HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-02-01, Page 7Ontario Street Church Filled for UCW Inaugural The auditorium of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was filled to capacity last Wednesday for the history-making inaugural service which launch- ed the 'United Church Women of Huron Presby- terial. Officials and members of the new organi- zation came from all of the churches in the pres- bytery. This church was the location for the pres- byterial meeting which inaugurated the Women's Missionary Society 36 years 'ago. The WMS, Wo- man's Association and other women's groups in the United Churches have combined under the new organization "United Church Women". (News-Record Photo) TIME NOW TO THINK ABOUT Spring Seeding Requirements FERTILIZER • SEED GRAIN GRASS SEED Fertilizer Discounts Shinn Effect Save up to $1.50 a ton discount for February Prices also 5% Cash by March 15 All lines of Concentrates ovailable to mix with your own groins. We Also Provide a BULK FEED SERVICE at a saving to you. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS—,Gas, Oils, Stove Oil, Furnace Oil, Greases; Antifreeze" etc. Seaforth Farmers Coloop Bert Garrett, Manager Phone 9 (C011ect) SEAFORTI1 GET NEW WALL BEAUTY RICH AS VELVET... TOUGH AS RUBBER! SUPER WASHABLE SUPER DURABLE The best rubber-base paint on the market! Special Reduced Prices ON ALL sv*atargire INN wa .••. and KENFGLO • •""' 'Mika *RR 1110'C KEM-GLO KEM-TONE Quatis ,„,., $2.45 Quatts $1.94 Gallons $8,55 Gallons $6.75 OUR COMPLETE STOCK REDUCED MAO * Stkiiitt • Expert Mechanics • Friendly Service • The Best in Materials B. F. Goodrich Tires Holland's Sunoco Service Clinton Huron Street Wes Holland, Prop. Phone HU 2-6661 ALL KINDS OF WOOL 10 % Off February 1st to February 17th Amsing's Variety .Store 55 ALBERT STREET HU 2-7302 5-6,b DON'S REHD 14 MARKET cwroN Formerly Stanley's Red and White Market Open Friday Evenings FREE DELIVERY HU 21621 UCW Presbyterial Here 500 Women Attend Thursday, Feb. 1, 1962—Clinton News-Recant—Page T Quick Canadian Quiz 1. The Northwest Territeries occupy' what portion of Cans ada'S total area? 2. How much new railway Lim has been built in Canada in the last 10 years? 3, Which is greater, the total of federal government ,em- ployees or the combined tot- als pf provincial government employees? 4, The number of Canadians with jobs outside of agricula ttire was 4,164,090 in 1951, 4,843,000 in 1956. What is KIPPEN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall 278 W 1 Miss. Ruth Miller, Woodham, visited Friday with Miss Shar- on McBride. Both girls attend- ed a birthday party Friday in honour of Miss Mary Scene, Hensall. Jack Caldwell and William Gibson, Mrs. Rena Caldwell and Mrs. Russell Consitt, left Friday by motor for a few weeks vacation in St. Peters- burg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson An- derson, who have spent the past five weeks in Tucson, Ari- zona, returned home by motor on Friday. They also visited at the Grand Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heist, Zurich, called on Mrs, N. Long on Saturday afternoon. Several cases of influenza are noted in the area. Mrs.. Alex McGregor has• ac- cepted• a .position , on staff at Huronview, Little Jill 1VIcLellan, who was ill for a couple,of days, is able to be about again. Mr. mid Mrs: Oswald Brown, Detroit, Mich., visited Sunday with Norman Long at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. 0 Chapman- Baechler AUBURN — A pretty, quiet weeding took place Saturday, January 27, in Knox United Church when Rev. Charles W. Lewis united in marriage, Bar- bara Caroline Baechler and Gordon Bruce Chapman, Code- rich. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baechler, Rif. 3, Auburn and the groom. is the son of Leslie Chapman and the late Mrs. Chapman, Goderich. The bride wore a dress of winter white wool with beige accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. She was attend- ed by her sister, Miss ,Tune Baechler, who wore a :dress of pink bengaline with black ac- cessories and a corsage of yel- low rosebuds, The groomsman was Bill Tideswell, Clinton, Following the marriage a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents Where Mrs. Baechler received the guests wearing •a green embos- sed rayon bengaline dress with a corsage of pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman will re- side on East Street, in Gode- rich. Prior to her marriage, Miss Baechler was guest of honour When her aunt, Mrs. William. Goderich, sponsored a shower; also at Knox United Church when friends and neigh- bours presented her with many gifts. Mrs. Kenneth Scott presided for the program in Knox Unit- ed Church last week, The Pro'. gram was opened with corn- munity Singing led by Mrs. Norman McClinchey with Mrs. William J. Craig at the piano; Jetty Moss sang a sale. Mrs. Thomas peaggitt gave a read- ing; Ruth Schneider a piano Solo; duet 'in comic tosturnes, Mrs. Kenneth Patterson and Mr, Norman MeClinehey, aed eotripanied by Mrs, Norman Wightman at the piano. A read-, ing was given by Mrs. Ernest The guest Of bottom' and her sister Miss June Baechler Were escorted to the platforin to two deeorated 'chains and• Miss Rose Marie Haggitt read the addreSS, The that/ gifts Were preSented by mernbeat of the Attbutn 444 dubs; Barbara ,..thanked her friends and neighbWit and in. \riled them to visit her in her hew` in' Goderich "Forward into the future with , Vision, Faith and Works" was the theme of the inaugural meeting of Huron Presbyterial United Church Women held in Ontario Street. United Church, Wednesday, January 25 with over 500 ladies in ,at- tendance. . Past presidents of Huron Presbyterial WMS, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin,, ,and WA, Mrs. H. Phil- lips, shared the co-chairman- ship of the morning and after- noon sessions. A brief history, of. the past. accomplishments of the W.A. was presented by Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Exeter, and of the WMS by Mrs. J. Sutter Clinton, and Mrs. G. Beecroft, BelgraVe."-' • Rene.. Morley Clark, field secs retary forsyounger groups for, London Conference, • explained. the new relationship . of the younger ,groups - to the church and the Sunday .School and. the program to be carried out. Mrs. Elgin McKinley, .RR 1, Zurich, chairman of the finance committee, presented the asllo- cation for 1962 of -$27,350 for Huron, which was accepted: Mrs.. C. Searle Toronto;, was guest speaker for 'the after- noon session, taking as, her subject "Who Knows' Whither You HaVe Not Come to the Kingdom for Such a Time as This?". "In this world .tur- moil, mistrust, fear, hunger, we enlist have only God's, eye- view of love for the whole world and each one must have an active 'concern for all—our vision must be beyond the loc- al needs — that they all may be one," said Mrs. Searle. She continued saying "There are so many overtones of fear and tolerance but we have the as- surance of final victory, but we must recognise our responsib- ility for `such a time as this'." Rev, G. L, Mills reported on the work of the provisional committee leading to the in- augural and Mrs. O. Harrison presented the slate of officers on behalf of the nominating committee. President of Huron Presby- terial United Church Women is Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Winghann, with Rev. Grant L. Mills' hon- orary president. - Vice-president is Mrs. Allan McTaggart, RR 2, Brussels; re- gipnal 'presidents, Mrs. W. J. Ronny, RR 3, Eketer, Mrs. Elgin McKinley, RR 1, Zurich, The Bible Today The translation of the New Testament into Kuana and the Book of Genesis into Toaripi (spoken in New Britain) has now been completed. It is in- teresting to note that these two first editions of Scripture are being printed at, Rabaul in New Guinea. This is the first• time that any Scriptures have been printed in this part of the world. The printing of Scripture translations is sometimes an in- tricate and. tedious