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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-22, Page 4
WUTBSDAX, DECEMBER £2, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ■- w Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices Every coat must go regardless of cost. We have a large stock to choose from.Coats to suit every type at real bargain, prices. Gift Suggestions for LADIES AND GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes, Bath Robes, Silk Hosiery and Underwear, Hand Bags, Fancy Parasols, Gloves, Silk Scarfs, Fancy Linens, Knitted Suits Lace and Linen Table Cloths, Fancy Linens Dresser Scarves, Night Gowns, Vests Slips, Bloomers, Pantie Sets, Etc. NEW DRESSES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON FOR LADIES AND MISSES Smart Styles, New Materials, Low Prices. We have a large stock to chopse from, many at Reduced Prices. EXTRA SPECIAL 60 Pair Extra Large White Flannelette Blankets, 2 1-2 yards long, whipped sing ly. Our regular $2.50 quality at $2.19 pr. WABASSO BRAND WOOL AND COT TON BLANKETS Bound Singly, Beautiful Colors at $2.00 each. MOTOR BOOTS In Black, Brown, Grey and Green. An Ideal Christmas Gift. SKATING OUTFITS Good Boots and Skates. A Real Gift for Girls and Boys. MEN AND BOYS Initialed and Fancy Handkerchiefs, Shills, Braces, Ties, Arm Bands, Neck Scarfs, Sweaters, Windbreakers, Gloves, Suits and Overcoats, Hockey Skates and Shoes, Um brellas, Bath Robes, Pyjamas. MEN’S SHIRTS Forsythe, Arrow, Bull and Gordon Makes. Fused Collars attached at $1.95, $1.59 and $1.00; also shirts with separate collars. SWEATERS For every member of the family. Coat Styles, Zippers, Pullovers, Etc., at very at tractive prices. Our Heavy All Wool Checked Sweater for Men at $2.95 is an exceptional value. WINDBREAKERS Leather or Wool, Zipper Fronts. Plaid Patterns in Wool are Newest. MEN’S AND BOYS’ OVERCOATS You get a Wide Selection at this Store at Lowest Prices that Good Coats can be sold. HORSEHIDE COATS Fur or Plain Collars. The Best Cold Weather Coat. SPATS FOR MEN New Shades at $1.00 a pair. Also English Broadcloth Spats at $2.50 pair. Ladies’ Chamoisette Gloves to Ciear at 39c Pair 6 Dozen pair — Odd Lines, Good Shades, Values to $1.00. Sizes 6 to 8. On sale to clear in a hurry at 39c pair. Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Singapore Sliced Pineapple 7 1 7r» Maxwell House COFFEE 1 IL Regular or Drip Grind ..........* ovL Hillcrest SHORTENING 7 1 pound Cartons .....................« Habitant PEA SOUP 7 1 Large No. 3 tins ...................“ MIXED NUTS 7 iL All new, Pve varieties ............™ «« Happyvale MINCEMEAT IL Very popular, in bulls or tin .........« ID faiOL TEXAS GRAPE FRUIT 0 Medium size ..............................O 1OI CRANBERRIES Large firm fruit per lb 23c Phene 32 Jones & May Your Superior Store EXETER COUNCIL Thursday, December 15- 1938 fig* The Council of the Village of Ex- ©ter as per statutes of the Province Sjfe, of Ontario, convened in the ’ Town fig* Hall with all members present. The minutes of the meeting held Noyem- Ja her 28th were read and adopted on early Monday when a heavy limb motion fig. Tuckey and carried. Correspondence was read as lows: Letter- from the Midland _ fig* curities Corp., Ltd., regarding issue his brother William and the latter’s of Debenture^. Filed. A circular two sons Jack and Thomas. As the letter from the Can. Mothercraft So- tree crashed to the ground Mr. Boa fig* ciety, Toronto. Office, making an ap- i was struck in the head by a limb gg peal for financial aid. Action de- ferred. A request was made through the Clerk on behalf of Miss Jennie fig Bell claiming an error in the assess- ment as made for the year 1938 and asked for a rebate of one-half the tax paid as per receipt filed. The Council would not make any change fig to interfere with th© turns other than at a of Revision. fig Relief registration gg Mr. Frederick Moore Mi'll St., read and ordersd, filed. The Clerk submitted a copy of the fig* Western University Coat of