Clinton News-Record, 1962-02-01, Page 1MY W. P, P4 -r-r— THE NEW ERA ,9,6th YEAR, THE HURON RECORD- :80th YEAR wood"O., piolil s4ggeststllat man, ef 11 as. worl�ing for the birdi, No�! Sr�ho H. PaPer With the O.PWs 16 pq es PWHT0N,.,QN NTARIQ, THUR$D FE-PRUARY T; 19P $4.09 Fqr Yeq i 9 Pprits Per popy_.. First. �s., _vq AY and maybe 4 -Us not such A =.apt idea In another .ory we tell sof a pian who Is working for the dogs And as a res4lt finds it m-cessory to start series o 4 shots U I t ����rd Maroons Seven I that man is a0 officer for tbe'sopwr -for tate i?roveotion of Cruelty to Animals ,the badge apparently -did not Pro, tett 'him Maybe we should start an SPC K for prevention fty Others t randed e �' n Ov TJ -13P,4 AGE 'OF CHIVALRY IS not dead 04 Sunday when Many School Buses we braved -Me wild wastes of Rubinoff and H;s Violin the the Bayfield in mid_wlnte� Fre I Arkell t 1pr 'i 11 11 1 �Clfrvto" Ail Day Friday showedthe optimum in gajlan�- Couldn" Make Tr 127, or was it prime t by insisting th. -P his, violin will A visit to Huronvlelw at 2 Seven Clinton District Col- icy bust anaTe now OPOIL it ride qhinoft and dow3i the hill at the north, of P 1come to Cibiton to-marlOW p.r -te students ni� will be 10AWed by one at leglatq Imtitu dents were Bus dr Cliff Ashton, the river to the Bayfield Boat norp�ngj -will spend a, full most of Tuesday of Murphy bus line picked the St. Joseph'sSeparate Scho?l. at marooned 4u when their school bus was staff- childrenup in the inorniingand Club dock, Going down was well A$ � making appearances in, 3 P.m, Supper for the visit fine -but, qp,,the car would Ing 0�-ool in area, led by hea=vy drifts of o ttempted to bring them ix#o, _.s -e a, Ggest, of jji� Ig snow 12 a musician will be at the 01. not go' again, So with a Ow Clinton Lions Club, 19A I'M I R miles soiAthof here. Clinton. He travelled as far as tow truck at.,the Casm _.R��Inoff will, -give, a public con- e,.s ese CAF Station Cllxi� Local bus linen cancelled tr- Varna with a. full load when 359 feet of cable, it was, drag- �X��cen, ih the Minton District ipg to many communities and he wastarced to turn baak.by ged pp by � Reg Francis, ... Cbllegliatq! -Institute auditorium The famed $100,000 otxam� 50 Other CJ)CI pupils were fore- the storm, Kaye ed to sta �n, local homes over- -Thanks anyway- for the effort, ghat night. varies violin and, Rubinoff A Many filmes toured Widely, and the popular y Stuck Fred e!er,bre4kfapit with sonie of night, = ca ert'has drawn Me The 1�1,is, was stuck Many C�,irman, G. Mqrley. . Counter d witi 1, - oting Wait a,��o .' " nth if. m. opinibr n thatin. that period. of time, he Firm A i DO'[ more trical appliances, at least this MD STAR. G rEEK OF THE V hadfou pd. only one book which goes to B�,ill, Edgar who was For %Orado willing to take his taxi out in he consl&red worth taking the dead of night!and .storm on ffews-RecOrd PhOto) Tuesdayto get 'this i�ewswoman home. seven miles along Highway 4 "The Clinton library has four to -home at Bmeefield ... visits a year from the book - Taxi &gVers, I mail couriers-, school bus drivers, bread sales- WEEPERS, men and milkmen who kept up Those Who Guide At Public deliveries in the blizzardy wea- ea:- we have the opportunity to ther therh4ve our permissim to I , pin Members of the Clinton Library Board conclude up ar sm4li,silver star this week. ness last Friday night, and laid plans for a comm HOPE OUR LADY READFRS ., promise to lead to even better reading material for donAt take offense at the rec- From the left, seated, Miss Evelyn G. Hall, libraric ape column for men, . News- chairman, Mrs. L. G. Winter, new member. Standi Record repwber Bill Stevens is Gray and John Livermore, treasurer, a -gourmet, who lave -q eating :as ate other tell-tale marks. sqrne folk like work . . i and his thought is,to share some of i1iis idees for good food, Wifficou MY Books are Junk everybody else - - . He'll not Agnew, Clinton-, on the library worry if some ladies take. the mix -int bowl in hand'• States Llibrary Board The contract is being handled Council, . states that the new .