HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-15, Page 8A494 $ l ttt4n Flews, R9;9rd—Th4rs., Feb., 1 `4":,t '190
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Martens,
Lan,4 al, visited the lien, Fig,..
uson •family on Saturday.
"0"Y!atrd SiQQWhmer, L.al�don
Tea.College .�, hoane th'iS
week w_le cVarmg •pmactir a Geia-
phin!g'att• $$ 14 Cs!bo4'me,
Mrs. George Reid, Varna, -w ,
has, been WE
bprgr, ,came .nn, Sunday tri visit
her sister, Mrs, H, K Ring.
Robert Cluff and Miss Joan
TlMix n, London, spent the
weekend with his mapher, Mrs.
J, :Csliufrf,
Sgt. E. W. Erickson, RCA F
S•tattion Ramore, spent the
Weekend with his wife and
yrs Robert Parker, Parrs and
Jack, London, came ithe end of
last week and are visiting 'Mr.
and Mrs, Wdlliam E, Parker.
Mr, and Mrs, John Elliott
and three .children, Kitchener,
visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. William R. Elliott on. Sun+
Mr. Ofd` Mrs, William :ldur-
ray, Warren, Mich,, came 'on
Tuesday to spend a few days
wuh Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
Mnsis Brenda Blair, Sit. Thoin
as spent Saturday and Sunday
with her parents. Mr. and Mm.
R. S, BUir.
Mr. andE ,
Mrs! • Rowse, Jim -
MY" -Cartivy and Vi4*1L Loa lion,
spent -the weekend with MM
Prowse:s paren% Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. H-hggMs motored to
Brantford an Saturday for Mrs.
Higgins who spent last week ,at
her home there. They returned
to rBaydel!d orn Sunday.
Mr. -and Mrs. A. G. Mol$tor,
Cathy„ Jane ,and Patty, Strath -
toy, were weekend vi&Rld s: at
the home of Mr. -and Mrs, Ken
Mrs. J. H. Parker returned
home on Sunday after• .having
visited: her daughter in London
for tern days. Mr, and: Mrs'.
Keith Pruss and -two chilldfren•,
Janice and, Charlie, ,and Karen
Larson motored to the village
wft, her. Karen spent .a tow
hours in ,the afternoon with her
graUdrpauents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
J, Larson!,
-AUs. 14. K. King enteartadned
memWens of her family at din-
ner can Sunday evening on hou-
our of the 48th wedding anni-
dersary of her ,brother-in-law
and Asher, Mr, and Ml's. E. A.
Featherston. Attending WerS
Mrs. George Reid, Mr, and Mrs.
William E. Parker, Mrs. Chris
Parker, Mr, and Mrs. L. B.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
United YPU
The Yourig People of the
Presbyterian; United and An-
glican churches met in the
Knox Presbyterian Church
basement, on Tuesday evening.
with a good attendance. Fol-
lowing the worship service con-
ducted by the United Church
leaders Douglas Din -in and
George Lindsay the meeting
took -the form of •a Valentine
party and box social, Ted Dunn
conducted several games. Keit
Mackie auctioned the boxes
which sold for a good price.
They were all tastefully ar-
ranged . with Valentine motif.
Guild Meets
At Trinity Church Giuld
meeting held at the home of
Mrs. R. J. Larson on Tuesday
k Mrs. H. F. Berry,
Mrs. X Varve .is vacationing
in Florida with herr niece, Mats,.
Gus, Voltb, Detroit.
Jack Broadfoot spent the
weekend: with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. John Broad'foort
Robert McGregor, Oran!ge-
viIle, spent ,the weekendwtriitih
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jo'h¢t
Mr. and Mans. James Pater -
am, London, were weekend
guests with his parents; Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Paterson.
0&. and Mrs. Harry. Dinnin
and daughter Caithy, Petorolia,
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Atm W' rami Dinoniht, and -m
with lbs, Gerix ude
Euchre Party
Brucefieid IOOF held a very
successful euchre -party on. FA -
day evening, February 9, with
a lgood attrtendiance. Winners
were: ladies, ,,luso lioditits, Mai.
