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Clinton News-Record, 1962-03-08, Page 1
ver a i , A.. -i. . 4 "ecor . d'' ........... MEMAMW. OF, Ww A.FrEgRl THE SFW FRA.--- 96th. YAR THE HVRQN, RE(.QRP-- Oth WA 7!li4m 1 51 a,lrtan class at 014 _.. ... .. _..... ...... ,'- fid: ;9 a Yeste!lic ay Irq.. I0 -The "qMq Pn,_e�r With-tho Ne v-. CL,INT N ONTARIO. 'THURSDI�Y, MARCH: :Stb;4,09 P ears, Ce .t . .r --a boo; XVPoQits .tear Errs.. Wil*un p ; Q , Rer X 1Q n,; for Cgpy g., aT•}�r's ad anti? _.-..... .... _ .. _ _ their $cots collie vi$•ited the . class11'Ir, Hvtev_ puk ilhe .; a s.�' ',rfwy ry yN ... a1 t..- -4gh 'a. series of � ti , L FOrganDedicatio tn'1p1c5 au�d' all menibms ogf e / k Mur • .: .4u i.s < z �,r 9 .. ,EAr. 7y q� ��.' �, hath n . a mini et �� : - ;c i .class a opp. r t3' to P 9 . Pos�r�ed At, #?.et,:dog and Feei the ShzCk.. .#u� , : � �� � �, 0 his, l:�*4e collar r �`,�,'t �.� o � j���rg� �' ,!'�n� z�., � �'`^� , r er •� efo�ed Church BRIGIFIT SUN, AND LOOM- xJar rs, �� �F . ` " a W�a `, 17edicartton servi'cC' #�qr the t ex ti. n • at a � Y,. ,: z newly installed; pipe 4a"gan ; 0 Easter a`�?)•t?i•a..o $• � ,:. � ;'` �. .'� � AGI ZM1 lube sal d Of � Cliiatplr', ani Reformed r f y4 Cks �,. Y a,, e wns pmactaicimg cadot b.ma:, .sets the � Ghum�h 1i bus been skpaned, dale scene for an early spring' • , � � � i lrmmt�te dGi eg1ties, .Some Of course a reasonably lamb - ; ifs d the ar>aai have, „ t?Gg'ina'!•iog - for March. is not Goderich Township residents Will have the supposed fac cbodubg • • upon The, Raw L. S.lofstxa advised . oplxirtunity to vote on the liquor question 'an May that thq. service is no bein8 supposed. to be loakad P ,Raises 6. The vote was ordered in a by-law Monday plaaa�ed min about two Weeks UC AND THE SUN HAS COMA organ night when a petition signed by over 25 percent out and somg g. snow tie Ttasa:vat n. rpt 1► i��es V 'P'r��� of the civalified voters was handed in, has one aw&ir ATS e bl?e 1 �? the conation,• irustaliattuoQi tale moat a'ewaxd for all gvacd Huron, �~�� -o 'lihe ,Public Utilities CoMm�is- It 3ASON ' Y>�ilY both sides a Highway e� ty on f ghw y Cbuanty people'. who have pat- HULLETT TQWNSHIP $ion has rapproved Pay increases The reason. given. for the Ii_ 21 for three miles south of fence, raid Semester wheat their ` , of ten Per cent ,`acx`ass the,.liar wake request was to give GoGlericl�. A water main supPl'y- q fathom have said, and their /►r�Ye' Tender board" for alt• of t=he hourly a shot :in the arm• to tine Lag, � the Orritario' Hospital fol, grandfathers before them V lo" ala the road, if this , 1 ging Alnerir�arL tourist business nye Me,gopa #iaw'in, every month raSalari�es�or office parrspnnet can be.y expec ted . , re. increased. Superintendent said r~lerk R. E. Thompson, section: of Goderich Township. * ? r e Rands. will receive $5,000' The peti"kion was brought 'were built up it could' increase o Awarded; BUT. BEFORE everyone gets Cameron, Proctor, an increase of � the assessment and lower the. Geoa'ge Rad�ard� Construction the tovv7>s%p meeting by Henry too jolly about the weather , , .. $5 .per week and Frank Mutch tax rate an official said. Marken .back to the date of _. _ LJtxl, B,lytYi was the successful an increase of 2 per week. Andresen, RR 2, Godericth, Mr. bezix rrer for supplying 12,000 $ In other burin w at * Gode-' Fabruaxy 2, .and' recall. that the � ,, t _ M'ember`s' of the commission and Mrs.. Andresen are the cubic yar!dis of gravel, for Hu - rich Township meetixW Elmer ' lntrtle graieddhag prarruised at and Twins in. An lican Cle: wilt caa><tix�nie to receive $5 