HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-09-22, Page 8MIVKSPAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1938 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE » + :I'D a '.IJ.'.: -D- -b. . 'I.. Permanents.... V’s Beauty Shoppe 112 for Appointments Vera C. Decker, Proprietress ft g 3 a Exeter Markets •Wheat 55c. Oats 25c. '‘ : ■ Manitoba’s'Best $2.65 Welcome Flour $2.60 Low Grade Flour $1.40 Bran $1.20 Shorts $1.20 Creamery Butter 2Sc Dairy Butter 22-2^-e. large Sic. medium 29c. pullets 23 c. 21c. 17C. dressed 812.00 mill . Hundreds of headache victim? could be relieved by merely be­ coming equipped with glass­ es that would overcome their errors of vision. A careful examination will as­ sure you of the proper glass­ es to relieve eyestrain and resultant headache. a The Perfect Stock Tonic For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store H Walker's a Condition Powder g . Hww&a.rin., .. I H M WALKER PhH U. S LOCALS IHM Thames Road Farmers Club are booking orders for Alberta coal and feeding molasses. All orders to be in as soon as possible.—P. Passmore, Secretary. G. M, Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 f An gtfrltcftt Tonicfor • Hcncs. Cattle Sheep Hogs-.Pqd!r) o tpwrnl &W mJ »a3*IU 'c’W C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday -t CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas Hill, B.A., B.D. i Minister Mrs, Jf, G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Annual Rally Day Sea-vices Special Speaker: Rev. W.“ A. Wil­ liams, of Cranbrook 7 p.m.—Public Worship by Rev. Mr. Williams Special Children’s Choir tion with the morning Sunday, Oct. 2nd—Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper # Sunday, Oct. 16th—77th Anniversary Services Anniversary Speaker: Rev. Wallace McLean, of Ailsa Craig conducted in connec- service. f New Merchandise for Fall FOR RENT—In Hensail, comfort­ able brick house, stable, garage, hy­ dro, soft water, garden, etc. Posses­ sion 1st of October. Apply Mrs. Sar­ ah B’.oadfoot, phone 13 on 88. Zu­ rich. ltc> JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Pastor W. R. Gouldmg, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader FOR SALE—One red Durham heifer with newly born calf; one grey Durham cow due in November; one beef ring heifer. Apply to Geo. Dunn, phone 1771'43, Exeter. FOR SALE—One 5 h.p. gine and one IS h.p. gas. Wm. Thomson, Centralia, Kirkton, 48r2. gas en- engine. phone ltc. SPECIAL SALE—of used furni­ ture and stoves, fur coats repaired, remodeled, relined, -cleaned and glaz­ ed. Reasonable prices. Opposite the Movies. Open evenings. 9-15-4te. FOR SALE—1-2, H-3, and 1-4 h.p. electric motors; also electric wash­ ing machine. Motors, etc. repaired and rewound. Lome Johnston, Exe­ ter. 9-15-2tc. FARMS—If interested, it will pay you to look over those we are now offering'. C. V. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. NOTICE — Having purchased a complete washing and screening plant we are now in . a position to give prompt and couretous service i *t 4 M no A An A n I The Exeter Canning Factory have finished their corn pack. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited at Birr over the week-end. Miss Lotraine Armstrong has re­ turned home after spending the sum­ mer in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill, of Tor­ onto, have been holidaying with rel­ atives in town, Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a Fowl Supper in the Exeter Arena, Tuesday, October 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luxton, Mont­ real, have been visiting with relatives and friends in this communty. Mr. Grafton Cochrane, a graduate of Western University, left last week to attend Osgoode Hall in Toronto. Rev. A. Page and Rev. R. C. Copeland are in Toronto this week attending the General Council of United Church. Mrs. A. C. Mitchell, o.f Toronto, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Hill and Rev. D. C. Hill at Caven Presby- heated the cold spell H. Anflira- Store up Winter Comfort Stock up with D & H Anthracite Make sure your home will be easily and quickly moment that first comes. Stock up with D. & cite now, and provide your home with a comfort reserve that is al­ ways ready to keep your family snug and warm. Order To-day. Call 33 or 157j JAS. P. BOWEY * Mrs. Emerson Ander- Dorene Caldwell) a Exeter, on Wednesday in all lines of washed sand, stone and - terian manse. gravel. Cail or see us for prices de­ livered anywhere. Cudmore, Sand, Stone and Gravel. Phone 171r3, Ex- FOR SALE—Sugar beet lifter; a few rows of turnips 65 rods long; Gilson 4 h.p. gasoline engine. Thos. Harrison, Hay P.O. 9-22-2.tp. HOUSE FpR RENT—On Andrew street, modern conveniences, hot and cold water, garage. Apply to John Jacobs,'/Box O, 'Clinton. 