Clinton News-Record, 1962-03-29, Page 2Pqpp �2 7,-rClinton News,Re;qrd-Thvrs-, March 1962 ditonals UY Just Tthle,Fditoe . NOT A MONTH AGO we read a particularly lonesomq wall from a follow editor, "Won't someone, somewhere ,Write a lietter about something? Any. t Why is the idea of writing; a letter to the editor -avoided by so many?. What good are all those thousands spent pTi.education if nobody bothers hers to use what they learn to complain, tQ praise, or nag? Why -dQ people think it makes per, feet sense to talk to an editor on the street, even, waken the poor editor with an early Morning hone call - yet tail to take the time tam t44t editor on his home :ground, For that matter, who, but the ectitor of a newspaper offers the field of corn bat freely 'to an opponent, without ask- ing: that he share the rent on the arena? Yet few take advantage of the op- portunity to joust. We know we are not always wrong ,-but surely we, are not always right. There are all sorts of things with which. 4 thln4iRg, persm could take issue. Why doesn't s e come up with 9 eon a gipipd, idea fQrC . . linton to plan for 9 11-67? What's special about that year, some.- one blithely asked the oth.0 day, Well Its the year when -Canada is 100 years old. in 1-867 an absolutely unbelievable thing took Place. Arch enemies in Canada joined together to form a new country stretching from sea to S64- A bilingual, country It was and continues to be. The incredible thing is that it stuck. In the, hundred years Canada has, fqtight in two world wars, repelled the imaginary renians suffered grow, ing I pangs in the Riel Rebellion. Now if we can possibly weld the strange Doukhobors into the homogen- ()Us whole we may eventually end up peace -loving country -.. despite what hockey teanis in Sweden may think. Should we run a contest for ideas to mark the centennial year of our comtry-here in Clinton? Let's hear from you, One Thought Conceived WHEN WE ANNOUNCED last A farmer works hard, plays hard, week the intent to survey the taxation prays fervently and expects' his applica- field as it -relates to education costs, we tion of the Golden Rule to encourage didn't realize the extent of the invest i- others to do the same, gating necessary. Whether he plants 50 acres or a Do you know that a select commit- thousand, or encourages a permanent tee in Ontario is'planning to spend four pasture, he's in love with growing Years on this project? We're inclined things. His pride in a straight furrow to let them go ahead, meanwhile keep- is just as strong now as when he urged ing a weather eye out f9r -interesting Dobbin back and forth across the fields, facts, A farmer is a ditcher, a road- I . We'llsend them a copy of the paper builder. and a mender of bridges; he, and they can glean the local viewpoint erects fences, builds -barns, paints hous- from it. That is, if you folk will oblige Fs, spreads manure, packs sweet -smell - by sending iii,your ideas. ing hay into lofts, loose and in bales; he One thin'e I wdecided in the last lives with the land and ,the blue sky few days,; and that is, that farmpeopl people above and 'he has a right to his inde- ate Goon going to have to make up their pendence in the world he lives in. minds.: : Either they''shou"Id be content with To us the name "farmer" means all of these things and more. being llfatrn&s11 0"r'they. should go full . Legir-datbure •for nine years. tilt into -this business of modern nomen- Hugh Latimer, provincial or - clature and call themselves agrl-busi- Seat Belts For Deejays nessmen. Lately we suspeetthey would when he entered the Hou&-- iin liketo be numbered among the pro- MAN, IF YOU don . 't want,to be a fessions. "farmer" creep, 'you'll have to pick up on what The fact is that is more descriptive of what rural I people really I'm laying *down. No cat is with it un - are and want to be, than any other less he digs seat belts when he swings term, down the alley in his bucket of bolts. A farmer is a, capitalist, a business- 'When the hip wants to make a point, man, a labourer and a financier, he is a he's well prepared when he makes the rRcfianic, a weldor, a soils. expert 4nd scene. He's not: about to be flipped off part-time veteriharian; he is a nurse- guard. There are a lot of squares out maid to. a stable -full of ornery animals there on the concrete 'crawl, so be pre - and he loves it; he is sometimes a tree pared for the worst. Be cool, make the doctor; he sometimes picks up a, rifle, seat belt scene so* the next cat can't whistles to his dog and becomes a put you down. You dig? -U.S. Safety hunter. Council. 