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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-11-10, Page 8TWHSDAY, NOVEMBER um THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Permanents apa
s Beauty Shoppe
112 for Appointments
Vera C. Decker, Proprietress
p Walker’s j
Condi I ion Powder |
.j An Ei€fllentTon^ for ■
JUnes Cattle Sh*pHoOf.Pbdk> |
0 MWALK&kphR Q. I
g «Aiir»K onnuuo s
Exeter Markets
Wheat 58c.
Oats 25c.
Manitoba’s Best $2.65
Welcome Flour $2.60
Low Grade Flour $1.40
Bran $1.20
Shorts $1.20
Creamery Butter 27c.
Dairy Butter 22-25c.
large 37c.
medium 33c.
pullets 23c.
dressed $10,00,
For Sale at
Drug Store
made baking and
Afternoon tea will
BAZAAR under the auspices of
Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Memor-
Chui'ch will be held iu the Par-
Hall on Saturday, December 3rd.
Home a. cooking
be served.
Friday, November lltti, 193?
remainder o£ this year willThe
be given free to new subscribers to
the Times-Advocate.
Public Holiday e
Doctors, Merchants, Business Men
Let us collect your old outstanding
Prices Reasonable-—Satisfaction
Canadian Collection Services
Ontario License 468
Phone 231 P. O. Box 273,
Exeter Office
45c. a pint
Optometrist at Exeter
Newest Approved Methods of
Eyesight Testing Used
Office open 9 a.m, to 5
Open every week day except
FOR SALE—10 young pigs, six
weeks old.
The Times-Advocate have printed
some new report cards for public
schools and these are now on sale,
Ideal Meat Market
Phone 38 Main St.
Southcott Bros, are, advertising a
Fall Clearance Sale. See their full
page advt.
G. M. Simpson
All Work Guaranteed
Phone 245
George Frayne, R.
Phone Kirkton 33
Flock Owners for
R. 1,
r 20.
November 10, 11 and 12th
Hogarth Chick Hatchery wishing to
supply eggs for the 1939 Season, or
those who purchased Chicks intend
ing to become Flock Owners, please
call at the Hatchery.or phone Exeter
Double Feature
FOR RENT—Brick house on Main
St. Modern conveniences. Oak
floors and garage. Apply Mrs. H,
A Bazaar under the auspices of
Main Street United Church, Satur
day, November 19th, afternoon and
evening in the Town Hall. Buy your
Christmas gifts. Home made cooking
candy, aprons, post office, bazaar,
cloth trousers to make over price 25c
at the White Elephant booth along
with other bargains. Lunch will be
served afternoon and evening. Prices
10, 20 and 25c.
all star Western cast
Legioniares Comedy
FOR RENT—-Residence east of the
Presbyterian church. Possession any
time. Phone Crediton 18rl5.
111-3-2 tc.
WANTED—Fox Horses and dead
animals.—Jack Williams, R.R. 3,
Dashwood, phone 34rl5, Dashwood.
A Hot Ham Supper and Play will
be put on in the James Street United
Church, Tuesday, November 28th,
under the auspices of the Young
People’s Sunday School classes.
November 14, 15 and 16th
The residential property of
late Dr. Atkinson on the west
of Andrew Street at a reduction of
$2100.00 off the cost price. For par
ticulars apply to Mrs. J. F. Atkinson
or J. W. Morley, Solicitor, Exeter,
The Main Street young people are
holding a crokinole party on Mon
day evening, November 14th, admis
sion 15c.
a Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture
FOR RENT — Brick dwelling, a
stable and garage, 3 lots, on Carling
St., two blocks west of Public Lib
rary.—Silas Stanlake, phone 3 5rl3,
■FARM FOR SALE — 1UV acres,
clay loam, frame house, new steel
barn. You can handle this with
$600.00 cash. C. V. Pickard, phone
165, Exeter.
SPECIAL SALE—Of used furni
ture and stoves; fur coats repaired,
remodelled, relined, cleaned and
glazed. Reasonable prices. Opposite
the Movies. Open evenings. 10-27-tfc
FOR BENT—House or rooms. Ap
ply to C. Rinker, Dashwood. 11-3-2tp
FOR SALE—Two Yorkshire hogs
fit for service, from a qualified sow,
Garnet Miners, R. 3 Exeter, phone
Kirkton 321’9. ll-3-2tp.
