HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-15, Page 5Ontario St. Church Scene of Prayer Day in Communi The World Day of Prayer service for Clinton and cans munity was well attended, When about 150 ladies gathered to worship in Ontario Street Unit- ed Chore's on March '9. Mrs. L. Hibbert inteorluced the guest speaker, Mrs. M; G. Bri'sco, who gave an inspiring message on the theme, "God's Love for 'the Whole World." God so loved that He gave Heaven's choicest gift: His Son. Mrs. J. atesarcla and' Mrs'. J. Zonderven sang a duet "Sweet Hour of Prayer," accompanied by Mrs. M. 'Forbes at the organ. Those taking part in the ser- vice, from the various churches in the community were:` Leaders, Mrs. M. Batkin, Mrs, C. G. Park, Miss M. Sloman, Mrs. T. Clark, Mrs. R. McCann and • Mrs. Cyril Bertrand; Prayers, Mrs. W. Shaddick, Miss M. _SIomanss Mrs. L. Lud- wig, Mrs. L. Hibbert,' Mrs'. Y. Greydanus, Mrs, C. Nelson; ush- ers, Mrs. G. Potter, Mrs. L. Batkin, Mrs. C. Merrill .and Mrs. A. Lobb. • Mrs. Brock Glide expressed the thanks of the Day of Prayer committee to all taking part in the program. MTS. R. McCann pronounced the benediction. • Gets Citation The Rev. Dr. James Pe Mutchmor, secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the United Church of Canada, . hag been chosen to receive the 14th an- nual Upper Room Citation for his, contribution to world Christian fellowship, to be ac- corded in the fall of 1962. Dr. 1Vautchmor's, academie record embraces' the degrees of B.A., University of Torore to; M.A., Columbia Univer- sity, New York; B.O., Union Theological Seminary, New York; D,D., United Theolog- ical College, Montreal. NEWS OF LONDESBORO 1)C 1~U c ,10 Mt 041,1t,, t;0"ioskW irieuRitsy oiliotAT Pint lilt.; .4t10440 CDC' Exhibit at Huron County Seed Fair Proud of the attractive display constructed for the Huron County Seed Fair last week in Exeter, is Greg Brandon, a Grade 10 student at, Clinton District Collegiate institute. With him is A. H. Jewson, 136 Huron Street, agriculture teacher at the collegiate. Each of the secondary schools in the county contribute a project based on some agriculture feature, to the annual seed fair, , (News-Record Photo) Kinettes To. 'Show. 'fashions At April bent. the .1ci1bltes ,nlet the ..044fell'o k1.511.1 on -Tisaas day, March 13. An info.rgiative' filun was 'th'ough the. ,Otaaltaay" :of the, Cancer ,Society,, Ken Vailateaeart. and Jim arown were projectionists, Mrs, Mait Edgar-PP,convener,... reported that added attraction At the Ktnette Fashion an April 4 wiR be the modeling' of tnPrfs. fashions, Many of the Merchants .of Clinton- 'have ly ,donated, draw prizes for .he. Went, An,enjoyable was served by Mrs, Brill Fleming and Mrs. Poll Kay, Day of Prayer Observed By Girls of District The Girls' World Day of 'Prayer service was held in the' Ontario Street United Church Inlet Friday, 'March -9 at 4.3(). The service was enjoyed by ninny groups of Clinton and RCAF Statioo Clinton. Taking part in. the worship service were Twyla Avast= of the Anglican Junior Auxiliary; Patricia Harland of the Wealey- Willis Judy Buys of the RCAF Girl Guides;-Naney Oide of Ontario Street CGIT and Karen Shefter of Clinton Girl Guides, A special choir composed of the Ontario • Street Explorers, and the Anglican Junior Auxil- iary provided one musical num- ber. Organist was Jane Batkin, Ontario Street CGIT leader. Sharon Gray and Barbara Flett acted as ushers, The special speaker was Mrs. °Smogs. Her inspiring message was centred 'around the theme "For God so Loved the World." Other groups present were the Brownie and 'the Young PeopleS from RCAF and CGIT and Explorers' from . Wesley- Willis. Many of the girls were in uniform. Day of Prayer Observed By Huronview Folk SEND THEM BOTH HERE ! USE THE NIGHT DEPOSIT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING pR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. & 12 P.M. "THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE MY S,t11 LAUNDERED" THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1196 ev•& 44,41,11 Check Your Calendar. if the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. WESTINGHOUSE SCRUBBER-POLISHER With the New ORBITAL ACTION The brush revolves and swings in a wide, controlled orbit . . . the same action as if polishing by hand NO STREAKS! NO SWIRL MARKS! POWER SCRUBS . . . Cleans throughly without spattering baseboards. POWER WAXES ... Spreads thin, even coat recommended by experts. POWER POLISHES Creates lustrous satin finish without leaving swirl marks. POWER BUFFS ... Makes floors shine —even between waxing. CONTROLLED POWER .. . You guide it with a touch. Special Price $45.00 Scrubber and Rug Cleaning Attachments also available. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 26646 Clinton "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" March 1.5f. 19027-,-clinton .N.gws,Rocos,,Page I 1 ti ArrENTiow All Bowling League Presidents and Secretaries You are invited to a display of Bowling Trophies and Novelties at the Bedford Hotel, 6oderich Friday, March 23 from 7.30 to 10.30 p.m. WHOLESALE PRICES LIGHT REFRESHMENTS nimownommimmensi 4111111111111111111.110.1111.111111111.111111 111111111111111101.110011111111111=011011s Lady Teachers Hear Reports of Education Rally On- Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 27, the monthly meeting of. the local unit of the Federated Women Teachers -Asseciation of Ontario was held in Clinton public school with Mra. Willis VanEgroond presiding, In charge of the program was Miss Luella Johnston, assisted by Miss' Edna Jamieson. Since two members, Mrs. VariEgs wand .and Mrs. B. Taylor .at- tended the recent convention in Toronto called, Education for Community Living, they told many highlights of this week- end conference. Lois Grasby and Elva Wiltse capably played 'two piano clarets. A reading entitled "On Being a Teacher" was given by Miss' E.. Jamieson. A humorous selec- tion, "There Is A Town" was also enjoyed. Miss Johnson conducted a contest called "A Farmer's Love Letter". This letter caused much laughter since the blanks of the letter had to be filled with .names -of vegetables. A delightfuleiunch was served by Miss Mary Helen Yea • For the March meeting Miss Sherry Cochrane is in charge of the program. Mrs. Don Andrews is lunch. convener, PM Club Has Enjoyable Evening of Cards • The Past Mistresses Club of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association met Saturday, Mar- ch 10. • 'After a short meeting, cards' 'were enjoyed by 10 tables Prize winners were:- ladies high, Mrs. John Batloins lone hands, Mrs. Tom O'Connell; low, Mrs. 'Clayton. Hafting; men's high, John Henderson; lone hands, Wilfred Giesler; low, Jack Sturdy. A draw on an ornamental waste basket was won by Hart- ley Managhan. Hostesses for the meeting were MIS.. Wes Shobbrook and Mrs.' Thomas Deevea; A bountiful lunch was served. Hostesses for the April meeting will be Mrs. Tom O'- Connell. Council Paaaeil WM-CO in accounts payable at town cesins, elk MOndaY` eVeniage A daPartinelat ailaninarY f°1- lows with =WOO` shwa and items over '$50 listed. General Goveramont: $476.09, MOM: Gaa Co„ ,$115M and tlatlasoW90,4 fittle tyPewriteran4 repairs, $319.37. Il[lifi3ONYMW AUXILIARY TO MEET O>V NI4RC4 19 The Monthly meeting of Hu- ronaiew Auxiliary will be held XendaY, March 19 at 2.30 at the home. A penny sale will he held. EVeryene welcome. *.fmeo rrottoolk; 034.'02. Harpies White 134,sq garAge, gas, ,$.58.58. P[Path and Welfare; .$19,26, Thatner nursing home, VreteetWo to PotOOlgi PT4MOTLY; *012.102. Clinton PVC, street lighting, 0()5.76; K W, POlquiloun, insurance, $50 anicl Thomas TaaPPington, 4/1,1?VelliM' MOW, $84,50. Public Works; $1,352,97. Geo. F. Elliott Construction, Machine rental, 078,75; TrnPetlial Oil Ltd., diesel F77.97; Kings- well Welding, repairs, $5 .81; Lavin Cootractiog Co, Ltd., ma- chine rental, $452.50; Sift° Salt, salt, $5S.72 and Jack Merner Drainage Co., rent of truck, $65.25, Sanitation pal Waste Remov- al: $8.86. Recreation m ad CornaMoitY Services; $1.00. Brucefield UCW Receives Planter As Memorial' Gift BRUCEFIELD -- The United Church Women of Brucefi'eld met in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon, March 6. The Lord's Prayer. led by the president, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, was followed by 'the devotional period read by Mrs. R. Allen and Mrs. G. Elliott. Miss M, McQueen played the acconips animent for the hymns. Roll call, naming Books ot' the Bible, was taken. A thank- you note was read , from Mrs. Violet Ross, A planter has been donated to tire unit by Mrs. Revel, Montreal, in memory ,of Mrs, Simon (May) McKenzie. It is requested that any do- nations for the vocational girls school packet be brought to the next meeting. Also, any