HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-08, Page 9THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
The following is another letter re
ceived. by Bill Davis, of the Tim.es-
Advocate staff, from Gerald Hurdon,
an Exeter Old Boyy telling more of
the wonders of Arizona.
2210 Van Buren St.
Phoenix, Ariz.
With our Equipment we can
Serve You Better
Route Your Freight by Tuckey
Save Time and Expense
PHONES Exeter, No. 25 London M. 4892
Forest City Laundry Agency
FROM $12.50 UP
Birth Stone Rings ....... $1.00 up
We Have a Fine Assortment of
Cut Glass
Don’t Forget to get our Prices on
Popular Dresser Sets. Splendid
Chime Clocks...$15.00 to $28.50
Mantle Clocks ....... $6.00 and up
Dresser Clocks.......$2.00 and up
15 and 17 Jewel Movement
Ranging in Price from $5.95 to $100.00
1 12 1
Dear Bill,
It seems you must be a glutton for
punishment to invite another of these
rambling affairs to foist on your
gullible subscribers — that is if you
have any subscribers left after that
last one.
You know Bill, that half of pleas
ure of living here in the Valley of
the Sun, is in writing to the folks
back home aSid bragging of the mar
vellous weather we enjoy, but you’ve
been cramping my style terribly with
your story of whht a grand Fall you
have had — not to mention the com
plete disruption of the opening lines
of my letters.
Anyway, down here where we get
over 360 sunshiny days each year
(beat that if you can) we're at least
not expecting any skating season —
but first let me tell you something
about this fair and peaceful valley !
lying in the heart of Arizona, a state
only admitted to the Union as late as
the year 1912, yet discovered by
Coronado and his Conquistadors and
settled by white men long before the
first Pilgrims set foot on the well-
known Plymouth Rock — I can j'ust
imagine Coronado, and his Conquista
dors as they' topped the rise of the
last mesa to gaze down on this ver
dant vale surrounded as it is by high
rugged mountains and mesas and
studded with a peculiar type of cacti
that strongly resemble a ‘ group of
drunken telephone poles taking set
ting up exercises — a picture both
beautiful and grotesque.
Now Palms line the streets of the
city and suburban roads — many
bearing cluters of ripe dates — cot
ton grows in surrounding ranches
and citrus groves stretch out to the
desert edge laden with luscius fruit
— but it’s the desert itself that holds
the real allure and its’ here, in the
sun, beforejiis hogan or pueblo sits
the sullen Hopi weaving his picture
rugs, making pottery or beating out
his silver into ornaments, surround
ed by his squaw and little squawkers.
Over on the three high mesas
stand the big pueblos of the tribe —
the sturdy abode homes that have
been occupied constantly by Ho,pis for
over 300 years — it is here they
congregate for tribal ceremonials —
the snake dance, that wierd celebra
tion when their great god Tawa, the
corn Katchina strides down from the
distant snow-capped peaks to com
mune with the tribal chiefs and med
icine men and permits them to send
their supplications for an abundant
corn crop to the under regions by
means of whispered messages to their
“little brothers” the snakes. From
down in their sacred “Kiva” where
the secret and sacred rites are per
formed comes the thin spiral of
smoke from the ceremonial fire —-
and speaking of the “Kiva” let me
digress a bit to do a little explaining
for when it comes to exploring places
I shouldn’t — well, you know me
William and I count myself one of
the few white men who have visited
the sacred Kiva and got away with
it — must be my personality — but
to describe the place I’d say
merely a rectangular shaped room
room dug deep underground about
12 by 20 feet by nine feet high and
entered through a single hole or vent
at the top by means of a pole ladder
—• the place was pitifully bare, only
a rough stone fire-hole in the centre
and the charred ends of a few sticks
of cactus wood showed any sign of
it ever been used — not a thing
adorned the bare mud walls nor was
there any sort of seat—not what you
might call a vulgar or ornate display
of ah overdone lodge room.
To return again to the desert and
its fantastic topography — its gro
tesque cacti growths and its miriads
of little lizrds that scuttle away at
incredible speed at one’s approach,
and to view these things from the
saddle of a tough little pinto is an
experience worth all the time and
effort to bring it about — and I sin
cerely hope we’ll have a chance some
time to have that experience together
My best regards to everyone.
Perry - Schroeder
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Church parsonage, Cred-
iton on Wednesday evening December
let at 6 o’clock when Rev. D. J. Glad
man united in marriage Miss Goldie
Schroeder, younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Schroeder, of this
place to Mr. Ernest Perry, The bride
looked charming dressed in a gown
of blue chiffon velvet with accessor
ies to match. The young couple are
well known in this community and
we extend congratulations.
The regular meeting of the Ladies
Aid was held on *Wednesday evening
last at the home of Mrs. Lamport.
Meeting opened with song and pray
er, after which reports were given
Rev. Mr. Gladman was in charge of
the election of officers which are as
follows: president, Mrs, Wm. Ratz;
1st Vice-President, Mrs. R. Ratz;
2nd Vice-President, Mrs. L. Adams;
Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer; As
sistant, Mrs. Jacob Ratz; Treasurer,
Miss Pearl Keyes; Assistant, Mrs. A.
Finkbeiner; Corree. Secretary, Mrs.
E. Keyes; Miss. Treasurer, Mrs. M,
Sweitzer; pianist, Mrs. Milt, Ratz;
Assistant, Mrs. R, Ratz; Flower com.
Mrs, A. Gaiser, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner;
Mrs. Baker; Parsonage com., Mrs. R.