STRAYED •— From Babylon Line,
one and one half miles north of
Dashwood Road a red roan heifer, a
year and a half old. Apply Solomon
Gingerich, Zurich, R. R. 3, phone 3
on 84. ll-3-3tp,
STRAYED — A two year old red
steer, ends of ears cut off; also notch
in bottom of left ear. Isaac Bestard
R.R. 9, Parkhill, phone Dashwood
39r25. ll-4-3tp,
90 acres adjoining a village,, brick
house basement barn, silo, pig pen,
henhouse, a spring waters Mie build
Comfortable cottage on good sized
lot with barn, for quick sale. Wm.
Bearce, Exeter. Itp
HOMES FOR SALE—A choice se
lection of homes in Exeter and sur
rounding villages.—C< V.
phone 165, Exeter.
WANTED—An unlimited
Of fox or fertilizer horses.
Frank Taylor, 139, Exeter.
Rev. Douglas C. Hill, R.A., B.D,
Mrs, 3. G. Cochrane, Organist
>10 a.m.—-Sunday School
11 a.m.—'Public Worship
Annual Thanksgiving Service of the
W. M. S. speaker, Miss Iris Errey,
of Amkut, India.
7 p.m.—Public Worship
Beginning a study of the Letters
to the Seven Churches: I. The
Church of Ephesus.
Friday at 11 a.m.—Memorial Ser
vice undei’ direction of the Canadian
Legion. Kindly be on time SO' that
the two minutes silence may be pro
perly observed.
Saturday at 2.30 p,m. at Hensall,
Rally of the Mission Bands of Huron
Presbyterial to hear Miss Iris Errey
of the Nursing Home at Amkut, In
Miss Gertrude Ratz, of Grediton,
spent the week-end with Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook, Hen
sail, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Cook.
Miss Marion Powell, nurse-in-
training at Stratford, spent Sunday
at her home here.
Mr, and Mrs. McQueen, of Hen
sail were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Higgins.
Misses Ella Jones and Lilia Litt,
of Stratford, were the guests of Miss
Florence Down on Sunday,
Bev, Artlini’ Page, Pastor
W. R. Goulding, A.T.O.M.
Organist and Choir Leader
11 a.m. — “The Eighth Command
ment, “Thou Shalt not Steal”
p.m.—'Church School
p.m.—“Thou Shalt Not Bear False
Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union
Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service
Friday l'0;55 a.m.—Armistice Service
in Caven Presbyterian Church
Rev, Robert Copeland B.A.
Miss Evelyn Huston
Organist and Choir Leader
11 a.m.—“Are You A Peacemaker”
3 p.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m,—“Have you Found Christ”
Whereas the Government of Canada has decreed by statute
that the eleventh day of November in each year shall be a public
holiday and bp known as “Remembrance Day.”
These arc therefore to request that in order that “Remem
brance Day” may be fittingly observed, all citizens engaged in com
mercial and industrial business co-operate wholeheartedly by ceas
ing all business activities for the day.
I do hereby “further request the citizens to join with the Exeter
Branch Of the Canadian Legion hr a Civic Memorial Service in
Caven Presbyterian Church at 10.55 a.m, to afford citizens an op
portunity to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in
the Great War,
to be observed throughout the Village at 11 o’clock a.m.. so that
in perfect silence the prayers and thoughts of every one may be
concentrated in reverent remembrance of the Glorious Dead, and
of the victory by God’s grace vouchsafed to the Empire and its
devoted Allies.
A service will be held at the Soldier’s Memorial at 12.30.
and Mrs. Hedley May and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. H.
at Atwood on Monday.
and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of
Sarnia, visited the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Anderson.
Mrs. Jack Findlay, of Detroit, has
returned home after visiting wth her
parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Anderson.
Messrs. Thos. Coates, Bert Ells
more, Irvin Ford and Wm. Chambers
are at Golden Valley this week od
a shooting trip.
Mr. Sandy Elliot took a car-load
of drivers to Windsor Wednesday and
brought home a new V8 Coach, a
new ViS De Luxe Sedan and a new
Mercury V8 Sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie in
company with Mr. and Mrs. George
Ferguson and Miss Violet Hyde, of
Hensall, visited with relatives in
Preston and Galt on Thursday last
Mr. Norman Keddy, of Detroit,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. W. C. Keddy, in Usborne. Rev.
and Mrs, Toll, of London, called on
them Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dale and fam
ily, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Sanders’ and son Al joe visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Petei’ Robert
son in Stratford on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman, Blen
heim, Miss Jeanette Taman, of Lon
don and Miss Charlotte Cooper, a
graduate of Royal Victoria College,
Montreal and who is now taking a
course at Western University were
week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Taman.
