HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-15, Page 4Old Pens Repaired Support the Winter Work Campaign For the help you need call JA 4-8342 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GODERICH MEL. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS CANADIAN MADE BRIGHAM PIPES (SALES AND SERVICE) Goderich News Stand 16 THE SQUARE, GODERICH JA 4-9926 When in Goderich drop in to see our selection. 110W MANY BANKING SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE HERE? A complete range of banking services —because this is the site of a new branch of a cha,rtered. bank /Outure customera will come here to do all their banking, because only in a chartered bank is it possible for all banking to be done under one roof /Each branch, large Or stnall, Offers a:full banking service, from cashing a cheque to financing foreign trade. Uach. has a staff trained and eager to ren.der the high standard of service that features charered banking in Canada, CRA.11,11 tR'ED BANKS i3ERV/110- YOU'll, COMMUNITY 1NEWS,RECORD• VISITS MAJOR INDUSTRIC Pogo 4,,,clinton tiew,i4R49.01 Thurg,,, March._ 15f, IV Employed At -Sheaffer Pen Factory' In Goderich, Gripping Sections Trimmed Lathe and punch press operator Mrs. Benno (Armanda) Dubler, Holmesville, is seen trimming the gripping sections of pens at the pen factory. The plant employs 110 persons (News-Record Photo) Quick Canadian Quiz Clinton Girl Pretty receptionist and switchboard operator Mrs. Ross (Betty) Feag- an is the official greeter at the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company in node- rich. Betty commutes from Clinton every day. (News-Record Photo) "bubbles" to .enelese a 14,a). Not oemhly :and inspection.. pen crud refill are made inj another department. The cards are then sent to the shIPPing room where tlypy stored' 144, til (they are sent .04.4 to wholes- sate and retail. outlets.. Vtr, A. Sheaffer the fOnnder of the •company invented his first self-filling pen in 3908 and the first lever filling pen in 1913. Since that time the U.S. company has grown until there are plants in Fort Madison, Iowa, Melberg-Ale and Victoria, Australia and Sao. Paulo, Braz- il. Parts are shipped for as- sembly in Barnet, England and Holland, and completed UnitS from the Goderich plant are sent to Hong Kong, Pakistan, Egypt, Ireland, British West In- dies arid' Singapore, The pliant is open six days a week for tours by groups or in-dividuals. Toms are available from 1.30 'to 4 p.m. each day. Last year 3,640 visited' the fac- tory. Cartridge Filling Machine Mrs. Harold (Vernice) Stanbury, Goderich seen left is inspecting filled ink cartridges at the W, A. Sheaffer plant. Standing right is Marlene Curry, Goderich, who checks to make sure a small polyethylene tube has been placed into each holder by machine (News-Record Photo) The pen factory boasts of having a 24 hour repair service, Seen here Mrs. Fred (Margaret) Trevena," Clinton, is overhauling one of the fountain pens returned for repair. Spare parts are kept on hand for repairs to 30-year-old pens. (News-Record Photo) Packaging ink Cartridges When you purchase a supply of ink cartridges for yptir pen they could have been packed by (left to right) Mary Lou Drennan, Kingsbridge and Sandra Lee, Clinton. The cartridges are lined, stamped with the company name and dropped into a drum which feeds theih dowrt a stnall chute where five at a tithe are ptished into the small Cardboard Containers. (NeWSARecord Photb) The Bible Today The Bible ,abounds witch stor- ies of God` using faithful women to accomplish His purposes'. Christian work eveaywhe a has benefitted from the .itweted ser- vice given by wamaa. . The latest evidence of the debt owed by the Bible Society to women comes from Brazil. About four years ago the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Bible Society of Brazil came into be- ing. Groups have been organiz- ed in' 32 cities, two of them with a population over three million: Sao Paulo with more than 500 churcheS and Rio de Janeiro with more than 450 churches. In this vast country of 3,200, 000 square miles, these groups of women separated by great dis- tances, are enthused by one aim .--to give the Bible to; their homeland, Last year no less than 50 percent of the income of the Bible Society was collected by the women. In' 1959, over 5,000 new members enlisted, and .ap- proximately $3,800.00 was rais- ed. The women's organizations. promote the observance of Bible Sunday, take' part in open-air demonstrations, put exhibitions of Scripture in Shop windows, have weeks of prayer and' en- gage in colpoabage activities, Suggested Bible Readings Sunday fames 2: 126 Monday James 3: 1-18 Tuesday Janlea 4:` 1.17 'WedneSday ...... Janies 5: 1-20 Thursday Exodus 20: 1-17 Friday Psalm 51: 1-19 Saturday ... Psalin 96: 1-13 Clinton Resident Visits Florida Jungle Garden SARASOTA, Fla. — Mrs, T. Rees Jenkins, 131 Townsend Street, Clinton, enjoyed a visit to Sarasota Jungle Gardens during :her recent vacation on Florida's Lower West Coast. The visitors mingled with flam- ingos and other rare wildfowl from every continent roaming freely 'in these world-famous gardens. Other points of in- terest in Jungle Gardens were hundred's of unusually colorful tropical plantings, huge Royal Palms 'bordering jungle traits, and brilliant macaws and coca- tops which, pose with visitors for pictures. 