave some Miss Margaret R, Jackson 'N4d 'an address to Miss'•Sadie to again take part in the "Pen- hies f4.r' Friendship"' projeet and. Mrs. R. Y, McLaren. Corriiipgndeno Card Party suggested plants to use in the gg P Carter and presented her with and bring them to the district Squame dance selections by Mrs. W. B. Cross is visit- Winners . at' ,the federation village flower beds. Mrs. Wil- a .baxewehl gift from the so- annual. These pennies are to grade one Julie Veal, Ronnie in g with her' sister tri Gala. card party were, ladies' high, liar T. Robison thanked Mr. ciety. Miss Carter is residing go with Ontario s delegate when Wilson, Catherine Ann Christie, Mr. •and Mrs. Fred Beer were Mrs. Jim Howatt; low, Miss Bristow for his address and now in Coderieh with her sis_ she attends the ACW'W this Scant Smith, Kay Davis, Jerry weekend guests with Mr. and Betty Jean McGregor; men's also for the floral arrange- ter; Mrs, Nelson Hill. summer in Australia, as a gift 1V Mtscn, were enjoyed. Vocal solos by Mrs. Carl Payne, vio» Mrs. Perce Phillips, Toronto. Ed Muan is a patient at St. high, John Riley; Iow, Kenneth Gaunt; lone hands, John Riley. President, Mrs, Kenneth Me- to the institute members in lily selections by Miss Greta 'Joseph's Hospital, London, re. The prize for the family pre- Teens At Dougall presided for the busi- that country, L, rc e and piano solosby Miss cuperating .from an operation sena with the most combined • Auburn ness period. Charter member- The nominating committee Maaret Edgie with• ex:coxntpan Ma Mins Lia ie w stili 112ist E1 Ists �ormea March 30. ' Miss Beatrice Joynt, Listowel ages, the McGregor family. WI Banquet r:Mrs. For Fun,Game's ship cards were given out by Norman McDowell, Roll was composed of the residents p of each branch. Mrs, Tom Al- a week end :guest with' Mr. Forty-five members of the call was answered by a Bible len, president of the Londes- gle made up's most delighti" ,and Mrs. Don Joynt and fam. Women's Institute attended theverse containing the word boro branch was the convener program. District by-laws were discus- ily. In, -the mecentt_Red Cross carr annual Sunshine Sister banquet, in Constance United Church. In New Hatt "Mercy,'. The ladies of Unit i will -have charge of the Easter and gave the repot of that committee, This slate will be sed. Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. Sim vasa of the village by the Le- gi'on Auxiliary, $318 was collect- The Constance ladies.'served a sumptuous turkey dinner. A AUBURN —Over 100 'peen- thankofferin meeting on April g g P presented at thQ district annual Roclbal and Mrs. James Beni ed., hilarious hour was enjoyed agers attended -the second Sat- 25 with Mrs, Beacroft, Wing- meeting. Miss Joan Noakes undeanvent when the Sunshine Sisters were urday evening party in the Au- ham as guest speaker. • It is planned to have each r • an emergency appendectomy at revearletd. A program of music, burn Community Memorial Mrs. Ernest Durnin presided .institute show. crafts and Hensail t Minister r Victoria .Hospital, London bn accordion and piano selections Hall. Dnacing began at 9 p.m. for the program. The study Tweedsmuir books and the Clin- Monday evening. She is doing aril a number of contests made with James Bridle Goderich � � book , chapter, "Second Har- ton members will be in charge. ' nicely. an enjoyable . evening for very-, the disc jockey, vest!' was given by Mrs. James Special speakers from the dep- Called To• Serve Mrs. Walter Spencer, Mrs. Charles Farquhar and Miss Dor- one, Good Neighbours The evening's g .program was T. ,Craig. >;t was a stony of artment of agriculture and the g Stratford Central othy Farquhar left