0 C ton. Mews. -Record, THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Est. 1865 Amalgamated 1924 Est. 11381 a 0 Ilk Published every Thursday at the Heart Of, Huron County Clinton, Ontario Population 3,369 • A. L. COLQUH*UN, Publisher 00 bUe V L 11,44♦ WILMA D. DINNIN, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable In advance - Canada and Great Britain: $100 a year; United States and Foreign: $5,50; Single Copies Ten Cents Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment, of postage In cash Deszy'nd for , You the wise investor who wants a sound investment paying as high interest ia3 is commensurate with safety I OUR GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Earn 5% interest on -$100 or more invested for any period from 3 to 10 years. Interest begins the day you invest so don't delay. . . . . . . . . .. . -V ... ........ SUGAR. and SPICE .. . Ile's o (ByW' . F 13, VI $MILEY) 14qng Winter get you db q? ,?pl zees these fairly A, an - Op aft p4 ­4,V You c 0t b jt fraz40? 'V , th forecasts, the be 40 Years, Ago , "ast"s, we. are subigat:04 cool co4peM-, 0 a 11 ing up? WO.r.00., obout 91a barrage of, Minor th�0�� W,14 e the bomb 'a StLIN7 4N ".W 194A insults, moot.p.if thqgriq,�,4 per- 'h01iQS �'tt4ng'tb'WV T pt,, P. 6 how W. 'The -W lagii at 4,ingsand son4 nature, 44% 164ye his fQup�h .1ati feel. -They shout that IIT4,iourplo is a lotta these people, Williaari sok, and J. Grant Xf ppoplp., pag 4 - any heed -to 1Q9sescELV are. w -an? tb Ek went to Wqkriaw to search for Pdor, W get Goa fon we hayp" body oak, the wgrpings, dire pro.ec41qt1ops Pleasant breath', the stuff and y dandruff; e can't banne� p)w*ers oppong s and app4ling -stiatis*4 with dentures; trP4clW.,Qqs it," he muses, as. he reac�,-e-% Xr,. .4pi#, Varna, has ural, which they are Et�sAiled on "lipysr acid stomaells, and tb* the house and lot on Town), f W_ knacks the q4art End kn every hand, - 1010 J1WVaM race tl:n are badly in need of 14-m $txeet formerly occupied I? off the �,na, %!J �t is di it ffi,04 Would be Made UP of 4ri`Ve11-. a gew US5 for tihiit old he 14 wltlrhold 'Cross ling c_qW.p?,,ds, aringing u by Wopgaii Agnew, pdpr They d_qA't leave A Stone, not, aMause, at Ilie VePtaiclq of - E. Weodorf Dominion Cafq there respectivo lbeds. even 4 gaQ-Stone,, UptiuMed. the "tyr Im- 40 &%jaing the -offers $5 for the best colloct] n 40401 W 4 coffin nail with They imply that we, am sick, innence a sudden.4nnlhtlatlon 0f r hor,%% eXhibitqq:by any One your,;_ft,arnino 'ee.a,44, paper, eninge reeps, by H-ij)pmb because be's too maq at the,01inton $took Show, And iaheaMme hito you between ately, there U a; •WPA, bu.V fgurin 4ng 'r g out q , les t;o di& A sale of bulls, will 1bp held the eyes: SMOKING, LUNG derful clueaespness, a deliberate dlie the government,4Qut o dqAth, at the $ pring Show, consigned CANCER LINKED TESTS pbtuseoesp, dn, human aVUre, 4ptteS Qn his: estate, 'by E. 1-11''Wise, N, J. Lebek�l; PROW, Turn 00 'your car that roakw us go bfithOV 94 Paul Cadieux, Kippen; Rory radio as, you drive to W01114C and our way, reeking nought, of the And surely one cannot refrain Pjurogtpel, Mic4iael Ohler; W. the AwiQlAMOr t6114 you, 'triune- Cassandras in our midst, And .from a rp�siqg cheer for the phantly,,that weekend fatalities ,NIcksh r ank, Wingham. 