The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-10-13, Page 5d 1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCT’OREB 18th, 1038
Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at'W. O?GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
ip the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me. Hours 10 a.pi« to 6 p.m.
Phope 16 Hensail
for appointment
Mr. Harold Sherritt, of Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving Day at his home
Mr. Ian Paterson, of Toronto, was
a holiday visitor at me nome of his
parents Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Paterson.
Mr. Howard Hempwxll, of Toronto,
was a week-end visitor with his par
ents here.
Mr. Peter McNaugnton has rented
Miss Emily Morrison's house on
Queen St.
Alex and Ian Filshie, who are at
tending Toronto University in Tor
onto spent Thanksgiving at their
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visited
over the week-end with relatives in
Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and
children, of Windsor and Mrs. Roy
Palmer and daughtei' Caroline also
■of Windsor visited over the Thanks
giving holiday with tnelr parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisiher.
Mr. Harold Bonthron is spending
his holidays in Toronto.
Mr. Lloyd Brock and Mr. Harold
Willard visited over the week-end
in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and
Mrs. Wawke visited in St. Marys
over the holiday. Mrs. Wawke is
visiting there for another week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson vis
ited over the week-end. with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brittain and
family, of Dublin, visited over Sun
day with Mrs. Hannah Workman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, and fam
ily, of Chiselhurst have rented the
Broadfoot house on the highway have
moved in. The house was formerly
occupied by Mrs. Joseph Hudson.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving at her home here
Mr. Jack Swan, of Louden, called
on friends in town this week.
Mrs. L. Simpson has returned to
her home from /Detroit after a very
pleasant visit with members of her
Miss Martha Carlisle, of London,
was a week-end visitor with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle.
Mr. 'Casey Hudson, of Listowel,
visited over the holiday with his par
ents Mr, and Mrs. Hudson.
Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto spent
Thanksgiving at her home here.
Special Thanksgiving service was
held in the United Church on Sunday
the pastor, Rev. Mr. Brook, having
charge of his own pulpit at the morn
ing service. An anthem “He Shall
Dwell in the Land” solo parts taken
Mrs. Maud Hedden and Mr. Harry
Horton; a solo “The Voice in the
Wilderness” by Dr. Ivan Smillie. At
the evening service 'the anthem
“Praise Ye the Father” was beauti
fully rendered and a violin solo by
Miss Greta Larnmie. Mr. Brook gave
two splendid sermons and good at
tendances were out to both services.
Address and Presentation
After the Y.P.S. meeting on Mon
day evening the Sunday school pre
sented Dr. and Mrs. Smillie with a
lovely table and vase,
is the superintentent
School. Mr. J. W.
in appreciation of
work of the doctor
School and called Dr. and Mrs.
Smillie to the platform. Clarence
Smillie read the following address
and Miss Irene Douglas and Miss
Kathryne Drysdale made the pres
entation. Both the Dr. and Mrs.
Smillie thanked the • Sunday School
for the lovely gift and their kind
remembrance. The address was as
Hensall, October 10th, 1938
Dear Dr. Smillie:
The Sunday School represented
by those gathered here this evening
wish to congratulate you on this the
most important occasion in your
life. Moreover we wish to show you
in some tangible way our apprecia
tion of the efforts you have made
in the interests of our Sunday
School.. For almost two years now
you have led us very capably and
faithfully and have given a great
deal of time and thought to the
work. We trust that this gift wills
convey to you some of our apprecia
tion and that it may always recall____o __ __________ __ __ _
pleasant memories of the United hymn 439. Mr. Penrose led in prayer
Sunday School. Scripture lesson was read < by Mrs.
To Mrs, Smillie we extend a most'ward Hern. Reading by Mrs. Har-
Dr. Smillie
of the Sunday
Ortwein spoke
the efficient
in the Sunday
4 nniversary Services
Anniversary services were held
here last Sunday with large congre
gations present both morning and
evening. Beautiful floral decora
tions adorned the pulpit rostrum.