,Ratz; Mr. Lamport, Mrs. L. Fink
beiner; To send boxes to shut-ins,
Miss P. Keyes, Mrs. Ratz and Mrs. A.
Finkbeiner; Chaplains, Mrs. Jacob
Ratz, Mrs. E. Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holland, of
Ailsa Craig, visited on Wednesday
last at the home of Mr. G. Scott.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, of St. Thomas,
visited over the week-end at her
home here.
Mrs. Roy Ratz spent the week-end
in Michigan attending the funeral of
a relative.
The Y. P. S. are holding their
meeting Thursday of this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
The Ladies Aid are being entertain
ed Thursday of this week by the
Crediton United ladies in the church.
Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer and Mrs. Glen
Brenner from Grand Bend, visited
with Mrs. George Clarke in Thedford
last Tuesday.
Miss Reta Ratz, of Victoria Hos
pital, London, visited Sunday at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Keyes visited on
Sunday with relatives in Varna.
Exeter Public Utilities
The boon of electrical labor-savers is one
that every housewife appreciates mote and
more as the years go by. More of her energy
and more of her time can be devoted to things
more important if she has the facilities to as
sist in her housework. We have a complete
line of electrical accessories. Welcome gifts
at lowest prices.
Phone 127 Exeter
it is
William A. Abray, C.N.R. agetit in
St. Marys since 1929 has been ap
pointed as agent for the city of Galt
and has taken over hie new duties.
The transfer is a considerable pro
motion. While in St, Marys he serv
ed three years on the Town Council
a couple of years on the Public Util
ities Commission and one year as
Mayor. Mr, Abray has also held the
presidency of the Parks Bowling
Club and taken an active part in the
work of the United Church and the
Masonic Lodge, Miss Greta Abray, of
the Exeter High School staff is a
We Deliver
Ba; Sand
The S*
The play ‘Billy’s Goat” put on by
the Young People of Granton in the
Orange Hall was well received, each,
one taking their parts well. The
proceeds from the play was very
gratifying. t
The Y. P. U. held their regular
Sunday evening meeting in the base
ment of the Church on Sunday last.
A meeting on Monday evening of
this week was held in the Sunday
School room of the church for the
purpose of electing teachers and of
ficers for the coming year.
Miss Dorothy Camm, of Toronto,
spent last week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Camm^
At the time of writing Mr. Clar
ence Gunning continues very ill, we
are sorry to say,.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson
are busy packing and preparing to
move to their new home in Parkhill.
Mrs. Wm. Wynn has recently gone
to St. Marys to spend the winter
months with her sister Miss Carrie
Mrs. John Oke, of Exetetr; Mr.
and Mrs. James Oke, Donald and
Leona, of Chiselhurst; Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Cottle and baby Ross, Thames
Road, were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson and
Shirley, of Washington; Mr. and
Mrs. Laverne Stone and Donna, of
Kirkton, spent Sunday last
home of their parents here.
We have a large assortment of Christmas Candies in bulk
or fancy boxes.
Fresh Christmas Nuts mixed or separate.
New Oranges, all sizes.
Prices and Quality are the best we have ever been able
to offer you,
Special Reduced Prices for School and Xmas Concerts.
We have choice quality New Raisins, Currants, Dates,
Bleached Sultanas, Cherries, Peels (cut or whole), Pineapple
Rings, all colors? Almonds, Walnuts, Spices and Flavorings,
Everything for your Christmas Cake or Mincemeat.
FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES —California Grapes, Oranges. Bananas, Grape Fruit
Cranberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Carrots, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Pars
nips, Onions, Etc.; also Oysters, Codfish, Fillets of Haddies and Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon
Phone 102
Rain washed patches of ice were
blamed for two motor accidents in
which Max and Greta Ducharme,
brother and sister, were passengers
in separate cars wrecked inside of
half an hour within a distance of
two miles on the Blue Water High
Margaret Roland, of near St. Jo
seph, received a knee laceration
which required 14 stitches to close.
Margaret and her sister, Madeline,
were passengers in a car driven by
Max Duchrme when it skidded on ice
a half mile north of St, Joseph, got
out of control and turned over on its
side in the ditch. The damage was
Within half an hour, two miles
away, a car driven by John Mahoney,
R.R. No. 3, Ailsa Craig, and in
which Greta Ducharme was a pas
senger, crashed through a fence into I tg
a field and turned over on Its side. *
Other passengers, unhurt were
ward Hogan R.R. 8, Parkhill
Greta Ducharme, of Drysdale,
damage to the car was $100,
$5,000 over Smith’s bank-
had just sent him a eon-
“I tost
ruptcy. I
signment of goods when ho went
' “But you got the goods back?”
'Yes, but what could, I do 'with
The people who enjoy worrying
must be having the time of their)
lives this year. the awful rubbish?”
What man would not appreciate one of these
Surprise him for Christmas by selecting one from our
attractive stock. Prices range from
$3.95 AND UP D
PYJAMAS—Make an appreciative gift. Priced) at $2.00.
MUFFLERS—Our Mufflers are the most attractive we have
shown in years. From $1.00 to $2.00.
GLOVES—$1.50 to $2.00.
HANDKERCHIEFS—Linen, white and with stripes and all
colors. From 10c to 50c.
Shirts and Ties
TIES—with beautiful colorings and
handsome original designs in
attractive boxes
BOc to $1.00
You will need these—either for your
self or as gifts. Shirts in all the new
est patterns and styles
PRICED FROM $1.00 TO $2.00