HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-08, Page 7(iron ourit tr. :0 0:11 . Thursday, Feb. 8, 1882--Cnatarl News-Record-r-Page 7 FARMERS We :are shipping cattle. every Monday for United Co-ppo,rative of ontario and solicit raur patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 As a service for our farm readers we have listed below the pasture mixtures and leg- ume and grass variety recom- mendations as suggested by the Ontario department of agri- culture in their field crop ommendations booklet for 962: Pasture Mixtures For good drainage class soil: nixture 9, alfalfa 6, ladino 2, rome 7, orchard 3, timothy 2, . fescue 2; mixture 28, trefoil , timothy 4; mixture 35, aN- fa 8, ladino 2, timothy 4, me 8; mixture 10, alfalfa 8, ounty Police chool To Open GODERICH: unity police school will open' bruary 12 'said pollee chief Minshall MairdaY, he lectures will be held in court house beginning at .m. They are open to all ce departments in the coun- he course of study is planned' crease proficiency of coun- d kcal police. '- tured will be given on the. ing: police • officer in , arrests without warrent, dent investigation, rules of !once, criminal code, iderrt- tion, narcotics explosives strikes. police and judicial of- will lecture at the police it including: Magistrate H. Hays QC, Dr. Ward Of the attorney-generals Toronto, Inspector Math ario Provincial Pollee col- Sgt. Raokham and Cpl. e of OPP Toronto and co-ordinator for Huron , T. M. MacDonald. Thompson of Clinton department said Tues- 'at he and another con- from hip force will be ing the lectures. 'police school has been jointly by OPP Sgt. , narcotics, explosives f Goderich, OTICE mployment Officer from the ATIONAL PLOYMENT OFFICE Goderich in Clinton Town the 1st and 3rd ay of each month 10:00 a.rn, to 12:00 commending 15 ry, for the purpose rviewing applicants iployment or 0/iri nee to employers, OIL - GAS or Wood and Coal Furnaces We are experts on gas and oil service and maintenance. RENACE REPAIRS 6.014..„ Consult Us For Your Next Plumbing, Heating or Electrical Job. FIN!, LE PLUMBING -- HEATING. 111% & ELECTRICAL WIRING 84 Wellington Street - Clinton Free Estimates Phone HU 24682 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS Popular Models on display. Also. accessories. Only McCulloch has a complete power line, priced for every purpose WHY WAIT FOR SPRING . . . NOW is the time to have your Lawn Mowers and Gardening Equipment Overhauled and put in shape. GOOD USED McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW for Sale Model 1-70 (New Guarantee) 1 Wells Auto Electric "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3051 KING STREET CLINTON "We Service Everything We Sell" AUTO•LITE In= 'ochre Party .y Senor Lodge 'fficials nem' IF your your house is looking its age - or older you may find it hard to be enthusiastic about welcom- ing guests into your home. Best way to fix it so you will really want to take your turn entertaining the bridge club or social group - is to have your house put shipshape by means of a low-cost Home Improvement Loan" from the B of M. Home Improvement Loans at the B of M cover • just about all kinds of home repairs and improve- ments - and that goes for flats and multiple, dwellings, too, whether you live in them or.• riot! NOW'S THE TIME to become happily- house-proud once more. It's the slack season •for many trades, so, with a loan from the B of M,. • you'll get the job done when you want it, how ycn1 want it and at a price you can afford to pay. Why not talk it over with the y BAN people at your neighbourhood branch f mum& pimp of "MY BANK" right away? BANK OF MONTREA.i, eaaadeti 9ade • Clinton Branch: K. G. FLETT, licanger Londesborough (Sub-Agency): Open Mon. & Thprs. Working With Canadians in every Walk efdLife'Sinee 1817 An Important Announcement From RADFORD'S GARAGE Londesboro NOW is the time to examine your farm machinery for those necessary repairs. We Carry a Full Line of Repaii Parts for GOODISON TRACTORS IAMNPLDEMFAENRMTS Also Parts for George White Implements We Carry a Complete Line of TIRES for Cars, eStOn eTractors, Trucks • and Farm Implements We Invite You to Examine our Line of New Goodison Tractors-Farm Implements Also on hand USED TRACTORS and FARM IMPLEMENTS Your requirements will be OUR MOTTO: given immediate attention. aSatisfaction Guaranteed" Repairs done by experienced Let us assist you with all mechanics. machinery repairs. RADFORD'S GARAGE Your GOODISON Dealer - LONDESBORO Phones: Clinton HU 2-9221 Blyth 44 R 64,8-b GET THOSE NEEDED DONE NOW FOR SPRING! RCAF Officer Earns. Top Award Over 000 For Special Idea F/O J. P. Sutherland Earns $2,195 Award OTTAWA - The highest award yet made by the Sugges- tion Award Board of the Public Service of Canada to a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force has been announced by Air Force ,Headcplarters. ' Flying Officer John Paul Sutherland, 25, ALmorite, Ont- ario, now serving at the