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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-09-01, Page 8
.1 WDRSmYi .SEDTHMIW 1st, 1938 V’s Beauty Shoppe WILL BE CLOSED NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY TheMMSWKS’ rawniill Tlltr’imrxra t Walker’s5 « jg 4 fonMww Powder § V v. Perfect Stock Tonic Exeter Markets Wheat 5Ge. Oats 2'8 c. . 'aum’m’s Best $2.95 h’elwnie Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.60 Bran $1.4u Shorts $11.40 Creamery Butter 28e Eggs. A large 27c Eggs, A medium 25c Eggs, B 18e Eggs C lGe Hogs dressed $11.75 12th Sunday After Trinity 50th Anniversary and Re-Opening Evening service withdrawn owing tO' Trivitt Memorial Anniversary Let us mark this glorious event by being present at these servces. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. Copeland, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir .Leader Labour Day Service “In the sweat of Thy Face” TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CREPE DRESSESYEARS TO COME be McColl Frontenac GREASE of in Per Week Sc. per volume WALKER’S DRUG STORE 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Meeting “Attend one of our services and hear the Truth of God’s word for your self and you’ll be back for more.” Pastor, J. T. EDGAR BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Try Our New, Up-to-Date LENDING LIBRARY Book by your favorite authors in cluding Detective, Western, Love Stories, Thrillers, Etc. a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—The Minister are going to be, to a extent, the result of well or how ill you for them now. By failure to assist them you are practicing the sort of carelessness as you neglect your CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas O. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclirane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store fl tY~ fl H ftAgrCR Ort TAW fig G. M. Simpson LOCALS Laura is suffering from Twins Ill Laura and Lauretta, twin daugh ters of Mr. Chas. Little of Exeter North, are confined to their home through illness, from pneumonia and Lauretta bronchial troubles. TENDERS WANTED The Trustee Board of Main Street United Church, Exeter, ask tenders for the purchase of the large cement shed with steel roof east of the church. The shed is about 40 feet by 60 feet, has a truss frame to sup port the roof. The -walls are eight feet high and built of cement blocks. Tenders may be for the whole building, or for the walls, or for the frame roof above the walls. The highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in by 6 p.m, Thursday, Sept. 15th. B. M. FRANCIS, Sec.Treas. announcement Dr. Roulston plans to commence his vacation in a few days, and hie Dental Office will be closed for about two weeks. Date of re-opening will be announced later. Labor Day being a .public Holiday the Times-Advocate will not be printed until Thursday of next week. large how care your now, same when teeth. BETTER SEE C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Artime Page, Pastor W. R. Gouhling, A.T.D.M. Organist and Choir Leader .m.—Sunday School The morning service will be with drawn in favor of the Trivitt Mem orial Church Anniversary 7 p.m.—Rev. Mr. Mair 10 Al The evening service will be with drawn in favor of the Trivitt Mem orial Church Anniversary Prayer Service, Thursday 8 p.m, Service in Main Street Church FOR SALE — Registered Dawson Golden Chaff (O.A.C. No, 61) win ter wheat 85e. a bus. H. G. Strang, R.R. 1, Hensall. 9-ll-2tc. FOR SALE—'line residential pro perty of th© late Mary A. Tom on the East side of Main street, Exeter. For further paritculars apply to J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ontario. Now is the time to get your fall Bulbs. Order your favor ite kind from Frank Gollings. Daffodils, Hyacinths, Fresias, Lilies, Tulips. Special mixed variety 35c. a dozen. Assorted double 45c. We epecializt in Washing, Polish ing, Simonizing Cars and we can match the paint if there is a spot needs touching up.-—SANDY ELLIOT COMFORTABLE HOME—For eld erly or convalescent -patients. Kind care, good meals. Phone 61w O. K. CIDER MILL to open season. Apple butter plant will erate every Thursday; also a quan tity of ice for sale. Phone 115 Exe ter. t.lie op- Custom Plowing done. Prices rea sonable. C. Faber R. R. 1, Hensail, Phone 22-92 Hensall. FOR -SALE—House in Exeter with every convenience; good garden with fruit trees. Apply to L. Huston phone 162j. 3-17-tfc 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon The Rev, J. A. Waring, B.A, Solo—Open the Gates of the Temple Anthem: “Make His Praise Glorius" —'Simper Hymns, 601, 488, 365, 394. Store up Winter Comfort Stock up with D & H Anthracite Make sure your home will be easily and quickly heated the moment that first cold spell comes. Stock up with D. & H. Anthra-1 * erte now, and provide your home Anthem: “Ye Shall Dwell in the with a comfort reserve that is al- ( Land”—Stainer ways ready to keep your family ( Hymns, 65 3. 