HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-15, Page 19 I -(rwoe I F trot Ar 'i A9 (43T W1, A, PA IN CM'E ANYONE ZS TN'T1- e ' r"'ted, 1.4. 1y,49 I . open jip4r§ are :from 0 ito 5,39 in the afternoon' arid from 7 to 9 P.M, each eye except on Saturday when, cloes- ing Ume is 8 Vqlo0k'. The library is-cloO04' ail' day Wed - THINGS DAVE COME TO -A pretty, pass when one _qan pick up at 'the postpiffice.a. blazing Tedof hlet 04 the r 13 petho_�,s bu Alsim qhe�tpr 74 , plor _p" Thig as putting t1hem.in the everyday b4�tegoiy:with , sp: ecials on zoapflalws FIRST ROBIN REPQRTFD seen this spring was that spied by. Norman Qyun, W out' hig kitchen window yeVterday aif- ternoon Though he could hardly •laegeve his, eyes, Mrs. Counter corfimed -his- skill at bird -watching ... They plan :to (Continued on Page Seven) Official ReWase Concerning New CDCi Addition Official, -notice has been, re- ceived in the form of a press release from the advisory vo- cational committed of, Clinton District * CbReglate Institute Board, of the -delay inbullding ,the vocationaladdition tJD-C=. The press release follows: "Since it 'will' take most' of a year to construct the one and one-half million, dollar voca- tional addition. to CDCI and .,since construAlon will probabAy not start until May,, the voca- tional' addiftion, to, CDCI will rot be open to classes until Sep- tember 1963. "in order that'students, pres- ently enrolled = Graae 9 -N�rho ,had ariticApaited enrolling in Grade 10 of a• vocational course will not, be penaNzed and 'chs, - appointed, special permission to conduct Grade 10 preparatqry douTives which will lead! to Grade 11 technical midi Grade 11 va- cational, commercial courses in September 1963 has been, ob- tained.-frorn the Department of Educatiom This permission has been granted fora -period of a I -, N. ID. or THE NEW 9R.A,90th YEAR THe HURON RECORD -0th YEAR No,,'l i, -Ir M WNTON, ONTARIO, T"VIRR) $4.0 p I h.p "qmop� Paper A The H. ows AY. MAK" I $r 0 • Per 'Yo Q, Pp0; Per Co- Y-1 2 Pages �lal�'Ca�'r�er "04 Urelu$ Last Year $kogtd Fish, g 8o' Prep -are For Season In at$ Z#eaI -ho'ol E 1. P461 c Sc st mates, ........................ dy-Soon:Ma. or Z� ay J. Mile, hq* to or W a proper resolution pre - red fbr n6xt coun 11; meeting cl MN have Down�.Due To Gra'nts, I P "PIT 1h4 ' uest for mail *T req camderde, in 'Sm4ll tQW;14S' 'Shough'tolta.costs of operas raise only .$23,810.65 for the imlpl grants. (Tas,,t year P M.V- ing, flio Clinton Public Sohopl public school operation this incial grant& w4nv estimated ot 'The resolution, is being Oraft� 0 -prior to 'having it p4wed this year, axe up, m ore tA= year. Last year the amounit was -$53,256.) by. aigto 760. T� saving is $1,1950. s for 1K� inlei4de, ns, council and, senid- $6,000 over Iaat- year, increased '$25, he enjse r au IPS Provincial,grants;, and a healft This is ahnoist a mill., $68,QW for teachers salwies; of it across Canada balance from 1961, make 'the Receipts ofther than from (,lot year ther. councils requesting tains was $05,000); ?d timated �$5,000 for text bod1w and, in= on they get on the band- demmi on. the municipal tax municipal tax", are eo 4:gw I payer less. at $1,500 from non w resident $truotioaai, supplies; $ Q0 on and maybe force the feder- 9 for As f p - Town Council will have to pupils, and, $59,336 from prov- admin trad4on�- $11,0()o or I _Vo,6e%�entto approve It. ant - peration felt in some quarters s up $1,000); NCIL IN ACTION- -500 for maintenance; $500 for that this will help consider-alyly COU auxiliwy agencies and $2,000 to relieve scare. of the uR for capital., outlay, ployment in Canada, At%present nipal is delivered This capital outlay item is set f urn - ter resid'enbs an Ite outsk-lets-of it in Ulie classrooms. Some the. local people S e' condA 1" fu, up to,eplace out-moded must walk up to Invo miles -to furniture is from the Old schoo� jtithe post office to get it for ■ which was vacated in 195-2. 