by motor The, Good Neighbour Club arranged by Miss Shirley Brown and Bill Straughan, the marine mission boats serv- ing on the east and west coasts, chairman of the convention area of London, .Mrs. Wilfred on Saturday, March 24 to vacs- tion for a few weeks Florida. met at the home of Mrs. Nel- son Leat, with 13 members and Nearly 30 'teenagers took part giving essnstantce to the needy Keays and the provincial di- IZkJNSALL — Re'v. Currie Miss Amy Laramie, London, one visitor. The vice-president in the twist contest. Winners families. Mrs. Everett Taylor rector, Mrs: John MacLean, Win+law tdld .a ,special meeting visited with, her sister .Miss opened , the meeting, also con- were Carolyn Sprung and Dar- palyed mouth -organ selections : Seafortn will be present. of lthte official board of Hen- Greta Laramie over .the week- ducted the business period, Roll lene Stewart. Other prizes were accompanied by Mrs. Gordon 1_11_h 'Iltit sd" end. call was answered by "Do you given for-sr"t dances snowball McCiinchey on the piano 00 MEN'S SMART 1 or 2 PANT SUITS To "Suit" Yourself To Perfection for, Spring p 9 STOP IN THIS WEEKEND AND SEE OUR LARGE RANGE OF NEW SPRING SUITS. PRICED FROM $39.50 to $69.50 REVERSIBLE COATS Come in and see these light weight, waterproof, %-length coats in green, brown and blue Plaids. Only $19.95 to $29.95 Herman's H U 2-9351 Men's Wear CLINTON satl4 Unused ore , um A pleasing duet "Oh Man of know" items. A motion was dances and broom dances, The theme of the meeting This is NOT a Sale- This is BETTER than a Sale! evening, March 29, that he has Sorrow " was sun by Miss carried to donate $5 to the r accepted' a call to Central. Un g Hot chocolate and donuts was Christian Stewardship, con - Mary Goodwin and Mrs. Pearl fund for crippled children, A ited 'Church Iry Stratford, The social iiour was .followed by a -+'ere served. by the ladies in versed by Mrs. Oliver Ander- Chest Passmore at the morning service char a Miss Bett Youn biut son and took the form of a change' is effective July 1, of the United Church, 1Virs. tasty lunch. The group accept- g • Y gMr, Wirnlaw !has served at Robert Pryde presided at the ed an invitation to visit at the was the convener of the lunch. panel discussion; with Mrs. Hiensall and Chiselhurst for :the organ console, home of Miss . Allie Toll of Supervisor for the evening was Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Robertran ame er'fi* elds' Wawario,h in June 'Po art b4 T n d M F d T 11 a' past three years after coming from .a charge at Wawa, On. Miss Sharon ,Jose e, nurse- in-tinaining.at St, Joseph's Hos- London, the At Hemall, she is chaplainof Plans are being made to hold a big Easter holiday dance ur er an rs. re, a s leaders. Mrs, Tall spoke on the theme, South Huron District Hospital,. Exeter; As shown in our window for Thursday standing will be tario, pitaal, visited over committees, tlueenswat Home and ism and social service ,commit- ens ll. 9hut,ins at Hens'all. This is an tee of Huron• Presbytery.' He is a native of Ingersoll week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Smillie and presented. There will be a brief program arranged by the when an orchestra will be hir- ed. Taking tickets at the door The offering was received by Mrs, William Empey and Miss a. Hensail - I.urich and Saturday Only and teak his bachelor of art ' -Misses 0 family, program conveners, _ Mrs: Basil were Carolyn Clark, Viola Thompson: Mrs. Durnin - Friday degree at the University o Members of Heiisall Kinette. Edwards and Mrs. W; B. Cross. Betty Youngblut and June closed the mee&9 with' prayer Western, Ontario before enter- Club on Sunday, April 1, de- Members are reminded