HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-08, Page 10'a8e ` Q—CIintgn News,Record-- Thursday, Feb. 8, 1962
Their first
Legion Juveniles
Upsetrt r.
t F
Clinton Legion juvenile hoc-
key team defeated Stratford
Zimmer Ali. -stars 6-5 here Sat-
at-ur d''ay night in' an exhibition
The game was by far the
best hockey game played in
Clinton Lions Arena since in,.
tern ediate hockey was disband-
ed in Clinton.
The return game was played
in Stratford lash night.
Stratford has an undefeated
record in Juvenile "A" compe-
tition .this season. Clinton is a
"B" team and have had only
one loss in league play.
The exhibition was fast and
hard-hitting from start to
Clinton's top scorer was Don
Yea who scored two goals and
one assist in the first period.
But the top man on the ice
was Budd) Boyes who scored the
only goal of the second period
on a beautiful solo rush. Boyes
worked hard all night, playing
his best game of the season.
He was also used on defence
when Clinton was shorthanded
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Phone HU 2-3841 Clnton
in the third !period, and re-
peatedly dly cleared) the puck out
of Clinton's end zone.
Bill Murney and :Dan Lock-
wood were also standout' on
First Period
1— li ton D , Yeo(Allen)
2—Stratford, James
3—Stratford, Hart
4—Clinton, D. Yeo
(B, Yeo, Freeman)
5—Stratford, Hunter
(L, Bossence)
6—Clinton, Allen
(D. Yeo, B. Yeo)
Penalties: L. Bossence, elbow-
ing; Petrie, tripping; James,
high stick,
Second Period
7 --Clinton, Boyes.
Penalties: L. Bossence, elbow-
ing and Jeffrey, slapping stick
(both 10.30) ; Cox, holding;
Gee, kneeing.
Third Period
8—Stratford, T. Bossence
9 --,Clinton, B. Cooper
10—Clinton, Livermore
(B. Cooper, Boyes)
1,1—Stratford, Gee.
Penalties: Lockwood, trip;
L. Bossence and Lockwood,
fighting (5 min.) ; Pogson, trip.
Stratford; goal, Gar Landers;
defence, Jim James, Garry
Schellenberger; forwards, Doug
Fitzgeorge, Tom Hart, Jim
Poyson; alternates, Scoop Mor-
ris, Tim Bossence, Jim Jeffrey,
Larry Bossence, Roger Hunt-
er, Larry Gee, Mike Musselman,
Larry. Petrie.
Clinton: goal, John Radford;
defence, Bill Murney, Don
Lockwood; forwards, B o b
Livermore, Bruce Cooper, Budd
Boyes; alternates, Keith Allen,
Bud Yeo, Don Yea, John Coop-
er, Don Colquhoun, Gary Poxon,
Craig Cox, Don Freeman, G.
Saturday Morning
Squirt Hockey
The schedule for Kinsmen
squirt and weewee age hockey
for the next three weeks has
been announced by B. Heyes:
Saturday, Feb. 10-
9 la.m-.—Squirts teams 1 & 3
10 a.m.--Squirt teams 2 & 4
11 a.m: Weewee practice.
Saturday, Feb. 17-
9 -a.m.---Squirt teams 1 & 4
10 a.m.—Squirt teams 2 & 3
11 a.m: Weewee practice.
Saturday, Feb. 24-
9 a.m.—Squirt teams 1 & 2
10 a.m.—Squirt teams 3 & 4
11. a.m.—Weewee practice.
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Mc Ewan
Clinton Ontario
Bantams Must Win
Tonight s Game Here
Jack -Carter,•'s Fish and Cfalne
Club hockey 'team must win
tonight ag in'st Exeter to stay
inOle ' for WCA.A
tam "B" honors,
Exeter won the first game
of ,the best two of three series
in Exeter Sat rdav by a 61
score. Brad Dutot scored Clin-
ton's lone goal. Big gun for
Exeter was Boyle with three
Game time tonight (Thurs-
day) is seven o'clock, the first
of a double-header at Clinton
Lions Arena.
Juveniles e
Playoffs Feb. 14
Clinton Legion Juveniles be-
gin WOAA "B" playoffs against
Wingham next Wednesday
night, February 14, at the Lions
Arena here. The second game
in the best three out of five
series is in Wingham on. Friday,
February 16, then back in Clin-
linton on February 19.
