HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-03-01, Page 6igo 6-Clinton News-Record-,-Thurs., March, 1962 FAR SH Ends Sat.; Mar. 3 OPEN DAILY 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. CLOSES SAT. 4:30 p.m. Admission 50c Children with Adults Admitted Free • Afternoon and Evening Programs • Special Ladies Features • ▪ Animaland Zoo The Latest in Farm Machinery and Equipment Sponsored by: WESTERN FAIR ASSOCIATION In Co-operation With MIDDLESEX SOIL & CROP IPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION WESTERN FAIRGROUNDS LONDON WARBLE FLY CONTROL Township of Stanley 1. `APPLICATIONS will be received by the Town- ship of Stanley for the position of WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR for the year 1962. Inspector must be familiar with the Warble Fly Act and must keep an accurate record of cattle sprayed. Salary will be $1 per hour and 8 cents per mile for mileage, Applications to be marked as such and to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, March 5, 1962. 2, TENDERS will be received by the Township of Stanley for SPRAYING cattle for Warble Fly for 1962. The Township will supply the powder. Tender to state price. per head per spray, All work to conform with the terms of the Warble Fly Act, 3, TENDERS will be received for supplying approxi- mately 900 lbs. of WARBLE FLY POWDER, to be delivered to the township shed in Varna, Sealed Tenders for each of the above, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the under- signed until 12 o'clock noon, March 5, 1962. Lowest ar any tender not necessarily accepted. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Varna, Ontario. 8-9b Classified Ads Bring Results - MR. FARMER We are acting as agents for Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. THE SEED GRAIN SPECIALISTS AT AILSA CRAIG, ONTARIO And can offer you a complete line of seed grain, in- cluding the new outstanding Russell Oats; also Garry, Rodney, Clintland and Early Fundy Oats. York, Herta, Brant and Parkland Barley. Plus six choices of .special mixed seed grain.. Selkirk Spring Wheat, Tetra Petkus Rye, Buckwheat, Field Peas, FlaX and Soya Beans. All graded aced is treated, guaranteed grades. In new bags ready to sew. Complete line of Grass and Clover Seeds, Hay and Pasture Mixes. We are also booking contracts for Malting Barley. Beans, Feed , Oats or Barley. JOHN ALDINGTON 'Varna HU 2-3380 • Decorate this winter-get a head-start on spring cleaning. No need to upset the household-Ciltone Satin dries in 20 minutes and is odorless. Wonderfully washable too-it stays color fresh. BUY CILTONE SATIN AT 1.4.,•••••••••••-t er041Wiss;';'..V.AilMss • • , .• -•••••• DECORATE NOW WITH ODORLESS CILTONE SATIN SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies Clinton HU 2-7023 „., THE SiSiknoitinsf PANS* '• PA AT sik(SULAIS I NT- Tractor Owner Meeting FILMS • DOOR PRIZES • COFFEE and DOUGHNUTS Tuesday, March 6 at 8 p. m. TRACTOR and 1111/ 1. T HE F AHB EOAF ABOUT IMPLEMENT RR E E OFFE R DISPLAY COME AND BRING THE FAMILY GODERICH MOTORS LIN. • FORD TRACTOR DEALER - JA 4-7308 South St., GODERICH FRESH PRODUCE FINEST FLORIDA - WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 96's Flpil 49C CRISP FRESH ICEBERG LETTUCE NLarge Heads 2 FOR 29c QUALITY MEATS Ideal For Stuffing - Extra Lean Pork Spare Ribs lb. 49c Well Trimmed - Extra Lean Pork Steaks lb. 49c BEST BUY! - SAVE 22c! - SKIM MILK POWDER INSTANT MIL-K0 3-LB. PACKAGE 87c BEST BUY! -- SAVE 4c! BEE HIVE SYRUP 2 LB TIN 29c BEST BUY!-SAVE3801-PILLSBURY Honey Buckwheat or 6c Off Pack Buttermilk PANCAKE MIX 32-OZ. PKGS. 3 PKGs.79c DON'S RED & MARKET WHITE CLINTON Formerly Stanley's Red and White Market Open Friday Evenings FREE' DELIVERY 1111 24621 BEST BUY! - SAVE 16c! - POUCH PAK MONARCH Cake Mix 8 FOR BEST BUY! - SAVE 26c! E. D. SMITH'S TOMATO KETCHUP 11-oz. Botttles 6 FOR BEST BUY! - SAVE 11c! - FANCY QUALITY YORK KERNEL CORN 1 -hclis 6 FOR BEST BUY! - SAVE 14c - ZIP DOG FOOD Government Inspected 11 TINS 9 BEST BUY! -.SAVE 26c! - POP-UP 400's KLEENEX TISSUES 4 $1 BEST BUY! - SAVE 8c - White or Coloured Rolls BALLET TISSUE 8 FOR $1 PKGS. . , Feature! - For-Sandwiches, Salads, Cold Plate SAICO Save 11c FOR q TUNA FISH Feature!