HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 8The topic was taken" by Car-
olyn Sprung who is the mis-
sions convener. She told about
the mission work done in Jap-
an, Rev, C, Lewis spoke of
future activities for the YTS
and the meeting was closed
with prayer. "
Enjoy Party
Forty-six young people from
the Nile YPS, the BelgTave
YPS and the Anglican and
Presbyterian churches in the
village enjoyed a skating 'party
and broomball game last Sat-
urday evening on the rink in
the United Church shed. Miss
Marsha Kooprnaxis was the con-
vener for the evening's pro-
gram of games.
Lunch was served of hot-
dogs and hot chocolate under
the convenership of Miss Shir-
ley Snell: She was assisted in
the kitchen by Misses Bernice
McDougall, Betty Youngblut
and Elaine Snell.
Back to Holland
R. Koopmans, RR 2, Auburn,
left last Thursday afternoon to
visit with his parents, Mr: and
Mrs. J. Koopmans of the Pro-
vince of Fiesland, Holland.
Mr. Kocannans left the London
airport at 4.30 p.m. and after
a short wait in Montreal, he
boarded a KLM Airlines plane
and arrived at Amsterdam, Hol-
land at ten miputes to eight on
Friday morning.
Mr. Koopmans will spend 17
days with his parents and oth-
er members of his family. It is
14 years ago that he left Hol-
land and this is the first time
for 'him to return to his native
Township of Stanley .
Applications will be received
by the undersigned until' March
19, 1962 for the position of
Applications must be in writ
ing, sealed and clearly marked
"Application", stating qualifica-
Office space and telephone to
be furnished by the successful
Harvey Coleman, Reeve,
RR 1, Zurich, Ont.
1111. (ill 2 27 VICTORIA ST,
• • • • • •
• • • • OOOOO •
Michele and Howard Keep Youngsters Happy
Twelve-year-old Michele Finney (left) and
Howard the talking Turtle are two new personal-
ities who have made a mark with young TV viewers
this season on CI3C-TV's Razzle Dazzle. Letters
are coming in to the show at the rate, of more than
5,000 a month. Howard loves mail. The only thing
he doesn't like is the mention of turtle soup—that's
enough to make any talking turtle withdraw into
his shell. (CBC Photo)
By Lucy B, %fa*
Clare Longhurst, St. 'Thomas
spent the weekend with his
wife and family here. •
Mr, and Mrs. Otto Popp, Dun-
gannon, visited recently with.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and
fainilY, RR 1, Auburn.
Frank Walters, Ingersoll,
visited for a few days last week
with his sister, Mrs. Arthur
Grange and daughters.
Miss Patricia Youngblut,
Wingham spent last weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Major Youngblut and family.
Mrs. William Straughan is
visiting this week with her
deughter, Mrs. Tom Jardin,
Mr. Jardin and family at Wing-
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Young-
blue 13elgrave and Miss Lila
Youngblut, Reg,N., Goderich,
were Sunday guests with Ar-
thur Youngblut,
Miss Barbara Mackay re-
turned On Sunday to her home
after a couple of weeks as a
patient in the Goderich hospi-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stephen-
son and sons, St. Catharines,
visited on Sunday with her mo-
ther, Mrs. William T. Robis-
nn and Mr. Robison.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
reys visited last Sunday with
his father, Mr. Arnold Humph-
reys at Paris and other relativ-
es at Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wie-
man, Seaforth, visited on Sun-
day with their daughter, Mrs.
Karl Teiohert, Mrs. Teichert,
Karl, Petra, Peter and Perry,
The sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to Mrs. Wil-
liam Stewart whose brother,
Thomas Young, Goderich, pas-
sed away over the weekend.
Miss Patty Ladd and Master
Wayne Gow, Goderich, spent
last weekend with their grand-
parents, Me. and Mrs. William
Mrs. Worthy Young is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Pearce and daughter, Eliza-
beth Anne at Willowdale this
Michael Wales, small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wales (nee
Donna Gow) of London, is a
Mrs. Archambault
AUBURN = Funeral services
were held on Tuesday afternoon
at the J. Keith Arthur funeral
home for Mrs. William Archam-
bault, 72, who passed away on
Sunday in Goderich hospital
after a short illness.
She •wes formerly Alice
Youngblut, the youngest daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Youngblut and was born
in Hullett Township, She, at-
tended • LISS 5 Hullett. F o r
many years she was the dress-
maker of the community and
after her marriage to William
Archambault (who predeceased
her last year) she resided on
the 13 con., of HuBett Town-
ship where their son Leonard
now resides.
