HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-08, Page 12THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHVRSWAX, DECEMBER 8, 1038 Gift Suggestions Gift Suggestions EXTRA SPECIAL ■ stock for the Christmas Season. MEN’S AND BOYS’ TIES In Fancy Boxes 29c to $1.00 FOR LADIES AND GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Bath Robes Silk Hosiery and Underwear Hand Bags Fancy Parasols Gloves Silk Scarfs Fancy Linens Knitted Suits MEN’S SHIRTS Forsyth, Arrow, Bull and Gordon Makes Fused Collars attached at $1.95, $1.59 and $1.00; also shirts with separate collars ii-........... ................. ............................. .......... ...............—------- New Dresses for the Holiday Season for Ladies and Misses SMART STYLES — NEW MATERIALS — LOW PRICES We have a large stock to choose from, many at Reduced Prices SWEATERS For every member of the family. Coat Styles, Zippers, Pullovers, Etc., at very attractive prices. Our Heavy AU Wool Checked Sweater for Men at $2.95 is an exceptional value. SKI AND SKATING SUITS SEPARATE JACKETS FOR GIRLS AND MISSES LUCAN DRIVER IS FINED FOR RECKLESSNESS A suddenly shifting cargo, which through the years has cost the lives of many sailors, had become a ipto- blef for highway schooners, too, County Magistrate Hawkshaw was told. When Lawrence Forest, of Brucefield, swerved to miss a car on No. 4 highway at Lucan, his cargo of live cattle shifted to one side of the truck. The sudden swing of weight turned the truck over. Traffic Of­ ficer Harry Gilchrist told about it when Frank Langford, of Lucan, pleaded guilty to reckless driving. It was Langford’s car the truck driv­ er swerved to miss. Magistrate Hawkshaw imposed a fine of $10 and costs and suspended Langford’s driv­ ing license for an unstated period. Another charge of leaving the scene of an accident was dismissed when no evidence was offered. Langford said he did not know the truck had over­ turned. ‘blue coal’ The same fine old D. L. Scranton Anthracite that has been the favorite in Canadian homes tor over 50 years. — is sold in —- EXETER by H. T- ROWE PHONE 40W ALBERTA COAL & COKE 60 Pair Extra Large White Flannelette Blankets, 21/$> yards long, whipped singly. Our Regular $2.50 quality at $2.19 pair. Wabasso Brand Wool and Cotton Blankets Bound Singly, Beautiful Colors at $2.00 each Heavy All Wool Plaid Blankets Regular Price $11.95 pair. A few pair to clear at $5.00 each or $9.85 pair We have a very Below we offer a few suggestions to help you with your Christmas Gift Problems R ARC. A INS—Adies’, Misses’ and Girls’ Winter Coats___R A ATNS L>Ml\VJril kJ Greatly Reduced in Price UrtIWJrtlll kJ EVERY COAT MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. THESE COATS WOULD MAKE A HANDSOME CHRISTMAS GIFT. COATS TO SUIT EVERY TYPE AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. Phone 32 JONES & MAY Exeter, Ont ■?.! IT IS EASIER TO CRITICIZE of every youngster in the land, and chalked at the top of all the black boards in our schools, and stencilled above the altars of our churches and over the doorways of our public buildings. ’Tis .this— An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of brains.* * * COURTESY VS. TACT A colored bell hop of a certain ho­ tel was teaching another the tricks of the profession, and emphasized among other things, the necessity for courtesy and tact. I “Courtesy and tack, yo’ll say—| what am de difference of dem two wards?” “Dere am considerable diff’ence nlggah. The other mornin* Ah opens a door that proves to be a bathroom and in de tub was a lady. I shut dat dooi' instantaneous and then said, ‘.Scuse me, sub!’ Now, ’Scuse me’ was courtesy, but including dat ‘sub’ was tack.”