W. D. SANDERS, Reeve
based on the requirements of the Individual Investor
Direct Wire Connection to Principal Exchanges
Prompt and Efficient Service
For further information apply
Premier Trust Bldg., London Metcalf 2500 and 2501
W. A. Shannon, W. E. Fleming,
President and Manager Investment Analjjst
“Invest With Confidence”
Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt
Organist, Miss MacFaul
Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss
22nd Sunday After Trinity
p.m.—Sunday School
p.m,—lEvensong and Sermon
“Christian Citizenship”
Main St. Evening Auxiliary
The November meeting of the
Main Street Evening Auxiliary was
held at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Frayne, Mrs. M. Walker’s group be-
ing in charge of the meeting. Open
ing hymn “Whosoever Cometh” fol
lowed by prayer by Mi-s, (Layton.
Miss Olive Lawson read the Devo
tional chapter “There is Work to do
for Jesus” was then sung. The presi
dent then took charge of the business
discussing plans for the bazaar to be
held November 19th. Owing to the
absence of our Honorary President
next month, the election of officers
for the new year were held with the
following results: Hon, President,
Mrs. Layton; President, Mrs. N.
Hockey; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. E.
Russell; 2nd vice-president Mrs. G.
Lamport; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. H.
Skinner; Recording Secretary, Mrs.
R. Turnbull; Assistant Sec’y., Mrs.
G. McKnight; Treasurer, Miss M.
Broderick; Corr. Sec’y., Mrs. Benson
Tuckey; Sec’y. Christian Steward,
Mrs. W. Walker; Supply Sec’y., Mrs.
R. Waghorn; Temperance Sec’y., Mrs
E. Rundle; Home Sec’y,, Miss Olive
Lawson; pianist, Miss Helen Dig-
nan; Assistant, Miss “Marjorie Medd.
After singing “There is an Eye that
Never Sleeps” Mrs. R. Balkwill of
fered the closing prayer. Lunch was
served by the group in charge.
James St. Evening Auxiliary
Over forty members were present
at the November meeting of tbe
James Street Evening Auxiliary held
at the home of Mrs. S. B. Taylor,
Monday evening. The president
presided over the business session.
A supper rally is being held in Wing-
liam on November 18th. A special
offering was taken for the Elizabeth
Amy Memorial Fund in support of
a cot endowed in her memory in
Kong Moon Hospital, China. Miss
Irene Moore, the Missionary adopted
for prayer by Auxiliary, has arriv
ed in China and is now in a language
school on a small island. It was
planned to send some Christmas
cards to Miss Moore. Miss May Jones
took the chair for the program. De
votional was taken by Miss Isobel
Turnbull, Mrs. I. Ford and Miss
Jones. Mrs. W. C. Aillson gave a re
port of the -recent convention at
Thames Road church. A lovely duet
was sung by Mrs. Elliot and Miss
Jean Sheere. Mrs. R. E. McKenzie
secretary of Evening Auxiliaries in
Huron Presbytery, was present and
brought a very appealing and chal
lenging message to the group. Lunch
was served by Miss Jones’ group.
See the new Ford V8, the new De
Luxe Ford V8, the new Mercury V8
at our showrooms this Saturday,
November 12th. Sandy Elliot, The
Home of Motor Transportation. 20
different passenger models and over
50 different trucks foi* T9 39.
7 The James Street Y. P. S. met on
Monday evening. Business was dis
cussed and a committee was appoint
ed to select officers for the follow
ing year. Scripture lessor was read
by Blanch Whiting followed by a
Bible study on Noah. The meeting
closed by singing a hymn and re
peating the Mizpah benediction in
Miss Stella Southcott is visiting
with hei’ brother, Rev. R. E. and
’ Mrs. Southcott of Sombra.
Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto, is
visiting for a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle have
moved from John street into
residence of Mr. W. F. Abbott,
Victoria street.
Miss Merna Sims and Mrs.
Hockey assisted -with the music
the evening service at Roy’s church
on Sunday last.
Rev. R. C. Copeland, G. S. Howard
C. W. Christie and H. Delbridge were
at Clinton Monday attending a meet
ing of Presbytery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fisher, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Taylor and daughter Mar
jorie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Fisher in Harriston over
Messrs. Sandy Elliot, Harold
Howard Elliot,
Gordon Hunter
Monday for the
■new Ford cars.
