HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-05, Page 8Page B --Clinton News-Record,Thursday, ,April 5, 1962'
.Fifteen Years. In Bayfield Lions Club
Seven members of the Bayfield Lions Club re-
ceived their 15 year charter chevrons at the Ladies
Night event staged in the Dominion Hotel, Zurich,
last week. From the left are Leslie Elliott, Elgin
Porter, Charles Scotchmer, Ernest Hovey, Jack '
Scotchmer, Lloyd Scotchmer and Reg. Francis.
(Zurich .Citizens News Photo)
Five Receive Charter Lions Chevrons
Receiving ten year charter chevrons at the ladies night held by Bayfield
Lions Club in Zurich last week were, Harvey Coleman, Fred Arkell, Alf Scot-
chmer, William Clark and Grant' Stirling. (Zurich Citizens News Photo)
C. S.' Roblin In Trouble '
Fishermen. Are Unable
To SetNets Under Ice
BAYFIELD — Activity cern-
n n cl :.•at this., port on Tues-
day, Mauch 27, when Gordon
Heard's equipnieant !moved T.
and T. 'Castle's boat, "The DuRi-
gill" , Tome . Brathexis, 'The
Hamidell" and Ed Siddelll's boat
"The Colleen?' into the water.
• Except for a trip to, tthe.mou-
tli of the pier by the "Dungill,"
to see what it was like, the
fishing tugs have' remained at
their respective roarings.
Ed Siddlell ba'ought his two
boats "Bert :arch Dick" and
"Mayfair" (iii charge of T.
Lowe) from Goderich (where
they have been tied up) into
the home harbour on Thursday.
Jack Semple .and crew brought
the "C. S. Roblin" ;into port
Groan Goderich on Saturday. On
Sunday, the "C. S. Roblin went
• south to set netts under the ice.
The "Bert ,and. Dick" and "Play -
fair" were also out but they
got aback to part safely.
At 10.13 Sunday night, Wil-
fred Heard, Bayfield, reported
to the OPP Goderich that the
boat was in distress five miles
south of Bayfield. He was Con-
cerned over the tug ;not, having
an extra supply of fuel and food
on board.
Early Tuesday morning Ed..
Siddell with ?the `Bert and
Dick" went rto their rescue and
the two boats made Bayfield
harbour through the ice about
2 p.m:.
On board the "C. S. Roblin"
were John Semple, and Robert
Cromwell (owners), Jack Black,
Dick Heard, crew, and an extra
In Ice Review
At Goderich
Skating Arena
BAYFIELD—IDistr'iet Child-
ren who have been taking fie-
ure sikatiing lessons in Gederich
tindery Mrs. Sylvia Beady. 'roe
part in the Ire Review ,at Gbi
eriah on S.eettedav n rhe.
The following begineetis and
junior's eromi Bayfiel l took'parf
in the "Cinderella Very"
Brenudti. Makins, Bonnie, Chere'
and Danny Johnston, Lynda arid
Bennie Armsteong, Da,vle Scot-
chniierand Martha Corrie.
L'uidia CTemaiiihhrdt 'took leer
In four numbers and Werke
Gemeinhardt three in' "A Night
of TV Progeems"by •Male/nedt
late and senior pupils,
Anibnng those Who attended
wea'e the another§ of the young
folk and Mr and Mats', W. Pre -
keit and Mary .Pra]ia1c 1Vtrst:•'f+
$. Higgitls, Mrs, R Turner stied
Gayid, Jianaree' and .Colleen M'e=.
hand; Bill MoQinchey, Varna,
who "just, went along .for the
Jahn Semple said: "We were -
clown tie our last can of beans.
The Gaal was gene. We brake •
up the .flooring and burned it
to keep Warm."
"We couldn't call in because
the phone was ruined when the
boat sank" (At Goderich, night
of January 6-7)
"If it wasn't for Ed: Sictdell,
we'd have. been out there 'an-
other night," said Mr. Semple.
"We got within 15 minutes of
Bayfield Sunday night and it
got dark, and we had to turn
off the engine," he explained.
The fisheivnen are keen to set
their nets and thus', reap a good
harvest while the Lenten prices
prevail, before the whitefish
schools; scatter. So far this year
Lady Luck . has not favoured
their •activities.
The ace floes are thick and
heavy. While an east wind
brought blue water '.:close to
No Decision On
New Fire Truck
, G•ODERICH (Staff)—No de-
cision has been reached bn
where the fire engine for Gale-
rich will be purchased, said
town. clerk S. H. Byte Tuesday.
Five tenders were opened by
the fire committee last Tues'-
day, March 27.
