HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 3MARY FRALICIi National Costume LOUISE MaeVEAN Nursery Rhyme MRS. PERCY RENNER AND GAYLE TURNER, BEST PAIR Experienced Carpenter Available For All Types or Carpentry Work Specializing In: KITCHEN CUPBOARDS -- CHINA CABINETS, Etch REMODELLING and REFINISHING Phone HUnter 2-7726 KEN MoNAIRN Lyric Theatre •Exeter TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY — 7.30 and 9.30 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SXTURDAY March 8-97 10 "MARINES LET'S GO" Starring' Tom Tyros' -- Linda 1HUthhint , (Color, 'scope) Plus "GOLD RAIDERS" Starring Geo. O'Brien --. Sheila Ryan -- 3 Stooges MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY March 12-13-14 "CROWDED SKY" Starring Dana Andrews Rhonda Flerning Efrein Zimbalist (Calor) (Adult Entertainment)' Coming, — Plus '17 " PU WOMEN HIL PRO LS M HELL" RPL E " Thurs, ,March 8, 1902,040910 .Nqws-Record,Pape. „3 CUNTON YOUNG PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZATION MEETING Clinton -Town Hall Wednesday, March. 14 0.••• .ALL INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE AREA ARE wa_comE For further information call: Joe Murphy -- Eric Switzer or Dou9 Freeman 9-10b YARDLEY SPECIALS I CAKE LAVENDER OR RED ROSES SOAP FREE WITH 3 CAKES. $1.75 DRY SKIN CLEANSING CREAM Reg. $4.00 -- $2.00 ENGLISH COMPLEXION CREAM Reg. $5.00 — $2.50 SKIN FRESHENER Reg. $4.00.'— $2.00 RED ROSES FOAM BATH Reg. $2.00 — $1.50 RED ROSES BATH EMOLLIENT Reg. $2.00 — $1.50 TWEED SPECIALS 3-oz. COLOGNE 6-oz. COLOGNE COLONE MIST BATH OIL TALCUM Reg. $2.00 --- $1.33 Reg. $3.00 — $2.00 Reg. $2.50 $1.67 Reg. $2.75 ---- $1.83 Reg. $ I.25 -- 83c MAX FACTOR PAN STIK with LIPSTICK $2.00 HI-FI FLUID MAKE UP with LIPSTICK $2.00 Fe Be PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 ' Clinton, Ont. Amosomoimmommommuommonme St. Patrick's Day TEA, BAZAAR and BAKE SALE Saturday, March 17 3:00 5:00 p.m. Under auspices of Wesley-Willis United Church Women in the Recreation Room of the Church The units of the organization will be in charge of the booths as follows: Unit 1—The Tea Room, where an afternoon tea of sand- wiches, relishes and -cookies will be served. Unit 2—The Sewing and White Elephant booths. Unit 3—Tho Delicatessen and Touch-and-Take Booths. Unit 4—The Baking and Candy Booths. •••••••0 At The r Mt Theatre Goderich THUR., FRI., SAT. — March 8, 9, 10 Donald O'Connor Noelle Adana and Vittorio DeSica. Produced in Italy. Colorful and thoroughly entertaining. "THE WONDERS OF ALLAN" 'Scope and Color MON., TUES., WED.--,-March 12-13-14—Twin Bill, Joanne bru -- Mark Stevens and Robert Sthausa Filmed in Majorca; a yatdhing search for treasure "SEPTEMBER STORM" 'Scope & Coloa • also: "SNIPER'S RIDGE" with Jaek Ging and Stan Clements THUR., FRI., SAT.—March 13-16.17 RokY cAL,HtouN and LEA MASARI A story of ancient Rhodes and the invading PhoenicianS "THE COLOSSUS OF RHODES" 'Scope Color e. Vegetables take on a fresh new taste with . Freer Marie Fraser's new "Best Butter Cakes" teclpe booklet. Write today! A Division of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA '147 Davenport Road,Toronto 5 MARY 1VIeFADDEN Comic Cost-tune"' First Annual Bayfield .costume. Carnival Is Howling .Success: MRS. ARNOLD Costume MRS BEV. MeCLINCHEY Best Gent's Best Lady's Costume repo For ostume .Carnival Bill Stevens)- Where I dome from, there is a radio 'sta.:Sons and the only Way the station can tell if they have listeners is, when someone writes in. The only unfortunate thing is that the writers always seem to ask for More Don Mes- •ser and Eddie Arnold records. This is usually what the listen- ing audience hears . . . all day. I have a reader . .