HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 7From Here's
nswIl Th y` UHoo A 9
'lllic rdas ., p
Lep ipeon recap
. r..d .. . years
Nybeo. he ttrundlecl . et 1.f:
11'o4ps a>qot!he board :sole-
vv+alk$ of 'tiretown' of Cllultan
,, . dl r
Th..p 21 at'rrete... ,ld4ok� ,.... >w i 3�,. • ..
:nada f9a''hRu?#• by ?"t Downs, <
, m.h..Stet,- w o
ha d a bacc
�sIkop there. ,�N��
r Down ac pd
.a. '.matt ..... a. pasha
ar"{,�a tens -inch length of metal
w4W+ a hook at o'a'dh end, The
hook at •the
hoop end.. w cl
ed' -that it could Abe 1ost
��t�'��" � •.� t`:�
� _ •;
w2en a srrnalI.boy at. .play tied
of a at .a
acrd •
illi threw de.
l+gn'p �
`,'lye other Iho* Was har4y for & g
'hanging the mole thing up out
ofCharm's way..'"
Wrn41d - youngsters of t a -dray
be i0terested? .of that no orale
Is mire,' unless the hoops could s ,
*be provided in some gganti'ty,
But, tiho3 older folk Stare enjoyed
Vris one. -The News. Record editor took. •a turn :about the
•oflfice • with 'unicertaip skill, 'and
then Duff 3'ldornP-5011i Vim mg
aro the office -Monday re-IlY
strowed bold the thing was done..
Duff took .off acrgss the lgbby
in excellent hoop robing style.
Torn w'en't an; remini-seing' ab-
+out, We in the houseat the
corner of Hugh amid, Victoria.
Stareet where he lived wni}i
paremtts, the Pate Mr, and Mrs.
'pp• 9 Spenser Street'WilliamTom Le In tont
Lep'Pin'$�ton, (Mrs•
'Thomas Hawkins now liven in corner of Will atm and, High "No :speed ,at all, "That donkey
that 'ham)' . Street (where ex -Mayor Wes knew we bays were afraid of
Next to the Downes black- Nuts= now lives). him, and he'd kicli when we
Smith shop Was a pump fa.�abary Across on the other side of went to harness ,him. He was
owned by. James Fergus, .the highway, at the Soutar earn- not worth his 'salt " Tom slays
where the wooden pumps were er of Victoria and, Cutter he soon deft that job.
-d4-illed out 'by, horse 4lower. streets was the Queen's Hotel. Then he worked at road
Wert wa's an evaporator, Toon recalls the swinging doom, building on Victoria Street and
owner by a Mr. Case where and red chairs to silt ons. Huron Streets, when crushed
atppl'e$ • were heeled and as led ,
for shipping. One cent was money art that stone •was on 'the go for a 'bane.
pPiiig, Z4>aS was on the t!me," recalls Tom. "A man The street
. gang boss was Joe
woriked ten hours a day for 50 Wheatley. For a ten -how day
comas of he was lucky. My first pay was $1.25; raises carne
BIRTHS jab was .for 'ten cents an hour along until .he got $1.50 a daps,
froom, the late John, Scruton." and iihen $1.75. Then entre
BOURQUE In Cliriton public Torn also worked with James World War I.
Hosptial on Monday. March. Ford and Pete XvNefl on Sat-, Tom enlisted with the 161st
5, 1962, to LAC and. Mrs. J. urdw mornings -In a-butt'cher onDetmrmber 5, 1915, and came
Bourque, Kipper, a daughter, store (snow the site o. nger's back overseas on June 0
RUSTY—In Tillsoncburg -Dist. fPibk fJ3,
riot Momorial HosTh al, Till. restaurant) , ' 1919 on a hospital ship.
sonburg on Monday, Febru- ?lam he was with Anthiur After seven maat+hs with But,
ary 26; 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Couch, a butcher on the corner ler Bros. in the butcher +busi-
Andy Husty, Walsingham, a of Victoria and, Ontario streets. ness, ,he went with Slam G.
