HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-01-04, Page 7I PLAY IT SAFE! CALL US for pvery„elpotrio.and rafrigorotkm :seryjcp HU .2,3807. January Clearance Sale V CHILDREN'S GLOVES and MITTS V WOOL COATS V BORG COATS V CAR COATS V SKIRTS V BLOUSES V DUSTER COATS V SLIMS V DRESSES V PYJAMAS and GOWNS V YARD GOODS V DRAPERY ENDS V KITCHEN CURTAINING V CURTAIN MARQUISETTES ALL REDUCED — From 20% Off to Price. LADIES' WEAR & DRYGOODS HENSALL CLINTON EXETER Tom Darling' Clinton' tfb Mr, and' Mrs. Harry Cudmore and Paul spent Christmas with Mrs. J. Cudrno le and Miss Rita Cudmore, Clinton. Miss Frances McCullough, Toronto Westem Hospital, spent Christmas with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Cullough, Miss Eleanor Yeo, Royal Vic- toria Hospital, Montreal, has returned to her duties after spending her Christmas vaca- tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams were Miss Sandra Williams, Burling- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pipe and Teresa, London, and Mr. and Mrs. George Bolton and Marie 'and. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolton, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson, Lynn and Douglas, London and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Detroit, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E.. Gliddon, Mr. and Mrs. Gliddon and guests . spent Christmas Day with, Mr. and Mrs.. A. Grange, Auburn. Christmas Concert ,The Christmas concert of the Holmesville United Church Sunday School was held on De- cember 21. Rev. C. G. Park, minister of the church, was chairman for the program which opened with a Nativity scene, put on by the pre-school children in Mrs. Ninian Heard's class. With Mrs. Jim Lobb at the piano, the audience sang Silent Night. MIS. Jack Yeo's class of children (6 to 9 years), put on the 'Christmas Story, and El- eanor Lc/bib sang a solo, "Christmas Ltiliaby." SEND US YOUR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S FILMS Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 2-7006 Wed at Goderich Church MR. AND MRS.. JOHN DOUGLAS BATKIN were married in'Knox Presbyterian Church, Gode- ria, on Saturday,, December 23. The bride is Barbdra Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beadh, 14 Elgin Ave., Goderich and her husband's 'Oaidnts are ,Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Batkin, .210 Prin- cess Stieet East, Clinton. (Photo by McDowell) NEWS OF flOLMESVILLE CorrespUndent — MRS. F. MisCULLOUGEI CLEARANCE of all TOBOGGANS and SLEIGHS In Stock Toboggans 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. SLEIGHS Ski and Steel Runners Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares • Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON BEST BUY!—SAVE 6c!—DeLuxe MaCaroni with Cheese Redeem your 8c coupons KRAFT DINNERS 14-02. PKGS. 39C BEST BUY!—SAVE 14c!—SKim Milk PoWcier — 6-lb. pkg. $1.69 — INSTANT M1LKO 3-LB. PACKAGE 89( BEST BUY!-SAVE 4c!—J.Red & White Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER BEST BUY!—SAVE 8c!— CROWN Tea Bags, 16-OZ. JAR CARTON OF 100 3-3( 79( Fresh Sliced Always Tender ORK IVER lb. 29c ean— ell Trimmed OIN PORK CHOPS lb. 59c Feature! — Save 6c! RED & WHITE INSTANT CA Nil h! FINE QUALITy ' it COFFEE Frojv 5-oz. Jar 69c Reguki, OWCASES • -; $1.89 value with $5.00 , order , 7/ rIPMIV#041004~~~4.00~0040 FREE 5-lbs. Granulated Sugar 'WHEN YOU BUY 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC LAMP BULBS AT REGULAR PRICE -:- -:- FRESH PRODUCE -:- -:- Finest Quality — Golden Yellow Ontario Delicious—FANCY BANANAS 2 lb. 29c APPLES 3 lb. bag 29c DAN'S WHI RED TE & CLINTON Formerly Stanley's Red and White Market FREE DELIVERY Open Friday Evenings HU 24621 Feature! --- KELLOGG'S 6 1/2 -oz. Save 7c! or RICE KRISPIES 2 for 55c FItTirri IMRE • S Family Security $25,000 LIFE INSURANCE (20-year reducing convertible term insurance) Age 30 $59.95 Age 35 79.10 OCCIDENTAL LIFE. W. C. Foster 304 Andrews St., Exeter Are You Planning on Remodeling Your Home or Recreation Room? We specialize in plywoods, wallboards, tiling, a wide variety in combination aluminum doors and windoWs. Built-in cupboards a specialty. Free esti- mates on small or large jobs. RUSSELL JERVIS HQ 2-9390 — HU 2-7774 For free professional heating advice 20 Year Guarantee on Furnace Body F IN K PLUMBING — HEATING & ELECTRICAL WIRING 84 Wellington Street -- Clinton Free Estimates Phone HU 2-7682 Ask us about the many advantages of an Esso OIL HEATING L.