HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 10Pww ,N*w#-11t*;9.r4-,Thv",., MwAk If.61
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_. _Ay 1 b OOf ee�ri�n
.62-Micers -0 1 00b I
YOtjno: Magistrate, Keeps Up'. W th '19 osdt
A%t 11411,k'1,40glla,� Church AVAMN—The Annug Meet -
r, M i t*rw P9 *q rel.- lg p
f Pourt lDuffer1r4 No,
j1/�OClgirn Day' once is ReEo At P lthq
e the Canadian Order- of V_
ten 1Vrnp
Bn4r" �5TIPvmq, 0TA" WWTIVA an jeffeadygnVans, oaf 4eterring
W$th prayer$ by Rev. "ters Was held ui• the LOT,
others #041ppipin" the same Wally: The ;= 4a;A witch -.q good attiendhim.
H. Gfenn, Hays, QC, I
info lily: Fes_.,
MT, W, X,,at?,apild, 0.ipsley, pre,
h4s �wjj,�thgt 14 i . .
1�urph is 1wPgil; 4p with Pf'fePM- "Some t4ep';b1i6ty an
Len mason paid how It
ty I and Inpopyerdende that Att)endo 40 f9p the peetlr�g, Xanbqrs,
mqqerr m6 f JaWCO"nhas provon he hilo$ e
,k �o an4 sho44 10
caurt, ftppearance is a. re from the Kinburn Court, High
op ft. th C q Nrong � Miliqtps were rpad, by.Shirley Marshall jpanep Neilans and
t,�,er "a,,,,o could 11pt b4Ve fpresOep t iz
y n ate
When I -
le Wi7o.te,. -11P
ho judge 0119,0za not be qq�W peqqlt� Brown, Plans were .made to
po� tria Dmuty High Chef
our he he skould hq p ?Oar,4e$. to kn purchase a, new, Commungqn. Anderson,
ass' 't
Q� W. e V i �,, n0 , Ranger 0, Q. Anderso 1�
from., Ms qw4 .soul , but frOY4 late gnc,4.1on oloth for the church, A -.0'* ed With the installing.
.long Rr
Along with 1* appom I ,
to promeW Magistrate he w1as gram the yearls: actrytitnc
tion of the nature, ofevil in ot.hqls; know�e
V wa% qqain�o. New off1pers New officers pxe* honorary
should be 44 g#i "not pers9nal, a g�ven the d
ppohttment o eleate4l kim, past president, chW ranger, Maillaild, Allen;
Jud of Jwyenilp and family
V9U$Q f4AG1$TKATE' factdas,4P he 4W rown; **sident, past chief ran _�erald Doble
$hpger, f
This young magis&ate 4, 44 -QN rAORATIQN Eileen. Sc ;Sdmeloler; , se�r chief ranger, Robert Daer.,,
As One'of the, hardiest tasks be vice chief iWqer, Ronald, Gross;
treasurerJ11ildip CUark.
i4st ce�lebra�ed, his spopnd year , 4t the 419me0tth0m are 44 faces wexll4e, arid' :far'
persons; on probation in the coqrt4 there are very. few
c i H
pn- the bench In laroul..Cquoty
before, x"chu -50, "1 am, e:)Uxemely interested. in
X Secom
county Who• receive regular vis- a - s from the decisions, the
,and has still a few more yea _is ppeal e T_ _ C
,ysits frqxn the probation officer, butcompcausm r qch cqnqem
Bqfom sentencing a juvenile N Hold
To keep up with modern day op ser i6us,offender Magistrate juverak- and family court workl
concepts the vis#4 reforn-4 in§ti- Hays, 40journs, the matter and This is jR, beavy'vesponsibility.
tutiom such as Collins Bay,,. a prp-sentenep, report and one that- leaves a Judge I MrS D
prepared S -he May consider with much the Ks, Mc ougall
feint Ston MA, training schools cmeerA. both, aat , - I
the' 004vlP�eOl perso'VA bac-li- Or as to
,, I ne and in retrospect as
where he can observe, vocation- g%roW4,. family, work record. and Uie wIsd= of thedecision.11
AUSURN—Ine secW, 'Me meditation on this
104 traknin&,givenjor the laov�r- Asgocla�es, Hbirbn County ' is 'in the meeting of. thk,,,Auburn ited given -by Mrs. Oliver.