'joettering as'' rr ,, a jQ11y good thin too or liif'e m � with. fA' l'bum �tA*er whol- a buying supplies t 'ye;W'S ' r 'an Manypor.99n, hit Would be not onily fr1glAfUl but. retired Eater 30, years In azed- for home:brewing from local record by eight, He PqUiuds hW- also fpiote4mg, entary job, immediately Start's f4! * �1. Start's grocers and c�lruggistts- are not py about it, ilavirq ]like a navvy, building, aware that •4 licence is, requir- Ili-wre is slomet� �19 94,11ant t qarUrg down, fetohiog, end car- ed -fi J,ust look as though. you feel d opshing about the in.and' rev4,PTW, 4�- two- ryIng, shoyding. snow' -and cut - an the pi_Xrtment. like -a beer, and' Somebody, pro- decks�a-day man, who reads the bing grass, and generally sbow- M T. Cbriless has sold his Jun Z C�% cancer Story, pales Slightly, bably your wife, will start reel- ing a fine scorn for living -to a hardware -business to Thomas them h lights o tS )ng off tihi� lotest figures on , a -ft and blov,% out; y1pe old age. HaiwXins, and Hugh Miller. alcoholism. the smoke ,gide the devil-, nay- 7;t must be horribly exasper- Start putting away sone- car-esaille, the qUizzicAY-Afteda#og to. soletfiLsAs, traffle auth- tbj,nig for yow Old age, and-, eydbrow, of ithe cm&nmed spy oritles, temperancte people, tax N ears Ago Some �cheepfulr v4ture witll in- facing -the firing squad. icollectors and doctors, but 40, form YOU, With ill-conwOed . There is sumedilng h*r6lc in them 'S Something unbeatable in CLINT01W NoWs-n]CORD satisfaction, that the human the man who beam the wee�en�d 'human. natiare. It's a. sort of Thursday, March $0, 1922 race will be obliterated by fatality figur.0 while drivig to massive, chain, I Aing stup dity, 'a nuclear weapons, withdn -the cur- work, and, merely sets'his4w, superb reckleasnesas that ba$ 'Clinton Board of Trade ten - rent decade, traMP5 on the gas, and; bulls made peoplv, ignore an wan,_ dered, a complimentary banquet Put In an hioapst, hard day's tjhr . ough the trafflewilth all the Ings and� deliberately seek out;Co -all, manufacturing work, and, some magazine amt- skirl, enthusiasm and' Doherty Pianos' now disregard . d9sasiter, ever since the day Eve in town: E i ick will'trumpet the new* that for danger of a Ben H4rr at the was wamed Mt to fool around seRing to Great Britain, Aus- you're heading for a coronary. reins of a chariot, with that apple. trallm, New Zealand and South Atrica; Clinton Knitting Co.; Clinton Flour Mills; Clinton 'Pie Oreamery; Experimental, -x W11s; Jackson Mfg. Co.; Huron Paig Cancer Cam n: d r,W Specialty Casting Co. aly A. J. McMurray. is busy get - a ting the Spring Show ready. Ball and Zaphfe offered a $6 ive i s -5,00 picture for the best lady driv- Local 06sect $2, I er. The Casting Co. offers; 12 Cancer campaign target for Lloyd Stewart and Ted Dunn. warded to pravincial headgear- Nowpoints 'for best matched Clinton and district is $2500, At Adastral, Park, the Per- tees ,to help finance extensive team of greys. it was -announced this week by manent Married Quarters at research projects. Ono of these The Hon, Mackenzie King Mrs. Jack Elliott, branch cam- RCAF Station Clinton, Mrs. M. was 'the recently -opened cancer says lie doesn't like prohibition paign chairman. F. Rodgers, is convener of the research laboratory art' the Un- in, anything. Doesn't even like This is part of Huron qTwgn. iMrs. Alf Scotchmer iversity of Western Ontario unit's cag . in the Ten Comman&nents, -prdb- 1962 objective of $16,000 -which !S'TaokTng after the coliections London.. ably. mus1t be raised: during the April in the village of Bayfield, Unit President Ray C, Mills, campaign. "We remain grateful for the Exeter, indicated this week he In, Clinton some of the col- outstanding co-operation we re, foea4 confident the campaign lectians; have already been done. ceive from both urban• and rural will be -a success. "Huron hag However, the main -three days volunteers who ,assist us'in this always played an important of the campaign are on April major fund -miring program," part •in the fight against cane 2, 3 ;and, 4. If you are not al- Unit Chadrnian R. E. Pooley cer in Ontario arid' I lqvow our ready canvass'ed, you can look stated. county will continue to do so," forward to hearing from some- Funds raised' in Huron am he states, one very soon. used, to finance service work in Breakdown of the county ob- , Conveners, in Clanton are -Mrs. the county as well as general jective of $16,0()0 is: Goderich Ernest Ellwood, Mrs . Douglas ethination and, research pro- &Axiot, $4,000; Exeter district, Andrews,, Mrs, Ed. Florian, Mrs. grams across Canada. During $3,500; Clinton, district, $2,500; Donlald Smith and Mrs. Ruth 1961, Huron unit spent over Whigham. distract, $2,500; Sea - Knox. I - :,z, �. 