HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-15, Page 11Special Waiter for Head Table Past president Jim Graham is shown serving head table guests, from the left, auxiliary president Mrs. William Watkins, Mrs. Doug Andrews, Mrs. Paul Cormier and Mrs. Don Hanley. One of the Handsome Waiters Art Mountford is pictured here showing complete finesse in the art of wait- ing on one of the beautifully arranged tables. PP 4-11 A 41, , 3A,3.0A The Very Necessary Kitchen Crew These behind-the-scenes workers were as proud of their effort as anyone. From the left, assistant chairman Percy Brown, Reg. Smith, Les Nice; Sam Shipp was too busy to face the camera.Behind are Bill Harris, Reg. Cudmore. McCUL LOC H CHAIN SAWS Popular Models on display. Also accessories. Only McCulloch, has a complete power line, priced for every purpose WHY WAIT FOR SPRING . . NOW is the time to have your Lawn Mowers and Gardening Equipment Overhauled and put in shape. 10111.1111•11. rIIMMINIO GOOD USED McCULLOCH* CHAIN SAW for Sale Model 1-70 (New Guarantee) Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE4JP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON "We Service Everything We Sell" AUTO1ITE EU= The Chef and His Proud Assistants All smiles over their first banquet are, from the left, waiters assistants Harold. Black and Cam Proctor, chef Archie" Fleet, banquet chairman Bob Hicks, tea pourer George Wilson and waiter Ed Porter. • PHILIPS —TAKES THE TIME TO BUILD THE BEST MERRILL —IS CONTINUING HIS SALE OF THE BEST TV Why Pay More? Shop During this February Clearance of 1962 Models MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 Victoria St. Phone HU 2-7021 FEBRUARY SPECIALS: Everybody loves a bargain! Here's Yours at Aberhart's Garage In Goderich 1961 DELUXE VOLKSWAGEN 3,000 miles) rim (less than 1961 VOLKSWAGEN COACH CUSTOM MODEL 1958 VOLKSWAGEN COACH Like new finish, new tires 1959 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — Hard to tell from new All with 1962 License Plates, of course! ALSO . . . 3 ONLY - 1962 VOLKSWAGEN DEMONSTRATORS SAVE SAVE — With a Volkswagen ABERHART'S GARAGE 441261 39 STS TELEPHON E, DR TRE ET ANEW'S GODERICH JA almoramememommuilif FREE - COUPON - FREE SHOPPING CART FULL OF GROCERIES To Some Lucky Shopper! Name Address Good Only February 13th to 17th, 1962 WITH THIS COUPON 5-LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR One to a customer Good only at this store until Feb. 17 WITH THIS COUPON SUNSPUN 1/2-gallon ICE CREAM One to a customer Good only at this store until Feb. 17 33c 19c TUNA FISH GS?illicImpeWatFirt1/4eL 3 FOR $1 ROAST of BEEF One to a customer Good only at this store until Feb. 17 We Cash Baby Bonus and Pension Cheques! Pre-Dressed for Frying or Roasting 2 to 3 pound average GRADE "A" CHICKENS •ai d. PER LB. IV • VI Finest Georgian Bay All-Purpose FANCY SPY APPLES 6-Quart Basket DON'S RED Hat MARKET Formerly Stanley's Red and White Market .FR EE Fr D ayid LIV ng E Evenis RY HU 2761 E CLINTON DISCOUNT PRICES! REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE PRICE . Vick's Bottle 63c COUGH SYRUP 49c . Vick's 64c VAPO-RUB jar 49c . Home Permanent $2. TON I $1.29 . Baby Powder 75c JOHNSON'S tin 49c . Plastic Bandages 53c CURAD Medium 39c . Twin Giant Special 99c Offer Dental Cream "$1.30 PEPSODENT Tube 75c . Gillette — Package of 10 50c BLUE BLADES 39c . Jergen's Bottle 69c HAND LOTION 49c 98c .LIefit'llNE Bottle 69c 29C, NO DEALERS PLEASE [ SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING 37c Value — 16-oz. Jar NO DEALERS PLEASE! 41c Value! THIS . COUPON IS WORTH 25c PU R THE CHASE ON OF ANY NO DEALERS PLEASE! 60c Valuel—Sizes +120 +127 +620 ANSCO FILMS CYHOOTE 3 FOR $1 • NO DEALERS PLEASE! $1.29 Value! --- Velvet Tip 5-STRING BROOMS ea 99c NO DEALERS PLEASE! 2 for 33c Value 20-oz. Tins CREAM CORN BRAND 8 FOR $1 NO DEALERS PLEASE! 29c Value! — Choice Quality 20-oz. Tins FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 FOR $1 NO DEALERS PLEASE! Van Camp — 2 for 33c Value! 15-oz. Tins PORK & BEANS 8S1 FOR NO DEALERS PLEASE! Choice Quality — 25c Value! 20-oz. Tins PINEAPPLE oCrRTIFCEED 5 FOR $1 Clinton Legionaires Proudly Serve Their "First Banquet" CAR BURNS A 1960 Renault car belong- ing 'to Robert Walter Lortie, Britannia Road, Goderich was completely destroyed by fire Feb. 5. The vehicle. valued at $1200 was parked' on the Col- bourne township road at ap- • Auxiliary Feted In Appredation Of Loyal Support Legionalte Archie Fleet was prObably the proudest man at Clinton Legion hall last Satur- day night. He had good reason to be, for he was' the "chef in charge" of the first banquet ever tendered the Ladies' Aux- iliary to the Legion by the Legionaires themselves. Starting at nine o'clock in the morning, Archie /prepared and cooked 50 pounds of Vir- ginia baked ham, made scal- loped potatoes, baked' 21 pies, made jellies and all other trim- mings 'for the banquet. Later in 'the 'afternoon he received help from 'the cormnittee. The banquet was a suggestion • of treasurer Robert Hicks 'and atter approval by the braneh,. he was made chairman and chose as 'his