The speaker for both services was
Rev A, 0, Wilson, of Auburn, who
delivered two splendid messages.
The choir sang two anthems, solo
parts were taken by Miss Audrey
Johnson and Misfe Gertrude Camm.
At the evening service Miss Gertrude
Camm sang a well rendered solo.
Many from a distance were present
and spent the day with friends.
W, M. S. Annual Rally
The thirteenth autumn rally of
the Perth Presbyterial of the W.M.S.
was held in Woodham church on
Tuesday of last week. The morn
ing session commenced at 10 o’clock
and 1:30 p.m,. Upwards *to 250
ladies registered. The day was fine
and the gathering here was the
largest in the Perth Presbyterial. A
splendid dinner was served by the
Woodham ladies in the Orange Hall
where Rev. A. Laing gave an address
of welcome to all visitors. Mrs. A.
C. Murray, of Toronto, the special
speaker, gave a very helpful and in
teresting address. A temperance
dialogue was sponsored by Monkton
Auxiliary and Mrs. Alex Berryhill
favored in the morning with a de
lightful solo.
The late Mrs. J. Camm
Our very deepest sympathy goes
out to Mr. John Camm and family
in the passing to the Great Beyond
of the late Mrs. J. Camm whose death
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.&, D,D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, nrst three days of week and
at office over the post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dale, of Lon
don, Mrs, Minnie Little, of Hensall,
spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Koch,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Miller and son
and Mrs, Jas. Smith and daughter,
of Windsor, visited with Mr, Jonas
Hartleib and Lavada last week.
Mrs. May, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end with her sister Mrs. S. Oes-
tr icher,
Mrs. Jane Guenther and Grace, of
Kitchener, spent the week-end with
Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Guenther.
Mr, and Mrs. A. E- Oestricher and
Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Schatz spent
the week-end on a motor trip to
Claire Musser has been taken to
St. Joseph’s Hospital, in London.
Mrs, (Brothers, Maxine, Bill and
Doris called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hayter on Thanksgiving Day,
Mr, and Mrs, Herman Zimmer, Mr,
and Mrs. Rollins and Miss Grace
Hay er, of Windsor, called on rela
tives here on Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gambrill, of London,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Pedersen
on Monday.
Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter and dau
ghter Mrs. Petzold, of Florida are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Myrta Taylor and
Jack, of London, spent the
with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Week-end visitors with Mr.
Mrs. Robt. Hayter were: Miss Reta occurred quite suddenly in Victoria
Hayter, Miss Lottie Drouillard and! . . _ . .
Mr. Joe Bruce, of Windsor. Mrs.
Bruce who spent the past three weeks
with her parents returned with them.
Mrs. John Bender is very ill with
slight hopes of recovery.
Mr. W. Gossman and sister, Mrs.
Hartleib, of London, spent Sunday
with their sister Mrs. Hiilger, of
Sebewaing, Mich. They crossed the
new Blue Water Brdge at Sarnia.
Tenth Wedding Anniversary
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry
Becker Sr., on the Bronson Line was
the scene of a happy gathering of
about forty relatives on Sunday, it
being the occasion of the tenth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Eckstein, of Kitchener. The latter
was formerly Miss Martha Becker.
The birthdays of her father, Henry'
Becker, Sr., and her brother Ot|o
Becker were also celebrated. The
guests were entertained at supper,
the table being attractively arrayed
with a wedding cake and two birth
day cakes. The guests included Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ten Eyck, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Brandt and families, of Kit
E. R.
broth er
Hospital, London, early Wednesday
morning of last week, and was bur
ied at Kirkton cemetery on Friday
afternoon, Rev A. Laing officiating.
A great tribute to the deceased was
paid in the very large cortege at the’
funeral. Her life was characteriz
ed by her unselfish devotion in the
home, in the different organizations
in the church and also in the com
Granite Shower
Mr. Milton Hoopei’ and Mrs. Whit
field Switzer, teachers of the Phita-
thea Class in Sunday School with
the girls met at the home of Mrs.
