HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-05, Page 6Page 6---chnton Nows-Record—Tbursday, April 5, 1962 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT UNFURNISHED aparnnent, one bedrogin. PhOne HU 2- 9928, 14tfb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Partly furnished, available new. Pbone HU 2-9574 after 7 pan 14p ROOM FOR RENT, with or without • board. phcole HU 2- 3495. lAb UNFURNISHED lapartment, Primate bath, •available April 15. Phone HU 2-9768. 1.4tfb FURNISHED one bedroom ap- artment, private bath and en- trance, available inimediately. Phone HU 2-9869, 13-4b TRAu41D11. for rent, 41'xl(Y, ly fumishd, evailable now. Ap- ply I.lecker, Trailer Copra Clip 4 ROOM unfurnished apart- ment, hitcher •and: bath, in love - !Y farm noose, close to RCAF Station Clinton, available now. Phone HU 2-3230. 1413 EXETER -2 -bedroom one -floor house for immediate rent, 3 - piece bath, hot and cold tap water, range wired, garden, $40 permonth. Wm. Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter, 235-1402. 13tfb ARTICLES 'FOR SALE 1 GALLON CANS suitable for maple syrup, 15 cents each, Bartliffs Bakery. 14b CEDAR POSTS and poles all sizes and lengths. Gordon Heard, Bayfield. Phone Bay- field '68 r 2. 12-3-4-5b BOY'S BICYCLE, standard size, $13; right front fender for a 1957. Plymouth or Dodge. HU 2-9485. 14p USED CLARINET— only 1 1 /2 , years old, Boosey & Hawks make, complete with carrying case, price only $70, with $10 down. Phone HU 2-9525. 13-4b WOMEN'S and children's cloth- ing. Agent for North American Fashion Frocks, Contact Mrs. C. M. Rurak, representative, Becker's Trailer Court, Trail- er No. 46. • 14-17p 12' FIBREGLASS cartop boat with carrying racks and 71k h.p. Mercury outboard motor. Phone HU 2-3445 or HU 2- 9448 after 6 p.m. 14p 1 ONLY, 1961 Frigidaire wash- er, anode WCIC.,62alist $479.95;, one only, 1961 Frigidaire dryer, model Deer -62, list $369.95; , Top of the Line, the pair, only $595. Gingerich Salts and Service, Zurich, phone 34. • 14b 1 ONLY, Westinghouse washer, 1961 LGD 30S, list at $369.95; 1 orily Westinghesise dryer, 1961 DGl3 30S, list at $259.95. The pair fel- only $395, Gingerich Sales and Service, Zurich, phone 34. • • 14b SPECIAL SALE OF APPLES From April 9 'to 14 COOKING and EATING $1.00 a bushel, at the farm, bring your own containers Fred McClymonf • and Sons 1 mile south of Varna ARTICLES FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP. Ken Qibbines, RR 4, Clinton, I -IU 2,7419. 1,4b CHESTERFIELD suite, 2 or 3 'pieces, good eondition. Reason- able, 147 Townsend Street, HU 2,952(). 13,4h • SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King, Wales' Sweet, Snow and Greenings. Phone HU 2- 3214. Free delivery in Clinton. Fred McClymoot and Sons, Varoa, 10tfb USED 40" GAS STOVE, excel- lent condition,$70.; se of rab- bit, ears, $2; pair of men's howling shoes with carrying case, size 9, $4. Pherie HU 2- 3364. 14b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of 'all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel' .696 r2 29 to 39p tfb 1 ONLY, new 436C Tappan fabulous built-in range, regular list $529.95, with lyase, com- plete. SPeciaui clearante price $370. Gingerich Sales and Ser- vice, Zurich, phone 34. 14b ELECTROLUX—New and used machines, repairs and parts for all popular makes and models. Call Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderich, phone JA 4- 7917.' lltfb SINGER SALE-A-THON Free gift and draw on sewing, machine, floor polisher or vacu- um for each adult visiting our Goderich store. Fabulous buys during this sale, For further particulars call WILL WHIDDEN Clinton — HU 2-9103 13-4-5b 1 FRIGIDAIRE, FI -13-61 •fret proof refrigerator, lisJt $509.95. Special clearance price $395. Ginger/ion Sales and Service, Zurich, phone 34. 14b JUST ARRIVED Another Shipment of SPRING AND SUMMER BEADS • To Mafch Any • EASTER OUTFIT Anstett Jewellers • HU 2-9525 Albert St. — Clinton REFRIGERATOR, Admiral de- luxe with large freezing capac- ity, used one year; also large size mattress, nearly new, with springs. Phone HU 2-9532. 