'i.h.emselvips, Each. year sjome' of it is re - The -tow 11ton dqd not placed, n., Of U B u-ilding 'Siated In -addition to moneys foi- op- waitf(ir.the Clinton. resolution, eratiiaj�i of the school, the town when they read of Mayor­.Mil- Another person may be ap- -Reeve Mel Crich were ""sent also must raise tbrough taxa- l6r's intention they went ahead plying soon for permission, to from Monday night's council and, passed their own resolution build an, apartment bulldi�, in meeting, Reeve Crich is in -hos- tion the sum necessary to re- tire the debenture debt, of a - Sank lit J have carrier mail delivery. Clh-At , M anuary tq on avor W. J. Miller pital land George, Wonch has in- bout told town council Monday -night'. bluem$33,,G00t a. The estimat,4, were approved Raised from •the bottom of "Dropnik' May Go At A start will be =6- the first CROSSWALKS at the bdard meeting last Nveek. GodLm4,ch harbor during Jami- April on the $5.0,000 J. Dzus With The provincial govern- At that time Principal J. A. uary. the QS, Roblin, and Any Time: Lions Club 'a0partment building whose per- -xn cross- Gray reported, an enrohnent of ..................... ,drop- mit was passed, at the meeting W ment planning a unifoi Z RAYFIELD The Danel Mae are undergoting r4k" may go out at ,.k 1py-law the proposed by- 512 .at the end' of February and dW*- any time A permit was also okayed for extensive repairs in Goderich said nick Simons of t� —, here ill be shelved until announced the date for Open L "' he locai a $16,000 duplex for L. Hodge. the proper form comes from Nouse as April 18, h�rbon The fishing boats 'Lions Club Weftesday. I I SPECIAL MEETING . Queens Park. . The salary schedVle was': ap- sunk during thenight of Jan, The dpoprAk was 'placed on There will be a -special meet- $50 GRANT proved,. leaving the minimum 'awry 6-7 whorl Storm the ice in January and 'ticket's ing of council. Monday, March for Starting teachers at $3,000 19. L. E. Stanbridge of , the Clinton Horticultural Society Were sold with the purchasers lashed, the boats' with waves essming what _time the ice recreation bran* department was given- a $50 grant at Mon- '1)11*t moving "the maximum up guessing and drift ice. The C.S. 'V-613- would go out of the Bayfleld of education, Hanover, will ad- day's town council meeting. $100 to $4,700. Cliff' Epps appeared before fim, owned by Jack Semphe River. drez council -and representativ- "AA1 tickets are in, its just ea of service clubs. Th�e Clinton council and explained there was Half Load Date and Robert Cromwell of. Bay- matter of waiting for the District Athletic Association only -four dollars in the society's - field is being 'plated' in, the May Be Advanced lclq to go. There's a danger it had sent a letter to the council .treasury and how the funds engine is ready and may be �fay: apt any time," he said. 'asking that ,he appear to e,, -c had been spent in, the past. GODRITCH. (Staff) — There installed, next week.. �The 1 plain the recreation committee SIGN OKAYED is Avery posslibility that the Mac I Mutt Change Clock Mrs. Irene Okahashi was county will ,be asked to pass smaller' Danel is UyMed by-law, In their letter they ;­ ed the town was- missing but granted permission to have a a by-law extending the had -f- 3 3aby Norrman MacDonald of state - road hrfAt into May -be- 10 Midd16 of Night on provincial grants! by not 5 x 5 foot. sign installed' above load Goderich. It it presenWbel- having a proper recreation by- her store on, Albert -Street. Sfie cause `of the late arrival of sp- Clinton's residents were accept any and all rem ring, said Huron Counrt�, en- hig sheeted in `with plywood. notified At Monday's council law. During discussion Maybe mus" f - said, "there?s� spomsibillty for it, council ordier- gineer J. W. Britnell, Tuesd1ay. (News -Record Photos), 'meeting that daylight saving W. J. Millet t'2-00 catch 9 ewh The Highway Traffic Act om . ere. I'll bet weve &UHU will go Into effect. AL� 441-t one year only. LICENCE GRANTED I�Q . , .., .loads- �w 66 -t - Abd acco lite 2 and continue.. 