HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1938-08-18, Page 8THl’llSPAI, AUGUST l»tk* Dm » V’S BEAUTY SHOPPE -wfor—. Croq., Combination or Spiral PERMANENTS 112 ltor Appointments VERA C. DECKED, Proprietress LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 18th, 19th, 20th Spencer Tracy and Louise Rainer iu “BIG CITY” A Metro-Goldwjm-Meyer Picture MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY August 22nd, 23rd and 24th Robert Young and James Stewart in “NAVY BLUE AND GOLD” A Metro-Goldwjm^Ieyer Picture COMING— Doi’Otliy Lamour and Jon Hall in “HURRICANE” Don Anwclie, Tyrone power, and Alice Faye in “IN OLD CHICAGO” A band concert was given in Vi­ toria Park Sunday afternoon by the Exeter Concert Band. A splendid musical program was given but the attendance was only fair. 3 Exeter Market# LOCALS | Walkers. Tend i I ion Powder THE EXETER IIMES-ADVOCATE z» Houses for sale in Exeter and sur­ rounding villages. Alsa a good choice of farms. Wm. Pearne, Exeter lt!C. FOR SALE—The residential pro­ perty of the late Mary A. Tom on the East side of Main street, Exeter. For further parit-eulars apply to J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ontario. LOST OR STRAYED—A black and grey Persian cat. Information glad­ ly received by Miss A. Sanders, phone 249. LOST—Black collie dog with short tail, answers to the name of Collie. Finder please leave word at Times4 Advocate. ltp .FOR SALE—Timber frame for building 22 ft, x 36 ft., quantity of hemlock lumber. R. E. Balkwill, phone 15 Oj, Exeter. Itp FOR SALE—Jersey cow, milking and bred. Apply aftei’ 7 p.m. to ; Murray Neil, R. R. 1, Centralia, ltp. FOR SALE—Cucumbers and hon­ ey. Wholesale, prices for quantifies. Also, large and pickling onions. W. F. Abbott, Exeter. APPLES FOR SALE — Duchess, Astrachans, Yellow Harvest, Trans­ parents. Jas. Gardiner, phone 21- 10, Kirkton. 2tc COTTAGE FOR RENT—At Grand Bend. Well located. Conveniences. Apply to Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Used furniture and stoves, furs repaired and remodelled reasonably. Opposite the movies. Closed on Wednesday. FOR iSAJLE—House in Exeter with garden Huston 3-17-tfC every convenience; good with fruit trees. Apply to L. phone l&2j. buy orFARMS—If you wish to sell a farm, see us. A good selection for sale at all times.—C. V. PICK­ ARD, phone 165. HOMES FOR SALE—In Exeter, Hensall, Parkhill and Lucan. Good values and terms. C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. Now is the time to do that repair­ ing. No job too large or too small. When in need of quality tested grav­ el call 171r3, Exeter. We deliver anywhere. Prices reasonable, more's Gravel. Oats sK*’ s .''lanits'hu’s Best §3 90 Welcome F1UUV ,>2.10 Low Grade Flour $L70 Bran $1.40 Shorts $1.40 Creamery Butter 29c. Dairy Butter 22-25e. Eggs, A large 25c> Eggs. A medium 23c. Eggs, B 19e. Eggs C 17v. ’ ’ Hogs, dressed'*$!12.60. Your Eyes IN YEARS TO COME They sure goiixg to be, to a large extent, the result of how care your now, same when teeth. C. E. ZURBRIGG * Optometrist at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reason­ able Prices Open every week day except Wednesday well or how ill ypu for them now. By failure to assist them you are practicing the sort of carelessness aS you neglect your . BETTER SEE G. M. Simpson BEAUTY SHOPPE All Work Guaranteed Phone 245 /m lx#: !S1Eg.s /■ I wp" ’S FINE SHIRTS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, Douglas C. Hill, B.&., JB.D. Minister Mrs. J, *G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship .Sermon: “The Roman Centuria” Evening service only during August UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches Rev. B. O. Copeland, of Main St. in charge Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main Street 10 a.m.-—Sunday School lil a.m.—James St. 7 p.m.—Main Street Prayer Service, Thursday Service in Main Street Choir 8 p.m. Church with fused collars 10 dozen Men’s fine shirts, These shirts are exceptional value. They come in a splendid range of patterns and have fused collars. very special each $1.00 54 inch White and Colored Table Oil Cloth 6 pieces only colored and white (table oil cloth, 54 inches wide. The regular price is 50c a yard. Anothed special for.