24-`----' $3*, -W to hop 76 'patients, in forth district, $2,000; Blyth dis- the campaignin-,Hllett and. the . county.. A further $1,072 'tract and Brussels disitrict, $750 Qtnnlle" Ire"xmichitno ds been con- - -d -+ - cancerA.­&4- - 4 Yvars Ago -O&INTON. NEWS-RECORD march 24, 1007 Mrs, Margaret Rhyn�p will be guest Speakpr art F1 Me _W1.9bitiogale Day, May J2 the hospital, This' is also QQr, Day., ovation Da, An unusual tomb,!Aorio to be placed 41 -Clirvton Cemetery I in Chln%p -characters, except for �Vhe words ,,Hong t.4,g, 1,93711, Mr, Hong died' 94 February Spring Show will lope next ThurA sday, April 1., J,ame§ R, -StW4i-g 1 ' s named presil&ot of Hurm , , 0poqnW ,Fruit -Growers-, He succeeds Goprge Laithwalte, Goderlich. Back in 1$97 A, J, liollowaV sold, a lot on Huron $tmet to W. jCore, who Intends, to Wild' The Girl's Club at Wesloy- Wi0s, will hold a TwIft1vt Ximipalie March 26 at 4 pm. ,Coffee at T. R. ThompsuWs store :;s listed, at 29 cents, a .pound'..pound'.10 'Years. Ago CLINTQN NIQW5-AE1Q0RD Thursday, March 37, 1952 County prepared for Poultry Vote. Fred Milddletoni, RR a, Clin- ton; is pTievident of I-luron County Fruit Growers Associa- tion, with William. McGuire serving as vice-president, Eleanor Davis and Margaret Colquhoun have been hired at Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt (nee Catherine Perdue), Sea - forth, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last week Ray Telford, Bayfield, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Telford, re- quired four stitches in his left knee to close a wound made by a dog owned by LAC Bob Heisler. , Harvey Wjlghitmans RR 2, Au- burn, won second' place at the 111th annual graduation exercis- es, Niagara Parks Commission School a Gardening. MemorialClinton �Shop T. PRYDE and SON --CLINTON EXETER --SEAFORTH Open" Every Afternoon . PHONE HU 2-9421 At other times contact Local Representative -Tom Steep ----HU 2-3869 � 24 ducted- by the -Federation of in Huron.. The. objective. for Canada this Agriculture, . with conveners, More -than $14,000 was for- year w $3,519,000. Business and Professional JOHN, W. HANNA' Pravncial Cabinet, Members, Friends Attend, MRP's Funeral' WINGAIAM (Special) -John hid death reachad the Moor ot York East; Marvin Howe, MP, W. Hanna, 72, MFP for Huron- the. Legislature, Air. Hanna's WellingitionHurion; Elston, Car - Bruce since 1943 died at his back -raw dbskand chair behind diff, MP, Huron; Harry Allan, home Saturday, March 24, the tabinet were draped in pur- MPP, Middlesex South; J. Fred Onetime candidate for* the jyle-4trw=ed black crepe. Edwards MPP, Perth; John A. nationail leadership of the Pro- Mr. Hama referred to him- i'ullaXG, MPP, Parry Sound; gwessive Conservative Party, he self -as "Jovial John" and, won Maj. Alex A, MacKenzie, MPP, stepped down the dlayafter his 'the honorary tWe of Senator York Ninth; James Band, dep- announcement when George from his colleagues by hes Tea- uty minister of welfare; Elmer Drew stated his 'intention 60, demhlp among the overflow Bell, QC, Exeter, H. C. Mae - seek the post. Inemberg of the Government LeanW'Dgham; Stanley Pre - , Mr. as W. Hanna was also k in 9azty forced to sit on ,the op- vitt, Goderich; Magistrate H. the man who sat silent the posite side of the House. Glenn Hays, QC, Goderich; Legir-datbure •for nine years. Hugh Latimer, provincial or - He made his maiden speech The funeral service was -held igianizer of the Progressive Con - when he entered the Hou&-- iin Wednesday ,from St. Andrew's servative Parity and Theodore 1943, did not enjoy the e>Ver­ Presbyterian Church, Winghiam Colehouse, assistiant provincial ience, and did not make anoth- to temporary entombment in organizer, er •speech until 1952. Wingham mausoleum. Burial Active pallbearers were. Har - will. The made laIter in Wingham L*y Crawford, Dewitt Miller; cemetery. Barry Wenger, Clare Cantelon, Members