da, ughtfcer (Katherine Louise, 'loris was a :frame block wind, Castle, also a butcher, and
sister z; Nanette and Mich- th'r'ee atoms, including a Faun- then went into dxaymg` for two
ael). dry and, drug store facing On- years,
been part
Mlic HopLAN —Iii Clinton Pub- tnSt
11.¢ ars Street. It burned down Mr. Lepp,ington has Hospital, on Monday, r
March 5, 1962, to Mr. and years'-a9d, then another block time garden, r for the past 25
Mrs. Kenneth McLellan, Kip- was built and It was tarn., dawns summers. Also he provides a
Pen, (nee Merle Dickertl a to make room for the Blank of service in the town' each winter,
daughter • (Robin Darlene, Montreal opmied in 1961, when he shovels out each of the
sister for Jill). "That job with 'Couch was a fire hydrants, " keeping ' them
TRAINOR — In Clinton Pub hard one," recOs Tom, "I had clear of snow •a distance of
lic Hospital, on Thursday. a
March 1, 19•two-wheeled cart with a box fmr feet 'all around. This
,62, 'to LAC and
`Mrs.*Ves`morid Trainor, 5 All 0n tit, And- .a.c •atthe.'�actk• hydranut=clearing job he has
bert. Street, Clinton, a dau with a button.on, it. Of course done for 35 winters, and' its
ghter. sometimes the button worked knowledge of where each of
WYNJA — In Clinton Public' loose ,and out went the meat--- them is located its invaluable.
Hospital on Wednesday, right in the mud.,,. Tone riec'alils Tom's motto .is, "Do it right',),
March 7, 196.2, to Mr: -and giat meat was not always wrap- but he sees many people nowa'-
Mrs. Gerrit Wynia, RR 4, Ped. Some was on trays, Sonne days with the atti:tu&: "Oh,
Seaforth, a daughter• in :baskets and some was Wrap- just give it a kick and say it's
• . DEATHS per' Old." Tom motes that people
Another problem he had, was get' their money just the same
COCHRANE -- On Vancouver with -the donkey which was ripwWayis, but he's ,proud' that
Island, T.C. on Sunday, :March Supposed oto provide the Power. he has paid bus way through
4, 1962, Robert Cochrane, "Jump and jump; was aboutall the years, and "I owe no man,"
widower of the late Queena he 'could do," remembers Tam: says Tom.
Lockwood who passed away
two years ago, dear brother
Of wtlham Cochrane, Clin-
ton and rs,Lorne Butts, , Co-op insurance Enters Big Year
Vancouver Island, -.n his 80th
Year. Service on Tuesday,
March 6. Business Up by bQ Percent
CULBERT--Suddenly 'on Mon-
day, March 5, 1962, Mable "We're entering another big Maxwell. "Zunis will provide
Irene Culbert,' dear sister of
Mrs. Melinda Nivins, Albert. yea`," Said Murray Maxwell, of employer liability for farmers.
'Street, Clinton,. in .her 57th -the Lon'don' office, Co -Operators It wa's brought on through a
year. Private service frorn 'the Insurance Association ,here request from the Federation' of
Beattie funeral home, 55 Rapt- yesterday. "This January we Agriculture. It is based on a
teribury Street East, Clinton, have received 60- percent more work unfit worked out from the
to Dungannon Cemetery, on applications for car insurance number of acres and types of
Thursday afternoon, March 8, thanwe olid last January. The crops :in any 'particular faun
commencing at 2by tare
Rev. Grant L. Mills,llssame, increase was noted. in operation. Also accident ;cover -
February. We're averaging 100 age to farinas and 'members of
_ . applications a week." the farm family is being offer -
CARDS OF THANKS Spealdn!g at the annual din- ed. -
ner meeting of agents and wiv- Chairman of the meeting was
Mrs. Harriet Blanchard wish- ps in .Hotel Clinton, the insur- !Rarvey Taylor, Bruceheld•, pre.
es to thank her friends who amce firm's manager told of side-ntt Of Huron: braimh Of the
sent her flowers, carols, letters moving dnto automation this co-operative, Mr. Taylor point-
elland treats during her stay in year, with an electronic. com- ed out than Ruron was stin,
the Clinton hospital: Also to uter in the Owen Sound office the lead', with regard' to amount
std ff. 1Vewland and the nursing .. help with clerical work. It of CIA insurance sold with
stalop is.,expected that this machine Bruce Courivty a close second,
I wish to thank.:, the many will .halt the increase in: the He said that in the 15 years
kind friends and relatives who numbers of employees, but is CIA had been in existence, it
remembered me with cards not expected to putt anyone, out had risen to become second in
flowers, visits, etc. when I was of work, car insurance sales among in -
a "patient in St. Joseph's'Hos-sir.arnce farms in Ontario,,
pital, London, ,;recently, CIA is also „planning a fou,-' 0
—GRACE MI15DLETON.L,1;0x. floor addition to the offi:cc.