14b BIG Refrigerator Sale, ON NOW High allowance on your old refrigerator T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES Brucefield Open nights Shop Here for Your Chocolate Easter Novelties Made in Our Own Shop of the Highest Qualify Chocolate Our Friday Special { From Our Store Only Blueberry Muffins Reg. 50c dol. Special 43c doz. Our Saturday Special • From Our Store Only Boston Cream Pie keg. 60c each Special 53c each Bartliffs Bakery HU 2.9727 Limited • CLINTON' isatteh. and ReotatirOn1 ARTICLES FOR SALE Carefree Heating •Champion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son. 3Stfly WO9P AND CEDAR kindling. Phone HU 2-3221, 14tib KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD BabY131ankets; all sizes and colers. MARTIN'S Dept. Store. • 33tfb Your Drycleaning May Not Be Gift Wrapped BUT YOU CAN SAVE $5.00 on an 8 lb. load ($2.00) IRENE'S Westinghouse Coin Operated Dry Cleaner Store 70 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 14-7b CHILD'S CRIB, complete with mattress, just like new; antique corner cupboard. Phone HU 2- 9673 13p -14b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb TYPEWRITER RIBBONS •clearing at only 60 cents. Royal, Smith Corona, L. C. Smith, Olivetti, Olympia, Remington portables. Adder ribbons for Addo X, Allen RC, Burroughs, Clary, Smith Corona, McCas- key and Remington Class 600. News -Record office, 56 Albert Street. 49tfb APPLES Crisp and Juicy from our Cold Storage Fancy Grade Northern Spy • $2.00 per bushel Delivery in Clinton •Ross Middleton • BAYFIELD Phone HU 2-9136 6tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment. HU 2- 9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstatt Jewellers. ' 53-tfb GET READY for Easter now. Boys' shoes still on sale, $3.75 a pair, • brawn only. Hurry to Ray's Shoe 'Repair, 35 Huron Street. • 14-5-6b Rogers Majestic TV Sales and Service Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 6tfb Use Your Credit Anstett Jewellers COME IN. SEE OUR LOVELY 'DISPLAY OF GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF FAMILY We cart offer you an Attractive Time Payment Plan with No Carrying Charges. Anstett Jewellers Phone HU 2-9525 Albert Street — Clinton 12tfb ARTICLES WANTED WANTED TO BUY baby's crib, in good condition Phone HU 2- 7711, ' 14h CLOTHING FOR SALE 2 GIRLS' SPRING COATS, turquoise. Size 9 and 10. Ph- one HU 2-9006, 14p 130'S BLUE SUIT, two pair pelts,. Size 8; bey'S- navy blaz- er, size 8. Phone HU 2-3873. 14p BOY'S CUB UNIFORM! liciy'a clothitig, 8 to 14 years itialuding jackets, dress pants, Suitt, sweaters, eta! also some clothing, in gaped condition, sell Olean quiek sale, ?heed HO 2-3804. 14p BOARD AND ROOM ACC0M1VIOPATION FOR ONE alone or tWR sharing, boarders or mollies, Phone lit} 2-7093. 13p -14b WANTED — Room and Board for highway employees, Clinton apd Vilcinity. Apply in writing to L. D. Barrett, Dent of Mate way% Stratford. :Please state particulars, 14p AUTOS FOR SALE • 1956 CHEVROLET.' Motor re- built. New body job and paint job, Phalle Blyth 56 r 14. 14b 1934 PLYMOUTH, guod battery, extra tires. Phone HU 2-9707. 14b • REPOSSESSIONS, 10% down: 1957 Ford, 1959 Pontiac, 1956 Oldsmobile. Phone JA 4-8349. 13b 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, newly painted, can be seen at Don Smith Cities Service Sta- tion, Goderich Street, Seaforth. 14b 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air, with radio, whitewall tires, rea- sonably priced. Phone HU 2- 3272 before 6 p.m., or after 6 p.m. HU 2-9804. 14b 1960 KARMANN GHIA Volks- wagen, like new, 17,000 miles, Two-tone, radio and other ex- tras. Apply John Plumtree, Clinton. , 8p tfb Stop . . At Shorty's B/A For Top Value Used Cars .1 • 1961 PONTIAC, fully equipped, 10,000 original miles. 1959 FORD Galaxie, two -door hardtop, fully equipped. 1956 BUICK, one owner car. 1955 FORD, four -door 1961 CITATION, 14 foot House Trailer, sleeps four, MANY OTHER MODELS OF CARS AND TRAILERS TO CHOOSE FROM • SHORTY'S B/A 212 Victoria St. (Hwy 4) Clinton Telephone HU 2-7661 14b 28 FT. FURNISHED "Pace- maker" Trailer, complete with modern equipment; % ton Chev. toaatruck. Would 'acoept smaller trailer as trade-in. Please, no triflers. Can be seen at Zablocki trailer camp, op- posite RCAF PMQs, ,after 5 p.m. Ask for W. C. Bannister. 