Jahn Broadfoot; low, Margret
McQueen; melds most prodds',
dohrii Broadfoot; low Wilfred
Chuter. Lucky chair, :Charrles
Suell�izag; most lone hands, W:
D: Wilson- luckyticket on ham,
I atrvey Taylor. Mt' Taylor
don abt icT the ham tor the I04F,
and then sold tickets, realizing
aaotind. $6, and ,earl NlcClin-
chdy, Clinton,, held the lucky
ticket. Another •party will be
hold' riexit week.
Tires, &atterl
,and At,
Repblirs fo till makes-
of autbs
JIM Uflvi6fit, OMP111.
Trilnity Cly Sees First►aedut Troop BeYiYed
F 1 -mi of ,napalm y
nim t hen - 4 o s Club fro IM 5pon$orS" p
S>znons with 17 ?Inembers and
three guests attending.. #'real: RAXF'iELD. ,The b'ir^�t fiaS'� meeting wets called to• deter"
den N[rs, R. Simalas presided' field 4cput troop haS SRIt?ng r Q mine the measure of support tet
life again after a .period of be expected from the boys
and lite deV'ationral period was "htbernatron" which has lasted themselves and 14 bays be-
til Glue cha?'ge fkf Sep> etaly Maus. sr>ce t14e" fail of 1960. lacer 11 aa?d J8 years `o -f age
evening, was well attended, L, Pott, The revival has. been :made presented tlhemselves #ogetlter
There wore also t u 1VfenTnbers voted to li&Ve :a' Possible b the• kind otter Qf w'�th a few, who were lander
x. e. two guests, y a e hese latter departed
'Mrs, Robert Parker :and Mrs.- bake sale, tittle summer o:t i1'Lrs: FIigitt Serge -ant .7. l3ra,rrett -of " g � T. •
George Reid. Mls, 1'.erc Wes. G. ,G�s�rdlner'a' om J3ude 30 anrci' RCAF SStation Clintont to ast rather sadly still determined
t9 g silent con tetyd e No co t1in + in t e t on, s�une dutues of scoutmaster. to 9geY the Wolf Cub Promise
e n we ua7s..g al n 3r1, A Meetapg was hurriedly " • , to do a good turn to
n, , Pre
t,.. e
oimhee bice f the r-.durirng the preser't yearn, convened at :the home of W, Somebody every day'," while
n absence o h sec. e. R, Simons operated isle .pj1p, E, G. Bellchanber :at which perhaps wnndering of same
tary, Xrs, Lloyd,, Scotcbmer JWto, for movies of .Japan sh- .F/Sgt, Barrett .met the retlr- adult would do a good turn
was appo$nted to take the lain, ow, ntls g .
utas of the meeting. Mrs, Mer, g many modem, fact, rn scoutmaster Merton Merrier .just once ;a week and sopa as
bma,t r.
ton Merrier, treasurer ode's bwtlduugs well as and m ,lrzbers of the ;grow cum cu . e .
gave the t mittee: secretor . p e
financial statement, Mrs, Wes, the atnGdami �em+l?les and shrines Y, -usurer, 0n '�u sday, kebruary g, a
ton drew attention to i:he fact dating back anariy hundreds of
Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, the pas, new group committee met in
that articles for ,the touch and yeare: Mr .and Mrs, Sirnona for of the United Churel;, Rev, Trity ?�rlgl�o>xn parish hall
take and sale of work should were #llxanlced f W. , C, $mitt; and the press, and after a prayer offered by
be brought int the meetin or their hp .dent of the Lions club, F; Ar- Rev. W, C. Sarna .h the repre-
o g aaty by Mrs. J. Swan, kell. sentatives of .the Lions Club
well before the supper in A guff waspresented g� by ;�. Within a few. days F. P. Ar- and the two churches elected a
Mail gave assurance that the chairman, secretary and areas -
id Rev. E, J, $, Harrison 117, F• Cotrrie oris behalf of ti>e Bayfield Lions Club is stili wit- urer for the hnmediate future.