- this week per yard 39c. 42-INCH PILLOW CASES G, / These are hem-stitched and are excellent values at this low price. Per Pair 50c MEN’S NAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS A Good quality shirt, rpade full and roomy to retail at a low price, EACH 79c. TURKISH TOWELLING A good quality Turkish towelling. Our regular 25c line. Special this week at per yard 20c CUPS AND SAUCERS About] fifteen dozen. These cups and ' saucers sold for $1.50 a dozen. We make a special of them this week at Pei* Dozen. 85c BLUE DENIM WORK PANTS 5 dozen only Blue Denim Work Pants. A ■ good wearing pant and not too heavy for the hot weather. Special at per pair $1.25 LINEN TOWELLING Anothei' special is our all linen towelling, comes in red, green or yellow border. . / _ Per Yard 15c. Linoleums and Linoleum Rugs You will be interested in our low prices for Linoleums and Linoleum Rugs: 6 ft. x 9 ft., Regular $6,95 fo^ . •.. $4.25 9 ft. x 9 ft., Regular $9.35 for .... 6.95 7 1-2 ft. x 9 ft, Regular $7.85 for $5.95 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft., Regular $10.95 for $9.95 GROCERY SPECIALS Choice PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag . . . 55c Handy AMMONIA 3 pkgs.... .15c JELLY DESSERT 6 for..............25c Pure HEINZ VINEGAR for pickling 1 gallon .. . . 55c CORNFLAKES Quaker or Sugar Crisp 3 pkgs............21c P&GSOAP 7 bars............25c SHORTENING 2 1-lb. pkgs. . 25c PORK & BEANS 3 large tins. . 25c CORNSTARCH 3 pkgs, for . . 25c The Perfect Stock Tonic TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz are Holiday­ ing at Grand Bend, Mrs. Andrew Gibson is visiting for two weeks in London.. Miss Fiddler, of Detroit, is visit­ ing with Reeve W. D. and Mrs. San­ ders. Misses Hazel and Marie Buswell, of Centralia, are visiting with Miss Helen Buswell. Mrs. Goodison, of Sarnia, spent the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Taman. The Middle School results of the Exeter H. S, will be found on an­ other page, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston, of Simcoe, visited on Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dearing re- I turned Tuesday after visiting for ten days at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright and Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Rivers spent the week-end in Detroit. i Miss Marjorie Pearce, of Toronto, is holidaying with' her parents. Mr. i and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. | Miss Ruth Fraser, who lias been ’in London, has returned to her iho.me ipr a few weeks. . , Miss Irene Thompson, of Moose Jaw, visited during tihe week with Mr. and Mrs. Janies Bowey. Tom Walter has returned to his home following his recent illness in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Lammie, of Detroit, is visit­ ing with relatives in Hensall and wth her sister, Mrs. E. Christie, in Exeter. Dr. and Mrs. Steiner and Tommy and Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Kestle and little son are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Andrews and babe, of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Phillips, of Owen Sound, were holidaying the former’s parents, Mr. and B. S. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern returned to Norwich after visiting for a week with the former’s mother Mrs, Jas. Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ven ton, of Tor­ onto, are holidaying with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, here and at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, spent a couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Mrs. S. E. Litchfield, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of iher sister, Mrs. Percy Webber and with other relatives around Exeter. Mr. Lloyd Reynolds, who recently underwent an operation for aPtPen- dieitis in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to his home. Mrs. Chas. Fricke and Mrs. Carl Fricke have returned to* their home in Cincinnati after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Greb. i with Mrs. have Cud- ROOF FIXING All kinds new and .old. Flat As­ phalt roofs. We repair at $.2.00 a square. Guarantee them for 5 yrs. We have used this new liquid on asphalt roofs for 8 years, still good as ever. Drop a card to Jos. Becker Roofer, Clinton, phone 42. *. » EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Flower St{ow a Saturday, Aug. 20th , Carnegie Library ; , . f ijl, . '' ; DOORS OPEN FROM 3 to 10 p.m. No admission Will be iifx^gfed, but a Director .will be present to fedeiVe cdhtHbutionS in aid of the work of the Society. 