Stephens, of Anderson on Monday
night last and presented Miss Myrtle
Brethour, bride-to-be with a lovely
granite shower. Myrtle very grac
iously thanked the girls for their,
ments were indulged in after which
lunch was served.
Games and past time amuse-
Miss Lulu Morlock, of
L visited over the, week-end
■ parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
I Miss Edna Beaver and Miss Helen, i
. Teller spent the week-end at their <
, respective homes. * <
s Mr. Harold Young, of London, ;
i spent the holiday with Mr. Herb. :
. Young. ;
! Quite a number attended the op-J
’ ening of the new bridge at Sarnia':
, last Saturday. I.j
i Mr, Harold Fahrner, of Guelph, :
, was home over the week-end. I:
; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist, of :
Fenwick, spent a few days at the { i
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fink- i j
, beiner, <
Miss Idella Fahrner and Mr. Beggs •
of London, spent the week-end with :
' Mrs. Sam Kuhn. I;
A large crowd attended the salej
of the late Charles Eilber last Sat-,:
urday. The house and lot was sold' j
to Mr. Gerald Zwicker for $2,300, •
Miss Marguerite Guettinger is ;
t visiting in Chicago. j;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist, Mr. :
Gordon Haist and Mr. John Gaiser :
spent a few days in Detroit over the :
week-end. :
Mr. Fred Kerr, Miss Myrtle Walk- ;
er, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Queen, of St.
Thomas are spending this week in,;
the Bruce Peninsula. j:Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .French spent the':
week-end at the home of Mr. and]!
Mrs. Herman Oestreicher. Mr. and j Mrs. Oestreicher returned with them{ =
to Toronto to spend the winter =
Crediton Women’s Institute
The regular monthly meeting of
the Crediton Women’s Institute was
held on the evening of Monday, Oc
tober 3rd in the Township Hall. The
president, Mrs. Lloyd England was
in charge. It was decided to send
' a gift of money to the fund for the
{blind of Huron County, to the crip
pled children’s fund and to the War
Memorial Hospial, at London. Mrs.
F. W. Morlock was chosen to repre
sent the branch at the London con
vention. Miss Leila Mollard was
appointed alternate delegate. Mrs.
F. W. Morlock took the chair for
the following program: Current
events, Miss Leila Mossey; a guitar
solo, Miss Ruby King; a paper on
Home Economics, Mrs. H. Schenk;
piano solo. Miss Ruth England; a.
discussion of Rag Weed Control by ’Clinton, visited for a couple of days
Mrs. William Wright. Mrs. Clayton j last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
' Sims demonstrated the renewing of
linoleum by painting and sponge
stippling. The hostesses for the ev
ening were Mrs. L. England, Mrs.
B. Kestle, Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Mrs.
H. Schenk, Mrs. Wm. Wright. A
much enjoyed luncheon was served.
Windsor, ~=
with her sss
Marsh. Seedless Grape Fruit.......6 for 25c<
Sweet Potatoes..........................8 lb. for 25c.
Fresh Mushrooms....................... per lb. 39c.
Phone 102
Lome Hicks on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs. M. Sleamon
June spent the week-end with
tives at Beamsville.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
F. Penwarden were Mr. and Mrs. L.
Rowcliffe and Mrs. C. Rowcliffe, Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Brock, Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Brock, Irene and
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and
children and Mr. Samuel Davis, of
with Mrs. Parsons
Mr, and Mrs. Rex
lyn, of Wyoming,
visitors with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of
spent Thanksgiving
and Mrs.
Mari-Mills and
were week-end
and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandford
and daughter Bella, of
Mrs. Robert McDonald and
Green, of Hensail,,spent last Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clarke.
Miss Evelyn McCann, of Wallace-
bung, spent the week-end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann and
attended the O’Rourke-Dietrich wed
Miss Ethel Wurm, of Hensail, vis
ited with her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Clarke last Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Barry and fam
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Den-
omme and family, of Detroit, visited
over the week-end with relatives here
Miss Leila Mossey attended the
Teachers’ Convention at Exeter, on
Friday and spent the week-end at
her home near St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Surerus and
daughter Margaret and Miss Meta
Surerus, of Toronto, were Saturday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wil-
Mr. and Mrs. .Pius Dietrich visited
on Sunday with the latter’s parents
Tuffield Ayotte, at Drysdale.