§AY KIDS, IF ITS BEEN een instructed' to librarian has been a long time since you've seen- For (the past. five years, the ling expenses for both her and ,a real' movie (not just one, selection. •Of books available ber-busband-, who was- the driv- on the TV) your qhance is corn- I from the Huran. County book- em of t=he bookmobile, ing on Saturday,... . Burt-.Lan4. - On -investigation after she caster,, at the I-kgi6n kall,.-also I bile.. have been, t "junk", TO Jus Jurl , left the -county, .the committee Edgar Bergen, end Charlie Me- e gg �r of 9lt�y, mp m4 aid, Dud. found that. Huron was theonly �arth Sounds' like -a good., the Clintorf, Pdjdic' Libinaty' county not 'buying books, in have these; or 19 percent But !T time the percentage across Canada Ewan' Ross, Frank Wright, Actually this project got und- C�,irman, G. Mqrley. . Counter d witi 1, - oting Wait a,��o .' " nth if. m. opinibr n thatin. that period. of time, he Firm A i DO'[ has been Instructed, to -get a better quality of book. When librarians are invited, to book displays put on in Toronto, the publMing houses pay travel- ling expenses. Mr. Agnew states that the committee will meet in mid- February. William Ball, Sea - forth, is chairman. County Librarian Miss, Mary Lou Stirling was appointed only a -few months ago. She is in charge of visits to 33 libraries, four deposit stations, three high, schools and 260 elemen- tary school rooms. Added during 1961 were ten new schoolrooms, including Varna Public.School. There are 300 outletz now. 3,664 books were •added during 1.961. Arth- ur Freeman, GodLerich, is driver for the bookmobile. Members Of the 1962 library committee are William Ball, Seatorth; Robert Gibson, How. ick; Karl Haberer, May; Morg- an Agnkew, Clinton; Frank Wal- kom, Goderich and Tom Leiper, Hullett, Morley- Counter Heads.Library Board More Use of Reading Room Seen - G. Morley Counter was elect- ed chairman of the Clinton Public Library �board' at the annual meeting in -the library last Friday night. Other offit- ers are Miss Kay Snider, secre- tary and John Livermore, treasurer. Obber members of the board are J. A. "Bert" Orgy, Dudley Pegg, Mrs, L. G. Winter and Mrs. J. D. ThorrLdflize. Librarian Miss Evelyn Hall reported that although fewer Magazines are being takeri out pti reading cards, there, are more people rna.lftg We Of the reading room. Volk who 'taste one daily paper at home, -drop Into browst- through the othQ? dailies. The 8tavely Reading Atom is well -lighted, cotafortw able and quiet Presently modt boo.k.1 are- ordered reord6red through the Ryerson took Services 7%e board in- dk4ted a desire •tO search out The Week's Weather 190 1961 High L6W Mkh LOW im, Z Z -24 Z =4 34 26 :36 25 16 19 110 1�, 6 30 6 Z 4 81 6 Rain", 30 ins, &6m, 6 ins, Sn6W 1, 5 ins, other sources, in case some good books are overlooked,. Librarian Miss Hall will be given a day off a month, to begin a visiting program with one or more board •members, to see city libraries -in Strat- ford Londont, Kitchener and other libraries, In the county, 3�1 sup -port of this move, chairman Counter, pointed, out the great good Which thehospi, tal board,, of, which he is a TOWN LEAGUE Hockoyres Sco Last Night The second set of games In the Clinton Athletic Association minor hockey set -Up for boys U& on sponsored teams Was held, last night (Wednes�dby). Black Hiawlits beat Cahadleng 3-1, -Jeff Dixon scored two ibn '14aWks and JIM Collins the other. JiM Liveftord got Cart{ adlohs;1 goal, Adrian - deC4or scored two, and = 11, art one-, at Rq�al Wihgo & art ones Leafs, also by a. 3L1 score. Dave, vukii .