HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-29, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28,
Report of the Village of Exeter for the Year 1938
FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 15th.Board of Education
Waterworks Department
Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1st, 1938
to December 1st, 1938
Bank balance, January 1938 ........................... ? 861.80
1932 Taxes Received ............................ 86.01
19?2 Penalties Received ................................... 1-02
1933 Taxes Received ................. 89.23
1933 Penalties Received .................................. 6.27
1934 Taxes Received ............................ 308.98
1934 Penalties Received ....... 36.84
1935 Taxes Received .................................... 498.64
1935 Penalties Received ....................... 55.93
1936 Taxes Received .......................................... 455.41
1936 Penalties Received ................................... 34.85
1937 Taxes Received ......................................... 1029.28
1937 Penalties Received .............................. 30,24
Acct. Received Street Watering (arrears) ..... 43.50
Acct. Received Miscellaneous ........................... 104.43
Government Relief Grant ................................... 503.90
Miscellaneous 1938 ............................. 199.92
Rents 1938 .................................... 47.55
Taxes 1938 ..................... 25707.97
Licenses 1938 ...................................................... 135.00
Interest on Taxes, 1938 ..................................... 37.65
Bank Loan ......................................................... 2500.00
Dog Tax 1938 ..................................................... 186.00
Fines 1938 .......................................................... 11.53
Rebate Street Lighting ....................................... 371.76
Debentures .......................................................... 3385.27
Poll Tax, 1938 ..\................................................. 140.00
Government Subsidy ........................................... 857.84
Total Receipts ......................................... $36865.02
Abstract for Year 1938
Bank Balance .......... $ 9,595.05
Exeter Rates—
$10,000 less debenture $882.64 ............$ 9,117.36
Less unpaid by Council to Board ......... 6,117.36
---------------$ 3,000.00
County Grants, High School ----------------- 4,781.32
Legislature Grant, High School ................. 2,618.75
Legislative Grant, Public School ................. 960,30
Tuition Fees, High School ........................... 342,21
Non-Resident Fees, Public School ............... 50.00
Caution Fees, High School ........................... 10.03
Interest .......................................................... 28.89
Stephen Levy ................................................. 126.21
Usborne Levy ,.............................................. 114.07
Agriculture Grant ......................................... 81.00
Miscellaneous ................................................ 70.57
Casho Balance January 1st, 1938 ............. $ 361.61
Revenue From January 1st, to December 1st, 1938
Domestic ................,......................................$ 2,610,55
Commercial .................................................... 1,057.41
Power ....................... 495.08
Fire Protection ............................................. 1,400.00
Supplies ......................................................... 86.81
Miscellaneous Revenue ............. 118.40
Bond and Bank Interest ............................... 42.53
Refund on Power ......................................... 102.82
Total Receipts ................................. $ 5,913.60
1 Less Disbursements ................................. 30743.39
$ 6983.43
County Hospital Fees ................. $ 285.15
Relief ............................................................. 747.79
County Rate .................. ,......... 2,821.14
Debenture Debt Charge ........................... 5,816.72
Interest Coupons ........................................... 181.67
School .......................................:.................... 3,000.00
Audit .............................................................. 225.00
Tax Rebates ................................................... 14.72
Elections .................................................... ,60.00
Grants ............................................................ 110.00
Interest, Bank ............................................... 33.2'3
Legal Fees ................................................... 83.43
Labor at Dam ........................................... 1,130.00
Insurance .................. 1........................... 159.69
Town Hall Account ..................................... 207.85
Printing and Postage ................................... 406.94
Salaries and Allowances ............................... 3,268.62
Board of Health ........................................... 110.00
Calcium Chloride ......................................... 723.93
Roads and Bridges ....................................... 2 334.50
Library ......................................................... 950.00
Miscellaneous ................................................ 214.31
Fire Department ........................................... 27 2.00
Hydrant Rental ............................................ 1,750.00
Street Lighting ............................................. 2,734.50
Band .................. 500.00
Division Court Fees ..................................... 88.00
Bank Loans ................................................... 2,500.00
