HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-15, Page 7I/
Thurs., Mgr;hNpWs4f;ord�Pago 7'
nwon 400 WIM11cr W91f;►_'n�s
9bMp"oCulbert �rvlr Ggv�er .t>! Andrew -s WA
Fu'nerql service was condupt- PLy�7`H — PI funeral
by Rev, Grana Mills' in Be t- s `vee w44 held' tri the Tasker Moets AUse funoral honkien ThtirsdYo iiieaaiorwml ehapPl followed ?>y a .
March 8 fpr Mists 1Vlatxle Irenle fn>Ibdc seer+vlce +n, -a kh !,Trued
LOBA. Plan for
busy $e-oson
.. ...
Culbert, Albert Street, 4q4
... �' .
Churph ori Saturday, Mgrch 10,
n 110me
Horan EPd' e 7.Ypr :8,77 i� rile
1, "P1 11 :377 f #10
Pallbearers were: George ,Er-
for Mrs. Mlrrvrn Qgyler, &1yth.
Ladios Bel, rt
rii#E,tcrri, Harvey Culbert, Toiki
Culbert, Jr., Earl Nivins, Elder
The ReV• R E, Meagan cxat-
4C cte'd the service, tib T41
Mme., Arland .Johnston, 23
-G+nl�'pmg's: S'txeeot, Welcomned
soK�larGioXe i?ket March 1.3, w th ,a
good` atterndaice. At least tlrTee
Guilbert and Albert lVtasoar.
Intexment wap,in Purigantioxi
�� .
s&trg Near to the Heart of
:her home members pf the Matt
rnc�mbei"s ars planning io Attend,
Grand Ladige in riauYuiltw�ri,,
God's,. TenlpQrary entombmei
,aline Lapp Auxiliai.s of St, A n.•
I?au titer of the late .Mr and
was evade in $lybh t7pion, Cem-
etery chapel,
drew'•s Pxesby'terianr Church on
Final plans were made for the
speal'atl coxa party which is
N{rS, 'lixomas Culbert was
born aro Dungannon.
FaJ�I bearers were r4eigh _purrs,
wail orf 01,0 spacious
in held nil S .eta iok's 'DWI
4 She 15 sux+vrved by a brother,
David Cratpg, Jahn Nesbit, Jign
Wilson, Miilluar Rjcbmondl, Al,
ing room of the Johnston hpme
March W. Ali mepn
b are �arskeo tq tlh '
Newsom Culbert and` lSter"s, Mitis,
i,ert l`Te ltt ate' Georg'.g Nes^
was gad' de xated� virtu St,
pcur'ty, '
Jia�ak Mvebm) , ErrhVt'on, Dup.,
� lowers
Pkatmi4*0 Day iriptafs. Glharsnrng
gannori, Mrs. Melinda Nrylrls,
er Beare_ rs
Flaw la six neo`
bouquets }�r�rght spz n tulips
A discussion th ii taglt place
Ctirrrtan; -half brothers,
lieu-, Jglur'i Caldwell, Robert
and, �P' gretm caridy basklert�s
orcr tJlio 410t birthday of t4rb
� Cullbert Welton, Th . 's R.
Scot, Donald S. bt e.
' moo`
graced Jtli'e 'tables Mrs:. Ronald
lodge, It was. decided to .hole
Cwlfbex+t,. Grieve and half 41sber�s
MgGaycnan, Keith Good and Ger-
McQaarrr, president e�4tended' :a
a ,bo4que'G anal rrnvite visaing
WP, $am. (Ciara) Swan, Luok-
old Gavier..
welcome to the members also
lodges a$ in other .Y,.garS',
POW, and Mrs. Jean Pa,�tersaii,
Blyttli gomKrnuiyty Was. sadden-
to one visitor Present, Mrs,
A cgrrlittee ,co?isistixug •of
lic school section again placed
eel to leI of the ,death of Mrs.
Gonniex in Victoria Hospital
1110ry Rutledge.
Mrs, McCann read` a few
S. Peter I air~ son, Mus, Tom
-weevers • Mus, Wilfred Glazier,
• •
eg��n Auxiliary
London nd'on on March 8 She was
fava urea lures of the fate Mrs.
