HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-09-29, Page 4THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2!), 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Rock Bottom Cash Stores Roman Meal Dr. Jackson’s Package Tomato Soup Campbell’s 3 cans 25c H. S. FIELD DAY On Tuesday afternoon, September 27, the students and staff of the Ex­ eter High School held their annual local field meet, under ideal weather conditions. The winners, first and second of each event will represent the High School at the Huron Track and Field Meet, held at Seaforth, Friday, September 30th. Junior Boys High Jump, J. Sweet, G. Baynham Running Broad Jump, J. Sweet, Hop, Step and Jump, J. Sweet; Shot Put, Baynham; Pole Vault, M. Gaiser; 100 yards, Baynham, N. Hannigan; 220 yards, N. Hannigan, G. Bayn­ ham, D. Whiting; half mile, G. Bayn­ ham, N. Hannigan; Relay, N. Hanni­ gan, G. Baynham, N. Jones. J. Sweet, Baynham; Hannigan, Sweet, G. Hannigan, Sweet, G. G. N. J. N. J. L A pretty autumn wedding was sol­ emnized at St. Paul’s Church, Kirk­ ton, when Gladys Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Turner, was united in marriage to Clarence Lawrence, son of Mrs. W. J. Davis and the late Mr Davis. Rev. C. James officiated and the wedding music was played by Mrs. James. The bride, who was given in mar­ riage by her father, was charming in white georgette with lace bolero and silk embroidered veil trimmed with orange blossoms. The bride was attended by the groom’s cousin, Miss Doris Hodgine, prettily gowned in floor length peach net over peach taffeta with white accessories. Mur­ ray Hamilton, Brinsley, cousin of the bride, acted as groomsman. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Later the couple left for Detroit, the bride wearing navy wool crepe dress with hat to match. On their return they reside on the groom’s farm on third concession of Biddulph. Fresh, Crispy o o K Soda Biscuits per pound 10c o o K Special Coffee Cook’s, Fresh Ground Per lb..............25c Electric Light Bulbs 40 and 60 Watt 3 for..............25c Sausage Schneider’s Per lb.............23c Bologna Schneider’s Per lb..............15c Intermediate Boys High Jump, W. Fahrner, F. Hicks, B. Motz.; Hop, Step and Jump, L. Kleinstiver. F, Hicks, R. Guenther; Shot Put, W. Fahrner, B. Motz, F. Hicks; Broad Jump, W. Fahrner, L. Kleinstiver, F. Hicks; Pole Vault, W. Fahrner; 100 yards, W. Fahrner, C. Hicks, F. Hicks; 220 yards, W. Fahrner, C. Hicks, F. Hicks; 440 yards, B. Motz; half mile, B. Motz,1 MILLER—HAMILTON S. Green, T. Walter; 1 mile, B. Motz; |Relay, M. Moore, R. Field, C. Hicks, 1 T1bpruc® H„®dse W. Fahrner. ’ * Senior Boys High Jump, A. Fahrner, S. Mair, R. Brook; Broad Jump, A. Fahrner, S. Mair, R. Brook; Shot Put, W.1 Ryckman, A. Fahrner, Step and Jump, J. Moise, A. Fahrn- ■ er, R. Brook; Pole Vault, V. Hey­wood, R. Brook; 100 yards, A. I Fahrner, B. Pilon. J. Moise; yards, B, Pilon, W. j . Mair; 440 yards, no entry; half mile, B. Pilon, S. Mair, G. England; 1 mile, B. Pilon, W. Ryckman; Re­ lay, B. Pilon, J. Moise, W. Ryckman. Junior Champion—J. Intermediate Champion, Senior Champion, A. Junior Girls Junior Champion, Dorothy Green. 50 Yards, Dorothy Green, Doris Elliott, Annie Mason; .--- —Dorothy Green, Doris Elliott; Run-, of the bride, ning Broad Jump, Doris Elliott An- mony about 40 guests partook of the nie Mason, Shirley Moise; _ J.