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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-10-13, Page 8
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1038 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Jk1 Permanents.... V’s Beauty Shoppe 112 for Appointments Vera C, Decker, Proprietress M WALKER phm 0. g ... AA&rta oniAfyo « An Excellent Tbiw for Hcies Cattle Sheep Hoo$.foj}!ry Walker «> ! Condition Powder The Perfect Stock Tonic For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store Exeter Markets Wheat 58c. Oats 25c. Manitoba’s Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $2.16 Low Grade Flour $149 Bran $1.20 Shorts $1.20 Or earner y Butter 27c Eggs, A Large 34c Eggs. A Medium 32c Eggs. A Pullets 25c Eggs B 23c Eggs C 19c Hogs Dressed $11.25 GEESE WANTED We will pay 15e. lb. cash, 16c. trade for fifty dressed geese. They must be young, No. 1 quality, to be delivered on Monday noon, Octobei’ 17th. Please phone to make arrange ments as the quantity is limited to fifty. JONES & MAY Fresh Caught Pickerel Fillets 25c a pound Boneless, Scaled, Ready to Cook They arc Delicious EVERY THURSDAY Eye Comfort from Glasses The chief purpose of glasses is to allow the use of the eyes both for far and near seeing with comfort There should be no sensation of eye-strain when glasses are worn. When in doubt about your eyes—Consult C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday khnbnhhhmmmhmhhhmmmmh © Misses’ and Women’s Coats CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G, Cochrane, Organist 77th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 a.m, and 7 pan. Conducted by Rev, Wallace McClean of Ailsa Craig 10 a.m.—.Sunday School JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader W. M. S. Anniversary » SMART STYLES NEW FABRICS PRICED RIGHT You are Invited to call and Inspect Our Range of Smart Winter Coats for Misses and Women. You will like the New Styles. The Prices are so Reasonable. Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats In Cloths and Styles that you will be proud to wear, They are being 'shown in Plain, Belted Backs and Raglans. YOUNG MEN’S $9.95 to $13.95 MEN’S $14.93 to $27.00 NOTICE The insurance business of the late C. J. O’Brien will be continued in the name of the C. J. O’Brien agency by his widow with the assistance of Mr. Cyril Hennessey. Jdeal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS----------—I G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 FOX HORSES WANTED — Jack Williams, R. R. 3, Dashwood, phone 34 r 15, Dashwood, ltc STRAYED—Onto lot 13, Con. 4, Hay Twp. a black yearling heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ap ply Fred Corbett, R. R. 1, Exeter. Phone Zurich 7 r 92. 10-13-3tc Mrs. T. O. Southcott is visiting in Toronto for a few days. Miss Ella Link,' of Watford, spent the holiday with relatives. Mr. John Taylor, of town, is con fined to his bed with pleurisy. Clarence Boyle, of London, spent Thanksgiving at his home here. Miss Margaret Penhale, of London spent the holiday at her home. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May, Warren and Marjory spent Thanksgiving in Mitchell. Alberta Coal 11 a.m.—Rev. C. W. Lewis, B.A. 3 p.m.-—Church School 7 p.m.—Rev. C. W. Lewis, B.A. Monday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. Union Crok- inole party. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Meeting of the Of ficial Board. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service, Church Anniversary .Sunday, November 6th Rev. C. H. Dickinson, B.A., B.D. New Double Breasted Suits for Young Men These new double breasted suits are being shown in the new high blues and green shades that are so popular with the young men. Each suit has two pair of pants. Exception ally good value at $25.00. New Styles in Dresses for Fall Every week new numbers are being added to our stock. This week we offer a range of Chis Chailie wool dresses in Misses’ Styles that will be very suitable for cooler weather. Each $2.98. * REWARD—$100 reward for in formation leading to the arrest of anyone stealing poultry from the Lakeview Poultry Farm at Exeter and Dashwood. Reward holds good for balance of 1938. Miss Leola Johns,of Toronto, spent the relatives. week-end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and Auction Sale—This Friday, Octo bei' 14th, at the Exeter Fair grounds 1 matched team Percherons 7 years old and sound; 1 cow due to freshen now; all race horses and equipment; 2 buggies and a one-horse trailer. No reserve. Sandy Elliot. LOST OR STRAYED—From east half lot 21, Con. 8, Hay, a bay year ling mare. Kindly notify E. F. Klopp, Zurich. Phone Zurich 117 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent in private home. Apply by lettei* Box 2SOL, Exeter. Itp WANTED—15 head of cattle for winter feeding. Hy. Strang, R.R. 1 Hensail, phone 171 r 16, Exeter, ltc APPLES FOR SALE—Spies and Baldwins. Sprayed thoroughly. Sat isfaction guaranteed. James Gard iner. Phone 21 r 10 Kirkton. 