&at the Teaf­ goal,. t*bi 7— Aets ift, MaNe 3:45 - Black A&Wkg V9,, Red who, member, had received, from vis- it' other hospitals in the Ing � area. 'Tach time we learned something which could be put 1PI9 to good use at home," said mr, Counter, There is, -a steady growth of readers. In 3.961 there were 364 new names added to the list of members, At the end of th,6 year there were 527 children wad 840 adult active rnembe�­.,, Of these 295 Were ni -al people. Circulation of books totalled 29,,194, made up Of .. 8 1 1 79:1 juvon- Ile, 16388 fiction,; 8,015 hmi- fiction. , New books added were 321, made, ul� of 122 juvenile; 123 iWuh fiction and 76 nbn-filb- t4bn. There wax,6 206 books discarded, 118 jLtveftile; 101 admit fiction, and 52 Icon -Bast on; The board handles' $6,500 In a Year,-, with receipts ibolodhig . $2,600 gr4nt *,Om the town, of Clh*toh; $2,004 film the pr.b- viftee ;i On'tatio-, fines $4��.25, k-Apensc-. are $2,441 for wag- es; $1,045 for bodk%�) $173 ' tot Mag0jxle§ ah01 papers, h,ehty light and Water; $628.62.1 office s1tpp%_-g, maintenance, $Z61 and- Insurance $105-W, Re, library, also owes $500 to the toWA of 01 , This w the balatibe 4f a loan, hi4de h few years ago to carry Wk 6x- t,&nSlVe re , paks to the jfoun&� fiong of the building, to add a 'J�ebv emttn06, etc. Laons, Rubmorr will visit — ' -F. ,,'Qlint0n, Public School at throughout the cont-inent-, a. Hugh Tickets are available at the at •11 News -Record office, and other ' Public Lunch will follow Hoteljpdaces listed, in an adverte- iton. ,on page three. The all day snow and wmd storm plugged roads in the district. ,County roads engineer J. W. Britrnell,;Goderich,said Wedhes- day that roads are generally 'A -ore '"M Appliances Former Clinton Ma or Arary fihan. Average I the 1961 year of busi-.,, Plinton homes seem to haveFuneral Seryice Monday �g twelve months which, patrons of the library. more trical appliances, at least this Nelson William, Trewartlia, hadfou pd. only one book which as the deduction after comPar- For %Orado rs he consl&red worth taking Legigl4ture, passed away on ffews-RecOrd PhOto) Dominion Bureau of Statistics -those home. Mr. T -ewartha served, 16 "The Clinton library has four GODERICH .(Staff) — J. K. visits a year from the book - Sully is -patently awaiting a! mobile," said, librarian Miss telephone call -telling him that Evelyn G. Hall, "and each time the federal government and we have the opportunity to the government of Argentina choose 200 books,. I do the best have reached an agreement. I can but there aren't many "The deal -is , almost finalized good books= to choose from." Miss Hall noted that many of and has reached -the last stag- the books appear to have been es," he said Tie discards from rental libraries. The first contract with Ar- They bear '15c & day" stickers gentina involves theproduetion ate other tell-tale marks. of 58 Toad graders at the Deputy Reeve Morgan J. Doininion Road Machinery Agnew, Clinton-, on the library plant here• committee of Huron, County The contract is being handled Council, . states that the new through the federal govern- een instructed' to librarian has been ment's export finance plan, and purchase books, from different represOntatives of the Argea- sources