HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-10-13, Page 1hrp y I* ESTABLISHED 187?EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13th, 1938 /Sixty-Fourth Year I < r e Ladies’, Misses’ and Girls’ FALL and WINTER COATS We have an exceptionally fine stock of coats to choose from, in small, medium, half and large sizes. Our prices are very reasonable. Girl’s coats, hats and purses to match are popular. We have the newest styles. Ladies’ and Misses’s Fall Dresses New Styles—New Cloths—At very low prices. See our Special range at $3.95 ea. KNITTED SUITS Knitted Suits are very popular for Fall and Winter wear. We have many new styles and weaves for Ladies, Misses and Girls. New Shipment of Young Men’s Suits — 2 pants New blue checks, smart double-breasted models, sizes 33 to 40. Fancy pleated back coats, and pleated trousers, at $20.00 and $22.50. New Overcoats for Fall and Winter Raglans, fancy pleated back fitted coats, belted models. Everything new in stu­ dents and men’s Overcoats $15. to $25. Select yo«r Overcoat and we will lay it aside for you until wanted. t ■ • _ Boys and Juvenile Overcoats and Suits All size Overcoats and Suits in a variety of colors at very reasonable prices. Jack Purcell Badminton Shoes We carry in stock the famous Jack Pur ceil Badminton Shoes for young men. Our price for these is lower than the usual Retail price for this athletic shoe. NEW WALLPAPERS FOR FALL The new Fall Sample Books are here Come in and see tjae new styles and colors. Also many bundle lots of last Spring papers at $1.19 per bundle. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF EXTRA LARGE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS @ $2.19 We are offering another* shipment of Extra Large Flannelette Blankets, plain white, whipped singly, size 70 by 90 inches. Heavy weight. A real bargain at $2.19 a pair. 97-PIECE DINNER SET—2 ONLY TO CLEAR AT NEARLY HALF PRICE Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday T i - QUICK QUAKER OATS Large Package .................... CHIPSO Large Package ..................... BEAVER BLUEBERRIES New Pack .............................. each 19c each 19c tin 10c Woodbury’s FACIAL SOAP? 1 C With the Sunshine‘Element « Cdtlvo COMFORT SOAP A hard yellow soap Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix nlrn* 1 Ready-mixed for Pancakes ....... Polly Prim Tomato Ketchup 1 HrMade by Libby, 11« oz............... UUl. m -r Phone 32 5 cakes 23c Peter Pan Canned Peas O Fine 7 No. 3 sieve, standard quality till® ****** Jones & May Your Superior Store Save 30 to 50 per cent ON PYREX OVENWARE 9 1-2 in. pie plates—was 75c. now........................................40c. 10 1-2 in. pie plates—was 70c now .......................................45c. Casseroles—was $1.50 now ............... $1.00 64 oz. Round Casserole with pie plate cover was $1.90, $1.15 Roast Pans Priced from 50c. up to $5.50 We have a large assortment to choose from. Coffee Percolators ........ 69c Tinsmithing Roast Pans ...................... 69c and Potato Pots ..................... 69c Plumbing London Kettles ..........Neatly Done SEE US FOR NEW IDEA FURNACES PURINA SPECIAL Just arrived—A car load of .Laying Mash Triple Screened $1.90 per cwt.Oyster Shell USE NIT-TONIC FOR RANGE PARASITES AND AS A BODY BUILDER FOR THE HEN Ask us for further information Traquair’s Hardware PLUMBINGTinsmithing Crokinole Party James Street United Church MONDAY, OCTOBER 17th at 8 p.m. Auspices of the Y. P. U. Admission 25c. I Mr. Charles Godbolt has sold his five year Dandy worth, Craig. The Caven weiner roast at Riverview Park Tues­ day evening. A jolly time was spent in games and a sing song. old Clydesdale horse King to Mr. Lee Charles- of Big Meadows Farm, Alisa Young People’s Association of Presbyterian Chiirch held ' a I I 1 foi* Bobbie’s prize was donat- T. H. Elliott. Thursday night the choice of cow or $75.00 worth of mer- wi THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th HOT GOOSE SUPPER Served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Followed by a play Admission 65c. and 30c. LIONS FROLIC DRAWS BIG CROWD Gerald Skinner, of town, won the major prize, a cheque fox* $200, equivalent to a trip- to Florida, at the first frolic of the Exeter Lions Club* held in the Arena Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. Over twelve