3 An EicellentTonic For •f HonesXattie Hogs,Poultry * br - . M WALKER Phm Qf Mtrca Ontario I 3g s For Sale at Walker’s Drug Store BLOWER COAL Now xs the time to put your blower Coal in. We expect a car to arrive next week. Phone your order to JAS. P. BOWEY Phones: Office 33; res. 157j “Our Permanents Rule the Waves” TOMLINSON’S Phone 146 Mr. Stewart Hope, Jack, Jean and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hope and Arnold Waisey, of Oakville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Johns, on Sunday, Mrs, Geo. Griffith and son Harry, Mr. Arnold Kune and Mrs. ;Wni. Foster, have returned to Toronto after visiting with Miss A Handford. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Patrick have returned to Toronto, after holiday­ ing for two weeks here. The latter’s mother, Mrs, J. G. Snell returned with them on a visit. Mr. Henry Miller and Miss Utah Clarke, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Rev. Mr. and Mrs.- Barnard and Miss Winnifred, of Nyles, formerly of Elimville, visited the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd. Mr. Frank Johns, of Toronto, vis­ ited with Mrs. Johns and family in town over the week-end. Mrs. Cot­ trell, Alberta and Jack, a'ccompan'ied him here, Alberta remaining for the week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rycfcman, Mr. and Mrs. M. Quance and son Clifford returned home last Sunday evening after a .pleasant motor trip to Was- ago Beaoh, Barrie, Midland and Penetang. The interior of the Trivitt Mem­ orial churfeh is being redecorated and will be re-opened on the , occa­ sion of the fiftieth anniversary which will be observed the first Sunday in September. Mrs. David "Windsor, who recent­ ly underwent an operation in hos­ pital, London, for the removal of a cataract from her eye, is improving nicely and is now recuperating at the home of a nephew at Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Toron­ to, are holidaying for . two weeks with the latter’s parents} Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne. Miss Betty Payne accompanied ' them to Exeter after holidaying fbr two Weeks! With* them in Toronto. Intense’heat, stilti-y Wither and Ipcal thunder storms have prevailed, diltlng the past week. “Wednesday evening of last week a'heavy electri­ cal storm passed over the district. A number of trees were d'own and the corn was flattenedjin the fields as 'tliditgli a roller Had gone over It. In same sections the rains was hdhvye;dnd in otlier^f it iWhs light? Oil'Tttdsdhy tlih*-(all1 etid of a ■Mnd Storm threatened but soon blew over North of Nketer in the vfclhity of Clinton and Bayfield It was quite Severe." “ " *' ’’ '' ............8 Tenth Sunday After Trinity 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Mprning Prayer and Ser­ mon The Fiftieth Anniversay and Re-Opening. of Trivitt Memorial Church will be held on Sunday, September 4th. PENTECOSTAL MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible Study, Friday Night, 8 p.m. Services for Sunday 10.30 a.m.—-S. S. and Bible Class 11.3 0 a.m,—.Devotional Service 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Meeting “You will enjoy not a carnal thrill but a Spiritual Uplift .at all our ser­ vices and a . warm welcome awaits you.”