Pea' proprietors of the Hemi Motel. least six :weeks' .of the bad -oar, y g gy leltt Township roads this year. rneetAng Me(Minchey was appointed' war- iety ... there Is still, one week ' "Huron Diocese has the only twin rectors in the .Anglican .Church of The cont ,aqt was awarded by The News-Recard called, the bre � inspector at a rate of council, meot6ng• on Mondary ,- --�- motels owners in the Goderich of that Peraad to go., If his- Canada." proudly states the Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, London, Bishop of Huro; . the ndep$1 ,acv hour and., 10c a mile for . tory holds true, there just might At left zs the Rev. A1vin'H. urham and at right is the Rev. J J, n. 'n LQnd` o G°nem ''ty roll, TUCKERSMITH TWP. area to make •a survey of haw be a real blow on Saturday • , . Harrison,' g led by Reeve T. Leiper. the vote, if it went through, transportation; . King Calcium Harrison,. Bayfield.. Bishop Luxton and the twins were in St. -Paul's Church, fly program, the affect their business, PracLuat�S won ;tlie )rid for sup,' $50,000 AllocatedWhy? Seed show. time, of P ]+ or the warbleClinton last week, attending a LentenSchool of Prayer. (News Record Photo) James LmAmarci, afor+tti, vVil1 George Hamilton of the Haan- plying wanbic de at $5 per 15- caurse .. , ■ vltom Motel sAd "it would' real- ^ $ dio the spraying -and 'William T � pound! bag; $75 was granted to For Road Budge in''S P4Jgvdtt will be warble fly in- ly help it. We've had so, many _ Ttae c riizrniinruty ha peopOe g down to Clm'ton.the Bayfield Fall Frim Assocda1-'•�ISel. Is tion , Sever Cars Stolen a ll board in• Tuckersmitrh Townsh,irp coon- from here That's wharf they tion, and•assessor C. W. Teb utt ■g y Auburn was given ,approval of ril allocated $50,000 to the are looking for, especially the was aiuthoriwd to attend, a pro- /►e Q boa7^orcving ani adlditaonal $1,000 roads bud+get at their meeting tourists," he said. vdncial assessors: scgllboi May Since New. Year r ftm the Canadian. Imperial Tuesday nn t iii Seef�orth town 1 ■ By Huron �rce�s toc Ircrvpe The owners of the Hest- arced 2 in Gadlemich. Serveritki staler cox , G'linto - 'E� Bganvk of Con�xraerce in Aubumai, hall. Hotel B Motel er Lounge Rel&© e ll ZI in -f Threeby-laws' were,discussed since t;tie New Year; way re- ��e � the ha The t�awii, kv your hrtiousand dollars ,arurant Motel .aa�d BayfnelilL ported to Clinton Police De- ship . has to approve 'thisbor- was charged t o maintenance (Minton Golf Club woul� the cai>7iril meeting, d not g' A by- parrtment on Saturday by Alec Hog producers in Huron Barnett, St. Marys; 879 and cotchrig .to Emerson Crocker, Ar wing, tieeause the townshipand $16 000 to construction law for $80,000 for a now four, comment at this time they slain. County soundly supported can, Lmmte O. Be III, Stratford' 621. was a very close vote. Mr. will evexhualgly the owner- Four tenl+errs called for tthas room school -at HolmresvaLle was Cud'anore, Pxisrcess .Street East,. � W. J. Lee, proprdetar of the The 1954 vehicle was taker dzdates for committeemen who Perth County selects one Croriker, had, been the . xeP'e �p e h on, vYs' coaruple- meetitvg were opened and the Goderich Motel. in the town of �� first � second' readings. sometime during Friday nu+ght favour the present. marketing man to represent .them on the sentative on the Ontario board 11114,' TYA brings the total bor- foll,�owing bids accepted': Robert GodL.Ach. said "There's not too It will now be forwarded to the from Mr.. Cudmoae's garage plan, All 1,9 of the mem. sup- Hog Producers Marketing named' by the Huron and Mid- Via; :approved, u