14p Au SEE ROUSE FOR USED CAR SPECIALS 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Four -door, 6 cylinder, auto- matic transmission, radio. '1957 Dodge Custom Royal Sedan, completely recondi- tioned, clean. 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air, Two -door, automatic trans- mission, custom radio, wind- shield washers. 1960 Chevrolet two door 8 cylinder automatic. 1961 Plymouth two door 8 cylinder, automatic trans. • Specials!! 1960 Chevrolet V-8 two door Automatic, two-tone blue and white, sharp. 1961 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan, 3,300 miles, backup lights. 1959 Ford four door 8 cylinder, standard trans- mission, two-tone, clean. 1960 Envoy Station Wagon Low mileage. TRUCKS 1061 Chevrolet V2 -ton Deluxe Pickup Truck, 7,000 mile% tee -tone. 1058 Chevrolet 5 -ton Stake C/W, 1.5 ft, racks, power ateeing, 1000 X 20 X1.2 ply tires, good, Many Other Older Modes to Choose From ROUSE Auto Electric CHEVROLET' AND OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE PHONE JA 4-9311 Kingston Street - Goderich •CUSTOM WORK ROOFING and eavetroughing. Harold East, phone HU 2-7251. 13-4p LAWN ROLLING. Clinton and district Ray Peter, HU 2- 9997. •14-5-5-7-b SNOWPLOUGHING. Back -hoe work on excavetien, drains, trenches, etc. Henry Young, 63 North Street, HU 2-9496. itifn DO YOUR RUBBER BOOTS LEAK ? Have them repaired today at Ray's Shoe Repair, 35 Huron Street, SInitora Sale still on, • 11-2-3-4b CUSTOM GRASS CUTTING, 025 per hour. w power mow- er. Contact Vodden's • Wh.ole- ealea 14 Huron Street, Clinton. 14-5-6p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modere .equipment used. All Work guaranteed, write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussel, phone 442w6 Brussels. 10to39p .AIR • COMPRESSOR EQUIP- ment with jack hanuner, mud spade and drill. Floor sanding. Cale Doucette builder. Phone HU 2-3348. 14b MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levet and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. , 40tfb WATCH CLEANING Satisfaction guaranteed. Pocket watehes, $1.50; Gents regular wind, 2.00; Ladies regular wind and gent's eutomatic, $2.50 Vodden Jewellers Wholesale. • 10tol7p EAVESTROUGHING — Order now for early service with com- petent workmen. Either no trough, or a leaky trough through time ruins your invest- ment. Phone HU 2-7746. 11-12p-tfb —HELP WANTED ' CLERK -TYPIST Required For Business Office • . Clinton Public •Hospital alKridwledge of medical term- inology would be helpful but rnot'essential; 40 -hour week, la -leave, benefits. • 1,0 • Applications to be in by 12 noon, 'April 14, 1962. Apply stating'. age, experience and salaryexpected to: THOS. A, STEEP Secretary -Treasurer 14b , . HELP WANTED FEMALE PRACTICAL NURSE and gen- eral helper to live out. Phone called, Mitchell 348 -8903. •• -13-4b Dreaming of Spring? Time Hanging Heavy? Need a Pick Me -Up? Selling AVON COSMETICS can help you. Start immedi- ately in Hullett, Colborne, East Wawanosh townships. Write, MRS. E. BELL, 8413 Albert St., Waterloo ' or phone collect SH 5-0751 before 8.30 a.m. 11-14-17b WAITRESS wanted for 'part time employment. Apply in Person to Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton, • 14b WOMAN to de housework and help care for 'small child from Monday to Friday in Clinton. Hours: 8 a.m. to, 5 pen, Phone HU 2-7121. ••14p, HELP WANTED MALE BOY WANTED to learn poultry business, good wages. Apply Elgin Rawaliffe, Henson, 272W1 14 -Sp MAN WANTED to do farm work. No stock. Must .have ex- perience to operate farm Ma- chinery. Write to Box 140, Clin- ton NeWs-Recerd, 14p MAN WANTED — Unexpected change causes vacancy in Huron County. Splendid opportunity for year-round income. For de- tails write Rawleigh's, Dept. D-169-917, 4005 RichelietalVfonta reel. 14ia 2 YOUNG MEN WANTED 'with good character and Willing te takg a held of thiag% Building Silos with Jonathan Hugill & Sons Phone HU 2-981Z Clinton 00 apply at the farm, miles West 6f Seaforth bn HighWaY Si 14b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIRi is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, counter's jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diarnond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Gaunter. 