RCAF Requirement Unit, Wright Pat- terson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, has been awarded' $2,195 for suggesting a modification to the master direction cor- rector in Argus aircraft. In April 1960 reports were received that several of the dir- ection correctors had become defective. With the automatic pilot in the 'on' position the corrector was causing the Ar- gus to. bank Or go into ether manoevers Which, when flying et /OW altitudes, Was considered unsafe, A study was made of the problem and a temporary mod- ification produced, but at such high cost that F/0 Sutherland on his own volition designed a modification costing approx- imately one tenth of the er- iginal, His design has since been incorporated in the Argus and Neptune aircraft, resulting in a substantial 'financial sav- ing to the RCAF and a safer aircraft. F/O Sutherland, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Suth- erland, Almonte, was barn in Almonte 'in February, 1936, and received his primary education there. He joined' the RCAF regular officer training plan in September 1954 on entry into Queen's University. Graduating in May 1958 with a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering, he was given a permanent. commission in the regular force of the RCAF as a technical officer in aeronautical engineering. Prior to his transfer to the USA he was the officer in charge of No. 1127 Technical Services De- tachment at Computing De- vices in Ottawa. The Suggestion Award Plan under which F/O Sutherland received his award is a practic- al •programme to promote ef- ficiency and effect economies in the government. Some sug- gestions improve office meth- ods, standardize procedures, el- iminate fire and health haz- ards, 'save time and materials, improve designs and introduce new equipment. ladino 2, orchard 8; mixture 31, ladino 2, orchard 8; mixture 11, alfalfa 8, ladino 2, orchard' 3, brome 8. For good to fair drainage soil where surface water is not a problem: mixture 36, suclan grass 25; mixture 37, sudan grass 20 lbs., oats 2 bus.; mix- ture 39, oats 21/2 bus.; mixture 38, fall rye 21/2 bus.;' mixture 40, rape 11/2 lbs. For fair sail drainage where surface water is not a problem: mixture 32, alfalfa 4, ladino 2, brome 7, timothy 4, m. fescue 3, orchard' 2; fair and poor drainage: mixture 28, trefoil 8, timothy 4; very pour drainage; mixture 14, reed canary 8. Grass Varieties Legume and grass variety recommendation§ are:'-alfalfa, vernal, ranger, alfa and du: puits; red clover, lasalle, dal- lard and Canadian; birdsfoot trefoil, empire and viking; ladino, certified; brome, sera- 'toga, lincoln, fidcher, achen- back and Canadian; orchard, frocle and tarctue II and tim- othy, climax. 0 Brantford Firm Has Contract For Highway 4 STRATFORD (Staff) The contract for grading, drainage and granular base of a nine mile stretch of Highway 4 be- tween Blyth and Clinton has been awarded to Peel Construc- tion of Brampton, road author- ities said Thursday. Walter Westlake, construc- tion engineer of Stratford dist- rict department of highways, Said the firm has a sub-con- tractor on the job at present, building culverts. The $300,000 road job will get under way when the Br- ampton company starts the Major work in the spring. No definite date has been set. The highway will be widened to the standard of 22 feet with eight feet shouldeit and a two foot rounding. "There are no plans at pres- ent for the paving of this nine mile strip," engineer Westlake said. Public Invited To • _ Attend CAS Meeting Attend CAS of the PAU0 are cordially invited, to' share in. the interest aPitt activity of the Huron county Children's Aid Society by .altterichrig the an- nual meeting of that organiza- tion, which willl be held in the. council chambers, court house, Goderich, at 2.30 next Wocines, day afternoon, February 11. The CAS receives help And donations :from every sector of • the .county, but many may be unaware that they are most welcome to :attend this ,gather, Mg. The Huron County Society has achieved enviable record for its efficient work and the depth of understanding which jia$ marked its directors and staff members. During 1961 no less than 6,627 visits were made to homes' by members of the staff; there were 1,991 personal interviews; 2,416 telephone in- terviews; 223 court appear- ances. In the same year the society was responsible for the care and supervision of 73 families in their own homes, a total of 275 children. One hundred A1,14, four children were cared for in 'foster homes. The statistics indicate .a 'busy year, and when it is realized' that this work is handled by five social workers, and twe clerical assistants, the magnitude of the task becomes apparent. • One of the most important aspects of the work is the tre- mendous effort which is con- stantly being made to provide proper care and supervision of children . without removing them from, their own homes, Often this is .the hard way to do