The lire aoanrnmittee has re-
quested a representative of the
'Fire Marshall's office attend
their meeting next week in or-
der to help them choose the
right machine.
The Goderich fire department
presently has two old trucks,
one a 1926 Reo and the other
a 1950 Dodge. They requested
that 'the new truck have the
latest of modern equipment..
shore last week, a nor -wester
packed • it in again: There has
been no really rough weather
to break it up.
Mrs. L. IL D. MacLeod re-
calls that about 32 years ago,
the fishermen didin't get out of
Bayfield harbor until May . 27,
as there was so much ice. When
she and her 'husband, the late
Capt. L. H. D: MacLeod visited
Inverhuron in June, there were
still ice floes on the lake. Of
course steel fishing tugs were
not in general use here at that
Chancel Guild
Meets At Jowett's
BAYFIELD—Trinity Church
Chancel Guild met at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Jowett on March
27 with seven members attend-
ing. Mrs. Jewett, second vice-
president took the chair.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison
prayers • ted • th
.e ra3' ers land read
the Scripture lesson. ,Mrs'. R.
H. F: Gairdner read the min-
utes of last meeting in the ab-
sence of secretary Mrs. J. B.
Higgins. Mrs'. Percy (Weston
read 'tih:e financial statement eor
Mrs. J. M. Stewart, treasurer',
who was also absent.
The decoration; of the church
for Easter was planned. Mrs.
Liggins and Mee. Jowett ere on
Bayfield Lions
Ladies Night At
Zurich Hotel
Thirteen members of Bayfield
Lions,Club were honoured art the
annually ladies' night celebration
of the organization, for being
ten and 15 year charter 'affil-
iates of the group. ' The annual
event was held Tuesday night
at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich,
on the occasion of the 15th an-
niversary Of the organization.
Fred Amkei1, William Clark,
Harvey Coleman~ Franklin: Mc-
Fadden, Alfred Scotchmer and
Grant Stirling were each pre-
sented with ten-year monarch
chevrons; while Leslie Elliott,.
Reg. Ftrancis, Erne Homey, El-
gin; Porter, Charles Scotchmer,
John Scat'ohnner and Lloyd
Seetohmer were recipients of
15 -year monarch chevrons.
The presentation were made
by deputy district governor
Ross Middleton; RR 3, Clinton,
assisted by Rick Simons, Bay-
field, who was toastmaster for
the occaision.
Three of the members were
paid special -tribute for hdatving,
had 15 years perfect attend-
ance. John Scotahrnee, Charles
Scotchmer and Les Elliott, have
not missed a meeting since the
service cludb was chartered in
Guest 'speaker ' was depurty.
governor Middleton. He spoke
on the meaning of the Lions
emblems, describing it as the
rnos't beautiful in the world, and
also ,explained the purpose of
the various letters in the word
"L stands for loyalty; I for
integrity; 0 for obligations; N
for neighbourliiness; and S for
service," the deputy governor
went ori to Say. "The Lion it-
self symbolizes strength and
courage," he added.
In paying tribute to the char-
ter members' of the group, the
speaker described the Bayfield
Lions Club '.as a goad solid club,
which has held its own quite
well over the past years, not a
club which jumps up and down
in membership, as some do.
Zone chairman Herb Turk-
helm, Zurich, praised the Bay-
field group for the fine work
they have done in the commmun
ity. He paid special tribute to
the members for their efforts
in connection with the commun-
ity .centre.
Pr'esid'ent of the Bayfield club
Fred Aitken. proposed the toast
to the ladies., and the reply was
given by Mrs. A. Flowers. Each
of the ladies were presented
with a vase containing +a rose.
Entertainment was provided
by Dicky Dean and his ttroup
of magicians, from London. A-
bout 85 were present. •
altar duty for, April.
After the meeting was closed
by the restor, Mrs. Percy Wes-
ton assisrted IMrs. Jowett in
serving refreshments.
J. Robert Henry •
Graduate of Reisch Auction School,
Mason City, Iowa
For Complete Auction Service contact
us at the Clinton Sale Barn 12-3-4-5p
Double Cut
in the neW Polythene Bags
Reg. No. 1 $4.00 bu.
Cert. No. 1... $3.50 bu.
BARLEY -- Herta, Brant, York
Mary Street
HU 2-9792
Misses Ethel Blair, London,
and Brenda Blair, St Thomas,
were home oyer the Weekend.
John R. MacLeod spent a
few • days over the weekend
with John McDonald, Petrolia.
