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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-10-13, Page 2
THURSDAY, OCTOBER l»th, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE a>i= ■si i ill to run Lulanna “Duraud willl “I don’t like it,” said R. bornly. “It’s out as fai* as cerned.” “The woman is planning off with Phil Burnell from anyway,” Kelly Burk said . will lose her anyway.” “Let him lose her to Burnell!” Rand said, getting to his feet. “Oh, okay,” said Maya Jack Can naghan, gloomily, “it's out, then. 1 can’t hide her without a boat.” Maya Jack and Kelly Burk went down to the big shee-ron warehouse at the water’s edge with Rand. There they parted, and Rand went into the room of the warehouse where his man Pete Banker lived. Pete was washing his supper dish es as Rand entered. He wore a big loose apron over his faded khaki out fit. Hiscthin fare with its sharp nose and receding chin wore its us ual worried expression. “How did you make out with Du raud?” lie asked. “We’re out,” Rand said. “You get the natives here and stock the schoo ner. We’re sailing tonight.” “Where?” “I don’t know. I’ll give you the course when we sail,’ Rand went out and started along the beach. It was three miles to Duraud’s hacienda, a good hour’s walk through the loose sand. It was after 7 o’clock when he reached the big house. There was no one on the verandah this time, but a servant appeared and admitted him to Henri Duraud’s library. There, in the big room with its imported furniture, it’s book-lined shelves, Rand waited. After a few minutes Henri Du raud appeared. The man wore a white linen suit, appeared well groomed. His florid face was amus ed as he saw Rand. “Well, Kirby," he said, “what’s on your mind now?” Rand took his time about answer ing. He knew only hatred for Hen ri Duraud, and an ugly rage rose in him. He frowned down hatred and checked his rage. He wanted to bargain, and that required calmness. “I’ve been thinking about our talk this afternoon,” he said. “At first I was determined to fight you, to arm ,.my natives and turn hell loose on Maglaya. You don’t blame me much for thinking of doing that; in my shoes .probably you’d do the same.” “I expected you and Maya Jack would get together and plan to do just that. Accordingly I lay my own plans. There would be hell loose on Maylaya, for I intend to keep this island.” Rand nodded. “Maybe you and I wouldn’t get burnt, much. But there’d be a lot of natives who would. It wouldn’t make sense. What we would lose would be money. That wouldn’t make sense, either.” Duraud eyes were cause me mitted. “Right. How much will you offer me for warehouse and its stock?" “Ten thousand dollars cash,” said Durand. “Sight unseen.” Rand hesitated. The warehouse had cost him $5,000 in the beginning and the wharf another thousand. His stock at market prices of copra and rubber would bring eight thousand at the least. “Make it twelve thousand,” he said “And I’ll clear out tonight.” “All Durand, room to dial for open the door, the interior, then he ceme to the table, carrying a bulging black lea ther bag. “Here you are,” he said. “You count it while I draw a paper for you to sign, relinquishing all title to your buildings.” It was a brief, simple document Rand signed a little later. But it was definitely his end in Maglaya. More It was the end of his years of work and deep-laid plans. Rand arose and took up his bag of money. Duraud summoned a ser vant to show him out. The servant, a round-faced Filipino, appeared mediately. “Show, Mr. Kirby out,” said raud. "Then ask Missee Duraud come to the library,” nodded, his black, beady, bright, hard. “You could a lot of trouble,” he But I’m not going ad- to. my right. Twelve thousand,” He arose and crossed the the big safe. He turned the a few seconds, then swung He was fumbling in im-> A Coated Tongue Means Bad Breath Once the liver fails to filter the poisonous bile from the blood others 10 a poisoning of the circulation and digestive systems. You have bad taste in the month, bad breath, constipation, sick and bilious headaches, specks floating be fore the eyes, a feeling as if you were going to faint, Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills stir up the sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue, sweeten the breath, and regulate the bowels so that you may have a free, easy motion every day, jSftfxe T. Milburn (to., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll “Missee Duraud has gone out," said