HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-05, Page 9NobOdy Home
Regular members of CBC -TV's "guess my
identity" panel show, Live a Borrowed Life, are be-
ing kept busy these days doing a series of "on the
road" programs originating from cities across the
country. These out-of-town shows,which will con-
clude in June, come from Winnipeg, Vancouver,
Toronto, Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa and Edmonton.
Left to right is the show's moderator Charles Tem-
pleton and panelists Bill Walker and Elwy Yost.
(CBC Photo)
On Match .26 a large geoup
Of Federation of Agriculture
members and Township council-
lors along with' a few from Cl-
inton met in the Clinton Col-
legiate auditorium to discuss,
"TaXation for Edudation?".
The genewal opinion of the
meeting after hearing Donald
Middleton, head of Properties
Department of the OFA discuss
the problem, seemed to be that
people \ rather than property
should be responsible for the
cosiS of ecluration.
'Costs 'have increased greatly
and it seems that local miumcne
palities are bearing an ever-
increasing share.
The future appears even mare
eXpensive. It is foireeast that in
the next 10 years new class
monis, equal to the present
nuMber, will have to be built.
Scene of this will be due to in-
creased population and the bal-
ance to replace wocrn out buikl-
In 1946 public school per pu-
pil cost was $95. High school
per pupil cost $206.50. In 1958
cost was $242. and $524 and
in 1959, $268 and $580.
I wonder if our students real-
ize how much is being spent din
order that, they may receive an
Aside from the meeting there
have been many comments from
time to time to the effect/ that
we are wasting large sums on
pupils vele) ha.ven't the lability
to master !high school subjects,.
In this 1 find educationists
•somewhat inconsistent. We are
told that We Only use small
Ipercentiage of our metal pep-
acity. Speaking teem a Serrie-
what limited Oackge6iind of ex-,
penience I agree -With the state -
Can we thert say that our
preeent high school studiente
haven't the aleility to graduate
barn Grade 13?
I am amitith More lficlizielie to
think that Nik tidve 'failed 'to
provide an educational system
that (reetes. Iteedeeire :and. en-
vironment to cause the,student
to, use the necessary percentage
ice !his mental ability to sue-
ceedl at school.
It was interesting to •see at
the meeting such a sincere des-
ire to iiimproVe what seems to be
si outeitoded method of taxation
and while the cost of education
is high, there was no complaints
made. However, I do feel that
there .is same question on the
vialue per dollar we are get-
Perhaps while some are busy
on the method of taxakinn: for
eduCatkin the rest of es might
concentrate on ways and means
of a little more Mileage out of
available, brain power.-
Make Your il
peak..er at burn
AUPUAN—"The TrilPertienee' inWite afriend if they wish.
of Making Yogr Last Will4.110 MIS Anne MePeiletd, eete,
JaMent' was: The then f mares editor Of -CKNX-TV
the Idarph WPmeree Inetitete be ,the giiet Speaker. All tick -
when it met for its March Meet- ate eintuld be purchased from
ing 'in the Community Meaner 1e committee by the 4011
ial Hall, The ;Presidegt, WO. Meeting. It was0-ecklekil to spit
Paviee Wee he Charge et the Price Of P..5.0 for tile gifts
the meeting and ii\fr.4. Robert far sun -Shine sIsterS.
J. Piiips WaS the pianist. 46.4, Pole, "When I Pram). of
The preeldent gave a ,sheet Old Fin" was sung be' Mrie
readieg, "Thoughts fee. the Gordon.. Charnney,
Par, .Minutes were read by Mra.Dpal Has, Public
ePeretere, Mee Thee*. relationot.fkgert inieedeced the
Haggitt, VL!rs Willan J. Craig guest stieelher, • liwitaoct,
reppritc4 that markers had been manager of leitieh Mortgage
/lama en the cupboard deem and West Company, Goderich,
in the hall. Members of the I -Te outlined the history, of the
Tweedsmuir �ok committee •tenet me:paw which was
eel:embed on their 'visit to the feencled 4411877 in London end
Lone:team° branch recenely, told aboet the inane services.