said the closing prayer, Those onle elf trhe TARMbersl, .li;ng to sponsor the group. The The Lions Club Is represent -
present. enjoyed their annual Alm. W. Erickso2a, whose mar': Rev. W. C. Smith offered the ed by Alf Scotchrn and Ad-
social evening in playing court m'iage Was a recent event. The facilities of the United Church "am Flowers; the United Church
whist. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner ,tea trade wap centred with aai baselnt nt for weekly meetings, by Percy Renner and John
held High, and Mrs, Betty Lou artistically dlecorated cake to The Rev. E. T. B. Harrison far Lindsay and the Anglican Ch-
McLeod the low. The hostess represent a large val nu nee, fered the use of the parish ;hall arch by Fred Arkell and George
served iuitch�; 1 The hosts was, assisted, by an the hope that the Cub Pack BellchAmber, Merton Merner
Mrs. Ross, WddletQn and Mrs. maglit also be revived, but this also is a member..
Attend Capping in L. Path, possibility has not yet -been The district committee of the
fully investigated anda cub- B.oy Scouts. Association has al -
St. Thomas Hospital The maw meeting is No be master has not been found at ready been approached and has
BAYFI El>✓D — Mrs. R. S. held March 5 at the horse of the present. a+ppmved the appointment of
MTs• Brown gins, On Monday, Februar 5 a Scoutmaster Barrett,
Blair returned B e erred h me o Th ,
o n u - y
t h -
Regr„ ra ton of the scoutmas
day last after having. been �n
St, Thomas foir the capping
ceremony of the class of ' 1964
of St, Thomas Elgin General
Hospital school of nursing.
Her daughter of
is a
member. Miss Ethel Blair,
London, also attended,
The ceremony was :held at
a service ,in Knox Presbyterian
Church on the evening of Feb-
ruary 7, The Gideon Society
presented the 49 members of
the class with Testaments,
Rev. Harry S. Rodney ad-
dressed the students. Miss H.
Bernice Lewis, director of
nursing accepted the class in-
to the school of nursing, after
which the -capping took place.
Miss Dorothy E. Markle, as,
sociate director of nursing,
heard the pledge.
Members of .the class and
their guests enjoyed a social
hour in the church parlors. The
senior student nurses served
(Lwy R.
Youth and age were re
in a hockey game in •title are
What is age? The ace
person acquires wisdom in th
alone? Does not one see m
score years or more, who ha
youth? And other .people w
bemoaning their inability to
To=day .in the world, the s
people possess good comma
they must learn by bitter ex
Young men have acqu'
in many orations. "The old
say. The cry is for young m
Perhaps, that is what is
There may be too many, in th
the prudence of age, trying t
and plans on the peoples of
(Correspondent, MRS. N. 4Q
Mrs. W. L, Me"lids spent an
afternoon in Lmdbn, Iain week.
Mr. and Mrs. Normartr IDick
ert visited Slur with Mr'.
and'. Mr*. Ed Wahl, Listowel'.
Mr. aitd Mts, James Ann -
strong Staffa, visited Monday
with rMr, and Masi. Norman
W. and.! Mrs. A. Timmer -
mann nn left Saturday by plane
for a two week's vacation in
Europe -
Mr, and' MT& John Deutz and
Gaxrry motored: Tuesday morn-
ing to Fl -eft where they will
vacation for -a few weeks.
Ladies of St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church (held. a quilting bee
-and Pat -'luck dlinner on, Tuesday
and oornpaeted two quiltts,,
With Lucy
ported to have met recently
cora, To which group do your
emulation of years by which a
e progress of life! Is it ,that
en and women, nearing four,,
ve retained the spirit of !their
ho have lived half that time
cope with life!
tress is on youth. Many young
ri rl.SeI but for others it seems,
,red positions of responsibility
men are fuddy-duddies," they
en to lead.
wrong with the world to -day.
e pride of their youth, lacking
A( force their particular views
the world. What is it Job says
on the subject: "With the ancient is wisdom and in length
of days understanding."
When Lucy was a child, she was taught to respect old
age, to look up to ,her elders. She knew ,better than to refer
to someone as "Old So -and -So" and never in her parents'
hearing did she dare to refer to any adult, using his or
her Christian name.
Of course in ,those day a man's or woman's age—
particularly the latter—was is deep dark secret. Marcy a
mother or maiden lady carried the secret of her age to her
Children learn. 'by questions. "How old are you, Daddy?"