building in Owen Sauru-1. All
The Camily of the )ate Mrs, of tliz new Lonatrzr office build- The rerbunit organ in. Nor'tth
Frances M. Vodden , wish to Ing is rented, with the exwp- Sttreet United Church, Goderich
and deep "appreciation" for the tion of one small office, and was re'dedicatod in ,ami imtptes-
h'iany acts of kindness, expres- sive recital service Surndiay-
on the first ;year of Operation
sibns of sympathy and beaiit" they expected to break even Three chairs, boys, girls, and
ful floral tir3bute5 received sehii:or took` amt in the recital,
on •brie ,b'uiJi3l ng itself. 1.7
from. friends neighbours and • ..
relatives in their recent be- "A new film work accident MEMO
reaven-ieht. A• . special thanks endiorsem4 ht sihould • be- avail -
to the -special surses and nuns- able bilis month," reported W, Ypt,IA
ing staff, also Dr, Oakes, Rev.
C, G. Park and the Beattie
funeral home. lop V . i;.
Nb NEED TO NigUT r r
hAErVICaR1AM � �i l�� ��
The sevoti merr' d of the 4 WHAT YOU*
faith, devotion acrd ho pas, '
Madeleine M, Lane who .. • '
sed front inspire us , March 11, 1961
s my soul continually;
Thanks .be to God for these Hulron County Council
-Husbalidand D. J. Laitbit lei. ration.10p March Session
TV,9ADl0 r.:.
LANVD-4h loving mefnory of The Huron County Council EAVlct
Mrs. D. J. •Lane Who, was call= will m6et.oil Ml)
lsy, March K N%Sf1
ed to het eternal hbtne one 016th, 190 at 10:00 a.m, fol~
year ago, one• clay only, for` ithe• March ,
"'Tis qqr iabt to know we'll. Sessioh of County Council,
nfeet again
Where troubles are no. mote Notice of any diowments ofME �� V
And that the one we loved deputations must ;be in the
so well.hands of the Cldrk ries lator
Has ;lust gone oh _ Ib6fore'r than Friday, March l6th,
—Sadly MiMs find td idly reg 1062, S+
ho- ibered g rho irtembers of
tJ6i• N 6. l�kl hYr x15 V"IG 600A STREET
the tt4Yoi4,en,s 1Vlissiotiar�* So- Ceti�k•'t"heasiYt+er*,
cloy and UVomezi's Atiixiliary oP Counthc'n'e tilt '2-T0i
Sf._ A..h4 aiivwa. 'C�i�+ehvFariefi y of Huratf,•
C oats -- Dresses
Car Coats!li
We ore 110w showing our
speirig merchandise:
We invite your
Pre -Spring
V% Ofd
Any Wool Coat
putchaspd der' bedcired
before Hardt 21
'l oplital Auxiliary
Sats Date -'s for
To, ag Day
WM, C. M, S!lvearrng ,c;l�sited
eetilx ' to H
A�4 4liary Pp `4uesdfl4x £Veddli
in the -nurse's residmo - .
Mar's, d, AI Addison reported.
the mer ?ershlp •drive nearing
o�npe#9A a
�rnd receipt 'of $2
tropithe Londesbaro Women"s
Institute, Part -of this will 1
apPAOCI toward .f ,
�XM Aller H440 Mpopkqd
May 11 the date for- •Lag dram'
.and Mary :$ for the .f"'lt�rence
Nighbung le Tea,
Mqs. H. G, Maxlning r'ted
$433 received to date far van
isthing 'parties, -yw to more still
to dome. The cornmittee No
appreciated the Go -operation, of
AR W140 hook part in this prq-.
Lorne! Brown has affe+red the
Auxih4ry .the PMC40edS of •a
n4ght at -toe drive-im theatre
thus shimmer, This was unani,•,
mgUSly accepted, More details
Will be available at the April
meeting. In charge of plans are
Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs.. C. M.
Shetar'ing,.Mus, G. A. Cwter,
ipndesl ro and Mrs, W, R.