Arms. 5s The same having been received with the request it be framed and placed §g in the Council Chamber. The Coun- gg cil authorized that a suitable frame be secured and the same hung in the Council meeting room, fig The following list were read and ordered County, to collection fig $9.20; Browning’s Drug Store, bat- teries and flash bulbs $5.40; Town- ship of Usborne, use of road grader $26.25; W. W. Taman, clothes $35; fir.: B. W. F. Beavers, supplies, Town Hall $5; Earl R, Guenther, dray fig ing $8.14; James Bowey, coal, Town Hall $21.40; John R. Hind, services' re County Valuators $5.00; County fig of Huron, Hospital fees $26.25; R. fig G. Seldon, coal, Town Hall $10.00; Huron Lumber Co. supplies $16.55; Joseph Senior, Voters’ List revision fig $153, half of telephone $16.50, P. O. Box rent $1.50, services re County valuators $10, $181.00; County of fig Huron, gravel account $46.40; W. T. Gillispie, trucking gravel $6.40; Clyde Heywood, snow plowing $2.50 Wm. Andrew, R. & B. $20.85; Wm. fig C. Pearce, postage and exchange $3.- 34; Sydney Sanders, labor R. & ~ $7.50; Dr. M. C. Fletcher, M. ’H. fig $50; Ed. Treble, chairman Board Health $10. Accounts passed on motion Southcott and Dignan. Carried. fig Mr. Geo. Jaques waited on t Council regarding the injury tl , had happened to Mrs. Jaques fig* ( slipping and falling in front of J : Arthur Jones budding, Main Street, W& injuring her arm necessitating med- ; ical attention. After discussion the 5 Clerk was instructed to write the ' OcCan Accident and Guarantee Co., Ltd., regarding the claim asking for fig* an early settlement. Motion per ^§5, Southcott and Tuckey. Carried. fig ■ The Clerk was instructed to again notify Mr. Jones of this accident and point out the danger to citizens fig. in allowing this menace to continue fir.:. and ask that repairs be made at ■ once. Per Southcott and Dignan that a fig! grant of fifteen dollars be made to ^1 of Councillors May Merry Christmas to One and All •55 35 35 35 $5 35 35IIC. C. M. Skate and Shoe Outfits | § SEVERAL PAIR SECOND HAND SKATES AND SHOES ’S AT A REAL PRICE iL__________ __________________________« 35 Traquair’s Hardware | 3® TINSMITHING PLUMBING g Agents for New Idea Furnaces Beach and Findlay Stoves and Ranges Toys for Christmas Gifts for the Entire Family •V’ Return From California Mr. Jas. Grieve, Mr. Cecil Stew art and Miss Gertrude Stewart re turned the latter part of the week from a motor trip to California. They had a lovely trip and enjoyed excellent weather throughout. They encountered rain only one day while they were away. Mr. F. L. Grieve, who recently moved to California, has opened up a florist shop, at San ta Monica. Goderich Wins From Exeter About twenty members of the Ex eter Badminton Club motored to Goderich Thursday evening of last week to play the return tournament with the Goderich players. The God erich players turned the tables on the visitors and were successful in winning by about the same number of points as the Exeter players won from) Goderich when they were here. Refreshments were served at the close. The Exeter players report a most enjoyable evening, PAUL BOA KILLED ' BY FALLING TREE While assisting in cutting a tree on a farm about two miles north of Hensall, Paul Boa, well - known throughout the district was killed I THE HIT OF THE SEASON and from the tree struck him on the t head. Mr. Boa was assisting in fell fol- ing a tree on the farm of Alex Mc- Se- Gregor. He was being assisted by assessor’s re regular Court forms from were of accounts paid: Huron of arrears and his skull was terribly crushed. Dr, Steer, of Hensall, was immediate ly summoned, but the injured man lived only a few minutes after the doctor’s arrival. It was decided that an jnquest into, his death was un necessary. Mr. Boa was well-known through out the district pitching ability, and his partner championship! at shoe pitching competition. * The deceased was fifty years of age. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boa, of -Roigerville, and was born on the 8th concession of Tuckersmith. He was unmarried. Surviving are two, brothers, Rev. An drew Boa, of Norwich; William, of Hensall; four sister, Mrs. Geo. Smale of Hensall and others in the West. The funeral will be conducted on Thursday afternoon with services at two Oi’clock at the residence of Mr. Geo. Smale. Interment will be held to McTaggart’s cemetery. for his horseshoe Two, years ago he won the Dominion the C. N. E. horse- OVER A THOUSAND CHILDREN ENTERTAINED In the neighborhood of a thou sand children were treated to a theatre party and a bag of candy in Exeter Saturday of last week. In the morning the children of the Exeter Public School, about three hundred in number, .assembled in front of the Huron garage and headed by' Santa Claus and the Exeter band paraded to Leavitt’s Theatre where they en joyed a two-hour program of motion pictures particularly appealin; the children. B. ' performance O. ceived a gift of candies done 1 g At the close of each of an up in In the afternoon to the- re- and £££• ; 3* CUI L UL llllCvil. UUILcLJ. JJC LV , the Christinas Cheer Fund, payable ' “"ito J. M. Southcott, as treasurer. Car ried. Jos. Senior, Clerk one present orange, nuts a celophane bag. at 1.30 a second of parade was formed of children from 1 the schools surrounding Exeter. San ta Claus and the band again headed the procession to the theatre but this time the theatre would not hold the number present. Those who were not able to get in were taken to the basement of 'the public library to keep warm until the third perform ance, which began at 3.30. A third parade was held and the theatre was again fairly well filled. Mr. Thomas I’ryde acted as chairman and wel comed the children each time. He explained that the Lions Club, the Canadian Legion and the Women’s Institute had co-operated in sponsor- '.112 the party and that Mr. Leavitt had generously donated the threatre for their use. Three cheers were given for Mr. Leavitt. A large crowd of grown-ups ac companied the children to Exeter and the merchants report a days business. good BINGO CANADIAN LEGION ROOMS THURSDAY, DECEMBER at 8.30 p.m. 20 Prizes—ALL FOWL and 10 Rounds of Geese Special Door Prize Armission 25c 22 0 CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND The Christmas Cheer Fund is nearing the $10 0 mark but is still a long way from the amount needed to provide the necessary clothing and baskets to be distributed Christmas Eve. There are still a, few days in which to make your contributions. The amount reported last week was $24.25. Further contributions have been received as follows; I.O.O.F. $10.00; A Friend $1.00; Miss Grigg $1.00; W. Martin $1.00'; A Friend $1.00; C. V. Pickard $1,00; Miss Tap© $1.00; Mrs. C. H. Sanders $1; Wm. Ward $1.00; C. W. Snell $1.00; L. J. Penhale $2.00; Exeter Council $15.00; John Norry $1.00; Reeve Sanders $1.00; F. C-oates $‘1.0'0; Eastern Star Chapter $2,00; T. Pryde $1.00; A Friend 50c.; Foui;c| $1.00; W. R. Goulding $1.00; H, C. Rivers $1.00; V. G. Essery $1.00; Women’s Institute $10.00; G. S. Ho ward $1.00; Band Concert $16.65; total $98.40. j NEW SERVICE STATION 1 A new service station is to erected in Exeter. Mr. Ross Scott, distributor for Blue Sunoco gas and oil has purchased from Mr. Thos. ' Collingwood the vacant lot on Main I street, south of Main Street church. | A new service station that will be I most attractive and up-to-date will be erected on the property in the near future. ■On Wednesday Mr. Scott further added to the property by purchasing from Mr. J. W. Hern the lot south of the Collingwood property. With this additional lot this will give ample space for a' service station. Both deals were put through by Mr C. V. Pickard, real estate agent. be Simpkins, purchased A Season’s Ticket for Exeter Arena Will make a Splendid Xmas Gift Adult Ticket ............... $3.00 H. S. Student............... $2.50 P. S. Students ............. $1.50 The Public School Student’s Ticket is not good for Band Nights Secure ticket from