County of Huron, Collecting Taxes ............. 9.20
W. Siinmons, Error in Cheque .................... 5.00
$ 21,778.40
Teachers’ Salaries, High School ..................$ 9,400.50
Teachers’ Salaries, Public School ............... 5,082.80
Music Teacher Salary ................................... 259.00
Secretary’s Salary ......................................... 100.00
Janitor’s Salary ........................................... 850.00
Supply Teachers, High Sch'ool ..................... 55.00
Supply Teachers, Public School ................... 76.00
Office and School Supplies ........................... 361.69 ■r'7'
Caretaker’s Supplies ..................................... 121.45
Text Books, Etc.............................................. 248.12
Fuel ................................................................. 1,010.35
' Water, Light and Power ............................. 235.06 '
Repairs to Building and Grounds ............... 81.71
Insurance ....................................................... 231.35 - ’’
Auxiliary Agencies ....................................... 252.79
Science and Other Equipment ..................... 361.10
Department Exams......................................... 38.00
Agriculture .................................................... 86.32
Permanent Improvements ................... 358.78
Music Books ..................................... 22.00
Total .................................................. $ 6,275.21
Less Disbursements from January 1st to December 1st, 1938
Buildings ........................................................$ 331.40
Mains ............................................................. 848.90
Well Capital ................................................. 332.00
Main Maintenance ....................................... 27.77
General Expense ................................ 237.03
Power Purchased ......................................... 428.82
Pumping Station Maintenance ..................... 402.78
Debenture Payment ..................................... 1,966.22
Water Tower Maintenance ........................... 300.57
Total Disbursements ....................... $ 4,875.49
Cash Balance December 1st, 1938 .... $ 1,399,72
$ 30,743.39
Nov. 2, Canadian Bank of Commerce ............................$ 7,000.00
Nov. 19, Canadian Bank of Commerce ........................... 500.00
Dec. 1, Bank of Montreal ............................................. 7,000.00
County of Huron, Returns Special Grant ........................$ 1,662.95
Exeter Cemetery
$ 19,232.02
Balance December, 1938 ......... $ 2,546.38
Taxes collected for school purposes by Vil
lage Council, but not paid over to
Board $7,000 less debenture $882.64 ..$ 6,117.36
Hydro Department
Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements from January 1st 1938
to December 1st, 19 38
Cash Balance, January 1st, 1938 ....................................$ 2,899.72
Revenue from January 1st, to December 1st, 1938
Domestic ........................................................$ 9,767.24
Commercial ................................................... 5,490.64
Power ............................................................. 3,243.34
Street Lighting ............................................. 2,508.75
Supplies ......................................... 2,784.94
Miscellaneous Revenue ............................... 154.79
Consumer’s Deposits ..................................... 65.00
Waterworks ........... 176.64
Bond and Bank Interest ............................... 566.22
Total Receipts .............. $ 24,757.56
Total ...................................:...... $ 27,657.28
Less Disbursements from January 1st to December 1st, 1938
Bank Balance, Jan., 1938
Accounts Received .........
Annual Fees, 1938 .........
Sale of Lots, 1938 .........
Bank Interest, 19-38 .......
Grave Digging, 1938 .....
Interest on Investment ..
Foundations .................
Sand and Dirt ..................
Rent of Land .................
Miscellaneous ...................
Distribution System .................... .......$ 370.07
Supplies Purchased ..................................... 3,864.47
. Waterheater Capital ..................................... 131.75
Meters ............................................................ 353.48
Office Equipment ......................................... 125.70
Tools .............................................................. 1.10
Range Services ............................................. 102.21
Power ............. 13,601.59
Line Maintenance ............................ 811.89
Street Lighting Maintenance ........................ 109.39
General Expense ................................... 1,351.06
Fixed Charges and Interest ......................... 1,419.05
Refund to Village and Waterworks ........... 474.58
Truck Maintenance ....................................... 140.76
Billing and Collecting .....................»........... 830.12
Undistributed Expense ............................... 28.30
Meter Maintenance .......... 596.30
Consumers Deposits Refunded ................... 75.00
Waterworks Department 176.96
Waterheater Maintenance ....................... 6.35
Miscellaneous Construction Expense ........ 257.80
3,009.36 Total Disbursements ....................... $ 24.S27.89
Total ........................
Less Disbursement ....*
Cash Balance, December 1st, 1938.. $ 2,829.39
Wages ....................
Management Salary
Telephone ........
Supplies ...........
Flowers ................
Farm Expenses ......
Hydro .................
Cement and Gravel
Trucking Gravel ....
Taxes ............ .
Piping ....................
Bricks ............ ........
Repair Account ......