Jenkins, Swrimerihill,
Spiting conference of HO$Pi-
tat Auxiliaries is to be :held In
Ingersoll, on Monday, April 30,
with more details to !be' avail-
able later,
J. W. Bushfield, QC
WINGHAM (Staff) — Less
than a year after his appoint-
merit as Crown Attorney of
Huron County, J, Wilfred Bush
461,41 QC, Wirigham, died ,at
Vdetoria Hospital, London, on
Monday. He was 60 years olid.
Mir, Brushfield, received' his
appointment on March 15,'1961.
He had, been 'acting crown at-
torney since February 1960.
He had Practised Paw in
Witngharn far almost 35 years
before his lappo)ntment,
The crown aittorney'had been
ill for several weeks and, was
transferred from W ngham
General Hospital to London on
Interested in community af-
fairs, the served on executives
of many hockey clubs -and as a
former member of the Wing-
hara arena camznission.
He was la member of the
Magardc and Orange lodges,
Lions 'Club and a former execu-
tive member of the Western
Ontario Athletic Association
and Wingliam United• Church,
Mr, Bushfiield is survived by
his wife the former Wilda
Pillar;'two daughiters, Mrs.
Ross (Joan) Hilbert, Guelph
and Trudy Allen; one son, Stu-
art Allen; two brothers. Chen—
les, London and Norman, Log-
an Townsi tip and, three grand-
The ful neral will' be held -at
2 p.m, Thursday, March 8, m
Wiingharn Unwtted Church, with
interment in Woodland ceme-
tery, Mitbahell.
Hodinesviille- Local OFU am
holdbig their mornthly meeting
in Holmesmille School an Mon-
day etventirig, Mauch 12. Gordon
RI('' h, Varna, will be guest sp-
eaker. .
Thwlst, Mior;,h -4 190 CIi N w + qaK -tage y
Ontario Street United Church
iortuiyaite In Yv4ming, •a; a ',
9.45 a.m.--Sunday School
ollege,, .She is a gtranlT
r;�i�iayg ovor file vteekend
_dau ax�'..�Yi'xs,
� m Wes
With Mir Mrs. id''oeat:
RR 5 Cl re Mr.
drltt4rr, we
ivins. Perms' ' Camp`
h��� A. Chatt y
Mr, 4, Mme. Alberti E. PorborR
and Ge«4Ve Porter, St, Marys;
Mme. Ha � . pphy Chat1...en,
M an ',.,,7r
11d, d i,�^M• k:1P,✓+Rt R:e�tiA ci4/
..... S . p�,: '[�} yyn�r pyo/
95 tli '
ed d art
... ! M ;, t' . . ?' T ^M'Y!!,
RA 2, ,H osa,l1; Mr, and Mrs.
Stile was the yytr,fe Of the Jalap
J'aak Porter qpo family; RR b,;
.CIPIM Zt Qhatten, and :as Wrvty-
Cl tytpn,
ed 'bY i><?r ee sodnS, Archie,
Mr, glad Mrs, .J i :'QM?c e,
.and Vxct1w,
Wood!harri; a?ixl orke da•.
t e
Mary Situ e , sp, irtt :th',eir 4tb
; • Al . are e e
a'n,NZ, ulsai uiet at bonle.
y q �
Tuesday, March
Service Wednesday
Sl ,.y
.gipsMa . e M Tawpp ,
Ma?W! ..stt ft-porai. hone, t%1,.
dgvg1#er of Mr, ami Mrrs, ao'r
MeryS, -slid uxter of in mak-
Mond �'o!w"��d, ..rhea.........., was
.. Won cai cemRitPay:
Attend ur Chureh
k �
r All .SerylQc* 4taruclard 'illme
'ee1e�.tiis--��almes�lle �ir�it�b ILli�ur��ee
E _ OP
F. _ .. _ PARK, , >tl:.A_ _ ,. ....
Sunday, March 11
At both Chumbles Pupit exchange to promote understand,,
ing between" the Anglican and United:
Speaker• F/L the Rev. M, M. Bingham of Clinton RCAF.
11.00 a.m.—Church Service
12 noon—Sunday School
1,30 n -m. --Church Service
2,30 p.m.—Sunday School,
Joseph Street.