Vn lesson was
is a gre 4tiop of h4ving om Church W%neri!s organization Ainftson who 611o�red With
to-rate4. As long ii 1'mlg�-i iftate Hays undqu�- poe
bell�tv the
haVe to eone, power of, -the of the, few magistrates who has was. held in the Sunday school prayer.
Imprison som ''tr -
'W familiarize Myself with presg, "I a0preciate the respon- see�n flid adininds atipai of, jus- r<5om
want of the church; with a A duet, "I Come to the Gar
these Institutions." siblity of the =,eis and - the Tole tice from three sides. Gleam large abtezAance. The meet- (sen Alone" was sung by Mr%
it pky,s in, repop#ng court, de- Hays has served in -the county ing's program was planned by Norman. MClinchey and Mrs.
The magistrate believes wre- cisll6i . na not -from human as a defense lawyer, U10Wn Unit 2 under the. leadership of Kenneth - Patterso , n. Minutes
fbrming the mark instead of
�,nterest point of ;v�z but as council and magistrate. Rxiderson. MIw Margaret R.
Mrs. Oliver The were read lockino him up and maybe fare- president, . Mrs. Kpnneth MC- Jecksm In. the absence of the
ing him into further crime when Dougall was in-chargo of the secretary, . Miss Elma Mutch.
he is released with Mrs. Norman Me- The treasurer, Mrs. Norman
"Since my appointment there
Cliinchey as platust.
has been a decided increase in MoDowell repoa�! - $219.88 in
The me�,-tft, was opened by -the general fund' and Mrs. Har -1
placements on probation with,xN: • gwging the new theme hymn,, old Webster reported! $41.78 in
both adult and juvendle offend- "Fs ctrl 'All That,'Dwell Below the mission fund.
ers I subscribe to the new ,the. Skies". , S -t, .-Jolin 10: 1-10 Roll call was.answeredby rew
4proach which tries primarily was read, by Mm. Guy Cunning- peating a verse of scrip I tur-e
not to Punish, but to MeW out containing the word, "Faitb"
sentences that are aimed at •and the paying , of fees, Mrs.
reforming the individual iand Explorers', Study Norman Mdl)Gwell, representa-
not having him come back ixft Ira, sive Of UCW m the board of
-society embittered but rather stewaxids reported on the work
equIpped for gainful employ- "Church -is People done recently on floe church
ment iin a competitive society," building.
he Ideciared. Guests Attend Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer re -
must.still. -recognize ported) fou;,visits, made during
there is a type of offence AUBURN —Nancy Anderson, the Mrs. Charles
such, as murder, r o b b b e r y A president of the Explorers, Straughan, the literature sec -
with violence, trafficking in, group . of the Knox ' United retary, reported that she had
drugs and sexual -attacks where the
Church gave the call to - new supplies for this new
exemplary punishments to deter and opened the meetmgon Suzy- organiZataon, and four copies of
day. -;an, "The Church," the by--16ws and handbook r
others iy have to have pre- A Poe �fo
over the reformation ,of was recited lby.Rosp, Wilson and the UCW.
,the Individual, but they -are the Beirty,Moss led- in prayer. The it was decided' to purchase
exceptions to the general ap- offering was received, by Bar- charter membership cards for
proach to sentencing.
I ........... ......... bara Carter and, Rom Wilson. all those who had paid their
"I believe in probation with The topic for the meeting fees. The supply secretary,
strictures; on, excessive drinking, I.R. was, "The Church is People', Mrs. Roy Ebsom asked the
association. with bad compan .