9-29-4tc 50 acres in Usborne, frame house, bank barn, implement shed. Also houses in Exeter and othei’ villages. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. family, of Toronto, spent the holi days here. Misses Margaret and Jeanette Taman, of London, spent the holi day at their home here. Mies Berneice Delbridge and Ralph Delbridge, of London, spent the holi days at their home here. Mrs. Susan Lightowler, of Sea forth, is visiting with relatives in Exeter and community. Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell, Orval and Jean, visited in Windsor and Detrofc ovei’ the holidays. Dr, W. J. Weekes and Mrs. Hattie Gunn, of London, visited on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer spent Thanksgiving with Rev. and Mrs. Borden Cunningham at Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Lloyd and two children, of Toronto, spent Thanks giving week-end with Mr. L. Day. Mr. Hy. Schwegler and Clayton, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Venton, of To ronto, spent the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Mr. Brown, of Brampton, is re lieving Mr. Rod Ellis, of Imperial Oil, while the latter is on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dillard, of Birmingham, Mich., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dear FOR SALE'—Princess Pat range with water front, in good condition. Cheap. Apply Times-Advocate. ltc FOR SALE IN CREDITON—Two storey brick house, good barn and 2 lots, property of the estate of Jas. Clarke. Sacrifices price for quick sale. — C. V. PICKARD, phone 165, Exeter. MINK FOR SALE—Dark, hardy, prolific strain, full information on} request. Inspection welcomed. El mer Trick, 3 1-2 miles west of Clin ton, Ont., R. R. 3. Experienced breeder. FOR RENT—Residence on Wil liam St, fully modern, with garage. Enquire at the Times-Advocate of fice. 9-6-tfc STRAYED—From lot 7, con. 6, Hay, a red heifer rising 2 years, no horns, notch in point of left ear. Rufus Kestle, Exeter, R.R. 3, Tele phone 77r6. FARMS—If interested, it will pay you to look over those we are now Offering. C. V. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. NOTICE — Having purchased a complete washing and screening plant we are now in a position to give prompt and couretous service in all lines of washed sand, stone and ■gravel. Call or see us for prices de livered anywhere. Cudmore, Sand, Stone and Gravel. Phone 17ir3, Ex- WANTED—Old guns or rifles, walnut furniture, a deer head or moose head. Apply box 28 Grand Bend Or Times-Advocate. 9-22-4tc. ‘ O. K, CIDER MILL to open the season. Apple butter plant will op erate every Thursday; also a quan tity of ice for sale. Rhone 115 Exo ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis, Jeanette and Billie, of St. Marys, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Tnos. Moffat and family, of Listowel, spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. Mr. Eugene Howey, of Mt. Forest, Marvin, of Peterboro and Lome of London, spent Thanksgiving at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Paisley and daughter, of Kincardine, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Birney and son, of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay, of Wood- stock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rod Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dow over the holiday. Mr. W. G. Turnbull, of Toronto and Mr. J. A. Turnbull and family, of Aylmer, spent the week-end with Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull. Miss Bessie Heywood has return ed home from S’t. Joseph’s Hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Treble and family, of Toronto, spent the week end and holiday with the former’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Treble. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kydd Sr. and Bill Jr., Vivian and Sylvia, Miss B. Sturdy and Mr. Bert Totty, of Toron to spent the week-end. with Mrs, Jno. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe visited with Mr. and Mrs. Poyner in Strat ford ott Thursday last. Mrs. Poyner is recuperating nicely from her re cent operation. Mr. and Mrs, John. May, Misses Carrie and Minnie May, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with relatives here. Miss Carrie May is remain ing On a Visit. A car load has just arrived. We expect it will not last long. ORDER EARLY JAS. P. BOWEY Order To-day. Call 33 or 157j MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Copeland B.A. Miss Evelyn Muston Organist ancl Choir Leader LET T. H. ELLIOTT be your tailor Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Made to Measure Suits and Over coats; also ladies Suits and Overcoats made to measure.. If you have a suit or overcoat that is too small or too large bring it in and I will sell it for you. 11 a.m.