20-tfb MeChanical and Body Re pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's; Texaco Service ,No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 Do-lt-Yourself RENT These Machines ✓ Floor Polisher •V Floor Sander and Edger ✓ Belt Sander ✓ Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum ✓ Hand Electric Sander ✓ Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth (lama& and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to21p tfb REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Gode- rich, good location, reasonable terms. Phone JA 4-7668. 14-5b NEW and USED TRAILERS for sale. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 14p BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu -Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernohan. Phone: HU t,2 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 23tfb MODERN winterized cottage, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, kitch- en with built-in. cupboards, 3 - piece bath, drilled well, garage, beautfiul lot, close to stores, $1,800 down. Lauckner Real Estate, Box 41, Bayfield, phone 83. lltfb SALESMAN' WANTED YOU'RE WORTH MORE THAN YOU THINK Don't worry about past history. Your ambition and ability are more important to us than pre- vious work. We can prove this with earnings from $8,000 to $12,000 in a year paid to our salesmen in 36 other cities who started without previous sales experience M 'our field. If you are over 30 and interest- ed, please get in touch with H. J,. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 14b TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED for SS 9, Hullett, Protestant teacher, duties to commence in Septem- ber. Apply stating salary and qualifications to Henry Think- ing, RR 1, Auburn, secretary - treasurer, 12-3-4b PROTESTANT TEACHER for SS No, 6, Hullett, Huron Coun- ty. Rural school, 18 pupils. (oil furnace), Duties to com- rnence September 1962, Apply stating qualifications, last in- spector and salary expected. John H. McEwing, secretary - treasurer, Ftst 1, Blyth, Ontario, 13-4-5b STANLEY TOWNSHIP School Area requires a qualified tea- cher next September for a mo- dern well-equipped school, Good starting salary with yearly in- creases. Please state qualificaa tions and name of lett inspec- tor and send applications to: Mustard, Secretary, Varna. 14b TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St,, Strat- ford, For all airlines, stearn- ships, tail, hotel teservatioeS, tours. Low bank rates on time Peyments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas, Call 271-5710. 14b "PINGER ALMOST PINGED" A. 'freak aceiderit occurred at the earner Of Highways 4 and 8 Tuesday Morning. A treMport trtaakbeloinghtg to 130es 't anis port Ltd. lest aa set Of Wheels Off its trailer. The truck is al- tO haVe. etre over the wheel Unit, The wheels) rolled toward the side of the road and narrowly TildS.§01i a taxi belong- ing to 8, iil' xi and "Plhger'i 0)1qt:hot:in, ATTENTION FARMERS! LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 10 CHUNKS for sale, Apply Lloyd Stewart HU 2-9910. 14b FOR SALE QUANTITY of good baled hay; also quantity, of Rodney oats, suitable for seed. Apply A. M. McDougaid, HU 2-9242. 13-4p VIKING SEPARATORS, milk- ers and repairs. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brumfield, 7-8-10-12-14-16b QUANTITY of pod oats, mill cleaned, at reasonable price. Clinton Elevator, Jack Elliott, phone HU 2-9332. 5tfb APPROXIMATELY 1,000 lades of choice second cut alfalfa hay, also some first cut mixed hay, all square bales. James Lands - borough, RR 3, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 665 r 16. 12-3-4b STARTED PULLETS Spring sale specials: 6 -week- old, 79c; 9 -week-old, 98c; 12, week-old, $1.29. All birds vac- cinated and delivered. Hender- son Started Chicks Ltd., phone Seaforth 645-J-1. 