HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-15, Page 12Bao e: i2. Clinton News-Record,--.Thurs,,. March.i.5r 494
First Event Winners .
Group Captain. J. G. MViathieson, Commanding
Officer, RCAF Station Clinton, presents prizes to
skip Olive Fisher, Doreen Baggaley, and Gertrude
Michalski, who were the first event winners in the
RCAF women's curling bonspiel, (RCAF Photo)
Second Event Winners
Skip Helen Davies accepts the second event
prizes from Group Captain J. G. Mathieson, Com-
manding •Officer,.RCAF Station Clinton. With her
are Jewel Farrel and Lou Bundy. . (RCAF Photo)
Ladies Eonspiel At
RCAF Station Clinton
curlers, staged their annual cur-
ling bon.spiel here on Saturday,
March 10. Seven rini s compet-
ed 'in the clay -long event, which
saw a lot of keeii curling, hard
sweeping and a nuxnbe4 of very
close down -to -the -wire games.
First event winners Were sk-
ipped by Olive !Fisher, with
Barrb •Cavareaugh% rink as runs
Hers up. Helen Davies skipped
Voices of Women
Collects $107.00
BAYFIELD (Special) —
The VoW in Bayfield reports
a total of $107 subscribed to
date for the Canadian • Peace
Research Institute. Further
daivations • miay be sent to
Mrs. C. E. Diehl, honourary
treasurer, Bayfield.
the second event winners, while
second place went to Susanne
Tremblay and her team.
Get Your Ticket on The
Clinton Kinsmen Club
Stanley Cup
$1,000.00 In Prizes
$250.00 for Final Game of First Semi -Final Series
$250.00 for Final Game of Second Semi -Final Series
$500.00 for Final Game of Stanley Cup Playoffs
$1.00 Per Ticket
Tickets Cci toin Period, Minute and Second
Winning ticket will be the exact time that the
.winning goal was scored (not necessarily th e last goal
of the game). In the event any one of the three games
goes into overtime, the overtime period will be con-
sidered :as the first period of the game.
Be Sure The Ticket Seller Records Your Draw Score
on His Score Sheet.
Tickets on Sale from Members of Kinsmen
Club and many Business Places in Clinton.
Cribbage Boards Twice round,
race track, folding plastic
i5c to $3.00
Chess Sets '-- word or plastic -;—
weighted $1.79 to M75
Poker Chips '.1.03 to $3,25
Careers .... • $3,00
Rugrimolli 49c & 98c
Table Tennis ............
Oui1a Board,
59c to $5,98
$1.93 & $3.50
Touring -r- Flinch „=,- chase T9c to $2.49
M r ' - n !
CIlittoif Ontario
For Second Year
Clinton Lions .d.. ...e.ts
The hails-spoi•ored Midget
hockey teani won the WOAA
Miert 'B" championship Tues-
day evening in Wingham. The
Harley Crawford tr'op'hy, which
they. also won last Year, was
presented imine liahely after the
Coached by two teen} -a gers —
Johnv Jacob and Ken Engelstad
tthe Midgets now enter OM.
HA plavd'cwns against St.,
Marys. Fans are requested to
watch far posters aernourming
date and times of this next
Playing without John Coope'r',
first limie centreman, the coach
had to juggle his lines. Accord-
ing to •coach Engelsted it was
not good hockey.
Colquhoun and Glees scored
in the first period which ended
in a 2-2 tie. Colqu'houn• scored
his second goal in the second.
Each team scored . two in the
third; Yeo and McRae being the
marksmen. Bayne Bayes and
,Doug Mermen were added to
the lineup for this game, Clin-
lintan's best hockey was supplied
by Colquhoun and Yeo who sc-
ored, and by Bob Batkin who
played his usual good .game.
Before a very sparse crowd
at Clinton Lions Arena last
Thursday evening, Clinton Lions
midgets took the first game of
the WOAA Midget "B" finales
5.0. The game itself was very
spotty hockey.
