HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-08, Page 5X.9«e THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Our stock is large and well assorted and covers all the many items that you expect in a Music and Stationery Store. Fountain Pens, Games, Papetries, Christmas Cards, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Wrappings, Small Musical Merchan­ dise, Etc. Streamlined Kiddy Car All Metal, Rubber Tires Special at $1.89 Built'' to Last 98c to $1.49 Sleighs Wagons Built for Speed Bearing Joycycles Full Streamlined Priced Right $5.50 to $8.90 Disc Wheels, Rubber Tires and Ball Four Civil Actions For Huron Sessions Four civil actions, three of them jury cases are set down for hearing at the session of county court which opened in Goderich on Tuesday. W. B. Burgman, station agent at Wingham, and his wife are plaintiffs in a $5uo automobile damage action against W- B. Ritchie, Ashfield Twp. farmer. The action arises out of an accident that occurred near Lucknow on August 14. Another motor accident case is that of pred Thiel, Zurich, and his wife, against Rudolph Stade hard­ ware merchant of Zurich, and his son Harold. ■ The claim is for $800 and costs for alleged negligent oper­ ation of a motor car, resulting in an accident between Zurich and Hensail on September 21, Joseph McMillan,. Ashfield farm­ er, is suing Alvin and Thelma Collis­ on for $650 for rent due on a farm under lease, and for $350 alleged depreciation of the farm by plaintiff, $80 for plowing, and for $5 00 for damages to fences and buildings. A non-jury action is the claim of Wilson H. Bender, contractor, Grand Bend, against A. T. and Bessie May Taylor for $39 5.98, being $1100 bal­ ance owing on the erection of a cot­ tage and $295.93 for extra material nd labor furnished. Defendants re­ side in the City of London. Judge T. M. Costello will preside. Heard Along Main Street The following interesting items were taken from the Stratford-Bea­ con Herald, a reporter having visit­ ed Exeter Wednesday of last week, 5 Priced from $2.75 to $4.95 GUITARS Hawaiian, complete with Instruction Book, Steel and Pick. (No Seconds) $6 95 to $23.00 PIANOS Re-Conditioned and Fully Guaranteed All Popular Makes Make Your Own Terms $79.00 and up SEWING MACHINES Drop Heads, including Raymonds, New Williams and Singer $10.00 and up — SHOP IN THE MORNING—IT WILL PAY — MARTIN’S MUSIC STORE PHONE 3 EXETER Hi General Insurance * LIFE BONDS WEATHER FIRE THEFT AND REAL ESTATE SICKNESS AUTO ACCIDENT C. V. PICKARD, phone 165,EXETER mflRConi CfhejatsAt Name. Radio Wm. J. Thomson DEALER CENTRALIA Telephone Kirkton 48r2 Put we and they together what have you? Iu Exeter you have E, J. Wethey M.A., popular principal of the Exeter High School . , They tell a yarn about him when he was a member of a choir at St. James- Church some 13 years ago when the "Hallelujah Chorus” was being sung. It seems that just before the concert Mr. Wethey had been telling the choir about a fellow he knew who once had sung the word "Hallel­ ujah” by himself when the music called for a pause. Well, the choir went into the church and during the rendition of the chorus the said Mr, Wethey pulled the same faux pas as had the fellow about whom h,e had been talking a few minutes before.& $ At the Exeter High School the stu­ dents and teachers are looking for­ ward to the day when the new build­ ing will be opened and that will pro­ bably be near the end of January. The fine new structure will have ac­ commodation of two classrooms, and also accommodation for the teaching of home economics, shopwork, etc., as well as a gymnasium, modern la­ boratories, etc. There is an enroll­ ment of 192 with a staff of six t’each- ers. It is likely that the classrooms in the new building will be used for the firts forms . . . Students a that school of learning are holdin; their annual dance this Friday even ing. , of Woodham, were CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks and Mr. Donald Blaii’ were in Guelph on Thursday of last week attending the Winter Fair. Mrs. Arthur Brooks has been on the sick list for the past week. Her many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Mr. and Mrs. L, Mills and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. H. Mills. Sunday School Anniversairy A very successful Sunday School Anniversary service was held in the church here on Sunday morning. Special music was provided by a S. S. choir under the