9-22-2tp. FOR SALE — Irish Cobbler pota­ toes. Apply Harold Kellerman, Dashwood. ltp. FOR SALE—10 0 acres, good clay loam. Full '■set buildings in good re­ pair close to stores, church and main road.—Wm. Pearce, Exeter ltp. WANTED ship to to your mission eter. Agent in your town­ sell a manufactured product township council on a com- basis. Apply Box 2i8:0K, Ex- 7tc. HOUSES FOR SALE — In Exeter and other villages, some on special terms. A pasture farm at a bargain. Win. Pearce, Exeter, ltp. FOR SALE-—Quebec heater, drop leaf table, double barrelled ham­ merlees shotgun, roll top desk, two drive shed slide doors complete with track and hangers eight by eight, used tired 16-6.00—R. E. Balkwill, phone 15 Oj, Exeter, Ont.ltp. WANTED—-Old guns walnut furniture, a deer moose head. Apply box Bend or Times-Advocate. rifles, or or head 28 Grand 9-22-4tc. MINK FOR SALE—Dark, hardy prolific strain, full information on request, inspection welcomed. El­ mer Trick, 3 1-2 miles west of Clin­ ton, Ont., R. R. 3. Experienced breeder. O. K. CIDER MILL to open the season. Apple butter plant will op­ erate every Thursday; also a quan­ tity of ice for sale. Phone 115 Exe­ ter. SAID®—House in Exeter with convenience; good garden RALLY DAYi> SERVICES —The Minister -Special Rally Day Services -The Minister ■Y. P. Union -Prayer Service a.m.-11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Mon. 8 p.m.- Wed. 8 p.m.- Sunday, October 2nd—W. A. Harvest Home Sunday, Nov. 6—Church Anniversary Preacher: Rev. Hebei' Dickinson, of Toronto. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. C. Copeland, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir Leader 1'0 11 a.m.—Sunday School a.m.-—Ontario Temperance Feder­ ation, Rev. R. Hicks 7 p.m.—Rev. Mr. R. Hicks Thursday 7.3 0 p.m. Prayer Service Oct 2, Holy Communion, S. S. Rally Anniversary- on October 30th Rev. Andrew Lane, of Clinton will preach FOR every with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston (phone 162j. .. 3-17-tf-c FOR SALE — Several dSsIrrthle houses. Good values land terms. C. V. Th'hard, phone 165, fcxeter. / ROOF FIXING All kinds new ahd old, Flat phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them fdr 5 V-Vs, We have used this new liquid on asphalt roots for 8 years, still good aS ever. Drop a eard to Jos. Becker Roofer, Clinton, phone 42. Ae- Mr. Allen Hobbs, of Galt and Miss L. Bowman, of Preston, visited -over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Rowe and Bob Dinney motored to Toronto- on Saturday and returned home with Miss Vera Rowe who has been visiting in that city. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tozer and Messrs. Jerry and J. T. Foley, of Detroit, spent the week-end with S. J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Tor­ onto, Miss A. Earcett, of Preston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers over the week-end. Mr. W. Kuntz has returned home after two weeks’ vacation in Wind­ sor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz motored over with him. Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Rouiston re­ turned home Saturday after a pleas ant two weeks’ motor trip to New York city and the New England States. Mr. Florenda Sweitzer, Mayor of Sebewaing, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, of Flint, Mich., visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell returned Sunday after visiting for a week with their daughter Mrs. Wm. Bradt, in London. Their grandson Bob Bradt returned With them and will visi.t here. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston were Mr. Herbert Stephenson and his sister, Miss Reinh, of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffatt and sons, of Pt. Stanley. Miss Linda Walper and Mr. J. Barkley, of Romeo, Mich., spent tihe week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Caroline Walper. Miss Walper left Monday for St. Petersburg, Flor., where she has secured a position. Week-end, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Lelbridge were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Perkins, of Owen Sound; Miss Anna Delbridge, of Queen Al­ exandra Sanaioytiim, Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and. Mr. and Hor­ ace Delbridge and Bruce. Mrs. Fisher Snider, formerly Miss Bessie Hurd, a native of Exeter, passed away in the Toronto General Hospital on September 7th in her 83rd year. The funeral service on the 12th was held In Parliament St. United Church of which she was a member- for 55 twice married and is survived by he-r bereaved husband. . , ,-,-n i. iijI- .