cloth- ing for the bale will be collect- ed during the next two months, ,;,,Nurnerous visits to shut-ins and neighbours were mentioned and the practise of all memb- ers visiting as they are able, will be continued, World Day of Prayer services are to be held on Friday, March 9, at which time the Kippen ladies will be guests. It was voted to purchase more chairs for the use of the Sunday School: Also, the UCW will serve refreshments for the 'Cub investiture at 8 p.m. on, Friday, March 30. Easter thankoffering will be held the evening of Palm Sunday. Unit 4 (the evening group) will meet on Wednesday, March 14, at ,8 p.m, at the manse. An interesting program has been planned and it is hoped there will be a good turnout. The program- featured an in- formative skit, introduced by Mrs. W. Broadfoot, in which Mrs. F. Boughen, Mrs, J. Broad- focit Mrs. D. Triebner and Mrs. E,- Wilson took part. Hostesses for the social hour and tea were Mrs. S. Ross, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. J. Broadfoot, Miss M. MacDonald, Mrs. J. Henderson, Mrs, R. Allen, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. G. Swan and Mrs. A. Mustard, " to ado new . anNIMINIIIINNIOMPIONIMMMOIN. ennOOMIONEMS• warmth and personality — in today's modern home ... • • decorate with ready-pasted Spring Special SINGLE ROLL 59c SUNWORTHY D. A. KAY and SON • :WALLPAPER PAINTERS & DECORATORS We o ffet yoe ftee 33 HURON STREET CLINTON Phone flU 2-9542 decorating counsel I Open daiiy 9 a,M. to '6 p.m, except Wednesday Your Choice of the / Following Items All At 1,2 • LADIES' CAR COATS • LADIES • ASSORTED SWEATERS • LADIES' HOUSECOATS • LADIES' WINTER COATS Price . PYJAMAS . NITI ES . TOREADORS • BABY DOLLS • LADIES HATS BOYS' JACKETS • JACKETS MEN'S Regiikir To $16.9 LADIES DRESSES MIXED LOT • i 41,41, .. ova pat SAYS: WHAT MAKES "THE GOOD OLD DAYS1f IS A RICH IMAGINATION AND A POOR MEMORY..! 4 S• 11 0 0 • 01 1 1 lk ASO • tatt• •• • a-• Niziniraiwn-P,11111471111 HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMA IC RANSMISSIONS 1 17 VcILCI1NOT RoINA ST, COUNCIL, IN AFTION 2,126 Passed .F"cor, Payment By council mington, spent the latter part of the week at •her home' here. Mrs. Walter McGill spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Gordon McPhee, Nile. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardin- er, Cromarty, 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. John Arm- strong spent a day recently with their son Ken and family in Stratford. Mrs. Harvey Plunking and Donald visited on Sunday with Harvey who is still a patient in Westminster Hospital, Lon- don. Friends will be pleased to hear he is making good pro- gress. Mrs. Thomas Fairservice, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kennedy and Dave Ewan spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Bagaent, Ingersoll. Mrs. Thomas Adams who has spent the winter with her sis- ter, Mrs. John Vincent in Gode- rich, has. returned for a few days with her son Clifford and family. We wish to welcome to the village Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnston and family who have taken up residence in the Alex- ander apartment. Mr. Johnston is connected with RCAF Sta- s tion Clinton. Day of Prayer The afternoon and evening units of the UCW met in ob- servance of the service of the "World Day of Prayer". A short business period prior to the prayer service was con- ducted by the president, Mrs, Crawford. The chair was then occupied by Mrs, Edwin Woods as lead- (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan, Phone Blyth 37 r 5) Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Lea- en The printed program was followed with several members leading in prayer. Rev. Clif- ford G. Park, Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton, as guest speaker ,aave a fine ad- dress on the theme, "God's Love for the Whole 'World". Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook .con- tributed a beautiful s o 10 , "Sweet Hour of Prayer" in harmony with the theme. A social half hour was spent at the close. Explorers The Explorers met on March S in the school of the church. On March 9 a meeting was cal- led to observe the "Lord's Day of Prayer". Explorers from Blyth and Constance were in- vited, also the •CGIT invited guests from Blyth and Con- stance. Leaders Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Beacom, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Murray Lyon led the service. An interesting film was shown by Mrs. H. Funge and Mrs, E. McLagan, Blyth, showing where bales of clothing go for the needy of the world. Lunch was served. Hullett F of A The Hullett 'Federation of Agriculture had a good at- tendance tc hear Carl Heming- way who showed a film on farm safety. In his remarks he said, "The warnings are there if we would just heed them." There was a discussion on the "Taxation for Education". This is getting to be quite a serious thing aid everyone is going to have to Stand togeth- er in order to get seine action. The federation held an open meeting in the hall Monday evening in connection with the farm forum broadcast. Follow- ing the radio broadcast groups Mrs. Roy Elliott President Of Conservation Club The Ladies ,coservation Club of 'the Huron Fish and Game Conservation Assooiation met Monday, March 5 M. the club room. Officers elected are: presi- dent, lairs, Roy Elliott; first vitespresident Mrs, Harold Glaa zier; • secretary, Mrs. Don Swit- zer; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Carter; membership, Mrs. Har- old Emmerson; flowers, Mrs. Dorothy Hymers; press, Mrs. Frank Dixon. o . Urgent Need For Foster Homes: CAS GODE R I CH (Staff) Miss Clare McGowan, local director of Huron County Children's Aid Society said Tuesday there is an urgent need at the moment for more foster homes in the county. Foster homes are required for children of all ages when they become wards of the county. A small nominal sum is paid by the CAS towarda the room and board of the child and they pro- vide clothing, medical, dental care and a small allowance for the child if he IS attending. school. "The foster mother must be able to ,face up to the fact that the child may not remain in, the home -inclefinately," she advised. "As soon as the home situat- ion is cleared up the child will go back." The court presently allows the CAS to keep a child' as a temeorary- ward for two years without taking them away per- manently. "We would expect the child in the foster home 'to be able to attend church and Sunday School with the foster parents," she said. At present 'there are approx- imately 66 children living in foster homes, in the county. "We would also welcome en- quires about adoption," she said, were formed and each voiced their opinion and a report was made to be forwarded to the head office in Toronto. They hope for some results in get- ting the school tax at a more equal level in the not too dist- ant future. Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS The residents! of Buronview observed World Day of Prayer service on' Friday, March 9 at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Harvey John- ston and _Mass Towrrsersdhad. Charge of the -service' with Miss- Amelia Bamford 'at the piano. Mrs. - Lloyd Holland, Clinton, gave an inspiring address and Miss Nellie .Colborne sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Miss Gladys Stanlake took up the offering. This service was broadcast to the bed patients of the home through the pillow speak- ers. Ontario St. UCW Group 3 Meets Mrs. Ruth Knox presided for the meeting in Ontario Street United Church on Monday even- ing of Group Three, United Church Women. Mrs. Arthur Aiken led in devotions on the theme, "What is the Church." Mrs Knox took charge of the study period on: The Church of Christ, what it stand's' for, What church members stand for and_ what is their responsibility to the church. Irish poems were given by Mrs. L. Dutot and. Mrs. Roy Wheeler. Games and eonttesta were enjoyed and the meeting closed with refreshments I. Ch.- FINAL OCLEARANCE WINTER °FCLOTHING JUNE, 1962 Applications and foes must reach the Conservatory not later than APRIL 15, 1962. 135 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 26, ONT. Herb's Food Market SPECIALS —March 15 - 16 - 17 TIDE — Giant Size, 12c Off Pkg. 69c DELMONTE CATSUP '2' I I-oz. Bottles 39c LYON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX . ..pkg. 10c DELMAR MARGARINE 4 lbs. 99c KRAFT MACARONI DINNER 2 pkgs. 29c YORK PEANUT BUTTER-16-oz. Mason Jar 43c THRIFT DETERGENT-24-oz. Bottle „,...„ ...... 49c' ONTARIO No. 1 POTATOES ..... 75-lb. Bag $1.39 FANCY SPY OR MAC APPLES-6-qt. basket ..„ 59c FREE DELIVERY PHONE HU 2-3445 SAVE BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS INIMMIMI101.1011001110010010011•011116.