the Filipino. “She talk over ra dio and then go from house.” Duraud’s florid face grew dull red. “Talking over the radio!” he explod ed. “If I ever meet that fool Bur nell—” He broke off choking. As Kirby Rand reached the beach which lay glistening white under the tropic moon, he was aware that the distrust he had held for Maya Jack Cannaghan since the first time he had met the man years ago was, sud denly, no longer smoldering, but flaming. Maya Jack had seemed willing to drop his crazy scheme to kidnap Son ya Duraud, but had he been? man had depths, was no fool. Suddenly determined, Rand not follow the beach toward his of the island. Instead, he set off northwardly along the shore toward Bar Point. It was a long walk to the rocky point of coral jutting out into the surf. Rand set out at a steady mile-eating trot with the lea ker bag tucked under one arm. He grew cautious and dropped to a ■walk as he sighted the Point. He left the sand and pushed through the cane break that grew to meet the beach. He saw’ the girl standing by the bole of a palm. She was staring out to sea. The pounding of the surf drowned out the sounds of his approach. He stood close to her before she was aware of his presence. She started violently. “What—what do you want?” Son ya Duraud demanded, her voice un steady. “Sorry if I startled you,” Rand said. “But I knew you were here and I wanted to—talk to you.” “What would you want to say to me?” she asked, her dark eyes ap praising him. Her lovely face didn't seem any to happy. “I just wanted to warn you,” he said, “that it isn’t the safest thing in the world to be out here alone. Too many people know you are here.” Sonya’s face blanched. “Too many people. Bu who—” “What I mean is that your husband has made enemies, not only with me but with Maya Jack Cannaghan. It might not be pleasant if Maya Jack found you out here.” Sonya looked at him frowningly. “My husband?” she eaid, in a shrill tone. “What do you mean?” “I just left Henri knows about your Phil Burnell.” “Oh!” she said, should Maya Jack Whatever Henri Duraud did certain ly was not of my iplanning.” It was not in Rand Kirby to betray Maya ack entirely. He could not bring himself to tell this girl that Maya Jack had thought of kidnap ping her. He imagined, looking at her now, that she would laugh at that anyway. Instead, he said. “You’d bettei* not risk staying here alone.” “I shan’t be here alone—long,” she said,’’her tone sharp. “Besides I’m not afraid of Maya Jack. Nor of you. You may be surprised to know that I’ve had you covered with a gun since you appeared here.” He looked down at her hand. She had held it down at her side during their conversation. Now she lifted it, and revealed a small, but business like revolver. He saw more then. By the bole of the tree were two tra velling bags. “So you are leaving Henri Duraud he found himself saying. Her laughter was not quite steady. “I am,” she said. “I’m getting off this wretched island, for good. At 9 o’clock Phil Burnell will take me off in his amphibian plane. I’m coming back!” “Be that as it may,” tersely. trust Maya Goodby.” Rand put he returned island. He wanted nothing more to do with Sonya Duraud. He didn’t ad mire women of her fleeting admiration tionable beauty. He found when house that Pete Barker had already moved iout to the Ventura, his schooler. Af- i ter one last look around. Rand went I town to the wharf, got into a boat jand rowed out to the schooner. The ; naive seamen who formed the crew ' were aboard, squatting aft, smoking. Pete Barker was not yet aboard. Rand went to his cabin and stow ed the money bag into the safe, took out charts, spread them on table. He smoked as he studied charts, and marked lus course, Pete Barker wasn’t yet aboard by 10 o'clock. Rand was about to send one of the seman ashore to hunt the man when he heard a boat bump th© schooner’s port side, voices aboard. Pete in the The did part Duraud. He radio message to Then: “But why- wish to hurt me? said “In the meantime, Jack if he comes never Rand don’t here. her out of his mind as to his own part of the sort, of he beyond a her unques- reached his and his boys his belongings He the the He heard and then someone come He went out onto the deck. Barker was there, his face, moonlight, looking like a ItllllllllllKIlllllllllHIlIllIlllllIllllllllllllllh frightened plaster mask. He was not qlone. Maya Jack Unnaghan was with him, and Kelly Burk, Maya Jack’s man. And there was a fourth person-—Sonya Duraud. The