Clinton had about 75 percent
of the play but were up against
a good Win{gtham goaltender.
Referees .Tack Carter and Ron
Mol ay were forced to hand out
12 penalties in the scrappy.
match. -
Wingham: g gal, Calvin Hic-
key; defence, George Kerr,
RCAF Team and
Winnipeg in Final
For Canadian Title
RCAF STATION — Clinton's
arena will be the scene of an-
other hard driving hockey game
Sunday afternoon when Clinton
meets the Western Division
Champions, RCAF Station Win-
The game, which will take
place at 2.30 p.m., will be sud-
den- death to determine the
championship of the RCAF Tr-
aining Command. for this year.
Seed Fair Prizes
To 24 Exhibitors
(Continued from page one)
ed second, ear corn.
Harald Dignan, Hensale oh-
amcpionnahap turnips, plus $5
Times -Advocate special.
Roy C. Bell, Hensel', second
Jim Neil, Exeter, third, tur-
Ken Papple, RR 4, Seaforth,
third for 4-H hybrid corn; third
for silage; plus a quarter bushel
of seed corn from the New Dun-
dee supply company.
Wilyiam Etherington, Hensaill
won first with baled hay, first
cut and chopped hay, first cut;
;fourth for second cut baled hay;
second for second cut chopped ed
bay; plus 6 bags iodized salt,
the Sifta Salt Company for
champion chopped hay.
Allan Rundle, RR 3, Exeter,
second place, baled, hay, first
cut; fifth, for second cut baled
Russell Belton, ,Seaforth, third.
place, haled hay, second Suet.
Richard Etheringtore Hensel',
second place, Valed hay, second
out; third place, chopped hay,
second cut.
Ian McAllister, Zurich, won
the farm. manager , of the
year class. His was the only
entry. He also placed first in
the cutting costo class, hi which"
there Were three entries.
Other entries were from
Newton Clarke, Woodham; Al-
len $tittles, Bayfield; Gerald
NtcFai'is, Exeter; Rene Delber-
qua, RR 3, Auburn; Elmer
Powe, ;Centralia; Richard Proc-
ter, Brussels; Lloyd Hodgins,
Exeter; Robert Down, RR 1,
Hensel/I; AVc'hie; Etherington;,
RR 1, liensall.
Fraser .Strong; forwards, Jim
English, Doug Ca¢•nplrcli, Paul.
Strang; alternates . Allan Ilam -
ripen, Lynn Finnigan, Keith
l t,
Seo'Ron Deyell, ' '1Y1arit?in
Garnviss, Stan Bisuia, Jack
Gal'lhreitlh, Terry Mukl'ey, David
Clinton: goal,. Bob Glacier;
defence, Philip White, Doug
1Vtacaulay; forwards, John Coop
er, Barden McRae, Bob Batkin;
,alternetes, Don. Yeo, Laurie
Colquboun, Randy Glew, Barry
Plarcier, 'Wayne Dupee.
First Period
l--C7linitiom, ,McRae
(Cooper, 'Batkie) 2,09
2- Clinton Yeo ... , 7.30
3—Clinton, 1giihoun
(Glazier, 'I.Vfncanlay) 13.25
4 . Clinton, Cooper
(Batkirn) 13.58
Second Period
No .
Third Period
5- '1` crhon,
Betide; • 14.35
Kinsmen Peewee and Squirt'FInals
Scheduled for Saturday at Arena
The :Clinton Kinsmen Peewee
hockey league ends Saturday at
Lions Arena when two games
are scheduled for the •Puckett
and Campbell Ltd. champion-
ship trophy. This is a two -game
total point series:
First game of finals is from
9 to 10.15 a.m.; with the sec-
ond game from 6 to 7 p.m.
The sudden death final game
of the squirt section of the
Kinernen minor hockey program.
is •at 10,30 a.m.
In the semi-finals, on Friday
March 9 Leafs beat Red Wings
5-0; and on Monday Canadiens
beat Rangers 5.3. •
Last .night Leafs again won
over lied Wings ; to go into
the finals, Tee Canadniens play
Rangers on Feid'ay night in
the' other sena-final.