Clinton home games are cal-
led for eight o'clock and Wing -
ham home games at 8.30.
Before this series begins,
Wingham has insisted on play-
ing a postponed regular sched-
ule game. This has been; ar-
ranged for Monday, February
12 in Wingham..
Exeter has dropped out of
the playoffs, leaving Clinton
and Wingbern as the only "B„
teams. Seafortb carries on in
"C" and Goderich is an "A
minor" team, It is reported
that Mount Forest is the only
other ".B" team in WOAA "B"
RCAF Team Lose 6-4
To Philipsburg Team
RCAF STATION --- Philips-
burg - New Hamburg Chevs
downed RCAF Thunderbolts 6-4
on Sunday at the RCAF Sta-
tion arena in an overtime Inter-
mediate "13" 01 -IA game.
Tom Schnarr and Bob Ehrat
scored in overtime for Chevs.
Clinton's Wray Breadner scored
at 18.35 of the third period to
tie the count at 4-4.
Ehrat counted twice, Poelker,
Steffller, Sararas and' Sohnarr
once for Chevs. In addition to
Breadner, Mel Melanson, Andy
Beauchamp and Lens Arsenault
scored for the Thunderbolts.
About 700 fans watched the
Roger Cummings To
Join Juvenile Team
A young man who has help-
ed many Clinton minor hockey
teams, Roger Cummings is ex-
pected to re -join Clinton Legion
Cummings has been working
in the Kitchener area since
graduating from CDCI last fall.
He is now unemployed and back
in Clinton. Juvenile manager
Doug Andrews has until Feb-
ruary 15 to sign Cummings who
is still of juvenile age.
He will -likely be used on a
forward line and replace one
of the midget players now play-
ing on both teams.
Senior Girls Win
2 From Goderich
CDCI--Behind by six points
-at the end of the first quarter
in Thursday's game against
Goderich, the CDCI senior -girls
basketball team established
their •superiority by the end of
the second quarter and remain-
ed in the lead for the rest of
the game. The Goderich girls
fought hard -to win but came
out on the bottom of .a 30-25
When CDCI girls travelled to
Goderich on January 29, the
scoring was again- one-sided and
Goderich was unable to gain
the lead for even- a few seconds.
Clinton seniors, won by 39-16.
At Winham on January 26
the results were a little dif-
ferent. Both teams fought con-
sistently but neither team was
able to outdo the other and the
final score was 8-8. Clinton's
eight points were scored .by
Judly Crich,
Scoring resume is as follows
for the three games: Mary Jean
Colquhoun 21, Judy Crich 35,
Cleo Langdbn 12, Mary Mac-
aulay 11, Barbara Yeo 2.
In the three corresponding
games, Miss Boyd's juniors have
not been so Successful. The
girls can't seem to gain the lead
an their opponentsno matter
how hard they try or how often
they shoot. In only one game
With Whrgham did the juniors
win, by 28.9. In Goderich they
lost 29-12 While on Thursday
they were defeated by 28-8.
The shoring resume for the
three junior games; is: Wendy
McGee II, Jill Hawkins 18, Mil-
lie Turner 12, Susan Smith 4,
Marjorie Woods 3.
The Undefeated Lucan-Ilder-
ton Combines come to -the
RCAF arena On Sunday at 2.30
to play the station.'hunter
bblts. Admiss6en is free to ,these
intermediate hocikey ghrhes on
Sunday at ,the station arena,
The arena can hold much more
than the 700 Who trttended last
week's fnatch with Ph liPshurg,
Minor Hockey Day Shows Surplus;
Going To Derbon..-Next Weekend
Treasurer Ken IVIeRae report-
ed to the Clinton Minor Hockey
Day Committee, meeting ,last
Sunday afternoon, that there is
over intreasury.
This year's minor hockey day
showed a small profit, but the
bank balance is mostly made
up of carry over from previous
years and the $75 grant from
the town conucil,
Much of this surplus will be
used next weekend (February
16 to 18) when 30 bantam and
midget age players and some
officials pay a return visit to
Dearborn, Mioh. Andy Petrere,
who has brought Dearborn hoc-
key teams to Clinton minor hoc-
key day for the past three years,
has. arranged accommodation. for
30 players and eight adults.
no r League
e ue
Hockey Scores
Low scores featured last
night's games in the athletic
association minor hockey games.
