HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-08, Page 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 TH£ EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE EXETER AND FRUIT „ 21c Cut Prices. Finest Quality. 25c 10c 25c 10c25c COOK’S Phone Hensail 46Phone Exeter 58 Per We slash prices on everything. Pay us a visit. You will save money. “The Store that gives you Value’ Raspberry or Strawberry JAM Large Jar.... BRAZIL, FILBERTS, ALMONDS, WALNUTS Sold Mixed PURE LARD Pound Package or Farmers’ Bulk RAISINS, CURRANTS, DATES, FIGS Our Stock is Complete SODA BISCUITS Fresh, Crispy Per pound............ HENSALL A Word to the Wise !! Start your Christmas Shopping Early. Our Stock is larger than ever. Prices are positively Lowest yet. Come ea rly, see for yourselves. Finest Quality GRANULATED SUGAR 10 pounds.... _........53c NUTS CANDY FRENCH CREAMS CHOCOLATE DROPS GUM DROPS VICTORIA MIXED HUMBUGS, ETC MINCEMEAT Tip Top New Crop DATES 4 pounds... ...... Cook’s SPECIAL COFFEE Fresh Ground, lb....25c HUNTS Schneiders Fine Sausage...........£vC Breakfast Bacon Diamond Bread Flour Bologna, 2 lbs 98 pounds ROBIN HOOD, PURITY, FIVE ROSES at Cut Prices HENSALL COUNCIL A regular meeting of the village council was held Monday, December 5 th at S p.m. in the council cham­ bers with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting iwere read. Carried. Reeve Shad­ dock reported re the recent meeting ‘held here by the agricultural repre­ sentative re the T. B. testing of cattle. The treasurer reported re­ ceiving- $11.31 from the Tax Sale also $211.00 as hall rents, Thos, and AVm. Soldan appeared and pre­ sented a petition signed by the var­ ious farm owners in the Corporation asking for partial exemption of tax- ,es. Council to meet the petitioners the first meeing in January. Dr. I. G, Smillie, Medical Health Officer, read his annual report and also made some comments re same. Brock and .Twitchell that we accept the Health Officers report. Carried. A delega­ tion composed of Messrs. H. Horton, F. Beer, Scott Welsh and G. Grant appeared for the band stating the condition of affairs re same. Corres­ pondence read as follows: A. I. Shu- miatchen, Mogg and Dionlan, County Engineers, County Treasurer, Mrs. E. Stapleton, J. P. Dent, same filed. Jones and Shepherd that the by­ law as suggested by the County Treasurer be prepared for passing at next meeting. Carried. Bills and accounts as follows: Thos. Welsh material and labor on rink $93.77; F. C. Kalbfleisch, material and la­ bour on rink $40.00; F. AV., Hess, printing-, $40.75; Pedlar People, Ltd., stop sign $5.25; A. Easton, Legion wreath $5.0 0; Hensall Hydro hall and motor $8.29; T. Smale, la­ bour on street $1.40; D. Kyle, ditto $2.20; T. Richardson, labor, street and rink, $5.80; L. Hedden, labor on street $3.50; J. A. Patterson Pen­ sions and allowances $9.50; J. A. Patterson, balance salary $100.00, registration $7.75 and B. of H., $6; salary $45.00, extras $5.00, total $50.00; R. E. Shaddock, salary reeve $42.00; O. Twitchell, salary as councillor $2 8 G. E. Brock, ditto $28.00; AV. Shep­ herd, ditto $;2i8.00; AV. Jones, ditto $28.00; G. E. Fee, salary constable, $50.00; Geo. AValker, part salary as caretaker, $49.50; Geo. Hudson, bal­ ance salary caretaking, water tank $22.50; C. Passmore, balance salary fire dept. $25.0 0; Dr. I. G. Smillie, M.O.H., and B. of H., $96.00; N. Blatchford, B. of H. inspection, etc. $12.00; R. E. Shaddock, Board of Health, $6.0 0; Bank of Montreal, De­ benture coupons $126.50; J. Mitchell debenture, $1,00,0.00; total $/1970.71 Twitchell and Brock that accounts as read be paid. Carried. Jones and Shepherd, that we instruct the constable to proceed with the col­ lection of poll tax at once. Carried. Adjourned to meet December 15th. James Street W. A. Sherritt The November meeting of the W> A. of James Street United Church was held at the Church with the president presiding. Mrs. Sharpe read the scripture lesson and offered prayer, A slate of officers was pre­ sented and accepted as follows: Hon­ orary President, Mrs. A. Page; Pres. Mrs. C. Kestle; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. F, A. May; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. AV. H. Moise; 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs, Earl Shapton; secretary, Mrs. M, C, Flet­ cher; Assist., Mrs. J. M. Southcott; Treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Carey; Assist­ ant, Mrs. A. Page; Corres, Secretary Mrs. E. S. Steiner; Press Reporter, Mrs. J. Norry; Assist. Reporter, Mrs. C. Snell; Pianist, Mrs, V. Kestle; Ass’t., Mrs. T. Coates; Floral Com., Mrs. AV. Shapton, Miss N. Keddy, Mrs. AV. Coates, Mrs, H. H. Cowen, Mrs. G, F. Roulston; Visiting Com­ mittee, Mrs. F. Taylor, Mrs. E. Har­ ness; Parsonage committee, Mrs. M. Heywood; Assistants, Mrs, F. Sharpe