--a—T.3 UNIT • Convenient budget terms • Up to 6 ioari to pay ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST 20°0 . Discount on All Items in stock - Thursday, Friday and Saturday - Below Cost Specials: 1 ONLY NEW LARGE SIZE CRIB White Enamel, Teething Rails— Slightly damaged in transit Reg. $39.95 CLEARING AT $29.00 USED -- 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE $15.00 1 ONLY SINGLE BED New design, Walnut finish, with 15 .00 good as new Cable Bed Spring ... $ Beattie Furniture • ANNUAL PREMIUMS Age ato $111.23 Age 45 173.23 "Term Insurance on the Best Term's" "More Peace of Mind Per Premium Dollar" Phone 317 - -1 1 TV-RADIO OLD? : t PICTURE TUBETHROUGH1 COST Of' REPAIRING.11'... 'i 1 BOTHERING • • a I I 1 1 - - a Mrs. Thomas H. Johnston is a patient in Alexandra. Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, 'Mrs, Homer Hoge, Saskatoon, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Scott were recent visitors with Mr. Kenneth Purvis and his sisters, Misses Margaret, Annie and Elizabeth Purvis, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Brown, William, 'Shirley, Carole, Ron- ald and Nancy visited on Mon- day with his brother, Howard Brown and Mrs. Brown, a 1VIonkton, James Perry, student minist- er attending Knox College, con- ducted the service at Knox Presbyterian Church last Sun- day while the minister, Dr. D. J. Lane visited his son Donald, in Montreal. Mrs. Charles Straughan and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bra,dhock were New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hoge and family and Mrs. Hoiner Hoge at RCAF Station Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, Mc, Dougall, Bernice and Arlan, and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Toll visited on Monday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Hugh McCrostie, Annette and Dale, RR 5, Godexich. M. and Mrs. Stan Mich, David, Rodney and Heather, visited last week with Mr. ;and Mrs :FijAnk Raithby. The Po1- iah family here Air some time Wore Mr. Pallet) Was' transferred to Western Canada. He is now back to RCAF Station Clinton and they reside at Egniondiville. New Year's gnests With Wal- ter Wagner, William Wagner and Miss Minnie Wagner,. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut; Marie, George, June, Louis, Carl, Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Youngblut, all of Woodstock, and. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson, Barbara, Margaret and Mary. HOW TO REMOVE WAX FROM FABRICS To remove white candle wax from fabrics place the spot between two blotters and press with 'a 'warm iron, suggests the Clothing and Textile Depart- ment of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. It may be necessary to spOnge with a non-inflam- mable fluid to remove the last traces of 'wax. school Trustees Ralph D. Munro was elected chairman 'at the annual school meeting in USS 5, Hullett, and Frank Raithby the secretary. The retiring trustee, William Moss was re-elected for anoth- er three year term, Kenneth McDougall was elected to fin- ish out the term of Ted East who had resigned when he, was appointed by the township council to reresent them on the Goderich District Collegiate Institute board, The minutes were read by the secretary- treasurer and he also gave the financial statement of the sec- tion, Euchre Party About 80 persons enjoyed the p-ogressive euchre party held last week in the Community Memorial Hall sponsored Eby the hall committee. The games Were conducted by Oliver And- erson, Robert Arthur and Wil- liam J. Craig, The president, William L. Craig called Ross Wilson to the nlatfOrin, to draW the, whiner for the 20-pound turkey on Which tickets had been sOld. William J. Hallahan, Blyth, was the lucky .winner, Prize winners,at the euchre gamesWere, mn's high, Wes.• 13radnOck,, lo, William Wog= ner; ladies 'high, MrS, ;Bert Craig, low, Mrs. Ben I-Tamil:ton; most lone hands; Robert Dae:r. Over $75 was realized for the hall fundinglican YPA Baskets of poinsettias, light- ed candies, decorated pine cones, glittering tinsel and a brightly lighted Christmas tree formed a lovely setting for the Angli- can Young People's Association of the Deanery of Huron when they met for their annual party in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall. Nearly 100 young people at- tended from Goderich, Wing- ham, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Brus- sels, Clinton, Blyth and stir- rounding district as well as the young people from Knox Pres- byterian and Knox United churches in the village. The evening was spent danc- ing to records around the Christmas tree which was set in the centre of the floor. Prizes were given for novelty dances such as the spot dance and the elimination dance and the guests 'enjoyed musical arms. snowball, the