• he didn't write in, he stopped' me in a .grocery .store to tell me his rice got :burned in the pot. So, just in case you may have had the same problem, I'll run through the "Stevens'- crazy-mixed-up-method-of-cook- lag-rice." One cup of rice for two people. Wash the rice in tun- ning • . water until the , water runs clear. Leave enough wat- er in the pot so when you put your :hand on top of the rice, the water leVel reaches your 'second 'ktvackle, Cover the pot tightly with 'a lid and turn the element 'to low and forget ab- out the rice for a. half hour or 35 minutes: For what I have learned about Chinese custom, soup is served- With the main course, as liquid to wash the other ""goodies" 'down with. AS a matter of fact,, just about every- tilting 'is served with the' main course. DRESS. UP' POTATOES WITH NEW FLAVOURS For new flavour interest, try a different seasoning the next time you serve potatoes in a casserole or in soup. The food department of Macdonald Insti- tute; Guelph, suggests trying onion, garlic, celery salt, thyme, marjoram, or curry powdeas Grated' orange rind adds a dif- ferent flavour to .a salad. SOMETHING SPECIALS FOR AN EASY DESSERT To make a delightful and; easily Prepared dessert, fold two tablesooSms lemon juice and one tsi two cups sweetened' apple sauce into one cup of evaporated milk which has been previously chilled and whipped, suggests -the 'food department of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. CHICREN LIVER SOUP The Chinese name for this soup is "Guy • Gon Tong". And if you would Slip with me into music-al jargon, "like it's a real gone guy, Tong." You can always 'buy chicken hearts and gizzards on special in the meat market . usually real cheap too. I don't like liv- ers so I leave them out, Ingredients: 1 cup chicken livers, hearts and gizzards. 1 lb. spinach, or 1 head Chinese cabbage. 1 generous slice ginger (1 use the candied variety at 29 cents a box).. • 2 tsp. salt 3 pints boiling water Istials. soya bean sauce % tsp. sugar 1 tsp. cornstarch 1 this. Vegetable oil % ;tsp. pepper Method: Slice gizzards into flosvers, that is cut into pieces and then cut parallel' rows of lines into surface. Next cut perpendicular rows of lines across fisst lines. Mix gizzard, -hearts and liver with soya bean sauce, sugar, cornstarch, vegetable oil and Peprper. Heat a little oil in- a pot and fry .ginger and salt foe 1/2 minute. Add' 6 cups boiling water; When water is swiftly boiling again, add cparselys,lic- ea' §fA.ri,a.di' or Chinese cabbage and the chicken liver mixtUre. Cover pot with lid and .er slowly 20 'to 30 minutes. The next time you're in Lon- don or Toronto-, go into a Chinese .grocery store and ;buy a half dozen .each orf sbup bowls, spoons and rice bawls. If you want to go all out buy some chop sticks . . . but be- fore you have someone in . . . practice with them so you can show your guests how to make it with -the chopsticks. BAYFXELD (taff)—Pistri6t and 1904 residents Ailed the local arena Friday night for the fist annual Lions costume car- nival. Prizes were given for the best costumes in many classes and for raeesi The Program was arranged ET the arena committee: W. Fran*, A. Flowers and W. Pierson assisted by members Of the club, Judges were Mrs. J. Howard, Mn. R.. BiSir and. WS. A. Flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Keene gave a figare skating demonstration of swing rolls in waltz time, Costume winners were youngest unassisted skater in eostusne, Sheri MacLaren, 20 months; nursery rhyme cha.rac-, ter, Louise :MacVean, Miss. Muf. fet; comic costumes Mary lalcs Fadden and special recognition was given to Janice Merrier and Brenda, Gemeinhardt for their hose costume; national cos- tume, Mary Fralick; patriotic costume, Mrs. Percy Renner; lama's costume, Mrs. Bev. Mc- Clinehey; gent's costume, Mrs. Arnold IVialtins; best cosnyle, Gayle Turner and Mrs, Percy Emma', largest family in cos- tume, Terry', Lorilie, Randy and Ms's, Bev. Meaanchey and lion, Robbie MacVean. Prizes were given for race winners: pre-school children, Karen Brandon and Paul Payne; children six to eight, Barbara Keyes and l3radley Turner; girls nine to 11, Nancy Consitt and Monica Gerneira bandit; boys