Robert Gordon and Bill Fall-
er, Stratford, spent the week-
end at U. Gordon .cottage,
Mrs. Malcolm Toms attend-
ed the funeral of her aunt, Mrs.
Allan MacDonald in Goderich
on Monday.
F. H. Moser, Waterloo, has
sold his cottage at Egerton
Beach to Robert Dowler, Lon-
Tony Pugh and daughter -
Carolyn, Royal Oak, Mich.,
were at their cottage over the
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston
and Mrs. Archie Townshend,
Goderich, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms,
Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Howard
visited the Rev. and Mrs. H. G.
E. croeby in Mooretown from
Tuesday to Friday.
Totems Orr, Jr., Stratford,
and Miss Connie Shantz, Strat-
ford, called on friend's .Strat-
ford, the
wage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ben-
nett and family, London, were
at their 'cottage for the week-
•Ma'. and Mrs. E. W. Odkl'1ed-
son spent the weekend ;at their
home here after having return-
ed from, a vacation en Fibrilla.
Prof, and Mrs. Donald Thane
and family, London, were at
their hoahe on• Chiniguy Street
fore weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denby,
Buffalo, arrived on Monday to
spend a few days with their
daughter, IvIrs• Ken Brandon
and family.
Douglas Gemettnhardt was
to return home on March 23
after being a patient irs Alex-
anndra Marine and Gellerail: Has-
pital Goderiph, for a month..
Howard Scotchmer, London
Teachers College, . spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. His
aunt, Mee L• M Burt accom-
panied him anal was aLso their
Miss Jatcqueeirne Cliff, Robert
Cluff accompanied ley Miss
Joan Tillnnan came on Fries
and Misses Vicki and Judi Chuff,
Len down, en Saturday to :spend
the week with their another,
Mons: J. Cliff,
With , Mr. and Mrs, E. J,
Sturgeon on Sunday were their
son Stuart and his sin Kenneth
and Earl Wagner, Hespeler and
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Anderson
Francis and Paul, Science Hill.
George Bell left on Sunday
to join the freighter SS Windoc
at Port Colborne for the sail-
ing season. His wife accom-
panied him to Pont Colborne,
returning home on Tuesday.
avrr. and Mrs, Watson, De-
troit, have purchased the for-
mer Kelly property (original-
ly built by Dr. R. Stanbury) on
Clan Gregor Square. They plan
considerable imrpovements to
the large house.
Brown Lindsay has sold his
home farms and pastureland
on the Bayfield Line, Gode-
rich Township, to Tony Block, •
Stevensville, who gets posses-
sion after April 15.. Mr. Lind-
say plans to build a cottage on
his fruit farm across the road.
Miss Ruth E. Hayman was at
The Little Inn from Thursday
to Sunday. Mrs. A. W. Hay-
man came with her daughter,
returning to London next day.
Miss Hayman, returned to Lone
Rambling With Lucy
(Lucy R. Woods)
March went out •like a lamb in these parts'. The few very
'warm days last week brought gardening activity to the fore.
And as Lucy sat and watched from her chair, wishing she could
get her fingers into the goad clean soil of Spring, incidents of
other years carne to her mind.
Everyone who knew Lucy and her mother ten years or
more ago, also knew Lucy's constant companion, the mischievous
white fax terrier "Trine". She had the reputation of listening
in on people's conversation and acting accordingly to what she
• One year early in March when the snow had gone, Trixie
wanted out just at dawn one morning. Mother got up and let her
out, and stood by the hot air register waiting for Trixie to baatk•
at the dolor. Butt she didn't bark'
Beoomia g impatient, • mother went to the door. She could
Ahearn Trnxie's' white form out on the road ou'te de the gates.
enter n ,and thenh she door azid•
called. At first Trixie. paid no
raltireT �' the and ••
bolt for thhe house and boundledxin
ibhe door.
Trixie dashed in and jumped up on Lucy's abed! Ugh!!. The
basis for violet perfume was over powering! She clashed off
again at Luey's peremptory command.
Mother, who had foist her sense of smell, came in quite dist
• "You know,' she said, "I had to +bantg the sun room door
right in Sloippy's face. She was coming right in atter Trixie
and if I hadn't banged it, there'd have been an awful fight!"
"Slcippy" was the pet brown terrier next door and the 'two
females were very jealb u+s of each other.
"Are you' sure that it wasn't a skunk?" asked Lucy.
"No," ,lied mother, "It was light enough to see her long
thin tail."
"Well, Tr'ine's met up with a skunk," Lucy advised.
So instead of going bark' to bed, mother had to make strong
tcaffee and bathe Trixie with it. And also remove the coverlet
from Lucy's bed!!
