HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-12-08, Page 2A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1038 THjE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE Make this your Christmas Season Slogan “Give Something for the Car” HEATERS—Hot Water, Priced from $8.00 up. DEFROSTERS—Attachments for Heaters and Windshield Type. FANS—"Priced from $2.75 up. BATTERIES—Exide, All Sizes in Stock. ANTI-FREEZE—Prestone, General Motor, Alcohol and Vulcan. OILS—Winter Grades, Supertest, Mobiloil and Castrol. GREASES—Winter Grades for all Makes of Cars. MAKE Snell Bros. & Co. Garage YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR MOTOR CAR Needs We are Specializing in Christmas Cake FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON Delicious with the finest of Fruits and Nuts Sold by the Pound or Made to Order - TRY OUR BREAD AND PASTRY - WHITE’S BAKERY Old-Time Thanksgiving at Woodham From the St. Marys Journal - Argus Having celebrated our Thanksgiv­ ing in Ontario for the present year I am again celebrating second in Uncle’Sain’s domain and why not? Why not make it 365 days a year considering the many blessings we enjoy? iSo after many promptings from some of the old-timers I am going to give you a Thanksgiving celebration of the year 18iS5. My reason for for being so definite as to the year —it was the time of the Riel Rebel­ lion in the North-West, Red River District. The place, Woodham (better known at that time as Bull’s Run) when a young farmer living a short ' distance south of the village and who we will call Jack, for that was a much more common name then than today. Well, Jack was a great lover of children, not having any of his own at that time (I can also include hie wife). We youngsters were prac­ tically one of the family. I may add there were only three of us that were the actual family and any holiday or Saturday we could be seen wend­ ing our way down to Jack’s, where we would all have the .privilege of holding the lines over a spanking team of horses. As many as four pairs of hands at times required to hold those horses, of course Jack in the background with the command­ ing hold on the lines. Now for the Thanksgiving, After the “preliminary,” after we had en­ joyed our supper, we proceeded to the barn, chores and milking time, a sudden bright idea occurred1 to Jack, (will use his own words), after -a sudden halt on our way, viz: “Say, boys, a couple of you go back to our line fence. You will find a flock of turkeys sitting there that have been feeding off my fields all summer. I don’t know who they belong too, but ’just pick out a nice young gobbler and we’ll have him for Thangswiving dinner Monday; so you lads get one while “Andy” and I do the chores.” Away two ambitious lads went, but . a short distance back the lane they encountered a number of turkeys roosting—nothing more simple than to grasp the legs of a young gobbler which was done. On their return they were highly complimented on their smartness. After chores completed. Jack drove them back home to the village with their promise of being on hand on • Grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to "snap up” a bargain ...but you’ll recognize these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex­ perience . •. you save real money... you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper. That’s what we call a "break” for you readers ... no wonder grandma says—"YOU’VE GOT SOMETHING THERE!” _______________ALL-FAMILY OFFER _______ THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES PLEASE CHECK THREE Maclean's Magazine (24 issues), I Year. National Home Monthly, I Year. Canadian Magazine, I Year. Chatelaine, I Year. Pictorial Review, I Year. Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine, I Year. □ □ □ □ □ □ MAGAZINES DESIRED □ Rod and Gun, I Year. □ Silver Screen, 1 Year. □ American Fruit Grower, I Year. □ Parents', 6 Mos. □ American Boy, 8 Mos. □ Christian Herald, 6 Mos. □ Open Road (For Boys), I Year. ALL FOUR ONLY o ----------------------SUPER-VALUE OFFER---------------------- THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND THREE BIG MAGAZINES IGROUP A — SELECT □ News-Weelt, 6 Mos. □ True Story, I Yr. □ Screenland, I Yr. □ Judge, I Yr. □ McCall’s, I Yr. □ Magazine Digest, 6 Mos. □ Parents’, I Yr. □ Christian Herald, I Yr. □ Woman's Home Companion, I Yr, □ Collier's, I Yr. □ American Boy, I Yr. GROUP B — SELECT 2 □ Maclean's Magazine, 24 issues, ' Yr- ALL FOUR □ National Home Monthly, I Yr. ONLY□ Canadian Magazine, I Yr. Chatelaine, I Yr. Rod and Gun, I Yr. Silver Screen, I Yr, Pictorial Review, I Yr. American Fruit Grower, I Yr. C'Ontlemohi I enclose I am checking below the offer desired with a year's subscription to your paper, □ All-Family □ Super-Value Name St, or R.R............ Town end Province □ □ □ □ □ ------------ .---------, . ... □ Canadian Horticulture & Home Magazine, I Yr. □ Open Road (For Boys), I Yr, Magazine, I Yr. $ 4 < ♦ ♦ t < > « * 8 4 *• ■ « • 4 «* » « Monday for the Thanksgiving gpb- bler. But as I recall there was a couple of kids apparently nervous about that dinner at least before it was disposed of. However the dinner over, Jack had to have a romp with his boys as he called them, and then the drive back to the village. All was serene until Jack’s next visit to the village when there was an apparent lack of enthusiasm with a pair of lade who- would formally run to meet him on recognizing his horses, also when they didn’t see any escape from the usual greetings. A certain aloofness seemed to ,possess Jack, which the boys could not help but notice. Finally Jack segregated the two and in a very serious mood began to give them a tongue lashing which I believe hurt more than a physical chastisement. Bert, after hearing many excuses such as they thought he said lane fence, instead of line fence, and looking at the dole­ ful faces of the young culprits he be­ gan to laugh. “Now, no more lies boys, you know iUwas one of my gobblers all the time, and I am glad it was, for I learned the ones on the line fence belonged to my neighbor, anyway there is only one letter dif­ ference between line and lane fence. The joke i%on me, yon young rascals but I still believe you know it was my gobbler even when you were eating it and I am glad it was.” In conversation with a former resident of the Woodham district while on a visit to Flint, Mich., the past summer, I was reminded of the foregoing . This old gent, now 82 years of age, but who has been a resident of Flint the past 45 years, formerly lived on what was known as the Canadian Company lot, at that time enough clearance for a fair sized log house. The balance would be considered today a fine game .pre­ serve, a heavily worrded tract of small trees. Many of the soft maples along the roadside today for miles around Woodham and Kirkton and even St. Marys district, came from this plot qf land which I .understand today is a. fine productive farm, and I believe occupied by a Mr. Rodd. This of course was not the only log house, in fact at that time there were only two or three houses from Wood­ ham to the 10th Concession, Blan- shard, on either side of what was known as the townline between Hur­ on and Perth, that were not log built. But to return to the reminiscences with the old Flint gent. When, he asked if I could recall a certain piece of poetry .published in the old St. Marys Journal, in the years of ’S3 or '84 about a certain gobbler, I can even recall the last two lines today which read: “At the vile of the John­ ston family, who stole our gobbler.” Look your files over and if you have them that far back, which I think you will, for I think the same writer who wrote “Main Street, Woodham,” also wrote that, (the late William Johnston of Woodham). Well to re­ turn to the old Flint octonogenarian, he laughingly remarked that Mr. Johnston’s gobbler was delicious. Al­ though he added, I did not steal it, I only help to pick it, and also the bones. But to return to our Thanks­ giving gobbler with Jack, there is probably only one other besides my­ self who can vouch for the taste of that go'bbler of Jacks, and he, I be­ lieve, is at present a resident of the old .Stone Town. In fact it was but a short time ago I, recognized a fine cut of him and his estimable wife celebrating their golden wedding an- inversary. Although he was not one of those to get the gobbler, he was the lad “Andy” that remained to help Jack with the chores. Of course Andy was a nickname, as we all had one, of which I my have something to say later. I sometimes wonder if Amos and Andy of radio fame did not come to Woodham to get their names, as we had them there sixty years. Well, as I am about to cele­ brate another Thanksgiving, I will leave it to “Andy” if they have them any better than six years ago. Hello “Wess.” Jos. Senior, Photographer The Govenor-General and Lady Tweedsmuir has chostn photographs of Government House and the grounds at Rid- eau Hall for their Christmas cards this year, Why Not You? ANNOUNCE POSTAL INFORMATION The postal ra-te on Christmas cards in unsealed envelopes and bearing simply the signature of the sender, is one cent. Where there is a quan­ tity of such mailing, the public can assist by tying same in bundles, ra­ ther than dropping loose in the mail receivers. - Under the (Empire Air Mail scheme all first class