to bring Mills. and lunch was served. •, • • mag theological studies at Em- livered some 50 Easter plants in their "Pennies far Friend T S h 41 t matnnel. College, Toronto. to patients in Victoria and $t, At Hemall, she is chaplainof Joseph's, hospitals, London,• Branch 468 of the Royal Can- South Huron District Hospital,. Exeter; adian Legion:, and s'erve5 on the Clinton Public HHospi- sal, 101niton,; Huronview, Cha- town recreation comrnirt m He tori and also to patients at 3s also Chanr~rnaai of the evangel- tlueenswat Home and ism and social service ,commit- ens ll. 9hut,ins at Hens'all. This is an tee of Huron• Presbytery.' annual project., -0 -_ Miss Carol Brown won a $50. sicholar,9hip, two first Prizes and a. Hensail - I.urich three .second 'piizes at the •S�t- matfopd kiWanis Music >i estival for ptiamo series: She also wog.' titles lrlaee and three seconds at Oust Strathroy the Kiwanis, music festival in London; Oarol's pareotg are, ,HE)I� $ALL — A crowd of Mr, .-atnd Mrs. William Brawn, 1.,521 ialmostt double the .poufs '' . The annual meeting of Hen. still Women's Institute will be village, its tion of the village, jaanrcrred held April 11 in the Legion Hall Wary Into Hensall arena Sat'ut' will re- p,rol day night as the Remall-21J ch sp nd all with spend to roll call with payment Combines skated their way into of, fees. The nominating coin - the ORA semi»finals with a 7.3 mittee will present the fiew victory over Strathroy` Junnboc slate of officers and reports of .hip . Hostesses are Mrs. H. Iorton :and. Mrs. L. Purdy. 'CIC Wr Unit Two Unit Two of the United Ch - itch Women met Monday even - rig in the church schoolroom vith Mrs. Jack �Drysd'ale, read'- �r, pr.•esiding. 23 members abs; vexed roll call, Mrs. A. Shirray led the de- rotionall and Mrs, H. MCEwea he study. Plans were discussed ;m, a May 12 bake sale:. Miss 'TgiVna Westgate, public health Airse will be guest speaker at ;he April meeting. C Prdlirnihary results of a study if average incomes •related to: =duoatlon levels in Canada ;how that in 1959 men with no >choaling had ,Ari annual .ver Cge Income of 1,648, finished elementary school $30266, fin= shed ,high school '$4,638, finish- A university $7,046. 1#wtckets, `Idle He WMI �Gurich squad, Caadhed by Bi11 McCrae, thus PLAT It SAFE! won the two-9mbb 'tubal -goals •, f6tihvd 12-1 and the Sh,aineoak CALL US • . • League title, The team., had' ' y fought to a deadlock ail ati for ever elciefrio ah4 earlier bebtLof-bive series- each rR wfimh* twice with an'at ; rigera�iotti servlC@ gamd ;6 idnrng 'Ift a t1MW, V -24401 The 1Cainbines how com1*1 to N wytlu New, ew Hdtnbizrg and Milton: To � adonge, Clonton in a mound rclbtih semi.-dinal' ser - W, The wi#in+ex~ advatvCc� too the OMArrio final :against an Eaist- Wit. Ontario tep� tattve. ro{a er ■ iece �{{ a in Rose -beige --- i4 of er beaun a colours r THiS WEEKS SPECIAL AT to choose from in better than average Nylon Grade. • Re Marl $279.00 -- -� -- Now $228.uu60DERICH MTORS LTD. .. g- _ y + Troister 2 -Piece Suite—in Chocolate Brown — 4 other beaut•ifu( colours to choose from. Y Regularly 223.0. .� Now $171.00 $ 0 B2'Piece Suite—m Brown Discontinued Style, ar more 4 Regularly $267.00 - - Now UAW . . . . . . . . . . . Ideal 3 -Piece Sectional in Chocolate Brawn, Atrfoani Cushions, i n " `59 Ford Gala, Ae 2*Door Hardtop Regularly $24,91,00, Now $199.00 radios 6-6yI.r standard transm �s ar aerie owner car. Other SuR$S in Out Stare have 6ee:n DisGonfinued. dome its around a yo ,. � and .�bo arbu ur awn Pleasure . _._ ors' hod'Ch MO��..l OM t,100 ari1,611a Faldbn Sailoj clnct Service B ax l e'nit'ur , . Sbufh Sfteb+ GOURICH JA 4,7109 H 245211 CLINT6N 19 9