to $5000 Rowrdiffe 1825 for construe- milnicipal board, •before -third P , $ , much, I can do about it theme where he had left. it with the porting the 'present plgaun were Boated. I%ss.lVicfiavish, Shakes- d4esex committeemen. I and it is believed, that this will tiara of the Archibald municipal was a vote here in Goderich last read4ng' the clerk said. re-elected. pear�e, has been, their represen- Alf WWa>rrier, RR 1, Bayfield, be sufficient to complete con drain; Lavis Contracttin Com- year!) Another .by by-law was keys in the ignition. gpassed • The carr was discovered at Heading the poll was. George tartvve. reports .that to ere were: 16 st>xgiitrtian', pany Ltd., ,Clinton, 63 cenrts a covering the: road expenditures Milton, by tine 'Provincial Pdice R.'Campbell, Seaforth, who wag In Middlesex County all 12 counr es in the 'province hole- A grant of $100 each will cubic yard for graveling roads; LAND VALUE for the serer su ortnn the present iris votes far committeemen on year:. -$44,000, 'I' h. e detachment there, and Mm. Cud- claimed both by the "hog . pro- ' >lP g be made -'bo the Clinton, Blyth D. A. Moffat for supplying . If the liquor vote is passed it thkid by-law was for the liquor more wenn down. for It on, Sun- d'ucers" group, and, the "free PUn were elected, although, pan- 'Tuesday. and •Seaforth fair boards for waiibidde powder at $4,75 per could affect the value of Px'oA- volae. . day. enterprise" group on lists proo- 1962. 15 pound ,bag and Hubert Coop - There, were only four (Minton vaded', for the •use of the voters. 13y-OWS were passed for the er•'s warble flan spraying tender cars stolen, throughout. 1961, He,'received 937 votes. BALLOTING POLL BY POLL exemPtzion of taxes Other than of :ben cents a heard' was accepit- according to the annu&l ;repw t Second most popular anon was schoolimprove- ed'. Cartitie owners will' again. of Chief H R' T�ioa4i on 'tom Robert P. Allan, 13rucefzeld�, Exet- Wa!- Gor- Clin bun -,Tot menrt rates% on, 40 acres' of Lot be c'hamiged 14 cents ahead fpr .. the cauncii 1ais1=, %norit'h. The With, 835votes, aii(d''the wi' er #on tie fon gannoii�"al "f�1 �.`t7he."1Vfailtlral'rtl'" B•l�cl�•can= 'spitay:'tgxg: ° . °:, , � , .,, , chief reports .that A iia 6rance candidates ranged' fs'omg -there. G•EO. R. CAMPBELL,: McKillop .161 219 179 245 133, 937 cesslmr owned: by Knox Ps�sby- The following accounts ',were c6mpanies take a rather dim doom to 725 votes.•ROBT. P. ALLAN, Tuckers'th .. 141 151 105 3q 135 835 •tevian ChUlrcli, Goderich, and to passed' for payment,. Welfare, view of drivers leaving keys in Support • for'the "free. eater- WM. COLEMAN, Stanley ......... 135 144 94 294 120 787 appoint James A. Howes, OLS, $205.65; pension, $13.50; salary their cars. prise" candidates' was. less, rung- LLOYD STEWART, Hullett ........ X27 147 101 289 121 785 Listowel,. as consulting engineer and allawaiice, $238.17; receiver y �ELMER IRELAND East Wawa. 129 150 105 266 132 782 for ,Ake municipality Clinton g- ing from 460 far Charles R. .. 120 152 106 278 126 782 vA' y under the general, ixicarne tax, $3.50; tax Cllr We Police Chief'. ed ALBERT -G, BACON Morris so Wind di0trict drivers to all l o,ultes, down to 389 , -for the MARTIN +BARN, Grey ... 121 161 98 273 127 780 ditches sprayiand ng liability courses act. refund, $2.05; adve;con e ntio and ex e" loK' GORDON ELLIOTT, McKillop ., 121 151 99 280 120 771 Weed'a3'g i7usur- supplies, $176.9?; convention ex - move their keys ,arid lock their ' In Perth County .the Free ROSS LOVE, Hay ,„ 140 136 96 280 115 767 �ce for $10,000 was renewed pemise, $140; compensation, in - cars when they are not in use. Entexprise Hog Producems' Ceara- LEONARD FISHER, ,Colborne122 134 95 279 131 761 with, K. W. Colquhoun, insur- suran�ce, $34; and roads, $5,- o suttee were -tilde victors; captur- ALFRED H. WARNER, Goderich 128 136 , 93 281 121 759 anise agent, CIbAon. 