46 3, 65 6, 343. snug and warm, Order To-day. Call 33 or 157j JAS. P. BOWEY 7 <p.m.—-Evensong & Sermon The Bishop of Huron Solo—“How Lovely are Thy Dwell ings” Anthem: Land” attend Grant coiinsin at FOR SALE — Several desirable houses. Good values and terms. V. Pickard. Phone 165, Exeter. c. payFARMS—If interested, it will you to look over those we are now offering. C. V. Pickard, phone 165, Exeter. Week-end Special WASH PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study, Friday Night, 8 pan. 10.30 a.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 11.30 a.m.—Devotional Service London of Sask- former’s Sunday. FOR SALE—Seed wheat, Daw son’s Golden Chaff, O.A.C. No, 61 strain, free of chess and cockle, 90c bushel. W. R. Dongall, Hensall. 2tp Now is the time to do that repair ing. No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav el call 171r3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere. Prices reasonable, more’s Gravel. Gud- ROOF FIXING All kinds new and -old. Flat As phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Jos. Becker Roofer, Clinton, phone 4€. TENDERS WANTED theTenders will be received by undersigned up to the 6th of Sep tember A.D. 1938, at 1 o’clock p.m. for elevating gravel in the bin at Hueton's Pit and hauling the same on roads in the Township of -Stephen The Contractor is to supply his own power and bin. Work to start when advised by the Road -Superintendent. The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. HERBERT K. EILBER Township Clerk Crediton, Ont. Mrs. Walter Clark, of Crediton, is visiting relatives in town. Monday September 5th will Labor Day and a public holiday. Mrs. Robt. Brooks and Eunice, Toronto, are visiting friends town. Mr. Ray Lammie, baggage clerk at the Exeter station, is relieving at Petrolia. Miss Ada Gaiser, of Shipka, visit ed with Miss Barbara Dinney for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey motor ed to Tobermory in the Bruce Pen insula spending a couple of days. Miss Margaret Chamberlain, of Guelph, is visiting with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Broderick, Doug las Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson visited in Sarnia Sunday. Mr. Ray waghorn is moving from Mrs. Hunter’s residence on Gidley Street into the residence of Mr. C. Laing. Mrs. H. C. Rivers, Mrs. W. H. Pol len and Mrs. Wm. Robinson are vis iting in Caledonia and will the Toronto Exhibition. Master Donald and Mac >pent Sunday with their Grant David who is camping Turnbull’s Grove. Mr. Joe Jackson and friend Miss Hazel Maun, of London, visited on Sunday with the former’s uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Sutton. Mr. Frank Strange, of and Mr. Harold Crawford, atchewan, visited with the mother Mrs. J. Strange on Miss Irene Kleinfeldt, evangelist of Clio, Mich., with Grace Lotter visited at the home of her aunt Mrs. Hannah Kleinfeldt on Thursday af ternoon last. Miss Stella Elliott, of Marlette, Mich., visited for a few weeks with her grandfather Mr. Thos. Elliott and other relatives. Mrs. Page, Mrs. Kyle, Misses tL.au- rene Beavers and Irene Sweet are this week attending the W. M. B. school for leaders at Alma College, St. Thomas. Miss Lillian Miller, stenographer for the Exeter Creamery Company., and Edward and Everett Miller, of Usborne, visited with their grand parents at Napanee. Miss Greta Blackwell, R.N., who ■has been visiting at her home at Hensall. spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant on her return to Miami, Florida. Miss Cleta Medd, of Clinton, has been relieving at the office of the Exeter Creamery Co., and has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant spent Sunday in Brinsley where Mr, Grant was in charge decoration day Hill cemetery Miss Myrtle week with her and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy, of Ste phen; Misses Dorothy and Maxine Reeder with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs, Frank Reeder, of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. William ,T. Ryokman accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Cluff