girl stood between Maya Jack and Kelly Burk, who held her arms. Her face was white, frightened, her eyes wide with terror. Rand strode forward, anger ani mated •him. He balled his hands into fists, and felt that he would hammer Maya Jek, big as he was into pulp. “Maya, you fool!” he exploded. “I told you not to do this!” Maya Jack grinned, mirthlessly. “Don’t get huffy, Kirby,” he said “This is my little game. And I’m going through with it. There’s three to one here—yeah, Pete is in on this too! ” “Get this woman off my boat!”, Rand ordered. He had not seen the rifle in Maya Jack’s hand. He saw it now, as Ma ya Jack brought it up. “One step more Kirby,” said Maya “and I’ll see that you’re fed to the barracuda!” Rand paled a little—he knew so well what excellent executioners those fierce fish of the tropics were. His eyes met Maya Jack’s steadily. CHAPTER III Qtye ©iinm-AtHnn'iiir Established 1873 and 1887 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday mornin/j SUBSCRIPTION—$2.0:0 per year In advance RATES:—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c, each Insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each suboe- quent insertion. Miscellaneous articles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six word*, Reading notices 10c, per line, Card of Thanks 50c, Legal ad vertising 12 and 8c, peT line. In Memorjam, with one verse 50c. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association little cabin beside his own. It was a crudely furnished room, so small that it seemed all walls. There was but a blink, a table and two chairs. “Well, make yourself at home, ' Rnnd said bitterly. “And remember, I warned you.” c The girl surprised him by walking quickly into the room. She stood in the center of the floor and critically surveyed the >place. “It isn't exactly ultra-modern, is it?” she said, almost lightly. “It’s the suite usually reserved for royalty,” he told her. He heard Kelly coming with the girl’s bags, so he left the cabin and met the glassy; ready. Rand off. Sonya' was still standing table when he re-entered the cabin. “I suppose,” Rand said, “you’ve noticed the tropics aren’t Park Ave.” “Kidnappings happen in the best places," she replied. “Kidding yourself, aren’t you?” “Kidding myself?" “That there is no danger, I mean.” She moved to the hunk and sank on to it. “No,” she said her eyes frightened again, “I’m not underes timating my danger. I-—I’m in far worse danger than you can know.” Rand looked at her wonderingly. “What do you mean?” She gave a faint, tremulous laugh. “You’ll probably find that out soon enough,” she said. “By the way, you wouldn’t want to smuggle me in a gun?” “Where is that toy you held on me back on the island?” She shuddered. “Maya Jack took it.” “Maybe," Rand said, catching a glinrpse of what she feared, “a knifie would do.” “Yes, yes, -Anything—please . .” He found Maya Jack in the chart room, at the radio. He looked up, grinning. He said “Duraud is rais ing merry cain with Phil Burnell. He’s threatened to break Burnell’s neck for woman.” “What man. Kelly’s eyes were very he had been drinking al- took the bags, sent Kelly by Maya Jack’s words had been more ; of a warning than a throat. Obvious ly, he did not want trouble with Rand Kirby. For the space of a minute the two men faced each other. They were big men, strong men to whom force was of necessity the principal law. Maya Jack was perfectly cool. There was ! no anger in his manner. firmly planted on in his big hands Rand’s stomach. '■ Rand, however, hands hard fists. 1 hard bronze, and out of it his large eyes were glaring cold and steely. He forced calmness upon himself, and tried desperately to think ra tionally. He didn’t want to quarrel with Maya Jack, friends though they had never been, over a woman. Never ! over such a woman as Sonya Dur aud. Rand shifted his glance to the girl’s frightened face. She was lovely even in fear. Her dark eyes were wide, terrorized. Her rick full lips were trembling. Pudgy - faced, red-nosed Kelly Burk was still gripping one slim arm. Sonya was staring at Ma ya Jack Cannaglian. No, he wouldn’t risk a shot from Maya Jack’s rifle for this woman. But Rand didn’t want to be in the affair, desired no part of it. He knew Maya Jack wouldn’t permit him to hedge out of the scheme. He needed the schooner, and if he permitted Rand to go ashore he would have one more man on his trail. No. it woudln’t do not to string along with Maya Jack. The big blond man had said he’d feed