To w'hddh Lucy's parent repldeid: "I'm as old, as my tongue
and a little older than my teeth." In due course she did
discover the year of his birth, but not his age!
Someone has said: "Vile are as old as we feel,"
Sometimes when Lucy tries to move about, she feels
herself a centenarian, but at other times, it seems but
yesterday that she was a schoolgirl.
In those days older boys and men often spent the
winter cutting and chopping wood for farmers or owners
cif bush loos: '!here was no such �t'h+ixngs as cbAdn saws. The
end,of a eivss-cwt saw or swinging an axe in the wintry air
developed a fine physique and a good !appetite. Likewise
it provided some extra dollars or the next winter's supply
Of fuel.
Two bads were busy cutting and chopping wood by
the cord for a, farmer in those days. He was a big strapping
fellow who'd fill a doorway both in height and width.
One day he was halter. breaking a colt, The frisky
young animal decided it wanted freedom. After putting
up a, battle, the farmer brought the colt to time, Un-
fortunatelly for skein, the overihek�xd one of •the left vt
"The colt pretty nearly got away from the old fellow."
Surprised and.. somewhat nettled at hearing himself
described as "old" for the first time, he stabled the colt.
Walking back to the woodcutters, he instructed them to
split the wood more finely!
or Wood and
Loaf Furn,ces
We are exports
J�•�#ivf irfi�:��iiri�:.,•.;' fail ��� tbnd olI
t'vf,. , �r3��` iseitviba otit
,..r • `' `� •'.: • • � rt'taihfeilfti!irf�o.
Cblttsutt Ug F'of �Y`ouv Na>`kt�
�'lulntl�lhg; M�eisting ar Electrical J+ol�,
ELECTI'tICAl�I '�'�11.i�+IG
64' �'id��f�i tai` tree# -+-* Ol It 611
Ft sAwOok Pholto hill 2-7692
NGi Phone Hensall 278-W-1)
Mr, and Mrs., Elzar Moussoa
attended the, funeral oil Wed
neaday .of his aunt, the lade
Meta, Humphrey Webb, Grand
David Cooper-, who is. attend,
ing University of Western On,
ta'rab, spenxt tate weekend, with
his parents, Mr. and Aim. Johan
Mr. and Mrs. Cbrence Pries -
tap, of near Mitchell, visited
Sunday afternoon with the lat-
�te'r's- father, Robert Thomson,.
During servnice, Sunday morn-
ing' at St. Andrew's United Ch-
urch, the Rev. Harold Johnston
bac d:s!ecd' Michael Henry Binnen-
dyk, infant sort of Mr. and Misr.
Hank Biinnendyk. Those -at-
-tending ithe service from a dish-
an�ce were Mr. ,and Mrs, Jenny
Vennema, Burlington, a broth-
er-in-law and sister, and a9tso
Mr. and Mrs. A. Van; Poucke,
wailltorn, Parents of Mrs. Bdn�
Thrifty 'Hippenettes
The 0irst meeting of the new
project 'iSeparartes for Sum-
mer" was held! at -the, hone of
Mos. William Bell, the leader
and Mas. Verne A1'derdiice as
assistant deader.
Efllerataea'n of offi are:
,president, Jessie Chapple; vice-
precAd!ent, Ruth McNichol.
Barbara . iMicNichol acted •as
socrobary for tho first meeting;
press reporter, Kathy McGreg:
or. Sixteen girls (WM •.fiber
d3 ent) joined togeither to re
peat -the 4-H pledge four the
benediit of the junior girls.
The next meeting is rto be
hold at •the home of Ms. Wil-
liam Belli. at two o'clock on: Feb-
ruary 17. The girls decided to
keep the nann+e "Thrifty Kdvp>-
Kippen United
Appoints Officials
KIPPEN — The annual canw
g+regatiorna!i meeting of St:. And-
rew's United Church, Kdppen�,
with Rev. H, Johnston, ail diedr-
mafn, was held Monday evening,
February 5 and was pmeced'ed!
by -a potluck, supper.