leadership of the Superintendent, Mr. Cecil Skinner with Miss Florence Mitchell at the piano. The guest speaker was Rev. Mr. A. E. Pletch, of Crediton Evan­ gelical Church who gave a very fine address taking for his subject "Our Personal Devotion to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.” Rev. Mr. Falcon­ bridge conducted the morning ser­ vice in the church. Centralia Y. Crediton Evangelical Crediton Centralia of Credi- was in P. Entertain Y. P. On Tuesday evening the Y. P. entertained the Y. P. ton. The program which charge of the Crediton young people was opened by a sing-song under the leadership of Rev. Mr. Gladman.' The Lord’s Prayer was repeated after which hymn 196 was sung. The scrip­ ture lesson was read by Nelson Lam­ port. A reading was given by Miss Gertrude Reid. Hymn 245 was sung. A musical selection was given by M. Lightfoot and Harvey Lovie. An in­ teresting topic was given by Miss Lillian Finkbeiner. A solo was sung by Mss Helen Bullock; Miss Grace Hill played an instrumental. The de­ votional part of the meeting was closed with hymn 383 and the Miz­ pah benediction. Donald Blair then took charge tof interesting games and contests. The president, Gerald Schroeder, extended a vote of thanks to the Centralia Y. P. The meeting was closed by singing "God Save King.” the andBender purchased the mov- con- nice- CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Wm. daughter who recently home of Mrs. Charles Roeszler ed in on Thursday. Mr. Eli Sims who has been fined to his home is improving ly. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis is vis­ iting with their daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilon at Grand Bend. ’ Mr. Charles Anderson visited last week with friends in Sarnia. Butchering is the ordei’ of day in these parts. Mr. Murray’ Neil, who was operat­ ed on a week ago last Friday in Vic­ toria Hospital foi’ appendicitis proved so rapidly that lie was to return home Saturday. Mr. Sam Baynham spent a days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. McDonald in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter and Lois, of Exeter spent Sunday relatives here. im- able few SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS with give his Momentum is something to a person when they are leaving. Jacob, son of Isaac, stole brother’s birthmark, The letters "M,D.” signify Men­ tally Deficient. Vesuvius is a volcano, and if you climb to the top you will see a crea­ tor smoking. Science is material but religion is * Immaterial. if * if 'Dr. G. H. Jose, popular reeve of Blanshard Township, is a good fel­ low to meet on’the main street of Kirkton around noon hour. He will insist that you stop in for dinner. Four times during the noonday meal he was called to the telephone. 'Con­ versation between bites at the dinner table led the writer to believe he will again shard seek the reeveship; of ,Blan- for 1939. if you know that in a tiny shackDid at Kirkton, the late Timothy Eaton, started business? It was on the loca­ tion of the general store now oper­ ated by E. N. Shier. Mr. Eaton was the first postmaster at Kirkton in 1856. He was there about three years and then went to St. Marys where he had a retail business. * * if Relatives of James Grieve of Ex­ eter were relieved when they receiv­ ed word from him that he was quite safe, fie is visiting his son F. L. Grieve in .California and they were apparently in the vicinity of the ser­ ious fire which few days ago. broke out there a * * but notice a sign * Couldn’t help near the entrance to the Exeter arena which reads, "Tag, Crack-the-Whip, snowballing, skating in opposite di­ rection or any such games that may cause injury to any person or persons shall be strictly prohibited by the Exeter Community Arena.” And there is a lot of sense in that one sentence, because many dangers exist on the public skating rinks were there are always those few "smart” ones who care little about the safety o’ others . . . The boys are at the rink every day now, just waiting for colder wea­ ther and that means ice should be soon ready for an anxious commun­ ity. •V. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1038 » RATES The Friendly Gift Shop THIS YEAR BUY Practical Christmas Gifts They are so Much More Appreciated Practical gifts keep on giving happiness and satisfaction not only on Christmas Day but throughout many happy days of the whole year. This year there are many practical and useful gifts at Beavers’ Hardware. Below is0 a list of suggestions that may help you choose just the practical gift that will be most appreciated. Pick out your Xmas presents early. Come down and look over the many gift selections at Beavers’ Hardware. FOR BABY Cup and Plate Sets Granite 40c, 60c and 65c Aluminum 50c “Popeye” Series Silver Spoon 50c Knife and Fork 50c Silver Knife and Fork Sets 50c, 85c FOR BOYS Pocket Knifes with Chains 15c, 20c Pocket Knives 25c, 35c, 50c Hockey Sticks 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c Hockey Outfits (complete with skates and boots) $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.25 Eveready Flashlights 69c, 85c, $1.50 FOR GIRLS Scissors 35c, 40c, 75c Skating Outfits (complete) $2.75, $3.25, $3.75, $4.25 Table Sets (6 knives, 6 forks) Stainless Steel $1.75, $2.75 Silver $3.75, $4.50, $6.00 Badminton Racquets $4.50, $6.50 FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Pocket Knives 35c, 50c, 85c Gillette Razor Sets 25c, 59c, $1.50 Probak Razor Sets 29c Shaving Brushes Shaving Mirrors Coleman Lanterns 50c 25c $5.95 FOR THE HOME Westclox Alarms $1.45 Nut Cracker Sets Crackers only 15c Cracker and 2 picks 35c Cracker and 6 picks 50c Silex Coffee Brewer $3.75 Electric Irons $2.75, $4.25 Electric Toasters $2.25, $4.50 Pyrex Pie Plates 35c, 40c, 50c Pyrex Casseroles 70c, 80c, $1.00 Pryex Custard Moulds 5c, 10c 0 Tableware, 6 Knives $1.25, $1.50, $3.25 Tableware, 6 forks $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 B. W. F. BEAVERS ft HARDWARE MERCHANT Season s Greetings From... MODERN FIREPROOF ► HOTELS >#CONVENIDiny LOCATED » easy BflUTO IsM •J IBM'S * * * The Lions Club of Exeter is un- ' dertaking a fine .piece of work this year in the sponsoring of a town hockey league for boys between 12 and eighteen years of age. Chairman of the committee is J. A. Traquair, Already between fifty affd sixty boys have made known their intentions of participating. The club is anxious to get a good league going among the younger boys this year with the hope that by next year we will have enough material for a smart junior O.H.A. team," ex­ plained Mr. Traquair. :|< « if "Service stations and garages have taken the place of all the old black­ smith shops,” was the remark of Francis Blatchford, beloved resident of Exeter who this Fall celebrated his 86th birthday. Although his eye­ sight has just about gone, Mr. Blatch­ ford gives one the impression that he still enjoys living. He is a man who likes to chat with a friend -about bygone days. Mr. Blatchford, who- lives with his son, N. R. Blatchford, learned the blacksmithing business back in the 60’s Jn Exetei* and then for many years carried on a business in a vil­ lage which was known as Rogers­ ville, near Hensail and in the latter town. Then he took to farming in Usborne Township and retired to Ex­ eter some 26 years ago. if if « A car went into W. A. MaoLaren’s service station at Hensail on Wed­ nesday, sideways. The driver applied the brakes and whefi he came to a stop the front of the car was a few inches from the gas pumps and the back was a few inches from the ser­ vice station. The same driver ad­ mitted he couldn’t have done it again had he tried, You are cordially invited to call and inspect our stock of Christmas Gift Novelties, both useful and ornamental. Free Instructions Given With Needlepoint and Yarn, also Easiweaves “How did the Smith wedding go off?” "Fine, until the parson asked the bride if she’d obey her husband.” "What happened then?" "She replied: ‘Do you think Fm crazy?’ and the groom, who was in a sort of daze, replied: ‘I do’.” Fail to Shop Here Gifts for them ail .......... .................. "" 1 —1----------------—................. .............................—M BULOVA, ELGIN, WESTFIELD WRIST WATCHES ----------------------------- $9.95 and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS—Guaranteed Perfect and free insurance against loss. SHAVE MASTER AND CHICK ELECTRIC DRY SHAVERS LADIES’ COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS ...................................................$3.00 and SHEAFFER PEN AND PENCIL SETS .....................................................................$2.50 and GENT’S SIGNETS AND LADIES’ BIRTHDAY RINGS COMMUNITY AND 1847 SILVERWARE, KNIVES AND FORK SETS SILVER TEA SETS $8.50 and up COMPLETE DISPLAY OF CHINA* GLASS AND DINNER WARE [•»* i* up up up a -K JEWELLER