Rand to the barracuda, and he had meant it. Rand knew what barracuda were. They sometimes come in close to shore, wolves of the sea, worse than sharks. His only out then was to pretend to string along with Maya Jack—and wait his chance to get out of the mess. Rand let the tenseness go out of his body. He shrugged broad shoul ders and nodded his tively. “All right, Maya,” I still think you are a “Fool or not, I’m going through with this. So are Kelly, and Pete. We’re going through with you or without you.” “I’ll go along with you,” Rand said, and he saw Sonya Duraud body shudder. Perhaps she had held out a hope that he would champion her. “Good,” muttered Maya Jack. “You take the girl to a room. Kelly, you bring her bags aboard from the small boat. Pete, you get the crew at their places and start the engines. Rand fought a desire to slug Maya Jack. He didn’t like another giving orders aboard his ship, stifled the desire, however, nodded to Sonya Duraud. “Come with me,” he said. Sonya stood free now, Burk had moved to the looked Rand, pleadingly. “You can’t do this,” tragically. I—” “Go with Kirby,” Maya Jack in- teri ;rtpd in the strangest tone Rand had ever heard him use. It drew Rand’s gaze, but Maya Jack’s stern face told him nothing. It was evident that Sonya Duraud feared Maya Jack. It was in her eyes. She looked at the man as if her soul was frightened. Rand won dered at that. The girl couldn’t have reason to fear Maya Jack more than the others—or nad she? Sonya accompanied Rand willing ly enough after Maya Jack had in structed hw to in his straightfor ward fashion. Any other man per-' haps, she would have defied, But not Maya Jack. I Rand took Sonya Duraud to the Every farmer should bring his wife He stood, the deck, his rifle and leveled was tense, His lean face at his was head af firma he said. “But fool.” man He and for rail. she Kelly She said, October on the Maitland Thou queen of the crystal waters where the lingering eddy curls, The rivulets above thy banks drop down like a string of pearls. Upon the stillness of the air the leaping fish lends cheer, And Nature’s autumn frosts display their choicest draperies here. The scarlet of the maple bough, the crimson of the oak; The amber of the elms and beech comparisons provoke. The lingering hues of rusted green enhance the brighter shades Of the shumac on the hillsides, the hawthorn in the glades. And from thy wooded banks have flown the wax-wing and the thrush The gold-finch and the warbler forsake their nesting bush. And soon the strident heron leaves thy silent pool and brake, The widgeon and the wood-duck and the regal mallard drake. But thou wilt flow forever on and welcome their return When springtime wakens from their sleep the mandrake and the fern And may I too return with them and tread the verdant sod Upon the banks and wade thy .stream with kreel and casting rod. FRANK W. K. TOM 2306 Putnam St., Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 10th, 1938. Professional Cards having run off with the does Burnell say to that?” (To be continued) Farm News Sugar Beet Crop Present indications are that the sugar beet crop will yield well above average this year, and have a high sugar .content. Preliminary tests showed an average sugar content of nearlj" 45 per cent, on September 1, which is higher than at this date for several years. B.oot development particularly good during August and estimates now place production in excess of 10 tons per acre. With the high temperatures and humidity which prevailed during the first week of August in Southwestern On tario Leaf Spot began to appeal’ on early planted fields. .Fortunately, for he beat crop, hte weather be came cooler and less humid, so that Leaf Blight did not progress rapidly. In general the crop has been from disease and the beets green tops. free show and past The Vegetable Crop In Western Ontario weather moisture conditions during the month have been generally favor able for good growth, with the ex ception of some frost damage to vine crops in the Bradford and South Simcoe districts. Heavy rains and humid weather earlier in the season in Essex, Kent, and Lambton Coun ties caused considerable damage to the onion crop, resulting in heavy loss by skin and heart rot which may materially affect the storing quality. The late potato crop is comparative ly free from blight and quality very good. However, the tuber set is below normal and production will be below average. Tomatoes have improved considerbly in