0 Including fringe benefits, manufacturing wages in Canada average about $2.22 an hour, compared with $1.19 for Swed- en, 82 cents for Britain, 91 cents for West Germany, 79 cents for France and 65 cents for Italy. Photographs Are a lasting memento `of all special occasions. WEDDING PHOTOS Our Specialty Jervis. Studio '130 Isaac St, HU 2-7006 4y OWL, $.TAIM WMTVIR. if inQVIiew ."w1=1,1-4.s" you on' the bead this week And tells you about y194 bought her a new washer, like they do on TV commericials, tell her about the $75 washing machine at the W, A, Steaffer company plant, Since it was purchased in 1954 this nondescript machine 'has helped' 'reclaim over $25,000 in goild and other precious met- als. The metals are washed out of the employees smocks and the drain water sludge stored' in a tank which is' emptied each year and the metals' reclaimed by refining. The one million dollar fac- tory located! :one4half mile east of Go:cleric:1i on Highway $ ems ploys 110 persons. Every step in. the •manufac- tare of pens completed at the plant, from raw material to the finished product. Only two items are not produced right at the plant, stone bases for desk pen stands and the .outer plastic case of ball point pens, The cases are made at a parent plant and shipped in, MANY DEPARTMENTS The factory is. divided into many •departments which are situated around a huge com- ponent storage section. Such departments as receiving, where all incoming freight is checked along with the plastic outer barrels of ball point pens, In the ink department vari- ous chemicals are mixed in 300 gallon tanks with an "ample supply of Lake Huron".• The ink is either battled for filling type penS or put Into polyethy- lene tubes for cartridge pens. The cartridges are -filled, cap- ped and sealed automatically. Display cards with plastic The W. A. ,Sheaffer Company has an injection moul'din'g graa chine which as president Clyde E. Everett says, "observes the abbath." The .moulding rna chine takes' granular polyethy- lene and mptdds it into ink cartridges, all in a matter of seconds. It operates 24 hours; a day, Six ,days a week. Sixty separate operations, are required 'to make a pen nib at the Goderich,, plant.. They are drawn out o 14 and 18 karat gold, pauaditun-silver and stain, less steel with 'a very hard ball of osmittnairldiurn fused to the point of the nib so the writing tips last longer. The balls of osmium iridium m ea sur e 22/1000 'inch .and cost $125 an ounce. After the components and' sub-assemblies are made they are stored until such time as they are required for final as- BACKACHE Milling Fissures On Pen .Feed A resident of HolmesviLle, Mrs. Wilfred (Verna) Glazier mills the small fissure in which the ink flows to the pen nib. The feeds are made of hard rubber tubes cut and milled at the Goderich pen factory. The W. A. Sheaffer Company offers free guided tours every afternoon from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Over 3,600 visited the plant last year. (News-Record Photo) Inspector Quality control inspec- tor Mrs. Henry (Ther- esa) Kuiper, Clinton giv- es the pens their final check before they are shipped from the W. A. Sheaffer factory in Gode- , rich. (News-Record Photo)' dit 11"► sate 5% investmtmt Quasi ASX 00R A tiOOKLEt ANIS littimpetrititartinv Lohdo, 44441114314 4; Crown Trust fit GUARANTEED ceRttricAres 1. What early explorer's er- ror gave the natives- of North America the name of Indians? 2. What is the average an- nual spending per family in Canada in retail establish- ments? • On doctor bills? On taxation?' 3. Which of the Great Lakes lies outside of Canada in its en- tirety? '4. Does the tax on personal incomes provide one-half, one- third or one-quarter of the fed- eral government's total, rev- enue? , • 5. Which of Canada's indus- tries are in the group known as the "primary industries"? ANSWERS: 5. Primary in- dustries include agriculture, forestry, fisheries, trapping, mining and electric power; these industries employ about 20 percent of working Canadians. 3. Lake Michigan. 1. Christo- pher Columbus mistakenly' thought he 'had reached East Indian Islands. 4. About one- quarter. 2. Canadian families spend on the average $4,000 per year 'in retail establishments, $50 on doctor bills, $2,100 on tax payments to three levels of government. Material prepared by t h e editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts about- Canada. When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Oodd's Kidney Pills stimulate hidnoye to normal duty. You feel bottor, sleep hotter, work better. 80