0 ­ ­­ b" , -Ti" eV Xi� i� "tit October 8. .:, . I I * 1, _4( In the Wegent schools, % tl�esie ed to John Amsing f6rhis ge�- aurid AJPril, Mayor Miller asked Conn-, BOWLINGALLEY9 "'We 40 hold- off light Up. �D Grade 10 tec 'T k'-'-"4- Fir 't ace Deputy-Redve Mor eery' and novel ty store "Due, to llknited-�65 : . �_-' :., 1 ■ .2 2 ceive it." hrical Courses will ■t n�. Girl a, zs s P1 culor.'Mrs. V. G. Thompson gan Agnew lead to Grade 11 spee ' W, sizatkh who submitted the motion to asked, to have a by-law soon POLICE REPORT the last minute to introduce in the fields of carpentry. and ■ change the hour to set the to cover licenceg for bowling The police report'for Febru- this to county council M Mamh diraftd4 only. clocks ahead. "I hate getting alleys. Bolling alleys at pre- =7 stated that there were: two 26,!' said Mr,, Britnell:., "If at "The Grade 10 commercial At -Pu-61ic 'S' i up at that time," he joked. sent ido not pay a licence fee prosecutions; two convictions- isn't needed even. after It is course will. lead to'fult Grade 11 peak"n g Contest, ' I passed we won't enforce it. or He'was merruled and If to, operate. uttering and *failing to stop at send it to the minister o� high - and Grade 12 commercial. cour- 01intoil &'I Linda Spano of spector of Goderich who said, subject matter, preparation, and he wants to change his clock TAX. DISCOUNT the scene of an accident; one ses, A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public "Imagine gepting 10 speeches organization, poise, posture and to DST when It comes into Town council discussed the suspended, sentence-, two arrests ways for mproval,", he declared, 111-t will be necessary to make School, RCAF Station Clinton like this in one day? It is personality while speaking, en- effect he'll have to get out of possibility of",havitg a discount without warrants;' four sum- 0 certain, minor adjustments to took first place at the provincial lake going -to the library—only unciation, pronuclation, audibil- bed in the middle of the night for .,advance payment of pro- monses; 23 Investigations; $75 Over 80 Birthday Club Grade 9 courses to be offered in public speaking contest held at without having todo any wank.',' ity, quality and, range of voice, to do It. peaty taxes. "They -takeadvari- levied in filnes, seven warnings Thomas Millar, formerly of September 1962. Pupils and Clinton Public School auditor- The contestants were given effective use of vocabulary and. o tage of the PUC discount when under Highway Traffic Act; LoAdesboro, celebrated his 93rd parents may -rest assured, how- ium Wednesday afternoon. marks, for suitable and original sincex4ty with the audience. Mrs. Mabel Scott, Londes- It's not even a discount but -a seven, motor vehicle accldehtst; birthday at, the home of his ever, that these, courses (,com-boro, The public 'speaking contest spent Saturday evening penalty," Deputy -Reeve Agnew five Insecure doors; two car son- 4n ­law and daughter, Mr. mon to the four secondaryith M is sponsored by the, Ontario wa her sister-in-law, Mrs. declared. thefts, both vehicles recovered; and 'Mr's, J. A. McCool, Win& schools uroolved) will lead to Fotheringham Wins Again Elizabeth Scott,, Townsend St- TWO ABSENT one forgery and one house gar, where he has spent the ,all. branches, and programs of School Trustee's' 'andRatepay- ere Association of the Ontario reet. I Councillor George Wonch -and 1 breaking. winter. the