W. G. Medd or at the Arena DRIVES NET 218 JACKS Two jack rabbit drives during the past week by members of the Exe ter Gun Club have resulted in bag ging 2'18 jacks. Twenty-eight men participated in a drive a few miles south of Centralia on Saturday and when the results were counted it was found that 117 rabbits had bit the dust. On Tuesday afternoon 45 men participated in a drive south of Clandeboye but on that occasion only 101 jacks were bagged. TAKE OVER HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Frank"T. of Sarnia, who recently the furnishings of the Central Hotel from Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harper, took possession Thursday of last week and are now nicely established in their new place of business. Mrs. Simpkins is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bosseuberry, of Grand Bend and as the Bosseuberry Hotels at Grand Bend and Forest have a reputation that extends far and wide the name of the Central Hotel is be ing changed to the “Bosseuberry Hotel” and the same high-class ser vice wil be maintained here. We wel come Mr. and Mrs. Simpkins to our midst. Seriously Ill Mr. Chas. Bow.m[an, a former resi dent of London, who makes his home with his niece, Mrs. L. V. Hogarth, is ill and at present in a very crit ical condition. Mr. Bowman is his 84 th year. in Property Transfer Alex McGregor, of Tucker- Work Progressing at New School The steam heating system install ed by B. W. F. Beavers in the new school, was turned on the latter part of last week and was found to be in perfect working order. The plas terers are at work this week and in a few days the plastering will be complete. Hydro has been turned on in the building. The purchase of equipment is now engaging the at tention of the Board of Education. Mr. smith, has purchased the 100-acre farm of his neighbor Mr. Alva Way and gets immediate possession. The deal was put through by Mr. 0. V. Pickard, real estate agent. has'been paid In. EXETER ARENA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30th Dance to the Music of BENNY PALMER AND HIS EIGHT-PIECE ORCHESTRA Prizes, Favors and, Novelties Galore. All the Frolic and Frills that go with a New Year’s Celebration Fred Heaman, Master Magician, will entertain during Intermission Dancing 9 p.m. tc 3 a,m. Admission 75c. Under the Auspices of the Arena Committee Everybody Welcome Dress Optional COOK’S Rock Bottom Cash Stores ■g EXETER AND HENSALL As Another Ypar Approaches we set Aside Business Relations and Wish You and Your Families A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year COOK’S THE STORES THAT GIVE YOU VALUE Exeter 58 — Telephones ’ — Hensall 46 Died in Detroit The death occurred in Harper Hos pital, Detroit, on Thursday, Decem ber loth, of John Richard, follow ing an operation on the previous Monday. The funeral was held to Port Huron for interment on Satur day. The late Mr. Richard was born near Zurich being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Richard, who later moved to Hensall. His wife, formerly Miss Annie Singular, sur vives together with one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Hamilton, of Detroit and two sons Raymond, of Munroe, Mich, and Alvin, of Detroit. One brother Albert resides in Port Huron. Mrs. M. W. Pfaff, Mrs. K. G. Clarke and Miss E. M. Bowey, are nieces of the deceased CHRISTMAS CONCERTS * • • Trlvitt Memorial Supper was served at 6.30 to the children -of Trivitt Memorial Sunday School. A varied program in charge of Mrs. Hunt followed. Gifts were presented to the children by Santa Claus from a decorated Christmas Tree. EXETER LOCKER SERVICE Weekly News Items As this is the last issue before Christmas of the Times-Advocate, may we extend our Greeting fox* a Very Merry Christmas. Today we are going to address our item to the housewife. How would you like to add to your Christmas dinner for 1939 a steaming platter of Golden Bantam Corn on the Cob, or a plate of tempting green asparagus covered With a tasty sauce, and as a side dish by