'the second chapter of junior members to krat all sizes of
,. . . . . . . .
inns, late hours,. and, abuse of Roundup, the Explorer's study mittemfor c1ii1dreaAndin re -
driving book for this year. A film was grand to gifts! for little girls
riving privileges,, when such. ,
appear bo be the contributing H. GLENN HAYS, QC Huron County Magistrate *own by the superintendent, one to six years of age, it was
Mrs. Arthur Grange, assisted by suggested that each unit discuss,
matter to me what =LUI-
miss Margaret R. Jackson. , this matte
The Messenger Group (chil,_ Ial could be. gathered up 'far
-dirm, 6, 7 -and 8) with their
Walkerburn u
leader, Ws, �C� Qrom� . w_vre New Hospital.
guests afid , Also William
R-ec"e'. 'Ony-%tvaug'an represe I ntative of the -
session, * World Friends were To Be Built
distributed and, the 4ALR=ting
5RI Thank You Cards101011
AUBURN. — Members of the closed with prayer.
Waakerbum Club met at -the The'officers of the Explorer Hear Palmerston
home of ,Mrs. 'red' Hunking 'with„ group for 1962 are: president, "A new 30Q -bed mental hospi-
-the president, Mrs. I.�eonard Nancy Anderson; ' vice-PrerAr tal will be built at Palmerston
On February 28 the Blyth Department ot Agriculture, and Archambault. In charge. Open- dent, Allan WDougall; seer6 - with the first stage of con
branch, of,the UrAted,Dairy and ,Mr. Clelan, cheese,: -maker at ing prayer was led by Mit. tart', Betty Moss; assistc4it Mc- struction to start in the
Paultry Co-operative held their the Blyth plant; both stressed Henry Runklmg; Minutes Were' rebary, Douglas Archainbault; spring;" Public Woxks Minister
annual, meeting. , Boyd Taylor, the, need ' for the production of read, by Mrs. Lorne Hunkmg. •treasurer, Billy. Lapp; superin- Ray Connell said last Friday
presi6ent, outlined -the work of the best possible quality of Thank -you notes were toad tendent, Mrs. Arthur Grange; in announcing tender call far
the organization during the past milk.' Equipment helps to fr;om Mr. and Mrs. Eldon HM- assistant superintendent, Miss the powerhouse-, trades and gar -
year, painting Particularly to achieve this'but care must be dry, Mr. and Mrs. Staniley Ball Margaret R. Jackson, age build figs.
the' plans. being developed to taken at all times or low qual- and, the Children's' Aid Society. J. Fred Edwards, MPP for
provide bursaries to encourage ity, milk results. Roll call was, , answered by 14 Perth, said the •hospital will be
young people intereked in , Zone. representative Martin members each quoting a Valen- A/V/M Raymond a great boon to Perth arid' sur,
fa m-ing, to attend Ridgetown Baan said that in three years tine verse. The financial state- rounding counties.
agricultural school. UDPC had expanded from see- ment,was. given by Mm'.. Stan -"In .addition to the need, that
Sid I Pierson, of the ppqvinclal en plaints to 14 now serving be- ley Ball, treasurer. The, draw Dies at 72 it WIN fill in the treating of
Concentrated Milk Produeeks tween 16 and 17 thousand far-' prize was won by Mrs* Joe • the mentally ill," Mr. Edwards
said that the board, is working mens. Hunking. A Program of con- said, "I ani told it will. cost
dafigently towards a stabifiza- Three' years ago the Blyth tests was conducted, by Mrs. RCAF Key figure close ito.$3,500,000 and will. pro -
tion fund to assist in the mar- plant handled 11 million poundis Henry Hunking :and Mrs. Jo- Air Vice -Marshall Adelard vide, work, for up to 120 area
ket-irng_ of milk , . . Ontario and of milk and last year almost seVh Verwey. Raymond, 72, one of the key tradesmen through, the next. two
Quebec groups are now working 22 million. pounds- The. Manu- A short memorial service was figures in the development of winters."