process, so that the emergency printing in the United States of 50,000 To- ba Bette Bibles and 30,000 Javanese Bibles, in just under four months, is a remarkable achievement. This crash pro- gramme was instituted to meet the dearth of Scriptures in In- donesia. The cost is being met by the ,American Bible Society and The British and Foreign Bible SOciety in Australia wh- ich has already raised over $90,000 by a special campaign, with further gifts flowing in. The first 10,000 copies of a 50,000 printing of Indonesian. New Testaments being maim- facturedin Japan 'was recently shipped after a 'ceremonial presentation of these Scriptur- es was made at the Indonesian Embassy. This printing is; be- ing done under the auspices: of the Japan Bible Society and the 'cost is being met by a sp- ecial appeal, Suggested Bible Readings Sunday Luke 18: 15-17 Monday Luke 18: 18-30 Tuesday Luke 19: 1-10 Wednesday Luke 21: 1- 4 Thursday Mark 1: 1-21 Friday Mark 1: 22-45 Saturday Mark 2: 1-28 Clayton Robertson, Copper Cliff, is visiting with his pars ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, J, Robert- -SOP, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Davies Visited recently with Mr, and Mrs, James Ifenibly, at Deb- lin. Ball Buchanan is enjoying a holiday in Tesas. Mrs.' Amos Andrew and Miss 'Ethel Washington, Goderich, visited one evening last week with Mr. arid Mrs, Thomas Johnston and Mrs. Charles Straughan, A .eroldnole party was enjoy, ed last Friday evening by the Sunday school of Knox Pres- byterian Church, Prize W4:1-, ner.s were.: high lady, Mary Sanderson; low .lady, Miss Min- nie Wagner; high man, , 'Wes Bradnock; low man, William Wagner; high child, Diane Kirkconnell; low child, Joyce Leatherland; most 20's, W. Tlradnoek. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McIn, tosh, Qak River, Manitoba, vis- ited last week with the lady's aunts, Mrs. William Dodd, Sr„ Mrs. J. C, Clark and other re- latives in this community. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Bradnock visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and Gary at Seaforth. CGIT Meets Judith Arthur presided for the CGIT meeting at the home of the leader, Mrs. W. Brad- nock, Roll call was answered by each naming a woman men- tioned in the Bible. St. Mat- thew 20 was read by Brigitte Sahlichtling. A discussion followed about the CGIT pins' and plans were made for future meetings. The assistant leader continued the study of religions of the world and many interesting facts of the origin of the Roman Catholic faith and beliefs. The offering was received by Mary Sanderson and Margaret Sanderson was the secretary in the absence of Gail Miller. Walkerburn Club Fifteen members of the Walkerburn Club answered roll call by naming their "first boy , friend" at the meeting in the home of Mrs. Garth McClin- chey. One visitor attended. President Mrs. Leonard Arch- ambault presided. Prayer was by Mrs. Ted Hunking. Minutes were read by secretary Mrs.' Lorne Hunking, Thank-you notes were read from ,Mrs. Percy Vincent and • Mrs. 'William Arehembault for Christeas boxes re saved, The draw prize was won by Mrs. Garth McClinehey, This was donated by .Brersla Areharn- Writ. An interesting program of contests and readings was en- joayed with Mrs, Ted Bunking in charge. Among the winners were Mrs. Joe Hnnking and Mrs. George Schneider, Lunch was served by Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs. John Snyders, Mrs. Joe Verwey and Mrs, Worthy Young. Plans were made to hold a penny sale at the February meeting with Mrs. Henry Hunking and Mrs. Joe Vere- wey in charge of the program. Roll call is to be answered by a Valentine verse and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Stewart Ament, Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Stanley Ball and Mrs. Walter Cunningham. St. Mark's Vestry The 79th vestry meeting of St. Mark's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcorinell with' over 30 present. The rector, the Rev. Robert Meal- ly opened the meeting with a short devotional period, The minutes were read by the ves- try clerk, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt. A vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mrs. Norman Me- Clinchey for her work and co- operation as organist of the church for the past three years. Her resignation was re- ceived with regret. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor was thanked for printing the in- dividual reports which were handed to all members, Lawrence Nesbit was elected rector's warden for another term and John Daer will be- gin his seventh year as the people's warden. Other offic- ers are: lay delegate to synod, Fordyce Clark; sub-delegate, ,Clifford Brown; board of man- agement, Gordon R. Taylor, Thomas S. Johnston. Clifford Brown, Lloyd Humphries, Ro- bert J. Phillips,' Thomas Hag- gilt, Mrs. George Schneider, Miss Shirley Brown, Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Gordon R. Tay- lor, Mrs. Lloyd Humphries, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Church treasurer, Mrs. John Deer; vestry clerk, Mrs, Thom- as Haggitt; sidesmen, Robert J. Phillips, Gordon R. Taylor and Thomas Haggitt. It was decided to purchase 12 new prayer books for the congregation, the present figure' 5, Which is the longest river in. Canada? ANSWERS: 5, The MacKen- zie River, with it headwaters 2,635 miles. 3. For each, total employees 'is about 200,000 and annstal payroll exceeds $750 million, 1. The Northwest Ter- ritories occupy 33,9 percent of total area. 4, At June, 1961, 5,517,000. 2. About 1,500 miles of new railway line has been built, another 500 miles is plan- ned, AT YOU R ... U 11:t Cake Mixes WHITE YELLOW DEVIL'S FOOD 3 FOR $1.00 and S CHOCOLATE NUT DATE NUT BANANA NUT 3 FOR $1.00 MEAT FEATURES Value Checked—Red or Blue Brand ROUND STEAK or ROAST lb. 73c Lean, Tender BEEF CUTTINGS lb. 59c Schneider's Pure Pork COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 2 lbs FOR 89c Mrs. Bert Alton, RR 7 Luck. now, Mrs. Ross Vogan, Wing- ham; recording secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Grebb, Centralia; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. R. H. Wilson, Goderich; treasurer, Mrs. Brock OMe, Clinton. Chairman - of committees.: Christian eitizenship and social action, Mrs. Tait Clark RR 5, Goderich; co-operation in Ch- ristian education and missions ary education, Mrs. J. H. And- erson, Belgrave; finance, Mrs. Orval Harrison, RR 1, Monk- tan; leadership development, Mrs. Ted'' McCreath, Walton; nominations, Mrs. William Mc- Vittie, Blyth; Organization and promotion, Mrs. William Brown' Ethel. Portfolio secretaries: corn- munity friendship and visiting, Mrs. Russell Ballwin:, Exeter; literature and communications, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, RR 1, Belgrave; periodicals, Mrs„, Tadmay, Goderich; press- and publicity, Mrs. Robert South- cott, Exeter; program Mrs. Ed Boyes, Egmondville; stew- ardship and recruiting, Mrs. Robert Taylor, RR 3, Clinton; supply and social assistance, Mrs. George Michie. RR 4, Br- ussels; secretary without port- folio, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wing- ham. The officers were installed by Rev.. Mills and Rev. R. S. Hiltz Exeter. Noon lunch was' served in both Clinton" United Churches, Ontario Street and Wesley-Wil- lis The purpose of the United Church Women was emphasis- ed throughout the meeting,--to unite ALL women of the con- gregation for the TOTAL mis- sion of the church. MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 VICTORIA STREET Phone HU 2-7021 MEAT DEPARTMEA/ Pillsbury Liquid Shortening Grand National Cake Mixe FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Morton's Pot Pies V Br 4 for $1.00 VACUUM PACK TINS — SAVE 12c Mother Parker's Coffee 1 LB. TIN 77c PRODUCE FEATURES Gift of The Tropics DELICIOUS BANANAS 2 lb.FOR 29c _ Flavorful and Nutritious MUSHROOMS lb. 49c Crisp and Crunchy CELERY 1`16.11 Jumbo Stalks EA. 25c