-"-'-iL-yir-nr .nr-'.'I'• ■ Returns From Hospital. Mr. R. G. Seldon, who has seriously ill In Victoria Hospital London, for several weeks, was able to return home Tuesday much im­ proved in health. Mrs. Seldon ihas been with him In London during his illness. Mr. - Seldon/^ many friends hope to- see him around again soon. BIRTHS ANDERSON — In Clinton General Hospital on Friday, September 9, to Mr. and son (nee daughter. RUNDLE—In September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rundle, a daughter (Vel­ ma Fay) CRONYN—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Sunday, September TSith, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronyn, of McGillivray, a daughter. BEDARD—In Hay Township, on Sunday, September 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard, a son. DEATHS TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss 15th Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a,m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and mon—“Prayer” Harvest Thanksgiving Services be held Sunday, October 9th 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Fowl Supper in the Arena Tuesday. October 4th Ser- will at years. She .was been KLEINFELDT—In Victoria Hospital London, on Wednesday, Septem­ ber 14th, 1938, Hannah Louise Schroeder, beloved wife of the late John Kleinfeldt, in her 67th year. MANSON-—In Hensall, on Friday, September l’6th, Peter A. Manson, in his 6 8 th year. SENIOR—In Exeter, on Friday, Sep­ tember 16th, Almeana Wood, be­ loved wife of Joseph Senior, in her 75 th year. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study Friday Evening 8 p.m.Um IN MEMOBIAM In loving memory of the late DR. MARY JOHNSTON who departed this life September 30th, 1930 Parents and Brothers Services for Sunday, September 25th 10.30 a.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 11.3 0 a.m. —Devotional Studies From the books of Romans Chap. 7 Subject: “Our Freedom from the Law” 8 -p.m.—Great Evangelistic Service Everyone welcome.' J. T. EDGAR, Pastor Time Table Changes Effective CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Han­ nah Kleinfeldt wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and expres­ sions of sympathy extended during their recent bereavement and for many beautiful floral tributes also to the Rev. Mr. Page. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th Full Information from Agents Canadian National the and Mr. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. George Squire nounce the engagement of their only daughter Velma Ileen, to Mr. Norman Hodgins, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, si-on take Richard Hod-gins, 8th conces- of Blanshard, the wedding to place early in "October. Dr. John Zoller Detroit Radio Minister ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Devine, DdsliwOod, announce the marriage of their only daughter Elda Mae, to Mr. Elgin Adatrfs, son of Mrs. Mary Adams and the late Frank, Adams, the wedding to take M place ejtr-ly. in October, . Now is the time to get your fall Bulbs, Order your favor­ ite kind from Frank Collings. .Daffodils. Hyacinths, Fresias, Lillee, Tulips, Special mixed variety #5c. a dozen, Assorted double 45c. Of Douglas Hine at — LONDON Gospel Tabernacle Cotner Colborne and Dundas Sts. $2.50 .98 .85 1.95 2.95 1.00 ♦ Wejwould like you to visit us on Fair Days. WE HAVE MANY SPECIALS TO OFFER Young Men’s and Men’s Suits In plain styles and double breasted. For young men the tweeds are very popular and our men’s worsteds are hard to beat. Call and see them this week or on Fair Days. * » j '■ y■ • Boy’s and Men’s Overcoats Our New overcoats for Boys and Men are especially attractive. You will like the new cloths and models as well as the values we offer. New Dresses for Fall on Display A range of lovely dresses in the newest materials and up-to-date styles have been placed on our racks. Priced at $3;95, $5.9»5‘ and $8.95. Ladies’ New Coats for Fall and Winter We invite you to call and inspect our new coats for this season. You will find a fine assortment of new cloths and styles at prices to suit your pocket book. Specials for Fair Day, September 21 and 22 Ibex Flannelette Blankets, largest Size,pair ............................................... Esmond Blankets, largest size, each Reg. 25c Prints, Fair Day Special yd. Reg. 25c Turkish towel’g, Fair Day Special ................................................. White Flannelette, Reg. 30c ........... Fair Day Special ............................... 