Miss Hilda Neeb left last we’ek
London where she will remain
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Ayotte, of
iServices at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Conducted by
Rev. C. L. Lewis, B.A., B.D.,
of Kirkton
Special music by the local choir in
the morninig and Thames Road choir the evening
Fowl Supper
will be served on
from 5 to 8 p.m.
Followed by a special program pre
sented by the
of London
Admission: Adults 60c. Children
10 lbs. for 52c
Arcadia Codfish........
Supreme Shortening ...
Home Rendered Lard
.... per lb. 18c.
... per lb. 11c.
2 lbs. for 25c.
2 POUND FOR 29c.
Plowing Match
on the farm of
On Huron Street, One Half Mile East of Exeter
Thursday, October 20th
President Secretary
London, spent Thanksgiving
relatives here.
Church services will be held next
Sunday at 2 p.m.
The Mission (Circle will be held
next Saturday afternoon at Mrs. W.
Brock’s. A bale for Sick Children’s
Hospital will be packed.
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
William Brock has been confined to
her bed through sickness.
.Mr, and Mrs. Melville Hern
family spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Harvey Parkinson.
Mrs. George Earl has been visiting
with her daughter Mrs. Norman
The regular September meeting of
the Hurondale W. I. was held at the
home of Mrs. G. Bolton. The meet
ing was opened in the usual manner
with the president, Mrs. Rundle in
the chair. The roll call was answer
ed by “A Daily Courtesy’’ and min
utes of the last meeting read and
approved. Communications were
read and considered, one being from
an association to aid crippled child
ren. It was decided to have a special
collection for this cause at the next
meeting. Mrs. L. Rowcliffe was ap-
' Mr. W. Esson, of Oil Springs, vis
ited on Saturday with his friend Mr.
Walter Penrose.
Mrs. Ed. Johns left on Saturday
for Saskatoon owing to the continu
ed illness of her mother Mrs. W. Ed
Mrs. Peter McEwen and son Mr.
Frank McEwen, also daughters Miss
es Mabel and‘Hazel McEwen, of Tor
onto, were Thanksgiving visitors
with their
Mr. and
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Pfile,
Clements, Mich., were visitors
Ed*. Johns’ last Saturday.
Mr. and’ Mrs. G. M. posnell
Paul, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiv
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns.
Friends of Mrs. Wm. Skinner are
sorry to learn that she is ill at Mrs.
Chas. Godbolt’s home at Exeter and
hope for an improvement in her con
dition soon.
Miss Leola Johns, of Toronto, vis
ited at her home over the week-end.
Mrs. Wes. Horne has spent the
past week in Exeter with her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Wm. Brock, who recent
ly 'underwent an operation, in London
Mrs. Sleamon, of 'Centralia, Mr. J.
Johns and Miss Alma, of Exeter, re
newed acquaintances m this vicinity
the first of the week.
The young ladies’ class of the S. S.
enjoyed a weiner roast at the
home of Mrs. Hy. Murch last Tues
day evening.
cousin Mrs. Roland Wil-
Mrs. Harold Boyce,
visited at Mrs. J.
Miss Mary O’Brien, of London,
spent the week-end with her mother
Zioii-W. M. S.
The October meeting of the W. M.
S. was held at the home of Mrs. J. T.
Hern. Seven members. answered the
roll call. The meeting opened by re
peating the watchword and sung
Sunday School. Scripture lesson was read < by Mrs.
To Mrs, Smillie we extend a most'ward Hern. Reading by Mrs. Hat
hearty welcome and we wish both of! qid Herb. Hymn 9 was sung. Prayer
yoti every sucoess and happiness in ’ by Mrs. Pearose. Report Of the con-
yottr new partnership. | vehtiOn at Thames Road. A poem
Signed on behalf of the Sunday “Live for Today” was given by Mrs.