Mrs. Emerson Kyle was ap-
pointed s'eme'tta.•ry for -the meet-
ing. Financial reports !from a!ll
,organizations of the church in;
dicalted -a successful and pro-
gressive year.
Elected to the !bgard of stew-
ard's were Lloyd Lovell, Hank
B unendpnk, Hugh: He!nd!rirck,
Elmer Turner. Elected to tthe
board of tirusitees, John Sdndanr
and Emerson We.
Ross Lorre was appointed 7rep-
resentative •ter presbytery. A
m!ottion was approved for the
election of elders to be held at
a Uter date, with, further an-
rouncements vin this regard to
be •made from the pulpit.
ter andmembers of the Group.
is in hand and although sever-
al abher boys in the area are
t to o'
expected ut the troop e
7 0
regisittation will be completed
within a few days to enable
u I a full program to be puri into
effect forthwith.
Wheat Producers
To Meet Feb. ZO
The -annual meeting of the
Huron county wheat Pr'odluc-
ems wiilll ibe held in Hensatl town
hall on Tuesday, February 20
at 8 pont. A film "'Me
Long Haul", •the.s+toay of, wheat
pools in Western Canada will
be shown.
Four risen wall discuss wlhenit
miarketing. in Ontario. Taking
part will .be Kenne0i Standing,
secretary -manager of the On,
tario Wheat Pmodurers, Ass'octa-
bion; Howard Pitts, ,manager of
the grain division of UCO .and:
s'eill!ing agent for Ontario Wheat
Producers Association; John
Anderson, fail Springs, the
pre-sident of Ontario Wheat
Producers sand, Russell: Balton,
Dublin, director for Zone 7 of
the Ontario Wheat Producers.
r .. Fred McClymout
Phone 1W 242143
',Nims, George Reid returned.
Home after spending, several!
weeks visiting at Wa'llaceburg.
Orange Lodge
L.O.L. 1035 held their regular
meeting last Thursday evening
when plans were mad'eto hold
a social evening in the near
future also to send represenit-
altoves to the annual County
Orange lodige'to be held' in Sea-
fOrh on February 20.
M -C Group
'line I3i,C group met at the
parsonage ani Monday eventing
of •tl*- week with the presddertnt
h ss Joan M,caymont in charge
Mms. Pitt gave 'a talk on 'ithe
value of education when chaos-
ing ,a career." A quar'tat Shirley
Jrahnsiton, Bonnie Stirling, Carol
Taylor, Catrol. HS1I sang "Brigh-
ten the Corner,>,
The group accepted the dn,
vitation to go to Brucefield on.
Thursday evening. Joan Elliott
and Dianne Peck had charge
of recreation. The next meet-
eeting will, beheld in. Goshen Unit-
ed Church. A delicious lunch
was served! by Mrs. Pitt at the
cline of the meeting,.
Euchre Party
Don't forget the euchre party
in Vanua Hall this Wednies&W,
February 21 sponsored, by the
Varna Public Library at 8,30
p.m. o
Before you crdtdcize the old
folks,remember that even
though a chock is run, down, it's
right twice a day,
Span Se ding
Fertilizer Discounts Still in Effect
Save 40*6 $'1.50 a ibis discourit for February
Prices also 596 Cash by Mirth 'iS
All Imes of Cohcentrates avafiQbih fo mix
With your ower gedins,
We Aito Ptoyido a BULK PBEO SER IC
at is savilag to you.
PETROLEUMPR4LIUC7`S- Sasr.Oilisy Sfo'vo off,
"k -
Furnace Oil, -get# Aatifreexo, eft.
leafo rth hrMer$ C 0111110
Serf 66 eff, Manager
Phrinie` 9 (drillbit? SEAtORTH
Chancel 16uild
Mrs, Jack Guff
BAYF1ELD — ,_ rs, R., IJ, F,
the reg-
The rector, the Rev, E, J, $,
Harrison opened the meeting
yv�ith prayers followed by reed-
'n from. Act
a . m. s X9 d r .
g es
ed for the election 4 office d
n _ rs,
appointiang Mrs. J, JowetrC to
act as scrutineer.
onart secretary, Mss. R, J, Lar-
son, Mrs; Gairdner was elect-
ed press reporter.