The frame house and two and a
half acres of land, property of Mr.
S. McLean on the 7 th concession of
Usborne was sold by public auction
on Monday to Mr. Albert Ethering-
ton. The price paid was $125.00.
Rev. D. C. Hill, of town, respond
ed to the toast “The Orange Order’’
at a hot goose dinner when Guy
Fawkes Day was observed by offic
ers and members of Murphy L.O.L.
No. 1017, Clinton, in St. Paul’s Par
ish Hall Friday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and
daughter Jean, of town, Mrs. Ander
son, Chas. Anderson and Mrs. Wm.
Schroeder and daughter May, of
Crediton, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire at
Recent visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W« H. Johnston were
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webster and
Lois, Mrs. Victor Etheringtopm and
Mrs. H. Alton, all of West Wawa-
nosh; Mrs. I. Jarrott and Miss Vera
’Culbert, of Kippen and Miss E. Jar-
;rott, of Toronto.
number' On Friday afternoon a group of
Phone ladies of Caven Church gathered at
ffc ■ the Manse for a quilting. Tea was
' served, the proceeds amounting to
$2.30 for the Mission Band. The
quilt, the top of which was donated
by Mrs,
is now
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J, R, C.
Moffatt for the past few days left
on Saturday for Hong Kong. They
intend sightseeing at Banff, Vancou
ver, Honolulu and in Japan enroute.
Dr, Ward, Optometrist, formerly of
Exeter, will visit Exeter each Thurs
day beginning November 3rd for the
purpose of eye-testing. Office at H.
S. Walter’s residence.
andFreeman Dobbs
were in Toronto on
first showing of the
W. Reed, was completed and
ready for sale.
James Moffatt, O.B.B. of the
Army and his wife who have
Our Extra Fine Assortment of
Christmas Cards now on display.
Choose early. Get the best.—S. B.
Keep Tuesday, November 22nd,
open for the Moving Pictures and
Lecture on the manufacture of
Spode China from start to finish
and its history, undei’ the auspices
of the Women’s Institute of Huron-
dale and Exeter.
NOTICE—I wish to announce to
the public that I am opening an of
fice on the south side of Senior’s
Studio for the issuing of motor lic
enses and in conjunction with our
office at the station for the receiv
ing of orders and accounts. Office
hours from 9 to 12 and from 1.30
to 5.30. Open Saturday nights.—
R. G. Seldon.
WANTED—Work for experienced
man on farm as close to Exeter as
possible. Phone Hensall 83r5. Itp
FOR SALE—Used electric wash
er. Will sell very cheap. W. J. Beer
FOR SAJLE—20' White Wyandot
te pullets for immediate sale. Apply
Mrs. Cecil Walker phone .18rl6, Cre-
PIGS FOR SALE—6 pigs 7 weeks
old. Geo. -Barkner, Exeter. Gall
evenings. ltc.
WANTED—-From 8 to 10 head of
cattle for -w-inter feeding. Apply to
Frank Parsons, R.R. No. 1, Hensail,
phone Exeter 177rl5.
FOR SAL® — Goodyear Heater
equipped with oil burner. Complete.
Price reasonable. Apply Times-Ad-
vocate. Itp.
Seal Coats for sale, as good as new
Opposite the movies. lll-10-t2c.
FOR SALE-—One and a half stor
ey brick house (m Main street, all
modern conveniences and four lots.
Apply on premises to, Mrs,
Kestle or H. T. Rowe.
M. A.
FUR COATS remodelled,
ed, cleaned, glazed, Brices
able. Twenty years experience. Ref
erences supplied. For Sale—Hud
son seal, Persian Lamb coats, good
condition, latest styles $50.00 each.
Bargains. Also sable collars,
We deliver^S.'j x!'Mr. and Mrs. J .R. C. Moffatt ac-i muffs. Agent Deans Dry Cleaning,
companled them as fat* as Toronto, Apply Mrs. Hockey, Exeter. 2tp
The O.K. Apple Butter plant will
operate each Wednesday and Thurs
day until father notice. Bring your
jugs for a sweet drink of cider at
20c. a gallon. Also a quantity of
ice for salo, -------- _ ...
Oann. Phone 115.