Upon retirement they moved
bo Goderich where they have
resided for several years. She
was a mernber.af the North St.
United Church.
She is survived by one son,
Leonard, on the home farm,
one daughter, Miss Edna, Tor-
onto; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie
Vodclen, Londesboro and Miss
Margaret whe has been residing
with her in Goderich; two grand
sons and one granddaughter.
Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen con-
ducted the service and temp-
orary burial was at the Blyth
mausoleum with spring burial
to take place in Hope Chapel
cemetery. Pallbearers were
Major Youngblut, D onald
Youngblut, E a r 1 Westbrook,
Lenard Westbrook, Frank Rob-
anion and Ernie Stevens.
Fred Anderson, Jr., RR 5,
Clinton, won the $3 credit' note
at Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Hard-
ware. This week's lucky pink
coupon is number 4069 and the
holder may pick up $3 credit
et the store.
Bayfield UCW Has
March Meeting;
aseyesIELD ---- The March
sealing of the United Church
Women. Unit 1, was belel on
Thursday, .at the :home of Mrs.
Melcolin Toms with an excel-
lent attendance.
Mrs. W. C. Smith opened the
meeting with the devotional
The etude/. book, "Mary and
Martha" was taken by Miss
J. Stirling and citizenship by
Mrs. Robert Scotchmer.
Mrs. Ivan Steckle read the'
seaeetary's repprt. Mrs, Charles
Bell presided for the business
session. Arrangements were
made to hold the tea and bake
sale on July 20.
A St. Patrick's Tea was dis-
cussed but was turned tlAWRI
in favour of the "Hobo Tea"
commencing on March 19 and
lasting until March 24.
Mrs. C. Bell read a poem en-
titled "Growing Old" following
whichHappy Birthday was sung
as menibers paid their birth-
day fees.
The meeting closed with pr-
ayer by Mrs. H. Rohner.
An enjoyable feature of the
tea hour which foil-Owed was
a birthday cake, made and don-
ated by Mrs. C. Bell, aglow
with lighted candles,
Fred McClymont
Phone H1J 2-3214)
Mrs. Russell Erratt who has
been a patient in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell
and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cole-
man are spending a few weeks
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Barker
and family, King City, spent
the weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs Fred McClymont,
The ladies of the United
Church have been invited to
Goshen United Church on Fri-
day, March 9 to observe the
World Day of Prayer.
Library Annual
The annual meeting of the
library was held on Monday
evening at the home of Miss
Edith Beatty. Rev. T. J. Pitt
acted as chairman. A good re-
port of the library was given
by the librarians. The library
board elected for 1962 are: A.
5. Mustard, Rev. T. J. Pitt,
Mrs. William McAsh, Mrs. Wil-
liam Clarke, Mrs. Lyle Hill,
Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mrs, Mer-
vyn Hater, Mrs. T. J. Pitt, Fred
McClymont. The board would
appreciate the support of each
family in the community in
taking out a membership card.
There are many good books
in the library and new ones
are being added from time to
Choir Entertained
The Varna, United Church
choir members were guests of
the Varna United Church Wo-
men on Friday, February 23.
The guests also included, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stirling and
Rev, and Mrs. T. J. Pitt.
A turkey supper was served
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Aldie Mustard by group 2 with
Mrs. Mervyn Hayter in charge.
Mrs. R. Stirling, the organist
of the church, thanked the lad-
ies on behalf of the choir for
the delicious supper served and
for the pleasant evening.
UCW Meet
The March meeting of the
United Church Women, Varna,
was held at the home of Mrs.
Louis Taylor, Thursday, March
Group 1 was in charge of
the devotion and study book.
Mrs. Mervyn Hayter led the
devotional periode assisted by
Mrs. Minnie Hayter and Mrs.
T. J. Pitt.
Mrs. Ethel Stephenson, Mrs.
Harvey Hayter, Mrs. Mervyn
Hayter and Mrs. Watson Web-
ster read 'a chapter from the
study book on "The Rural
Twenty-three members ans-
wered roll call by handing in
a sewing notion for a bale.
Mrs. Charles Reid reported
the baking sale would be held
in Clinton council chamber on
March 31.
The president, Mrs. Gordon
Hill conducted the remaining
business. Mrs. Mervyn Hayter
closed the meeting with pray-
er. Group 1 served lunch.