mail posted in Canada for the following Empire countries is carried. Exclusive beynod-England by air, the rate for letters is 6 cents per half ounce or fraction, and four cents each for post cards: Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, North and South Rhodesia, South Africa, Ceylon, Egypt, Palestine, Bensma, Malaya Strait Settlements. If in doubt about such mailing, inquire at the post office, since short paid mail has twice the deficiency collected. / ...... ......... Z PI leerlezz Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer Firsl HOTEL SAMPLE ROOMS WILD BE USED ON FARM CLINTON, Dec. 1st — A landmark of 35 years, the Rattenbury Hotel sample rooms, a building separate from but adjacent to the hotel, has been moved and will be used as a farm outbuilding on the farm of R. S. Smythe, near here. Its removal is a reminder of changed conditions. For many years it was a familiar sight to see .piles of salesmen’s sample cases unloaded at the en­ trance of the building and the coun­ ters within spread ’ with, the wares being displayed. Apart from its use as a sample room the building for years has been a polling booth. PICOBAG . pipe ■ _______TOBACCO FOR A MILD,COOL SMOKE 1 NATIVE OF KIPPEN Yours, S. J. 14522 Glenwood Ave., Detroit, Mich. ELLIOTT. “HOLY NIGHT” 0 light the Christmas candles And ring the chiming bells; 'Come, shout the joyous tidings A Yuletide message tells; 'Glad tidings of redemption From sorrow, pain and death; We'll fling the good news boldly . On every pulsing breath. O et the candles glowing Against the passing night And let the bells’ quick music ■Our earth and Heaven unite; Until with angels singing, White great stars wheel and shine, We kneel in adoration Before a Child divine, 0 light the Christmas sandies And chime the pealing bells, To spread the good-will greeting Their every clear note tells; We’ll sing aloud, ‘Hosanna,” Again and yet again, “Hosannas in the Highest For ever more. Amen. Ann M, Robinson J. A. McNEVIN, DIES John Alexander McNevin, well- known (London broker, died last week following a prolonged illness. Born in Kip,pen, Huron County, he was associated with Moison’s Bank for some time. (Later he had been interested in the brokerage business. He had been a resident of London for the past twenty-five years. Mr. McNevin was a member of the Holy Name Society. Surviving are his wi­ dow, Eva May (Finlayson McNevin, and his mother, Mrs. Margaret Mc- Nevin of California. The funeral ser­ vice was held in Tronot’o, where in­ terment was made. D. L. & Ws Scranton Blue Coal The solid Fuel for Solid Comfort. The Blue Color is your guaran­ tee of Quality. Hamco Coke and Mill and Al­ berta Coal on hand A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granton Santa is making his usual preparations for his little friends. ******** Exeter is enhancing its reputation as the home *o£ better bar­ gains. *♦**♦*•♦ So far we have escaped the proverbial “dark days before Christ­ mas.” ******** Let’s make a good finish with those 1938 New Year’s resolu­ tions. ******** Farmers are nip-ted for paying their bills when cash returns per­ mit it. ******** Germans are telling us that the only right is what they consider the welfare of Germany. ******** “Good bye and soon back!” quoth the county council chambei' to its 1938 frequenters. ******** And now for the socks for dad, the hood for mother, and candy foi’ the baby and the turkey for the Zparson. ******** Germany will have some uneasy thoughts as she thinks how she is compelling a great many fine peoiple to spend Christmas. ******** Everything is not rosy for the farmers by any means but times are a little better for them and 'the farmers are buying liberally. All they ask is a square deal. ******** It’s worth while to do some window shopping in Exeter, but it is far better to. investigate the bargains our merchants are offering, Their winter outfits are going like hot cakes, * * * * • * * * * LET’S PREPARE This year comes on Sunday. Why not take pains to have the services of that day so outstanding in quality and interest that they will never be forgotten. There’s a reason. ******** We were disappointed the other day with a bunch of youngsters. They went down to the place where skating usually is done. They found the ice covered with snow but failed to shovel off the snow. They simply turned tail and went home. . ******** Those Munich conferences not only upset a good many of the applecarts of international treaties, but gave the Communist Inter­ national a bad jolt or two. History need to be re-written. The Christian Science -Monitor has this to say on this topic: “The total suppression of Communism in Czechoslovakia has