HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 4POOP 4ee4141tOlt NOW1,114c9rdereeThOnle MOM! 8( 196 CirMO O,qonizer Huron's Position In Any Time cF an .Emergency (fly T. 1%! NaePonaldt Vennty Ce-erglinater Engergentey 1404.Sn4es Argan4ation) have been Huron's Emer- gency Meeeeres Ceeerclinetor the November 21 and think it about ,time that I ga,ve yelp' a 'state of 'the CountymesSago, X realize that Kane c you have heard bon?, me :P *41Y but malty of yoa have not, Those of you who have please bear with the foliewhig, Firstly, what /Ad 's think xhould be done at the outset in our county? Nry answer to this was "What is the Pe:Sidon of Hurotri„Contity within. the set- ting of the Previnoe?" V an emergency Oteears the Position of our county is this. We Mist first of all prepare to survive an attack, and roast of us will, if we plan and Prel)we as a fain* Unit 1101W - Secondly those of us who sur- vive have the task of ensuring that Huron County is an ale quote reception lava or the Wounded and deal:Wee, 3pct area area to help in retie and a general: helper to less utifow- turgate distriots. It will be purely an accident if we have a detonatixin• on or over our county,' Our danger is from radioactive bailout from an explosion on say, London, Harrnilton, Niagara. Falls, To- ronto, or more likely (as our prevailing' wind is westerly) from Flint, Saginaw, Bay City, or a high yield weapon., Chic- ago - Because of this we have been designate& :as "a 1aRout area." aed if we plan ,and prepare now thithviduaTly1.9$ a family unit and collectively within our community we will survive a nuclear attack and liive to help others who are In, much graver danger. In other wards, not tO belittle the possible effects of radioactive fallout, our role is a positive one in this business of lZ)mergency Measures. Now what sitcnild be dam at the outset in Huron. County? We. must resolve a j?ilatt. A plan to be prepared to receive thous- ands of people from. the metro- politan areas and •to send per- sonnel, food and clothing •and equipment that. is available, to these areas. Regardless of %that controls are established when • a civil defence alert is sounded throughout our country High- ways 4, 8 and 21 from the s‘outh and southeast will become coat. gested with m.en, women and children leaving the metropoll- tan areas to try and gain sanc- tuary h counties such as ou;rs. We must' ixave a plain at all levels of gc•verrnnent. The next thing that we must do is to establish a prateln of warning in order that all of us know that an emergency is about to exit, This is. so tillact wo can turn on our radios and listen or authoritative instruc- tions from our 'Warden, from 'or Premier or our Prime Min- • is `er. The third thing that we must •do at the .cotset is to establish a good system of public infor- mation: and education se that :all of us know what to db. In °ether words, the three funda- meiitial at this lane in Huron County are; (1) a plan, (2) an adequate want- ing systern, ()) a public in- formation service. The Plan As far 4.-15. a plan, conterned, Ole last week's Issue of this newspaper c;r:ried the names of chaltmen of sub-mourni'lrees at the :county level. On .'!er eacIi of these COMIllittees, each com- munity in the vount, will be o -ganized. • Adequate Warning The second fandamenr,al—an adequate warning systent, What has been' done m this regard? Tie most reliable method of comimmicatiOn in the county before •an ernergoncy happens is the telephone, With the invaluable assist- ance of each cif the telephone cempanies in the eentity the following communicatien net ha been established; A tele- .r!:•!oie call is received from the iiiiiitarY ju1,undon, Ontario, SaYing that .a eivil dee alert Wits. This means that every- one in our county that has the faoility should be warned to turn •en their radios and be alert for instructions as the next message would be broad- cast through CFPL, London and cicNX, Winghame Immediately 'trough the Clinton Bell Tele-, phone exchange the Civil De, fence Alert is Passed on to an authoritative person as fol- lows: In Goderich, who in turn will wren Colborne an Goderieh toWnShips; In Clinton, who in turn warns Hullett and Tuckersrnith town - In Bayfield, who in turn warns Stanley Township; In Grand Bend, who in turn warns Hay,S•tephen and McGil- livray townships; In Exeter, who in turn warns Usborne Township; In Seaforth, who in turn warns McKillop Township; In Lucknow, who an turn warns West Wawanosh and East Wawanosh townships! In Brugsels, who in. turn warns Morris and Grey town- ships; In Wingham, who in turn warns Turnberry and Howick townships; , In RCAF Clinton and I:LC:1AF Centralia. • Within the municipalty what happens? This must be resolved by the various committees whether they are to warn the general public by siren, by 'church bells, by loud -hailers from taxicabs and police cruis- ers, by house:to-house calls. M the present time as far as it is known • (other than the two RCAF stations) there is no warning system established for the general public. It should be mentioned at this point that each of the ten telephone com- panies in the county have co- operated