Plans were Made to hold a they offer to the peblie.
feertilY nighit on, April 1velth He defined a will as Ian
til* tors, dereethee Mrs. Herter Wee, presetiart of desires. which one
son, Mee. Arnold !Craig 'and wiehes to be carried out after
Wei. George Hamilton assisted one dies." He said mew people
by Mrs, Gordon Dobie, Mes. worry for years before -making
William Dodd and Mes, Thorpe their wine and feel relieved
as Lawlor, in charge of the When it is written.
evening. It was ianeeenced that • He advised to "make yieer
16 ladies had registered for the will While you a well and to
course on the making of alurne- phoose carefully your executhee,
num trays an April 2, making sure they are expel. -
Art invitation th attend the fenced and have late of time
cooking school at Blyth on to look after your besiness,"
4pill 6 was accepted. Mrs. Mr. Rowlands related many
Shriveir, ,CKCO-TV will be in matinees where families did net
charge of the detnonstpation, Understand the laws concern -
A letter was read canteen -Mpg ing the probating of wills. ge.
the district executive meeting ccinelted'ecl hie interesting a4L•
whimi will be held at lelyth on these by staying , "Where there's
Tuesday, Apra 3 and the mem- a Will, There's a Way.", He
bene voted that the project "143 was thanked, by Mrs:. Garden R.
lbs. of meat" would be the filet Taylor and presented with e
choice with "Window Treat- gift. Roll ,call was answered
meet" being the second Choice with an Irish
foe this year's project. Mrs. Wes Bradnock presided
Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, seore- for the election of offices far
tat -treasurer of 'the Commun. the year 1962-63. They are:
ity Memorial Hall board thank- honorary presidents, lefes. Ed -
ed the institute for dOnations gar Lawson, eVIrs, Hen -bent Mog-
to ,the building fund. - ridge, Mrs. W. Goad, Mrs. W.
Mrs. Andrew Kirlcconnell, the dhock, Ws. George Millian;
convener of the card committee past president, IVIrs. Thomas
reported on cards sent tiering Haggitt; president, Mrs. Ed.
the past month and also the Davies; first viee-preslieent,
letter of thanks for the gifts l"trs. Bert Craig; second vice -
of booties sent to new babies president, Mrs. Frank Raithby.
of the district. Secretary - treasurer, Mrs.
Mrs, Wes Bradnock reported Thomas Haggitt; assistant, Ma's.
that there bad been six meet- Thomas Lawlor; district
tngs of the 4-H 'Club. Mee. Wile tor, Mrs. George Milian; plane
liam J. Craig was appointed to fete, Mrs.- Robert J. Phillips,
purchase a picture of Prince Mrs. William J. Craig; direc-
Phillip, to match the one of tors, IVErs. Harry Watson, Ms.
Iter Majesty Queen Elizabeth Arnold Craig!, Mrs. George
11. Hamilton.
Mts. Roy Easom favored with
a musical Iriah reading, "My
Irish Wialking Cane", with ac-
comP,anintent by M.rs. Wffliam
3. Craig. leles. Robert J. Phil-
lips is convener of the sunshine
sister banquet in the new hall
on May 3. All ex -members are
ccirdtally invitedto attend this
banquet at 6.30 pane Each may
We have available
Oats; Herta, Parkland
competitive prices.
Michel ite, Sanilac
Rodney, Garry and Russell
and Montcalrn Barley at
and Seoway Bean Seed
... CONTRACTS .. :
Unlimited Malting Barley Contracts
Last year Malting Barley prices averaged
between $1.30 and $1.37 per bushel.
Feed Oat Contracts
Delivery accepted from the field.
Bean Contracts
A choice of Michelite, Sanilac and Seaway
Seed to choose from.