assistant, Percy Brown, Over 80 ladies intimated they would attend but only 61 show- ed for the dinner. The men prepared the meal, served it on beautifully laid tables and culminated their "first banquet" with a dish-and'- pan washing bee. A most successful affair, ac- cording to chairman Hicks. The 'banquet was in apprecia- tion of the auxiliary's many activities in aid of the Legion. The austli'ary had presented the branch with a cheque for over $800 at the end of last. year. The head table was piped in by piper Hec Kingswell. Head 'table waiters were Zone Commander Doug Andrews and past president Jim Graham; other waiters were -Bob Burke, Chambers, Stewart Dick, Bob Draper, Art Mount- ford and Dick Frenilin. Upstairs helpe•rs were George Wilson,. Ed Porter, Harold' Black, How- ard Tait and Cam Proctor. The kitchen crew included Reg Smith, Reg Cudmore, Bill Harris, Sam Shipp, Les Nice and Legion steward Jack Cree. Auxiliary president Mrs. Wil- liam Watkins expressed apprec- iation' to the Legion and asked if this could be an annual event. Page 11 Clinton News-Record Thurs., Feb. 15, 1962 SS -4 Farm Forum Gives Answers To Radio Topics SS 4, Goderich Township Farm Forum met at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lobb. The radio topic for discussion Was "Marketing 'by Teletype." First question — What do you think about the use of 'the teletype 'system for marketing hogs? Answer: We feel that the teletype system is quite satisfactory but the price sh- ould be pooled weekly; this would be more fair to all pro- ducers. Second question: — Do you feel that the price of your com- modity could be improved if all buyers had to bid competitively on •all supplies of the com- modity available for sale? An- swer: Yes, any commodity, pr- ises would improve by com- petitive gelling. They do not bid on all supplies now, and we think that our main commod- ities, pork, beef, eggs and milk could be sold by the tele- type marketing system. Third question — 'Do you think 'that national marketing system: should be organized us- ing teletype? Answer: We be- lieve that it could be worked to good adviaMage. A game of "500" was played which was followed by hutch. The meeting next week will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lobb. The topic will be "Transportation and the Farm- er." Speeding up of necessary changes in the sewer system was emphasized at a meeting of the Clinton Public Utilities Commission. proximately 7 a.m. Two hours later when Lortie and' his com- panion Sid Laws returned from rabbit hunting the car was found in flames. OPP constable H. D. Hobbs investigated. God- erich fire department respond- ed to the fire. Frank Taanblyn visited' re- cently with his daughter Marg- aret, in Leamington; also cal- ling on the Rev. and Mrs. T. J. White in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear left by bus' for Toronto on Sat- urday morning for a few days visit with their daughter and family. The Good Neighbor Club me,t at the home of Mrs. Townsend last Wednesday with 15 arrem- bets and one visitor. Mrs. Lear presided over the opening ex- ercises, then group two gave an interesting program of read- ings and a solo by Mrs. Scott. The remainder of the afternoon was spent with a social game of cards' followed by lunch. Sewing Club The first meeting of the Lon- desboro 4-H Sewing Club was held on Saturday, February 10 at the home of Mrs. Clifford' Adams. Members (under the lead'erShip of Mrs. M. Little and Mrs. Adams) will make "Sep- arates for Summer" consisting of a cotton skirt, top and shorts. Officers elected were: preSident, Nancy Caldwell; sec- retary, Marie Riley; press re- porter, Elaine Alexander. Lundh was served by the hostess. Farm Federation The Hullett Federation of Agricniture met with president NEWS OF LONDESBORO Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN Phone Myth 37 r 5 Lloyd Stewart in the chair. $5 is being donated to Huron Soil and Crop Improvement AssoC- iation for the seed fair in Exe- ter. Half is far the exhibitor with most points in small seeds, and half for 'the exhibitor with most points for seed grain from Hu'llett Township. There is a resolution being prepared to present at the county meeting regarding the equalizing of the school tax. Two humorous readings were given and: an article read "Rur- al Women can Help Promote Farm Groups". Music was en- joyed during lunch, from a re- cord player. Afternoon UCW The afternoon unit of the United Church Women met on Thursday with 26 in attend- Once. Mrs. Wood, president, 10 the !devotional service. On mo- tion by Mrs. Stan Lyon the March meeting will be -cornbin- ed with the World. Day 'of Pray- er on March 9. Mrs. Bert ShOb- brook conducted the Bible study taking 'the lesson from Mark 1: 21-34 verses. Mrs. Lyon read' an interest- ing letter from her daughter Vera, who is located for the past year on Queen. Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Arthur Clark gave a reading entitled "Jean- ie" taken from "Hasten the Day." Mrs. Stanley Lyon gave the chapter from the study hook. The meeting closed with the use of hymn 562.