of both the Ontario George Joynt and J. P. Me - and federwi hous*s, including Kibbon, and flower bearers 'R. Premier John Robarts, attended B. Cousins, Brussels; W. T. along with members of district 10ruicksliank, Wingham; W. Pa6grassive Conserviative, aswc- Wes1'ey Soynt and Allister tions; Huron County council Hughes-, Lucknow. -Jal As- and Wiiingharn Ministier Represen ting the Liberal dociabion. Party were, Leo Troy, Nipis- MR. Honorary pallbearers w ere, sing and, J -oha Chapple, Fort Wiffiam Davi Premier R dbarts: Hon. Georg. N 6.r vi a -n sen, East e. to h C. Wardrope, minister of miners; Hamilton r es n d ,the epr Ron, W, A. qoodfeU'ow, minist, New Democratic Party. gat ibn§, Huron Ciaunty council 0 er of highways; Hon. Charles A Canadian Red Cross iteam Daley, minister withod;t port- Of specialists:, In, physicalirnedl- qhdlio,� Hon. Wi Warn Stewart, eine And PhYaiotherAphy spent minister Of agricullture., Hou. 18 months div Morocco helping to rehabilitate over 10,000 pama- -Charles S. MacNaUghiton, Exe- ter" without btW victims. This is th4 longest 'Un, minister I?Wt- "-!10' HORIP, Be�Ckett, MPP, J ernergency oper�tiOni ever' deotilken by the Red Cross. JrOH14 W. IFIAN14A TO invest -,just 8,encl in your cheque-, At that !Ame he tow tb pay We look after all details, tribute t6 � hen Premier Ltsdk WWAM) R, ROWLANDS, Goderich Otdtidh Mdhdg6e, West dhd Waterloo Sfreots( OIAL 1A *4391 foost and, anyone else in, the Abuse he felt destirvedit, Just before be sat down he n-mdv-- a plea that the Govern- inelht look after crippled thil-. diten. He also asked the Obv- Wmm6nt -to ekitand0 I wo In .1 tormoctioti with heart disbais-e, HW death creamed fhe obw vabancy In the Leglilature. Mr, Hanha was lbott in wft- ham., where he operated, twkA storesH1A wit& is the former Esther M Campbell of WIOW4 Aock. His only -oon,J'ofin, died In an &Utof nbibil, crash in1654, I v V1%,J V bwyu U-10-+ tolintoft ROPOS006#16VO: altd lodkeg and Serwa 00 MW. dr bf WM-ghw"n' fi-iom 1686 to 1:$41: Her ehtetiqd the1kg%Ela,4 H6wid- C . 1ICM, n'. ituto fiv 1049,And, Was, ke-40-ewd in 045: %049, io5f ."I dfhf&th1'dL Phon6 'HU 1., 2.9644- -kaftenbury S+t#+ it, iWE 1954, aAnAd 1,09 the, lanhbuntem6nt'a M . odern MEAT Market HU ZVI!, Loan Meaty rfibs 49aii lbe Weine s 1* sit 29,(-- 16i Pu -re ry, 1 L+r" d Direictory A. M. HARPER and COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. 7 RATTENBURY ST. E. GODERICH CLINTON Phone JA 4.7562 Phone HU 24721 INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance - Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO: Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Representative: Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. .Head Office, DUNOANNON Established 1878 BOARb OF DIRECTORS President Brown Smyth, R 2, kuburn: Vice -Pres.: Ile -Mon Ir - OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTICIAN Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Further Charge Clinton -Mondays Only 9.00 a,m. to 5.30, p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seaforth-Weekdays except Mondays, ground floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D, - OPTOMETRIST For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 39-tfb PUBLIC ACC04JNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone so* JA 4-9521 416 Thompson, R:Ij Holyrood; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. REAL ESTATE For information on your in- LEONARD G. WINTER sutaneb, call your neatest direc. goal Estate & gusinese Broker tdr who is also an agent, or the secretary, Durift Phillips, Dun- High Street s- Clinton gann6n, phone Dungannon 48. PHONE HU 2-0692 27-tfb THE WKILIOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'COMPANY #P* Office - Main Street SEA0ORTH CI a toWd bWelllngd . All clum.§ of Psirhi Property' 4 summer Cottages Clitifthetj Schools, Halls tXt6hded cov-or4ge (wind, smoke, water d4fage, failing iobje6ftf 00 Is also tomfl4ble. A0Etqt8.:16meS Keys, Alt 1) 8ftf V 1, LAhe Alt 9 96a. I . 4 forth; Win, UIN't Jr., ton&66rd� 8elAryn 13ak ' I 9, I - of, Brussels, Harold Squires, Cliftbli If 66&96 Coyne, bublin; D'6hald G, titbit,