We are selling fertilizer at'a new low price.
Contact us before buying.
itt SOH ..1,1141110
Phone 103 Henson, Ont.
bji`k 114, t . . „.1 7tfb
Inn,erand liend
Every friday.,:1,p.m.
APril '6 It
To Exciting Aisirt
Every Saturday, 8.30 p.m,
Aptil 1. '14
'fro itit>tAos
,bt ofth bed Jeigy KktiWq
Each winner will be eligible tO domrsefe the 'following week. Winnerof
Square Darlditv will vie for hOnourt- on Friday, Aptil 1 Wihriert of Twisf
Contest will vre-T6`e'lligiotir$ "on Sattlfday, 'April It
Cosh priies 4rifrbe OWOeded 1st, 12,nd and 3rd plOeeklittsiti'des df etch eVent.
Qualified juddes Ptifeetted give the *ho eoF edrly,
' Write br phone fer edvbete Irifo!nuotion
• Wit nd Phone 148
xrA. Wi1iianPoad,
Jelin Deer; nominating
eolninittee, 1V44, Geedon Dobie,
Kr4. Clifford rown, Mr0;,
drew Kiriccannell; .visiting
Mittee, Mr41, •Andrew eon
nell, Mee Clifford Brown, lYlisa
Viola ThOMpsen, gerbert
or Mrs. Robert, •C•Inallgiery.
Stanlding committee ceneen-
erS; aeridelture old Canadian
indlfsteies, Mr% Gordon Pobie;
eiti40•04411) and eileeetion, !Wee
John. Hallam; historical re-
eeeircie and ourrent event, Mrs,
Gordon R. Taylor; home 0c.
°mimics. Mrs, Gordon Cham.-
ney; health, Mrs, William 3,
Public relaters officer, Mrs,
Donald Reines; resolutions.
Norman MeDowell;
Tweeclemeir bet* ocinenittee,
Mfrs. Gerd= R. Taylor, Mee
Robert 3. Philips, Mrs.
Straughan, Mrs, Charles
Stralighan, Mrs, Edgar Lawson
and Mrs. Wes Bradnock.
The installation ceremony for
the new officers will take place
at the April meeting when the
Blyth and Londesboro Wcen:en:'s
Institutes will be guests.
A dainty lunch was served by
Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mrs.
William 3*, Craig in keeping
with et. Patrick's Day. The hall
was beautifully decorated with
the green. • .
Russell T. Bolton
Vice -Chairman Of
Wheat Producers
CHATHAM — Russell T. Bal-
ton, RF, 1, Seaforth, was elected
first vice-ohairman of the On-
tario Wheat Producers Market-
ing Board, When the inaugural -
meeting of the board was held
in Toronto last- Thursday. Ch-
airman is Ray Coulter, RR 3,
Campbeliville, Halton County.
Immediate past , chairman le
John L. Anderson, RR 2, Oil
Springs, Lanebton County. He
is appointed delegate to the On-
tario Federation of Agriculture.
Two member, Joines O'Shea,
Granton and K. A. Standing,
secretary -manager of the beard,
are delegates to the Ontario
Winter Wheat Improvement
Minister To
At ar
nnual Me;
The annual aneetieg qOaten,
kg =41 Redick For .1.1.mwilt be
held in Toronto at the ging
1?dward Hotel on April :U., 1962.
The session; incinding eicee
iaeofl yifleconnee at*
,9.39 P4,m. Get speakerw1 be
the Hon W. I. Stewart, min,
sister Of agrienitUre for the pr-
OVtlhee ef QotaTig. 1444
kte .erntiti0cl. 'The XnkliOduai
This Meeting WW Mark the
oleof ene of the most Suc-
cesSful Farm. 'Fortart Pelesees.