than In,past years. tina- -government. The ,former librarian had After the agreement is, sign- made; trips into the United ed the Canadian government States, to Boston and else, WIA then guarantee payment where, and purchased books to the local firm. there. The county Paid travel- has been Instructed, to -get a better quality of book. When librarians are invited, to book displays put on in Toronto, the publMing houses pay travel- ling expenses. Mr. Agnew states that the committee will meet in mid- February. William Ball, Sea - forth, is chairman. County Librarian Miss, Mary Lou Stirling was appointed only a -few months ago. She is in charge of visits to 33 libraries, four deposit stations, three high, schools and 260 elemen- tary school rooms. Added during 1961 were ten new schoolrooms, including Varna Public.School. There are 300 outletz now. 3,664 books were •added during 1.961. Arth- ur Freeman, GodLerich, is driver for the bookmobile. Members Of the 1962 library committee are William Ball, Seatorth; Robert Gibson, How. ick; Karl Haberer, May; Morg- an Agnkew, Clinton; Frank Wal- kom, Goderich and Tom Leiper, Hullett, Morley- Counter Heads.Library Board More Use of Reading Room Seen - G. Morley Counter was elect- ed chairman of the Clinton Public Library �board' at the annual meeting in -the library last Friday night. Other offit- ers are Miss Kay Snider, secre- tary and John Livermore, treasurer. Obber members of the board are J. A. "Bert" Orgy, Dudley Pegg, Mrs, L. G. Winter and Mrs. J. D. ThorrLdflize. Librarian Miss Evelyn Hall reported that although fewer Magazines are being takeri out pti reading cards, there, are more people rna.lftg We Of the reading room. Volk who 'taste one daily paper at home, -drop Into browst- through the othQ? dailies. The 8tavely Reading Atom is well -lighted, cotafortw able and quiet Presently modt boo.k.1 are- ordered reord6red through the Ryerson took Services 7%e board in- dk4ted a desire •tO search out The Week's Weather 190 1961 High L6W Mkh LOW im, Z Z -24 Z =4 34 26 :36 25 16 19 110 1�, 6 30 6 Z 4 81 6 Rain", 30 ins, &6m, 6 ins, Sn6W 1, 5 ins, other sources, in case some good books are overlooked,. Librarian Miss Hall will be given a day off a month, to begin a visiting program with one or more board •members, to see city libraries -in Strat- ford Londont, Kitchener and other libraries, In the county, 3�1 sup -port of this move, chairman Counter, pointed, out the great good Which thehospi, tal board,, of, which he is a TOWN LEAGUE Hockoyres Sco Last Night The second set of games In the Clinton Athletic Association minor hockey set -Up for boys U& on sponsored teams Was held, last night (Wednes�dby). Black Hiawlits beat Cahadleng 3-1, -Jeff Dixon scored two ibn '14aWks and JIM Collins the other. JiM Liveftord got Cart{ adlohs;1 goal, Adrian - deC4or scored two, and = 11, art one-, at Rq�al Wihgo & art ones Leafs, also by a. 3L1 score. Dave, vukii .&at the Teaf­ goal,. t*bi 7— Aets ift, MaNe 3:45 - Black A&Wkg V9,, Red who, member, had received, from vis- it' other hospitals in the Ing � area. 'Tach time we learned something which could be put 1PI9 to good use at home," said mr, Counter, There is, -a steady growth of readers. In 3.961 there were 364 new names added to the list of members, At the end of th,6 year there were 527 children wad 840 adult active rnembe�­.,, Of these 295 Were ni -al people. Circulation of books totalled 29,,194, made up Of .. 