__ _ ___ Throw, Dorothy Green, Doris Elliott ’ pink and white Shirley Moise; Basketball Throw, -- Annie Mason, Dorothy Green, Doris Elliott; Standing Broad Jump, Dor­ othy Green, Doris Elliott, Annie . the acme of a proLy wedding at noon | on Saturday when Margaret Lillian, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. ’ Hamilton was united in marriage to ,—----- -..'Mr. Clifton Frank Miller, son of Mr ’’•S‘ ?.0Pjand Mrs. John M. Miller, of Staffa, niRfi- a. m- Rev. james Reidie officiated and Wilma Jean, sister of the bride play- ’ 2-20 ed tlie wedding music. The bride, giv- her father, was bridal lace over jacket and the a graceful train, was of Johnana Ryckman, S. en in marriage by ’ —” prettily gowned in taffeta with short skirt extending into The bride’s bouquet Hill roses and bouvardia. Miss Reba Simmons Reg. N., of Stratford, friend of the bride, was bridesmaid wearing a floor-length dress of sky blue georgette and carried a bouquet of y vrreeu, x/uno pink carnations and fern. The grooms ; 75 yard dash, |man was Frank Hamilton, brother - Following the cere- A. Fahrner, Sweet. W. Fahrner Fahrner AUCTION SALE Target | sumptuous wedding dinner in the decorated dining room. Dinner was served by Mrs. Nelson Hunkin and Mrs. James Hod­ gert, waitresses being Mrs. Alvin EXETER 58 COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value TELEPHONES HENSALL 46 BIRTHS ZIMMER—At Dashwood on Tuesday September 27th, to Mr and Mrs. Harry Zimmer, a son. OKE—In Hibbert Twp., on day, September, 21st, to Mrs. James >Oke, a (Leona Ida). FITZGERALD — At Hospital, London, Tuesday, Sep­ tember Robert Tinney) DEATHS St. Wednes- Mr. and daughter Joseph’s 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald (nee Roberta the gift of a daughter. MARRIAGES MULLER — HAMILTON — At the home of the bride’s parents “Spruce Hedge Farm” Cromarty, on Saturday, September 24th, Margaret Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Hamilton, to Mr. Clifton Frank Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Staff a, by Rev. James Reidie. TAMAN—McDONELL COOK—TIE MAN In the Hensalt United -Church, on Saturday, September 24th, Mil­ dred Winona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonell, of Hensall, to Mr. Edward Fowell Taman, of Blenheim, son of Mr. W. W. Ta- ■an, Exeter and the late Mrs. Tam­ an; also Miss Anne Letitie, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. David Tie­ man, of Dashwood, to Mr Henry Hemphill Cook, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook, of Hensall, by Rev. D. J. Gladman and Rev. R. A. Brooks. | Fall and Winter Let us demonstrate the Cole­ man Gasoline Heater. You will appreciate its simplicity and convenience. An excep­ tional value for only $17.95. Quebec Heaters, large feed <toor, full top opening and attractively designed as low as $10.50. SMITH—-In Exeter North on Sunday, September 25 th, 193 8, George Smith, in this 81st year. CARD OF THANKS C. Pearce and family wishW. thank their neighbors and all others who have been so kind during illness of Mrs. Pearce. to the CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Smith and ^family wish to thank the friends and neigh­ bors for the many acts 'of kindness extended during their recent be­ reavement; also for floral tributes, loan of cars and to Rev. Mr. Hunt. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the many kind acts extended during Mr. Hodgert’s illness in the hospital and at home; also for flow­ ers and cards received. Mr. IN MEM0RL1M LAWSON—In loving memory of our dear brother William Lawson, who passed away September 23, 1937. This day brings back a memory Of one we shall never forget His loss to us is a sorrow And one we shall always regret. Ever remembered by Sisters, Bro­ thers and Families Heating Necessities Coleman Gasoline Lamps and Lanterns are Worth Their Weight in Gold. A demon­ stration should convince you* If you require a stove, we are in a position to supply your needs in style and price $23.00 to $150.00. What a Choice. FURNACES—-New or replacement. Estimates gladly quot­ ed without obligation on the type most suitable for best results. Repair work on all makes of furnaces. Full stock of pipes and elbows in galvanized and Black. SPECIAL-—A limited quantity only of 7-in, hand made anl nvited stove pipe 19c LINDENFIELDS' HARDWARE Phone 181 Exeter Mason; Softball Throw, Annie Mas-,Word®n» Ada Miller, Jean Ballantyne on, Doris Elliott, Dorothy Green; and Mary Agnes Hamilton. An Inter- High Jump, Dorothy Green, Doris esting feature of the meal was the Elliott, Annie Mason. i c — ' Intermediate Girls Intermediate Champion, Hazel Hern celebrating 75 yard dash, Hazel Hern, Shirley Duncan, Francis King; 100 yard dash, Hazel Hern, Shirley Duncan, Shirley Gregus;v Target Throw, Ruth Brown, Janet Dixon, Margaret Glenn Softball Throw, Shirley Duncan, Marjorie May, Hazel Hern; Basket­ ball Throw, Shirley Duncan, Jean Jones, Marjorie May; Running Broad Jump, Hazel Hern, Marjorie May, Dorothy Kydd; High Jump, Marjorie May, Shirley Duncan, Haz- bridegroom’s farm at Staffa. el Hern; Standing Broad Jump, H. j ------------- _ . Hern, Dorothy Kydd, Marjorie May.1 Senior Girls LARGE CROWD AT Senior Champion, Grace Snell and . Iva Willis (tied.) I 75 yard dash, Iva, Willis, Irene Kydd, Laurene Hern; 100 yard dash Irene Kydd, Iva Willis, Grace Snell; High Jump, Grace Snell, Ruth Brook Marion Dougall; Basketball Throw, Irene Kydd, Grace Snell, Labelle Sims; Softball Throw, Grace Snell,j Labelle Sims, Iva Willis; Target There was exceptionally Throw, Iva Wi lis, Margaret Clarks5,1 ghowine in thp .ndooi. dpna Eleanor Abbott; Running Broad: Jump, Iva Willis, Grace Snell, Elean-' or Abbott; Standing Broad Grace Snell, Iva Willis, Irene on, Doris Elliott, Dorothy Green; candle-lighted cake in honor of Mr. Miller, father of the groom, who was birth- to to to his seventy-sixth bridegroom’s gift a gold necklace, a silver compact; pen and pencil set; to day. The bride was bridesmaid best man a pianist a gold inlaid compact; to waitresses cups and saucers. Mr. and Mrs. Miler left on a motor trip to Ottawa; the bride travelling in a grey coat with wine accessories, their return they will reside on ZURICH FAIR Jump, Kydd. the the the the the On the Ideal weather .prevailed for Zurich Fair Tuesday and there a splendid attendance. There keen competition in the outdoor classes and some fine stock were i paraded in the show ring. Numerous I concessions dotted t>he grounds. ,good ’ showing in the indoor department ! and many favorable comments were , heard. The prize winners were as follows: the was was after­At the Zurich Fair Tuesday noon one of the visitors was reliev­ ed of $60.00 by a pick-pocket, theft was reported to the police. The ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, wish to announce the engagement of their niece, Agnes Doreen Campbell, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Campbell, of Exeter, to Ernest Whiteford, son of Wellington and the late Mrs. Wihiteford, of Clan- deboye, the marriage to take place quietly on October 1st. LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY September 29th, 30th, and Oct. 1st CLARK GABLE AND WALLACE BEERY in “HELL DIVERS” Sp ecia 1 Metro-Goldwyn -Meyer Picture LAUREL AND HARDY in “A PERFECT DAY” Walt Disney’s Plutos Quintuplets Technicolor in Two Nights Only MIDNIGHT MONDAY 12.15 AND MONDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 3rd “LOVE IS A HEADACHE” with MICKEY ROONEY, FRANCHOT TONE and GLADYS GEORGE A Metro GoJdwyn Meyer Picture TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ' October 4th and 5th: Two Nights Only EDWARD G. ROBINSON in “THE AMAZING DR. GLITTER- HOUSE” Onr Gang Comedy in , “LOVE TAPS” HORSES General Purpose—Foal, H. Bow- ’ den; 1-year-old, M. E Hooper; 2- , year-old, M. E. Hooper, Hy. Becker; 3-year-old, Wm. Decker, F. Scott; span mares or geldings in harness and wagon, Wm. Decker. Agricultural — Brood mare, H. Bowden; foal, R. F. Hamilton, H. Bowden; 1-year-old, W. J. Dale, R. F. Hamilton; 2-year-old, R. F. Ham­ ilton; 3-year-old, Jas. Scott and 2nd; span, in harness and wagon, Jas. Scott,. W. J. Dale. Heavy Draught—W. H. Bowden; foal, W. J. Dale and 2nd; 2-year-old R. Hamilton, Jas. Scott; span in harness and wagon, Jas. Scott. Roadster — Brood mare, Bisback & Chamney; foal, Bisback & Cham- ney; 2-year-old, H.‘ Becker, A. Web- 'er; span in harness and wagon, Cur- | rie & Tervitt, S. Miller; single in harness and buggy, S. Miller, Cur­ rie & Tervitt; lady driver, S. Miller, Currie & Tervitt. Carriage—2-year-old, A. Weber; 3-year-old, S. Miller & 2nd; span in harness and wagon, S. Miller & 2nd; single in harness and buggy, S. Mil­ ler & 2nd. Judge—Archie Haas, Paris CATTLE Shorthorn—W. Oestreicher took 6 firsts and 3 seconds. Beef Type Grades—A. Pfaff 5 firsts and 3 seconds Holstein—W. Sparks took 4 and 2 seconds. Three best animals, dairy W. Sparks; 3 best beef type, Oestreicher, A Pfaff; Kalbfleisch special, A Pfaff. Humphrey Shell. Seaforth. SHEEP Lincoln—A Steeper took 6 firsts and 5 seconds. Oxford Downs—Aged ram, J. Henry, F. McClymont; shearling ram, J. Henry, O. McGowan; shear­ ling ewe, J. Henry & 2nd; ram lamb, J. Henry and 2nd; ewe lamb, O. Mc­ Gowan, J. Henry; ewe, J. Henry and • 2nd. Shropshire Downs—O. McGowan took first type, Wm. Johnston & Judge took 6 firsts and 6 seconds. Leicester—D. Graham t first and four seconds. HOGS Yorkshire—Aged sow, A Warner; aged boar, A. Warner, R. Manson; spring boar, A. Warner and 2nd-; spring sow, A. Warner, T, Meyers.- Tam worth—Aged sow, R. Manson, E. Pym; aged boar, T. Snowden, E, Pym; spring boar T. Pym; spring sow, R. Snowden. Humphrey forth, Judge. POULTRY Black Hamburgs, Lloyd O’Brien j 4 firsts, 1 second; S. S. Hamburgs, I CATTLE—Red heifer, 3 years old, A. McKinnon, 4 firsts, 4 seconds;’ due February 20th; black cow, due Barred rocks, F. McClymont 3 firsts > March 7th; gray cow, due March 1 second, H. Fuss, pit., 2nd; White 7th; gray heifer, 3 years old, due Rocks, ck. and hen, T. Snowden, D. I April 1st; 6 heifers rising 2 years; Graham, ckl., pit., O. Battler^ D. Gra-' 8 spring calves. ham,; Brahmas, ck., Thiel Bros., D., Graham; hen, A. McKinnon and1 12nd; ckl. and pit., Thiel Bros., A. I McKinnon. Black Minorcas, O. Bat­ tler 4 first, 4 seconds. White Min­ orcas, ck. and hen, H. Desjardine & ■ 2nd; ckl., pit., O. Battler. Brown- Leghorns, .0. Battler 4 firsts 4 sec-' onds. Buff Leghorns, J. Kochems,2 firsts. S. C. W. Leghorns, Thiel! TERMS—CASH Bros. 4 firsts 4 seconds. R. C. W. I ARTHUR CURTIS, Proprietor Leghorns, J. Kochems 4 firsts 1 sec- j FRANK TAYL.OR, Auctioneer