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. J. LANE, B.A., .D.D.,
Mrs, M. J. AGNEW, Organist
Christians gathered in the name
and Choir Leader
of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt,
IS: 20) meeting in the above
Sunday, March 11
hail invite you to come and hear
the Gospel, the old, old story of
945 a.m.—Church School
10,45 a.m.—Divine Worship
Jesus and His Love'
Subject of Meditation:
"Does God Hear Us"
Order of meetings on lard's
Day as follows:
1.1.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread
3.00 pm. --Sunday School
Maple Street
7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel
8.00 p.m.—Thursday --Prayer
Meeting and Bible Reading.
Sunday, March 11
9.45 a.m.: worship Service
1.1.00 a.m.—Sunday School
7.30 p.m,—Guest Speaker; Mr,'
Reuben Brubacher.
Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer & Bible'
Sunday, March 11
10.00 a,m,—Sunday School
All Welcome
1.1.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"Four Crosses Of Redemption"
7.30 Service.
Anglican Church
"The Self Existing Done"
of Canada
Guest Speaker: Mr. Reg;_
Miller, for both services. : '
rIt" Pauls -- Clinton
Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting.
Rev. �P. L. Dymond, LTh,
You are cordially invited to
these services.
Charles Merrill, Organist
and. Choir Leader �
Christian Reformed
Sunday, March 11
8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11.00 a=—Morning Prayer
2.30 p.m. -=Junior Confirmation
Sunday, March 11
7.30 p.m.—Evening Prayer
10.00 a,m.---Service in English
Wednesday, March 14
10.00 a.m.—Moly Communion
Public Profession Of Faith
7,30 p.m.—Lenten Service
2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch
Thu Mar. Chancel
Preparatory Service
`Guild 'will meet in Parish
G willm
• (Baptist Federation of Canada)
Craig Peters,
Sunday, 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.15 a.m,—Church Service
C oats -- Dresses
Car Coats!li
We ore 110w showing our
speirig merchandise:
We invite your
Pre -Spring
V% Ofd
Any Wool Coat
putchaspd der' bedcired
before Hardt 21
'l oplital Auxiliary
Sats Date -'s for
To, ag Day
WM, C. M, S!lvearrng ,c;l�sited
eetilx ' to H
A�4 4liary Pp `4uesdfl4x £Veddli
in the -nurse's residmo - .
Mar's, d, AI Addison reported.
the mer ?ershlp •drive nearing
o�npe#9A a
�rnd receipt 'of $2
tropithe Londesbaro Women"s
Institute, Part -of this will 1
apPAOCI toward .f ,
�XM Aller H440 Mpopkqd
May 11 the date for- •Lag dram'
.and Mary :$ for the .f"'lt�rence
Nighbung le Tea,
Mqs. H. G, Maxlning r'ted
$433 received to date far van
isthing 'parties, -yw to more still
to dome. The cornmittee No
appreciated the Go -operation, of
AR W140 hook part in this prq-.
Lorne! Brown has affe+red the
Auxih4ry .the PMC40edS of •a
n4ght at -toe drive-im theatre
thus shimmer, This was unani,•,
mgUSly accepted, More details
Will be available at the April
meeting. In charge of plans are
Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs.. C. M.
Shetar'ing,.Mus, G. A. Cwter,
ipndesl ro and Mrs, W, R.
Jenkins, Swrimerihill,
Spiting conference of HO$Pi-
tat Auxiliaries is to be :held In
Ingersoll, on Monday, April 30,
with more details to !be' avail-
able later,
J. W. Bushfield, QC
WINGHAM (Staff) — Less
than a year after his appoint-
merit as Crown Attorney of
Huron County, J, Wilfred Bush
461,41 QC, Wirigham, died ,at
Vdetoria Hospital, London, on
Monday. He was 60 years olid.
Mir, Brushfield, received' his
appointment on March 15,'1961.
He had, been 'acting crown at-
torney since February 1960.
He had Practised Paw in
Witngharn far almost 35 years
before his lappo)ntment,
The crown aittorney'had been
ill for several weeks and, was
transferred from W ngham
General Hospital to London on
Interested in community af-
fairs, the served on executives
of many hockey clubs -and as a
former member of the Wing-
hara arena camznission.
He was la member of the
Magardc and Orange lodges,
Lions 'Club and a former execu-
tive member of the Western
Ontario Athletic Association
and Wingliam United• Church,
Mr, Bushfiield is survived by
his wife the former Wilda
Pillar;'two daughiters, Mrs.