12tfb FORAGE MASTER forage box- es, self -unloading unit; Brady Crimpers and hay conditioners. On Display. We also handle Kools Forage Blowers; Long double -chain elevators. Post hole digger, $198. G. and E. Welding, Main Street, Zurich, phone 72 r 12. 146o261) GOOSE EGGS: African and Chinese Cross, 20 cents per egg; Chinese, 20 cents per egg; Guinea Fowl; Ducks: Muscovey, 10 cents per egg; White Pekin, in cents per egg; East India, 10 cents per egg. Will trade maRard duclea, ring neck pheas- ant eggis 'available. Phone HU 2-3314, Leslie Jervis. 14-5p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of PROCTOR PALMER, late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. A 11 persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 17th day of February, A.D. 1962, are required to file full partic- ulars thereof with the under- signed on' or before- the 16th day of April, A.D. 1962, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of March, A.D. 1962. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 13-4-5b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of FRANCES MARY VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 20th day of February, A.D. 1962, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April, A.D. 1962, after which date the assets will, be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st day of March, A,D. 1962. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 13-4-5b • CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM FLOWING, sowing and working up of Land. Also wanted to rent, 25 to 100 acres of land suitable for :MOP. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231. ' • I4 -5-6p SEED FOR SALE ORDER YOUR Funks P -Hy- brid Seed Corn now for a de- pendable high yielding 1962 corn crop—either grain or en- silage..See us also for better buys in tillage equipment(diecs, cultivators, packers, ete.) man- ure spreaders and loaders, ham- mer mills and feed mixer units, hog, poultry and veritilatien equipment, etc. Haugh Bros., Brucefield. phone Seaforth 658R.23. Milton J. Dietz, Sea - forth, 600 R 21. 14-5b SERVICES ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs, or over, ac- cording to condition. Associated with Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Ant, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service, Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth. 8tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Kirkfon 48 r 10 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 ltfb Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Finance Co. Repossessions,. Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizur- es and Personal Consignments, consisting of modern household furniture, televisions, applianc- es and brand new clothing at the Clinton Legion Hall, on Saturday, April 7 at 1:30 p.m, sharp Special Outstanding : • Westinghouse upright deep freeze, brand new; two 5.pc. bedroorn. suites, complete with baakcase beds, box springs and mattresses; 2 -pc. foam rubber zippered cushion chesterfield suite; large chord organ. Also — 8 television sets, all have been 'checked over and in A-1 condition; 2 refrigerat- ons; 2 electric ranges; auto- matic washer and dryer; 3 ehrome kitchen suites; 2 2 -pc. davenport suites; 2 39" contin- ental beds; 1 set of maple bunk beds; combination radio and record player; spacesaver; con- ventional washer; 'odd chrome chairs; tri -light and table lamps; coffee and step tables; platform rockers and hostess chairs; many other pieces of furniture and appliances; quan- tity 'of brand new clothing; dishes and glassware, plus many more items which will be re- leased by Saturday, but not available for publication at this time. This is another outatanding sale of brand new and neatly new furniture and appliances. A sale you can't afford to miss. Terms—Cash on day of sale; 3% sales tax in effect; cheques accepted Franklin litinek, AUctioneer ER 2, Gadshill Dial 271-3049 Stratford 14b asemmoommammaima care LEISURE ALL-WEATHER COAT CLASSIC $19.95 to 527.50 1.8) In the popular Sal- n-locan Style, Raglan Sleeves. Muted Glen Plaids, Shower Resist- ant: Reversible. Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Street Clintbn Phone HU 1...9732