twist, jiving and waltzing and the foxtrot. Lunch was served by the Au- burn AYPA assisted in the kit- chen by Mrs. George Schneid- er, Mrs. Andrew Kirkccemell and Mrs. Tom'Haggett. The officers of the Deanery AYPA are: president, Miss Dianne Diehl, Wingham; vice- president, Wayne King, Wrox- eter1Gorrie; secretary, Miss Linda • Teinpleman, Wingham, 'and treasurer, Kenneth Pollard, Brussels. Chaplain is Rev. G. R, Atwell, Carrie. Plans we're made to hold a skating party and a broamball game in Wingham sometime in January. The January Session of Huron County Council will be held at Goderich on January 16th, commencing at 2.00 p.m. All communications in con- nection therewith must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Friday, January 12, 1962 at 12.00 noon. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario. Mrs. Heard's class then sang "Jingle Bells" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." Mrs. J. Grigg's class- (9 to 11), re- cited "Blessed 'Child of Christ- mas:" Mrs. Frank. McCullough's class of girls put on, a Serene, entitled . "The 'Carollers." Mrs. E. Potter's class sang two mimbers, "Once There Was a Manger and "Christmas"., The Junior Bible Class, of which Mrs. Frank Yeo, is the teacher, put on the J.B.C. NewSeast, which was written by Jack Norman. To finish off the program, Rev. and NITS.• Park 'Showed slides of their trip to 'Trinidad Then the moment the children were waiting for arrived, and Santa Claus came in. He gave out the many gifts' piled around the tree, with. the assistance of Rev. Park, Carman Tebbutt, superintendent, and Bill Nor- man, treasurer. LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan. Phone Blyth -37 -r 5) Mr. and Mrs. William ,flarnil- tan, Moorefield, were with the Robert Thompson'. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cowan sp- ent New Year's with his par- ents, George and Mrs. Cowan. The congregational meeting of the United. Church will be held in the afternoon of Jan- uary 9. „Miss Karen Allen and Linda Thernnson spent a few days during the week with Gloria Allen in London. , A meeting of the proviSional committee of the United Ch- urch .Women will be held, on Monday evening, JanuarY. 8 'at 7.30. A full attendance 'is re- quested. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen and family were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen and family, Fullartom; Wing Commander Glenn Allen of the Royal 'Military College and Miss Carol Stagg, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sawyer and Robbie, Kitchener. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews and children, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wood and family, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard McNall, Blyth. With Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt and Jack were their sons Jim and Gordon and fam- ilies, Mr. and, Mrs. Mac Hod- gert and family, Thames Road; Miss Marilyn Keen, Stratford and Debbie and Wayne Turner, Strathroy. For New Year's Mrs. John Shobbrook was with the Percy Gibbings; Mr. and' Mrs. John Armstrong with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon and children, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lyon with Mrs. Laura Lyon; Mr. and Mrs. Youngblut with their son Stanley and family, Goderich; Mrs. Thomas Fairservice with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cooper; Harold and Edith Beacom with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacom. YOUR ARS DES FRIEN HAROLD'S WHITE GARAGE SPECIAL! ING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GE ERAL— REPAIRS HILMVii cupi AIT127VICT6RIA ST TON BRucIERELp Miss Beth Murdoch is visit, ing with friends in Sip:woe, Dewaype spent the Christmas holiday with rela- tives IA Michigan. Mrs, H. Ings and Mrs_. Grueg- ar spent the holiday in Seaforth and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. David' niebner entertained a few of their friends on New Year's. Eve. Mr. and Mrs. James Bong- ham, Jim and Wendy spent the Christmas holidays in Winnipeg and other places in the West. .Mrs. Alton Johnston, Sea- forth,. spent New Year's with her relatives in Stanley, Mrs. John and Mrs. F. McGregor. Mrs. Wellings and Mr. Mc- Clenaghan, Wingham, spent Sunday with the latter's daugh- ter, Mrs. Glen Swan •and fam- ily. Out of town guests with. Mrs. H. Berry for New Year's were Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Blue- vale; Mr. and Mrs, George Mc- Cullough, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and fam- ily, Stratford. Thurs.f Jan 4, 1962—Clinton News-Record.---Page 7 MERRILL TV SERVICE 215 VICTORIA STREET Phone HU 2-7021