128.94, The W4ather ing all but three of the 26 HARRY HERN, Usborne ........ 141 134 97 260 121 753 posts • available. Voting was ALEX McGREGOR, Tuckersmith 130 141 91 276 111 749 heavy for the 49 candidates. A ROBT.. McALLISTER, West Wa. 126 133 103 256 130 748 1,445 wean to pollen. CARL S. GOVIER East Wawa. 120 136 93 269 127 745 total 'of f ELMER HARDING, Howick ...... 123 140 114 249 ,115 741Agriculture Minister Ta Last.yearr all of Perth$ corn:- RAY FINNIGAN, Ashfiertd ........ 124 130 94 256 127 731 mitteemen were "free envier- ED. HENDRICK, Stephen .......... 140 127 94 259 111 731 ' pirs'e". HARRY MULVEY, Turnberry .... 119 139 112 240 115 725 Q p e n Huron Seed Fair Top v�ate-getter in Perth was- C. R. Coultes, East Wawanosh 85 147 124 .30 74 460 Lorne Albi^echt, RR 1, Mllver- R. Ron MacGregor, Tuckersmith 93 130 114 47 57 441 ten with. 984 votes. He is a sup- George Adams, Turnberry 85 132 131 29 63 440 Soane people are speculating men and women following Mr. porter of the present plan. The James Addams, Morris ...... 85 133 125 32 63 438 defending champion Bob Fath- Stewart's 'address. other lova supporters of the lar Harold Adams, Ashfield ......•.•.. 86 123 119 26 79 433 eri:ngham RR 3 Seafoa-Yih w,n11 p p Gordon K, Wright, Howick .......... 78 126 130 27 58 419 'Men's program 'at 2.30 p.m. who were elected were. John again, walk away with top :hon - Jack. Duncan,. Usborne ................ 93 124 115 24 , 62 418 will. feature: engineering, Toren William Wilson, Howick .............. 78 127 127 25 • 55 412 ors ,at this yeagr's. Huron County Frown; field and cash crops, H h Lamont, Grey y .................. 75 135 112 29 55 406 on dhampioSeed Fair. n� lasree t eweek B b s it test results-, Jack Murray. Kingsbury and Huron Ce cI Bateman, Grey ,..•....,•,.•,..r••. 81. 126 115 27 56 405 book three firsts, two seconds �r At 3.30 p.m. talks on, better k y y � E s t Milford Prouty, Hay 95 117 105 29 54 400 ;an1d a fifth at the Foran Shone beef production, 1 Melvin Greb, Stephen 92 121 109 22 56 400 m seed fair will gess; new controls of mia6fitds, Carman Kerr, Colborne 77 107 110 24 71 389 gee ' <fr TOTAL BALLOTS ........................ 241 309 244 345 2111,350 H, S. Neely and futures tis the Exeter Legion shall Friday morning with. a junior judging for swine and sheep, Jack Um- STANLEY TOWNSHIP competition at 9.30 a.m• en. demvwood. PSN PLANS' °� `. yeayas••old, f Faa^t of pthe oompeti- will he lacliMOM management,, PLANS PAes' program at 2.30 R I Y Culvert, Gravel tion) will ,be' .judging classes of Miss Ryle easy, ori ookWalk.Cep. -1 5testsi of weeand dsagrasseesstaau d lruevg g w GODEaIi;ICH (:Staff) --- Piresi- lenders balled limes. , � Latero lar; the'afternoon itYiere', will be the awarding Of special dent G. E. Everett of the W. A, On Friday afternoon gthere Svheaffer P£n Company has an, Mrs. Harold Elliott, clerk of will bean, edixcavtional program prizes at 4.45 and at* S ed'. ,nounced an open house at the. S;tanuley Township will continue with speakers discussing soils, the exhibits will be removed. peri plant for civic' •an,d cbungty in cher dudes un;tiil a new Clerk 6 officials Wednesday, March 21. its apPaiivted, It was learned Parra manragemerit and prop production. ?