HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-04-05, Page 4or Teens and Monti
ate with ilk and .-Cookits:
Over 80 Clinton and district
persons contributed to the local
appeal for the Easter Seal fund
in the first three days after the
seals were mailed Out. The
Clinton Lions Club appeal for
contributions to the crippled
children fund ends Easter week-
* *
If we sincerely believe in the
basic humanitarian concepts of
Fire Destroys
1954 Model Car
Fine Momiay night totally
destroyed a 1954 model car be-
longing to LeRoy Hugill, 18,
Isaac Street, Clinton.
Hugill told fire ou'.,ino-i'les
that a wire fell off the car
radio, when it was reconnected
it staged to smoke and the car
caught fire. IL was partly 0.^,11-
ered by insurance said Hugill.
He said he pulled
over to the curb of Orange
Street near Princess street and
went to call the fire depart-
ment. When the fire trucks ar-
rived it was found that the
car had stopped in the middle
of the road.
WE: AT MOST oteasormeLt'AAMS.
our society, then we all 'haVe
responsibility to make certain
that crippled children; do hot
suffer' unnecessary hardships,
due to lack of inedidal advice.
care and treatment facilities.
That they deserve all the help
-they need' is irrefutable.
The 1962 Easter Seal Cam-
paign 'is now being conducted
in 226 communities throughout
Ontario, and sponsors are the
Ontario Society for Crippled
Children and its service club
Last week 'Clinton Lions Club
sent out over 2200 Easter Seal
envelopes, requesting your use
of 'the seals and -a donation.
The Ontario goal is $1,000,-
It will be attained, but ,only
with full support from all qu-
arters, individuals, companies,
employee groups, community
organizations, — in fact from;
all men and w of goodwill,
throughout Ontario.
The Ontario Society for Crip-
Pled Children is a voluntary or-
ganization comprised of 10,000
members having no bauriers,
Race, colour, -religious faith, or
lack of funds are unimportant
statistics on a crippled Child's
Medical - report.
All children require help. We
acknowledge 'this fact in -a mul-
titude of ways, by law, by love,
by moral obligation, by pure
In brief, Easter Seals extend
a helpful protective hand to
our crippled' children — help
them to overcome their fears
and ;to instil in them hope, cour-
age and self-reliance. A needy
crippled child' right in your
community 'awaits. help. Your
Easter Seal contr'ibu'tion today
could have a life long effect.
Send your contribution to D.
W. Cornish, treasurer of Clin-
ton Lions Clufb Easter Seal
The Revcb Farm Freezer construct16n }8SSdPe's
of highest quality materials and WOrkMariShilti.
More storage space in iets floor space.
Outside always dean tend dry.
Entire food comportment it used for fast freetin'g
and safe storage.
'Easy ,to read control dial setting from zero to 20
degrees below zero.
No rust or paint to chip
-Clinton Electric Shop
HU ;4646 , Clinton
UYatlik WE611114dHOUSE bEALtito
Free! Marie Fraseri.
"Milk-Mates for Moderns"
recipe booklet. Write today.
A Division of
141 Davenport Road, Toronto
Neim Answei4-deb gives fight,tiveiy control
to active deb figures! Just WA ozs, of
boneless nylon power net with inner elastic
e, bands to trim yOut tummy—an all-ruiiber
satin back panel to smooth hips. White,
sties Pr S, M, t.. Shown with Gc\ssardra
fpem paddedf white cotton boti siies
'32.36 ;Cant! ups '
'Answer®-deb pantie .895
pull on girdle $7.5
Pogo 4—, Hilton Neses-Itecord,-Thursdpyor April 15,1962
Your Purchate of Easter Seals Provide This Service
All ;Orlies Of .'special equipment are needed for crippled children to
strengthen their back or their limbs sothaI they might sit-up or even walk.
Ttirgigk* skilled'ativ,i,ce of, medical specialists at clinics, treatment centres
- and hOSpitals, theSe •girls' and boys are receiving every possible, opportunity
to improve and if possible, remove their physically handicapped condition.
Easter Seal contributions make these and other services possible. The 1962
million dollar objective for Ontario must be reached to guarantee that such
services will continue. Clinton Lions Club is again soliciting Easter Seal funds
in Clinton area.
Buying Easter Seals
Help Crippled Children
Feed and Wet* equals fun, When teenagers ccagregate for
Platter oPluning, or a rock 'n,
roll session- As you've noticed,
inferinalitY sets, the key Or
their rela*Od ways of entertain-
ing, and basic snacks. like Milk
drinks and cookies, add up to
running the show by theniselYea
and having a whee of 4 time
&ing so.
Besides, Mow, they're learn-
ing the social grapes and food
preparation skills at the same
time, which Undoubtedly cheers
you on
Milk is mighty good for that
growing youngster of yours,
and we're sure you're thankful
every time you see that the
good ,food habits you've tried
to teach, have taken roots, as
Johnny and Sue Choose this
dairy food with the fine flay-
or and bonus in food value.
Now here are two new milk
drinks and two new cookies for
your "ten-to-twenty" crowd
and Mom, might We suggest you
try these cookies yourself, be-
cause they're both quick-quick
and their results quite special.
