HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-22, Page 3The Bible Today The Rev. Maynard Booth, secretary of the joint agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Natiloaal Bible Society of Scotland in Rhodesia and Nyasaland re- ports increased activity in his area since the opening of the new Bible House in Salisbury last year where Scriptures 'in 84 languages are distributed. An interesting Bible Quiz (of Syhich 23,000 copies have been distributed) has been undertak- en and Mr. Booth has received some interesting answers to 'the quiz. One reply to the question, who was Jesus' first disciple and whom did he bring? was "Peter -was the first disciple LONDES80110 tcOrreapOnUent Mrs, nort Ailun PhOlie BIM r Oyakinerle The -oroianole party under the auspices of the ..Sunday School will be held. this Friday evening, February 23. Anyone who has 4. board kindly bring it along. Tables also are re- quire& Women's. Institute imp Women's. Institute. will .rneet on March 1. at 'Z Topic is "Historical Research".. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Ne- ville Forbes, Roll call Will be answered by bringing and in- troducing a guest. There will be a Penny sale for Which the last Self of the members on the roll will provide the Art- Prograne committee is Mrs. A, Clark, -Mrs. W. Reid, Mrs, R. Burpe, Mrs. S. Shad, (tie*, Anyone who .aan eontrie bop any items for the Tweeds- mu r box It ally do so, card party The Hullett Federation of Agriculture held a card party in the hall on Thursday even-. ing, There was a good atten- dance and a social time was en3oyed. Ladies' high was won by Mrs. Cecil -Cartwright; low, Mrs. N. Forbes; lorie hands, Mrs. George • Carter; men's high, Robert Townsend; low, Betty McGregor (filling hi as a men); lone hands, Don Jewitt. Lucky ticket draw, Keith Cart- wright, Summer Separates The Londesboro 4-H sewing club met at the home of Mrs. M. Little on Saturday with ten members. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge followed by roll call "one point to con- sider when buying for summer separates". The name chosen for the club was "The Ten Twisters". From the pattern books which were provided, the girls were able to choose their patterns from a wide selection of styles. Lunch was served by the hostess. 'Two new elders were induct- ed at the United Church on Sunday morning, Lorne Hunk- ing and drant Snell. William Hunking and Robert Townsend, the two retiring elders, were made honorary members of session. of a euchre party The last two parties have proven so successful that the ladies are hoping this one will be even bigger and better, The community is urged to attend. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results e Th At PARK Theatre Goderich THUR., FRI., SAT — Feb. 22, 23, 24 Anthony Hall -- Joyce Taylor and John Dail The amazing story °ten advanced civilization that vanished, ., "ATLANTIS THE LOST CONTINENT" — In Technicolor — MON., TUES., WED. — Feb. 26, 27, 28 — By Req9ost — Carroll Baker-- James Shigete and James Yagi Filmed in Japan and telling the story of a TenneSsee bride. S UN" OF THE SUN" THUR., THUR., FRI., SAT. — Mar. 1, 2, 3 — Double 0111 Bill Travers -- William Sylvester and Vincent Winter Depict modern London under •attack by a prehistoric demon "GORGO" — 'Scope and Color also: The Bowery Boys in "HOLD THAT BABY" Lyric Theatre -Exeter TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY — 7.30 and 9.30 ASS* -- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY February 22, 23, 24 "THIEF OF BAGDAD 'I Starring STEVE REEVES -- GORGIA MOLL (Color and 'Scope) MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY February 26, 27, 28 "THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM fl Starring VINCENT PRICE BARBARA STEELE Adult Entertainment. plus "PATE BAIT" starring Gary Clark -- Marko Ryan Adult Entertainment Coming — "PIRATES OF TORTUGA" plus "HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR" Grant System of Public Schools Reviewed By Clinton Board FREE SERVICE A free hearing service. branch office of the Canadian. Hearing Society has opened in London. The society gives assistance to the deaf and hard of hearing at no cost. Counselling and illforination services, placement in employment and issue of hearingaids upon medical prog- nosis without cost to the needy, are among the services offered. Weekend Spetiais cLi TON Be Sure to DAILY Each Your IGA Play Day -- 12.30 Sales Slip CKNX TELEVISION DOUBLE to 1.00 p.m. is Your Entry on Form IGA MARGARINE . ... . ....... ,,.,....., 4 lbs. 89c BLUE SURF—King Size 99c HABITANT SOUP Pea or Vegetable--28,oz. —.- .,,, i for 84c Pea or Vegetable.