PHONE HU 2.7023
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BOARD — 1 1/4 " tubular
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Quality Hardware and Housewares
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We are S n aking SEED GRAIN
Please place
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and be sure of
Top Quality Seed
SELKIRK Spring Wheat
Order now and avoid the last minute
Mary Street
HU 2-9792
patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, Where •he underwent
surgery recently.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Seiler
(nee Edna Daer) and their
family, John, Susan and Nancy,
Mitchell left recently by plane
for.California Where they plan
on making their home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Daer
returned last Sunday from a
two weeks visit at Mitchell with
their daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Jackson, Mr, Jackson and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp,
Douglas and Dianne visited in
Toronto last Sunday, return-
ing to her aunt, Hiss Bertha
and Mrs. Marjorie Ohlia in
Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs.
Edgar Lawson, Mrs. Charles
Straughan and Miss Margaret
R. Jackson visited last Sunday
evening in Goderich with Mrs,
George Sturdy, Sheriff and
Mrs, Harry Sturdy.
Mrs. Catherine Dobie, Mrs.
James Johnston, l3luevale and
Mrs. '5, C. Stoltz and her
daughter, Mrs. Margaret Chop-
in, 'Wingham visited with Miss
Margaret R. Jackson last Sun-
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Davies pur-
chased last week the home of
Mrs. John Arthur on the corn-
er of King and John Streets.
They will move into their new-
ly purchased home early this
Mr. and Mrs. William Gow
received ward recently that
their niece, Judy Gow, one and
a half years old, had passed
away in Sick Children's Hospi-
tal, Toronto. She was the
daughter of Mr, and Mrs Al
bert Gow.
Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor, Mrs.
Ed. Davies and Mrs. Wes Brad-
nock attended the Londesboro
Women's Institute meeting last
week. Mrs. Taylor (the Au-
burn WI Tweedsmuir Book
convener) told about the Au-
burn history and demonstrated
the books to the Londesboro
To Ice Capades
Two local boys, Johnny Mac-
Kay and Allen Craig, Free
Press paper boys in the village
were taken to Kitchener to see
the Ice Capades last Saturday.
A' girl from Londesboro and
two boys from Clinton were
among the carriers treated to
a dinner and the ice show.
Eighth Birthday
Mrs. William Seers enter-
tained last weekend in honour
of her daughter Gail's eighth
birthday. The children played
bingo with little gifts given to
the winners. Birthday cake and
lunch were served to the little
guests. Those present were
Trudy Meehan, Marie Plunkett,
Nancy Brown Faye Seers and
Brigitte Sohlichtling,
Public Dance
For the first time in nearly
ten years, the Auburn Com-
munity Hall board sponsored a
public dance which was large-
ly attended, Nearly 300 attend-
ed from many of the surround-
ing to her aunt, Miss Bertha
community has been unable to
have dances,or concerts since
the old Forester's Hall was
sold on August 13, 1956. For
several years before that, time
the building was condemned
and could not be used for con-
certs and dances.
Knox United YPS
The Young People's Society
of the Knox United Church
charge met on Sunday evening
with Carolyn Sprung in charge
of the meeting held at the
Westfield Church. The scripture
lesson was read by Toni De
Jong followed by prayer by
Anne Speigelberg. Ronald Snell
presided at the piano and the
offering was received by Garth
Walden and Harvey Snell.
5.7%'` MitatliX0
terribly Intelligent! You
concentrate well, pay
attention to details and
when you write letters
you always include:
III Your correspondent's
full and correct postal
address • Your own name
and return address In upper
Help us to speed your
mail—check the yellow
pages of your ToW,
phone Directory for full
postal Information.
Pam Fellows. Is
oxen Queen
f College ROM
BAYFIELD CongratUletions
go to Miss Pamela Louise Fel-
lows who was chosen Queen
of MacDonald College, Montreal
for MacDonald College Royal
on Friday, February 23, 1962.
Described as the most excited
girl in the college when she
walked out on the stage to be
crowned 'at ten o'clock in the
morning, ,she reigned supreme
on the campus for the day as
Her Majesty Queen of the Roy• -
al '62.
The college papee "blailt-Ye
Times" reads thus;
"Our demure queen came to
us from Riverside, Ontario. Riv-
erside's loss was our gain. In
high school her interests were
as numerous as they were div-
ersified. She took part in ath-
letics, the library club, the
school newspaper and the Inter-
school Christian FelloWship.
"Pam is enrolled in the Bach-
elor. of Education program sp..
ecializing in physical educate:a.
During her relatively short stay
here, she has become interested
in and actively participates in
inter-class ewes, inter-colleg-
iate basketball and WAA bad-
minton club."
Elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Fellows, Riverside,
Pam is well-known in• Hayfield,
having spent holidays here for
some years. Mr, and Mrs. Fred
Fraser are her grandpareats.