Mrs. S. MeFalls, Mrs. J. S. Harvey; Emergency Com., Mrs, T. O. South­ cott, Mrs. F. Boyle, Mrs. C. V. Pick­ ard, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. F, Coates Vestry Committee, Mrs. J. M. South­ cott, Mrs. E. Rowclifre. Rev. Arthur Page presided for the election of of­ ficers. Mrs. V. Kestle then favored with a piano solo. Lunch was served at. the close of the meeting by the hostess and and her committee. : $113.75; R. J. Patterson, At a public dinner a speaker spoke for half an hour and looked like going on for another 30 minutes. A guest turned to a woman near him and remarked: “Can nothing be done to shut this man up?” “Well,” responded the other cheerfully and frankly, “I’ve tried fox* fifteen years.” A freight train came to a scream­ ing Halt after shrill whistling fail­ ed to budge a pedestrian from the right of way near Fountain, Colo­ rado. The man apologetically said that he hadn’t' heard the whistle— be was thinking of an archaeology thesis for a master’s degree at the University of Arizona. HURONDALE W. I The regular meeting of the Hur- ondale W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. B. Case, November 30th. The meeting was opened in the usual manner. The roll call was answer­ ed by an apple recipe. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. An appeal from the Red Cross Association for the desti­ tute and homeless in the Rainy River district was given consideration and it was decided to send a bale of new and used clothing to the Association and also a cash donation. A talk on the motto “An ear for music, an eye for pictures, a mind for books, a hobby, a jest, these are the assets that make for happiness” was given by Mrs. G. Bolton. Mrs. Alvin Moir gave the report of the Annual Dis­ trict convention held in London, No­ vember 1, 2 and 3. Mrs. Beckler gave a paper on a “Famous Canadian Wo­ man.” ing by Mrs. Down and Grant Case gave a reading. demonstrated the making of a Xmas salad. The meeting closed with the National anthem hour was spent, joyed and lunch hostess and her Miss Jean $239 raised to Southcott re- the Mrs. Amy cot in Kong There was community sing- Coates Garage Every man who owns a car has a private desire to own some special accessory. That makes a grand opportunity to sur­ prise some car owner with the one thing he wants most this Christmas. Mrs. S. Mitchell and a social half A contest was was served by committee. en- the Heaters & Defrosters, Fog Lights, Anti Freeze, Tires and Batteries Change Your Oil For Winter Driving Cars Tuned and put in Tip Top Order for Cold Weather FARMERS-—Have your Machinery or Tractor put in order during the Winter Months. T. COATES KHIVA Khiva School concert will be held on Friday evening, Decembei* 16th. A good program is being prepared by the pupils and young people of the section. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. Mason spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. M. Ma­ son, of Grand Bend. Mr. Gordon Eagleson, of London, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Miss Ila Mason is spending a few days with friends at Grand Bend. “I was not able to play all winter.” “Why not?” , “Every time i saw three billiards James St. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. H. H. Cowen was hostess on Monday evening for the Christmas meeting of the James Street Evening Auxiliary when forty-six members and friends were present. The presi­ dent, Miss Celia Christie, presided over the business session. An ap­ preciative letter was read from Mrs. AV. A. Entichnap, Kincaid, Sask., for the beautiful parcel of Christmas gifts sent to her for distribution from the Auxiliary. A letter was al­ so read from Miss Irene Moore, Reg. N., who recently arrived at Hong Kong, China. The reports of the various secretaries showed the so­ ciety had been active and progressive in all phases of the work during the year. The treasurer Sheere, reported over date and Miss Stella ported $42 raised for Fund in support of a Moon, China. The supply secretary Miss Alice Handford, stated layettes sent away in April, a bale in Octo­ ber and a Christmas parcel in Novem­ ber. Miss Stella Southcott, conven­ or of the nominating committee pre­ sided over the election of officers for the ensuing year. The program was as follows: "Worship service with the Misses Celia Christie, B. Kinney and M. Horton taking part; Christmas carols were sung; a solo “The Gift” by Mrs. R. Fletcher; readings by Dorothy Green; piano instrumental by Marion Cowen. Mrs. J. Falcon­ bridge, of Centralia, was a guest for the evening and brought an interest­ ing and timely message leaving a very favorable impression. Following the closing session Santa Claus made his appearance and presented little gifts to the members. