HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-08-25, Page 8THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, ,1038 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE V’S BEAUTY SHOPPE for Exeter Markets Croq., Combination or Spiral PERMANENTS t 112 For Appointments VERA V. DECKER, proprietress Prepairing for Exeter Fair Preparations are being made to make the Exeter Fair an outstand­ ing event this year. The fair will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 21st and 22nd. The prize list has been revised particularly the ladies’ work. Numerous special prizes have been provided. There will be two speeding events, foot races, bicycle race and other events. Mr. Clark Fisher is the acting sec­ retary owing to the illness of Mr. R. G. Seldon. Wheat 5tie. Oats 2 8c. .ariio Best $2/ 5 Welcome Flour $2.10 Low Grade Flour $1.60 Bran $1.40 Shorts $1L4O Creamery Buttei* 27 c. Eggs A large 25c. Eggs, A medium 23 c. Eggs B 17*’. Egg sC 15c. Hogs dressed $11.90 Your Eyes IN YEARS TO COME They are going to be, to a large extent, the result of how care your now, same when teeth. well or how ill you for them now. By failure to assist them you are practicing the sort of carelessness as you neglect your BETTER SEE ten; H LU m CREPE DRESSES of the Hur- will he held at Mrs. Each member is re- to bring an article of hand­ relic of bygone days. This is to honor the grandmoth- a good attendance is hoped The August meeting ondale W. I. Alvin Moir’s, quested ■work, a meeting ers and for. A meeting of the Horticultural So >ciety will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday at 8 p.m. A good at­ tendance is requested as there is im­ portant business to discuss. We s<pecializt in Washing, Polish­ ing, Simonizing Cars and we can match the paint if there is a spot needs touching up.- —SANDY ELLIOT FOR SALE — 45 Plymouth Rock hens, year-olds. Mrs. Garnet McFalls 176rl3. Itc FOR SALE—hue residential pro­ perty of the late Mary A. Tom on the East side of Main street, Exeter. For further parifcculars apply to J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ontario. FOR SALE—Cucumbers and hon­ ey. Wholesale prices for quantities. Also- large and pickling onions. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. COTTAGE FOR RENT—At Grand Bend. Well - located. Conveniences. Apply to- Times-Advocate. Custom Plowing done. Prices rea­ sonable. C. Faber R. R. lr Hensall, Phone 22-92 Hensail. SALE-—House in Exeter with convenience; good garden FOR every with fruit trees. Ap-ply to L. Huston phone 16'2j. 3-17-tfc FOR SALE — Several desirable houses. Good values and terms. V. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. C. FARMS—If interested, it will pay you to look over those we are now offering. C. V. Pickard, Phone 165, Exeter. WANTED—Colony house 10 x 10 feet. Apply to Darrel Parker, R. R. 3, Exeter. ltp FOR SALE—Seed wheat, Daw­ son’s Golden Chaff, O.A.C. No. 61 strain, free of chess and cockle, 90c bushel. W. R. Dougall, Hensall. 2tp Now is the time to do that repair­ ing, No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav­ el call 171r3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere. Prices reasonable, more’s Gravel. ■Cud- ROOF FIXING All kinds new and -old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Jos. Becker Roofer, Clinton, phene 42. MINK F0lR SALE — Dark, hardy prolific strain, full information on request, inspection welcomed. Elmer Trick, 3£ miles west of Clinton, Ont. R. R. 3, experienced breeder. MINK FOR SALE — Pure Bred Quebec Mink for Sale. Place your or­ der now for first choice of this year's kits. We have over a hundred kits to choose from at $50 a trio. Corres­ pondence invited. R. Faber’s Ranch. R.R. No. 1, Hensall, Mink Ont. infor-REWARD—$100 reward for mation leading to the arrest of any­ one stealing poultry from the Lake­ view Poultry Farm Exeter and Dash­ wood, Reward holds good fdr bal­ ance of 1938. TENDERS WANTED the’fenders will be received by undersigned up to the 6th of Sep­ tember A.D. 1938* at 1 o’clock p.m. for elevating gravel in the bin at Huston’s Pit and 'hauling the same on reads in the Township of stephen The Contractor is to supply his own power and bin. Work to start when advised by the Road Superintendent. 'The lowest’ or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. HERBERT K. SILBER township Cleric Orediton, Ont, Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. SAVE THE COUPONS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Special Lantern slides $1.00 Ladies’ Crepe Dresses in Short and Long Sleeves. Our reg­ ular $2.50 and $3.00 Dresses in dark colors. Buy two or Your choice for $1.00.three at this low price. C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE 7 p.m.