and son Don, of Kirkton, have re turned home after visiting for sev eral days in Toronto, Bowmanville end Brampton, Miss Irene Mooney, who has been visiting here for sever al weeks returned with them to Tor-1 onto. OIL CHANGE including one gallon sealed oil Guaranteed Lubrication all for $3.00 pr Quality and Economy Mrs. McTavish has just returned from a buying trip with a com plete line of dresses in the latest styles and colors. Sizes from 14 to 50, also half sizes. You are cordially invited to call. The new fall hats will also be on display. NEW ECLIPSE FALL DRESSES SIZES 1 YEAR TO 14 YEARS of the music at the services at Marr's Reeder visited last uncle and aunt Mr. Ladies’ Crepe Dresses in Short and Long Sleeves, ular $2.50 and $3,00 Dresses in dark colors. Buy two or three at this low price. Your choice for $1.00. 10 doz. Men’s Fine Shirts Collars Attached These shirts are real value. They come in stripes and checks. All have forfused collars. Get a supply at this low price. Each $1.00. 15 doz. Ankle Sox, Each 10c Our regular 15c and many 25c values have been put on this table. All sizes in this assortment. Per Pair 10c. Low Prices on Linoleum Rugs We pffer some very attractive prices on Small and Large Size Linoleum Rugs. Bring in the size of your room anl get our prices. Bedroom Lots of Wall Papers If you have a bedroom you want papered, don’t fail to see these values. Four New Patterns with enough paper and border to paper ordinary size room. Room Lots for $1.19. 25 DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS We are over stocked with this number, hence this low price. Special per dozen 85c MEN’S NAVY WORK SHIRTS Roomy cut, comes in Navy Blue and is excellent value. ■ Each 79c COTTON & WOOL PLAID BLANKETS In Green, Yellow, Mauve and Blue. Splendid for the cool evenings. Each $2.00 ' PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING An all linen tea towelling made in Ire land at a real price. Per Yard 15c GROCERY SPECIALS BROOMS 4 String.... 25c OXYDOL Large pkg. . . 21c Choice PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 50c SUPER SUDS 3 Red pkgs. . 25c CORN BEEF 2 cans . . . . 25c PEARL SOAP 5 bars................16c MATCHES 3 boxes .... 20c COFFEE Maxwell House 1 pound..................... 39c 1-2 pound....................20c ALL WHEAT 2 pkgs................25c with 1 pkg. Cornflakes lc LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH YOUR PEACHES. PRICED RIGHT Southcott Bros FAMILEX will start you in a pro fitable business like hundreds of others throughout Canada. No ex perience required. We train you. Lib eral commission for selling 200 guaranteed necessities, Meet all com petition salesmen and plan ILEX CO, Montreal, successfully. Ambitious Writo for Pree Catalogna without obligation, FAM* , 570 St. Clement Street We now handle both Guelph and Bee Hive makes of yams and have been able to secure the services of Mrs. Archie Davis who will give FREE knitting in structions every Wednesday ev ening from 8 to 10 o’clock and Thursday afternoon from 2.30 to 4.30 during September and Oc tober with all yarns bought in this store. This is a wonderful op portunity for beginners to learn to knit sweaters, Suits, Etc. Exeter Ladies’ Wear “Our Permanents Rule the Waves*’ TOMLINSON’S Phone .140 GOOD NEWS FOR MEN! SPECIAL SHOWING OF NEW FABRICS AND STYLES Mrs, chil- with and Miss Lily Hunter has returned from a vacation at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowen, Grand Bend visited relatives in town -on Saturday. Mr. Win. Wilson, of town, has taken a position at Strong’s Drug Store in London. Mrs. M, C. Fletcher and Mary are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Sand erson in London. ’ Dr. W. E, and Mrs. Weekes and' Billy visited with the Misses Young, of Guelph on Sunday. Bob and Jim Brokenshire Walter Bawdmx from Talbotvilld ited in Exeter on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCrea Mrs. Robt. Parker, of Montreal, were recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatter. Messrs. Wm. May and Gordon, N. Sheere and Robt. Wilcox motored to Sarnia .Sunday to see the new bridge which is to be opened in the near fu ture. Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and two children Jack and Jim, who have been holidaying at Grand Bend, have returned to their home at iSombra. Mrs. Fuke and Miss Cora Fuke and Miss Gene Fuke, who have been vis iting at the home of Mrs, Frank Wood returned to Chicago on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennett, Mrs. M. Lucas and John Brokenshire vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Sims on Sunday and also with Mr. Mark Brokenshire of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald spent the week-end at “KeW Gar dens” the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kew, in St. Thomas and also visited at Part Stanley and “Mitch” Hepburn’s fine farm. Mrs. J. McTavish is visiting Toronto for a few days. Miss Ruth Fraser returned Friday after visiting for a few days in Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fraser, of De troit, are visiting with Mr. and Wm. Fraser, Mrs. S. B. Taylor and two dren Shirley and Lorna visited relatives in London a few days last week, Mrs. Lydia .Sweitzer, Mrs. M. Hewlett, and S. J. Sweitzer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Sweitzer, of Stephen. An effort is being made to organ ize an Eastern Star chapter in Exe- ! ter. The Eastern Star is a woman’s branch of the Masonic Order. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey visited in Glencoe Sunday with Mrs. Carey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. Mrs. Carey is remaining for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mitchell left Sunday for their home in Toron to, after visiting for two weeks with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Payne. Mrs. Manford Belling and son Donald, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hamilton at their cottage Grand Bend, Mrs. Belling expects to re turn to Detroit on Thursday and will be accompanied by her father Mr. A. Francis, who will visit with them. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W* H. Johnston in clude the following: From Ashfield came Mrs. Richard Johnston and her son Cecil; also her mother, Mrs. TV. Blake and her Ernest Blake. . the mother of Muriel Blake, has been in the iron lung in Victoria Hospital since last October but is gradually improving in health. Other visitors wove Mrs. Albert Alton and Mrs. Herbert Alton, of West Wawa- nosh ,aiso M. Norman Shackleton, of Ashfield and his son, Finlay Shackle ton, ptfncipal of Mt, Forest Public School. sister-in-law, Mrk The last named is who <■ Mr. M. R. Park, Special Johnston Approved Clothes, repre sentative will visit us on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Why His Visit Is Important: 1. He brings dozens of actual fabrics with him for Fall and Winter wear. 2. He brings an outstanding array of new styles and ideas created by Johnston designers. 3. His many years of experience is at your disposal. He will help you select your most becoming fabric and style. Plan to be at our store on the above date. It’s an out standing opportunity for you to choose your new tailored-to- measure Johnston Clothes. You’ll be well rewarded if you’re there. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Mrs, L. Billings is visiting for a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman are holidaying in Toronto. Harold Hockey is visiting at Grand Bend this week With Denzil Wald ron. Miss Hettie Sweet returned home last, week after visiting for a days in London. Miss Marjorie Pearce, who been visiting with her parents, and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, owing to the illness of her mother, has resumed her position in Toronto. Mrs. Pearce id somewhat improved. Mi*, and Mrs. Sam Hedden, and Mrs, Mr. Mr. and and spent the week-end with Mr, Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. few has Mr. Mr. Mrs. John Hedden and family, Bloomfield, Mr. Roy Austin, and Mrs. Ray Clark and family and Mrs. Laurence .McDonald, son Donald, all of London; Mr. Mrs. Dan Austin, of iChesley, and . The Exeter branch of the Canadian Canners started their corn pack on Saturday, J. H. Scott, of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, will be a judge of butter at the Western Fail’ this year. , Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Smith, who Have been visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. I. Armstrong and Miss May, have returned to their home in Toronto. The engagement is announced of Estolla Marie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Richmond, of Blyth, to Mr. JOseph Robert Russell Wor den, son of Mt. and Mrs. Joseph M. Worden, of Staffs. The Wedding to take place in September. Mr. and Mrs. james Dearing, of Dorchester, hate announced the en gagement of their daughter, Elva Clara to Elgin V. Fuller, Watford, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F, Fuller, of Watford, the wedding to- take pined in early September,