Ross (Joan) Hilbert, Guelph
and Trudy Allen; one son, Stu-
art Allen; two brothers. Chen—
les, London and Norman, Log-
an Townsi tip and, three grand-
The ful neral will' be held -at
2 p.m, Thursday, March 8, m
Wiingharn Unwtted Church, with
interment in Woodland ceme-
tery, Mitbahell.
Hodinesviille- Local OFU am
holdbig their mornthly meeting
in Holmesmille School an Mon-
day etventirig, Mauch 12. Gordon
RI('' h, Varna, will be guest sp-
eaker. .
Thwlst, Mior;,h -4 190 CIi N w + qaK -tage y
Ontario Street United Church
Corregpgnde+11t.; M"..S{ 1.1. J►ei,RX
Vt)-lt Three VeyW•
9.45 a.m.--Sunday School
11:.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
d •
Guest speaker, Mr, C. Miller, London.
12.30 p=—Confirmation Class
7.30 p.m,—Evening Chapel Service
mar}, C luselhurst,
atonal period was conducted by
Turner's Church
Mrs. G. Elliott slid
family, L ?don, spent: the week-
2.00 p.m.—Church
end Width the lady S pauhents,
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School
Mr. and iYlrs; ,Jahndken4ead..
Mrs. M. ft
rugger le. rldhY
and Confirmation Class
C oats -- Dresses
Car Coats!li
We ore 110w showing our
speirig merchandise:
We invite your
Pre -Spring
V% Ofd
Any Wool Coat
putchaspd der' bedcired
before Hardt 21
'l oplital Auxiliary
Sats Date -'s for
To, ag Day
WM, C. M, S!lvearrng ,c;l�sited
eetilx ' to H
A�4 4liary Pp `4uesdfl4x £Veddli
in the -nurse's residmo - .
Mar's, d, AI Addison reported.
the mer ?ershlp •drive nearing
o�npe#9A a
�rnd receipt 'of $2
tropithe Londesbaro Women"s
Institute, Part -of this will 1
apPAOCI toward .f ,
�XM Aller H440 Mpopkqd
May 11 the date for- •Lag dram'
.and Mary :$ for the .f"'lt�rence
Nighbung le Tea,
Mqs. H. G, Maxlning r'ted
$433 received to date far van
isthing 'parties, -yw to more still
to dome. The cornmittee No
appreciated the Go -operation, of
AR W140 hook part in this prq-.
Lorne! Brown has affe+red the
Auxih4ry .the PMC40edS of •a
n4ght at -toe drive-im theatre
thus shimmer, This was unani,•,
mgUSly accepted, More details
Will be available at the April
meeting. In charge of plans are
Mrs. Douglas Ball, Mrs.. C. M.
Shetar'ing,.Mus, G. A. Cwter,
ipndesl ro and Mrs, W, R.
Jenkins, Swrimerihill,
Spiting conference of HO$Pi-
tat Auxiliaries is to be :held In
Ingersoll, on Monday, April 30,
with more details to !be' avail-
able later,
J. W. Bushfield, QC
WINGHAM (Staff) — Less
than a year after his appoint-
merit as Crown Attorney of
Huron County, J, Wilfred Bush
461,41 QC, Wirigham, died ,at
Vdetoria Hospital, London, on
Monday. He was 60 years olid.
Mir, Brushfield, received' his
appointment on March 15,'1961.
He had, been 'acting crown at-
torney since February 1960.
He had Practised Paw in
Witngharn far almost 35 years
before his lappo)ntment,
The crown aittorney'had been
ill for several weeks and, was
transferred from W ngham
General Hospital to London on
Interested in community af-
fairs, the served on executives
of many hockey clubs -and as a
former member of the Wing-
hara arena camznission.
He was la member of the
Magardc and Orange lodges,
Lions 'Club and a former execu-
tive member of the Western
Ontario Athletic Association
and Wingliam United• Church,
Mr, Bushfiield is survived by
his wife the former Wilda
Pillar;'two daughiters, Mrs.
Ross (Joan) Hilbert, Guelph
and Trudy Allen; one son, Stu-
art Allen; two brothers. Chen—
les, London and Norman, Log-
an Townsi tip and, three grand-
The ful neral will' be held -at
2 p.m, Thursday, March 8, m
Wiingharn Unwtted Church, with
interment in Woodland ceme-
tery, Mitbahell.