-together in establishing negoti- facture of cheese increased held. ,for the late Mrs, Percy the RCAF during the Second Mr. Connell said 'the .Pakner-
-ated. prices which gives, the from, 96,000 pounds to 384,000 Vincent, t World) War, died,' on Friday, sten hospital. will, be built on
farmer greater bargaining pounds. Plans were made for the next February 23, after a prolonged Highway 23 between, Palmer-
• strength. Bruce McC�Acheoii, Ontario ineetingto be held at the home illness.. ston and Listowel, about four
Work is. progressing on at, vice-president pointed out the of M -i-.,. Bert H-unking the last Born near Valleyfield, Que., rniles from Palmerston,
over-all- marketing plan for changes that •are taking place Wednesday in March. Roll call Air Vice -Marshall Raymond en. The new hospital will ;be the
listed as a' fieutenant in, the product of architectural re -
milk but there 0e, -many. diffi- in living, conditions and in is to be answered by sm''91 say .1 plying .Corp
the plaist search Which has surveyed the.
culties to be met. means, of transportation which or ,pay, something Irish in Roya
Mr. Chapman, chairman of in' turn force changes in mar- keeping with St. Patrick's IV-orld War. After &-mobiliza- most modem hospitals int North
the resolutions committee of keting. , The great problem, in Day. -The program will, be in tion he returned, to CaniLda -and America. Interior decor of
the Ontario Concentrated Milk thedairy industry is `the hand- the charge of Mrs. Be - field Car- pleasing paste I be in keep -
.rt Hunk_ opened, a flying at ar e Is will
Producers seated that if must ling of even, small surpluses. ing and Mrs, Stanley Ball, and tierville at Mmtreal. ing with today's advanced
be, clearly understood that the 'Ph -it is someth, mg that produc- the lunch committee will be Early •in the Second- World. trends, for caring for mentally
marketing plan for milk must em must da for themselVes, Mrs. . Guy Cunningham, Mrs. War he was. called upon, to & sturbed patients in congenial
be for the -benefit of all, dairy Ca -operatives can do agreat Tom Cunnihgham, Mrs, Roy help organize training and main= �Urr()undings that eliminate the
farmers. Milk prices we too deal, to stimulate co'APe't,itl'
Deer and Mrs, Herbert Dul,er. ming depots 'that turned out histitutional barred -window and
low and farmers -need to de- in the market and complete thousands of pilots and aircrew 16ckod-dbor atmosphere.
velop a plan to improve their control of ofsuris necessary After.a. wccesstul. penny sale, for RCAF planes. Buildings will be of brick,
position. to dispose, of surpluses. Thjsi a delicious lunch was servedby He wasr made a domn-mader ste;61 and omerete conatruttion.,
Mrs. Sltewttrt Ament,
mv Carey, fieldman for the could well be the main, objec- of the0rder of the Brsh Vm aluminum 'sash and, built -Lip
Leonard, Arch-ambault, Mrs,. pire, 'itis, 1944 and retired in roofing.
Stanley Ball and Mrs. Walter 1945 from a position in charge
Cunningham. of the No.. 1 Air Command at
Forester Scales Reports: to-OFU Trenton. In 1947 he was made
gba chevalier of the Legion, of Isle yC:aUR.-, vRULyOn Reforestation'in Huron Count'ghout the aftemoon Honour and- awarded the Croix AtM#WrAAoi 0.Y,as running cominefit on ole 'Guerne by the, Ptelich Govm
Robeopt Taylor, RR 3, Clinton, Cost of one dollar per thousiani the matter of increased pr6due- ernnnent, for his I services in
', tion. This t-end inight well both, wam
ftytrodixed a Mr: Scales of the trees planted.