In the last regular schedule
game last Friday the Rangers
and Black Hawks' tied 1-1.
Revised Final Standing
Can;natdienis • 12 pta.
Leafs 12 pts
Rangers 7 pts.
Red Wings 6 pts.
. Black Hawks 3 pts•.
ew Police 'Cruiser
Other Town AFFairs
Clinton's police department will be driving a
new cruiser before the end of this month ... a black
one, decided Monday night's town council meeting.
Other colors were suggested at the session in-
• eluding fire engine red, but black won out over a
In other business a tender for
gravel and asphalt was granted,
dog owners were warned to tie
up their' animals and a program
of street surface improvement
was recommended.
The car will be purchased
from Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
at a cost of $1925. Delivery
shorted be made before the end
of the month en the eight cyl-
inder, ;two door, 19628 Biscayne
Chevrolet valued at $2,950. Mr.
Brown allowed $1,025 for the
old cruiser and recommended.
other accessories that Would be
required for the vehicle at
standard cost.
A tender from Levis Con-
tracting Co. for supplying :grarv-
el and asphalt was. also accept.-
ccepted. ' The costs are: gravel et the
pit, 60 cents per cubic yard; 100
cubic yards or over delivered on
street, 85 cents; less than 100
cubic yards delivered, $1.00; as-
phalt at plant, 100 tons or over,
$6.25 per ton and less than 100
tons, $7.
Dogs took a verbal lashing
at •the council sitting.
' "They will have to be tied up
all summer season. IIf they are
not, we'll have to de something
about it," rapped the mayor.
Dog tag sales are down and
there have ;been reports of dogs
'attacking persons council was
"The pace ,have refused to
do anything about the reports
of the dogs. I was even called
one night to catch a. dog," said
the mayor.
"When 'the police are sworn
hi, they agree to enforce the
by-laws and this is a by-law,"
growled Deputy -Reeve Morgan
Agnew, "they've got to enforce
"Dogs are running on the
streets with no dog tags too,"
couneillor Don Symons said, "I
checked a very friendly one on
the street last week and he had
a 1957 tag on his collar."
"Now I71 have to bey a tog
for my dog," Agnew countered.
Councillors decided' to turn
the job of checking dogs and
tags over to someone :: , they
were going to check to See
whether it would be covered in
the duties of the assessor or
police. When the assessor's.
name was mentioned' as a like-
ly candidate as "dog taspeeter"
Morgan Agnew declared; "now
would be the time to check
into it. We just gave him a
"There's a lot of work that
has got to be done
town's streets," said
Agnew. •
•Cauncdller Don Symms! re-
Commended a half loads by-law
to cut unnecessary pounding of
the streets by heavy vehicles.
"They continue to come
through our main street and we
have oto go to the expense of
paying for it,". charged Mayor
Miller. "The province should
bear all the cost and mainten-
ance of these roads," he de-
A by-law for $30,000 for road
subsidy was given third reading
at the meeting and will be for-
warded to the minister of high-
ways. -
• 0
on the.
Grigg, Named
President Of
Clinton YPCs
The Clinton Young Progres-
sive Conservative Association.
hell its first meeting last night
in the town hall, nine attended
the session.
William E. Dyer Jr. president
of the London YPC explained
the steps that must be taken
to organize. He explained .how
the YPC can assist the senior
association and foster public
interest in both the provincial
end federal governments. "The
YPC does have a value other
than as paby sitters at election
time," he declared.
Gordon Grigg was named
president of the
p s
tion. Other members of the new
executive are Ron Livermore,
treasurer; Marion Dale, cor-
responding Secretary +a n d
Feather Winter, press secre-
London YPC president' Dyer
inuvited' tlhe new club to attend
the May 5 meeting in London.
when Prime ' Minister John
Diefenbaker will speak.