Exeter Arena
5 2,849.47
Gymnasium Fees ........ ...$ 155.00
Board of Education .......................................................... 220.00
Exeter Agricultural Society ......................... 25.00
Dances, Etc. .............. 280.16
Rink ........... 867.55
Sundry .................. *............ 5.50
Balance ............... 50.39
$ 1,553.21
Care Fund, Bank Balance
Receivable .........................
Care Capital ................ .
Less Disbursement
$ 8,580.36
Insurance ............... •«$ 134,65
Fuel and Supplies .......... 249.08
Public Utilities Commission .... 191.13
Rink ........... .................................................................. . 23 2.11
Dances, Etc. ........................ 32,35
Caretaker ...... ................... 278.00
Sundry .................................... 44.63
Exeter Agricultural Society ................... 1.00
Sound Equipment ...i.......... ••.............. 157.25
Buildings, Grounds and Furnishings .......................... 182.62
Exchange on Debentures
Perpetual Care Securities
$ 4,950.54
$ 1,502.82
W. G< MEDD, Treasurer
Injured in a collision of two cars
north of Elginfield, Charles Chene-
vert, age 60, of Toledo, Ohio died in
St. Joseph’s Hosptal, London, last
week. Mr. Chenevert was the most
seriously hurt of four injured in the
head-on collision of two cars on No.
23 highway six m’iles north of El
ginfield. The dead man’s companion,
Joseph Duffy, also of Toledo and
Edward Mills, Woodham, passenger
in the second car involved are in
hospital, but recovering. John Wil
son, R.R. 6, St. Marys, driver of the
car in which Mills was a passenger,
escaped with minor injuries.
Mr. Chenevert with Duffy, were
southbound on the gravel highway
and came over the top of a rise in
the road as the northbound car,
driven by Wilson, was going up the
grade. It was snowing at the time,
and the car met head-on and both
were wrecked.
Thrown violently against the in-
strum'ent board of the car by the
impact Mr. Chenevert had his
chest crushed and a broken rib punc
tured his lung. His condition had
been critical snee his admission to
Whiskers is one of the things a
mjan can achieve without inspiration.
* * *
When love comes to a man who is
>past forty, the object’s motive is
rarely affection.* * *
Similes: As lonesome as the
streets of Glasgow on ‘tag day.’ As
amiable as a father seeking a hus
band for a dowerless daughter.
Sisters Battle
Over Estate
A fight between two married) sis-
terb over the division of the $20,000
estate of their father,, Thomas F.
Sceii, of Biddulph Township, muot
go to a trial before a Supreme Court
judge at the next non-jury sitting?
in London, Justice Fishei’ ruled in
weekly high court.
A deadlock between the two over
how much each is to get from the
estate reached the point where pro
vincial police were called ip,
charges Mrs. Pearl Marie O’Neil, of
Biddulph. She says in an effidavlt
they were called to keep her from
going on a farm property.
The father died without leaving a
will and the two sisters were named
administratrices of the estate in
1936. The court was told the dif
ficulty arose when their mother died
in March of this year, before the
father’s estate was distributed.
Mrs. O’Neil claims that in view of
a will her mother left, she is now
entitled to two-thirds of the father’s
property. She says that her sister
Mrs. Mabel Gladys Haskett, will not
agree to that.
Mrs. Haskett maintains that af
ter her father’s death, and before
her mother died, the mother and two
daughters made an agreement about
division of the property. Mrs. O’Neil
is denying such an agreement.
Justice Fisher decided, on a mo
tion asking for an order for admin
istration, that the question of the
agreement must be threshed out in
a trial, and made an order to that
“It’s a great pity there couldn’t
be some give and take,’’ said the
judge. “It’s going to cost probably
$1,000 to administer the estate be
fore they’re through.”
When the matter came before the
court, it was revealed that long after
the death of his father, $.2,000 or
more was found in a bank at Lucan.
Five months after his death, his
estate was valued in Surrogate
Court at $17,500. After that, one
sister says $2,000 and the other
more than $2,000 was located.
Eldon Mitchell acted for Mrs.
O’Neil and James Morley, of Exe
ter, wor the other sister.
31st to
an opp1
. * hich is you . ,
YoUI nd the cost is surprising^
message, and tne
Year” by TELEPHO®
nal waythe perso
. , New Year’s greetin
”»i»6 Drr.s •V” 5““—
M 4.30 a.m.Ja^ary
3rd. That’s
be missed!
so much to TOtt®