your turkey you might like to add some lovely golden peaches either frozen or chilled. As for dessert what would be more pleasing than those lovely reu strawberries you picked last sum mer, or if raspberries are more to your liking, serve chilled with cream. All of these luxuries so out of sea son, yet at no extra cost, will be yours if you are fortunate to have rented a locker at the Exeter Refrig erator Locker Service which will be on display at F. G. Wright & Co. LEAVITT’S THEATRE Main Street United A good crowd attended the Main Street Sunday School concert on Friday'©veiling. Numbers were given by the primary and intermediate classes'with Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, acting as chairman, Santa appeared at the close and handed gifts from a beautifully decorated tree. Each child who was a member of the Sun day School received a bag of candy. Leavitt’s Theatre Season’s Greetings Patrons extends to all its James Street United THURSDAY, FRIDAY, December 22nd, 23rd, 24th “CATTLE RUSTLERS” with Charles Starrett * * * MIDNIGHT MONDAY 12.05 a.m. and Monday Afternoon Matinee, Dec. 26th, at 2.30 “4 MEN AND A PRAYER” with Loretta Young, Richard Green A SATURDAY The James St. Sunday School held their Christmas entertainment Wed nesday evening of last week with a goodly number of Children and par ents present. The usual program of music and readings from the mem bers of the primary department with a few numbers from the inter mediate department was well receiv ed. Santa Claus appeared at the close and distributed a stocking of nuts and candies to the children from, a gaily decorated tree. The superintendent, J. H. Jones, was in charge. and C. Aubrey Smith Four Star Picture * •* * NIGHT, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY December 26th, 27tli, 28th “'RADIO CITY REVELS” Nominations Next Monday With nominations for municipal offices only a few days away the municipal pot is beginning to boil. There is a. possibility that one of the members of the present council will throw his hat into the ring for the reeveship. Nominations will take place next Monday at noon. Besides nominations for the council there are four members of the Board of Education whose term of office ex pires this year. They are Mrs. W. F. Beavers, A. 0. Elliott, C. Pickard and J. M. Southcott. Mr, J. Penhale is the retiring member the Public Utilities Commission. Caven Presbyterian Caven Sunday School celebrated a year of growth and progress at th© Christmas entertainment held Fri day night. The basement of the church was filled with children and parents. Numerous choruses, play lets and skits as well as dialogues and recitations filled out an enter- i taining program, at the end of which _ .... ....... j thirty-one awards were made for More and more people are finding JS”, out every year that a subscription as gjx awar(js certificates to the Times-Advocate Is a gift that and geajg to members of the Mission vni» year are me oest mey nave neon ’ ^an^’ 4ai^a( ^aus arrived in !gOOd for several years out of a total tax Iter or at a distance. It Is a) time and distributed packages of of $28,300 something like $25,000 ^ity-two time reminder of the fruit, nuts and candy to all the has been paid in. thoughtful giver at home. ^children who wer© present. Tax Collections Up According to the report of Mr. W. C. Pearce, tax collector, to the muni cipal council at their final meeting for the year, the tax collections for this year are the best they have been for several years, j ■A MONDAY with Bob Burns, Jack Oakie and • Kenny Baker A FALSE ALARM B. V. L. Early on Sunday morning one of the merchants of town was called out of bed when the nightwatch man on making his rounds observ ed some foot prints* in the snow on a roof at the rear of the store. Fearing someone had entered the store he called the proprietor but an investigation revealed that no at tempt had been made to enter the store. The owner of the store ap preciated the fact that the night watchman had been alert.