� The orgexAzed' tour of the W:edh;esday: She had: handed) in In Exeter's South Hurrah Dia - factory will begin at 1.30 and ,her resignation; at the meeting trvict Higgh. School the seed jud"g- ;" continue until 4 p m :Monday. u . ing will start at 4.05, The ex- r Inv'itavtaoms to the dour have Expenditures passed for Feb - 'u +kbits wilt be on: dlisplay al been, sent out .and a contest roair'y were: roads, $2,545.87; ovemring and. Saturday. , will be :held tar a $60 three ,gamer al 'account, $599;55 and Three one -act plays const tut- qipiece gold EtllecT pe►1 set. Cort- Bayfield -general, $477.80. jug IIuti�an, County Junior 'Fart- � : t testants must fill in the tor, Victor .Taylor was appointed niers' drama festival will be q � reat an, wes on a'quesrt-ionnvaTe warble fly ,inspector and .Hu- staiged in the auditorium with r oiclo:3ed wit.invitation.. bent 'Cooper warble fly spray variety exnteirtainhient. Tickets n the operator, for this show' will be avaMble Stanley ' Township vatod a ,at the door'. vx :. I�4�y'���•�d VOW I,i�t�5e5 grant of $50 ,to South Horan On Saturday l:Tom: W Ar, ' Agtiaculture Society, Hemall, Stewart (Middlesex North;) Funds For peace and Called for two tendeMs: One ,pro,v'iniciat minister of agrricul- BAYFIVLD .-.,. The VOW in fbr construction of a culvert �ture, will k e, the fair with Baytie�ld reports a •total of on concessions 12 and 13 lot an address,hae place of farm { the Canadian Peace Iitxseamh 11,000 cubit yawls of gravel .for wdll , talics and d'„ $7? 50 subscribed to elate for 13 rand male Other tend for inert an Huron 00u, as'- r k Institute. Any reader de -Mime rOWS, The closing date for hath cussioms on diifferent topics for to help ih this movement for tenders is April 2 w v peace, may coriltavbuto ,through Foiir by-1awe have been p�tis- ` the $ayfield VO group (0&g. sed su far ,this year; 6W 6- T Masons 1pterva '�' CSair+I E. 331ehl, honom•ary treasitrborrow'oup ,to $55,000 ryh credit ere) if thdrd is h,o campai of rthie towni&p, the second Fifty Year Jewels Two iiaeanbers t f Clinton committee, in: your municipality. $ening rtlhe r6ad superintend- -now qlueon and Towering Snovwtean No donailorY •food large! Nor do- eiYvt % ages at $1..15 an hour, Lodge, 96, 84, Ali' And ANL .lve student at -QueeACAStation ClintonBrec takes a airwoman look h oar foci snvall� t at d � a turd for W 1 19. Perdue, aels d his, Y at thehQueeri Dianne Breckon, an airiwamsrl Snow rung SnoW SCulpturT 4L last vitbeke rd's Magi5Tra1rp'5 "Uri vvicle roadsbh an i d the fourth Kamen- el 11-13-10L 1-0 1.0 .basil Uy ' E: Winter carnival at the station, ,This 14.460t L''SkimO ,'. Beth Pr'androax's property `Ihiompmoh, And 111, fir. %t'"laing, ..�,� tart �i.. x �c tWa't'n I. nu For �allot5 Improvised Booth Display cards used by homemaking clubs came in handy to make polling booths for hog producers to vote in here, as they selected 19 committeemen from a long list of 33 candidates. These 19• will•now meet with, representatives elected in Middlesex County to select one man to serve on the Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Board. ('News -Record Photo) 611 Hospital Staff," and IS _ .. )!li ding i`ram _Hl way z 1962 1961 �icar Wes p�eai his j vel by his nephew H ;B, Wfl ,. High Low Hieh Low q 1 13 -4• 38 24 2 12 -14 45 27 3 15 0 48 35- 4 • 16 -3 44 30. 5 31- 9 49 32 6. .33 28 59 32' 7• 32 19 40 24 Ruin, ,33 in% ing all but three of the 26 HARRY HERN, Usborne ........ 141 134 97 260 121 753 posts • available. Voting was ALEX McGREGOR, Tuckersmith 130 141 91 276 111 749 heavy for the 49 candidates. A ROBT.. McALLISTER, West Wa. 126 133 103 256 130 748 1,445 wean to pollen. CARL S. GOVIER East Wawa. 120 136 93 269 127 745 total 'of f ELMER HARDING, Howick ...... 