to the fullest extent in establishing this communica- tion net. County Government There is another very import- ant aspect of communication. That is to ensure that the War- den of the county and his exec- utive have the facility to com- municate with municipalities in order to govern during an em- ergency. In this regard what has been done? A plan has been epproved to establish the county government in the base- ment of the, present County Court House which can. quite easily, with the expenditure of very little money, be converted into an adequate fallout shelter. During this fiscal year of 1962- 63 it is proposed, subject to final approval, to install ade- quate telephone conunutrica- tions in the basement. • Public Information Now, for the third funda- mental requirement and I think it should be pointed out at this time that these three fUrida- mental& are of equal import- ance and should be worked on concurrently in the county and each municipality. Public Infor- mation—people must be eau- 'ated and made aleat, and kept aware, without establishing a state of fear, of what should be done as a family unit and a community. This is a very hn portant aspect of Emergency Measures. The newspapers, per- ledicals, and TV prcductiont have been full of confusing and Get Your Ticket on The Clinton Kinsmen Club Stanley Cup • DRAW me, $(1000.00 In Prizes •$250.60 for Vine! Game Of Pit* Setni-Pinal Series $250.00 foe elnel Gam e of Second Seed -Final Series $500.00 for Oinal Gerrie of -Stanley Cup PlaYOffn $1.00 Per Ticket TieketeeCorttaile Nitiecii Minute ,aid Setorid • Whinizig ticket Will be the exact tithe that the Winning goal Wet adored (net necessarily the last goal Of the genie), In the event any one of the three games gees fete oeeetiree, tile eveitirne period Will be don-, eidered ne the firet pefiod of the garde-. 06 Sere The tleket Seiler Records Your Ora* Swore en Hit Score Sheet. Ticket* �n SOW loan Motiribers 60 Kifitme• Club and many Ousinata Flettet ht Clinton, conflictiMg infermatien -from goyerment .officiais, renowned rialentiMA and .01.:9pc.soaly, ignow, lodge:We niemhers of university Tha ,t4,* of our ?ub- Ile ;$erViCein the oOtinty is to give you practical, factual information, What can :you do to survive .4,14 what do you do after you do survive? To per county it is relatively etzeple.. What To Po One, if you wish to survive utilize yoer-begie by making it into as adequate a shelter as you can afford. This considered in .exactly the sane degree of impertanee as buying fire innirenee. • Now To Help Secondly, to know what pelt you and your family and your property can play in the county role ef being a reception., and support area, Now, what has .aetnally been done ea far to inform yee? There have liven a . great may • emergency measures publieetions mailed on request to :individuals and orgargizatiens. This facility still exists and during rtbis month there will he an aci.equate supply -available in each post office in the county, Several letters have been sent to me requesting in.. formation and this has been supplied. Travelling Circus Many requests for talks and discussions have . been fulfilled at clubs and organizations and there • are bookings up to the end of April. The seripts are being prepared for several tele- vision produetions to take place during the months of March and April. In addition to this it is planned to have a travel- ling circus visit each community centre — Goderich, Wingham,. Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter and the two RCAF Stations—in the late spring of this year. In conclusionon this 'state of the county' message 1 would just like to take the liberty of saying to you that an levels of government—federal, provin- cial and county — are doing everything they can afford to do. The division of financial responsibility is 75 percent by the Dominion, 15 percent by the Province and 10 percent by the County. The last and most important thing to recognize is that there are very few govern- ment :full-time employees at the county and lower levels of goV- erninerit. Therefore, the bulk of the work must be done by vol- unteers. I consider that there are two decisions to be made by the family unit and by the community. Two Decisions (1) To recognize that there is a possibility that an enter- gency might occur, and al- though it could be considered unnecessary to mention, the capability of nuclear attack ex- ists behind the Iron curtain and likewise the capabihty ex- Fower Society Selects Offkers •Reviews Year of Many Activities The annual meeting of the 1 sist in a final Wee, some of Qiinton Citizens' gorticultwal the wor projects under - Society was held in the Portineil: talceD by the tedicultural SOQ" ,Phar4beir Q11' rriflaY, F0114417 P. ietY'. Kr; gPpS and Mr, Van with the president Miss Lqeele Riesee Were appointed to Wait 401144tgriinelarge. Owing to upon conned, with rega'rd the rather inclement weather thiS reclueSt. and: the qccasion of ,SeVeral Mb- The outstanding number or er attractionz, the ,attendance the Progmn WAS an iiinOrated was not as large as hoped fee tallel:ty Z. P. Warren, Clodelleh, The welt of the past year who, with his Wife, had takez was reviewed in the secretary'sa triP during the past 414iiPner, splendid report, which mention- WWII, lasted -three and one-hOf ed Wee Of the highlights', wor- m1$. They vieited Many thy of note among Whieh was countries in .:a1,:roPe, the rose tee held on, June 30. Greet Pritain. This was the first of its kind Mr, and Nere. Warren showed held in Clinton,.and proved a Sliqes of smno of the vaaeec very great suceess, visited, PartielaarlY, NOrWaY, Sweden and Denmark fehre Treasurer 0, a. 