quality. In Eastern Ontario tomatoes have yielded an average crop but quality has been slightly below normal due Chiefly to destruction of foliage by tomato worms, and too much wet weather causing cracks. Yellow ends have been very general also. Potatoes are expected to yield above average cattli-with quality good, but late flowers are below average. Plowing' Match Next be held October he will of Can steady Every farmer has an eye for a nice plow team and a good piece of plow ing. He will have all this to his heart’s content at the great In national Plowing Match to at Minesing, near Barrie, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Here see the champion plowmen ada with their sleek and plow horses. Ho will see the greatest collection of up-to-date farm mach inery ever housed under canvass—- almost a mile of tented city.” He will see demonstratons that will be invaluable to him in his every day life upon the farm. These are just a few of the reasons why every Ontar io farmer should make a special ef fort to attend the one and only In ternational Bowing Match, the great est event of its kind not only in the British Empire, but the entire world and family too. There will be edu cational and practical exhibits that every farm woman will appreciate. A popular feature of former plow ing matches will be maintained in the plowing by oxen, a link with the historic past of Ontar.o. At 11 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. ea’ch, experienced drivers will demonstrate how plow ing was done in earlier years with oxen hitches by yokes. Farm drainage talks and demon strations by machinery and hand will be given each day at 10 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. by representatives of the Agricultural engineering De partment, O. A. C., Guelph. Cultur al implements of various sizes and modern design will be demonstrat ed every day by manufacturing com panies on and near the parking area. Plow setting will be discussed by experts who show how different types of plows should be prepared for work. There will be also de monstrations to show the power re quired to haul different implements at various depths by the Field Hus bandry Division, C.E.F. Ottawa. Aonther interesting feature each day will be an address by Dr. C. D. McGilvray, Principal of the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, on “An atomy and Care of Horses Legs and Feet.” Horseshoeing competitions will be a new and popular feature. De monstrations will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and young farmers may learn how to do “cold shoeing” welding and other simple iron working practises. Com petitive competitons for blacksmiths will be held on Thursday and Friday An eye-filling spectacle that will bring joy to the hearts’ of farmers in the multiple hitch, with three to five horses working in one team and driven by representatives of the O. A. C., Guelph. Seed cleaning and soil resting demonstrations will draw large crowds as will the display of hydro electric equipment of farm and home conveniences. Other educational ex hibits and demonstrations will be put on by the Ontario Department of Health, Ontario Forestry Depart ment, and Animal Pest. Control by the Provincial Zoologist. t Plow AVeedy Pastures This Fall “There are many old unprofitable pastures to be seen in the country side, heavily infested with weeds— goldenrod, Canadian thistle, wild carrot, etc.” says Dr. O. McConkey, of the Ontario Agricultural College, and he continues:—“There can be improved 200 to 300 % by (1) fall plowing, (2) cropping for one or two years to clean off weeds, (3) raising the soil fertility level, (4) seeding to a well balanced pasture mixture of legumes and grasses. If you have a weedy pasture of this kind, plan to plow it this fall and start the improvement plan as outlined above, and it will return you many dollars or profit over the present low producing -pasture. Old pastures infested with weeds like Canadian thistles, wild carrot, etc., are weed menaces to the com munity. Plowing tyud clean cropping and in some cases summer fallowing are the best methode of getting rid of'the weeds and preparing suitable 1 soil conditions for seeding down to | a profitable pasture mixture. ....Mowing pastures should be more widely practised in Ontario.. When the new pasture is established and weeds begin to show,., mow early every season when the weeds are in the first stages of bloom. Most weeds are readily killed at this period