123 140 114 249 ,115 741Agriculture Minister Ta Last.yearr all of Perth$ corn:- RAY FINNIGAN, Ashfiertd ........ 124 130 94 256 127 731 mitteemen were "free envier- ED. HENDRICK, Stephen .......... 140 127 94 259 111 731 ' pirs'e". HARRY MULVEY, Turnberry .... 119 139 112 240 115 725 Q p e n Huron Seed Fair Top v�ate-getter in Perth was- C. R. Coultes, East Wawanosh 85 147 124 .30 74 460 Lorne Albi^echt, RR 1, Mllver- R. Ron MacGregor, Tuckersmith 93 130 114 47 57 441 ten with. 984 votes. He is a sup- George Adams, Turnberry 85 132 131 29 63 440 Soane people are speculating men and women following Mr. porter of the present plan. The James Addams, Morris ...... 85 133 125 32 63 438 defending champion Bob Fath- Stewart's 'address. other lova supporters of the lar Harold Adams, Ashfield ......•.•.. 86 123 119 26 79 433 eri:ngham RR 3 Seafoa-Yih w,n11 p p Gordon K, Wright, Howick .......... 78 126 130 27 58 419 'Men's program 'at 2.30 p.m. who were elected were. John again, walk away with top :hon - Jack. Duncan,. Usborne ................ 93 124 115 24 , 62 418 will. feature: engineering, Toren William Wilson, Howick .............. 78 127 127 25 • 55 412 ors ,at this yeagr's. Huron County Frown; field and cash crops, H h Lamont, Grey y .................. 75 135 112 29 55 406 on dhampioSeed Fair. n� lasree t eweek B b s it test results-, Jack Murray. Kingsbury and Huron Ce cI Bateman, Grey ,..•....,•,.•,..r••. 81. 126 115 27 56 405 book three firsts, two seconds �r At 3.30 p.m. talks on, better k y y � E s t Milford Prouty, Hay 95 117 105 29 54 400 ;an1d a fifth at the Foran Shone beef production, 1 Melvin Greb, Stephen 92 121 109 22 56 400 m seed fair will gess; new controls of mia6fitds, Carman Kerr, Colborne 77 107 110 24 71 389 gee ' <fr TOTAL BALLOTS ........................ 241 309 244 345 2111,350 H, S. Neely and futures tis the Exeter Legion shall Friday morning with. a junior judging for swine and sheep, Jack Um- STANLEY TOWNSHIP competition at 9.30 a.m• en. demvwood. PSN PLANS' °� `. yeayas••old, f Faa^t of pthe oompeti- will he lacliMOM management,, PLANS PAes' program at 2.30 R I Y Culvert, Gravel tion) will ,be' .judging classes of Miss Ryle easy, ori ookWalk.Cep. -1 5testsi of weeand dsagrasseesstaau d lruevg g w GODEaIi;ICH (:Staff) --- Piresi- lenders balled limes. , � Latero lar; the'afternoon itYiere', will be the awarding Of special dent G. E. Everett of the W. A, On Friday afternoon gthere Svheaffer P£n Company has an, Mrs. Harold Elliott, clerk of will bean, edixcavtional program prizes at 4.45 and at* S ed'. ,nounced an open house at the. S;tanuley Township will continue with speakers discussing soils, the exhibits will be removed. peri plant for civic' •an,d cbungty in cher dudes un;tiil a new Clerk 6 officials Wednesday, March 21. its apPaiivted, It was learned Parra manragemerit and prop production. ?� The orgexAzed' tour of the W:edh;esday: She had: handed) in In Exeter's South Hurrah Dia - factory will begin at 1.30 and ,her resignation; at the meeting trvict Higgh. School the seed jud"g- ;" continue until 4 p m :Monday. u . ing will start at 4.05, The ex- r Inv'itavtaoms to the dour have Expenditures passed for Feb - 'u +kbits wilt be on: dlisplay al been, sent out .and a contest roair'y were: roads, $2,545.87; ovemring and. Saturday. , will be :held tar a $60 three ,gamer al 'account, $599;55 and Three one -act plays const tut- qipiece gold EtllecT pe►1 set. Cort- Bayfield -general, $477.80. jug IIuti�an, County Junior 'Fart- � : t testants must fill in the tor, Victor .Taylor was