—yv. M. S. Thanholfering 3 p.m.—Sunday School Evening service withdrawn on ac count of Caven Presbyterian church Anniversary Anniversary on October 30th Rev. Andrew Lane, of Clinton will preach TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Children’s Day STANFIELD’S UNDERWEAR With cooler weather in sight you will be wanting a little heavier underwear. See Stanfield’s Combinations at $2.00 MEN’S BLACK OXFORDS We pljice in stock this week three new numbers that are real values at per pair $2.50 — $2.95 — $4.50 GROCERY SPECIALS SUPER-SUDS 1 large pkg .... 19c 1 small pkg..............lc DUTCH CLEANSER 3 tins for . . . 29c OATMEAL (bulk) 6 lbs for . . .25c chase 1 FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lb. bag . , 49c PEANUT BUTTER (bulk) 2 lbs for ... 23c PIANO TUN ING & RE PAIRING Our tuner S. BOARDMAN formerly 1 1 years »with Heintzman & Co. will be in Exeter & dis tr i c t in the course of a few days. Kindly leave orders -with W. Martin. Repairing and demothing a specialty. Be sure and wait loi’ Boardman. It pays. “FOR BEAUTY’S SAKE” Tomlinson’sPermanents Phone 146 Mr. Sydney West’, of Fergus, spent the holidays with his mother. Miss Marion Gladman, of Western' University, -was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moise and family visited in Detroit on Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Wy oming. Holiday visitors with Mrs. McTag- gart were Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Glenn, of Toronto. Mrs. John Cunnington, of Flint, Mich., is visiting -with her sister Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Patrick’s mother Mrs. J. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobby, of Ft. Erie, visited with rela tives for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Passmore left Saturday last for Calgary where they will visit for a few weeks. Mr. J. Hackett, of the Bank of Commerce staff, spent the holiday at his home in Lucknow. Mrs. J. McTavish and son Glen visited with her family In Shakes peare over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques spent Sunday and Monday at Cliesley vis iting with Mr. Fred Fowler. Mrs. John Peart is confined to her home through illness and is at pre sent in a critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flynn and family, of Thedford, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Flynn. Misses Norma Wilson, Eleanor Ab bott, Grace Snell and Margaret Clarke spent Thanksgiving Day in Crediton. Mr. Harry Miller, Miss Utah Clarke and Miss Irene Mitchell, of London; Mr, and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne, Hensail, spent Thanks giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. 8:30—Corporate Communion for A. Y.P.A. and Sunday School. 10 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser mon. “A Teaching Church” 3 p.m.—Children’s Service. Owing to Caven Presbyterian Anni versary the evening service is! withdrawn. Laymen’s service Sunday, October 23rd, at 11 a.m. TEA CUP ORANGE PEKOE with Cup and Saucer 69c (Black or mixed) PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m. Services for Sunday Please note change of time— 2.30 p.m.- -S. S. and Bible Class 3.3 0 p.m.—Devotional service < 8 p.m.—Gieat Evangelistic Service J. T. EDGAR, Pastor Having purchased the equip ment from a shop of one who has retired from business we are now in a position to serve the public. Have your furnace rebuilt or cleaned or repaired before cold weather. New ones also installed. Eavetroughing and repairing. Plumbing Fixtures, Pressure Systems, Pumps and Windmills Give Us A CaL A. Jones & Son Phone 222 Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Carey visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant, at Glencoe and in Company with Mr. and Mrs. Grant they visit ed the new Blue Water bridge on Sunday. FAMILEX will start you in a prof itable .business like hundreds Of others throughout Canada. No ex perience required. We train you. Liberal commission for selling 200 guaranteed necessities. Meet all competition successfully. Ambitious salesmen write for Fred catalogue and plan Without obligation. FAM ILEX CO., 570 St, Clement St., Mon treal. lb. 37c WHEAT PUFFS 3 pkgs for . . 25c PURE LARD 2 1-lb. pkgs for . . . 