School lEarl Hern. Meeting closed with
Flgin Rowcliffe a hymn and prayer,
pointed local leader for this year’s Mrs. C. J. O’Brien,
project with Miss N. Keddy as al
ternate. The officers who attend
ed the rally held recently gave in
teresting gleanings from the ses
sions. Miss A. Consitt was guest o —
speaker and very graciously told the and Mrs.
stdry “The Other Wise Man” by bury.
Henry Van Dyke. Mrs. Young rend-j I
ered two pleasing solos and Mvs. ’ Mr.
“It you have ceased to smile, y0u| Misses Dorothy and Mildred Hicks
have lost out in the game of life, no, spent the week-end with their mother
matter what your 1—.................
may be.” The meeting was closed |
by singing the National Anthem and
a social hour was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery and fam
ily Were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. John Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander and
young son spent Sunday with Mr.
. Frank Smith at Saints-
Mr. and Mrs. John Essery spent
Thanksgiving Day with their daugh
tei’ Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock spent
the week-end with the latter’s par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Baynham, Shipka,
Miss Marie Fletcher, of Exeter,
was a guest with Bernice Brown on
Miss Beulah Skinner, nurse-in
training, at Sarnia, is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Skinner.
Mrs. A. Tapp, of Exeter, visited
for a couple of days this week with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard.
Mrs. S. Brokenshire and Mrs. C.
Baskerville have returned home af
ter spending the past several weeks
with relatives in Windsor.
The Centralia Y. P. U held their
meeting on Tuesday evening. The
meeting opened by a hymn followed
by the Lord’s prayer. Roll was
led and business was discussed
lowed by a social evening.
Home and School Club
The Home and School Club
hold their regular meeting in the
school on Wednesday evening, Oc
tober 19th. The guest speaker for
the evening will be Dr. Misner, of
Crediton. Other important items on
the program will be a short address
on the new course of study by Miss
Kleinstiver and /the presentation of
a cup and saucer shower to the club.
Are you interested in our boys and
girls? If so show this interest by
coming to the meeting of the Home
and School Club. Your time
be well spent.
Thank Offering Services
Successful Thank Offering
vices were held in the church
on Sunday last. The church
beautifully decorated with autumn
flowers for the occasion. The guest
speaker for both services was Rev.
C. Beacom, of Grand Bend United
church, who delivered fine messages
at both services. Special music
was provided by the chon’, assisted'
by Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, of Ex
On Sunday next Rev. Mr. Falcon
bridge will conduct anniversary ser
vices in the Thames Road United
church. The services in the church
here at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. will,
be in charge of Rev. H. M. Wright, 1
of Brucefield.
on the north country
by Rev. W. Mair in the
the W.M.S. A fine as-
pictures, about 150 in
Mrs. J.
and fam-
Mr. and
Thanksgiving services were held
in the United Church -on Sunday af
ternoon and evening. The service
i at 2.45 p.m. was conducted by the
pastor Rev.. Robt. C. Beacom and the
evening services by Rev. Falcon
bridge, of Centralia United Church.
Both services were very inspiring.
Appropriate numbers were rendered
by the choir. A hot fowl supper will
be held on Thursday, October 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
R. English on Sunday. Mrs. Shep
pard is remaining for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron. Brown
Miss Carlotta Wileon, of
spent Thanksgiving with
Brown, Mr, W. J. Brown
Miss Edna Harris, of
spent the week-end with
Mrs. Elmer Sheppard.
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, of Grand
Bend, and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau, and
Marilyn, of Kippen, spent a few days
last week with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Brown.
Mr. Claude Fallis, of Toronto, vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bro-
phey for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. English and Sel-
bourne, returned home on Saturday
after spending a week with friends
in Detroit. They stopped at Port
Huron and took in the opening of the
bridge between Sarnia and Pt, Huron
Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Toronto
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Curts and Marilyn
of London, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts.
Mrs. A. Pollock, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M.
Pollock and other friends.