appointed niers' drama festival will be q � reat an, wes on a'quesrt-ionnvaTe warble fly ,inspector and .Hu- staiged in the auditorium with r oiclo:3ed wit.invitation.. bent 'Cooper warble fly spray variety exnteirtainhient. Tickets n the operator, for this show' will be avaMble Stanley ' Township vatod a ,at the door'. vx :. I�4�y'���•�d VOW I,i�t�5e5 grant of $50 ,to South Horan On Saturday l:Tom: W Ar, ' Agtiaculture Society, Hemall, Stewart (Middlesex North;) Funds For peace and Called for two tendeMs: One ,pro,v'iniciat minister of agrricul- BAYFIVLD .-.,. The VOW in fbr construction of a culvert �ture, will k e, the fair with Baytie�ld reports a •total of on concessions 12 and 13 lot an address,hae place of farm { the Canadian Peace Iitxseamh 11,000 cubit yawls of gravel .for wdll , talics and d'„ $7? 50 subscribed to elate for 13 rand male Other tend for inert an Huron 00u, as'- r k Institute. Any reader de -Mime rOWS, The closing date for hath cussioms on diifferent topics for to help ih this movement for tenders is April 2 w v peace, may coriltavbuto ,through Foiir by-1awe have been p�tis- ` the $ayfield VO group (0&g. sed su far ,this year; 6W 6- T Masons 1pterva '�' CSair+I E. 331ehl, honom•ary treasitrborrow'oup ,to $55,000 ryh credit ere) if thdrd is h,o campai of rthie towni&p, the second Fifty Year Jewels Two iiaeanbers t f Clinton committee, in: your municipality. $ening rtlhe r6ad superintend- -now qlueon and Towering Snovwtean No donailorY •food large! Nor do- eiYvt % ages at $1..15 an hour, Lodge, 96, 84, Ali' And ANL .lve student at -QueeACAStation ClintonBrec takes a airwoman look h oar foci snvall� t at d � a turd for W 1 19. Perdue, aels d his, Y at thehQueeri Dianne Breckon, an airiwamsrl Snow rung SnoW SCulpturT 4L last vitbeke rd's Magi5Tra1rp'5 "Uri vvicle roadsbh an i d the fourth Kamen- el 11-13-10L 1-0 1.0 .basil Uy ' E: Winter carnival at the station, ,This 14.460t L''SkimO ,'. Beth Pr'androax's property `Ihiompmoh, And 111, fir. %t'"laing, ..�,� tart �i.. x �c tWa't'n I. nu For �allot5 Improvised Booth Display cards used by homemaking clubs came in handy to make polling booths for hog producers to vote in here, as they selected 19 committeemen from a long list of 33 candidates. These 19• will•now meet with, representatives elected in Middlesex County to select one man to serve on the Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Board. ('News -Record Photo) 611 Hospital Staff," and IS _ .. )!li ding i`ram _Hl way z . ' • - -6 � � L=14■ ate, f adlourtied for pensoi al service o olv sunder ,tine #' hWa Onr� �rarcvt was areCezved ilnir'- fine s�aaiie peatiotif $1,49$ liar �icar Wes p�eai his j vel by his nephew H ;B, Wfl ,. l±o�t;} ll ri booths Within the agriCuTttixal dffiCe barrel room dealt stead - show .� arrow 0ueeri in ,cbifipetl ,..ate ' *hfAd Act dvo&ading batew- the D dale municipal &ani,. � _... Inam` past mast r- Overt 30 aneri7,ber`S or(:t�aded . fly' with the hog plc' duelers Who trio to 'vote'. 'oiY Tuesday', until ,a total of 345 'riday anal Saturd s� every floras inti S to 35ttrafte edtitt Here for W; arce tawvartt sarnna e§ S, the meeibin r rill tlae'i*e Was xcli .. , , . .. .. ..:... , . .. - . .. . Marl friar eel their hallbts. This Was one of five pbllirig places 1 , tho county; l 'story` ori page 5). t7Vedni sd:ay; 1•#aye� T`rAm�ib'z`t Lgtrl�,; Cl-�, z'eseirutif►rtltirt •t`r+oni' $lyt}i, Oax+lovwy ;which lyarfdlel �.,3vti voters durinig 'the` "day+ �`lzo tu'rziot�t_'wa,s �.6G mord_than (rFu�G.f P Photd; Personal eevvit e wa$ dr&retl inthh: Godefich, acrd I-i'einsail, last year,, (2lteiVS-V66&d Photo)