the job, but it guarantees the bare minimum of heart- break and 'separation. Child and family care accounted for an expenditure of $74,000 in Huron County 'last year. As one of the con- tributors to this program, you are invited to attend the an nual meeting next Wednesday. Farm Forum To Investigate Teletype Selling A new kind of marketing sys- tem has been pioneered in On- tario. The Ontario Hog Produc- ers are marketing their hogs over teletype circuits reaching into the office of every large packer in 'the province. Smaller packers place their bids over central machines.. Such a system eliminates the danger of price fixing and col- lusion among bidders and en- sures that all items are offered to buyers on 'the same terms at' the ..same time. On February 12, the possibil- ities of teletype marketing will be explored' on National Farm Radio Forum. The documentary broadcast, will feature. Jake and Bob Kohler of Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative; Char- les McInnis, president of the Ontario Hog Producers' Assoc- lotion' during the period when the producers' first gained con- trol over, the sale of their pro- ducts, and various packers in the province of Ontario. In addition hog producers from their farms in Ontario will take part in the program. The broadcast will deal with the operation of the system, the attitude of buyers and sel- lers toward it, and the possible application of the systep to other sections of the fanning industry. The use of teletype for marketing beef cattle will be explored by the Meat Pac- kers' Council of Canada in a short statement. Broadcast time is 8.30. The program may be heard' on 'any Trans-Canada network station. Date of the broadcast is Febru- ary 12, Study guides on tele type Marketing may be obtain- ed from National Radio Forum, 113 St. George Street, Toronto. If You're TIRED Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" fooling and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps 'nothing seriously wrong, Just a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary Irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired fooling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. 81 On February '29 the county directors and 'township repres- entatives of Huron Beef Pro- ducerS Association met to dis- cuss plans for their annual meeting which will be held' sh- ortly, President Bob McGregor, Kipper, reported that the On- tario board was making pro- gress in having bills of lading used on all shipments of .cattle. This ban been required by law for many years but has never been enforced. However, in rec- ent weeks the Provincial Police have been stopping many tr- ucks and issuing warnings. By March 20 the beef pro- ducers will have all truckers supplied with bills of ladling and it will then be up to the farm- ers to see to it that these forms are used. These statements will be a real benefit to 'both far- mer and shipper, in case of ac- cident. In the answers to the ques- tionaires that were sent out to some 50 beef producers in each county the beef producers are finding that 82 percent of the producers approve the bills of lading and the 10 cent deduc- tion to provide finances for the organization and for advertis- ing the product. On February 1 the leadership forum committee met to dis- cuss the advisability of re-ar- ranging the ;leadership forum that had been planned previous- It was agreed that the secre- tary send out notices that the course will be arranged, for February 26, 27 and 28 and will be held in, the agricultural of- fice -board rooms, Clinton from 10 a.m. 'to 4' p.m. each day. This will allow those attend- ing to get the chores done and the children off to school each morning and to be home for chores at night. It will make a busy three days but from the reports 'of those attending last year's course it is well worth the effort. There must be 15 enrolled by February 19 to make the course possible. However additional applications will be accepted up to the beginning of the course. If you are interested contact your township federation presi- dent or the county federation office, Box 310, Clinton. Turnberry township held their annual federation meet- ing February 2 and provided those attending with most int- eresting. findings on .the de- velopments in warble fly con trol. Dr. Neely,, extension serv- Date Chosen For Charity Hockey GODERICH (Staff) The annual charity hockey game be- tween the 'OPP "jailbirds" and the Lions club "growlers" will 'be played' in Goderich arena on March 24 said hockey commit- tee chairman Alex Twaddle Monday. The annual fun-match has raised more than $80,000 for county charitable organizations in the past. The OPP "Jailbirds" are managed by Sgt. Harry Baker and coached by Cpl.. Bob Keene of the Goderich OPP detach- ment. Chairman Twaddle said "we are expecting to import a "ring- er" in the person of hockey specialist Insp. Harry (Punch) Sayeau, formerly of Goderieh, ices, veterinary, was