N. D. Freeman, president of
the Huron, County Me'n's
servetive Club invited the YPC
to attend its meeting May 9,
nominating meeting, George
}tees will be addressing this
Clinton all -stat squirts tt>?Ill
play against Exeter squirts in
Exeter arena Friday night. Pr-
anepontatien Will be leaving the
Clinton Lions Arena at '6 p.ni,
for' the players, •
Bowling •Trophies
Anstett Jew ellerii
i•U x.9525
St. Mary.s tyenS
Juvenile Playoff
Marys evened the Periets
Zit one •gaino each here tact
night in the if'irst round' OMHA
Juvenile "B" playdowne. The
score was< 5-3.
Clintien had von the first
game 4-3 in St, Marys last
St 1Vfary�s won. the toss Six+
the thixd• game.
penalties played a big pa in
the scoring last; night,
St. Marys led 2-1 at end of
first peripe ` and 4-3 at end of
second. Three of the second
period goals were eCored when
opposing •team wes a Man short,
Listowel Qutshot'
By Clinton Club ,
Clinton Pistol Club trounced
the Listowel squad 1297-12,e5
in a match held at the Ellwood
Epps shooting range Thuesday
March 1. •
It was reported: that this is
the first time the Listowel Gun
Club has beep defeated in two
Marleimen for the Clinton
shooters were: C. -Cligsholm,
278; E. Rivett, 269; Ellwood
Epps, 263; Jere McEwing 251
and Butch Maclaren, 23,6. The
scores ;axe out of a possible 300,
10 shots each at a time fired
target, rapid fire and slow fire
Those who assisted in the
match were: Don Epps, Tom
Allen 'and Jim MeEwing on tar-
gets and Clarence Chisholm and
Elliott Rivett on the timing
SS4 Forum Feels
Taxes Too High
For Education
Nine members of $S 4 Gode-
rich Township Farm Forum met
at the home of Mr. and Mis.
Fred Lobb. + Radio topic for
discussioi, was "Taxation for
First question, Do you think
the present property tax works
fairly in 'asses'sing the costs' of
education? •
Answer; We feel farmers pay
too much toward . the cost of
education, It hardly seems fair
that they Should be taxed on
their acreage to support the
schools. We believe that houses
in town and in the country
should be assessed on an equal
basis. We agree with the view-
point of, the. Canadian Federa-
tion of Agriculture as quoted in
the Farm Forum Guide.
Second question -:.How do you
suggest 'that further education
costs ;be meten your commune,
ity? Answer: Sales tax seems.
to be a good way to help 'fin -
ewe education. Federal Income
tax could be used to help edu-
cation costs',
The game of "500" was play-
ed rafter the discussion period,
Lunch was served. The meet-
ing next Monday night will be
at- the home of Mr. ,and Mrs.
James Lobb.
Holder of last week's coupon
number 4039 had not claimed
his $3 credit at Sutter -Perdue
store Wednesday morning. No.
4101 was picked as this week's
lucky coupon. Persons' holding
these two pink coupons are urg-
ed to pick up their credit et the
CRO Principal outlines New
Schol Courses To Lions Club
Neff .cadrees of study in On-
tario secanda'ry schools Were
fay explained, Tuesday *girt
to mverribers of Clinton Liam
Club by D. John Cochrane, pr-
inoipal of CDCI. Mr, Cochrane
is •a member of the Liars Club,
Clinton Will be .one Oif the
first :schools° able to provide ell.
courses when the million and
94e -half dollar vocational; ad,
ditiaru is fully completed by
September 1963. Upwards of 50
teacher's will be required here
at that time.
By the use of -eharts and leaf-
lets the pmjncipel explained the
various courses which will be
wadable here. He will be Sp-
eaking to different groups on
'this subject; 'and it would be
wise for parents to attend and
got first-hand knowledge of
Ontario's sccondar y .sehooi set-
up of the future.
The speaker showed where 22
percent of pupils drop out. after
'grade 9, I the new program?
will be four other courses wh-
ich will take up most of these
drop -oats. Three of these are
four-year courses and a con-
densed two-year course.