rewgaxtized course's, of study and will in no way. affect the to Mucational Association. Other winners were * Cathy Seed Fair Prizes Go To Ing Vcl)ruary' WAS pm464 a& JJjb Me6flfti pupe.g i6pportunifty pursue - K�Iinlk of.'SS 11,' Hawick and ' 6 16 86, 41 the career ofhis/hei- chodsing." two Cars DamagedRae*ofwing"am third prize was taken by Peggy Public school' Rev. Grant Mills who gave Twenty-four Exhibitors a' " 6nfarlb'g pe6mlce Min k& hairts haA a0c6d monicipall6w the judges -remarks said', "some T, Wi fig at th b I lop ­ ize unty geed UP was I - atheg 8iioadbot Utucefield, The event if 11 of the contestants overempha- Robert F otheringliam, RR 3, ear tom; 100 pounds of steer N V, Two Men' Hurt sized, their enunciation and ti from Chu On V = Se0orth, became 'the grand fa na ( Chu a Sup - thifid 'fbe and fi*7ri''wal�4 ipw, I End Crash Crash made it jumbly. It is notalways loudest speaker who wins chanjplon of Huron County's ply for champion 4-14 oats; the A. Y. McLean trophy tot high- .31' Rear the top prize but a soft- mean-, 15bh annual seed- fair last week. competing against 23 other ex- est number of points by a 4-H 1 "ihlsofi.� Two 1958 cars were damaged ingful voice is always'effective. Mr. Mills hubitorg. This,is the fourth year Olub exhibitor; quealter bushel mall xld; Sbuth tx 'bn District [ii h Sc bol, last extenLkvely and -two men receiv- congratuated the in a row that'Bob has held the of. hybrid, seed corn from the It ed treatment it., hospital here I contestants for the use- and griamd Championship, supply company at New Dun ti Sunday morning, follow- choice of words, to create pic. Making tip his wins were top dee for -second' place in 4-H . .... ........ ing a rear -end, collision which occurred at the south edge of tures. Last year in, the province it place 'for silage, second cut hybMd seed corn ,class. All of this he has to 'keep, (e0hflfij)61 �6h ft� 12) .......... Clintoo on Hlghwa� 4 shortly was estimated that 200,000 el- ementary school children, par- baled hay, small teeft ear le, except the shield.' and( the tro- com,, white beans,, Gaus, bur y, after midnight Saturday. Both cars, were travelling ticipated in, this same contest, half bushel oats and the 4uH phy. club oat class; He placed see- Beside this pile of loot the, north. Orval EAgelistad 53, re. coined! indiaries'to his nose low- In the next round, the two winners from Huron Couay and With, 4-1-1 h3tibrld' earn and take of the other 23 exhibitors er jaw and chest, and Was" t-ak_ will be sent to the zone finals ward, with first cut baled hay, seems small. 6n ito Clinton Public Hospital Aprilr 10 111; Xitchener. The making up a total of 35 points, Runner-up was James Broad - by ,Chief H. P.. Thompson. He finails, will be held during the Besiides the ,honour involved, Not, Brumfield, wl:t,h first prize A was treutedanat retained home Baster fiolidla;yg at tht annual in, these wina,, Bob was richer for 4-H club hybrid corn,, sec - on Monday, convention of the association by $79 In actUal prize money, and prize 'for Oa barley, S -11 - Driver of the otber car, Alec held Inthe, King Edward Sher. plus a silver plated tray Psroiii age; third prize, for small seeds; Ost,roin, 23, Varna, was unhurt. atop Hotel, Toronto. the Blyth braach, Bank of Com- ear corn, He had 95 Points, Apasvenger in. the Ostrom car The children entered and morce for the bay Champion'- J," also earned, $5 for be - Gary McAsh-, Also of Varna, had their, topics were: Ernest Sher� ship; half bushel timothy seed ing the youngest exhibitor with a small Cut on! the right Ithee Wood, Zion Central School Coles for the baled hay cbamplonWhip; ten, or More, points, offered by Which required two stitches. ' borne Township, "Tel-ey1jion— blanket from Simpson -Sears for Hemall Coop; a, siloer plated Constables