8 1 1 79:1 juvon- Ile, 16388 fiction,; 8,015 hmi- fiction. , New books added were 321, made, ul� of 122 juvenile; 123 iWuh fiction and 76 nbn-filb- t4bn. There wax,6 206 books discarded, 118 jLtveftile; 101 admit fiction, and 52 Icon -Bast on; The board handles' $6,500 In a Year,-, with receipts ibolodhig . $2,600 gr4nt *,Om the town, of Clh*toh; $2,004 film the pr.b- viftee ;i On'tatio-, fines $4��.25, k-Apensc-. are $2,441 for wag- es; $1,045 for bodk%�) $173 ' tot Mag0jxle§ ah01 papers, h,ehty light and Water; $628.62.1 office s1tpp%_-g, maintenance, $Z61 and- Insurance $105-W, Re, library, also owes $500 to the toWA of 01 , This w the balatibe 4f a loan, hi4de h few years ago to carry Wk 6x- t,&nSlVe re , paks to the jfoun&� fiong of the building, to add a 'J�ebv emttn06, etc. Laons, Rubmorr will visit — ' -F. ,,'Qlint0n, Public School at throughout the cont-inent-, a. Hugh Tickets are available at the at •11 News -Record office, and other ' Public Lunch will follow Hoteljpdaces listed, in an adverte- iton. ,on page three. The all day snow and wmd storm plugged roads in the district. ,County roads engineer J. W. Britrnell,;Goderich,said Wedhes- day that roads are generally 'A -ore '"M Appliances Former Clinton Ma or Arary fihan. Average I the 1961 year of busi-.,, Plinton homes seem to haveFuneral Seryice Monday �g twelve months which, patrons of the library. more trical appliances, at least this Nelson William, Trewartlia, n; G. WrleY Counter,, as the deduction after comPar- former member of the Ontario ig, Dudley Pegg, J, A.,: Ing figures prepared by the Legigl4ture, passed away on ffews-RecOrd PhOto) Dominion Bureau of Statistics -those Saturday in Clinton Public Hos.- Mr. T -ewartha served, 16 with. of an appliance :sur- pital at the agx- of 82. A rever- col had, 260 absentees caused, vpy carried out by the Clinton ed member of the community, "ftonil( Si pgnat blic 'Utilities Commission. PLLast fall. questionnaire cards he had served in municipal of- fices in Godbrich Township day. Buses from the townships � were sent out by'the PUC to where he was- born,, and in, Clin, For Breakup artha was known, as the did not arrive. about 1,000 users of hydro. Of ton which has, been .his home (,Continued on Page Eight) cut too! There were only eight -pupils these 589 Were filled in and re- for 38 years, BAYFIM1D _(S%ff)._Mem- . of the Bayfield Loons Club. turned to the office.. -Consider- frig those wturned only, it ap- Service was from the Beat -- have begun a project toraise pears that 527, or 89 percent tie funeral home, 55 Ratter - money, and, at the ,Iil., bine of homes, have a TV set, for lall bury Street East, Clinton, on Monday afternoon, with the Monday keep -the summen-resist village. . The percentage of Canada is 84 percent. Rev. Clifford G. Park, minister in which they live in t=he public Of those answerin. I g the ques. United Church Of Wesley -Willis Uni ch eye, A draw based!, upon the -time "onnalre, in Clinton, ,ti 508 have Officiatliry'g. which the ice will. go Washers; or 86,percent.. 1 Pall-be.arers. were Norman spring is being cond`ucte& %cross.. Caimwda .the percentage. 'is Trewartha, Kenneth, Trewartha ceed—,--will- go -- tor - the same Cqn sidering d6theg and 'Ros�.., Elgin', , Cox,' 'Maurice &;aim" and "i6e' - welfare work of tWhe-- , D ,,the a prize of $25 is ''t qnly. 112 homes out of the 589 stanley Mellwain., Flower - � os to t one who guesses closest he have these; or 19 percent But bearers were Wi Ullam Jervis, time the percentage across Canada Ewan' Ross, Frank Wright, Actually this project got und- is ,only 15 -percent. . -Twenty-two (132 Harold Yeo, Eldon Yeo and' i, eTway last winter. A gadget Percent Cox. Interment was in Minton now nicknamed' the "dwpniklf Out of, 589) of the homes in Clinton have home freezers, Cemetery, t was welded, by Russell Kerr but