—:Come! VOTERS’ LIST, 1938 Municipality of Township of Usborne County of Huron ‘ . Notice is hereby given .that I have complied with Section 7 of the Vo­ ters’ List Act and that-I have posted up at my office in Usborne on the lO.th day of August.193 8, the list of persons entitled -to vote in-the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that sucih list remains there tor inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law.the last day for appeal beixig the 31.st day August 1938. ■ . Dated at Usborne^ this 41th day August 1938. • . ' ’ .. ■ A.hW. MORGAN Clerk of UsBbrne Twp. 8-l»2-2tc; ,Rv R, Nod. .l, . Hensall t Of Of Exeter,Phone 16 1£ ■ . ~ It’« BARGAIN DAY in V ' < 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe 1929 PLYMOUTH COACH Four Cylinders 1934 FORD PICK-UP 1-2 toh 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN SNELL BROS 0 AND CO. Phone 100 Exeter NOTICE TO ELECTORS Public Notice to the Electorate of the Village of Exeter and in regards to the vote to be taken on the By­ Saw as being submitted by the Muni­ cipal Council. Persons qualified to vote shall be those entitled to vote at an election as owners of property and name is on the Assessment Roll as such Joint ownership on the s'ion* of pro'of not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking tie vote. whose submis- Miss Annie Whitby, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs; Henry Delbfidge. Mr. and Mrs, Benson Tupkey and Ross spent las.t week holidaying at Grand Bend. Misses Dorothy and Gladys Ryck- man and Dorothy Davis 'are'holiday- ing at Grand Bend. Miss Vera^and Master Everett Pol­ len returned Saturday after spend­ ing two weeks at Flint, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. David Mills and three children, of London-, have moved to Exeter and will reside on Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Alt*. Fyer and son Alton, of Golden .VaRey,. Oht., visit­ ed for a few days with Mr. artd Mrs. Bert Elsmere. Mb. and Mrs. W. O. Robinson hnd Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thayer, of Detroit, SperfV. the Weekend visiting with Mrs. F^smpre and. with and Mrs.'diqytbh frrayhfe. Mr. GRAN’ioN Resident - FASSE5 IN .LONDON MH A* II. ’ Sweitzer, of* branton, died Thursday, Aug.ust 111th, in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London. :The de­ ceased was- In his 70th year. .'Fdf a number of years he has conducted a Baby Cliick Htttchery at Gf.'i'ntoiL He was a for'ihbr resideiit of Rirkton add interment took place in the Kirkton cemetery oil ’Friday. 4 THE NEW FALL BRITISH SUITINGS AND, OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED FROM TIP TOP TAILORS NEW PATTERNS .... .... NEW WEAVES GREATER VALUES Order Your Winter Overcoat NOW „ for future delivery W. W. T A M A N RHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Main St. W. M. S. The meeting was Held at River­ view Park on Thursday, 19 members being present, in charge and with. th© liyMiii hr was. offered Lord’s Prayer, charge of the business, pbrt was1 given by the treasurer. We then sang “Trusting Jesus.’’ Mrs. Gunning, the Temperance Secretary and her committee? Mbsdames Lay- ton, Medd and Canxpbell, gave a very interesting diftlogrtie on toihperan'ae. The meeting was closed by .singing “Yield Not to Temptation.” A pic­ nic lunch was enjoyed At'(the close bf the iheeting. ’The • Septeinb’er meeting will he held at the church parlour under the leadership of Mrs. .Cole; Miss Hartnoll was opened the meeting “Jesus Saves.” Pray* and all repeated tih.e .The president, took A fair re- hostess the W. Exeter. The Mr, Reg, Sunday at Beavers, Of SarnUj his home here., spent *<► James St W. M. S. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers was for the August meeting of M. S. of James .St Church, Twenty ladies being present, president opened the meeting with hymn-L<,Take My Life and: Let It Be” ■ followed by prayer. Mrs. Ellsmere delighted the ladies With a solo. Ytrs. /Moisei bondudfed the worship period the theme being “Life is what we Are Alive To?’ Mrs. Armstrong re­ sponded to the leader by quoting Raul saying, Phil. 4;8 and Galatians 5;22,23. aymn, “Wbrk tor the Night is 'Cbming”' was Sung followed , discussion ’ on Social, Welfare With Mrs. BUswell, MrS. Anderson and Mrs, Delbridgd . taking part, ineeting clb'Shd With) singing hymn “Blest Be thb Tie That ’Binds” after Xhich the hostess and, her committee Served a refreshing lutilch. by & 'the I