C. Petdwand A, an aid or -hindrance to, educa, most hints: show; two, bag's tray for being the new exhiblitor Shaddick investig&ted, tion?"; Carolyn Graham, Victor fertilizer from CII, for best with, Most points" from' Clinton, Before, the tars were cIeiared LaurlsbM-i Public School, Godes- bushp-1 of white beans; Jones bwlmoh, Royal, Bank: and• a half away, another -accident bcturr6a-, ich, "Etiquette"; Linda spano, MacXau.fhtoh perpetual shield bushel of hybM seed corli fxom According t10 Chief 14. Thome A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public for ramt Doinitg in small seods,, tbu- New Dwideefirm for first in the confusion, tWa cars, School, ACAi? gttLtioft, Clint -4 half bushel of Pfister' hybrid place,in the 4-14 corn. &ub Ass, meeting n#ai- the base of the "MY PaVOrite character in fie. seed.- corn for champion bushel other eaahiVit-oj%, Were Robert bill were incoollision, and there Peggy Rae, W1j)gharn Allan, Iktat-e&Wd dhaeaplbji was, considerable damage, but Public 8,choDl "Lord! Durham. Russell oats '(the' only entry) 1, Bold movou cut 116 one. Wag fiulkL Drivers were the 'great Caft(flj'anf". Cathy ace or second P11 ' far chopped hay, Bill Fink, travelling north With 140 inok 89 11 Ho "MY 44-1 th Unnetessari Costs fw%t but; thied 1,14 26 in- e his Wifet and tarnily, taid. J. 0. '­ f e Lmilg,116 , CAr Station Clinton club", 8h-i;&h Ufddletob,, SS y 4, West 8',tafilw, "Mysteries of Cfifitoutg polico 40partivient cutting dost§ claw. Ile also took hbine 4'sily0t fruit bowl going south, the Sea ll 'I' claii-18sa: Laggaline, Si, "We W111 66 provided With a. !jog' frbhi,the T, tition IAd. for the ' . auftf and a. length of 11086 to A third -aieddefit bdqUrYe6 On Staiday, rdght m the same, hill, Pete?g 61001, Obdiericit� need -I World parliabient" - Mau- I be6t, bushet of oats, wash thqr new polfe6 cruiser Aldh'Ant Prb6tm Won first Details bf this bLtv not reen DoLhdn, ACAS 2, Ashfield: "Sir 'A. Ig the stiln1her months, .11 4 pt ze for tecond cut 60000-1d il dodd6d Mohday4 VIA. available, 4t pUblicatiod tiM6. 16hh. Mad)Jftald — _otni, ihav sikth, for first cut chopea 'the fft­ L , ­ oet it person In in � V Thley W6*6 Maldng a bold 11w, Tho weather �'ah&xffiaft histbroyO. Rathryn , "hove to 'cut; Umtecesshrk ck� Alviii,bettitt kM 2 Layfield, �bqg 1962 ID61 i&I S hdol, Reg,161"i Ot boiI "ace 'iprbbleibs•-of a On§c% 64 6h6 dollar lfi-' �w6ft -third" M24 f&', daU', may.Ir —k. T'I'­ 2utidh, OiI116 A gti§s L voice for A dar%*4611 104'dul- other thal! y Spa ell, tLhd. r11 JV.6,.f" g Asia g4_ J6_ 3� Z modern and Ph -111V r, a &d Conlin Od'jj L'o of', bunt Cae_ Ing Vcl)ruary' WAS pm464 a& JJjb Me6flfti frobi. 10 Agridtuwm� Huton county S06d Wit Winners Paso fav Offiellot Picture' ' 6 16 86, 41 g 16 g, Z 22 9 triol 86w, 15-mh , ood "The W Miracle- ate R 61660W�, 6nfarlb'g pe6mlce Min k& hairts haA a0c6d monicipall6w A, N. Aae*Md&- I L ohd6sbo In Small L- owto Za;;;i A T, Wi fig at th b I lop ­ ize unty geed UP was I - atheg 8iioadbot Utucefield, The event if 11 31 41 %, 39 N V, '10 N me ludg-tis w6tef Vii, mills, b, "onidike and, MIZ to 6111, clown on -1u1uc'6c9sa�ry` thifid 'fbe and fi*7ri''wal�4 ipw, I 8LIjOP6 .for taken by► r" ',ted r their, dfleial phwgtAp� MhAld 86Uthcott Exeter; editor of & Soil and U .31' 91 94 1,86 1 "ihlsofi.� expenses IuO Moirgfti Agnew h0ccd dja't sp&ddl of A1ghdqTh1,f,6. C17611 NeW9 Which' helps publidige- th4 aff8dr.each mall xld; Sbuth tx 'bn District [ii h Sc bol, last �O 91 It W Thb.�6hbJthii&h-_b1 +h6 d6hUst Offit6ft 4fibuid go along %Vfth Btud6 t.X6_t& PlAd O;ir. ng lhii6m w6r4 Opwid Cham -.16L Ab. Wl P n . .... ........ Show: I bull I W" J. 14, Xink6Adf !�tlibol ih- ......... .. .. . ... fififi, (e0hflfij)61 �6h ft� 12) .......... Bert J?oth0h19hafn, Alt 3t Sdid&tfiif aild 1-wifief'. . ...... .. ..