—-Public Worship Subject—“Zaccheus” Evening service only during August UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches Rev. R. C. Copeland, of Main St. in charge ‘Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main Street Choir I 10 doz. Men’s Fine Shirts Collars Attached These shirts are real value. They come in stripes and checks. All have forfused collars. Get a supply at this low price. Each $1.00. 15 doz. Ankle Sox, Each 10c Qur regular 15c and many 25c values have been put on this table. All sizes in this assortment. Per Pair 10c. 8 NOTICE -arm I 1 j LOCALS ■ I i r r-n— - l inir 1 MS) 4IMM— 1 Dr. Roulston desires to annuonce that he will commence his vacation soon after Wednesday, August 311st. Anyone desiring an appointment be­ tween Sept. 1st and Labor Day will confer within a favor by communicating a few days. Misses Annie are visiting in C. J. and Mrs. and Minnie Guelph this Moorehouse, past week visiting with Wanda ’Puckey. Mrs. M. F. Gladman and London, spent Sunday M. Dinney, d-uring the Towers, of Ft. Erie, and Mrs. Samuel Ross, The Weekes week. Rev. of London, visited with friends in town Monday. Miss Catherine Davis, of Winona, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Marjorie May. Miss Maud Sparks, of Chatham, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ford and family, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mrs. E. Lamport. Miss Nancy Tuckey, of London, spent the her cousin Mr. and family, of with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Mrs. C. L. Wilson, Norma, Hugh and Jim are holidaying with Mrs. H. O. Dayman at Grand Bend. Mrs. Page and John have return­ ed home after holidaying in Bramp­ ton, Toronto and Niagara Falls. Rev. A. A. Trumper, of London, who is holidaying at Grand Bend, called on friends in Exeter Tuesday. Mrs. T. H. Barnett, of Vancouver, B .0.. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. past week. Mr. Lewis called on Mr. Mrs. Mary Gillard, Wm. and Archie Towers. On August 2 3rd the Times-Advo­ cate celebrated its 65th anniversary. The present editor has been with the paper over half of that time. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley, and daughter, of Kincardine, are holi­ daying this week with Mrs. Paisley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and Al joe and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanders spent Sunday with the former’s daughter Mrs. R. A. Dale, at Grand Bend. ' | n? Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Francis, in Mrs. recuperating nicely from operation. Mrs. Oscar of Sarnia, Finlay and Anderson and and Mr. and family, of De- and Mrs. Geo. Tavistock over the week-end. Jaques is her recent Mr. and daughter, Mrs. John troit, visited with Mr. Anderson, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Birney and Gordon, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ohas. Birney. Gordon is remaining for a couple of weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher and Mary have returned after holidaying for two weeks at Grand Bend. Dr. Hen- rick, who had 'charge of Dr. Fletch­ er’s office has returned to Waterloo. Mrs, Laramie and two daughters Grace and Amy, and Miss Martha Hunter, of Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley and daughter, Kin­ cardine, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. R. A. Dale and fam­ ily, of Toronto, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Max­ well, Miss Rosella Mechau, of Mimi- co and Mr. Frater Jeffs, of Alder­ wood, visited with them last week. Mr. Allan Pickard, of Regina, vis­ ited with his brother, Mr. C. V. Pick­ ard for a few days t,lie latter part of the week. Mr. Pickard is princi­ pal of one of the large public schools in Regina and has been taking a summer course in Toronto. Ho left Monday for the West. All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 10 11 a.m.' a.m.—Main 7 p.m.—James Frayer Service, Service .in Main S'treet i. of few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. But tier, of called on friends in town visited with the a -couple of Broughton aftei’ spend- ■Sunday School Street Street Thursday . .J 8 p.m. Church TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemlss Eleventh Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “The J.ubilee Call” The Fiftieth Anniversay and Re-Opening of Trivitt Memorial Church will be held on Sunday, September 4 th. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study, Friday Night, 8 p.m. Services for Sunday August 28th 10.30 a.m.—4S. S. and Bible Class Miss Irene Mooney, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives in Exeter. Mr. T. O. Glenn and Mr. H. Goodfellow, of Toronto, were week­ end guests with Mrs. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wilson, London, visited for a the latter’s parents, A. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. W. London, Wednesday and former’s mother at Cromarty. Miss Betty Broughton, of Toronto, visited for two weeks with Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen. Marion Cowen returned to Toronto with her on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice, of Wyoming, and Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, Sarnia, spent the forepart of the week visiting with Mr. and Mrs; B. M. Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elliott and son Bruce, of Sarnia, visited with tht former’s father, Mr. T. Elliott, and other relatives for days last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. W- have returned to Exeter ing a very pleasant holiday at the following places: Port Elgin, Wasago Beach, Midland, Peterborough and. 8 p.m.- Os-hawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eisenbach, of Detroit, who are holidaying at Grand >Bend, 'called on Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard Tuesday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Manson and family and Mrs. McDonald, of Dundas. Mr. and 'Mrs. F. W. Gladman and Miss Marion have returned home after a pleasant holiday spent with Mr. Gladman’s brother and nieces at Lake Kathacoma. They also visit­ ed at Bobcaygeon and spent a few days at Wantasa Inn at McCrack­ en’s Landing. Mr. A. A. Ericson, of Rochester, N. Y., motored over and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William He was accompanied home son two who May. Monday by Mrs. Ericson and William who visited here for weeks and also by Mrs. May will visit with them. S. A. Band Visits Exeter The No. 1 Citadel Salvation Army Bandg, of London, under Bandmaster Hugh McGregor, visited Exeter Sat­ urday afternoon and played several selections as they paraded the Main Street. The band was on their way to Goderich where they provided Saturday and Sunday concerts in the Square. Congratulations Mr. Ted Taman, a member of the staff of the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce at Blenheim, is to congratu­ lated on passing with honors the Fellows Course sponsored by Queen’s University. The Fellows Course as an advanced extra-mural course in banking and Ted was the only mem­ ber of the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce staff whd succeeded in obtain­ ing honors./ He was third highest among the'^ students in Canada. Ted visited at his home here over the week-end. BLOWER COAL Now is the time to put your blower Coal in. We expect a car to arrive next week. Phone your order to JAS. P. BOWEY Phones: Office 33; res. 157j “Our Permanents Rule the Waves” TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 11.3 0 a.m.—Devotional Service -Evangelistic Meeting “Attend one of our services and hear the Truth of God’s word for your­ self and you’ll be back for more.’’ Pastor, J. T. EDGAR Mr. Norman Floody, of Windsor, visited in town over the week-end. Mr. Lome Howey has taken a posi­ tion at Strong’s Drug Store, London. Miss Jessie Monteith returned on Sunday from a holiday trip to Grand Bend. Mr. S. J. Sweitzer visited with friends in Windsor and Detroit for a few days. Mr. Sydney West, of Fergus, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Sydney Mrs. visited Fraser Miss visiting with her .grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter. Richard Gordon, of Chatsworth, called on friends in town Monday on his way to visit at Grand Bend. West. Malcolm Fraser, of Detroit, at the home of Mr. William this week. Adele Hunter, of Toronto, is It’s BARGAIN DAY in USED GARS 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe 1929 PLYMOUTH COACH Foui* Cylinders 1934 FORD PICK-UP 1-2 ton 1928’ PONTIAC SEDAN SNELL BROS ■ AND CO Phone 100 Exeter F Low Prices on Linoleum Rugs We offer some very attractive prices on Small and Large Size Linoleum Rugs. Bring in the size of your room anl get our prices. Bedroom Lots of Wall Papers If you have a bedroom you want papered, don’t fail to see these values. Four New Patterns with enough paper and border to paper ordinary size room. Room Lots for $1.19. 