'E.PI)s, ave vic,,vir4 wore deuoitfolly' a goed report, indieeting how, - ever, that tleare had been a ert' PfIld vez7 Much enigYecl 47•Y enleeozget ertiirosef thine .sotheeietaranuadi wie;t:!leiayiePoToife:e_o:epe"ic:Iptirillesieenttaw.thaehmaQtsis,4:serwreneilli asked that an effort shculd made te hrilig thee up to e' Clinton, have he'd far same jbrs(4p0,0!szrzelfh:skEl:!:::41:wrwhiciF7ayrnwoe:ori:elbehttoblh: :ws,xv :07:e e, guests of the tainable from Mr. end Mrs. en niF• r przeee were won by ivftr. hearty vote of thanks was operate the former EPPs green- 4rren anclMrsFred P°tter' men.ided the splendid week they house and gardens, lee com- M• issing Money? sverged°rePilltrt of the nominating • committee, convened by Mrs. Maybe at Bank! L. M. McKinnon, was given by • Miss Luella Walkinshaw, which resulted in the f011oWing slate of officers for 1962: honorary president, Rev. D. 1:), J. Lane; pastx.e;estmLate president,prMissAlbert Liver- mLuella Johnston; first vice-president, Arthur Groves; second vice- president, K. Van Riesen; sec- retary, Mrs, Stewart Middleton:; treasurer, C. H. Epps; press secretary, Miss Luella Walkin- shaw. 1 Dfteetoes, for one year, MTS. H. NfoIntyre, MPs. Neville For- bes, Mrs, L. M. leIcKieinen, Mrs, F. Fingland, Mrs. Edward FaDrgirullecartors, for two years, Mrs. C. H. Epps, Mrs, W. S. R. Hol- znes, Mrs. H. Ball, Mrs, R, Me - Calm, Ed, Mittel'. Auditors for 1962, K. G. Flett and assistaet. Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Epps were appointed delegates to the annual convention of the On- tario Horticultural Association, to be held at Niagara Falls early in March. The secretary was asked to write a letter to the local come ell asking for a grant, to as- ists in the Western World. We are Inman beings. As the cap- ability of fire exists in your own home as well as outside your home and most sensible, practical families maintain fire insurance on their paxperty even though they feel hi their own minds that a fire will never come 'nigh thee'. (2) After recognizing the pos- sibility that this thing is with us far the foreseeable future, find out what to do and do scanething about it without un- duly disturbing the normal democratic way of life. Finally, 1 would just like to mention that my office address is 125 South Street, Goderich, and my telephone number is JAckson 4-9163. I invite your requests for advice and assis- tante. THE LUCKY NUMBER 'THIS WEEK IS 1382 Check Vette Cateridat. if the numbers match, take the calendar to cue °O06 aria eiatinyoU $3 eeedlt, Clinton Laundry & Dry Cleaners CO1N-OPERATED LAUNDRY There's never any Worry about the weathee when your wash is done at Clintbh Laundry. Their big dryers will dry you- complete wash in minutes, conie rain or shine. .VE ALWAYS DO QUALITY "form< ON YOUR CLEANING :Usk. tHE Nitatit DEPOSiT ROX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET OR DR Y CLEANING OR LAuNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE fa. BETWEEN s A.M. & t P.M. A list in a recent issue of the Stratford Beacon -Herald is quite tieteresting. Released by the Department of Finance, the ecldre'ss of owners of bank ac- counts are apparently unknown to bank authorities. Included among those who have money unclaimed in Clin- ton banks are: Richard and Margaret or Patricia' Bloor, Londesboro; Donna Booth, Clin- ton; Lillian Eleanor Butler, Ruben, Ill.; Arnold Dale, Clin- ton; Carl Edgar East, Clinton; Walter Gilmartin, Clinton; Alice Graham, Toledo, Ohio; Rev. Charles Leslie Harding, Clinton; John Franklin Hessel- wood, Londesborough; Percy Charles Renner, Bayfield; Wil- liam Theodore Smith, Clinton. Photographs Are a lasting memento of all special • occasions". WEDDING PHOTOS Our Specialty Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 e • 1111NEMEUMMINIMINIIIIMMIMIINIO Suppo 'the Winter Work Campaign • For the •hcip yoti ngod alJ JA 4,414 Et;001,0YMENT OFRC • Goopoc.: . W e •KNow YQU'LL SAY "'These are the FashionS Want for Spring 62" Don't miss seeing the exciting translations of The season's most colorful,- flattering silhouettes in coats • and suits at A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR GARMENTS FOR SPRING DELIVERY The F ashion Shoppe GODERICH riced from $29.95 up The Fashion ShOppe 32 The Square GODERICH ' JA 4-9431 better bottle for er New compact amber bottle is handier in size. still holds the same amount. Look for it at your local tavern or Brewers' Retail Store. • Easier to store Easier to carry• • Bottle,chills fatter You still get the refund 1 Better flavour protection No refund npld-style' beer betties dfter June 9, 1962 THE BREWERS OP ONTARIO