Mxs, Claybon Hodgins was chos-
'the Moon'. Second in this claims
err Kofi 7th year Mrs. Gower
p, J. Lane who, passed aM1vay
en to. be pansrble.fgr a diary
Receives Two
had been in r1I, health for the
past fora years and had been
a year ago �th'is; moAth, Miss
Seafrlce Gibson led the
day will be held on the
day nYg11�t. '.
a patient -in Clinton Plxbl�
Hospital suite January 27. Far
in Vrayer. After the various
were given, Mrs Frank
Ari •irwsibatiorr from St. Marys
Stang Tawe Lodge foo• a social
pp ons
the two weeks revious to her
MuI read' ar portion from the
evening an April 6 was received
Mrs. Willi -am axe Watkins eon,,
death she had been in the Lon,
don hospital,
stuff -book entitled. "Sacrifice."
and accepted. Ate' member
d'uCted' .the ¢neotnig of the Lace.
les Auxi nary to the Camtad a¢L
For rne+rly Margaret Oaldwve)l,
daughter Cal,dweli
Various debaiLS of the mnirri-
xrvwe swig to be held on May
wish�in(g to go please contact
Mics, Emmerson Keard3 Bayfle'ld
Legion M Monday might, when
of Mrs, Jahn
amd' the late Mr. Caldwell, she.
5 vein discussed. The iadiee a'-
by March 27 in order that x•id�es
for ail .cans 'be :arranged.
two applications for memtber,
ship were received,tionn
was born on Concession 2, Eastgreed
.to accept :a kind invita-
extended by the Barbara
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Plans for the St. Patrick's
1915. ash an December 20,
Society of, , SeafortQr
Kirkham Socio
William Mcillwaiin and Mrs.
Mrs -
night dance in the Legion Hall
On June 9, 19$7 she. married
Presbyterian Church to attend
. Emmerson ,Heard, i The
on March 16 are now be'
Nluruln Gavier and they took
their thank �aff'ex,irrg meeting err.
ar, meeting ,.
� g vv+lll be held an
finalized. Two invitatiOns' Were
up residence on- Conceoss'ion 8,
Seaforth on Tuesday evenimtg,
Tues'd'ay, 'Marc'h; 27 at 8.30 p.m.
accepted for a bowling tourna-
MSury Township.
M�:i+dh 27 at 8 p.m.
mernt in Kincardine on, A rel
14; and the tenth anniversary
Surviving besides her husband
At the conclusion of the
Of the Seaforth auxibery on
are two daughters, Mr's'. Robert
(Joan) McDougall!, Goderloh
meeting a very successful auc-
'tion .-sale was held with Miss
April 18,
Tit is proposed' that the aux-
and Carol Anne at home; one
son Murray., Blyth; three
Lareme Langford .as auctioneer,
A•ssigting the hostess in serving
A jaim;t meeting of thea Wo -
nWn's MiSsiorvamy Society and
iliary hold a bowling tourna-
andchildrern Gary Govier, Larry
a most delliclous salad plate
Women's Association will .be
meant early in September. A
and Marlene McDougall; her
lunch was Mrs, Frank Cook
held in the school room of St,
donation, will ' be sent to the
Cancer S'oYiety. The monthly
mother, Mrs. Jahn Caldwell;
two :brabhers, Earl and Ralph,
Mrs. Jessie 1VI�cKenzie and Mrs.
W • D. Webster,
Andrew's Pi*esbytteriarr Chnnxckr
on Tuesday, March 20 at 2.30
draw was won by Mrs. H. J.
East Waw, dsh and Mr's. Lraur-
P.M. Further plans far ,The
The previd'ent appealed fora
ie (.Dorothy) Scott, Morris
full attendance at the April 9
Meeting when the done com-
manider will artternd. The pr'esi.-
Unit 1,01f Wesley-Wi � r Unit-
and secretary will attend
ed Church UCW will :hold itsdent
the annual convention, in Niag-
aria Falls.
regular meeting in the ladies
parlour of .the church on Tues -
.Three banquets to be planned
i n •
day, March 20 at 8 o'clock in
spon'.are the Legion past Pres-
the evening. Mrs. George �Be11ait-
tie will present the studry
id'euvts, on- March 24; the zone
F/L Allen White, RCAF St-
district meeting, April 29, and
altidiv Clinton showed some
a Guide banquet for RCAF St-
• Three Clirxbons students ware
his own .coloured' slides, which
ati on, Clinton early in May.
first places in the Zone Cl Roy-
al Qanaxi•an Legion public
� lowers
Alk*d Brooks, George Lawes;
beautifully decorated cake was
spea"ing est in the Legiona
erington, Michael Ward �a n d
LiMan Calton, Mrs.
ha1t1, Kincaardine, on Saturday
W M�llwain
Mme' Patty Tucker, 'last
year's winner in the junior
lic school section again placed
Master Again
fu+st';with herinteresting tank.
about, "Earth's First Satellite,
HiENSALL (Special) —Royal
'the Moon'. Second in this claims
Blacck Knights of the Cauruty- of
oras Susan Cole, a pupil of the
ofir'on -met at"•Blyth LOL .hall
far,the anunual meeting. County
•A/V/M Hugh °Campbell Pub=..
lic School:, RCAF Station aln-
Ks �e
Master William Men -wain, Bay-
field was re-elected fpr ,his; sec-
The top spat in senior public
and; term.
school class was captured by
Other officers include: Dep-
Linda Spann, -also of the station
uty county master, Walter
school. Linda captivated her
Scott, Belgnave; chaplain, Wil-
audience by her talk on "My
Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton
liam: Campbell, Fordwictih; reg-
Favourite Character in Fiction,
istrar, Borden Brown, Clinton.