1 1-2 yd wide Oilcloth, Reg. 50c .... <•- Fair Day Special ...........$.................. $2.15 2,00 .21 :2o 25 .35 Men’s Panco Sole Heavy Shoes Reg. 2.95 for ................................... Men’s Flannel Shirts, Reg. $1.25 for Men’s Merina Shirts, and Draws i'"i Reg. $1.00 for ................................... Men’s Rubber Boots, Special .......... Men’s All Wool Sweaters, Special ... Men’s Fine Shirts, Special ................. WHEAT PUFFS 3 pkgs..........25c AYLMER sbUPS Tomato and Vegetable 3 for , . ... . 25c HONEY 10 lb. Pail ...... $1.00 4 lb. Pail........................45c COFFEE magic' • 1 lb...............25c DATES 4 lbs . . 25c SPECIAL Choice PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 49c ZINC RINGS 1 doz. for . . . 21c Southcott Bros Exeter,Phone 16 FAMILEX will start you in a profitable business like hundreds of others throughout Canada, perience required.,.. We Liberal commission for guaranteed necessities, competition successfully. salesmen write for free catalogue and plan without obligation, FAM­ ILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. No ex­ train you. selling 200 Meet all Ambitious James St. Y. P. S. / The James Street Young People’s held their meeting on Monday, Sep­ tember 19tli. The meeting opened with the. singing of the hymn “Take Time to be Holy’’ followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Hilton San­ ders. Mrs. Page introduced the new Study Book “The World in Can­ ada” and also acquainted the young people with the League missionary aim for this year. Business was dis­ cussed and it was decided to hold a progressive crokinole party Mon­ day everting, October 3rd, the pub­ lic cordially invited. After singing the hymn “Yield not to Temptation” meeting was closed by repeating Mizpah benediction in unison. the the DANCE KIPPEN Benny Palmer AND HIS ORCHESTRA This Band was a “Sensational Hit” at Rondeau Park this sum­ mer. MEET1 BE'NNY^ANU'THE" BOYS ' FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 rd Gciwral Admission 50c. New Fall Merchandise — in — MEN’S WEARING APPAREL WE HAVE ALL THE NEW FEATURES IN TIES—Just What You Need to set off Your Fall Outfit. NECKWEAR—How About a New Scarf for that Fall Coat - 50c and $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS—2 for 25c; Initialed 25c each; Linen 25c each HATS—All the New Shades $1.95 up W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held in James St. United church parlor on Thursday, September 15 th. Worship service was conducted by Mrs. W. Abbott. The Scripture lesSony-Marlc 6th, was read and comment given, a num­ ber of the members led in prayer. A good deal of business was transact­ ed. A delegate, Mrs. C. W. Christie was appointed to attend- the Provin­ cial W.C.T.U. convention to be held in Hamilton on/ October 4t,li to the 7th. It was decided ’ to accept the “Notes on the Canada Temperance Act” prepared by our Tenperance Federation in Torofttd, for public ’tidn Tiflt ottr’ local pAper. ftouf of the papers were read in dur meeting today. Mrs. G. iterslake closed the meeting with special brayer for our members who are ill. Main Street Evening Auxiliary The regular monthly meeting of ■the Main Street Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Ben­ son Tuckey on Tuesday evening with Mrs. N. Hockey's group .in charge. Tlie meeting opened by sing­ ing “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” followed by repeating the Load’s Prayer in unison. Miss Mabel Fol­ lick read the devotional psalm : “Deal’ Lord and Father of Mankind” was theft sung. In the absence of the President Mrs. Russel, the HOn. President, Mrs. Layton, took charge of the. business. Misses Lillian Kestle and Eleanor Abbott favored with a lovely duet. Miss Re-ta Rowe gave a vei-y ^interesting talk on her trip abroad which everyone enjoyed very much. After singing “Breathe on Me Breath of God*’ aftd repeating the Mizpah benediction a dainty lunch was served.