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Cowen and her group. The following are the newly elected officers: Hon. Presidents, Mrs. John Rowe, Mrs. F. Sharpe; President, Mrs. H. C. Carey; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. W. C. Allison; 2nd Vice-President, Miss Stella Southcott; Secretary, Mrs. AV. Witmer; Assistant Secretary Miss Mary McKaig; Treasurer, Mrs. I. Ford; Asst. Treas., Miss R. Rowe Corres. Secretary, Miss May Jones Stewardship, Miss Celia Christie Birthday Box, Miss ILulu Lindenfield Mite Boxes, Miss *Meta Salter; Mis­ sionary Monthly, Mrs. G. C. Koch; pianist, Miss Pearl Wood; Asst, pian­ ist, Mrs. W. R. Goulding; Supply Se­ cretary, Miss Alice Handford; press Reporter. Miss Nellie Carmichael; Community Friendship, Miss Flor­ ence Down; Group Leaders, Mrs. Mc- Tavish; Miss Jean Sheere, Miss H.balls on the tabje I thought of my overcoat.” Ponliale and Miss Gladys Stone. 23c. 53c 40c 25c . 25c. 23c 25c 10c Currants, 2 lb. foi Seedless Raisins, 2 1b. for Almonds, Shelled, 1 lb. for Fancy Bleached Raisins, 2 lb. for Mixed Peel, per lb.............. Pineapple Rings, per lb. .... Marchino Cherries, per lb, .. 3 Cans Peas for ................... 3 Cans Corn for .................. Clark’s Soup, Vegetable or Tomato, 3 for Clark’s Pork and Beans, 3 for ................ Grape Fruit Juice, 13 1-2 oz. tin for ...... 25c 23c 54c Death of Mrs. Hodgins Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgins, widow of William E. I-Iodgins, formerly of Biddulph Township, died Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs.y~ IS GOOD ENOUGH This outstanding triumph is proof of quality. Twelve first prizes in twelve classes, in this year’s Baby Shows at the Toronto and Ottawa Exhibitions, were won by babies fed on ‘Crown Brand’ Corn Syrup. What better evidence can there be of the confidence which Canadian mothers and their physicians have in the purity and quality of ‘Crown Brand.’ A delicious table syrup, ‘Crown Brand’ is a treat for the whole family. Tell the boys that pictures of famous hockey stars can still be obtained for ‘Crown Brand* Corn Syrup labels. EDWARDSBURG (CROWN BRAND Kiiai ,.p SHOWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited CANDIES Neilson’s Mixture, per lb. Brown Mixture, 2 lb........................ 23c Choice Jellies and Creams, per lb 18c Oranges from 19c to 45c a Dozen F. COATES Phone 194 Exeter Bid­ past Sur- Mrs. Alfred Dickins, in London. She was in her 85th year. Mrs. Hodgins was a daughter of the late Thomas and Jane Harlton and was born hi Biddulph Township. She lived most of her life on the 10th con. of dulph and at Granton-. For the year she had lived in London, viving are two daughters, Dickins, London and Mrs. L. A. Ab­ bott, of Granton;' also one brother, Thomas Harlton, of Granton. The funeral took place from Mrs. Dickins home on Princess Ave., London on Monday at 2 p.m. to St. James Church, Clandeboye, where the fun­ eral service was conducted by Rev. A. A. Trumper. Interment was made in Saint James’ Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates, of town, at­ tended the funeral. An egolist is a man who thinks as much of himself as you think of yourself. /! DEAD LIVESTOCK Phone Seaforth 15, Collect DAY OR NIGHT SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Our drivers are equipped to shoot old or crippled animals DARLING and Co. of Canada, Ltd. CHATHAM, ONT. Obstinate Coughs and Colds Some coughs and colds seem hard to shake off; stick right with you in spite of everything you do to get rid of them. These are the kind that are dan­ gerous. The kind that stick, the kind that develop into bronchitis, the kind that may end in some serious trouble. Get rid of the.cough at once by taking Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup before matters get too serious. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd,, Toronto, Ont. EXETER Any Gift that makes the home more comfortable and more livable is Thrice Welcome and Thrice enjoyed. Our store is crammed with furniture of exceptional beauty and style which will make your selection a Stand-out, no matter what you buy. Suggestions for the Home Dining Room, Bedroom and Living Room Suites, Living Room Tables, Coffee Tables, End Tables, Magazine Racks, Desks, Smokers, Bookcases Cedar Chests, Radio Tables, Occasional Chairs, Lounge Chairs, Studio Couches, Mirrors, Bed Springs, Mattresses and Lamps of all Kinds and Prices. For the Children Doll Buggies and Table and Chair Sets. There must be some room in your house that you have long felt needed a little Primping up here and there. Our Holiday Stock will make your selections easy and unusually satisfying. A small down payment will hold any article for Christ­ mas Delivery. We invite you to inspect our stock early and your Christmas worries will be over WE DELIVER ANYWHERE Phone 99 Residence 63 t F R HOPPFR’^JlL/» A JL V-Z JL JL JlL/JEV. C FURNITURE STORE