Maple Leafs and Canadiens
tied 2-2. Dave Pugh and Brian
Nelson scoring for Leafs and
Bob Lee and Ron Plumsteel for
Red Wings downed Black
Hawks 2-0 on goals by Cam
MacDonald and Morris Hoggart,
15 when Black Hawks play
Next games are on February
Maple Leafs at 8 p.m. and Red
Wings take on Canadians at 9
RCAF Thunderbolts
Down Centralia 6-4
Clinton RCAF Thunderbolts
downed Centralia Golden Hawks
6-4 last Thursday in the Exe-
ter arena.
Wray Breadner lead Clinton
with two goals and an assist:
Andy Beauchamp also scored
twice and Mel Parsons and Bud
Kelly picked up single goals.
Centralia's top scorer was
Ray Audit with two goals and
two assists. Each team were
assessed seven penalties.
The Thunderbolts travel back
to Exeter on Friday night, this
time -to take on the Exeter
Clintonmidgettam will 1
against Dearborn on Sunday af-
ternoon, February 18 at 1 pan.
in the Windsor arena, prior to
a Windsor Bulldog se
nr r h
Chairman of the committee,
Don Kay expressed thanksto
his committee chairmen and all
who helped in promoting minor
hockey day. The group vgted
$25 to the Clinton Community
Concert Band for their partici-
patiorr. A "thank you" adv.
appears on .this page,
A n icommitteecom-
g con
posed of Mr. McRae, Jack Scru-
ton and Mait Edgar, brought in
a recommendation instead of a
new slate of officers.
The recommendation was, in
part: "That the present exec-
utive stay in office until Sep-
tember 1962. If at that time,
the athletic .association • now be-
ing formed in Clinton proves
a, capable organization, that
minor hockey day be included
in the association's program."
The vote on the recommenda-
tion was not unanimous. A
meeting will be held before Sep-
tember to decide on the future
of this annual event.
A meeting has also been cal-
led for Wednesday, February
14 at 8 , o'clock in the Legion
Hall to finalize plans for the
Dearborn trip.
Both Boys Teams
Trim Goderich
CDCI—The Redmen kept up
their record of wins by •trim-
ming Goderich in both the sen-
ior and junior basketball games.
Senior Redmen trounced Gode-
rich 44-29.
Individual scoring was as fol-
lows: Tony Verhoef 13, Ken
Engelstad 11, John Carew 7,
Don Colquhoun .6, Don Mills 5,
Don Scruton 2.
The junior Redmen had an
even better record than -the
s;niors when they won 41-11.
Individual scores were: Ma-
gee 11, Cooper 11, Colquhoun 6,
Lesnick 5, McRae 3, Brodeur 2,
Lavis 2, Ashton 1.
Bayfield Lions Club Holds Its Own
Minor Hockey Day and Other Games
BAYFIELD — History was
made at Bayfield arena on Fri-
day. night, February 1 when
there was so much fun for all
that the Lions Club plans to
make .the hockey evening a
weekly event as long as the
weather permits.
The affair was not widely
advertised but it "bloomed"
magnificently under the direc-
tion of the Lions boys and girls
committee, Wilbert Fralick
(chairman), Adam Flowers and
Percy -Renner—and it surprised
Young and Old
First youth and age met in- a
very exciting hockey game. In
goal for -the Squirts was (Pet-
unia) Adam Flowers (also their
coach). Playing, were Terry and
Randy McClinchey, Randy Sim-
ons, Robbie MacVean, Ralph
Eckert and Calvin Scotchmer.
The Squirts, aged 6-10 years,
wore new hockey sweaters• with
which -they had been presented.
For . the fathers, the goalie
was (Bouncing) Bev. MCClin-
they, Other players were Bert
Eckert, Alf. Scotchmer, Jack
Sturgeon, Ken Brandon, Arnold
Top scorers for the Squirts
were Randy 1, Terry 2, Calvin
1, The sans beat the fathers 4-2.
Some of the fathers had not
been on skates for 25 years.
James A. Cameron was ref-
eree; R. A. Simons and Mal-
colm Clark, Varna, were 'lines-
Brucefield-Vain Win
Senior boys. played', their first
game of the season with the
Brucefieid-Varna team, the lat-
ter winning by a score of 4-2.