Miss Ruthann Scotchmer,
London, was borne over, the
Miss Rosemarie Telford, Lon-
don, was home for the week-
George Telford, W'ndsor, 'sp-
ent the weekend with his wife
'and baby son.
J. R. R. Willock, Toronto,
was' in the villitge fore a few
hours on Friday; afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
R. Kerr attended the Ice Cap-
ades in Kitchener on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleif-
on. Main Street over the week-
son, London, were at their home
Mr. and Mrs. 'R. Yantis, Lon-
don, entertained guests at their
summer home on Tuyll Street,
over the weekend.
C. • Moore, Detroit, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.
S. Roddick, "Century House"
over "the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William Car-
son and farriily, London, were
in the village on Sunday after-
Mise Elaine Weston;' London,
spent the' weekend ,with • het
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Howard Scotchmer, . London
Teachers' College, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer.
Mrs. Don Warner returned
home on Wednesday of last
week after having spent a few
days in Petersburg owing to
the illness of her father.
• Mrs. ,T.. Eraser who entered
hospital in London while visit-
ing her daughter, Mre. William
C. Parker is improving in
Mr. and Mrs. Ed .Sturgeon
returned home on Saturday aft-
er having visited their daugh-
ter, Mrs. F. Anderson and fam-•
ily, Science Hill, and relatives
in St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc-
Millan, Carol and Jimmy,
Woodstock and nephew, Harry
Martin,. Thamesford, spent Sun-.
day with the former's sister,
Mrs. Reg, Francis and family.
Mr. %and Mrs. Malcolm Mac-
Leod and Bruce, St. Cathar-
ines, and Miss D. Delaney,
London, spent the weekend with
the former's 'mother, Mrs. L.
H. D, MacLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotch-
Township .South
Mrs. Alvin Bottles and baby
returned home last week from,
Clinton Public Respite'.
Reeve Walter Forbes, Grant
Stirling, Jack Yeo, Harry Oak-
es and Edward McElwain all
attended the Good Roads Con-
vention last week in Toronto.
Mrs, Grant Stirling spent a
few days last week in Toronto,
Middleton Heifer
Tops Angus Sale
At Farm Show
The outstanding female heifer
Blackbird• TA, 50th, owned by
Stewart G. Middleton, Triple
A Farms, Goderich Township,
brought the highest price at the
Aberdeen Angus show and sale
in conjunction with the West-
ern Ontario Farm Show last
This is the es:co•Id such show
and sale to accompany eh e
Farm Show, and was hele on
March 2 .at Western Fair
Grounds, London.
Purchase price was $1,060
paid by Alex. Edwards, Anoka
Farms, Area,
There were 54 head of catttle
consigned to this sale and they
brought a total of $16,320. Auc-
tioneers were K Shierbahn,
Indiana; Calvin Patrick, Ilder-
ton; George Early, Kerwood
and Gordon Ribey, Underwood.
Page ;News-Recoff1.,;Thgrs.f. Mercit 8, 1962
Thank You
The Huron Hog Producers Committeemen'
elected March 6, who stand solidly for good
sound commonsense producer-marketing of
hogs, wish to extend to you our thanks for the
support you have given the marketing board in
the past and we feel sure you will give us even
greater support in the future.
Huron County
Auburn and. District
MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595
Carbon Arc Torch
and Oxyacetylene
Welding on
BRASS, etc.
at Seaforth Machine
Friday, March 16
8 p.m. sharp
Sponsored by:
115 Hamilton Rd.
London GE 3-0144
were present. A turkey dinner
was served at this family gath-
ering in honour of Mrs. Harold
Penhale's birthday, when she
was the recipient of many gifts
and best wishes.
Euchre Party
Members of ' LOL No. 24
sponsored a progressive euchre
party in the Orange Hall on
Wednesday evening of last
Prize winners in the eight
tables playing were: Mrs. Cliff
Utter, R. J. Larson, -high; Mrs.
Reg. Francis and John Ham-
mond, low; ladies' lone hands,
Mrs, Alex McMichael; men's
lone hands, Alex McMichael,
Lunch was served at the
close of the. evening.
Huron Diocese
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison was
in Goderich on Tuesday in his
capacity assecretary of the
Huron Deanery Clergy Chapter.
The Right Rev, H. F, G. Ap-
pleyard, MC,• DD, Bishop of
Georgian Bay and the Rev.