25c Southcott Bros. Exeter,*Phone 16 Mrs. W. W. Taman is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Goodison, at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern, of Norwich, spent Monday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook and family, of Toronto, spent the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tanton. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton and family, of Guelph, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. John Orchard and son Albert and Miss Margaret Orch ard, of Shedden, called recently to see Mrs. Pearce. Mr. R. L. Kellar and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paxton, of Chatham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gordon on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatter and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dodge and family, of Ailsa Craig, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatter. Mr. and Mrs. , Alex Hodgins, of Hamilton, Mrs. Lulu McFalls, of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Samson Mc- Falls visited over the holiday with relatives in Milan and Lansing, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elliott, of In lay City, Mich., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hill, of Port Huron, visited with them. Trivitt Women’s Auxiliary The Trivitt Memorial Women’s Auxiliary held a devotional meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday ev ening, the ladies of the congrega tion were invited. The meeting op ened with hymn 297, followed by prayer by Mrs. Oran Winer. Miss McTaggart gave the Scripture read ing. Mrs. Dore sang a solo. Rev. Mr. Grigg, who has spent many years as a missionary in Burma, addressed the meeting. Mr. Grigg gave a most interesting account of his experienc es in his missionary work among the people in Burma, and appealed, to the women of the church, and especially the W. A. to live on a higher plane, put first things first everything both Spiritual and material will be look ed aftei’ by God who is Maker and Giver of all. 'The meeting closed With hymn 318 followed by the Ben ediction. Refreshments were serv ed by the women, of the W. A. and, a social hour followed. TIP TOP FORECASTS THE TREND TOWARDS “Britannia Blue Serge” I This Season Fashion Says,-— } BLUE SUITS s Blue serge adds smartness to every man’s appearance J and it is correct anywhere—-anytime “Britannia Blue” is Tip’Top’s own serge specially constructed and woven for Tip Top by a famous British mill. Here is a luxury blue serge you can wear with confidence BRITANNIA BLUE “EVERY MAN SHOULD OWN ONE” W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Miss Clara and Mr. Lome Wilson and Miss Madeline McKinnon, of Dundas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomlinson. Rev. C. J. and Mrs. Moorehouse and Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Coulter, of Frobyshire, Man., called Friday at the homes of W. C. Pearce and C. V. Pickard, proceeding to Goderich to visit with Rev. A. E. Moorehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewell, Mrs. H. Gurd and Ruth, of London spent Sun day in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell are remaining with friends in and around town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horne and family and Mr, and Mrs. Edward Kernlck and family, of Toronto, vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mit chell over the week-end. Miss Gladys Penhale, who has spent the past four months at Rideau Ferry oh Rideau Lake, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Penhale over the holiday before re turning to Windsor. Mrs. I. S. Clubiue, Toronto; Miss K. Steckley, Messrs. Jack and Chas. Clubine, of Stouffville, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Stahlake, Mrs. Harry Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarvey Perkins. Mr. Frank Coates recently pur chased a cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson, Thelma and Luella, of Detroit, vis ited over Thanksgiving with rela tives. Miss Thelma is remaining for a couple of weeks. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake, of Ashfield, their son Albert Johnston, of Toron to; Mrs. Luke Nigh, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond, of At wood and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mof fatt and children of Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. leavers were in Sarnia Saturday and Sun day guests of Mrs. Ida Brown. They attended the opening of the new Blue Water Bridge, their son Reginald having secured a position on the customs staff of the new bridge. Mrs. Rich-ard Terry, of Donegal, accompanied by her nephew, Chas. Euchanan and Mrs. Buchanaft, spent Tuesday of this week calling updn many of her old friends and neigh bors who were Very glad to see her looking so Well. Her brother Robt. with whom she has been living, died recently.