Scoring for the visitors were
Hans Leppington 2, Peter Pos'-
til 1, and Ricky LeBeau 1,
Bayfield•'s scoring was done
by, Allan Rohner and Philip
Bayfield boys practice each
Wednesday and Friday nights
under the coaching guidance of
Percy Renner. Brucefield-Varna
and Bayfield teams will play
again on February 9.
Then Came Broomball.
Following the boys hockey
match a 'bro'omball game took
place. The Firemen vs. the
The firemen wore their he] -
mets and Jackie Sturgeon was
Elie goalie. Playing for the fire-
men were Arnold' Makins, Fred
Weston, Jack Sturgeon, Cliff
Utter, Les Elliott, Don Warner,
Raymond Scatchmer, Robert
Turner and Kenneth Brandon.
The Lions wore plaid caps
and small umbrellas on their
heads. Fred Arkell in a straw
'sun hat and coonskin coat was
Other players were Mac Mc-
Fadden, Adam Flowers, "Rick"
Simons, Elgin Porter, W. Fra -
lick, Alf. Scotchmer, George
Telford and Lloyd Scotchmer.
Referees were Jimmy Boyce
and Bob Orr. The firemen won
Girls Hockey Team
Wilbert Fralick has organiz-
ed a girls hockey team which
he is coaching. Members are:
Bayle Turner, Linda Gemein.-
har•cTt, Joyce Scott, Penny How-
lett, Nancy Heard, Cathy Wes-
ton, Joan Mote, Anne Mc-
Curdy, Karen Fitzsimons and
Norma Scanlon. They had their
first practice last week and
hope to play the Squirts on
Friday night.
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Phone HU 2- 9822 .— Clinton
Exeter Midgets Here
Saturday Night
Last might in Exeter, in
Midget "B" WOAA playoffs,
Exeter defeated the Clinton
team 6-5. Goal -getters for
Clinton were Pandy Clew, 2;
John Cooper, Laurie Colquhoun
and Borden McRae, one, eaeh.
The second game will be
played here Saturday night at
7,30 p.m,
Tied Peewees
ExeterLastg Night
Last night in Exeter arena
Clinton Kinsmen Peewees tied
3-3 with the host team, Goals
for the locals were Walter
Morrow, one; Can Colquhoun,
A third game will be played
here on Saturday. Last Satur-
day in the Clinton Lions arena,
Exeter wan 5.2, with Marrow
and Colquhoun sharing the hon-
T h i a Saturday Kinsmen
Squirt and Peewee All-stars
will play in Belgrave, leaving
the arena at 6.15 p.m. (Squirts)
and 7 p.m. (Peewees).
Kinsmen Peewee
Hockey Schedule
Ken Clynick has announced
future games in the Kinsmen
peewee hockey league as fol-
Monday, Feb. 12— Red Wings
vs, Black Hawks.
Wednesday, Feb. 14—Canadians
vs. Rangers.
Friday, Feb. 16—Black Hawks
vs. Maple Leafs.
Monday, Feb. 19—Maple Leafs
vs. Red Wings
Wednesday, Feb. 21—Red Wings
vs. Canadiens,
Friday, Feb. 23—Black Hawks
vs. Rangers.
Monday, Feb. 26—Canadians vs,
Black Hawks.
Wednesday, Feb. 28 — Maple
Leafs vs. Red Wings.
Friday, March 2—Rangers vs.
Red Wings.
W L HT Pts.
Suckers 2913 2 64
Sharks 20 22 2 47
Minnows 18 24 1 37
Crabs , 17 25 1 36
High single, ladies, Mrs. Arn-
old 1VMkins, 236; men, Gordon
Scotchmer, 236; high triple,
ladies, Mrs. Les Armstrong,
552; men, Tom Penhale, 553;
high average, ladies, Mrs. Les
Armstrong, 184; men, Tam Pen -
hale, 184.
W L HT Pts.
AIley Qops .... 3 0 1 7
Bumble Bees .. 3 0 1 7
Go -Getters 3 0 1 7
No -Blowers 3 0 1 7
Mix -Ups 0 3 0 0
Jokers 0 3 0 0
Competitors 0 3 0 0
Untouchables ,0 3 0 0
High single, ladies, Ruth
Knox, 336; men, Joe Daer, 335;
high triple, ladies, Winnie Bell,
744; men, Joe Daer, 773; high
average, ladies, Betty Daer,
183; men, Joe Daer, 214.