the percentage across . Hanourary pall -bearers: were i and, Reg. Francis. Canada is only 13 percent. George McCutcheon, Brussels, However, on February 25, warden of Hwon County; John 1,961 when, they went to the Berry, Goderich, clerk of the river -to place the gadget on the ice, they were startledKinettes March county; William J. Miller, may.: d or of Clifton; E. McUwaili, find .that the initial break-up Lame Jervist, Wilfred Jervis, Was already in process. in $787 Harold Squires,, Eimer Potter, This -season, the materialsBrings Charles Nelson, George Lavas, % were already on hand for the W-exching mothers an, the William Heaam, E. Townsend,, contest. The deep red rocket- area brought in a total, of W. Hoggart, Keith Cox, Wil, shaped gadget is in, Place in $783.54 on Monday night for Liam Norman and, Raymond mid -river, just out from the the March. of Dimes funds oam- Whitmore. Bayfield' ,Boat •Club docks. AN. paign. This was from .Bruce Mr. Trewartba. taught public Scotchmer, the electrician in field, Clinton and Bayfield. school in Goderich Township charge, -and Rick Simons have Although a march is being for ten years. For 11 yews he it Installed, Ice is presently 14 carried' out at Adlastral Park, served on Goderich Township A inches thick. RCAF Station Clinton, returns council, both as councillor and 0" When •the river breaks' UP, are not Yet In. Coin .collectors reeve. the "&opnik" as expected ,to 0 ou are still in sem es throughout as ced War In 1922 he w elected - t( sink, or at least move quite the area as well. den of Huron County. The fol - some distance from its present Captains in the march in Cl - lowing year he was elected p location. This will trigger the inton, gathered ,at the .horn of Progressive Conservative mem- iE mechanism which will stop a ,the Chief Marching Mother " her for Huron riding in the On - clock on the Lions Club bulletin, Mrs, W. A. Oakes, to count the board, at -the dock. The exact funds, and to enjoy a lunch to - time of the break-up will -thus gether. be recorded. Bad weathev, more unemPloy Tickets ave being sold by ment than ig usual, and being b. members of the Lions Club at one day ahead of pay dby' for Bayfield and district, only un- many residents, all. contributed til 7 P.m., February 27. to what is expected to, he a To assist interested persons drop in receipts in town this in making educated guesses, an v6at- attempt was made -to locate any The finance chairman sug, record of yearly break-up tim- Bests that donations may be es. However all that could' be left at the Bank of Montreal discovered is that last year the until February 28, and cheques ice went out at 1.15 on the May be, mailed to her, Mrs. afternoon of February 25. The Fred Radley, Clinton. year before that break-up time The Xinette Club of Chftton wag in April. sponsors the campaign locally. No Date Set For Poultry Plant To Reopen For Regular Employment No word has been, received applice4tions he had not 99 yet from Canada Packers Ltd. &ff- received any Word. vising if their Clinton, poultry 45- 10W, MPLOYED plant would be reopened, . Sub-dilstricit veterinarian Dr, The plant Was tlosed'oft Jah- 1.;Cr MacLennan of Seafoeth uary 15. Company officials said said he had never rieceived.,any at that time that it was a complaints of the Clinton plant.: temporary seasonal closing. 1he InguTance Packing company officials COMMLWog in Goderich said were contacted' Wednesday -and TU4�sd I jt3r that there, were an could give no ftittfi#r informa- estimated J tion. Neiter IX,, MblibbY Of nP10 bless. They report� Rarristbn nor a Air. Waftvdrth Peldth Nolob�.