-Save 23c-In Chili ,Sauce CLARK'S PORK & 7 FOR q BEANS 15-oz. Tins Feature!-Save 8c! 12-oz. Tubs BILLY BEE CREAMED 4, FOR $ HONEY • Feature!-Save 24c 20-oz. Tins FANCY QUALITY 0 FOR $1 TOMATO JUICE 0 I • Feature! Save 18c! Giant 200 ft. Rolls Save-All' 4c Off Pack! 2 FOR $ WAX PAPER Feature!-Save 25c! Choice Quality TOMATOES 28-oz. Tins 5 FOR q Feature!-Red & White EVAPORATED MILK Tall Tins 7 For $1 Feature!-Save15c1-Choice Quality 20-oz. Tins Crushed PINEAPPLE 5 For $ 1 Feature!-Save 14c!-Red & White INSTANT COFFEE 8-oz. Jar $ 1 Discount Feature!-COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 2 For $1 Regular $1.30 - Giant Tubes ,George A. McCaw Officially Opens Middlesex Farm Show; Ends .Soturddy Joseph Ferguson is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and Mrs, Laird Nicide spent a few days last week holidaying in Detroit -Miss Sharon SmIuie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence &nil, lie, received her cap in a cere- mony fOr 55 students at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week. Robert Melds and Miss Ann Micide spent the weekend in Witchener visiting their sister and brothersinslaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David. Thirty-rdne ladies from Hen- sall and community took a bus trip to Kitchener Tuesday night of this week and attended the Ice Capades held in that city. Mrs. Fred Beer organized the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joynt, John and Pat, Mrs. Alice Joynt visited last Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt, To- rent°, and attended the hockey game that night at Maple Leaf Gardens between 'Leafs and Montreal Canacliens. They re- turned home Thursday night. Unit three of the United Church Women under leader- ship of Mrs. Dave Kyle, spon- sored a very successful bake ,sale at ,Crest Hardware store on March 24. The bake sale was opened at 3 p.m. •and the bak- ing was all sold in seven min- utes. The group realized $43. Harold Foster has purchased the Kosy Korner restaurant on ,King Street from Mr. and Mrs. William Forrester and gets pos- session March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Forrester and family who have been residents here for the past two years expect to take up residence in Zurich. Mr. Fost- er has been manager of the New Osmmercial Hotel for the past six years. United Church Women held a quilting in the church last week and completed eight NOW ON THE BIG 24th ANNUAL quilts Which Will be forwarded in 'the bale to Toronto fOr over- seas relief, and to the Dr. Whit- ing MissiOn at flazelton, B.C. Twenty-five ladies assisted in the Project which was complet- ed on SaturclaY. Mrs. Albert Alexander and Mrs. Jarvis Hor- ton were in charge, Members of •the Kinsmen Club and Khlettes enjoyed, a sleigh ride partY around the countryside Friday evening. Two sleigh, loads were draWn by a tractor. Mterwards at the Legion Hall dancing was enjoyed and a smorgasbord served, Guests were present from Exeter, Kippen and Hen- sail. The World Day of Prayer will be held Friday, March .9 at 3 pm. Guest speaker will be Miss Norma Westgate of Exe- ter, county 'health nurse, who spent seven years in the Arctic and Northwest Territories. Mrs. Ross MacDonald will be guest speaker at the World Day of Prayer at Knox Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, on Friday, March 9. The annual student bursary Sunday will be observed in all Presbyterian churches Sunday morning, March 4, when stud- ents from Waterloo College will condUct the services in Huron- Maitland Presbytery. James Aiken will conduct the service at Cannel. In the