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.,
Carman Woodburn on the arrival of
a baby girl, Marion Loreen, on Wed
nesday, October 5th.
Now for .Fowl Suppers.
Mrs. Passmore and Miss Alice and
Mrs. Jas. Anderson attended the
Hodgins-Squires wedding at Whalen
Mr. Will Coward spent the week
end in Detroit.
Monday evening a series of lan
tern slides
were shown
interests of
sortment of
number, were shown and a very en
joyable time was spent.
The W.M.S. October meeting at
the home of Mrs. John Cann was
very interesting. Mrs. Cann was in
charge of the devotional period. Sev
eral papers on Honan were given.
The study book was in charge of
Mrs. Cann. Mrs. Kydd gave a very
pleasing reminiscent talk of former
days at Thames Road church and
home life in> earlier years. Miss
Jean Cann sang a solo. Lunch com
mittee served tea and a pleasant
chat closed a fine afternoon.
We congratulate Lome Passmore
on winning third prize in the open
class at the N. Huron Plowing Match
held at Brussels. Three of the eleven
contestants are on the Perth County
team to compete in the Provincial
match. Lome was selected as a
member of the Huron County team.
Messrs. B. Venner, L. Robinson,
Passmore attended the baseball
at Stratford on Monday after
i match
Thames Road anniversary.
Smillie, of Hensall, will be
singer Sunday evening at
Miss Beatrice Essery visited with
. and Mrs. F. Penwarden last
Kestie very able dealt with the motto' week.
“If you have ceased to smile, you Misses Dorothy and Mildred Hicks
iGeo. Schoebnck, ah empoyee at the
Dashwood Planing Mill, had three
fingers of his left hand taken off i
While opei'atihg a jointer Wednesday,
He was taken to Victoria Hospital |
London, for treatment.
bank account1 Mrs. B. Hicks.
MPs. Scattdrett and daughter Miss
Corvine Scandrett, of London, were
week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Brooks.
Sunday visitors With Mrs. B. Hicks were Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lu-{
{can and Dr. add Mrs. HeighWay, ofi
‘ London.
| Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and Doug
las, of Exeter, were guests with Mrs.
Phone Seaforth 15, Collect
Our drivers are equipped to
shoot old or cripp’ed animals
Go. of Canada, Ltd.
Mrs. John Johnson Sr., spent the
past week with her sister Mrs. Jas.
Miss E. WalkOm attended the
Teachers’ convention held at London
this past week.
A goodly number from Kirkton
and district attended the St. Marys
Fair last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones from Pt. El
gin visited their daughter at the
parsonage last. week.
Mrs. Wm. Lankin and daughter.
Miss Bertha, of dranton, epent the,
Week-end and also for the holiday
with Mrs. I. N; Shier.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones and daugh
ters Marjorie and Elsie, of Hamilton
spent the holiday with Mr. ahd Mrs.
John Cluff.
Mr. and Mrs. Arldw Copeland and
daughters visited with relatives in
Windsor over the week-end,
A pretty autumn wedding was sol
emnized at St. Paul’s Church, Kirk
ton, when Gladys Elizabeth, only
daughtei' of Mr. and Mrs. James
Turner, was united in marriage to
Clarence Lawrence Davis, son of
Mrs. W. J. Davis, Lucan and the late
Mr. Davis. Rev. C. James officiat
ed and the wedding music was play
ed by Mrs. James. The bride, who
was given in marriage by her father
was charming in white georgette
with lace bolero and silk embroider
ed veil trimmed with orange blos
soms. The bride was attended by
the groom’s cousin, Miss Doris Hod
gins, prettily gowned in floor length
peach net over peach taffeta with
white accessories. Murray Hamil
ton, Brinsley, cousin of the bride,
acted as groomsman. Following
the ceremony a Wedding dinner was
served at the home of the bride’s
parents. Later, the couple left for
Detroit, the bride wearing navy wool
crepe dress with hat to match. On
their return they will reside on the
groom’s farm on the third conces
sion of Biddulph.