Hodinesviille- Local OFU am
holdbig their mornthly meeting
in Holmesmille School an Mon-
day etventirig, Mauch 12. Gordon
RI('' h, Varna, will be guest sp-
eaker. .
Thwlst, Mior;,h -4 190 CIi N w + qaK -tage y
Corregpgnde+11t.; M"..S{ 1.1. J►ei,RX
A1►Pt1ee1 A1111 -On HU. ,2.75'79:
Seefarth 441.,4.1?
Mrs,. M, Va4re returned homg
Vt)-lt Three VeyW•
A a- ft S e i
n Sun. a a
d Y er p d ng
on in Florida with :her niece
tl the leade
n. er dshii
e F • .
Wiiiazr# :Scan; Urrrt of alio
M u V roc
rs.,. G,_s .9t4, .pettrolt,
l3rddcefdeld emit d Gkl;ireh X'4't_
Mr. and M:rs, W1111 . .Don-
men. hold its forst xrdeet xdg Qn
nin and. Wa ma vdsitbd. ,Sundry,
�'{�esda ftfbernoon, l*ebruary7
w'. Mr, .an . Car -
with . d Mrs. ._, 1. Stene
r the r
?� ..h a ch. basement, 1?evo-
mar}, C luselhurst,
atonal period was conducted by
Mr. and M?'s, B44 Hunt. d
Mrs. G. Elliott slid
family, L ?don, spent: the week-
Weil TO, was Mart;area N[c,
end Width the lady S pauhents,
Queen acogmparod -oilfile
Mr. and iYlrs; ,Jahndken4ead..
Mrs. M. ft
rugger le. rldhY
l W
rs 13 oadfoot
M J r and rs
for Trenton to visit With fixer
o - a an er
n in w h o
s.. And :� t f. r
G, R„ Joopardso she ed rot
n . r . p
readings a m
gran? re rd .
g g g dxnrnd
eou}Q time.
grants to Canada and how they
Unit Tw W
rt o UG
are ,accepted in their new en -
vironrnent. Fallowing the read -
The, i
the first meeting of Udtit 2,
s o e, he)
s a s ort discuss
g. • ?� c ,$51. n �; , s , d
United (.;hutch Women, met at
the home of Mrs. William
I)ouglas on W000.9d4Y after
noon, February 28 with 15 pre-
sent, Mrs. L, Eyre, leader, :had
charge, of -the devotional. Acts.
4. 5-20, was read, fgliawed by
Prayer, Mrs, • L, Wilson read
from the study book, "Signal
of the Sixty Cane". Mrs. Alex
McBeath was appointed wore,
Lary; Mrs, L. Wilson, treasur.
er; Mrs. J: K. Corn}sh, cards
and flowers,
This unit will meet on the
fourthWednesday of each
month, Mrs. Cornish kindly of-
fered her home ;For the March
meeting. Roll call, "Spelling
your First Name Backwards".
Mrs. Hare will be co -hostess,
Mrs, G. Graham and Mrs. G.
Bell will have charge of devo-
tions and Mrs. John McGregor
of the program,
A daffodil tea will be held
during Easter week. • Mrs,
Douglas conducted a. short quiz.
Lunch as served b rs
y Mrs, R.
yre, Mrs. Seldon • Ross, Mrs.
i,. Wilson.
- ---0
Wesley -Willits UCW
Unit Two To Meet
Unit 2 of Wesley -Willis Urrit-
ed Church Women will hold a
regular meaning on Monday
e vemung, March 12 at 8.30 p.m.
Miss Isabelle Gilchrist will
speak an "A.dvertisung and You",
Unit 4 will meet on Tuesday,
March 13 at 2.30 •p.m Roll call
is +to be answered by a verse on
Both' the meetings will be
held in the ladies' parlour of
;g ways in which the
1.y could rna�e new
feel more at home,
ng in the variqus activ
;Bowing members were
secrstary,, Mrs. J. A,.
treasurer, Mrs. Elsie
aonat% a boX of cards for the
use of the unit,
Unit 3 meetings will be held
the second Tuesday of each
month. It .has been suggested
that each member keep a "nick -
,el box" to assist in fund rais-
iog, and also a quilting party
W411 be held in the near future.
The meeting was closed with
the Lord's prayer. The ladies
then. gathered for a social .hour
while a delicious lunch was
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