25 DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS We are over stocked with this number, hence this low price. Special per dozen 85c MEN’S NAVY WORK SHIRTS Roomy cut, comes in Navy Blue and is excellent value. Each 29c COTTON & WOOL PLAID BLANKETS In Green, Yellow, Mauve and Blue. Splendid for the cool evenings. Each $2.00 PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING An all linen tea towelling made in Ire­ land at a real price. Per Yard 15c GROCERY SPECIALS FOR BAKING AND YOUR HEALTH USE FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST SUNLIGHT SOAP Save the Coupons 4 bars................24c ! SHORTENING Domestic 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c SALT Shaker, Plain of Iodized 3 for..................15c ZINC RINGS 1 dozen ... . 23c Heintz PURE MALT VINEGAR 1 bottle .... 25c Choice PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 55c COOKING RICE 51b.....................25c KEEN’S MUSTARD 1-4 lb..... . 49c TENDER LEAF TEA 1 pkg..................28c Southcott Bros. Exeter,Phone 16 m iis Toronto Markets CATTLE PRICES HIGHER Up 10 to 15 Cents; Hogs 25 to 50 Cents Down • •Except on weighty steers, cattle prices generally were 10 to 15 cents higher on the Toronto Livestock Market on Monday. Cattle were fairly active after a slow opening. Calves were strong, while lambs settled 25c lower. Sheep were steady while hogs closed 25 to 50c below last week’s final price. Receipts reported by the Domin­ ion Livestock Branch were: Cattle 3,870; calves '1;,070; hogs 1,52-0 and sheep and lambs 1,130. Fresh cattle from the West, brought 6 to downward to _ __ __ __ weighty steers’ sold between 5 and 7 with several lots unsold at the close. Butcher cows ranged from 3 to 4.50. Good bulls brought from 4 to 4.35 with two at 4.50. Bologna bulls trad­ ed between 3.25 and 3.50. Fed calves were strong at 7 to 9.50. Stockers moved from 4.25 to 5.15. ■Choice veal calves sold from 9 to 10 with common downward to 5. Grassers were priced from 4 to Off-tr.uek bacon hogs settled with a few up to 9.25. Sows 6 to 6.50, Good ewes and wether lambs ed at 8.25 with other grades-selling from 6 to 7.25. -Sheep went at 2 to 4 per cwt. receipts included 800 ■Good butcher cattle 6*25 with common 4. A few lots of 4.75. at 9 were clos- FLASH!f THE NEW FALL BRITISH SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED FROM TIP TOP TAILORS NEW PATTERNS...........................................NEW WEAVES GREATER VALUES Order Your Winter Overcoat NOW for future delivery W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. The in the turned of St. Marys, during Mrs. Norma, Island, aunt, Mrs. J. home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hays. cuff link advertised as found Times-Advocate has been, ve­ to its owner Mr. J. G." Davis, It was lost in Exeter a bowling tournament. j, W. Trainor and daughter Of Hilton Beach, St. Joseph's visited with the former’s W. Anderson at the Mrs. A. Humphries, who 'has been visiting with Mrs. M. Hewlett for the past few weeks has returned to her home in Melbourne. Miss May Armstrong, who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Me- Croath at Kincardine for several days returned home Monday. Mr. W. J. Lower, of La Porte, Ind spent the forepart of the week vis­ iting with Mr. aiid Mrs, John Taylor, Mrs. Taylor being his* daughter* Miss Gertrude Stewart and nephew1 Billy Moffatt, after a two week’s visit ’with the former’s another Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, returned to Oshawa on Sunday, Mrs, Ellis, of Regina, who has been visiting with her brother J. G. and Mrs. Cochrane, underwent an operation Thursday of last week in St .Joseph’s Hosipita’l, London, and Is now f'eeuporati.hg at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cochrane in town, Rev. Mr. Mair, of Thames Road, church, while shopping in Exetei’ on Saturday morning received in change an English Florin, a two-shilling piece. The coin is over one hund­ red years old, being dated 18'37 and is in almost perfect condition. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston had the pleasure of having the following members of their family visit them last week. Their son, Albert from Toronto', Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn Johnston and family from Washing­ ton, D. C,, arid Dr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston and son, of Wallkill, N. Y. Other recent visitors wer'e their nieces, Miss Grace Blake, teacher in Drumbo Continuation 'School and Miss Olive Blake, of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and chil­ dren, of Belgrave, were here. This family visited Mrs. Campbell’s aunt, Mrs. Thomas Harvey also and many other friends in Exeter and vicinity.