The Ogee -044 was mainly clue to
the participation of epecial gr-
oups t,fhat met on the nights
when the topic was a interest
tq them. Topics ,areaind wheel!
speetal groups were formed in-
cluded; Ca -op e For Service
3/feeiketing — 441 — Farm
Managed -tent Teeheical and
YoOltiorgal Training Taxa --
Ada" for Education — and
row that the season is over,
spectial groups total abeet 15Q0,
regular Forams, 168. When int-
erest grdaps were reporting,
two summaries were prepared,
one • from the regular Forums
giving a eroes-sectien of faille
otpinion, one from, he specials
highlighting the opinions of
tanners concerned with the
particular issue under discus-
With the exception of we
topic, that Teansportation,
the weedy Forum discussicms
have' reflected very well the
Major issues facing farm pep -
le in Ontario,
Theme ehosen for the 1962-
63 season is, "New Horizons for
Farmeree ' Representatives of
farm oegazezations and ,depart-
ments will meet with Ontario
Fairrn Forum on April 12 to as-
sist, with plaimbig future pro-
gram.nies, of interest to farm
people.' •,
Immigration to Canada irethe
first hine months of 1961 to-
talled 56468, down by one -tilled
from eb.e *near period of 1960.
-ThurOciy, 445, 1962-41intort News-Retakf-,--P094, 9
• D!TED, Room
Saturday; April 7
Dancing to the Sound Of The6cYs
for the Teen -2Q crgwd
9 rion, to M.01411191it
7Se per person
Wecater Weddings,l.uncheons and Banquets
. •
This PflnS So*
Barley price the past year has •
averaged $1.35 per bushel.
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics states
that this year's Western barley acreage is down
29% from the five year average.
Barley prices are expected to remain firm.
It is one of the easiest cash crops to handle with
Seed and Fertilizer supplied. Delivery is taken
directly from the field. Free storage supplied,
See us for your SEED GRAIN
Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd.
Phone 24 or 249 Henson
Order Your . .
UR -GAIN Fertilizer
With the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer service plant only a few
miles away --- at Mitchell we can give you prompt
delivery on your particular grode of fertilizer.
28 Huron Street CLINTON — Phone HU 2.3815
Off the track you'll have. a sure winner
for liowet,bnd efficierfapirith Esso Tractor ru-619—
if yonlarelookingtor Wads and Ideans to1owerour
operating costs and increase your profits, don't
'overlook ,ESso Tractor Theis. )3oth Esso' Gasoline
ad Esse) Jiese1 riiel afire designed to provide rnajf.i.
mum aeibricy. Esso Tractor Fuels have proven
over and over again to give more power, More work
per *lir.
Irivegt Your !fuel dollars wisely like sbinany otheis
do. Call your Imtiorial Esso Agent and make sure
You. use tS80 Tractor Puels from now on.
ilAR011 M. BUCK
134 James Street diinton
lilicokie HU 1,4874
throughout seeding time from
Right thkough seeding time you Calbe assured of fast service from
Shur -Gain's modern handlitig facilities tight in your own area. Consider
these advantages offered by your Shur -Gain Fertilizer Service Plant —
a itauksoikurIN So= ,.eAvRe
PER TON — the fast modern way to
handle fertiliser, loaded epeedily
Your own thick if you wish) mid
Checked on government fnepeeted
StWit.dAitt BULK SEttliAlpitta
esitViCit—precision spreading oflyOUt
own farm giving you laboitiv-tit th
liMebr it/trims mots thiiiibe boat
ist basted geode delivered to Yofarm.
pull typo broadcast spreaders which
will4Dveinly weed up to a 40' swath
-.available for a nominal rental fee.
uvrED mann= more uniform
plant growth beeause Shur -Gain ie
not jetzt ',plunder but attdautwirsti.
Will ia0t bridge in the drill dust
free N3r to clean from eouipment.
See your SHUlt-GAIN tEttriLIZER AGENT or eau
neEpHoNE ivirreisiELL
30-9012 Stftvitit'PLANT IFERMIZEIt Una