--15-oz. 7 for 79c BALLET TOILET TISSUE 8 rails 88c MANY ITEMS WITH EXTRA STAMPS lgo Coupons NecessarY' Cooked SHANK BUTT CENTRE California Large Ready40-Eat PORTION PORTION PO101614 , Ca6ba 6 Stilok6d lb. 41c` lb. 49c 14, i0c ea, Ham 29c „.. het Cheetah. On Stage At .-COCI Next ittoday AlCeiningedireptor end. foun- der of tale Alberta Genie Fatsfil trill ,appear rat the anditeritiM, Minton Distriet Collegiate -Omit.= next Tuesday, He is in; tile, „course of ,touring Ontarie 1.V.411. his •WOridefailings. tiame .Pbeetale "Tawana.” Tile cheetah will be on; stage, Camera entlinsisete. are invited t4 13qing, SkanSeriee and use them,. This is the animal which ap- peared on the King Whyte SYncnv recently, and has also beeie on CKNX and •CFP1- abowe during the lest -few Sava, Al Deming „al* his game. farm Were featured in Reader's Dim gest .e.ttiele last September. . Making up the evening at the auditorium, will: be a thrilling filne zn colour, "In the Land of Black Bear" complete with sound. It depicts the rugged scenery and feseinating ardinei life .seen and filmed on 'a 55: horse pack trip from Dawson Creek, BC, finishing south of Banff, ASberta. Included are unique scenes well B.S. a bleak bear }tilling an elk; world- record bull moose and he 'brought fish." To -the question, why did Jesus wash the disciples' feet? One answer was, "Because they were dirty" and another, "So his diseiples could wash the soles of other people". It was learned Alen another reply- that some of the disciples were fishermen and the others were sinners.. The men, called palperteers, who distribute the Scriptures to the remotest pert of the territory report great interest and increased • diernentl. One old man after some of the Bible stories were explained to him said, "I must have these books". The coleorteur asked, "What use will these .books' be to you when you cannot read". The old man replied, "My son has learned to read at school and he will read them to me". So the Word of Goa is .made known -through God's little ones. Suggested Bible Readings Sunday Judges 5: 1-31 Monday Judges 6: 11-40 Tuesday Judges 7: 1-24 Wednesday Judges 11: 140 Thursday Judges 14; 1-20 Friday Judges 15: 1-20 Thurs.!, fo.h!..2;, 1902,,,,cooton .Nows,Aucuril,4099 Are You Your Home We specialize o wide variety windows, Built-in mates on small ..,.. 2-9390 RUSSELL Planning .. or in -or large in combination cupboards Phones Recreation plywoods4 jobs. on Jaw !-- aluminum a specialty. Remodeling Room? wallboards, tiling, doors acid Free esti- is Hui-77.7,4 ame t 4 '' . See theWolid-Famous Cif ee a -' t ft TA WANA wtfi, hii owner Al Deming director and founder of the ALBERTA GAME FARM . . Next Tuesday - 8.30 p.M. February 27 Clinton District Collegiate Institute Auditorium BRING YOUR CAMERA Take your own pictures of this tame cheetah Speild TWo Hours "In the Land of the Black Btar' Full Colour Film with Sound Rugged Scenery — Fascinating Animal Life Admission: $1.00 -.. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service eee.iS;i0 % DRUG STORES • ,,. , Special Values and Reminders This Week Money Saving SPECIALS 1 40o size. Oerma Fresh Lotion with $1.00 size ALBERTO VO5 HAIR DRESSING $1 Fine Steel Tweezers with 530 size BAND-AID Sheer Strips 53c BUFFERIN 60's — Reg. $1.23 98c Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO A,e1 93c Lady Esther Four Purpose FACE CREAM Reg. 85c 69c SPECIAL HANKSCRAFT VAPORIZER $7.88 REVLON LIVING CURL S1.75 size $1.50 REVLON AQUAMARINE LOTION With PUMP $1.50 79c size Breck Hair Set Mist with $1.75 size BRECK SHAMPOO $1.69 KOTEX REGULAR 12's — Regularly 51c 45c 2 Bromo Pillo Paks With 730 size LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 73c LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 60c Jar ......... a„., 59 c $1.29 Liquid • $1.69 . Reg. 45c Liquid 2 for 69c SICKROOM NEEDS ABSORBENT COTTON 39c, 59c, 89c BAYER ASPRIN 20c, 35c, 57c, 93c DETTOL ....,,,. .... ,,,.., „_,„ 49c, 75c, $1.25, $2.15 FEVER THERMOMETER 49c, $1.25 up LYSOL ....„, ......... , ..... , .. . ..... ,....,...„. 45c, 835,41:50 MUSTEROLE „ 69c, 19c Q-TIPS 39c, 59c, 98c viCK'S VAPORUB ...... , , , 64e BUFFERIN , ,..,,,,„ „,,., ..... ,,„ .... „ , 39c), 79c, 98c, $1.89 COLDENE , NEW FORMULA .„..._, ..... .