Elbinezer Scrooge". Beverley
treasurer, Henry Pattnsom,
Chenu ell, • Kincardine plaI
Blyth; first lecturer, Fred. Jam-
secrorrd. ,
esorn, Woodham;, second lectur-
First place in, the junior high
er, Robert ;Hibberd; • Fardwich;
school division was won by Alan
Easter meeftixngg will be made
and all ladies of ,the congregga
tion are welcome.
Phone HU 2-7021
first censor, Russell Page, Lowe, son of Mr. •arra; Mss• A CLINTON DISTRICT
Cire'emay; second censor, Wil- W. Lowe, Princess Street West. ..
fred Castle, Bayfield; first His, talk on, "The Effi ct of a
standard bearer, William •Dick- Nuclear: Attack on Canada", COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE '
ey, Woodham • second standard was clear, carcase and well re -
bearer, William Taylor, BlytJh; ceived by the auftance, Cheryl H1Hc Lu�EM
pursuimant, G e o r g,e Badloy, Einmer�ton, Kinoardine plax�d
Blah` J° Only A Month To
R,b. War. Sir Kniglr:t Oliver Joanne Huns:, daughter of Mr.
Jaques, Hensall, conducted ,the and Mfrs. Fred Hulls, Bayfield,
election of . officers. County easily won over ,her competitor
Master McIlwaln was. appointed by an address, on Albert Scb,- Jot
delegate to •Grand Lodge ses- weltzer. The second place went
Wait —
Down The Date
siomlg in Fort William, in May.
to Janet Downey, KrncarcUlle
District High School. The first
Thursday.. April 12 -- Friday, April 13
- a
Birthday Tea
�� winners c bath lasses �d
senior school classes are
Red S� Blue Revue
students of Clinton District Col-
At Nuronview
legi;. Imstitwte.
J. Tutaornxl'ike, Zone public
An Evening of Entertainment by the Students
Due to adverse weather the
speaking chairman, presented
engraved travel cl'Qcks to ,the
,birthday party for people at
Humonview having natal days
winnersIn each of the four, cl-
asses. Second place speaker's re -
in, February was not held until
ceived' fountain pens.
Munch 2. The Ladies Au'xil'iary
entertained ,the 16 celebrants.p
First ]lace winners will coni -
ern district
F/L Allen White, RCAF St-
Pette •the contest to
be Meld, in Mitchell Legion Hall,.
altidiv Clinton showed some
an Saturday, March 31, at 2
his own .coloured' slides, which
pm R
were very much enjoyed'. A
Alk*d Brooks, George Lawes;
beautifully decorated cake was
served with .a cup of tea, to all.
Corsages and coibgne were
Ames Curwin, Robert McM11-
Ian, John Mundell, Harry Meth-
the gift's- to 1Viirs�. Matilda
' ilda Mel-
'wide, Mrs.
erington, Michael Ward �a n d
LiMan Calton, Mrs.
John; McIntosh.
,G'bIULL'1:1' D'11L(JLt"yt lVl'iD. t1�i1'k'S' 1VJ7(:' J -o
Gee; Mrs. Marble Teale and Mrs. Ward has. (been .received than
Ainava Site'eles.. H, A. Sharp; Tbronto, formerly
Raindk'er•ehiefs and after swh- manager of the Molson's' Bank
ave lotliokn were the gifts to and; Bank of Montreal, Clinton,
Robert McNall, rohn Robson, passed away last. Wed osday:
Ed >rh Anne Hair -Fashions
We wilf be cfosed from
MrSnday, Mardi- 19 to Monday, Mardi 26'
While Edith attends Bruno's Advanced School
of, Hair Design, Toronto.
Foe aPA ointments icdli HU 24612
Edith Anne Hair Fashions
' r`Al'wt�2�� First In x'�1`iians"
13 616,164ings Street Clinton
spwd it'ing in
Cofouritig, P6fn1 inept Wctv+ng, Hale Styling
More Than 350 hems on Sale
Sale Dates —March 26 +hrough March I I