On a subsequent occasion Trixie wanted out in the night but
peered out the door first. Lucy calmed out "skunks". Mother
'said, "It's a skunk, Trixie" and the pet discreetly backed into
the house and went to her bed.
Our neighbour had occasion to come in early in the morning.
"What's the matter with your sans porch?" she asked.
"Oh, Trixie met up with a skunk! Did Skippy catch it, too?"
Lucy asked.
. "Sikiippy hasn't even been out yet. She's upstairs in one
of the children's beds," she replied.
And when :our good neighbour went home, her family at tihe
breakfast table held their noses and asked: "Where have you
been?" -
Lucy concluded that the long thin tail which mother had
seen in the dim light belonged to a skunk which had stripped
her tail to make a nest for her kittens.
She'd either resented Tivxtie dashing oast her or mother
he et wash6h
shutting her out, for the coiner of the carpet sohighly
scented' that it stuck to people's feet. The comanertial deodoriz-
ers merely made the °deur hang more Heavily, and one couldn't
use coffee or tomato juice on the carpet!
During tihe cold weather the Firei;ch doors are closed and
:the sun room shut off. But there is a cold air register out there.
That air-cirouliating furnace art "The Hut" worked well! . It
sucked in the cold skunk -scented air from the sun room, and
sent it out hot and strong in the other rooms!
It wag rather distressing at Earn Callers a t"The• Hut"
were obviously in a hairry to leave. But eventually Luny grew
used to it. And in time it became just one of the clean smiells
of Spring.
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Clergy celebra#e
Holy Communion
At Trinity Churc
BAYFIELD--Anglican Clem
Chapter of Huron Deanery uiet
'at •Trinity Church, B•ayfieid, on
April 3, with.celebrati'on of hdlg
eomlarnu'rlion by the rector, the
Rev, E. J, B. Harrison. The
business session was in the par-
ish ha1L
Rural Dean, Charles • John-
stone' Wingham, presided. The
Rev. Canon Dr. K. Taylor, God-
erich, continued the study from
the boalalet "Growth in Under-
standing", pertaining to
ters under discussion rbetiweer
the United Church of Canada
ia>rnd the Anglican Church orf
Canada in the field of prospec-
tive chum union. This :at pres-
ent is in very preliminary stag-
es .of developxnenrt.
Adjournment was to the Al–
hien ien Hotel where Mr. Harrison
was host to dinner, Others :art-
tending were the Rev. Harry
Jeneingts, Brussels; the Rev.
E'dwtard C. Attwell, Gerrie; the
Rev. Harry Dornaldson, Seafo:tih
and the Rev. Peter L. Dymond,
St: Pa;tiil's, Clinton.
,The , chapter accepted ,With
pleasure the invitation of the
Rev. IT, Jennings, to hold the.
next meeting on May 7 in
Bayfield VOW Gives
Peace Research $138
BAY•ke LD — To date a •
total of $138 has been turned
hi; to Canadian Peace Re'
Search Infstituwte fund, Toron-
to, by the V.O.W. campaign
committee of Bayfield.
don with Mr. and Mrs. Odld-
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Borrie,
Ottawa, arrived in the village
on Monday and are occupying
No. 1 Jowett cottage. Mr.
Borrie, with the Department
of Public Works has returned
to complete his work of taking
soundings for repairs to the
pier, interrupted by rough
weather last fall.
Miss Vicki Cluff •attended the
wind-up !banquet of the London
Teachers College Alurnnti. As-
soottaation which held its annual
homecoming at the college on
Saturday. James Townshend
was eteeted president of the es -
sedation for the coming year
and Miss Victoria (Vicki) Cluff,
'tedar Gave Salk
Tu S9mcoe Couple
BAYFIELD--Q'n 4prr1 2, Mr.
and Mrs. George Meyer, for.
rnel]y of RR 5, Simcae, took
over "Cedar Grove" from Ntr,
and Mrs. Geoege Tiernan, This
is the ninth season for the Tire
They took over the restaur-
ant business which was known
as "Mayfield" (started rby tine
late Sidney May) , At first it
was operated as a summer heel-
ness only, but for the past two
years has been in operation: full
. Mlts. Tiernan operated a rest-
aurant with ,dining room and
did some oatering. She has
evade many friends here over
the years and twill' ibe missed in
Bayfield. With her small dau-
ghter, she evil spend: a month
with the new owners before re-
turning to her home in Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. Mavor had a
similar' business near Sirncoe..
They plan to carry an the busi+.
rens along the same lines and
under the same name, "Cedar
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