hundred people attend­ ed the frolic th'e first night and this was increased to over fifteen hund­ red people the second night. The Shetland pony and outfit went to Bobbie Pryde, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Pryde, Bobbie had the choice of the pony, a Jersey cow or $75.00 worth of merchandise. His heart was set oxx the pony even be­ fore the draw was made and he was •a surprised and happy lad when his name was read out. The first ticket drawn turned out to be a blank. The ticket ed by On pony, chandise went to Sydney Baker, a member* of the Exeter band. Mr. Baker’s ticket was donated by J. C. Reid & Co., of Dashwood and Mr. Baker chose the merchandise froxn that store. The tickets fox* these two draws were independent of the draw fox* which tickets were sold, the tickets being donated absolutely free by ovei* fifty merchants the only stipulation being that the party whose name appeared on the ticket must be present for the draw bo claim the prize. The Lions club re­ imbursed the donors of the tickets. We understand that Mr, Baker* had only a couple of tickets in a barrel containing about 6ne hundred and twenty thousand coupons. The draw for, prizes was presided over by Dr. W. E. Weekes, president of the club and those who drew the prizes were selected from among those present. Mrs. David Thorwell of Ailsa Craig, made the first draw for the majox* pi’ize with ticket No. 3204, tlxe prize as mentioned above going to ■ G. prize value $79.9 5, w.eiit to Elmer Tuckey, 17 Lyndhurst St./ London, ticket No. 2’977 being drawn by Elmer Webb, Grand Bend. Third prize, an Easy Electric Cleaner*’< with attachments, value $59, went to Stanley Nichols, Seaforth,, No. 3826, drawn by Mrs. Wm. Birney, Toronto; fourth prize, a dinner set, value $35.00, was won by Wm, Caldwill, Brucefield, No. 4489 drawn by Miss Marie McPher­ son, o.f Buffalo; fifth prize, an elec­ tric clock, value $7.50, won by Mr. Harold Cook, Hensall, No. 19 77, drawn by Peter McNaughton, Hen­ sall; sixth prize, 8-piece set of en­ amelware, value $7.00, won by Mil­ ton Russell, of Hay, No. 3366, drawn by Percy Livermore, Clinton; seventh prize, a Rolls razor, value won by B. Dawson, No. 23 69, by Agnes Fairbairn, Hensall; prize, a wool .blanket, value $6.50 won by Mrs. H. Arnold, Hensall. No. 2369, drawn by Jean Venner, Kip­ pen; ninth prize, bread tickets,, value $5.00, won by R. Williams, No. 319, drawn by Mrs. Nichols, of Grand Bend. The consolation prize the Times-Advocate for one year, Melvin Stade, R. R. 3, Dashwood, No. 3791, drawn by Wm. Lad, Clin­ ton. The Exeter Lions first frolic went ovex* in a big way. Bingo and other games fox* which poultry, blankets, groceries, glassware were given away as the attention of the evening until 11.30 __ _ Skinner. The second of a General Electric radio, $6.95, drawn eighth You Are Invited to the 77th .. Anniversary Services EXETER COUNCIL Tuesday, October 11, 1938 A regular meeting of the Munici­ pal Council as per adjournment of September 26th held with Councillor Southcott absent. The minutes of the meeting held Sept. 26th were read and adopted on motion of Dig­ nan and May. Circulars wei’e laid on the table. Correspondence was read as fol­ lows: A notice from the office of F. W. Gladman, Official Receiver, in regards to Mr. Owen Geiger. Farm­ er, of the Village of Hensall, with notice that a meeting of all credit­ ors would be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, the 18 th day of October, at ten p.m. May & Dignan; That Councillor . Tuckey municipality at the and in their opinion secure a solicitor* to act on behalf' of the corporation. Carried. Motion per Tuckey and May: That the request of Constable Waring for a new suit of suitable constable clothes be granted similiar to those in use. Mr. 'Henry Green addressed the council complaining of the board walk north of the bridge, the same being in a very unfit condition, causing citizens to trip and fall, claiming that Mrs. Green had fallen and had injured herself; that she had to have medical attention. Re­ ferred to the Roads & Bridges Com­ mittee for immediate attention. Per Tuckey and Dignan: That a notice be given to the Provincial Pat­ rolman to have certain repairs made a-t the approach to the bridge and also road bed in front of Main St. church at the corner of Victoria Streets. Carried. Councillor Dignan on Mrs. Eliza Lamport asked tree in front of her home removed as the same was an unsightly ap­ pearance. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee with power, By-law No. 4, 1938. A by-law to raise by way of loan the sum of Fif­ teen Thousand Dollars upon deben­ ture, having the first and second reading be riow given its third read­ ing was done and the same duly pas­ sed on motion of Councillors Dignan and Tuckey. Carried. By-law No. 6, 1938. A by-law to amend by-law No. 4 for 1938, by in­ creasing the amount from $15,000 to $19,000 to be raised upon deben­ ture to pay the cost of the additional building accommodation and equip­ ment fox’ the High School of the Village. The same being read a first and second time and fully dis­ cussed, the Reeve asking if there was any dissatisfaction, if none, he would ask for the third reading and the final passing of the same, which was done on motion of May and Dignan and was declared carried. Per Dignan and Tuckey: That Mr. Verne Tapp be repaid the sum of. $6.72 error in tax collection regard­ ing business assessment of 1937. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Exetex1 Concert Band, 3rd instalment (grant) $125; Exetex* Library Board, 4 th instal­ ment, (grant) $200; Exetex* P.U.C., street lighting $230; Exetex* P.U.C., hydrant rental $352.03; Martin’s Music Store, pencil sharpenex* $1.45; J. W. Morley, W. C. Pearce bond $8; John Stire, labox* R. & B. $9.25; Edward J. Coombes, $9.25; Wm. Laverty, $9.25; Wm. Andrew, $21.60. Passed on motion May. Carried. Joseph Senior, Clerk FOUNDATION WALLS UP With the fine weather that has prevailed during ’the past week, splendid progress has been made with the new school building now in course of construction. The cement foundation is in and the brickwork will start shortly. The brick used is a color combination of buff. to be tinted • • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, EXETER, on Sunday, Oct. 16th Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. - Special Speaker - REV. WALLACE McCLEAN of Ailsa Craig Mr. Harry Hoffman will sin-g in the morning and a male quartette at night EVERYBODY WELCOME Mr. K. Werner, of London, was the winner of a radio given away by W. J. Beer in a guessing contest on the world series between the Now York and Chicago teams. E. Appleton was the next closest and Mrs. IL. Battets- by third, although many remained to to the. music of Benny Pal- orchestra. Friday night the crowd was and hardware, prizes attracted crowd the first when the draw for the tickets donated by the mer­ chants was made and the prize went to Sydney Baker. Following the draw most of the crowd departed fox’ home dance mer’s On larger than on the first night. Many persons were present from London and neighboring places. W. Smith, of London, entertained the crowd both evenings. 'The Exeter band paraded to the arena and played a few selections. On the last night the Brunswick Trio Concert Co. en­ tertained the large gathering in the gymnasium with a program of music dancing and novelty numbers. This was followed by a jitney dance with the music provided by Benny Pal­ mer’s orchestra. The entire net proceeds will go to the Lions welfare work for children. The Lions club desires to thank the members of the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion and all others who helped to make their first frolic the success that it Was. HYDRO NOTICE Hydro users are asked to take no­ tice that the hydro powex* will be oft Sunday next, October 16th from 1.30 to' 5 p.m. Hydro power on the rural linos Including Dashwood, Grand Bend, etc., will be off from 9 to 11 a.m. as well as the afternoon, f Per motion of the Reeve and represent the said meeting if necessary to Main and behalf of to nave a labor R. labor R. labor R. & & & B. B. B. of Dignan and Mr. Geo. Andrews, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for several weeks, continues to improve and is now able to sit up a little each day. . The many friends of Mr. P. B. Dig- nan, of 33 8 Millwood Rd., Toronto, will be glad to know that he is im- several quite little last proving after an illness of weeks' Mr. Dignan has been ill but is now able to be up a. each day. On Tuesday afternoon of week a number of lady friends of Mrs. Wm. Passmore surprised her with a handkerchief shower at the home of Mrs. Benson Tuckey pre­ vious to her leaving for the West on a visit. Lunch was served, the table being beautifully decorated with fall flowers. Mrs. M. McAvoy received word last week of the death of hex’ sister- in-law, Mrs. Christal Gossell, of Huron Township, near Kincardine, after a few weeks illness of heart trouble. Mrs. McAvoy, Mr. 0. Pt. Mc­ Avoy, Miss Annie L. Sanders and the Misses Irene and Phyllis Gill of Grand Bend attended the funeral, the remains being interred in the Kincardine cemetery, Mrs. Gos­ sell's maiden name was Margaret McAvoy. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Saturday last being Mr. Coates’ birthday, his children met as a surprise at his home and tend­ ered him a fowl supper. It also marked the ninth wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pin- combe, Mrs. Pincoxnbe being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coates. Win. BAPTISMS Sacrament service and the rite of baptism was observed in the James St. United Church on Sunday morn­ ing. Four children were presented for baptism, viz: Thomas Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates; Peter Donald, son of Dr. H. H. and Mrs. Cowen; Iris Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tomlinson; Robert Dorman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mur­ ray Scott. BROTHER DIES Mr. and Mrs, L. V. Hogarth were called to Toronto on Sunday, owing to the illness of the latter’s brother Mr. William H. Bowman, who pas­ sed away on Monday following a stroke. Mr. Bowman since 1910 has been associated with James Fisher in the advertising business. Surviving are his wdow also three ssters, Miss man, of Long Branch, Robt. Aylen, of Detroit V. Hogarth, of town; John H. Bowman, of Windsor. Charles A. Bowman is an uncle of the deceased. and one son Mabel Bow- Calif.; Mrs. and Mrs. L. one brother Mr. O’ROURKE—DIETRICH Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church decorated with autumn flowers was the scene of a pretty weddi-ng when Rev. Fr. Fogerty united in marriage Clare Eileen, daughter’ of Mrs. Jos­ ephine Dietrich and Dennis O’Rourke son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Rourke, both of Mt. Carmel. The bride was charming in a gown of white bridal satin and lace fashion­ ed on princess lines. Hex* embroid­ ered veil was fastened to the head with a wreath of orange blossoms and fell to the floor forming a train. Her flowers were an arm bouquet of Johanna Hill roses, Hex* bridesmaid was her sister Miss Merle Dietrich in a floor length gown of Alice blue net with a blue finger-tip veil held to her head with a cornet of silver and she wore silver slippers to match and carried pink carnations. The groom was supported by his brother Mr. Gerald O’Rourke. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding din­ ner* was served at the home of the bride’s xnothei* to the immediate families by four girl friends of the bride Misses Marie Regier, Rita Dietrich, Monica Dietrich and Evelyn McCann. The groom’s gift to his bride was a Bulova wrist watch in yellow gold, to locket and chain man kid gloves, in the evening Rourke left on a motor trip to De­ troit. The bride travelling in a suit of black wool crepe with touches of green and black accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the 12th Conces­ sion of Stephen. the bridesmaid a and to the grooxns- After the reception Mr. and Mrs. O’­ HARVEST HOME SERVICES Harvest Home services were ob­ served in Trivltt Memorial church * on Sunday. Flowers, fruits and vegetables adorned the front of the church in a profusion of fall color­ ing. Canon Snelgrove, of St. Marys, had charge of the service in the morning and Rev. E. Grigg, a re­ turned missionary from Burma, was the special preacher at the evening service. Both speakers took thanks­ giving mons. by the as the theme of their ser- Special music was provided choir. PRESENTATION A social evening was held at the Caven Presbyterian church xnanse on Wednesday evening of last week whexx a group of tennis players who have been using the court at the home of Miss L. M. Jeckell met to wind up the season. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and contests and refreshments were serv­ ed at the close. During the course ■of the evening the members express­ ed their appreciation to Miss Jeckell fox* the use of the court by presenting her with a purse and a paix* of -gloves. REORGANIZED The members of the Exeter Shut- fleboard Club met at the arena on Tuesday for re-organization for the coining season. There was a good turnout with plenty of enthusiasm. The financial report showed that the club after paying for their equipment last year have a small balance in the treasury. The membership fee for the season was set at $11.00, Officers weue elected as follows: Pres., H. T. Rowe Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Ryckman; sec’y.- treasurer, Miss M. Follick with J. H. Jones and Mrs. C. V. Pickard as the members of the executive. Member­ ship committee, A. Ryckman, Reta Rowe, Mrs. A. -Harness, Miss Broder­ ick, Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Mrs, Dr. Anderson, W. F. Abbott. Other com­ mittees will be formed later. v WOULD-BE ROBBERS FOILED When some person or persons with a truck tried to gain entrance to the Exeter Arena about three o’clock on Friday morning : they were frighten­ ed away when Thomas Collingwood, who was acting as night-watchman threatened to shoot. The would-be robbers tried to gain entrance to the building in which were many valu­ able prizes used in connection with the Lions Club frolic. They first tried the main entrance and then go­ ing to the rear tried to force the door ' there. Turning on the lights Mr. Col­ lingwood threatened the robbers to ‘’blow their brains out” and they made a hasty retreat. Mr. Colling­ wood was unable to get a description of either the men or the truck. afternoon of of Hay Twp. of Stratford, October 5th, Mr. N. G. Floody, of Windsor, vis­ ited in Exeter and Blyth over the holiday. There has been excellent weather during the past week for getting the fall work done. Mr. B. S. Phillips is seriously ill at his home suffering from inflam­ matory rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Connell re­ turned to Chicago last week after visiting for three months with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hatter. Mr. O’Con­ nell has been in poor health. Several members of the Masonic Order attended Doric Lodge at Park­ hill Tuesday evening, the occasion being the Wor. Bro, Craig. Rev. D. daughters; raine Atkinson and Ethel Kydd were in Toronto over the week-end attend­ ing a conference Of Presbyterian Young People. A number of ladies of the Eastern Star Chapter* attended a meeting In London Tuesday evening. The Exe­ ter chapter have secured the Ttivitt Memorial Parish Hall for the holding of their meetings. visit of the D.D.G.M. Rt. F. J. McLeod, of Ailsa C. and Mrs. Hill and two Misses Barbara and Lor- THE LATE JAMES GOULD The funeral took place to the Ex­ eter cexnetery Tuesday James Gould, a native and a former* resident who died Wednesday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. Gandy, of Nocomxs, Sask. The de­ ceased was in his 81st year. About three weeks previous to his death Mr. Gould had gone West to visit with his daughter. He had not been in the best of health, his death being caused by a heart condition. Dur­ ing the early part of his life Mr. Gould farmed in Hay Township. In 1919 he moved to Stratford and for a number* of years was engaged in the building trade. On August 30th of this year, Mrs. Gould, whose maiden name was Charlotte O’Brien, died and interment took place at Exeter. They were married in 1881. The deceased Is survived by two sons Edward and Clayton, both of Saskat­ chewan and one daughter, Mrs. Gandy. Mr. Gould was a membei’ of St. John’s United church, Strat­ ford. and the service at Exetex* was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Owens. Among those from Strat­ ford who were here for the funeral were Rev. and Mrs. Owens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McDonald, Mr. Wm. Allexidorf. Miss Neeb, Mrs. Chesney and Mr. Spenc­ er. The bearers were Messrs. John Campbell, Wm. Gould, Wm. North- cott, Joe Northcott, Bert O’Brien and Edgar Munn. Mr. Clayton Gould accompanied the remains to Exeter and is visiting for a few days. Fowl Supper at Crcditon The Evangelical Church at Credit- on are holding a Fowl Supper tonight (Thursday) followed by a splendid program. N. Itowe, who recently un- an operation in Victoria London, returned to his Sunday and is now able to Mr. R. derwent Hospital, home on be up and around.