„,„„„ $1.39 GOODAIRE ,„,„„., .... „„„.,,,-., ........... „„„, 89e:, $1.59 MECCA OINTMENT ,„., ..... ...,—, 69c, $1.25, $1.89 stoti will find your IDA druggist has a wide Variety of Syrindes, Bed Pans, lee; Bag arid Attabh- merits, Rubber tubing and Sheeting, Combination Attachment Sets and ether Sickroom Equipment. F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 CliOtliiii itt. Classified Ads Bring Results Ain extensive discosaion, of provincial grants, as they apply to primary schools took place at the February meeting of Clinton Public School Board. Chairman George Levis asked secretary - treasurer Harold C. Lawson to explain the system. Mr. Lawsen pointed, out that the paper work was done in the offibe of the public School inspeetorS and. .his knowledge ,Vi7es not at first hand. There are slight changes from year to year, and his information was for 1961. He pointed out that Clinton Public School fell within the 52 percent category, based upon the amount of assessment Which available to draw mundeipal taxes from. If as- sessment goes up, then the per.cent of grant goes down. If assessment goes down, the re- verse is true. Board members- contemplated the result of the reduction of assessment due to the removal of separate school supporters assessment Since the exact amount of this assessment was not known they could not be sine what effect this would hasVe this year. Mr. Lawson noted 'that one grant is paid on the basis of the annual debenture debt. In 1961 this was $16,294 for Clin- ton. Another is paid on the basis of gross salaries or the aver- age daily attendance multiplied by $115, Whichever is the low- est. In Clinton last' year this was 52 percent of $54,000. There is also a vent of $23.50 multiplied by the aver- age daily attendance. Last year the grant was $11,183. 'For text books the grant is 100 percent of 'the cost, up to a total of $3 per Pupil. In addition to all of these World Famous Cheetah Corning to CDCI Al Oeming and his tame Cheetah "Tawana" are touring this part of Ont- ario, They have appeared on CKNX-TV, and also over CFPL. They are making an evening of entertainment at. the CDCI auditorium next Tuesday night, when a two-hour film in full colour with sound will be shown. The film was made on a 55-horse pack trip from Dawson Creek to Banff, Alberta. Cam- era fans are invited to bring cameras and make their own views of the cheetah. there .was a special grant of -$5 times the average daily atten- dance. This will be inereased to $15 this year. This is paid directly 'to the town, spa that tax requirements may be re- duced. Rehired Both caretakers were rehired. Percy Livermore received an increase of $100. T. Zablecki receives $L10 an hour for Part time work, limited to 100 hours a month. There was, no change made in this. Arrangements for home tee- thing for one child was set up. Principal' J. A. Gray reported a total of 520 children, enrolled', with an average daily atten- dance of 90.95 percent. Sick Leave Benefits Mr. Gray explained the plan foe sick leave benefits', which . supports the depattment's al- lowance • of 20 days sick leave, per year: The board hai- set up a plan whereby, if the. 20 days are . not all used, then One half of the days not used', can be held' over until the next year. This store of days, can build up to a maximum of 100 days Mr. Lawson noted that this had helped with encourag- big attendance by the teachers, 'both at the public school, and at the collegiate where a sim- ilar plan is in effect. • .vaitli a U.-Men -antler spread; mountain sheep, goats, caribou end Sigi.PY Pines wild fife spec- ies. An original musical a.eere eenspeSed for tile picture and all the Wiese of the wild animals have, been specially recorded for this thrilling evening of high class educational enter- tainnient„ T3eginning vinrier is -0 MIDDLETON Corporal Sidney Caswell, Cold Lake, Alberta, spent the weekend with Mr. and lYfrs, Stewart Middleton, Cerebral Caswell is on a short course at RCAF Station Clinton. Baptism at St. James On Sunday, February 15, the rector of St, James Church, Middleton, conducted the ser- vice of the ministration of the Public baptism of infants, The christening was that of Jannice Marlene, infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller, RR 2, Bayfield. The god-parents were the child's parental grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller, RR 3, Clinton, and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Goderich, maternal grandparent. Special Service Sunday A special service will be held in St, James Church on Sunday, February 25, when the rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison will exchange pulpits for the day with the Rev. Wesley Smith of the United Church, Bayfield. J. Ross Middleton, former rector's warden will conduct this service of the order of evening prayer. This exchange of pulpits be- tween Mr: Harrison and Mr. Smith is part of the steps being taken on a large scale towards a closer understanding between various denominations, which may eventually lead to church union of the Anglican and United churches in Canada. Service at regular hour of 2.30 p.m. Social Planned The Women's • Auxiliary of St. James Church is planning a social evening in the SS 9 school for Friday evening, Feb- ruary 23. Mrs. Fred Middleton is con- vener of the committee in charge, assisted by Mrs. Steepe, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Cole, This social will take the form