onds. Buff Orpingtons, L. J. Ko-' chems. White Wyandottes, ck., D. Graham, O. Battler; hen, ckl., pit., O. Battler, D. Graham, land Reds, hen, ckl., J. Anconas, ck., L. O’Brien; Brien, J. Kochems; ckl., Brien and 2nd. Silver kins, ck., hen, pit., O. Battler, J. Ko­ chems; ckl., J. Kochems, O. Battler. Bantams, unbooted, ck., L. O’Brien, D. Graham; hen, pit., D. Graham, L. O’Brien; ckl., D. Graham, A. Mc­ Kinnon. Black Sumatra, ck., hen, L. O’Brien. Old English Game, ck., hen, L. O’Brien and 2nd; ckl., pit., J. Kochems and 2nd. Jersey Black Giants, D. Graham 4 firsts. Andal­ usians, ck., O. Battler; hen, J. Ko­ chems, O. Battler; ck., pit., O. Bat­ tler and 2nd. Black Langshang hen, J. Kochems and 2nd. N. Hamp- ckl., pit., F. Fuss; hen, ckl., pit., F. Kochems 3 O’Brien 2 firsts. O’Brien 2 firsts, 2 seconds. Any other variety, D. Graham 4 firsts. Collection of Pigeons, Lee O’Brien, H. Flaxbard. Ducks Pekin China, O. Battler 2 firsts; T. Snowden 2 seconds. Rouen, T. Snowden 2 firsts, any variety, drake, drake and duckGsjiui, f T. Snowden, O. Battler; duck, old drake and duck young, O. Battler. Wild Geese, old, D. Graham. Wild Ducks, old and young, D. Graham, pr. Guinea, old or young, D. Gra­ ham, F. McClymont. Judge, Wm. Carter, Londesboro. More winners on another page. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to sell hy public auction in AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD REAL EFFECTS ESTATE auctioneer AND Snowden, E. Manson, T. Snell,Sea- A. 1 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1-4 Miles West of Mount Carmel THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th 1938, 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Horse, 6 years old; horse, 9 years old. CATTLE- Roots and corn. IMPLEMENTS — Massey-Harris ’ binder, roller, harrows, Massey-Har­ ris 13 hoe drill, riding plough, walk­ ing plow, rake, Massey-Harris mow- i er, cultivator, wagon and rack, set. j sleighs, fanning mill, light wagon, double harness, single harness. I I AUCTION SALE has re- Execut- Charles The undersigned ceived instructions from the ors of the estate ot the late F. Eilber to sell at his former resi­ dence CREDITON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th 19 38, at 1 p.m. the following: Rhode- Is- Kochems, hen, L. O’­ pit., L. O’­ Grey Dor- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has re­ ceived instructions to- sell by public auction at Lot N 1-2 Lot 4, Concession 9, USBORNE TOWNSHIP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th 1938, at 1 o’clock the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Nord- heimer piano and bench, Chester­ field suite, table and end table; din­ ing room suite; 3 rockers; 2 wicker chairs; library table; three rugs 9 x 10, 9 x 9, 7 x 8 ft. 6 in.; several small rugs; 3 bed springs and mat­ tresses; 2 dressers, tables and benches, chest of drawers; day bed and couch; hall rack; flo.or lamps and clocks; 2 kitchen tables; chairs; sewing machine; 3-burner coal oil stove with oven; cook stove; veran­ da swing; linoleum, set of dishes;, cooking utensils; curtains; wheel­ barrow; lawn mower; carpenter’s: tools; washing machine and wring­ er; quantity of wood; forks; hoes; and other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—Part lot 11, Con. 7, Township of Stephen; l-5th of an acre more or less. On this property is situate a good brick house and frame stable; garden and well. Furnace in house and hydro 3-piece bath; electric water pres­ sure system. One of the best buys in the village. TERMS On household effects, etc., Cash. On real estate 10 per cent, on day of sale; balance in 30 days, erty will be offered for sale subject to reserved bid. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GEORGE E. EILBER, HERBERT K. EILBER, Executors of C. F. Eilber Estate. HORSES—Black mare, 10 years old. CATTLE—Hereford bull, 2 years old; Ayrshire cow, 5 yre. due April 1 cow 5 years old, due March 1st; spot­ ted cow, due March 1st; red cow, due 1st March; red cow, due 15th February; Hereford cow, due 15th April. HOGS—Sow with 9 pigs, 5 weeks old.. IMPLEMENTS— Deering mower, 13 hoe Deering drill, fertilizer; sulky rake, side delivery rake, walk­ ing plow, Massey-Harris binder, 2 two-furrow plows, cultivator, 4-sec- tion liarrows, scuffler, McCormick’; set of pea harvesters, buggy, cutter, set light sleighs with raack, set heavy sleighs, fanning mill, set disc 6HSH SbsM | harrows, harrow cart, set heavy harness, set light harness, liorse col­ lars, wagon and stock rack, hay rack steel roller, root pulper, separator, Viking, nearly new; 2 oil barrels, chicken feeders, forks and shovels, wheel barrow. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Veran­ da swing, kitchen table and 4 dining room table, 2 bedroom cook stove, 2 Window sashes, ing machine, book case, 2 rocker, cupboard., TERMS—-CASH WM. GARFIELD BROCK, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer McClymont; Sussex, J. H. Fuss, Thiel Bros.; McClymont. Sussex, J. firsts. Houdans, Lee D. W. Game, Lee Issuer of Motor Licenses Mr. R. G. Seldon, of town, been appointed issurer of motor li­ censes for this locality taking the place of Mr. Geo. Grant, who has been issuing the licenses for the past three seasons. has chairs suites wash­ rugs, Prop- MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers’ contained in a certain mortage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid by PUBLIC AUCTION on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1938 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon Extensive AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 10 Blanshard, Town Line Blan- shafd and Biddnlpli 2 miles northwest of Granton, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1938 Commencing at 9.30 a.m. Horses, Cattle, Hogs. Poultry, Trac­ tor Implements and Farm Imple­ ments, Household Effects, Hay and Grain TERMS—CASH FRED J. FOSTER, Proprietor McNeil & NAIRN, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE HORSES' On Highway No. 8 on farm of Mr. E. j. Box, 1-2 mile West of SEAFORTH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st at 2.30 p.m. A choice class of Farm Horses in good condition Proprietor: ,L A. McKENZTE — at — THE OFFICE OF IAN MacRAE Main Street, in the’ Town of Park­ hill, the following lands and prem­ ises: All and Singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and. premises situate, lying and being in the Town­ ship of Hay in the County of Huron, and being composed of Lot Number Six in the Sixteenth Concession of Che said Township, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less. These lands are well watered and suitable for general farming, and good farm buildings are said to be erected thereon. CONDITIONS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the purchase money at the time of sale; balance in fif­ teen days thereafter without inter­ est. For further particulars apply to: IAN MacRAE, Box 386, * Strathroy, Ontario; Solicitor for the Vendor.