To elaborate, let's just say
that- one of the cookies begins
with white bread, and a mix-
ture of butter, sugar, milk,
cocoa and nuts, and when thy-
're put together in this swift
tea-time fashion, you'll have
some very elegant cookies on
the tea plate.
The other recipe gives you
the flavor satisfaction of date-
filled oatmeal cookies, yet lets
you bake them ;drop-cookie style
rather than rolled, with the
date filling right inside. Sur-
prise! Surprise!
About the milk drinks for
the 'teen town meeting at your
house . . . these will be ideas
for a mid-morning or mid-after-
noon break for you too, the kind
that perks you right up and re-
freshes without suffering!
Hawaiian Milk Shake
(Makes 4 Servings)
1% cups cold pineapple juice
2 cups cold milk
large scoop vanilla ice cream
Combine pineapple juice, milk
and ice cream. Shake well or;
beat until well blended and
Mexican Cooler
(Makes 1 Serving)
2/3 glass cold chocolate milk
1 heaping spoonful lemon
2 tablespoons cream (option-
Combine chocolale milk and
sherbet; blend well with rotary
% cup sugar
% PPP nutmeats
Combine in a saucepan the
dates, water and sugar. Cook over medium heat stirring pc-
casionally until thick, Cool.
Stir in nutmeats
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1, teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon, cinnamon
cup soft 'butter
1/a pup soft shortening
2 cups lightly-packed brown
2 eggs
1 teaspoon 'vanilla
I/2 cup milk
11/1 cups rolled oats
putter cookie sheets lightly.
Preheat oven to 350' F, Sift
together the flour, baking soda,
salt and cinnamon, Cream but-
ter and shortening, beat in
brown sugar, eggs and vanilla. walnuts and cool.
Date With Milk And Cookies
Milk drinks and nifty new cookies "go steady"
at any teenage platter party. Frosty drinks pictur-
ed are called Hawaiian Milk Shakes and Mexican
Cobler. New cookie recipes will make a hit with
Mom's friends too.. (Dairy Foods Photo)
which he is' colonel-in-thief, at
Woiseley Barracks in London
on May 21. General Charles
Prince Philip will atte.nd a Foulkes, Colonel of the Regi-
trooping of the colors at the ment, Vancouver, is expected
Royal Canadian Regiment, of also 'to be present,
ii)0600000 'COrpers* Airailleibie
Fo r Ail Types Pr cOr1)11tri Work
specialking 1 n :
KIT-CI-14N CUPBCPARPS t... CHINA c4u31.144Ts, etc,
13PAPPO-1-1-11P a nii IREFINJaHINP
PhOlO Wi n ter 2,7720 KE714 iAcNAIRN
Wt, f." • ::
vs Cla w"T.
Choose from our
i big new work boot selection. .,
`, A dozen styles with
/ ,-, different upper leathers and
sole materials.
From $6.95 to $12,50.
11 ,....,,,
Full lace leather hi-cuts with ,
a choice of cork, cord,
leather or plastic, soles.0., ''' 1 te‘e ''.:
$11.95 to $18.95. ,
,? io
/ .
• '.4.'It.'":7:4f0
? 41,
For, Rubber . Foolvear .„
Probably you know of someone
— a friend, relative or neighbor
— who has had to
:- .
cancer and you know the Suffer-
ing and heartache involved. Only
research can win the battle
Give generously to the April
campaign of The Canadian
Cancer Society. The objective in
is $16,000. With your help we
, can raise even more.
Clinton and District Canvass
is being made this week
if you were not called on or still wish to contribute
contact a canvasser listed below:
' Conveners: Mrs. E, ,Ellwood, Mrs. D. Andrews, Mrs.
E. Florian, Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. Ruth Knox
Federation of Agriculture
Conveners: Lloyd Stewart and Ted Dunn
Convener, Mrs. M. F. Rodgers
Convener, Mrs. Alf Stotchmer
For your tonveniente, the Royal Bank, Bank of
Montreal and Credit Union will ,accept
your donatiOn and i's'sue receipts.
I:3Y APRIL 20,
beater, POtir into tall glass.
For a _super drink ,add
Baked ,Cookies
(Makes approximately 7 Dozen
2 pups chopped dates
cup water
ACICI.MCITNYillPe!rPalliteirtnsatleg13:, amPOwith
milk; con:Ohl/0g w.eil attOr each
addition, Acid 41).a. mix. in wjled
54w out cup of the dough.
prop: remaining dough. 'by tea,,
spoonfuls Conte prepared
sheets.. Make small indentation
pintaecrile teaspoon 70.11-4 puol
sanpotoonp ,0 .,oavvoprao.pauctn owoiut with .131;4-
in nroboatod oven 10 to 1.5:
Chocolate, Tid Bits
(Makes 3 Dozen Tid Bits)
6 slices bread, 1" thick
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa
3 tablespoons butter, melted
6 tablospoons milk
coconut 'or chopped walnuts
Remove crusts from. bread
and put into squares or oblong
pieCes. Combing. sugar, cocoa,
Melted butter and milk and boil
for three minutes. With ca, fork
dip each piece of bread into
this mixture, turn quickly and
lift out. Roll in .coconnt or