These b�eeg Mus, be traced to the increasing At -the time of his death he
- left to grow for 20 yeas Department o� Lands and For= be movionlent to vertical integra- Was president of the Queen'sests last Thursday night to and the cw)t is shared by pro-
ti6ft :in the ,da., industry.. If Hotel Ltd., Montreal and serv-
members o� I-Iuroft, District wince, counityand township,
p,%ttnerg Union in, the ageleul- M-7, Scales "answered' arrant' contral of product were remov- ed as a; director of Canadair
tural office board, room. questions regarding tree' di, .d from the proc&tsor by a Ltd., Gleneagles, Investment
board, many Company, .Crown Trust'Comp.
"forest6r," --Aid Mr. Scales, 6-M*, erasion, -tax exeMptiovil at,' milk ma:tketIhg
Ilit t )6ce.sors might v du k' k I y anyand, the Impera e As
aientlPically trained to -the, Maltlarid Rivet Authority. i I Lit I
manage fb.tsts, and make sure Following a related' film, th, :ase Interest in owning cows. surance C6mpany;
they are renewed." He said speaker Was; thanked by Cord- 6- map" r_,W_ j_ fW= �.o
that foresters, mostly employed on Hill Varna. I . "S
by govertiment and industry Mrs. 'T. GWelllock, J�ead, an MARCO ORCOARDS,
navel a broad education as Okcell6nt report of h0x xecen'
must h __�711 069k
they be,domi� involved itt chernis- trip -to Ottawa as Htltbfi's dele- Started _J
sur ou
try, $olls, Wildlife, statistics, gate, foo� the pttsentatiar� of the I T, 'r,
itthndaf belef t6 'government by t J§ Feet. so CotAFORTAXIIIIF 141kr
Mr. Scales told of his Work fW6 National Fai�Abes Un'io'n. ' I .
in Hur6n in both public rela- Alf Wariier, AR 1, Bayfield,
t1drik and ad!rniMstration. His remindod, those -Present- of the
office; co-operates with teach- up-cominghog Vote and caked Wt lbs superb tieftltw of Roo #Arms Sri &W jibck is first, jeyijrstloo, dirict Itogn ibe, im I
.ft PWkft the famoos "am Ordardi *e@^4 and baWed by, Rot Farm%, Yeats U ex
err; 4-A 6lubs, scouts And with support of the HOg Producers MR, It-LINkti -41., ON VAU8461 low. =t oirloft it pradubing tht tinest started 11 Isle H -
who, constaAqy seek Mar'murig toded., food"M We" Oroductlah and d a0d d0pold pullets and MOO that .41! be -6633, RPM
I = bouOt i�*iri.
hAltrii,A s*,ecleg Ray Hitnha A-u-buin the from . 0thi*t1mAs stralft also &411016 At diw-bli
#te, lW,
..#,I),a, Financial ,sebarY, a ; t -T C*41_1
One ".90 , � ,
chan; qwleA Mer 'a rtlay� M kc 10 h
Seri r, woodwgN, 4. o li n
Dees; Junior �wo
Junior . , o0wqrd,
Pappl. 'senior bpadle, Gordon a.
Gross; junior b"d1e, Harpld. T H E 'fi�el A.'res
McClinchey; auffitors, Harold
they, William Seem P400"111 tO M40; •Of 00 11;044
This court .has now over 40
member$ and plans, arg under-
_ u. -der
way to Vonsoracard. party in Wg Cater' to
the now cpapmuNty rnernorsa11 WEDDINOS LVNCHtQNS PAO
hall with the proceeds -donated
to the • buibuilding'f#n4i of 9-fOb
�o� -savings pfid service
Bu eco -from
the allpeatipn. Mrs.EYour Friefidi"y
agorn "
suggest and) thought
that perhaps the. units could
donate toys ar4, clothing.
Mrs. Robert Arthur, conven-1 J Deal'er
er of the, flower commit" re -
Ported• on, her, work and Mrs. Don't take chances with seed from infamillar sources,,
William Straughan, conveaier of Rely on -your local 'JONES, MaoNAUGHTON Seed
-the kitchen'corhanittee reported Dealer to give you complete satisfaction.
that Mrs. Bert Marsh and, Mrs SPECIFY.