of growth. The mower bar should be fitted with adjustable skids which raise the mower bar about 6 inches depending on the roughness of the pasture. These skids can be easily made by the local blacksmith and are inexpensive. When seeding down be sure that the fertility level of the soil is high, especially in the materials such as lime, phosphorus, ana potash. The best plan is to send a composite sample of the soil, taken at ten dif ferent places across the field, to the Soils Department, Ontario Agricul tural College, for analysis. The re port and suggestions from that de partment will enable you to fertilize wisely and economically according to the fertility requirements of your soil type. ^Minerals increase the chances of securing a good catch of seeds, lower tlie percentage of win ter killing of the legumes, and, what is more important, increases the pro tein and material content of the feed For further information regarding mixtures for pastures and hay write to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, for Circular No. 28 “Pasture is Paramount for Milk and Meat Production in Ontario.” GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W- Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Mjain Stree*, EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTIST Office; Carting Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS. DENTAL STURGEON Office opposite the Post Office, " Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES a SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD Renew Now! GREENWAY (Too Late for last Week) Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sheppard, of London, and Mr. Seibourne English, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. English. Mr. Lloyd Stewardson returned home from the West last week where he has been helping with the harvest. Mr. T. Burnett, of London, spent a few days last week wth Mrs. S. McIntosh and other fritnds. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mousseau, of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. -Robt. English are visiting this week with Mr. Seibourne English in Detroit. The sincere sympathy.of this com munity is extended to the husband and relatives of the late Mrs. Lang ford Ridley who passed away last Friday. Mrs. A. McIntosh returned home from Port Huron on Saturday after spending a few weeks with friends there. BLANSHARD CHILD DIES John Alexander Irvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Irvine, died at the parents home, lot 13, concession 4, Blanshard Township, aged nine months. The funeral was held from their home with interment in Kirk ton Anglican cemetery. First hand knowledge does not become second hand when used. COMPARISON (Joy Lynn) Our lives are like flowers blooming, Giving joy to all who see; Beauty, through the deeds we’re doing ■Scattering seeds of unity. Growing, just as the tiny seeds, Pressing on with hope undaunted; Spreading faith and hope, where weeds Of doubts, and fear, and sin are flaunted. Opening out, as buds in sunshine, Giving smiles, where sadness dwells; Showing forth the silver lining, Which iri future iGod foretells, Portraying, as do flowers faded, The fruit in store, though death must be; Reaping, with God’s love o’ershaded, “The well-earned fruits of eternity.” FRANK TAYLOR licensed auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. o. or RING 138 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President, ......... ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell, R.R. i Vice-President .... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R.R. i DIRECTORS W. H. COATES .. JOHN McGRATH WM. HAMILTON T. BALLANTYNE AGENTS ................. Exeter ................. Dublin .... Cromarty R. 1 .. Woodham R. 1 JOHN ESSERY ......... ALVIN L. HARRIS .... THOS. SCOTT ........... .... Centralia Mitchell R. 1 .... Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Cedar Chests AND NEW FURNITURE AIbo furniture remodelled to order. We take orders for all klndB ot ca binet work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Sales Tax is Off All kinds of Lumber is Lower in Price B. C. Shingles Always on Hand A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 Granton If you want to get rich, provide pleasure instead of misery—the Football Coach gets more than the professor of mathematics. * * * It is easier to plan than to execute * * * The Bride’s mental progress: First week—‘his’ Second month.—‘ours’. End of tho year—‘mine’.