evening the young people, students, minist- ers will attend a special service at St. Andrew's Church, Wing- ham at 7.30 pm. Rev. Gordon. Fish will give the address, after which a fireside hour will be hel in the lecture room. Willialn Walden, a life long resident of the Blyth area, who at present is visiting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn and family, observed his' 88th birth- day on February 24. His grand- son Keith Harburn (eight years on February 23) observed his birthday then too. Members of his family celebrated the•'event with him and he was the re- cipient of many congratulatory message sand gifts. Mr. Wal- den has a family of three dau- ghters and one sen, 19 grand_ children and 13 great-grand- children. Lunch included a birthday cake, Thinking Day The Local Association of Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brow- nies, and their leaders attended "Thinking Day" services in Cannel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning last and were addressed by .the Rev. Ross MacDonald on "What to do with your life". Michael Hoy and Cathy Scene read scripture passages. David Taylor led in prayer. The choir sang an an- them under leadership of Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. o - Quick Caitadian Quiz 1.. In 1901 there were 18,140 miles or railway track,in an Cada. How many mies are there today? 2. At the closest point how many miles separate P.E.I. from the mainland? 3. In 1951 Canadians spent $10;400 million in retail stor- es. What was the 1961 fig- ure? • ' 4. What was the real name of the Canadian author who signed himself as Ralph Con- nor? 5. In 1951 labour income in Canada was $9.5 billion. What is the estimate for 1961? ANSWERS: 5. $19.5 billion. 3. Estimated in excess of $16.5 billion. 1, Over 44,000 miles. 4, Rev, Charles W. Gordon. 2. Nine miles. Material prepared by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts about Canada. Bring Honour To Dalevista Farm The William Pale family, of RR 1, Clinton; have the honour of breeding and owning two outstanding Guernsey bulls. Last week at Toronto they received the "Reserve All Can- adian" certificate on their jun- ior herd sire, "Dalevista N. Peerless" who missed the top placing by one point. A con- Sistant winner at all the fall fahs this calf also won the first at Royal Winter Fair. In 1960 the "All Canadian" award went to "Dalevista Brig- adier's Sparkler" who that year also won at the Royal and at present is senior herd sire at the Dale farm, ' DR. CAMERON HENRY. New Warden of Medway Hall in. London, is Dr. Cam- eron Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry, Hensall He succeeds the Hon. Milton Gregg, VC, who has retired. Dr. Henry was born in Saskatchewan, and taught in Western Canada before coming east and taking his BA and MA degrees at Uni- versity of Western Ontario. -He earned -his doctorate of philosophy at the University of Toronto and has , been teaching at the UWO since the early 1950s, in the philos- ophy department. Dr. Henry is an authority on John Stew- art Mill, celebrated 19th cen- tury British philosopher. Hullett LOL Officers The District of Hullett Loyal Orange. Lodge held theid' an- nual meeting in the Goclerich Ledge Hall on Feb uary 7 with a good turnout of members. Worshipful County Master Oliver Jaques, Hensell conduct- ed the election and installation of officer.: District Master Harry Crich, Clinton, 710. Deputy District Master, Char- les Ruffel, 182; chaplain, Jim Morris, 182; financial secretary, Alex McMichael, 710; treasurer, Frank Falconer, 710; Marshall, Glen Patterson, 182; first lec- turer, Wayne. Smith, 793; sec- ond lecturer, Jack Henderson, 710. The Farm Show at London officially oPened Yesterday Aft,. ernoon by George A. Ateegigue, Chairman Ontario Farm PIP- duets Nfaricleting Board, drew an excePtionallY large oPeniN day crowd. The show is open each day' from 10:30 a.m. until 