Harvey Southcott, Waterloo (on
leave of absence for six months
to act as commissioner for Ben-
ison College) presented the
needs 'of Reeser' College of
which all Anglicans are famil-
The five northern deaneries
'Huron, Bruce,' Grey, Perth and
Waterloo will receive direct in-
formation. The Rev. Canon F.
H. Paull. Listowel (former
rector of Bayfield) was a guest
at the meeting under the hospi-
tality of the Rev. Canon K.
Taylor, DD and Mrs. Taylor
at the St. George's Church
Trinity Club
The Trinity Club met at. the
home of Mrs. J. B. Higgins on
Monday evening.
Mrs. R. A, Simons, presi-
dent, was in the chair and
opened with the members
pledge in unison.
Mrs. Ross Middleton read the
scripture, St. Matthew 4: 1-17.
Mrs. Adam Flowers offered
prayer. The hymn was "In
Christ there is No East or
Mrs. J. E. Hovey, assistant
acting secretary read the min-
utes and Mrs. William E, Park-
er gave the financial state-
Mrs. F. Arkell was put in
charge of the devotional period
to the end of the year.
It was decided to continue
collecting Canada Packers lab-
els for a coffee urn for the
parish hall, and to ask all
church members and friends to
assist in collecting labels for
this, purpose.
The program was in charge
of Mrs. 5. B. Higgins Who
contributed a pleasing vocal
solo, "The Hills of Home". She
was accompanied by Mrs. L.
Bailey who also delighted those
present with two pianoforte
selections and accompanied
community singing.
Mrs. Maynard Carrie gave a
graphic description of the
weekend spent at the Guiders
camp at Doe Lake at which
there was an attendance of 60.
Mrs. Hovey expressed the ap-
preciation of those present to
the hostess, Mrs. Bailey and
Mrs, Corrie for the fine pro-
Mrs. Higgins was assisted in
serving lunch by Mrs. A. Flow-
ers and Mrs, R. Roy Fitzsim-
ons. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs, Le-
Roy Poth.
mer returned home on Tuesday
night last week after having
visited Mr. and Mrs.. J. Pound-
er and family, Chatham, for
a couple of days and also re-
latives in London for a day.
Mr. and Mrs. -George Bell
were guests at the wedding of
Miss Frances Morris to Ralph
Morris, in St. George's Church,
Gciderich, on Saturday after-
noon, and the reception which
The Women's World Day of
Prayer service for Bayfield and
vicinity will be held in Knox
Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m.
on Friday, March 9. Mrs. Ross
MacDonald, Hensall, will give
the address.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rouse and
three children, London, spent
the weekend with Mrs. Rouse's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len
Smith. Mrs. Smith. accompan-
ied them upon their return to
London on Sunday.
Mrs. John Pearson returned
to London on Thursday last
after having been home since
Monday. She suffered a .burn
to her hand on Tuesday which
reqUired medical, attention. She
was;. lighting sa.gas stove when
the flame burst out Over' her
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Parker and two chldren, Char-
lie and Kimberly came on
Thursday last to visit his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Parker. Mrs, Parker and chil-
dren remained for Ihis week
while her husband left on Fri-
day for 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott,
London, were the guests of
their nephew, Torn Penhale and
family on Sunday. Also with
them for dinner and the after-
noon were Tom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Penhale, Bron-
son Line, Stanley Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flow-
ers, Kim and Debbie, Streets-
vile, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Flowers from
Friday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Flowers, London, also
visited his brother and wife on
Gayle Turner attended the
Ice Capades in 'Kitchener on
Saturday with other London
Free Press carriers. Under the
supervision' of Bob Smith the
treat was arranged for boys
and girls who had obtained
three new customers. Gayle was
picked up here and brought
home after the outing.
' Mr, and Mrs. Percy Renner,
David and" Faith, went to
Wiarton on Saturday morning
to visit his parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Peter Renner. They re-
turned home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Spencer Ervine accomp-
anied them and spent the time
in Southampton with her par-
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren,
Miss Christine McLaren and W.
Muir, Port. Elgin, visited Miss-
es A: M, and E. J. Stirling on
Sunday afternoon on their way
home to Port Elgin. Mr. Mc-
Laren had spent a week with
his son-in-law and daughter,
Dr. and Mrs. Harley Mason,
London, and Mr. Muir had driv-
en Mrs. McLaren. and Chris-
tine 'to the city for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen-
hale, accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Penhale and Ricky to
Goderich for dinner' with their
daughter, Mrs. Melvin Bennett
and family. Mr. and Mrs. H.
McCullough and three sons,
Douglas, Bobby and Stephen
See our huge collection
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