- Were available of the Toronto, poulft divibion in itelt line of work. Were available for cWY1MMt, The Clinton kesident6 are re - Dr.. g, A, Willick assistant quired &6 tePort ht -weekly 'by district veterinarian of the fe& mall that they are still unein- eftl meat hispectlion, office, td- pl6yed and every two Weeks fie- r0ntD said, 4 thd C11IM011:10a.iA, Wive IkIL knall bheqUe from the OtheY am not Mi9iSt0red = Tim Office, the federal meat and" Inspection TheC11bboft AWdi of bdihe,4 46t and tftu ons. as of W0 , C , atywaigh 161t short of Rg goal. fiesday,p) Rd 'did 'taY h0wever, mb6dg�� 06nlng4; matching that oahwd Packets- Cithtoh ihAh"L may havd, o0lfedl 3qg 0 66 Wated iffidt �T situatltrn might Ottawa b0d Oriffi 'ffid` Jil& of the bollle__ blTnes on, the return trip and finailly stalled when the motor got wet one mile north of Bl- ake. The seven youngsters reinaln- ingors the bus were taken, Into the farm home of Mr. end -Mrs. Gordon Erb, RR 2, Zurich wh- ere they Were given tea and milk and, kept warm. Mrs, Erb said the- students were forced to stay there from 11.30 a.m. until 2.00 p.m. A tow truck was dispatched -from Clinton, the motor dried out end the children taken home. The bus did, not. return here until 4.30 p=. Jdhn Cochrane, principal of CDC1 said the three buses! from Blyth were cancelled, in, all, there were 284 absent Tues- day. Some chIl&en from the Bayfieid area were driven home in cars by parents and friendt. Onny two, buses for the RCAF station and the Kippen, bus were able to leave, at 4.00 p.m., Mr. Cochrane- asked' the News,- Record- if he could thank the students,, parents and -citizens of Clinton who took the 50 stranded students into their homes. The.,.schnoil was closed early W.'edneisday to allow all: the 7o:ga home. tics, mayor, levels Spring Selected tame, in to Goderi NELSON W. TREWARTIL� L, Former Mayor and Warden Pupils :absent from Gbderich District Collegiate Institute," ario Legislature. he said'. Retiring. from provincial pal- . Senforth Absentees Mr. T -ewartha served, 16 I'Seaforth District High Sch- ears on the Clinton council as col had, 260 absentees caused, and later as reeve and by the storm," said Lawrence eputy reeve. His last term -as Plumsteel, •Principal, Wediies- eputy reeve was the year 1958. day. Buses from the townships At both county and town of: Tuckersmith, Hibbert, Huls of government Mr. Tre,- lett, ATPMUop, Grey Mo and Morris artha was known, as the did not arrive. watchdog of the treasury" and Public school attendance was (,Continued on Page Eight) cut too! There were only eight -pupils Show Directors in classes Tuesday in SS 3, Stan -ley. The school closed at Saturday neon and did not reopen• Wed- nesday. -Directors Of Huron Central SS 4 Stanley East was forc- griculturil Society Will meet ed •to close at 2 p.m. Wednes- Saturday afternoon in the day. gricultural office board room, Pupils of SS 8 Goderich ibegin, making arrangement�; township were able to drive to Yrthe 1962 Spring Fair. Com- SS 4 Stanley Wbst school in fete directorate for the soc- their bus. Bayfield USS 8 St- ty '19 to be instalkd at that anley was open and attendance and, officers elected. was near normal. L16hs Dili Rocket-like Gadget a "Dropnik" Visiting the site of the BayfAd.t&at Club oft Su day, hieffibets- of the 'Bayfield L16hg Club 6Xamihe the gadget which they have dubbed the "trop-R66kld-shaped Afid painted rod,. the heavy. m=etal affair , fait 196Xpebt6d to dr int6 the water or at. ],east Move some distance, when the ice goes outi F 116 161t are I, ek SiMbfis", P-Uss6ll X6rr) Cliff tfttL:%, first vice-president; Alf, 80tchmer, Fred Atke% pitAid4nt; and Reg Francis:.. (Yews-nec6rd Phow)