* * * HOW DO YOU SCORE Here is a fest in spelling. Read the following sentence -to a friend and ask him to write it down. Then check over the spelling. Subtract ten for every word misspelled. (100 is per­ fect score.) “Outside a cemetery sat a harassed cobbler and an ebmarrassed oculist, picnicking on a desiccated apple, and gazing at the symmetry of a lady’s ankle with unparalleled ecstasy.” * * * QUIDNUNC Dr. Will Durant, author of “The Story of Philosophy” lists the fol­ lowing as the ten greatest thinkers: Confucius, Plao, Aristotle, ’Thomae Aquinas,, Copernicus, Bacon, Newton Voltaire, Kant and Darwin. How much do you know of the philosophy of each of these men? Could you write a 100 word essay on each of THAN TO CONSTRUCT You haven’t the right—nor have I —to g0’ through life tearing down the efforts of the other fellow unless we can suggest a beter way than he pursues. Whenever I find myself flying off the handle and fault-finding with some particular business or undertak­ ing, I try to figure out how I would run it if I had the -opportunity and under the some conditions. Try this plan yourself—it is like­ ly to cure you of the role of critic. Criticism is easy and cheap— Achievement requires ..constructive thinking.* * * After all, it is team work that counts—most of us could carry a football down the field for a 30-yard gain if we had ten good men to clear the way.* * One remedy for unemployment might be to provide more parking spaces.- * * As long as they continue to find it profitable to hold Up gasoline sta­ tions, this country isn’t broke.* * ♦ The fellow who thinks the town is a ‘bum’ town is usually a fellow whose promissory note isn’t worth a cent.* * * ODE TO EARTH Roll on, terrestrial ball, roll on, Through pathless realms of space. It’s true I’ve got no shirt to wear, It’s true my butcher’s bill is due, It’s true my prospects all look blue But don’t let that unsettle you— Roll on! * * * LOYALTY There fa something to be said about loyalty that we wish might bo palnt- ? ed on the inside of the porridge bowl Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns LADIES’ MEN’S BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ New Styles and Materials ■ Motor Boots In Black, Brown, Grey and Green. An ideal Christ­ mas Gift. Fancy Cushions for Christmas We have a beautiful range of Fancy Cushions in Satins, Celonese, guaranteed sagless filling, Colors Rose, Green, Wine, Gold, Etc. Prices $1.59,^1.95 and $2.95 each Skating Outfits Good Boots and Skates. A Real Gift for Girls and Boys. Windbreakers Leather or Wool, Zipper Fronts. Plaid Patterns in Wool are Newest. Agents for McCall Patterns and Magazines. Sub­ scriptions taken for McCall Magazines $1.00 year, 2 years for $1.50. GROCERIES Special values for Thurs., Friday, Saturday Bee Hive Corn Syrup The energy food ...........2 lbs. 16c., 5 lbs. 37c. Maple Leaf Salmon Best Sockeye, 1-2 pound tins .............2 for 33c. Peter Pan Pets, sieve No. 3, 17 oz. tins 3 for 25c. Golden Mixed Nuts, 5 varieties, all new 2 lb. 35c Aylmer Pumpkin, 16 oz. tins......................2 tins 13c. Grape Fruit Juice, Texas Golden, No. 2’s 2 for 25c. Grape Fruit Large pink, each 5c., med. size Texas 7 for 25c. Salted Peanuts, Fresh and Tasty ........... 2 lbs. 25c. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats / You Get a Wide Selection at this Store at Lowest Prices that Good Coats can be sold. Horsehide Coats Fur or Plain Collars. The best cold weather coat. Spats for Men New Shades at $1.00 pair. Also English Broad­ cloth Spats at $2.50 pair them?. To determine how far away a flash, of lightning is when you see it, allow five seconds for each mile between the vision of the flash and the sub-1 sequent accompanying peal of thun­ der. The smallest needles are made from wire .0085 inch in diameter and one thousand of them weighs less than a quarter of an ounce. Over a period of 12 years, one man has submitted to blood transfusion, 750 times. In one year, 1927, this blood donor submitted to 91 blood transfusions — giving approximately two quarts on one occasion. Our present day pocket and wrist watches ar.e so named because they were part of the equipment of the early night police called ‘Watchmen.’ The time piece carried by these watchmen was a bulky affair as large as our present day alarm clock. The highest navigable lake in the world is Lake Titicaca in Peru, S. America. Native boats on this lake are made of skillfully woven grass similiar to the woven baskets of our Mister: If you’ve never yearned to- have a son, edit a newspaper or serve as police commissioner, you are not a ‘typical’ American. * * * WE SAY IT AGAIN If yu your lips Wuld keep from slips, Five things ebmace with care: To whom you speak, Of whom you speak, And what and when and where. * * * PRANKISH PROBLEMS Answer to Prankish Problem No. 42 which appeared in this space last week: list person, 18; 2nd .person, 12 and 3rd person, 6. Prankish Problem No. 43: Twenty- three times a certain number is as much above 14 as 16 is above seven times the number. What is the number? (Can you find the number before it appears in this space next week? own use. IA wood panel of “The Crucifixion” painted by Pietro della Francesca was purchased at public auction by Sir Joseph Duveen at a price of $375,000.00 which is reported to be the highest price for a painting eVer paid at public auction. In 1937, more than Fifty Million Dollars was spent in America on Out­ door Advertising; Bill Boards, Post­ ers, Painted and Illuminated signs. In 1793, Jean P. Blnachard was the first man to cross the English Channel in a balloon. In the United States, there are 435 members of Congress who are elected every two years and 96 Sen­ ators. Two senators from each of the 48 States. Senators serve a term of 6 years. The first Russian Railrad was be­ tween Moscow and St. Petersburg and was completed in 1851. * * ♦ There never was a grouch who was continually smile-,proof. * * * Some authors inspire thinkers — others inspire imitators. * * » It’s the clapping of hands which shapes the ’careers’ of most of as. * ♦ * Given three requisites: Means of existence, reasonable health, and an absorbing interest — those years be­ yond sixty can be the happiest and most satisfying of a lifetime. —Ernest Elmo Calkins . Every illustrius Liberator was 'a' ‘rebel’ until he succeeded.■ * * * WHAT USE EFFICIENCY Old Zeb was whitewashing the barn with a brush that had very few bristles left in it. The Squire pass­ ed and said; '' “Why don’t you get a new brush with more bristles in it, Zeb?” “What for, Squire?” asked the old man. “What fori” answered the Squire, “Why, man if you had a .proper brush you could do twice as much work.” “Mebbe so, Squire, mebbe so,” responded the old chap. “Only you see I ain’t got twice as much work to do.”* * ♦ WILL ROGERS AND ROYALTY The recent dedication of the Will Rogers’ Memorial in Claremore, Okla., brings to mind one of a fund of stories about this wholesome char­ YOUR Holiday Table The holiday table in every home should groan with the Weight of choice quality Meats and Poultry . . * . Here you’ll find tasty foods at low prices ... all specially reduced for the festive feasts. Shop here if you want to save on choice Christmas Meats and Poultry* All Poultry Drawn Free .... ----- ........... ----....................... .....■ ».-■ t Choice Beef, Pork, Lamb, Smoked Bacon, Smoked Ham, Picnic Hams, Cottage Rolls. Weiners, Headcheese I RIVERS’ QUALITY MEAT MARKET | “For Service and Quality” Phone 9, Exeter || FOR MEN AND BOYS Initialed and Fancy Handkerchiefs Shirts, Braces Ties, Arm Bands Neck Scarfs Sweaters Windbreakers ♦ Gloves Suits and Overcoats . Hockey Skates and Shoes Umbrellas Bath Robes Pyjamas Lace and Linen Table Cloths Fancy Linens Dresser Scarves, Etc Night Gowns, Vests, Bloomers Pantie Sets, Slips, Etc. acter— One day Will Rogers appeared at the gate of Buckingham Palace and said: “I’m Will Rogers and I’ve come to see the King,”—to the haughty guard. “Tell him,” he continued, “that when the Prhi’ce of Wales was over in our country he told me to look u,p his old man some time, and here I am.” Rogers was admitted and not only had a long talk with King George V but also stayed to lunch. * * * The smaller the idea, the larger the vocabulary necessary to express it. When a young man is hunting for a wife, petting .parties come in handy for the purpose of elimination. # * * A broken blue pencil, A stack of finished pages The column’s ended once again— Consigned, perhaps to the ages. THE COLONEL