The arts and science course
leading to university will be
practically the same as at pres-
ent: Eighty percent •academi'c
will be taught with a choice of
two out of six vocational op-
The four -years vocational
courses a student may enter in
grade 9 are Business and Com-
merce, or 'Science, Technology
and Trades. A two-year course
is also available for pupils who
would not normally keep pace
with the four-year course,
10 County Road Men
Will Be Laid Off
GODERICH (Staff) — Ten
Huron County permanent road
employees will. be. laid off this
Saturday, March 17, J. W. Brit-
nail, Huron County . engineer
said Tuesday..
They will be laid off for from
three 'to six weeks he said but
will be rehired "as soon es
there's work to be done."
The lay-off caused by lack
of work has 'been on a senior-
ity basis with some of the
men having five year seniority.
"They won't lose their hoilid,
hospital insurance or group pen-
sion." "When there is any hir-
ing, they'll he. coming back bni
first," engineer Britnell said.
A1sq 0040 d' .and Whaet} will',
1* available at the new Clinton
school will be a two—year course
for those pupils that cot be`
regularly promoted to 1pgher
grades. This will be ocellPetkee-
al train ng, or semi -skilled lar
dining In minor trades.. Classels-
for both ?bays and girls will be
The principal Was introduced
by John Lavis, ebreirinan Of
OPCII board anal• thanked by
E. B. Menzies. Many questions
were .asked of the speaker both
during his talk and after the
meeting. •
Thursday, March 15 — Bingo
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk •
Street at $.30 p.m. 15 regular
games for $5; '1 game for $25;
3 Share - the Wealth games;
Jackpot• $58, in 58 numbers.
Three door prizes, $2.50 each.
Admission 50c. 19tfb
Lucknow Legion Bingo every
Thursday rite in Legion Hail at
8.45 sharp. 12 regular games
at $10; 3 share -the -wealth and
1 special for $5Q must go. Pro-
ceeds for artificial ice. - ltfb
Fri., March 16—St, Patrick's
euchre party, Varna Township
Hall, auspices Varna LOL, 8.30
p.m. Lunch provided. Admis-
sion 50 cents, lib
Sat., March 17 '. St. Pat-
rick's tea, bazaar, bake sale,
Wesley -Willis United Church, 3
to 5 p.m., auspices United
Church Women 10x -11b
Sat., March 17 -- Special St.
Patrick's euchre party, Orange
Hall, sponsors LOBA,, 8.30 p.m. •
Door prize, 11b
Tuesday, March 20 --• Huron
Fish and Game Bingo. Jackpot:
$56 in 56 numbers. 3 door
prizes. 8.30 p.m. 43tfb
Fri., March 23 — Euchre
party, Varna Township Hall,
auspices Varna Library, 8.30
p.m. Lunch provided. Admis-
sion 50 cents. 11b
Sat., March 24 -- Eastern
Star bazaar and bake sale,
good used clothing. Council
Chambers, 2 p.m. 10x -11b -12x
Wed., April 4 8.30 p.m.
CD C I auditorium, Fashion
Headlines, Lunch, draw prizes,
admission $1.00 Advance tick-
ets from any Clinton Kinette.
Sat., May 5 -- Sale of good
used clothing, miscellaneous
articles; Parish Hall, St. Paul's
Church; auspices Go -Getters
Club; time announced later.
Did .You
Know . ..
Clinton Community Credit
Union Limited
Thinking of A New Car
Now is the time to really save money. We can promise
you the very best trade in allowance possible'
on your .present, car.
We hove a good stock to choose from. Various models.
Good colour selection.
Gleainine Meek,
Smart Blue Interior.
Autointtie Trantniissioii,
Whitewall Tires.
Wheel Trite DISCS.
Two speed Wiperts and Washers.
Brownie or Percy wilt gladly demonstrate this One for
you and give you the deal of a lifetime!
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
CLINTONi ONTARIO Phone Motet 2-9321