guest sp- eaker. He. told of the newer methods and materials that are providing better control, are more convenient to use and are effective in the control of lice and other ardrnal parasites. These new methods' are he, ing thoroughly tested and many Are now avaalabito, This. does not mean that the -spraying of cattle for warbles in the spring was not a success. It has been wonderfully successful but there have been many new 'tits-. coveries and we need to give them fa; consideration. They may be another big step for, ward in care of livestock, William Henry quietly ate served his 84th birthday on February 2, and received many congratulatory messages. Mr, and Mrs. 0. V. McClin- tock, Darcy, Susie and Peter, have taken up residence in the new fink 'apartments on King Street. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson, St. Catharines; visited over the weekend with the latter's sis- ter Miss Phyllis Case and with Herb Hedden, William Stivens, 85, Gode- rich, a patient at Queensway nursing home for the past month, suffered a heart attack and passed away suddenly Sat- urday afternoon while sitting in his chair. Ell Funk, who resides west of Hensall, was shovelling snow on his farm lane February 1, when he suffered' a heart at- tack. He was taken by ambu- lance to South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter. Bill Jaques, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, fractured his left ankle while playing broom ball at the local arena Friday evening, February 2, Hensall and Zurich were play- ing.. Bill slipped and fell against the boards. X-rays at South Huron Hospital reveal- ed the fracture. Mrs. Minnie Sangster has re- turned from spending two weeks with members of her family in Lucan and Forest. While in Forest she spent an enjoyable evening in the school- room of St. James Presbyter- ian Church on the occasion of the birthday of Robbie Burns. Reyeee. W.. Quinn. was chair= man. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gass attended a social evening of euchre held at Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall Exeter, Friday evening, spon- sored by the LOL 3249. Eight tables were in play. Lunch was served. The bake sale sponsored by the ,CP and T committee of the IOOF and Amber Rebekah lodges held Saturday in the lodge hall was very success- ful and $27 realized with dona- tions to come in. The baking Goderich Scouts Hear OPP Speaker .. GODERICH (Staff) - North Street United Church Rover Scouts played host this week at their meeting to Sgt. H. Cal- vert and 'insurance man Bill Dawson. They were both giving an address on teenage drivers, high insurance rates and traffic vio- lations by young people. A cinestion and answer period fol- lowed. Hensall. Past Noble. Grands of Rebelcahs. and their ..htts, bands, and Pest Noble. Grande ofthe .1,0.0,F. and their wives were entertained to a euchre PPAY in the Lodge Rooms on Thersdayeveeting, Febritary 1, Winner'e. were;. ladies, Mrs' R. Rlieharden; Mrs. Ernie Chip- chase; gents, Garnet ly4etteatt, Ernie ,Chipchase; lone heeds, Jim McAllister. Two draws were held, Ed cerbett won the angel food cake doneted by Mrs, Glenn Bell, and 'the second prize .den- ated by Mrs. Leona Parke was won by Earl Campbell. Lunch was served and an enjoyable evening spent, was sold out in 15 minutes. In charge of the project was Mrs. Eva Parker, Mrs. Pearl Shad- dick, Mrs. Inez. McEwen, Mrs, R. A. Orr, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Mrs. George Parker was in charge of the candy. UCW Meeting Mrs, James McAllister's gr- oup of the United Church Wo- men met Thursday afternoon, February 1 in the church school rooms. Scripture was read by Mrs. Fred Beer. Mrs. McAl- lister gave a report of the in- augural meeting of Huron Pres- byterial held in Clinton. Mrs. Currie Winlaw contrib- uted a piano solo and the st- udy from the book "Hasten the Day" was given by Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs. A. B. Rowdliffe led 'in' prayer. Mrs. Hugh 1VIcMurtrie was, appointed secretary, and Mrs. Joe Flynn, treasurer. Mrs. McAllister led' the gr- oup in Bible study beginning with the life of the Disciples. 0 Francis Ryckman (flensall Correspondent) Francis Ryckman. a very highly respected resident of this village passed away at the Queensway Nursing Home wh- ere he had been a patient for the past four years. He was in his 87th year, having passed his 86th birthday on January 31. His death occurred Feb- ruary 1 after a three weeks ill- ness. Born in Hibbert Township, Where he farmed successfully, he retired to Hensall 20 years ago. He was unmarried' and a mernber of Hensall United Ch- urch. Surviving are one brother Archie Ryckman, Exeter, and a number of neices and neph- ewS. Funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home by .the Rev. Currie Win- law. Burial was in McTaggart's Cemetery. Pasture Mixtures, Legume And Grass Variety Recommendations ensall Ne Mrs. M. Hedden