10:30 pm. except SattudaY when closing time is 4.30 pm. It is being held in the Manufacturers Building, Western Fair Grounds Queen's Park, Entries are exceptinally good and there is keen competi- tion for the $4,000 prize money. Today's Ug Lam inoludes county, school and inter-county seed judging cempetitions, to be followed this afternoon With a special Salk by Dr. H. L. Pat- terson, Department of Agniettl- tare, Toronto, on farm manage- ment and "The outlook for farmers in 1962". Prof. Geprge Jones, OAC will discuss chem- ical weed control in 1962. Demonstrations this after- noon, arranged by the ladies of the Middlesex Soil and Crop Improvement Association, in- clude floral arrangements by a London flower shop and cake decorating by Mrs, Donald Grate ham, Komoka. Painting demonstrations will be given Friday afternoon by Mrs, Frank, Kilbourne, Mount Brydges, and her art class. Saturday will see another floral demonstration and "Wardrobe Appreciation", by Mrs. C. Bow- ie; plus a button collection ex- hibit by Mrs. C. ,Bowie. The Retail Farm Implement Dealers As's'ociation will provide en interesting program in the theatre Friday ,aftenioan. One of the many interesting features of the show is the ATaimaland Zoo in the.south- west earner, second Floor; new the elevater. includeS 'baby Iambs, rabbits, Pigeons, guinea Pigs, bantam roosters and hens. Evening programs include OId Time Fiddlers' contests, square dance competitions for both Junior FarmersS and public school children- The show ends Saturday afternoon with Presentation of major awards and auction sale of grain, beans and potatoes. The fawn show is an excellent place to arrange for seed grain. requirements for this year. At- tend 'the Farm Show and bring the faintly. There is definitely "something doing" every after- noon and evening that every rural family will enjoy, SS 4 Farni Forum Discuss Education The SS No, 4 Farm Forum meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Merrill on Monday night with ten members present. This was re- view night for February, and the topic for discussion on the radio was "Education-a fur- ther study based on Forum opinions of January 8 and Feb- ruary 5 broadcasts." There was an interesting dis- cussion on this subject, as there are many vocational schools be- ing erected in Western Ontario. "500" was played after -the discussion, followed by- lunch. The next meeting will be 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert E. Thompson, 0 Scan orators don't seem to understand 'the difference be- tween eloquence and endurance. SS 4 community Club Plan March Bake Sale (Mrs. I. Merrill) The .SS-4 Qoderiph Township Community Golub held the 'Feb- ruarY meeting At tbe home of Mrs. Lorne TYndall, The Presi- dent, Mrs, 1.4013 con- ducted the meeting. The creSS. was repeated, followed by the Lard's Prayer in unison. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read by Mrs, James Lobb, and the treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, showing a balance of $64.97 on, hand. Fifteen mem- bers responded to the roll call. During the business discus- Sion it was decided to have a baking sale at the March meet- ing. The date of meeting is be- ing changed to the first Tues- day of the month, which had formerly been held the third Tuesday, The meeting was closed with the Mizpah bene- diction, Mrs. Fred Lobb and Mrs. Now Oakes assisted the host, The next meeting will be at ess In preparing and serving the home of Mrs. •Donald For- the lunch. bes on March 6. SAVE ON SEED buy from your local J-M dealer Choose Jones, MacNaughton Seeds for: QUALITY - finest seeds always, from an experienced seed house ECONOMY - resonable prices for expertly processed seed SERVICE - convenient "close-to-home" service , from this local firm. Ask your Dealer for • JONES MacNAUGHTON SEEDS, Or call us direct: Exeter Phone 664 Crediton Phone 234-6363 London Phone GE 2-2258 9,11-1345