To Enjoy Life This Winter
Order D & H Anthracite
For sheer heating pleasure...
to get more real fun out of Life,
both Fall and Winter ... you’ll
want a binful of dependable D
& H Anthracite. It’s better, pur
er coal.. coal that’s easy to reg
ulate and meets every cold weath
er emergency with plenty of com
forting heat. Why not be ready
by placing your order for D&H
Anthracite today! Just pick
your ’phone and say, “Senl
D&H Anthracite.”
Attention: 58th Battalion, C.E.F. „
The annual memorial service will
be held on Sunday, November 13th
at 3 p.m, at the Church of the Trans
figuration, Manor Rd., North Toron
to. Fall in 2:30 p.m. Dress:
berets, armbands and medals. All
ex-members are invited to attend. *
Order To-day. Call 33 or 157j
Forjtwo weeks onlg
$5.50 TULIP OIL for $2.95
Annual Reunion
The annual Lyon Family Reunion
was held Saturday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Kefslake, of
Usborne, and took the form of a fowl
dinner. Thirty-two sat down to a
■well-laden table where all did ample
justice to the good things to eat.,The
weather was beautiful and sports
were held on the lawn after which
lunch was served.
Phone 146
Village of Exeter
County of Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 8 of The Vot
ers' Lists Act and that I have post
ed up at my office at Exeter, On
tario, on the 21st day of October,
1938, the list of all persons entitled
to- vote in the said Municipality at
Municipal Elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby cah upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions cor
rected according to law, the last day
for appeal being the 11th day
November 1938.
Dated at Exeter, this 21st day
October, 1938,
■Clerk of the Village of Exeter.
1'0-2 7-3 tC.
Eastern Star in London
Several officers and members of
Exeter Chapter No. 222 W. D. Order
Eastern Star were in London last
week as guests of Forest City Chap
ter and Orpha Chapter respectively,
when very enjoyable and instructive
evenings were spent; the events be
ing Matrons and Patrons night and
a Scotch Degree team exemplified
the work after which a very splen
did social evening was enjoyed by all
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hodgins,
Lucan, have announced the engage
ment of their youngest daughter,
Doris Mae, to H. A. Mullins, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mullins, Aylmer.
The marriage to take place the mid
dle of November.
SALESMEN! If you are not earn
ing $3.00 a day, you cannot afford
to miss this opportunity. Over 800
men make from $-18. to $50. weekly
according to ability -with distribution
of 200 'guaranteed products. Casli
Sales. Combination offers. Liberal
commission. Best time to start. For
complete details and catalogue free:
F-AMILEX CO., 5'70 St. Clement,
The Canadian Red -Cross Society
are making a 'general appeal for the
fire sufferers in the Rainy River
District one of the greatest catas-
trophies in the history of Northern
Ontario. Over 3,000 square miles
of forest with farm land are in ashes
and ruins; twenty persons were
killed some 300 persons are home
less and destitute and some 400
others have seen the results of their
years of labor swept away. Contribu
tions may be sent to the Red Cross
headquarters in Torono.
The next meeting of Huron Coun
ty Council will be held in the Coun
cil Chambers, Court House, Goderich
commencing Tuesday, November 15,
1938 at 2 p.m.
All accounts,
tions and other
attention should
the County Clerk by November 12th
iil-3-2tc. County Clerk, Goderich
notices of deputa-
business requiring
be ill the hands of
Ministerial Association
The South Huron Ministerial As
sociation met in Kippen on Monday
at the home of Rev. Mr. Chandler,
with the President, Mr. Hill in the
Chair. A committee was formed to
make arrangements for holding the
annual week of prayer in the differ
ent communities. It was agreed that
the December meeting to be the form
of a supper to Which the ministers’
wives would be invited. Arrange
ments of details were left to the Exe
cutive. Rev. Mr. Lewis, of Kirkton
then spoke of a trip he had made
last summer* through parts of South
ern Saskatchewan. He dwelt upon
the courage of the people there, their
Contribution to tlie well-being of
-humour in the face of hardships. The
Canada and their optimism and
speaker said he -was proud of what
the church was doing and the min
isters enduring in that district. The
thanks of the meeting was expressed
by Rev. Mr. Lang, Mrs. Chandler
then served refreshments, bringing
the meeting to a delightful close.
“Britannia Blue Serge
This Season Fashion Says,—
Blue serge adds smartness to every man’s appearance
and it is correct anywhere—-anytime
“Britannia Blue” is Tip Top’s own serge specially
constructed and woven for Tip Top by &
famous British mill. Here is a
luxury blue serge you
can Wear with