The rector thanked the
scrutineer for her help and then
turned the meeting over to tale
president, Mrs. Cluff thanked
therector and all members
who hied heel,1 Guil
with the work
Of Chance
t d.
Roll call showed eight mem-.
bers present. Mrs. Higgins'
minutes of the December meet-
ing were read by Mrs. Gaird,
r and d M rs. John Stewart's
report of the treasurer, was
presented by Mrs. Percy Wes-
It was brought to the atten,
tion of :the members by the rec-
tor, that the recentlypurohas-
ed fair linen cloth had been
used for -the first time at the
Christmas Eve midnight ser-
vice when it was dedicated,
along with the hymn books for
the choir, given by Mrs. Carl
Diehl and her sister, Mrs, R.
H. Middleton as a memorial to
the late Muss Lola Elliott,
Notes of thanks were sent
from ithe meeting, to Mrs.
George Hopson, for making the
beautiful Christmas garland for
the rood . screen at Christmas
time; to Mrs. Alma Bassett
and Ella MacKay for the
beautiful Christmas wreaths,
made as .a memorial to their
mother; and to James Cameron
for his gift of a Christmas tree
for the chancel.
Members to be in charge of
February work are Mrs. R. J.
Larson and Mrs. J. Ciuff, For
March, members in charge will
be Mrs. E. A. Featherston and
Mrs. Gairdner.
I Pullets
Chicks_ l
1 �
The superb facilities of Roe Farms are now
at work producing the famous Marco Orchards
black Sex -Links . , . the unusual layer that has
made headlines for egg produttign and all-round
farm performance for over 20 years,
Order as day-old, or as started pullats from
2 weeks of age right up to ready -to -lay .. ,
every one hatched and reared under ROE FARMS'
quality program.
Stock is first generation, direct from the
breeder, and backed by Roe Farms' years of ex.
Pedants In producing the finest started pullets
and day-old pulletf and chicks that can be
taught anywhere.
Other famous strains also available as day-old
and started pullets.
Write or phone for details and down-to-earth
Atwood, Ont, Pohne 356-2211
We .heave available. Ra,dney, -Gorry and ,Russell
Oats; Herta, Parkland, and 4ontcalM Barley at
competitive prices.
Michelite,. $pnilac and Seaway Bean, :Seer)
R c
! lA d w r
C ..
Unlimited Malting Sarley _ ontract.
Last year Malting - Barley prices averaged
between $1,30 and $1,37 per bushel.
Feed Oat Contracts
Qel very .accepted from the field,
.Bean Contracts
A choice of Michelite, :Sranilac and Seaway
Seed to choose from.
We are selling fertilizer at a new low price.
Contact las before buying,
Phone 103. Hensal g Ont..
' 7tfb
Give these smart, new
Decorator Casseroles for Any Use!
Good cooks and graidous hostosms will be
dolighted with those, beautiful and pradiool
Decorator Catisorolod
They're famous PYREX warn in a now ovel
soap", did' We cover 'bmn-As an oxtra' N -1i s
and sstrvinq dish or tit.
Choose from four smart design: and eWw
iiontbinations. Whife, turquoise or blaek vAA
snowflake, pattern; or pink with daisy poNW4
4$ oz. size, $4.50-80 oz. size, $5,95.
ut rmP ,due Ltd.
S to e
Quality Hardware and Housewares
Electrical Appliances and Supplies
you are et gible for Ford's Free tractor
, fuer offer
Ford Tractor and equipment Sales Campaby of Canada Limited will, pay for
half your fuel bills stip tar August 31st (or 400 hours, whichever comes first)
If you buy anew lord diesel, Dexta diesel or Super Major diesel in the period
Februaryt to arc of h ear. Find out bout the bu tarid`�
1s March list this y a t9 ing
beonottly drug perfo'irtridi" bf !thi§ &ddt Mid of tMetor. There's no hidden price
hlarkLups no friths ,.- - just top products and h deal you'll be
pleased "with,
M G 10
dh enc r ,
Fbrd `Praetor And t4di'0t 60, Headquarket
alt ileg4esit• _,. S
_ _ _ •
1S ,960th Street � 0,00 MUCH --w JA 4,4164