Dave Hallman 85
Russ Hoffmeyer 65
Ada Schellenberger 61
Loy May 55
High single, ladies. V. Beck,
358; men, J. Irwin, 338; high
triple, ladies, L. May, 649; men,
D. Hallman, 787; high average,
ladies, L. May, 180; men, D.
Hallman, 205,
W L HT Pts.
Mustangs 38 16 9 90
Chevies 34 20 7 80
GMC's ., 25 29 2 59
Fords 11 43 0 23
High single, ladies, Betty
Shouldice, 191; men, Fred Mc-
Gregor, 220; high triple, ladies,
Dorothy McGregor, 489; men,
Fred McGregor, 597.
Thursday, Feb, $ Bingo
in Legion Memorial flail, Idris
Street • at $.30 p.m, 1,5 regular
for $5;am for 25;
games1 o
3 Share ',the -Wealth games;
Jackpgt $55 in 55 numbers,
Three door prizes, $2:50 each.
Admission 50c. 19tf b
Lcko Legion Bingov
u nwLg n
Thursday mite in Legion Hall ;at
8.45 sharp. 1?r regular games
at .$10; S share -the -wealth and
1 special for $50 must go, Pro-
ceeds for artificial ice, ltfb
Friday, Feb. 9 — 8.30 p.m,
Card party in the $5 9 School
(Tipperary). Auspices St.
James WA. Everyone welcome.
Sat., Feb. 10 --Valentine tea
and bazaar, St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church, 3 to 5 p.m.
T.ea ase, Auspices Madeleine
Lane Auxiliary. 3,5&6b
Sat., Feb. 1 D Valentine'
tea and bake sale, Ontario
Street United Church, 3 to .5
P.m, Auspices CETT, '5b 6x
Sat., ,Fels. 10.—Card party in,
OrangeHall, auspices LORA
No. 77 .3
0sharp. o. 3 8 P.M.,m, . Come
p p.
.� 9
and bring a friend. 64
Sun., Feb, 11 .—'• Clinton
Young Adult Group meeting,
Wesley -Willis Church,
Guest speaker: Rev. D J. Lane.
Topic: "Choosing oosin Partner".
p h g A
Special invitation to all young,
people. 6x
Tuesday, Feb. 13 --- Huron
Fish and Game Bingo. Jackpot; .
$56 in. 56 numbers. 3 .door
prizes, 8.30 p.m. 43tfb
The Annual Meeting of The
Children's Aid Society of Huron
County will be held in the
council chambers, Court House,
t i
Goderich," Ontario, o, on Wednes-
day, February 14, 1962 at 2.30
PM.Public cordially invited.
4.00 - 5.00 p.m,—LIONS FREE SKATING (Grades 5 to 8)
6.00 - 7.00 p.m.—Midget Practice
7,00 - 8.00 p.m,—BANTAM HOCKEY Exeter vs, Clinton.
Mitchell vs. ,Seaforth
7.00 - 8.00 p,m.—Kinsmen Practice
8.00-10.00 Am.—PUBLIC SKATING
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10-- noon—Kinsmen Minor Hockey
2.00 - 4.00 p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING
7.00 p.m.—MIDGET HOCKEY—Exeter vs. Clinton
8:00-10.00 p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING
2.00 3.00 ;p.m—BEGINNERS ONLY
3.00 - 4,30 .p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING
8.00 - 9,30 p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING
7.00 - 8,00 p.m.—Kinsmen Hockey
8,00 - 9,00 p.m.—Industrial League Hockey
4.00 - 5.00 p.m.—LIQNS FREE SKATING (Grades 1 to 4)
6.00 - 7.00 p.m.—Midget Practice p.m.—Bantam, Practice
8.00 --9.00 p.m.—Juvenile Practice
2.00 - 3.30 p.m.—PUBLIC SKATING
6.30 - 7.30 p.m.—Kinsmen Hockey
8.30 p.m.—JUVENILE HOCKEY—Wingbam vs. Clinton
Clinton Minor Hockey "Day Committee
Wish to say "THANK YOU"
To all players and 'management, referees, judges,
timekeepers and others who helped at the actual
games; to donors of trophies and player awards;
to Clinton Community Concert Band; to Scouts
and arena helpers; to the Kinette Club and all
persons who donated food for the lunches; and
to all other persons who promoted and helped
to make the fourth annual minor hockey day
DON KAY, Chairman
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