William-I)oddl would, act on her
committge. Plans, were ma&.to
take pant in the World Day of JONES, 'Mac'NAUGHTON 'SEEDS
Player in St. Mark's Anglican
1 t you'r Dealer's
Church on :March 9 at 2.30 P.M. Or call us direct".
-The members voted to send EXETER CREDITON LONDON
$25 -to Sting Time on CKNX and
pianos were made to cater -to Phonic 664 -Ph.' 234-6363 Ph. GE 2-225$
the banquet on April 24 when
the Young People Societiesof
the Presbytery will meet here,
Mrs. Fred Tell reviewed the COMING SOON
second! chapter of the studr
book, "Hasten the Day", a story
dealing with the.great misssioai� V W
ary work done by Thomas, Gros-
-by and, other mission, boats 5'00
along the Pacific coast. The
offering was received by Alm. 0
Nelson Patterson and, Mrs,
Harry Armstrong. Another duet
was sung by Mrs. N. MoOin- V LKSWAGEN'
chey and Mrs. K. Patterson, ac-
companied by Mrs. Gordon Mc-
The theme of the meeting Watch ForAnnouncement
was Christian education and
Mrs. Edward, East. led, in a
very. &Ormative Panel discus- HERE NOW
ston, on the subject,. assisted by
Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Ern,
eat Durnin and, Mrs. Charles -1962OLKSWAGENS
.3traughan. The members and
responsibilities• of this, depwt-
inent were discussed,. Rev.
Charles Lewis: followed with a SPECIALS
descriptive lirA, of the church
organizations under the guid-
a4iqp,9f Christian education. eland" -1962 VOLKSWAGEN.....
66alitded with an, account of
the leadership, aims and, work
of the Sigma -C group of boys-, DEMONSTRATORS
The meeting was closed with
the mizpah benediction and the
ladies of Unit 2 served! lunch. REAL
Quicktanadi a*n . 1-1960VOLKSWAGEN SHARP
.Quiz A
1-1958 VOLKS
1. What treaty 8,uaranteeg the WAG N' DANDY
unfortified S . Canada
2'. Now much do Canadian' -1960 CHEV. TUDOR HARD
workers and employers con. TO BEAT
tribute annually to social in.
surance and government
pension funds? Pretty
3. On the basis of census met- -1959 CHEV. FORDOR Coral Color
ropolitan areas, name Cana.
da's five largest cities.
4. How much of Ot W-va's tax
revenues will go toward
Family Alloawnce payments
this year ?
5. Which was Canada's peak
over 400,000 immigrants enter-
ed Canada. 3. Montreal, To -VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE
ronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, I
Ottawa. 1. The Rush-Bagot 00DERICH CLINTON.— RCAF CLINTON
Treaty of 1817. 4.
$523 million
plus administration costs. 2. Phone Go'derich JA 4-8261
More than three-quarters of a
billion, dollars.
W us assist you with your
plans for that all impoitant
wedding day,
;`our c1loice of'Variouoapct stocks, type
styles and sizes,
ask or,
Select your wedding invitations, announcements
mni ac4es6&iea with etmiletb 6onfidebee tis to
quality and correctness of 156tnu
AND 1,A 9 00XkS
la plant, QtCr
the Huron Cour-
coutity dwectotv tftdveied a
I ,
4h'6bt business Period. Plans
"AVI Pled
orl* fe Phone, for ditallo end 44ird-fisitik
AING bitl*
,He outlined
s6h.bme Where-
for A Variety night w
Zug e -it Idt
11._t". 0,
ffi-, 'plant by a tkindt "' ay dii a Minl�
with tfttf d-k6dVt1Vdf, Vdffla 1,6dr-
AW001 4A
hw 3*2ilt
HU 14443
thiiiii, of fiviff acre's' of ttibet at a 1
a! served Wh6h,