been accompanied by its weakening elsewhere, particularly in France and Spain. The Anglo-French .policy of “appeasement” in­ volved in practice, the weakening of all “popular front”, or “united front” movements which have derived active support and inspira­ tion from the Communist International since 19'3 4. A NATION BUILDER We have just come across a blacksmith who is not sitting down in the doleful dumps deploring the passing of better days and gird­ ing at the-changing times. Within two months he has sold eight wheelbarrows and a set of sleighs at his own price and of his own manufacture. He has-orders ahead for sufficient work of this sort ■to keep him going until Christmas, this in addition to his horse­ shoeing and general blacksmithing. His explanation “I change with the times.” But while he changed with the times he made no com­ promises with his work. ******** • We have just heard of an unfortunate case dealt with by the county .council of a neighboring municipality. The party seeking relief had been a citizen above the average in many respects. He had been successful in his business and had a liberal competency for his old age. When he was seventy-five years of age he felt that he was scarcely able to manage his affairs and turned ovei' every­ thing to his son who promised to- look after him. Well, the son’s family made life unbearable for the old man. Finally the terrible sentence was passed on the old man by the family. “If you don’t like our way, you can lump- it. If you don’t like our Ways, get out.” These may not have been the exact words, but 'the old man “got out” and applied for relief. He is utterly discouraged, disap­ pointed, forlorn -old man. “Age and want, an ill-matched pair.” “Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousand mourn.” We hope to have something constructive to say abou-t this sort of thing. ******** A TIME FOR- CLEAR THINKING He quite misreads the signs of the times who does not observe a decided change in the attitude of citizens towards regularly con­ stituted authority. Citizens are seeing that a house divided against itself cannot stand. They are seeing that trouble ensues when the baby beats the nurse. They are seeing, too, that the whole is -great­ er than the part. In plainer words, as far as we can see, folk are learning that in all business relations when grievances exist between the citizens of a country, the courts of the land are the means by which these abuses may be corrected. This work does not belong to any church or lodge or union or to any other organ­ ization or individual whatsoever. France has led the way in clear thinking in this regard. Her very existence has been threatened for years by agitators and trip­ pers up of one kind and another. At last driven to desperation her government took its stand and told interferes with its prerogatives that if they wanted force -they could have all they wanted and as hot as they wanted of that sort of thing. Troops were called out with a pronounced absence of blank cartridges. The result was vic­ tory for law and order. The gallant leaders of the disturbing forces whose sleep is taken away unless they create mischief were given a setback they’ll not forget in a’hui’ry. The shyster politician had his nose rubbed with a.vengeance. * ******** IN FAVOUR OF LODGES AND UNIONS Of course we’re in favor of lodges and unions. We 'do not need to say when honest men' meet for serious discussion of their problems good follows. When such organizations seek as best they can the ways and means of improvement, betterment for everyone cannot but take place. As men improve in mind and increase in, efficiency, the commonwealth advances and the good of every citi­ zen i§. added to. As men come to- understand that they exist by vir­ tue of the promotion of common interests, everything relative to their welfare is enriched. But when such organizations become centres of agitation and interfere with conditions upon which labour or any other -commodity may be bought and sold, and attempt to put their decrees and sanctions Into operative effect by a resort to force, anyone may see what is on the horizon. Especially danger­ ous is the work of any organizations that seeks to promote tenets contrary to the principles of the government that gives them their civil rights. Wo need not mention a couple of “isms” that Cana­ dians detest, that day and night working along Ines that must issue in national ruin for Canada. The sooner those organizations are brought to a showdown, the loss will bo the trouble in enlightening them and having’them turn their attention to bettor things. There is a point at which -tolerance ceases to be a virtue. n