nine to 11, Allan Hahner and Lorne Merrier; girls 12 to 15, Gayle Turner and Sandra Irwin; boys 12 to The Bible Today The French Bible Committee and the "Ligue pour la lecture de la Bible" combined in 1961 to extend the traditional "Bible Day" to a "Bible Week", 'Pa.atar Jean Waltz gave mes- sages over the radio and Pastor Gosselin and Professor Mich- aelir appeared on television. Large public meetings' 'took place in many cities and towns, notably at Pans, .Strasbong and Nimes. All these events' wee well reported in -the French, newspapers. An interesting Bible week .ac- tivity was conducted by the Ro- man Catholic Church at Baz- iers where pictures and maps were displayed to illustrate the talks given by the priest in at- tendance on 'the beginning of the wOrld • the Jewish nation and other Bible facts. Also at Baziers, a Christian film continuously projected in a window of the Gospel Hall, attracted many passers-by who stopped -to look at the piotures and to read the script. - Suggested Bible Readings Sunday Genesis 1: 1-31 Genesis 2: 1-25 Genesis 3: 1-24 Joel 2: 1-14 Genesis 4: 1-16 Genesis 6: 1-22 10, Philip '.1‘4141,qr .4,114 1..r1;44 Komar couple race 15 -end over, .P944)0 Pol.ipck fix10.Mvr TOvpe. and musical chairs won by Mary- Boyee. .0 . Kippenettes At Bell Residence The third meeting of the Thrifty KIPPenettes was held at the home of Mrs. William Bell on February 21. Miss I. Gil- christ, home economist far Hur- on talked on achievement day, There was discussion on hoar to pin and cut out the pattern and how to use the tracing wheel. The next meeting is tp be held on March 3 at 2 p.m. -at the home of Mrs. William Bell. Roll call and home assignments were given out and the meet- ing was closed by everyone singing the national anthem. Lunch was served. Breaded Chops Braisedr in Oven • Season. Lightly Pork. chops---sizZling hot and cooked till no trace of pink is left! What •a tempting dinner when combined with brown baked Ontario -potatoes and golden 'turnips. The Fool , De- partment of Macdonald Insti- tute suggests that for variety you serve 'them breaded. When purchasing, allow..SA to Vs pound' bone-in chops per Serving or % to 1/2 pound bon- ed.. Although one-inch thick Chops take longer to cook they look better than, de thin chops. Season both sides lightly with. salt and pepper. Then dip first into flour, then into beaten egg, and finally into dried crumbs. • Brown slowly but thorough- ly lin melted fat until golden brown on both sides; this will take about '15 to 20 minutes. Add about 1/2 cup boiling water or tomato juice. Cover and braise hi the oven or simmer slowly for about 45. minute-- longer—until the internal tem- perature reaches 185 FS or. until no suggestion of pink is left. Turn several -times during cook- ing. Season lightly. Fried apple rings make an excellent accompaniment. Cut several Ontario apples and 1/2 " to %" slices. Sprinkle with sug- ar, either white or brown, and sauté in hot -butter until tender on both sides. -Bill's Recipes Another Run Down on Rice And Liver Soup Without Liver Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturdlay Joshua 1: 1-18 LIVER FINDS A HOME IN YOUR MEAT LOAF Ground liver is excellent in a meat loaf. Before grinding, drop into hot water and simmer for a few minutes. This makes grinding easier .according to the food department, Macdonald In- stitute, Guelph. Need another bathroom? and longing for the day when you can afford to go ahead with it ? Or maybe you need, an extra bedroom— a modern kitchen-7 a paint job-- a new plumbing, heating or elec- trical system . . . Chances are you can have it right now, with the help of a Royal Bank Home Improvement Loan, repayable by instalments. See any branch of the "Royal" abont thiS con. venient, low-cost way to get the cash you need to make your home more liveable, morevalu. able. Or pick up Out handy booklet for details. DO IT NOW will' A IIONIk IMPItOVEINIkNT LOAN ROYAL BAN K